= DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1929 « LUZERNE MERCHANTS MARINOS THEATRE MAIN STREET—LUZERNE To Our Patrons--- COMMENCING TO-DAY WE ARE OFFER ING TO YOU A BIGGER, BETTER AND HIGHER CLASS .OF PICTURES THAN EVER BEFORE. WE ARE SHOWING SPECIAL PICTURES i> ALL THIS COMING WEEK. . —LOUIS MARINOS. MARINOS THEATRE MAIN STREET—LUZERNE 00 © Used Car Specials 1928 CHEVROLET COACH ...........ccciviiennninnne $395 1927. CHEVROLET SEDAN ............L0 $280 1926 CHEVROLET COACH ............lo..... $165 RELIABLE CHEVROIET CO. 55 MAIN STREET, LUZERNEPA. Come In and See the Outstanding Six-Cynder Chevrolet Telephone Kingston 3718 pen Evenings ge aE Ful-O-Pep and Grandin’s Diry and Poultry Feeds BETTER FEEDS AT LOWER RICES Phone K. 8466 Keystone Flour & FeedCompany 369-371 MAIN AVENUE LUZERNE, PA. LATTIMORE LUMBER CO. — LUMBER — Building Material MasoSupplies 7 PHONE 4444 449 MAIN STLUZERNE B Yo “Have Your Suit Cleaned and Pressed + Xmas” M. SHULIN Cleaners, Dyers and Repairg SPECIAL CARE GIVEN TO LADIES’ #AREL M. Uter, Manager SUITS FROM $25.00 UP EXTRA HIGH QUALITY CLEANING—HATSLOCKED 75¢ oe * IX] | KUNKLE pred (ree <0 a0 %¢ 4 wom oae od vo 2, 2 aunt, Mrs. Etta Kocher and cousins, Miss Margaret May and Mrs. S. A. Durland, of West Wyoming for sev- eral days this week. * * * Mrs. William Miers is ill this week with an attack of the flue. She is under the care of Dr. Brown, of Leh- | man. Mrs. Archie Corby and daughters, | Dorothy and Janet, of West Pittston, [and Miss Carrie Sites of Maple Shade, | IN. J., who has been the guest of Mrs. | Corby over the holidays, spent Mon- | day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. C. | W. Kunkle and family. EYELET | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden visited {with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conden on RCC ke Mrs. Fred Honeywell has recovered from a recent illness. Friday with Charles and Allen Brace. * * * Mr. and Mrs. George Bulford, of | Trucksville, spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden. The home of Mr. and’Mrs. W. H. Herdman was the scene of a delight- ful gathering on Saturday evening last when the family and other rela- tives assembled to celebrate Mr. Herdman’s birthday anniversary. The occasion was also the thirty-first wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miers, making the celebration a double one. The evening passed en- joyably with music, games and con- versation and lunch was served at a Misses Frances and Helen Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hess and children, Nile, Harold and Robert; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doll, Misses Hildreth and Lu- cille Doll, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herd- man, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd, Mr. and Mrs. Milliam Miers and daugh- ter Hannah Jane, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Landon, Misses Lois and Althea Lan- don, Thomas Landon, Mr. and Mrs. Cragg Herdman and daughters Jane and Rebecca, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miers, Mrs. Harry Sweezy, Miss Frances Sweezy, Charles Sweezy, Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler Hess, Misses Vivian Doris and Ima Herdman, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Herdman. * * * | Kunkle Grange members and their families gathered at the Grange Hall on New Year’s Day for their annual oyster dinner. On account of the unpleasant weather the attendance was smaller than usual but a pleas- ant time was enjoyed by tlfose pres- ent. In the afternoon the following Grange officers were installed: Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, acting as installing of- ficer, assisted by Mrs. Gideon Miller: Mister, Mrs. Fred Kunkle; lecturer, Mrs. William Miers; steward, Philip Kunkle; assistant steward, James Miers; chaplain, Mrs. John Isaacs; secretary, Mrs. George Landon; gate keeper, William Harris, Jr.; lady as- sistant steward, Miss Gertrude Smith. Other officers who were unable to be present were: Overseer William Miers, Ceres Miss Lois Landon, Pomona Miss Althea Landon, Flora Miss Mildred Devens. The next regular meeting of Kunkle Grange will be on Thurs- day evening, January 11. A good attendance is desired and an interest- ing program is being arranged by the lecturer, Mrs. Brace. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS —0:— Shavertown Branch of the Nesbitt Hospital Auxiliary met at the home of Mrs. Morgan Wilcox last evening. * * * Misses Dorothy Patterson, Marie Woolbert and Elizabeth Love have re- turned to West Chester Teachers’ College. A | Mr. and Mrs. William B. Fine and | | family spent the holidays with the | | former’s parents at Alden. | RNS | { | The Borough High School opened | | Wednesday after the Christmas va- | | caation. The science room has been | | completed in the new building during | ! {the vacation. * * * Ralph Van Nortwick and Machell Hildebrant have returned to Univer- | | sity of Cincinnati and State College, | | respectively, after spending the holi- | | | | | % days at their homes. oe | | 0am Fo Market The Big lg od TELEPHONES 2610 FREE Ey 188 MAIN ST. JZERNE PA. XO THE BEST EATS FOR THE LEAST MONEY Miss Margaret Kunkle visited her Dodge Brothers New style, featured by the Mono= piece body construction, and new, high standards of Dodge depends ability and performance are repre= sented in a distinctive line of eight models just announced by the com-= ‘pany: At the top is the deluxe sedan; and below is' the deluxe coupe with rumble seat. The grace- | Ful lines of the car are shown in | ‘the front view at the right, while the new radiator emblem is shown | , immediately above. i J. R. OLIVER State Motor Licenses Pass Million Mark —_0) ir Long Distance [ty to twenty-six per cent. and also | ordered an addition ‘of $500,000 to the | surplus account. The new dividend ‘Phone Rates To ant. 7 : [will be able within the next few Be Reduced days to a of record as of | December 31, 1928. As result of the bank directors’ ac- phone Company will be further re- tion Thursday, the institution now duced on February 1, according to an |*2S 2 capital account of $1,000,000, a announcement made Thursday py | Surplus account of $2,500,000 and an and tags were delivered, both by mail | Carlten P. Hershey, manager. This | I an account totaling and at the bureau. | will be the third time in a little more © Tem pg . Long before daylight on December [than two years that a cut has been | econ ational PANS As Tesuitio | los pa? * r » « 1 381 the first of 17,500 persons formed | made in long distance rates. It is | directors action Thursday will have a line of several blocks which mr | the highest dividend rate of any in- for hours waiting their turn. said the reduction will mean a BAV= [Een 3 5 ing of $400,000 to residents of the | Stitution in this part of Pennsylvania. The number of mail deliveries was State people | 22,500. The State Department of throughout the country. G th of the institution has been re- and $5,000,000 to (Tow h $ | flected in the steady climb of its Highways announced that there would | The cut will vary according to the | stock, now quoted at $875 per share, be no extensions of time granted in |distance from five to twenty-five cents | : Th 5 any cases and that at midnight any | per call. Subscribers within the | Kee outh motorist driving with 1928 plates | range of 130 to 1,500 miles will be | P y would be arrested. Approximately | affected. 1 longer! | —0i— When the doors of the Bureau of | Motor Vehicles closed December 31, 2 total of 1,109,155 license plates for | 1929 had been issued. Forty thous- | Long distance rates of Bell Tele- { — 1,500,000 licenses were issued to date it is assumed that there are some | 400,000 motorists in the State who are | without: the new plates and who will | be prevented from driving until they | have been obtained. | Of Wilkes-Barre’s 1. Second National cleanse the system ASco Butterine 27 lh. ib. $1.33 Thef line waiting at the doors of | the bureau on Monday for tags was | the longest in history. The bureau | was closed on New Year’s Day. Boosts Dividend of poisons —:0:— Second National Bank directors | | meeting Thursday morning increased | | the annual dividend rate from twen- | | | | Two of the great enemies to youth and vitality are delayed elimination and intestinal poisons. To keep your- self free from both these common diffi= culties will help youeto stay young. 10: With the use of Nujol you can do it too. For Nujol absorbs body poisons and carries them off, preventing their draws BOILS to anatural head BEAR BRAND SALY i absorption by the body. Nujol also SJ: 0rckage jngludes spat Iso 0 | softens the waste matter and brings ula.bandage an pP C | about normal evacuation, It is harm- gfe GROBLEWSKI CO. Plymouth. Pa. Jounded soz AW | less; contains no drugs or medicine. It won’t cause gas or griping pains, or affect the stomach or kidneys. Every corner druggist has Nujol. Make sure you get the genuine. Look for the Nujol bottle with the label on the back that you can read right through the hottle. Don’t delay, get Nujol today. Phone Your Want Ads To 300 | 0 GHD. EE +S 0 S800 Eu 0 J ( 339 -a-0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers