DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA,,SATURDAY, JANUARY 5, 1929 X 0 we Se: tices at the Glenview Primitive mour, Mrs. Russell Cease, Mrs. Geo. Methodist Church on Sunday will be| Noble, Mrs. -David Evans and Mrs. 1s usual. Sunday School at 10 a.| Ralph Connor. The next meeting a. in charge of Mr. Myron E. Steele, | will be held at the home of Mrs. Wal- 2é Divine Worship at 11 a. m. and |ter Rossman the fourth Friday of this 218 wv. mn. The subject of the morn- | month. mg sermon will be: “A Good Man’s | 5 xx Testimony to Christ,” and that of the| Mrs, John Lowe has returned home evening sermon: “Christ—Lost and from Philadelphia where she visited Found.” Rev. Iveson will preach both her daughter and son-in-law. sermons. At ‘the evening service | : ‘ was there will be special music. Last | Sunday evening the male quartette of | of the Shavertown Lutheran Church | ably rendered several selections which were mich appreciated. On Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock] the members of the Trustee Board will meet in the church. , At 4 o'clock on Thursday afternoon the Junior Meeting will be held un- der the direction of Mrs. George Noble and Mrs. Ralph Connor. At 7:45 Thursday evening Rev. Ive- son will conduct the regular mid-week prayer service. The Ladies’ Aid of the church were pleasantly entertained Friday evening by Mrs. E. P. Williams and Mrs. Rus- sell Case at the latter’s home. After the business meeting a social hour followed anda luncheon served. The guests were: Mrs. A. Iveson, Mrs. John Kocher, Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs. John Lowe, Mrs. Joseph Lowe, Mrs. George Trevethan, Mrs. Robert Miles, # Mrs. Walter Rossman, Mrs. John Sey- | ALDERSON AND VICINITY | The new year was welcomed* with the usual blowing of whistles, etc. 501 now we know how it feels to live Ar 020, Thus far, except for the wather, we haven’t found any- nusual. We suppose all the 5B .nd forecasters are busy cudg- eling their brains in orde rto tell of some extraordinary phenomena that the rainy New Year's Day Zortold. They undoubtedly will give some reas- on for that rain otherwise, they would | have nothing to argue about and that would be just too bad. We sincerely | hor at some very successful fore- casts will be made: * Mrs. Minnie Lewis and children, Charlotte and Albert, visited friends | here last Sunday. | *® ook Ok Mrs. Eveland is ill at the home of | her daughter, Mrs. Bert Wagner. * 3% # | Mr. Melbourne Carey was the guest of his mother in Philadelphia during the holiday week. * * * Muriel and Walter Lewin spent the past week with their sister, Mrs. Z. S. Harmon, of Nanticoke. * Mrs. C. H. Detrick entertained her brother, Mr. Harry Trescott, of Phil- adelphia, over the week<end. * * Mr. Teddy Yopp has recovered from an attack ofr grippe. * Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lewin were the Cairl, of Dallas, New Year's Day. %% 20-0 SS) SD ) > ( Soram0-0 0-0 m0 mea $50 Business College team next Friday at Wilkes-Barre. The Sandy Beach Five plays Tunkhannock at Laketon next Thursday night. Gi defeated them at Beaumont 21 to 27 12: 0k as boys are thirsting for revenge. A ‘good game is assured. ¥* Mrs. L. T. Avery, of Alderson; is spending some time visiting relatives at Tunkhannock. * * * kx This week items are noticeable be- cause of their scarcity. We pray the forgiveness of our readers. We know that there was more news to be had but because of the hustle and bustle of the New Year we were un- able to get around to gather it. 0. Snow Fences Are Completed —0:— The State Department of Highways have completed erecting snow fences | along highways in rural districts to * * Miss Mary Kuchta spent the past week-end visiting friends in Johnson City. er AA The Laketon basket ball teams started the new year badly. Last Thursday might they were both de- feated. The Sandy Beach Five play- ed the Y. M. C. A. of Wilkes-Barre and lost 57 to 25. Thé High School team played Foster Township and - were defeated 48 to 29. No alibis | prevent snow from drifting. have been offered so we gather that| If it was not for these fences some the enemy teams played a superior | of the roads in the rural districts brand of basket ball. The High | would be blocked for days at a time ‘School team plays the Wilkes-Barre | during the winter months. Tunkhannock some tiie ago and the’ Sandy Beach dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl| SOOT IN HEATING PLANT EXPENSIVE / Look to Grates and Firepot Before Wintry Blizzards Descend on Home. Before heavy midwinter blizzards come and long severe “cold spells” set in, warns the Hdlland Institute of Thermology of Helland, Mich. a thor- ough inspection of the heating plant, should be made to see that it can car- ry the heavy load of late December, January and February. Seven points about heaters themselves, aside system, sheuld be attended to. from | fuels and other parts of the heating If all the rooms in a house are to | be, heated, a single central plant and a single chimney should be heating | installed instead of a number of stoves” with several chimneys. Few home heaters have auxiliary | ashpits below floor level, and there- | fore the owner must be prepared to remove the ashes once a day without | \ fail. Soot Proves Costiy. Provide yourself “with a long, flex- ibie-handled scraper to clean out the interior heating surfaces through which smoke and hot gases pass—or, better, have your heating plant cleaned by the vacuum cleaner process. Even | with the most modern vapor-air heat- | ing plant, an eighth of an inch of soot | reduces heating efficiency 28 per cent, and an accumulation a quarter inch thick cuts efficiency 48 per cent. See that there is a check damper | in the smoke pipe to check the draft. Opening the fire-dodr for this purpose | is wasteful of “fuel. Grate Should Be Sound. engineers agree that grate is one of the most items in the entire heating plant. Your grate should be perfectly sound and whole. It should be large enough. Heating enough to carry suflicient fuel to fire your heating plant to full efficiency. the | important | | und the firepot itself should be deep | Otherwise too frequent firing will be | required. The center-pivoted type grate meets the .requirements of cone- | good draft, preventing fuel from drop- | ping into ‘the ashpit and promoting | easy shaking. In no circumstances go into the | heavy heating season with a cracked | firepot. Call a reliable heating com- | pany and have new parts installed if | that is necessary. Firepots for soft coal in several types of heaters are slotted to introduce -- pre-heated air. This helps to promote complete com- bustion of. the gases contained in bi- tuminous coals. 3 See that the smoké pipe connection between central ' heating plant and chimney is in first-rate’ condition. "This loyd A. McH Real Estate ---Fire Insurance — PHONES — Dallas 174-R-7 Kingston 8944-R I 9s 9s 00 00 P00 00 OO. Ob S| 030000050030 500%0 00050 clo et e200 | © FOR SALE PORTABLE POWER PLANT Ford Motor-Governor, three | . forward speeds, reverse speed. | means it should be straight, tight and | ‘WEST SIDE AUTO sloping slightly upward to the chim- ney. The smoke pipe should be as short as possible, preferably not more than 10 or 12 feet long. The longer | the smoke pipe the greater the heat | loss through it and the weaker the | draft. The Ideal State There is a man in the neighborhood who has cleaned up so much money lately that he can make all the noise he wants to while eating his soup without injuring his social position a particle. | BETCHA CAN'T GUERS WHO'S OVER AT OVR.ROLSF MY GRAN'PA (S, THAT'S WhO, AN YoU OUGHTA PT Bargains at $150.00 each. See them at the COMPANY THE FORD PLACE Kingston Corners Kingston, Pa. 00 Ps 8 OO 0 vo | 30 eJ0-od0-e5refe ede sS0 ele ele ole ele ee WANTED Men With Money! TO BUY FIRST MORTGAGES ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE YOU RECEIVE - - - 6% guaranteed interest. A bond for double the value of the mortgage. A title search by your own attorney, free. A fire insurance policy covering the total amount of our loan. An investment which you can watch and control. BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES BUY FIRST MORT- GAGES. MOST BOND ISSUES ARE SECURED BY REAL ESTATE FIRST MORTGAGES We can place one each for $4,000; $5,000; $20,000; — / three for $3,500. [entry — ADDRESS — Center Hill Road, Dallas 206 Pierce Street, Kingston KIDS-~ Sutiivay Mornin". 2 Her msm uE ed CORTE Nf i|TEE-CR TEE-CHMER Hi) XIN HL fmg 1 | | IA 7 ia = SAY witLie! aiNT IT DISGUST in’ HOW GIRLS HAS |/ GOT TER PLAY SCHOOL Ort Hi SATURDAY WHEN THEY te ]1] PONT HARTA 7 {—— == ESS So —_— o ., En — YER! ANY iv Tho? Zp z. — ee CATE TI ov Tn a BIRT Good Cuuse for Admiration. # no a war —— Aw, SHUCKS, TAATS NOT SO MuUEH GRAN PAS a. THEY CAN'T. HEY 2 WHY HE TOLE ME HE USETA LICK MY POP REGLAR 5% = Look at the two (jt Cormorants beside y ed Hao ny Ld The SI tier nest, Pney MOL, build their nests \ "© i Ia of weeds and sticks. \; \ A The Cormorant lays | ANT 3 AN ye) four orfive eggs © ; covered with a chalky substance which, when rubbed, shows a bluish green shell underneath . Common Cormorant or Shay. length about 36inches. Sometimes the (ormorants swim swiftly on the top of the water with head under,on the lookout | for fish, then at other times they swim wnder the water. 7 Quifess he Catchit pe Th ht el rr Io HS sees a fish andescends” Rising to the surface he tosses his victim in the air and catches it head foremost, then swallows it.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers