VOL XIV. NO. 87, Special Inducement Shirts 39c Each Watch Our Windows MilisfaM Clothing and Shoe House. REFOWICH BUILDING. FREELAND. Clothing anil Footwear Reduced. T. CAPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES I LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Malnatreeta. Froelnnd. Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Ltrcud of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cukes linked to Order. EUFItIIBBT ® IU HIIX supplied to balls, parties or picnics. <vitl all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery mid ttupply iwagons to all parts o town and surroundings every day. DePIERRG BROS O-A^EXE. Corner of Coutre and Front Street*, OibHon, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Roaenblutb's Velvet, of which we h ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumm'ft Extra Dry Chumpuane, Heunessy Brandy, Blackberry, Uius, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc lla in and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS. Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Tiack. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Opntre 8trt. near Central Hotel. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Hhen nnrinnh Uxr and Veumrßr.g's J'orter on tap M ISCKLEAN JGOUS A D VEUTISKMENTB NOTICE.— The Democrats of Freeland bor ough will hold primary elections in each election district of the borough on Sitiirday. .January IS. UKL\ Irom Dm hours of 4 to 7 p. tn . t elect delegates to meet in convention at Mnnie pal hall, on Mondav, January 20, 100/. lit 7.3 Up in., for the tni>i'<*so of uorninatiur candidtites for bormtvh offices, eiui'lidntes fog ward offices and candidates for district offices. Representation in the several conventions shall be as follows: In borough convention, three delegates from each election district, one de'egate from each ward and one delegate from the borough at large. In ward conven tions, three delegates from euoh election dis trict in ward and one ward delegate. In dis trict conventions, three delegates of district. By order of te Democratic committee of Freeland borough. R. J. O'Donnoll, chairman. John K. Mcllugh, secretary. T jtSTRAY.—Catne to the promises of the un .l'J dersigned. on January 7, a white bird dog: has black spots on head: has white fore head. Owner can obtain same by proving property and paving charges. John Prebola. Jlouso 47. ITppcr Lehigh No. 4. XPSTKAV. Came to the promises of the un- Pj dersigned. on January 10. a brown setter dog; has white spots on head, nose and breast Owner can obtain sumo by proving property and paying eh urges. George Saucr. House 4t, llpp r Lehigh No. 4. lH Beat bTt (?' LS ' Cso j|j ZPIPUEJST TITST Gr Promptly Dene at the Tribune office. BREVITIES. The Mystic Chain fair at Krell's hall will close with a grand hop on Mon day evening. Articles are being dis posed of every evening and the at tendance is good. Tonight's attraction will be St. Ann's band and tomorrow evening the Citizens' band will attend. Mrs. and Mrs. W. 11. Stone, mission aries, tired to get Murderer John Lutz, who is to be hanged next Tuesday, to re ceive spiritual ministrations, but ho would not listen to them, and when tliey tried to prevail upon hlin to let thorn be of some assistance, he turned away. Delegate elections will be held by the Democrats and the Republicans throughout the borough tomorrow even ing, and the borough conventions of both parties will bo hold on Monday ever.iug. Hazleton Merchants' Protective As sociation has decided to publish in the daily papers the names of all persons who are delinquent in the payment of grocery bills. The Pine Creek Oil Company started drilling its main hole at Shickshinny. Oil stock wont up 50 per cent and is be ing bought as fast as possible All liquor license applications for the coming year must be on file in the clerk of courts office at Wilkesbarre by Mon day morning. Rev. J. J. Kuntz last evening per formed the marriage ceremony for William Stiblsts and Miss Katie llilde brand, both of town. Dr. Thomas Birkbeck, of town, has qualified with the state board of ex aminers and is now entitled to practice as a dentist. The formal opening of the V. M. C. A. gymnasium took place on Wednes day evening and the exercises wore largely attended. George Hanushick and Miss Elizabeth Chaser, both of Jeddo, will be married at St. John's Slavonian church on Monday. John Ritzko, of Drifton, was instant ly killed by a fall of coal in the mines at that place yesterday. School Director and Mrs. John O.Nelll have returned from their wedding tour. Tlie Profcsßor. Iu front of the house, a two-story brick, with stone trimmings, was this sign, pnintcd in big red letters: "How much will you give for this choice property?" "That," said the professor, stopping a moment in his walk to look at the sign, "seems to be the only question before the house."—Chicago Tribune. Those Henp Girls. | Miss Brown—Loss of sleep, you know, means loss of beauty. Miss Smart—You've never been mueb of a sleeper, I believe. Then It Wouldn't Hurt. "Sometimes," said Willie ruefully after n brief session in the woodshed with his father, "I wish I was an ele phant." "Why?" demanded his mother In sur prise. "He has sueli a thick skin."—Chicago Post. II!n Dnd ITnlf flour. "Colonel," she asked, "what was the most trying half hour of your life?" "It was a half hour 1 spent in a par lor full of people when 1 wanted to blow my nose and remembered that I had only a soiled handkerchief in my pocket."—Chicago Record-Herald. A Speculative Rcfleotion. "Do you regard the isthmian ennnl as a good thing?" asked the interview er. "It may be," sakl Senator Sorghum thoughtfully, "for somebody, if it is worked right."—Washington Star. What Gray Brown—Funny about Gray. lie will insist upon calling Bowes, the eyeglass man, an oculist. Green—Yes, Gray Is a great blunder er. Of course lie means Unit Bowes is au optimist.—Boston Transcript. FREELAND, PA., FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 1902. Election of Officers. Lucretia Council, No. 150, Daughters of Liberty, has elected the following officers: Councillor—Helen Kulp. Associate—Jennie Farrar. , Vice president—Annie Schaub. A ssoc I ate —M ary Fie tc he r. Right sentinel—Kate Miller. Secretary—Hattin Roth. Financial—Mary Oshuian. Treasurer—B. F. ltute. Guide —Maggie Shell. Inner guard—Annie Seiwell. Outer—Ella Woodiing. Junior ex-councillor—Lena Argust. Associate junior—Mary Brasher. Trustees—Helen Kulp, liatlie Roth, A utile Schwa be. The Park M. E. Sunday School has elected the following officers: Superintendent—Chas. Barton. Assistant superintendent —M. H. Koons. Secretary—H. A. Soder.. Treasurer—William Beers. Librarian —J. Shaefler. Organist—Bessie Shelbatner. Assistant organist—Una Vanauker. Superintendent of junior department Mrs. C. O. Stroh. Assistant—Mrs. D. P. Kline. The Young People's Baptist Union lias elected the following officers: President—O. G. Langford, Jr. Vice president—John Stranix, Jr. Recording secretary —Lizzie Roberts. Corresponding secretary—Leah Parry, Treasurer —Maude Mealing. White Haven Sanitarium. From the Wilkesbarre Record. Plans have been completed for the cottages to be erected at White Haven for the Free Hospital for Consumptives. Bids are being for the construc tion of two of the proposed group of cottages, work on which will begin as soon as the weather permits. One of the first two cottages will afford accom modations for sixteen patients, and the other for twenty-four. Those may be used exclusively for women, the men continuing for the present to be housed in a large barn on the grounds, which lias been lilted up as a temporary sanitarium. Tho men who are being cared for in this barn have made most gratifying improve ment. A stone quarry having been found on the grounds, it was at lirst intended to construct the cottages of that material; but, for economical reasons, it has been decided to build them of brick. DeJegates Leave Tonight The delegates chosen by the various local unions of the Mine Workers of this district to represent them at the Indianapolis convention, which con venes on Monday, will leave Hazleton on the 9.05 train this evening. The delegates are: Edward Dog gett, Freeland; Con Gallagher, Drif ton; Charles llelferty. Jeddo; Con Boner, Tamaqua; C. Gildea, Coaldalo; John S. Boyle, Summit Hill; Timothy Maloney, Oneida; W. 11. Detrey, Nuremberg; John McMoufgle, Ilarwood; Thomas Flynn, John Gornhardt, Peter Flanni gan, Con O'Donnell, Hazleton; Thomas Hartley, Milnesville; James Boyle. Beaver Brook; Frank Nelo and Michael Slavin, McAdoo, and Patrick Bowcn, Stockton. The delegates will be accompanied by President Duffy and Vice President Mattey, as well as National Board Member P. G. Gallagher, of Freeland. Death of Mrs. Furcell. Mary A. Purcell, wife of William J. Puree!l, secretary of Freeland school board, died yesterday morning after two weeks of intense suffering. The deceased was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O'Donnell, of North Ridge street, who survive her, and was known to her many friends and acquaintances as a most estimable woman. She was aged 32 years. Besides her husband and four chil dren, she is survived by four brothers and one sister, as follows: Attorney Roger J. O'Donnell, of town; Rov. B. J. O'Donnell, of Havana; Patrick, of Brooklyn; Peter and Miss Kate, of town. The funeral will take place at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. A requiem high mass will bis celebrated at St. Ann's church. Interment \v4ll be made at St. Ann's cemetery. Fine confectionery at Keiper's. Boars rto Hava Always Bought OASTOniA. Boars tho 1,18 Kind Vou llaiß Always Bought Miners Want Conference. At yesterday session of the United Mine Workers, of District No. 1, reso lutions wore adopted and fo warded to the secretary of the national convention of minors, which will meet at Indian apolis next week, requesting that an in vitation be sent to the anthracite coal operators to hold a joint conference with the miners; that the miners' re presentatives to such conference in sist on an eight-hour day, coal to be mined by the ton, and the miners' union recognized. A resolution was also adoped which provides that in the future any local union whose members go out on strike without first having obtained the sanc tion of tho district executive board, will be suspended from membership for three months. President Nichols declared in the favor of the amalgamation of all unions of mine employes with the United Mine Workers. Wholesale Poisoning. The death of several children of Oiy phaut from arsenic poisoning lias startl ed tho people of that borough. The cases are mystifying the authorities, in asmuch as there has been no theory es tablished which would tend to show how the victims came into possession of tho poison. Another case of supposed arsenic poisoning developed last evening in tho death of a child of Frank Marnsha, of Olyphant, a neighbor of the afflicted Varago family, which last week lost three children from arsenic poisoning. Coroner Saltry conducted an inquest In the death of tho Varga children. The father and mother testified that they were unable to understand how how their children obtained the poison. John Bechock, another neighbor of the Marnsha family, has two children dangerously ill from what is supposed to be arsenic poisoning. A Clergyman's Deaih. Rev. William Swartz died quite sud denly at his home In Kingston Wednes day evening, after a long illness of general debility, at the advanced age of 89 years. Deceased had been a sufferer for upwards of a year. He was a clergyman of recognized ability in his younger days, but held no charge for a number of years past. He was a mem ber of Kingston M. E. church, and was an Odd Fellow for half a century. The following family survives: Mrs. Harriet M. Statu pton, W. Wesley Swartz, Maurice Swartz, of Kingston; Rev. K. T. Swartz, of Freeland, and Miss Cartes Swartz, a deaconess, of Newark, N. J. The funeral services were held at the home at 4 o'clock today. The remains will be taken to Lewistown for burial, leaving Wilkesbarre on Saturday morn ing. Up Against Smallpox. Voxel's Minstrels, who gave one of tho host shows in that line the town has seen for some time past, are compelled to lay off today. They were booked to appear at Pittston this evening, but on account of the opera house in that city being closed by the Board of Health, to prevent tho spread of smallpox, they could not go there. Theatrical companies threaten to give the coal region towns a wide berth un less tlie disease is taken under better control in the localities where it exists. Several have already -cancelled their engagements on this account, and tlie next attraction booked for lown is Smith O'Brien in "The Game-Keeper," on January 28. Mine Workers Discourage Bids. From tho Tamaqua Recorder. At the district convention of the United Mine Workers held at Lansford last week the convention decided that there shall be no more bids invited for any printing that the district might have iu the future. This is a commend able move, for there is nothing that so much tends to reduce printers to the point of poverty as the bidding system, which is foreign to tho aims of the mine workers' organization, for while en deavoring to secure a fair day's wages for a fair day's work for members it is the aim of the organization to assist employers In their efforts to maintain fair prices for their goods. First National Bank. The promoters of the First National bank, of Freeland, tho title of the new financial institution which will he launched during March, announce that the entire capital stock has been sub scribed, and that they are unable to accept further subscriptions. All the shares of tho new bank will be held by people of town and vicinity, with the exception of 150. A. Oswald has the agency for the cele brated Elvsian's extracts and perfumery. The finest goods made. Try them. j ROUND THE REGION. Ensign George Lewis of tho Salvation Army Corps, Kansas City, died Wednes day night at Scranton at the home of William Brace, where he was visiting, and Mrs. Brace died this morning. The attending physician said the deaths were due to German measles. John McGuire and John Laranskv en tered an abandoned breast at tho Maple Hill colliery, Shenandoah, by a mistake. The breast was filled with gas, which ignited from their lamps and exploded, instantly killing both men. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad has abandoned the McFarland shaft at Avondale, which has been used a pumping station for some years. Tho mine has been opened In 1859. Wilkesbarre councils has decided to change the name of Canal street to Pennsylvania avenue but Mayor Nichols is expected to veto the resolution, as he favors preserving the historical names of the town. Joseph Davey has taken out a mar riage license to marry Miss Indepen dence Smith. She was born on July 4, she says, and her parents named her In dependence in honor of that day. Ex-County Commissioner Frank Rentz was found dead in his bedroom at, Ashland. Death resulted from hemor rhages. Smallpox is gaining ground at Scran ton, four new cases having appeared yesterday. PLEASURE. January 17. —Fair at Eckley Catholic church. January 17 to 18.—Fair of Loyal Castle, No. 65. A. O. K. of M. C., at Krell's opera house. January 18. —Close of shooting con test for bear at William Gallagher's hotel, South llidge street. January 25.—Second annual hop of Columbian Base Ball Club at Krell's opera house. Admission, 25 cents. January 30. Ball of the, Polish so cieties of Freeland for the benefit of St. Kasitner's Polish Catholic church at Krell's opera house. Tickets, 25' cents. January 31. —Joint ball of Citizens' Hose Company and Fourth Ward Fire Company at krell's opera house. Ad mission, 50 cents. A House Moving; Worm. The bagworm Is u little smarter than his cousin, the caterpillar. Both make very snug little silken houses for themselves, hut the bagworm lives 111 his and moves it around from place to place. When he becomes tired of living in one neighborhood, he simply crawls half way out of his silken sack and, holding on to It with his back feet, walks away 011 his front ones, pulling his house along after him. Of course the house must he very stroug to stand being dragged about like this, so he weaves in little twigs, which make it very Ann. After awhile the bagworm fastens its little house to the limb of a tree, crawls inside and changes Itself into a pupa. Not satisfied with this, the male worm crawls out again and he comes a moth. The poor female mean while stays in her house, lays some eggs and then dies. Sonic Cditor* Have No Mercy. "Oh. father," exclaimed the budding poet, bursting into the library, "I had u poem published!" "Serves you right," snapped the fa ther, without looking up from his book. —Ohio State Journal. A no? - . Mrs. Smlthers—l can't get Willie to carry In the coal or do anything any more. I wonder where he is? Mr. Smlthers—He's over to .Unison's helping their boy carry in their coal.— Indianapolis Sun. Not So Serious. "Say, Trigger, there's a price on your head." "What's that? A price on"— "Yes, and there will be till you take the tag off of that new hat."—Phila delphia Bulletin. Hi* Profeanlon. Tramp—Yes, madam, I've been a so licitor for nigh twenty years. Mrs. Fnrtnkins—A solicitor? Tramp—Yes'm. I solicits bread an' meat. 'your faith Shiioh-r Consumption jO m and ours is so strong we ■ .lilt* guarantee a cure or refund W money, and we send you free trial bottle if you write for it. SIIILOH'S costs 25 cents and will cure Con sumption, Pneumonia, Bronchitis and all Lung Troubles. Will cure a cough or cold in a day, and thus prevent serious results. It lias been doing these things for 50 years. S. C. Wr.1,1.3 & Co., I.c Roy, N. Y. Karl's Clover Root Tea corrects the Stomach . V- S Read - the - Tribune. TFJ-WEEKLY OVERCOATS and All Other Heavy Goods almost * At Your Own Price. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SENIE, PitOP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. £MIAS. ORION STltOIl, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW and NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Itooma 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freelniwl JOHN M. CARR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ali legal business promptly attended. Fostoffice Building, - Freeland. Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennnn's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - Freeland White Haven Ollicc, Kane Building,opposite Poatofliee; Tuesdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McBIIEARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyuneing given prompt attention. McMonarain Building, South Centre Street. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, - - Birkbeck Brick S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None hut reliable companies represented. Also agent for the celebrated high-grade Pianos ot Ha/.elloii llros., Now York city. S. S. IIISSS, DENTIST. 37 South Ceui.ro Slroot. Saoond Floor Front. - ltcfowich Building. '"T" v UOS. A. 11UCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All bueinees given prompt attention. Tribune Building. - - Main Street -£b-. OSWALD, dea'cr in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Butter Always in Stock. Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. N. W. Cor. Centre and front Bte.. Freeland. Wear the Famous Gold Seal Gum Boots FOR SAI.I AT THIS STAR SHOE STORE, HUGH M ALLOY, PROP., Centre and Walnut Streets
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers