fßßCZamzusau&z r^TOgac3BCzaaGcatJMMoega I Co/c/s " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. 1 then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me im mediate relief.' W. C. Lnyton, Sidell, 111. 1 How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Three shea: 25c., .59c.,'51. All drnjilits. Consult your doetnr. Tf he says talco It, I Edu us ho Buys. If he tells you not e It, thon don't take It. Ho knows, ilt with him. W are willing. J. C. A VKit CO.. I.owoll, Mass. TRICKS OF CHINESE SERVANTS. Signals of the Discharged to Warn Their Successors. It Is not an uncommon thing to hear people in the East say that they are still in want of a Chinese cook, while others will have numbers of applica tions directly It Is known that their cook has left. The reason for this is easily discovered if the master of the house walks down to the kitchen after his cook has been discharged and takes notice how a saucepan, which will bo found standing on tl)e ground, is placed. Chinese servants, particularly those from Singapore, when dis charged, leave signs which the new comer looks for immediately he enters the kitchen. If the place Is considered a good one, a saucepan will be left on the ground with the lid put on proper ly. If the lid is placed in the saucepan upside down, that is to say, with the handle of the lid inside the saucepan, It means that the servant has gone away for a short time only and that as soon as ho con he intends to return, as the situation is considered a good one. If the lid of the saucepan is left out on the ground, near the saucepan, which is standing the right way up, It means the house is in want of servants. If the lid is put half way in and half out of the saucepan, it means that the place is a good one, but the master of the house is stingy. Should the saucepan have still some rice ir. it and the lid closed properly, it means that the ser vant is quite satisfied with everything concerning the people of the house, but that lie is forced to leave on account of debts or other reasons which incon venience him. If the master is in the habit of cutting a servant's pay for broken or lost articles, or for other faults, a mark Is made on the bottom of the saucepan in chalk which will not rub out easily. Deaths from Wild Beasts In India. In spite of the many plans which have been tried by the Indian Govern ment there is no diminution, but rather the contrary, in the number of deaths caused by wild beasts. Various con jectures are hazarded to account for the failure of the executive, but it is pretty well agreed that the destruction of game by sportsmen and by drought compels tigers, leopards, wolves and hyenas to prey to a greater extent on humanity. "BACKACHE. Backache is a forerunner and one of the most common symp toms of kidney trouble and womb displacement. READ HISS EtILLMAN'S EXPERIENCE. 44 Somo time ago I was in a very weak condition, my work made me nervous and my back ached frightfully all the time, and I had torrible head aches. 44 My mother got a bottlo of Lvdia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Com pound for me, and it seemed to btrengthen my back and help me at once, and I did not get so tired as before. I continued to take it, and it brought health and strength to me, and I want to thank you for the good it has done me." Miss Kate Bollman, 142 nd St. & Wales Ave., New York City. —ssooo forfeit if original of abovo lettor pi ouir.y genuineness cunnot be produced, Eydla 11. I'iiilcliarri's Vegetable Compound cures because it is the greatest known remedy for kidney and womb troubles. , Every woman who is puzzled about ber condition should write to l\lrs. Pinkliam at Lynn, Mass.. and tell ber all. /-lArrTAT.ISTS. TAKE NOTICE! For ..1. 1 Jin Buffalo t M nt on tlia dolpr Brfok Factory Bniuiinr iritli rower:fort y thousand feet of floor, ▲ildreas Joun Kingston. b Henry bt., Buffalo, N. Y. CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT! Meaning of Girls' .Nunion. Frances is "unstained and free;" Bertha, "pellucid, purely bright;" Ciara "clear" as the crystal sea; Lucy ; "a star of radiant light;" _ Catherine is "pure" as the mountain air; Henrietta, a soft, sweet "star;" Felicia is a "happy girl;" Matilda is a "lady true;" Margaret is a shining "pearl;" Rebecca, "with the faithful few;" Susan is a "lily white;" Jane has the "willow's curve and grace;" Cecilia, dear, is "dim of sight;" Sophia shows "wisdom on her face/* Constance is "fire and resolute;" GracQ, delicious, "favor meet;" Charlotte, "noble, good repute:" Harriet, a line "odor sweet; Isabella is a "lady rare;" Lueinda, "constant as the day;'* < Marie means "a lady fair;" Abigail, "joyful as May;" Elizabeth, "an oath of trust;" Adelia, "nice princess, proud:" Agatha "is truly good ana just;" Letitia "a joy avowed;" Jcraina, "a soft sound in the air;* Caroline, "a sweet spirit hale;" Cornelia, "harmonious and fair;" Selina, "a sweet nightingale;" Lydia, "a refreshing well; ' Judith, "a jewel none excel;' Friscilla, "ancient of days;" —The Monitor. As Cross ns a llenr. "You're as cross as a bear!" said Bess to Billy. Uncle Jim whistled. ''Bears aren't cross to members of their own family," he said. "Now, I knew a bear onee " Bess and Billy ran to him and climbed up on his lap. "Did you really ever know a bear?" cried Billy, with wide open eyes. "Well, not intimately," said Uncle Jim, "but I used to go hunting them when I was up in Canada, and one day I was out with a hunting party and we saw right straight in front of us— what do you suppose?" "A real bear?" gasped the children in concert. "Yes, a real mother hear and her lit MISSING ANIMALS' PUZZLE. Find a goat and a horse. tie BOD. The doss started after them and the mother bear began to run. but the little baby sou couldn't run as fast as she did, and the dogs were gain ing on him, so what do you suppose the mother bear did? Leave her little son behind? No, slr-ee-ee, she picked the baby bear up on her stout nose and tossed him way ahead; then she ran fast and caught up to him and gave him another boost that sent him flying through the air. She kept this up for a mile and a half, then she was too tired to go any further and the dogs sur rounded her. Then she sat up on her haunches, took her baby in her hind paws and fought the dogs off with her fore paws. And how she did roar"' Bess shuddered. "You could hear her miles away. She never forgot her baby; kept guarding him all the time. When the mother was shot the baby cub jumped on her dead body and tried to tight off the dogs with his little baby paws. That's the way the hears stand by each other. Sometimes I think they love each other better tliau brothers and sisters. Hey, Bess, what are you crying about? I guess I won't tell you any more bear stories if that is the way it makes you feel." "Billy," sobbed Bess, "you're as good —as good as a bear!" Then they all laughed together and forgot what they had been cross about. —New York Tribune. A Tilrrt That Cannot Fly. TYho knows of a bird that cannot fly? Even a tame goose can fly, though very awkwardly. But I know of one, 11 to auk, who cannot fly at all. ter his wings arc too short, and the iptot fellow's legs are so short and set so far back that be can hardly walk. How then, docs be get about and And bis food? Ail old Irishman sailor nine years ago explained that "all their walkln' was done by swimmin'." Tbeir broad webbed feet are good oars, and their short wings are useful paddles. "They get over the ground by swhn- Hin", which is the best way for thirn, | seein' th' ground where they live Is mostly wather." A Trick Willi a Bowling; Ball. We get a wooden ball, for instance, k retired bowling ball, and screw small hooks in it at two directly opposite points. We suspend the ball from the ceiling by a thin string or cord and tie a stronger piece of cord to the hook on the bottom (see illustration). Take hold of the stronger piece of cord and give it a violent jerk; to your surprise the stronger piece of cord will break and the ball will hang suspended from the weaker cord.—New York Tribune. Modeling a Toy Wheelbarrow* A toy wheelbarrow may be con structed with very little trouble. The upper and lower parts of the wheelbar row are to be formed In separate i I B ! WHEELBARROW DIAGRAM. pieces, ami then glued together; the ! annexed diagrams show how they may he out out. The circle of card form* j lug the wheel may have a peg of wood passed through its centre to serve as an axle. (See diagrams a and b.)— Washington Star. Castlo of the Sconce. There appears In the London Times a letter, jointly signed by the DuUe of Argyll and A. J. H. Campbell, of Dun staflfnage, recommending the prescrva. tlon of Dunstaltnage Castle. The let ter says: "The lime has come to appeal to Scotsmen to sea that their old Castle of Dunstaffnage, where the coronation stone was kept lor centuries, does not' fall into ruin. Its history is (lie history of our early Kings. One tower has fallen. The roof is gone from lite keep, which was inhabited up to ISIO. Koch year's rain taid frost do further dam- I age to the walls." WOMEN November Colds Should Not Be Al lowed to Develop Into Chronic Catarrh. I Pe-ru-na Cures a Cold Promptly and Permanently. "I am glad to recommend Peruna, as it has done so much for me. I had been a great sufferer from catarrhal colds until 1 was urged to try Peruna, and I am happy to say that it nas entirely cured me. 1 shall never be without it, and most cheer fully recommend it to others who are af flicted as 1 have been."-—Kathcrine Duu ter. 230 13th St., Milwaukee, Wis. Most people think the success of Peruna depends unon bhe use of advertisements. Undoubtedly the advertisements help some. But by far the greatest number of people who hear of Peruna have their at tention called to it by a friend. Some one gets cured of chronic catarrh by Pc-una. After he is certain of his cure he is sure to recommend it to his friends. Friend recommends it to friend and the news spreads from tongue to tongue. All the advertisements in the world could not make Peruna as popular as U Is, Peruna cures. That Ls the reason people Like ft. Peruna cures a very stubborn disease. That Is why everyone recommends it. Peruna cures ehrouic catarrh after all other remedies fail, which explains why neighbor QUEER PEOPLE. Lolos Have Custom Entirely Differ ent from Chinese. Writing of the Lolos of Chinese Turk estan, the Rev. W. M. Upcraft says: "The men wear a loose blouse °.nd wide ; short trousers, made of blue cotton ' cloth, over which a stout plaited l'elt ! cloak is thrown, which reaches from the neck to the knees, and is useful by day in cold or wet weather and at night forms an ample covering. As far as I remember, they wear long trousers, too. One peculiar feature is the manner of dressing the hair. In stead of wearing a queue in the way adopted by the Chinese, the Lolos al low the hair to grow long in the front, then broad it into a kind of horn above the forehead, so that it becomes the most conspicuous object about them. The women folk wear a short jacket often finely embroidered, over a plaited skirt, not unlike a Scotch kilt. Their feet and ankles are bare —a fine con trast to the cramped, deformed feet of the Chinese women." They have well formed figures and even features. The ease with which they go about, their work attracts the attention and wins the admiration of the traveler. The exports of pig iron from the United Kingdom in>tbe eight months ending August 31 were 612,930 tons, as compared with 583,930 tons in 1901, and with 1,045,256 tons in 1900. A SURPRISED PHYSICIAN. A Dying Fntlont KncoTcrn Through tho Interposition of u H*unl>le German. Chicago, N T ov. 15. Some weeks ago Dr. G , a very repu table and widely-known physician living on C street, was called to attend a very complicated case of rheumatism. Upon arriving lit the house he found a man about forty years of age lying in a prostrated and serious condition, with his whole frame dangerously affected with the painful dis ease. Jlc prescribed for the patient, but the man continued to grow worse, and on Sunday evening he was found to be in a very alarming condition. The knees and elbows and larger joints were greatly in flamed, and could not be moved. It was only with extreme difficulty that the pa tient could be turned in bed, with the aid of three or four persons. The weight of the clothing was so painful Lliat means had to be adopted to keep it from the patient's body The doctor saw that his assistance would be of no avail, and left the house, the members of the family follow.ig him to the door, weeping Almost i u mediately the grief stricken ones were a .dressed by an humble German. He had In ard of the despair of the family, and now asked them to try his remedy, and accordingly brought forth a bottle oi St. Jacobs oil. The poor wife n-pplied this remedy, 'lhe first appli cation eased the patient very much; after a few hours they used it again, and, wonder of wonders, the pain vanished entirely! Every subsequent application improved the patient, and in two days he was well and out. When the doctor called a few days after he was indeed surprised. Thirty million stamps bearing King Ed ward'a portrait, were placed on sale in the rrostoffices throughout England on New Year's Dat\ recommend it to i x neighbor. Peruna cures catarrh perma nently, and this way has gained a lifelong friend. People who have been cured by Peruna many years ago have been eager to recommend Peruna to 1 their friends ever since. This is the way Peruna is advertised. It advertises itselt. Its merits are its chief advertisement. Once cured of 60 distressing and exasperating a malady as catarrh it becomes the duty of every one to pass it along, to call the atten tion of those who are still victims to a remedy that rarely fails to cure. Beware of Cheap Imitations ol Pe ru-iia-.-Be Sure That You Bet Pe-ru-na. There are no substitutes for Peruna. Al low no one to persuade you that there is something just as good. The success of Peruna has tempted many people to devise cheap imitations. Beware of them. Be sure that you get Peruna. Miss Jennie Driscoll, S7O Putnam ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "I heard so much in praise of Peruna Sierra Leone is to be a British coal ing station ana it is intended perma nently to attach a gunboat and a cruis er to it. The fortress at Sierra Leone has for some time past been strength ened by the erection of some of the most modern guns of heavy caliber. Uew;ir of OlnlmenU For Catarrh That Contain Mercury, i as mercury will surely destroy the sense ot smell and completely dor an go the whole sys. tem Avhen entering it through the mucous surfaces. Suoh articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .T. Cheney A Co.. Toledo, 0.. contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous'su of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure to get the genuine. It is taken in ternally, and is made in Toledo. Ohio, by F. Cheney A Co. Testimonials froe. i&SJ-.Sold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family l'ills are the best. Europe has 33,000 births and 24,000 deaths daily. FITS permanently cured.No fits or nervous - j neasafterilrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerveßestoror. atrial bottle and treatisefrec Dr.lt. U. Klikk, Ltd., 031 Arch St., Phil a., Pa. Absence makes the heart grow fonder of the people who bore you. Mrs.'Winslow'fl Soothing Syrup for children teething,soften the gtrins, reduces inflamma tion,allays pain,-Min\-. wind 25e. a buttle Many a fellow who is blind to his own interests is always looking for trouble. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES do not stain the hands or spot the kettle, except green and purple. The empty-headed fellow demonstrates that there is plenty of room at the top. I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consump tion has on equal for coughs and colds—.Torn* l l '. ISOYIB, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1000. Procrastination is a word that carries wait. Photographing the Alps. Among the most daring feats at tempted by modern photographers are those performed by the camera experts who carry their apparatus to the sum mit of the highest peaks of the Alps. The following incident is one of the ; many thrilling ones related: "We were j somewhat troubled by the rising wind, i which blew strongly across the crags, •and our route lay up a striking looking ' chimney on the exposed side of the ridge. The rest of the party decided to lower the writer over the overhanging wall of rock on our right, to gain some ledges where a photograph could be taken of the ascent of the chimney. ! Being lowered over an ordinary cliff j in search of birds' nests with proper 1 apparatus is child's play compared i with such a lowering as I endured that day. In the first place, an Alpine rope is too thin for such work, for one felt almost cut in half before the full strain came on the rope, and absolutely con vinced that those above could not have sufficient hold to manipulate the rope in such a wind. However, the painful I dangling was soon over, and a simple scramble up some broken rocks led lo , a capacious recess which would accom- ; mod ate the camera." Six thousand is the record number of roses produced by one tree at a time. This was in Holland, on Madame Keg itew's land. A Marechai Niel at Whit by. England, has ha i blooms on it at the same time. as a specific for catarrhal affections thai when 1 found myself with a had. case of catarrh of the head and throat Peruna was the first thing that 1 thought of. And iny convictions were no| wrong, for in a few weeks after using Pe runa systematically I was entirely rid of this aggravating and distressing disease, catarrh. "If people knew how efficient Peruna < was for this trouble they would not hesi -1 ttttc to try it. 1 have all the faith in the world in it, and have never known of a case where the person was not cured in a short time." —Jennie Driscoll. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus. Ohio. $3 & $3-52 SHOES S IV. L. Dmqtas shoos arc the standard of the world. W. L. Douirlas made mid sold morn men's (('pod ve.ir Welt (Hand Sewed Process) shoes in the flrst six months of lIHM than any other manufacturer. <Mfl nflffl NEW AIUI will be paid to anyone who O S UtUvU ran disprove this statement. W. L. DOUGLASS4SHOES CANNOT BE EXCELLED. 51,103,8201 1 i° 0 *82,5540.000 Best imported and American leathers. Heyl's Patent Calf. Enamel, Box Calf, Calf, Vici K<d. Corona Colt, Nat. Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelets rued. f'lMtmfi f Tho genuine have W. L. DOUGLAS' bauuon . noraPam i price stamped on iK.Uora. Shoes by mail, 'J Sic. extra. lUus. Catalog fret. W. L. DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. I will be sixty-one years old next April, and all my life had been a great sufferer frem dyspepsia and indiges tion. Up to three years ago 1 was sure that nothing would help me, as 1 had tried almost every known remedy, none giving me much relief. One day my family physician told me to try liipans Tabules, as he had found them oi great benefit in several obstinate cases of in digestion and dyspepsia. I will say j candidly that I bad little faith in them I or in any other medicine when I began taking the Tubules. Much to ny sur i prise I felt better within a dav and was soon greatly relieved. I kept tak ing them and continued to improve. I I j lelt like a new woman, and my neigh bors and friends saw ii great change 1 for the better in my health. The Five-Cent pneknt is rnonjrh for n r<li nnry oc.-nsion. Tie family renin, contains a H.ippl.v for a year J Genuine stamped C C C. Never sold in hnlk. Beware of the dealer who fries to sell "something jnst as good." Free. Dr. X. H. OLLLM 8 40318. To* . AtJMl*"". AfrV, 1 7€jSRASdlSvkT^i73 |
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers