FREELAND TRIBUNE, Established 1838. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY THB TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN.STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONO DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. FREELAND.—The TRIBUNE is delivered by carriers to subscribers iu Freclaud at the rate of 12X cents a month, payable every two months, or $1.50 a year, payable in advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the office. Complaints of irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of town subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable iu advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The date when the subscription expires is on the address label of each paper. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. FREELAND, L'A., AUGUST 25, 1902. Ht NTVLRT bFUKC. AliAllN. The l)og Thnt Served the Parpoae of u Ventriloquist. The following story is told of a ven triloquist, now famous, but at the time of tills happening so hard up he used to walk between the cities where he wus to appear. On one of these tours he came to Philadelphia on foot, and on the road he picked up a miserable little dog "because it looked so much like he felt." The story will explain what he came of the dog. The tlrst house he came to wus a sa lovn. aud of course he wanted a drink. He had no money, but went iu anyhow to see what he could do. The proprie tor, a German, said: "Well, what will you have?" lie said, "I'll take a little whisky," and then, turning to the dog, he asked: "What will you have?" The answer came very promptly: "I'll take a ham sandwich." Tile German wus so surprised he ul most fainted. lie looked at the dog a moment and theu asked: "What did you say?" The dog replied: "I said a ham sandwich." Hans thought it wonderful that a dog should he able to talk and asked who had trained him, how long it had taken, etc., and wound up with: "llow much you take for him?" "Oh," said Mr. Ventriloquist, "I wouldn't sell him at any price, but I am a little hard up now, and if you will lend me $.lO I'll leave him with you till I bring hack the money." "All right," said Hans. "I Just want htm for a little while so I can show him to some smart people I know around here." So everything was settled, the money paid, etc., and as the ventriloquist went out lie turned and waved his hand to the dog and said: "Well, gopdby, Jack. I'll come back soon." The dog looked at him and said: "You mean sou of a gun, to sell me fur SSO after all I've done for you! So help me Moses, I'll never speak another Word as long as I live!" And he didn't.—Philadelphia Times. AlivnjH WILHI) Before They Pruy, Moslems always bathe before they pray. They would not dare enter the house of prayer with unclean hands or feet or faces; hence when the muez zin's call is heard from the minaret live times a day faithful Moslems go first to the fountains that are found outside of every mosque and bathe themselves. There are Innumerable bathhouses also in which genuiue Turkish baths and uiussage are given. At the same time their houses are positively filthy—too filthy, as a rule, for human beings to occupy—aud the streets of Constantinople aud every other Turkish town are Indescribable In their nastiness. The clothing they wear is as dirty as their bodies are clean, and their food is often unlit for sanitary reasons.—Chicago Heeord-ller ald. The I,ion and the t'nlcorn. The unicorn came 'into the royal arms with James I. It belongs to the royal arms of Scotland. The signet ring of Mary, mother of James, is la existence, having a unlconi on It. In the royal arms therefore one support er represents England, the other Scot land. The lion and the unicorn occur also in ancient Buddhist scriptures, placed together as supporters. Both of these animals also are seen playing draughts together in the well known Egyptian painting. But the oldest connection of the two is in the blessing of Jacob and of Moses.—Notes and Queries. An Advantage of Armor. "That medimvul armor must have boon very uncomfortable," said a vis itor at the museum. "Yes," answered the man with darn ed clothes, "but there was one satis faction about it—a man could always take down a suit of it in entire con fldence that the moths hadn't got Into it."—Washington Star. Low Fare Excursion to Niagara FUIIH Via the Lohfgh Valley Railroad, Sep tember 2, 1902. Tickets will bo sold Au gust 31, good to return to September 2, aud will be honorod on any train except the Rlack Diamond express. Fare from Freeland for the round trip, $8.55. Consult agents for further particulars. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Will sell tickets to East Bloomsburg and return August 28 and 29 at the low rate on one faro for round trip, good to return to August 30, on account of the centennial colebratlou to he held at Bloomsburg, August 2H and 29. Consult agouts for further particulars. VIRTUES OF LIGHT LUNCHES American AcntencHN Dne In Part to the Midday RopastN. A groat many people feel they have done their whole duty by sound hy giene when they denounce the "quick lunch" of the American business world as the sum of all gastronomic iniqui ties. But In so far as the quick lunch is a light lunch, and it usually is this, it may be a blessing in disguise. In fact, an observing foreigner lays much of the acuteness and business energy of Americans to the fact that for the most part the American business and professional man eats lightly, even if hurriedly, and drinks but little at the midday meal; hence his mind is clear, he is not sluggish and he Is able to do a good deal between 1 o'clock and 0. As a contrast the foreign observer mentions the heavy midday eating habits of certain European countries, notably Germany, and to that he at tributes the lethargy that is calling for all the highest efforts of the best minds to counteract. In this he is in har mony with on American specialist, who in decrying a heavy midday meal said that "the plan of eating a heavy meal at noon and returning to work almost directly from the dinner table explains the prevalence of dyspepsia in countries not enjoying the long aft ernoon recess of the tropics." Since the light lunch and the quick lunch do not fit in with this criticism those who have blamed our national dyspepsia on the "busy man's bite" had better look u little further into the matter. Perhaps we do eat too much, as eer tain diatetic specialists tell us, but 11 looks as if we were slowly approximat ing, the country over, to an ideal dietet ic system, for Americans, which makes the lunch the slightest meal and the evening meal the most substantial meal of the day, whatever it may be called. And if the quick lunch of the business world has had any effect in this direction it is not the unmixed evil some declare it to be.—Philadelphia Press. THE FIRST AUTOMOBILE. It WUH an Ancient, Self Moving Slirfnc of IlnecliiiN. Few, perhaps, are aware that the first automobile, considered in the sense of a vehicle containing within Itself powers of locomotion, of which there is any authentic account was a self moving shrine of Bacchus. This was the invention of Heron of Alexandria, who describes it in his work on automatic mechanism. The shrine in question was mounted upon two supporting and two driving wheels. On the axle of the driving wheels was a drum, about which was wound a roi>e, which passed upward through the space on one side of the shrine over pulleys and was fastened to the ring of a ponderous lead weight, which rested upon a quantity of dry, fine sand. The escape of this sand through a small hole in the middle of the floor of the compartment containing it allowed the lead weight gradually to descend and by pulling upon the cord caused the shrine to move slowly forward in a straight line. Heron describes the method of ar ranging and proportioning the wheels In case it was desired that the shrine move in a circular path. He also shows how the shrine can be constructed to move in a straight line at right angles to each other. Officials of the patent office overlook ed the device of Ileron when they granted patents on slot machines, not withstanding that previously Thomas Eubank, commissioner of patents in 1850, illustrated and described Heron's invention. The mechanism of the lat ter is almost identical with that in the modern device and simply serves as an other proof of the saying, "There is nothing new under the sun."—Wash ington Times. SppuiiK xi SnrpriNe. The man had not settled with the grocer lor nearly six months. The grocer, needing some money, presented his 1)111. "Surely," said the man, looking in surprise at the long list of items, "there must be some mistake In this." "No mistake at nil, sir," answered the grocer belligerently. "I am pre pared to make affidavit that every item is correct and that the footing is right to a cent. When an account runs as long as tliis one has run and the cus tomer hasn't kept track of it, ho near ly always kicks." "Oil, I'm not kicking," said the man, proceeding to write 11 cheek for the amount. "What surprises 111 cis that the bill is only about half as big as I expected."—Chicago Tribune. Dreaded the ReoultH. Doctor—You'll have to accustom yourself to one cigar after meals. Patient—Oh, doctor, that's pretty hard. Doctor—Tut, tut! After a time you'll find it easy to give up even the cigar after meals. Patient—But I'm sure I'll be giving up my meals after the cigars. I've nev er smoked, you kuow.—Catholic Stand ard and Times. All Artful Dodurer. "How is your boy getting along nt school?" "Splendidly, splendidly! I tell you, my friend, tills boy of mine will make ills way in the world, don't you fear. During the time lie's been going to school they have had tlilrty-two exam inations, and he's managed to dodge every one of them."—Glasgow Evening Times. The man who never mnkes mlstnkes does not know the real pleasure there is in beiug right—Saturday Evening Post. . y The domestic fowl is not mentioned In the Old Testament, rsrpsTOßiA ;Jj For Infants and Children. CASTORIAI The Kind You Have RasMsa;,M I Always 'Bought AVegctable Preparationfor As- IS ' " simUating the Food andßegula- | _ # ling the Stomachs arclßowels of a tll6 W f 1 Signature /Au PromotesDigeslion.Cheeriul- ■ft M - f ll^ ness and Rest.Contains neither | p W. Jf .1^ Opium, Morphine nor Mineral. i|j 01 /(\ *\ if H AyV.Ar flea'pe of OIdLrSAKUELPiTCHER fl | l/VA' Urn/Jan Seal- iij|. ■ V R liochtlle Salts I ||| I jLua* Seed, t- V .Mj Je I % Bfl fttixmiht - . ) 51 fl | ll 1 111 Bi CaiiH/mUeSbda +■ I . I|| I A 111 * 111 Clarified Sugar | fl JF 0 ■■ nTateryrwn rtavor. / • |l|' I II Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- S | ■ UoD Fion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea I I lir Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- El wT P- „ rt,,-„ ness and Loss of Sleep. '1 \J* fQI II VU ! Facsimile Signature oF i i|gg|||l Thirty Years "fflpflcrnßlA EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. 1 HIIBA lj I II IB fl BI THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITV. BtCUIVUHAND STORES. Modern IIOUSON Vastly Different From the Old Time Jankshops. "One of the curious aspects of mod ern business conditions," said a philo sophic business man, "is the growth of what we call the secondhand business. There are more secondhand houses now than ever before, and I attribute it to the changes in style which are constantly taking place in all things which enter into the social life. "When one speaks of a secondhand store, there are many persons who will think simply of secondhand furniture, bu reaus, wardrobes, tables, beds and things of that sort. But the business has become so extensive that one may find almost anything in either the use ful or the ornamental line in these places. "I am not speaking of the curio shops either, where you can find any thing from an antiquated penny to the rarest and most elaborate tiling in an artistic way, old pictures and new ones, old books, old anything you may call for. I have in mind the regular secondhand houses which do a com plete and up to date secondhand busi ness. Go into one of these places and see for yourself the changes which have been wrought in the business. "Time was when one of these places was a Junksliop merely, a sort of old furniture hospital or almshouse, a place for chairs with broken arms and tables witli broken legs and beds with scarred heads and old clocks with broken faces and missing hands and all that sort of thing. But the condi tions are different now. You see, peo ple want to keep up with the proces sion. Styles are always changing. A new kind of furniture comes in. The furniture on hand is good as new, but one must have the new thing, this new, magnificent kind of sideboard or this new colored bedroom suit or this latest tiling in something else. The old stuff is sold and the new kindjjought. "Tills is one reason, and the main rea son, for the growth of the secondhand business. Of course the change has not affected merely furniture and household goods. It lias applied to all the utilities and all the ornaments, and hence a vast variety of tilings may be found in the secondhand store."—New Orleans Times-Democrat. Frank Stockton and Poetry. Frank Stockton never could write a successful poem. In tills connection the novelist frequently tolil n good sto ry on himself. In his youth in con junction with his brother John he wrote many poems with which he af flicted the editors of various Canadian periodicals. The effusions always came back. The editor of one maga zine was an especial target of the Stocktons, but as none of their poems was ever accepted the brothers came to the conclusion that the editor had no conception of good poetry. To prove their belief they hunted up and dispatched to him an ode, little known, by Milton. Within two days they received a cheek and a letter of thanks. "I came to the conclusion that that editor knew poetry when ho saw it after all," Mr. Stockton used to say, "and gave up trying to write it."—Phil adelphia Record. Onr Woman's Way of I'll I lit! i, fz. The bright wife of a bright Philadel phia newspaper man has to do some of the housework herself, as her hus band'.'! income does not Justify the lux ury of employing help. The other day, finding out that the floor needed paint ing, she procured the necessary mate rials and early in the afternoon set to work. When her husband returned in the early evening, he found her in tears in the center of the room. She had paint ed the floor all around herself, and tliere she was, on a HCtle dry island m the middle, afraid of crossing the wet paint for fear of spoiling all lier work, ller husband, instead of imitating Sir Walter Raleigh, procured a hoard and released her from durance vile. Then he meanly told the story.—Philadel phia Telegraph. A Former Predicament. The cook in a southern family was fat, black and sixty and a devoted church woman. A "laboring brother" In the same church, a widower with a dozen children, was so assiduous in ids attentions that he could he seen haunt ing the kitchen at all hours. The mis tress of the house finally said to the cook: "I do hope you don't mean to marry that old man, with all those children." "No, ma'am," was the reply. "I done been lcotched in dat predicament once already," which was the first intima tion that had been given in a long service that she was entitled to wear the weeds of widowhood.—Detroit Free Press. Huko'n EtfotlNm. Victor Hugo had a very exalted opin ion of himself. One of his intimates called on him once and found him walking in his garden, apparently thinking deeply. The visitor asked the great French poet what he was medi tating upon. "I was wondering," re plied the poet, "what I should say (o the Creator when I meet him. Can you imagine what I would say?" "Yes." answered the poet's friend. "You would say, 'My dear confrere.' " Her Generonlty. Madge—l hear you take your sister to tln matinee every week. De Garry—l do. Madge—lf you'll take me there as ctften as that, I'll promise to be a sis ter to you.—New York Times. It doesn't matter so much how many mistakes Moses made if we only fol low up the advice he left us when lie did hit the nail on the head.—American Tkresherman. Comparing? Families. Harold—My ancestors were nil ban est, but they were not stylish. "That's all right. My ancestors were all stylish, but so far as 1 cun learn they wouldn't pay their debts."—De troit Free Tress. Stiort nnil Informal. "Have you had a bousewarmlng in your new dwelling yet?" "l'cs; my wife fired the redheaded cook the other day."—Chicago Trib une. Jf Harness il You can make your har- /{s}'£ ■ ■ using EUREKA IInZ j len^then 118 Ufe—make It kW TpURIEKAr I Harness Oil 1 JH|f makes a poor looking H pedal ly prepared to with- Ira® IHf/ a Until tlio weather. iwW HI Wade by STANDARD Oil CO. wL MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. BX)R SALE.—Fine plot of ground, 50x150 foot, with two single residences, stable, outbuildings, etc.; will sell all or part. Apply to Williuui Biggins, Froeluud. g|7tLi BB ta rrtiJ rßll ga rrtj I [ln [§ 1 Emiitlii to I ffl J & ffl p| I Fnrnislinp | |fs| p] pj We have all the little things that a pi r-ij gentleman can wish for his summer aj S dressing. Our "little necessities of Is IS life," all of which must be proper to E m make the "finished man," are faultless |Ej ji§ in every detail. If you want a pair of [@l fSj shoes, a hat, a shirt, a tie, or a pair of rSJ a socks in the handsome, stylish colors of j£J] E summer, you can get them here. E Although our goods are fancy in E [e| looks, as they should be, they are not [e| pi fancy-priced. pi p] We can supply you with the latest pi raji productions of the market at prices to al s suit the times. S |K3 P| E Step in, and see what we can do for E; ® you. p| I McMenamin's Gents' Furnishing, 1 I Hat and Sloe Store. ['■] p| South Centre Street. |§J || §| Nature's Tonic. A ride in the open, For Health, For Pleasure, For Business. You should ride a Bicycle, RAMBLER. $35 to $65. The 1902 Models Bristle With New Ideas. CalliOiaiiie. A complete stock al ways on hand. For Sale By Walter D. Dans, Freeland. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. Muy 18, 1902. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE PUEELAND. 6 12 a m l'or Weatherly, Munch Chunk Alluntowii, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila delphia und New York. 7 29 a in lor Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Pittston and Seranton. 8 15 a m for Hazleton, Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadelphia, New York, Deluno and Pottsville. 9 58 a in for Iluzleton, Delano, Muhanoy City, Shenandoah und Mt. Carmel. I 1 45 u in for Weatherly, Muuch Chunk, Al lentowo, Bethlehem, EuHton, Phila delphia, New York, Hazlcton, Delano, Mahunoy City, Shcnuiidouh and Mt. Carmel. II 41 a m for White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Seranton and the West. 444 pm for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel phia, New York, Iluzleton, Delano Mahunoy City, .Shenandoah, Mt. Carme. and Pottsville. 0 35 l> m for Handy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Heranton and all points West. 7 29 pm for Hazlcton. AH HIVE AT FRBELAND. 7 29 a in from Pottsville, Delano and Iluz leton. 9 12 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Eas ton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mmieh Chunk, Weatherly, Hazleton, Mahunoy City, Shenandoah and Mt. Carmel 9 58 a in from Scrantou, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 1141 am from Pottsville, Mt. Carmel, Shen andoah, Mahunoy City, Delano and Hazleton. 12 35 P in from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Maueh Chunk and Weatherly. 4 44 P in from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 6 35 p in from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem Allentown, IVfauch Chunk, Weatherly, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mahunoy City, Deluuo and Hazle ton. 7 29 P ni from Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further information Inquire of Ticket A Rents. ROLLIN H.WI LBUR, General Superintendent, 2 Cortlandt Street. New York City, CHAS. S. LEE, General Passenger A Rent, „ . r,,, . Portland t Street, New York City. G.J. GIL DltOY, Division Superintendent, Hazleton, Pa. DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND A SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect May ID. IHOI. Trains leave Drlfton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle brook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton Junction at 800 a in, daily except Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 2 118 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drlfton for Oneidu Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shoppton at 800 am, daily except Sun day; and 7 07 a ra, 2 JIB p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at B 32,11 10 am,441 pm, daily except Sunday; and 7 87 a m, 3 11 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Derlnßer for Tomhlcken, Cran berry, Hai wood, Hazleton Junction and Roan ats, i™ |r except Sunday; and 387 a m, 6 07 p m, Sunday. Trains leave bheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 20 p m, daily, except Sunday: and N 11 a m, 8 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo ami Drifton at 640 p m, dally, except Sunday; and 10 10 a m, 6 40 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jeanesville, Audun ricd and other points on the Traction Com pany's lino MTTHBR R. (JVMTN AUNORL-FRNRFONI Promptlj Don. at the Tribune Office,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers