A a ST, DALLAS, PA, ENTERTAINED AT BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rood enter-| tained at a bridge dinner at their home’ in Dallas last Friday evening. Those present were: Mr. and Mus. Jeffrey Millard, Mr. and Mrs. William Page, | Mr. and rMs. Donald Herbert, Mr. and | 35 Mrs. Charles Nesbitt, Mr. and Mrs. 2 Russell Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. James Besecker and Mr. and Mrs. if Harry Roat. MRS. OBERST ENTERTAINS Mrs. Peter Oberst was hostess at a delightful card party given at her home in Dallas on Thursday evening for the benefit of St. Therese’h Church. Many friends from the valley were present. After cards a dainty lunch was served. Music and dancing filled a very pleasant evening. Ted Hoover of Trucksville was win- ner of the door prize and Charleh Layou won a beautiful floor lamp. ———————0 Presents Candidacy Oren ; In presenting his candidacy for the office of School. Director of Kingston Township at the primaries to be held Tuesday, Septem- ber 17, Charles. F. Lewis, of Trucks- ville, fully appre- ciates the import- ance of this office and is offering to give his best at- tention to the du- ties thereof. Mr. Lewis. was born. in. Sugar . Notch in 1889, in. which place and Charles F. Lewis Ashley he spent the greater part of his earlier life. For the last fourteen years he has resided in Trucksville, during which time he has taken an ac- tive part in church and civic affairs. In adidtion to graduation from the public schools, he is a graduate of / Dickinson College, Preparatory School of Carlisle, Pa. and of Wharton Extension course of the University of Pennsylvania. : ‘ During the last twenty years he has been in a clerical capacity and at present is the chief shipper for the Lehigh & Wilkes-Barre Coal Company. ~ Being a firm believer in government by all the people, Mr. Lewis is making his appeal to the voter of independent judgment, for it is evident that the time is rapidly passing when a small group of the electorate can dictate to the rank and file as to who shall be candidates and how they shall vote. Having made no pledges, he is free to promise the men and women of Kingston Township, if elected, that he will serve unreservedly for the effi- cient management of school affairs. The fact that he is a property woner N age is sufficient guarantee that he is vitally interested. To those who agree . on the foregoing policy, he suggests this slogan, “The best we can afford 1s none too good for the education of our ‘| preference. and parent of three children of school |. BE SURE TO REGISTER | ENTERTAIN AT DINNER In order that all citizens may have . : an opportunity to vote at the coming Mr. and Mrs. Creston Gallup primaries. The registrar will be at Kunkle entertained on Sunday a nu the polling place today to register , 2&¥ of relatives and friends. - == |was served to the following. voters and correct names from 10 until | 3 o'clock and from 6 until 9. Be sure liam Grey, Mrs. -Faber, Miss to register and be sure to vote no mat- ter who is the candidate of your hg daugh leld of Noxen, Alice Gallup, Mrs. Joseph Sickler and Ruth of Beaumont. ~N 4 3 — CHRYSLER MCTORS PRODUCT Zs ey : (ily Liymoutis builds a Full- =O Small Car Price 1635 Ride in a Plymouth. Drive it. Then you Size Car at a and upwards F. O. B. DETROIT will understand why 127,768 Plymouths were produced and sold in the past year CHRYSLER -BUILT ~ FULL-SIZE HYDRAULIC SELF-EQUALIZING BRAKES SMARTEST STYLE — LOWEST UPKEEP BEST PERFORMANCE 4586 7) AMERICA’S LOWEST-PRICED FULL-SIZE CAR JAMES R. OLIVER Direct Dealer Main Street Dallas, Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bretz of Delano, Mrs. W Anna | i Faber of Bethlehem, Mrs. Ellen Mans- : i and | Pa. of m= i- | ter As a Citizen ] b As a Business Man | As a Lawyer Leonard D. Morgan has a background which for cleanli- ness in every-day living—in service to friend, neighbor and country, stands clear unmarred. He has measured up as citizen and soldier. * As a business man—he has enjoyed the association and = confidence of some of the community’s finest men. These = associations include: Counsel of Duryea State Bank, Associ- ate Counsel of First National Bank, Wilkes-Barre, and director of American Red Cross. - As a lawyer, he has been active before the State and County, Courts and has acquired an experience of great latitude. . ) EONARD D. MORGAN | ads Character Emboldens Every Step In | The Career of Leonard D. Morgan REQUISITES ALL-of proper administration of the Office of County. Controller — VOTE [Leonard D. Morgan —FOR— ike County Controller Republican and Democratic Tic! Primary, September 17, 1825 ~ Os oF Xa Xa) 7 & ‘, CRXAXD ®, + $9, 7 ® Ds o00 oO 00 0, 0, 0, $e SS 6 ¢ ®, 0, 58580 ® . 7 + 9, & 9. > 9 $ 7 4 oie load ddo dled 9, * 0 o, Yo o30e30 4304, 9, a 04 9 4 9, * a + 0. 0 Pod ® SN 00 0. 0,0 y ($0 Oo-0,0- $004 7 +» 20-4 oO 0 0. KAR Xa X WR) * ®, Rad > NN ASA 9 %6%2%¢ AOL OL EE ru - 90 0% a0 00 10 000 000, S066 SOLO SY. o* children. * ah (adv.) C. F. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers