VOL XIV. NO. SO. OF INTEREST TO THE PUBLIC AN UNPARALLELED CUT IN SEASON ABLE CLOTHING. At a Special Sale Which Will Hepln To morrow You Can Purchase Good* at Lorh Than Wholesale Price*—lf iu Need of Good Warm Clothing Attend. The semi-annual clearance sale now going on at Refowlcb's Wear Well, Freeland's leading Clothing and Shoe Store, is the talk of the town. All their 16, 14, 12, 9 and .§8 Suits and Overcoats are now being sold for 9 98, 8 48, 7 48, 6.38 and $•" 48. Children's Reefers and Suits are marked down to less than the who'esale price, as everything must go. On Wednesday, January 15, they will offer for sale for that day only, 800 pair of knee pants, all sizes, in ten different styles, at the low price of 11c a pair. These pants are sold all over for 35 and 40 cents. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES is LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MED [GINA L PUR DOS EH Centre and Main streets, Freeland. CXJEEY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods ami Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. LAUBACH'S VIENNA BAKERY. B. C. LAUBACH, Prop. Choice Broad of All Kinds, Cakes, urd Pas try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked to Order. GIIFICTIDIEIY © IS! Bill supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and i'airest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. DeFIEE.RO ■ BROS. CAFE. Corner of Centre and Front Streets. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Roienbluth'a Velvet, of which we b ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumin's Extra Dry Champagne. Heuuessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc Jlam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardinex, Etc. MEALS AT - ALL - HOURS Geo. H. Hartman, Meats and Green Tiack. Fresh Lard a Specialty. Centre Bfront, near Control Hotel. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Froelund Opera House Co., Lessees. Thursday Evening, January 16. <£> is Min^reb.) A Pro'lijrloug Body of Stollnr Lights, present liitr an unrustriiiiied current of .VrPitluous tioiur. Facetious bayinirs and during - Awe Inspiring Cndertr Kings. Paramount Organization of the Minstrel World. Don't MIHS tlie Big Parade at Noon. Prices: 25, 35, 50 and 75c, FREELAND, PA., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1902. PASSES FOR THE HANGING 3,000 People Want to See John Lutz Die. Sheriff Jacobs Is Besieged by Requests From Many Parts of the State—Only 200 Will Be Issued. Although the hanging will not take place until next Tuesday, Sheriff Jacobs has already received over 3.000 requests for passes to see Murderer John Lutz die. These come from all over the state, many uien being willing to travel hun dreds of miles to see a hanging, and all sorts of odd reasons are offered for de siring a ticket. The sheriff says he will Issue not more than 200 passes. He has also received applications for the position of hangman from men who offer to do the work for a few dollars, but he has not yet accepted any of these offers. Lutz remains as silent as ever. Sheriff's Proclamation Tho injunction recently obtained by Henry C. Mason, representing tho Tax payers' Association, against tho county commissioners, county controller and county treasurer, to restrain them from paying the newspapers for tho public ation of the sheriff's proclamation for the last state and county election, was yesterday dissolved in an opinion hand ed down by Judge VVheaton. The news papers will now be paid for tho public ation of tho proclamation. Judge NVheaton finds that there was no allegation of fraud or collusion, and that while the plaintiff claimed that tho sheriff was wasting the money of the county by advertising his procla mation, before doing so lie sought tho advice of the county controller, who agreed to approve tho amount expend ed for the publication of the proclama tion. and that he could not be charged with more than an honest mistake. The judge also called attention to the act that the sheriff secured a special rate for the publication of the docu ment. Council Meeting. The borough council met Monday evening to transact the business of the past month. The absentees were Messrs. llincer, Sweet, Kline and lleif snyder. In the absence of the secretary, Mr. McLaughlin acted in that capacity. These bills were ordered paid: T. A !!ucklev, coal, $7; Frank O'Donnell, hauling, $11.20; \V. F. Iloylo, supplies, $1.40; Electric Light Co., street light, $273.33; J. .1. Ward, health officer, S3O; Dr. J. M. Fortzor, secretary board of health, sls; Freeland Water Co., rent of (ire plugs, $170.87; Condy O'Donnell, janitor and feeding, $32; police expen ditures, $137.50. Burgess Boyle's report was accepted. It showed $lO due burgess and s2l due borough. The expenditures of the street depart ment amounted to $70.82. Tho recommendation of tho street committee, that all work on streets cease, was concurred in. The light committee was authorized to correspond with light corporations and get terms for street lighting. An amendment to tho car and pole tax ordinance was read and passed two readings by the votes of tho eight mem bers present. The lire and water committee was instructed to consider and report on tho advisability of dispensing with some of tho fire plugs in order to save water Miss Katie Emmett and Company Will Repeat the "Waifs of New York" at the Grand Opera House Tonight. Prices: 15.25and35c. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic und Imported Whiskey on side. Fresh Rochester and Shen andoah Reei mid Vounfrllwr's Port. 'r on tap. •8 Centr* wtrnot The matter of nuisance about tho Municipal building, complained of by the janitor, was discussed. The law and ordinance conmittee was ordered to make their report of rules and regula tions to govern the building. A special library committee, consist ing of Messrs. McLaughlin, P. G. Gal lagher and McNeils, was appointed to report on what could bo done, toward the ilxing up of the library-room, as intended by tho land grant. A motion prevailed that tho janitor be sworn in by the burgess as a special officer to better take care of the build ing- Funerals of the Weok. The remains of the late Mrs. Charlos Dundon, who died at the home of her sister, Mrs. Austin McNcary, Blrkbeck street, at an early hour yesterday morn ing, were taken on the 11 51 Lehigh Valley train this morning to her home at Tubylianna, Monroe county. Mrs. Dundon came here a few months ago in tho hope of improving her health, but in this she was disappointed and grad ually grew worse and death fi ri ally ended her sufferings. She was years. The funeral will take place at Tobyhanna on Friday. The funeral of tho late John Camp bell, of South Ridge street, who died suddenly at Eokley Saturday evening, took place yesterday morning from his late home. Many relatives from a dis tance were present to pay their last respects to tho deceased. A requiem mass svas read at St. Ami's church by Rev. Moore, after which tho intermeut was made at St. Ann's cemetery. Tho remains of the late Mrs. Edward Gallagher (nee Bridget O'Donnell), of Hazleton, arrived at Freeland on the 11.51 Lehigh Valley train this morning and were met at tho station by a large number of her relatives and friends of town. Interment was made at St. Ann's eeiuetery. The funeral of Mrs. Sherwinko, of Ebervaie, whose remains wore brought hereon Monday, were burled yesterday from the home of her brother, Mike Kleitz, South Centre street. The iuter uieut was made at Freeland cemetery. Mystic Chiin Fair. The fair of Loyal Castle, Knights of the Mystic Chain, opened very auspi ciously on Monday evening. The at tendance was quite large and the Citi zens' baud entertained those present with several selections. Last evening St. Ami's band attended. Tonight the Concordia, of Hazleton, will sing at the fair and tomorrow evening the Maen nenehor, of that city, will be hoard there. The hall Is prettily decorated and presents an inviting appearance, and there is abundance of amusement every evening. The articles on exhibition are valuable as well as handsome. Tbo proceeds of the fair are to bo used in defraying the expenses of the state convention of the select castle of the Knights of Mystic Chain, wliich will held here next September. The fair will close with a grand hop on Monday evening. Tigers Elect Officers. The Tigers Athletic Club has elected the following officers: President—Bernard Boyle. Vice president—Charles A. Gallagher. Recording secretary—Hugh Broslin, Jr. Financial secretary—Hugh Malloy, Jr. Treasurer—Peter G. Gallagher. Guard—Maurice Ferry. Sergeant-at arms—-John O'Donnell. Librarian —Con E. Breslin. Trustees —D. S. Buckley, James M. Gallagher, James E. Ferry, James F. Welsh, Daniel McGarvoy. Borough Republicans. Daniel Kline, Esq., has been chosen chairman of the borougli Republican committee, to succeed Thomas Howry, who removed from town. Mr. Kline lias called the borough convention for Monday evening next at the Central hotel. The primaries and ward con ventions will be held in tlio several wards on Saturday evening. Several sleighing parties are about to be given by the young f >1 Us of town. Candy and nuts at Keiper's. You Could Look^ HJL intolhe futureand see the condition to which your cough, if neglected, will bring von, you would seek relief nt once—and that naturally would be through Shlloh's Consumption I 14 d s-v Guaranteed to cure Con- I vlJl sumption, Bronchitis, B Asthma, and all I.tmg I Troubles. Cures Coughs and Colds in a day. H 25 cents. "Write to S. C. WKLLS & Co., | be Roy, N. Y., for free trial bottle. • Clover Root Tea purifies the Blood J THEATRICAL. There Is very little left, unsaid about John W. Vogol's Rig Minstrels, which will be seen at the Grand opera house Thursday night, but it may bo well enough to remind you that this will bu your only opportunity to see tills popular organization here this season, and that the time-worn maxim, ••The early bird, etc" should bo given some thought by those who have not already secured their seats, for Vogol's show Invar iably play to the capacity. Some of the more striking features of Mr. Vogol's this season's offering are the O'Brien troupe of acrobats; Roulette, pantomimic clown juggler; McCoy and (ratio, comic instrumentalists, and Le ighton and Leighton, eccentric dancers and comedians. Arthur Kigby is the principal fuumuker, and Cbas. Gano is half owner of that prlviledge, while the dozen or more vocalists will contribute a I number of effective choral symphonies, j new ballads, etc. There will be a parade at noon and a band concert in front of the theatre at 7.15 p. m. t t t "The Waifs of New York," as pre sented by Katie Emmett and her com pany at the opera house last evening, pleased a large audience. The thrilling climaxes elicited much applause and the play throughout was well received. The specialties introduced are very good. The company was to appear this evening at Pittston, but the house in that city was closed yesterday on ac count of smallpox having made Its appearance there. Arrangements were made last evening to have Miss Emmett and her company present the play here again this evening, and all who failed to see it last night should procure tickets at once. The prices are 15, 25 and 35 cents. ROUND THE REGION. No hearse In Mahanoy City was large enough to receive the coffin containing the remains of Mrs. Mary Wlrtz, who was buried in that town yesterday. Mrs. Wirtz was a woman of unusually large proportions, and required a coffin four feet wide and deep and seven feet in length, which when It contained the woman's remains weighed ower 400 pounds. To got the casket into the street a force of carpenters were obliged to cut away a portion of the house. A wagon was used to convey the body to the cemetery. W. W. Scranton, president of the Scranton Gas and Water Company, was indicted for libel by the grand jury. The plaintiff is Wade M. Flinn, select councilman, who was defeated for re nomination a week ago, and whom President Scranton, in a published sign ed letter, designated as a bribe taker. Finn also has civil action pending against Scranton. The c.asoof Dorrance, et al., vs. YV. (i. Payne & Co., Involving coal property estimated at a quarter of a million of dollars, which has boon on trial in the courts of this county for seven weeks past, Is about ended and the decision of the court will be awaited with much in terest by coal operators and coal land owners. Attorneys for Albert Grobrowski have filed a summons in trespass against YV. \f. Van Horn, a justice of the police in Kingston. The damages claimed are 53,000. Squire Van Horn is charged with malicious arrest and prosecution and malicious use and abuse of legal process of law. While performing a daring feat at the Heidelberg breaker, Thomas Lacovitch, a Wilkesbarro breaker boy, received injuries which resulted in his death. He tried to crawl over the slippery roof to reach an icicle hanging on the edge, but he slipped and fell eighty feet to the ground. Counterfeit silvoi dollars are being circulated quite frequently the past few days in Schuylkill county, and the mer chants of Pottsvillu, Mahanoy City, Girardvilie, Gilberton, Ashland and Shenandoah are victims. While Howard Esber, 18 years old, was running alongside of a trip of cars in the Cameron mine, Shamokin, a mule kicked him on the neck, causing in stant death. The borougli officials of the town of Exeter have decided in view of the smallpox epidemic to stop all weddings and Burgoss Max Gross lias issued a public order to that effect. M. J. Keck has commenced suit against Alvln Marklo. for $7,400, which ho claims as commission for selling the stock of the Lehigh Traction Company for Markle. Mrs. Mary Wilson Grovcr has com menced suit for a divorce from her hus band, Dr. William Edward Grover, of Hazleton. Kino confectionery at Keiper's. LOCAL NOTES WRITTEN OP Short Items of Interest to All Headers. Happenings of the Past Two Days in and Around Freeland Recorded With out Waste of Words. A. Evans did not answer his name when called as a juror in tho court on Monday morning. Some one stated to the court that Evans was standing out side of the door, but hesitated about corning in. "What is the matter?'" in quired the court. "Ho is a smallpox guard at Pittson," responded the attor ney. He was excused upon tho instant. Condy Ward, aged 27 years, a brake man on the Central Railroad of New Jersey, was accidentally knocked from a freight car yesterday and crushed to death beneath tho car. He lived at Silver Brook and was a prominent amateur ball player and was well known in Freeland. A D. S. & S. Railroad employe who was recently vaccinated on the arm, while walking along the track to his train slipped and fell, causing tho skin to peal from his ankle. Today he is in bed, having two vaccinations, tho leg having become inflamed like the arm. Under the direction of Father Moore, curate at St. Arm's church, arrange ments are rapidly being perfected for the fair to be conducted at Kroll's hall from February 1 to 11 for the benefit of tho building fund of tho Sisters of Mercy chapel. Baker B. C. Laubach was out yester day for tho first time since receiving a severe fall on the ice while delivering bread in Drifton. lie lias not entirely recovered from his injuries ana is still very weak as a result of thorn. Mrs. William J. Purcell, whose life has been banging in the balance for a week past, Is now slightly improved. A rumor was current yesterday that she had died, but this was not true. A. Oswald has the agency for the cele brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery. The finest goods made. Try them. The finishing touches were yesterday put to the Drifton skating dam and water was turned in. By tonight it is expected a skating surface can be had. Misses Mary and Sarah Campbell, of Philadelphia, who came hero to attend the funeral of their uncle, returned home today. The breaker boys of Drifton will petition Superintendent Rohlands for the use of company teams for a sleigh ride. Miss Cella Fait/., of Sunbury, Is visit ing at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fait'/., Main street. J. B. Ivercmy, of Chicago, has assum ed the editorship of the Slavonic Truth. PLEASURE. January 15—Fair at Eckley Catholic church, January 15 to IS.—Fair of Loyal Castle, No. 65, A. O. K. of M. C., at Krell's opera bouse. January IS.—Close of shooting con test for bear at William Gallagher's hotel, South Ridge street. January 35.—Second annual hop of Columbian Base Hall Club at Krell's opera house. Admission, 35 cents. January 30.—Hull of the Polish so cieties of Freeland for the benelit of St. Kusliner's Polish Catholic church at Krell's opera hense. Tickets, 35 cents. January 31.—Joint ball of Citizens' I lose Company and Fourth Ward Fire Company at Krell's opera house. Ad mission. 50 cents. "VIIBCIOI.L.ANKOIJB ADVKItTISEMKKTS. N'OTFCK. Tho Democrats of Freehold bor ough will hold primary elections in each election district of the borough on Saturday, January IS. P.HW, from the hours of 4 to 7 p. ni., to elect delegates to meet In convention at Municipal hall, on Monday, January 20, h ; 0:J, at 7.JJO p. m.. for the ptronae of nominalinr candidates for borouvh olllces, candidates fog ward ollioes and candidates for district offices. Hepresontation in the several conventions shall be as follows: In borough convention, three delegates from each election district, one delegate from each ward and one delegate from the borough nt lurge. In ward conven tions, three delegates from each election <1 is trict in ward and one ward delegate. In dis trict conventions, throe delegates of district. By order of the Democratic committee of Freeland borough. it. J. O'Donnell, chairman. John E. McHugh, secretary. IjISTH A V.—Came to the premises of the tin- PJ dorsitrued, on January 7, a white bird dotr; has black spots on head: has white fore head. Owner can obtain sumo by proving property and paving charges. John Prcbola, House 17, I'pper Lehigh No. 4. TjISTUA V. Came to the promises of tho un- Pj dorsigned. on January 10, a brown setter d"g; has white spots on head, nose and breast. Owner can obtain same by proving property and paying charges. George Saner, House 4a, Uppt r Lehigh No. 4. PEIN" TIPsT <3r PrompHj- Dom nt the Tribuue Office. TJRI-WEEKLY OVERCOATS and All Other Heavy Goods almost At Your Own Price. Phila. One-Price Clothing House. S. SE.N'IE, PHOP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa. OlilON STKOH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW uud NOTARY PUBLIC. Olflee: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARIt, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. All legal business promptly attended. Postoffice Building, ... Freeland. qeorgr Mclaughlin, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description, Bronnon'a Building-, So. Cent.ro St. Freeland. JO J. ODONNELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - Freeland White HuvunOffice,Kane Building, Opposite Poatofliee; Tuesdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. McREEARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt attention. M.cMenamin Building, South Centre Street. JJR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIItKBECK'S STOKE, Second Floor, - - Birkbeck Brick |y|RS. S. E. UAYKS, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. Nunc but reliable companies represented. Also agent tor tho celebrated high-grado Pianos el' Uazellon liroa.. New York city. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. 37 South Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Befowich Building. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All bueineea given prompt attention. Tribune Building. . . Main Street -A.- OS"W doft'er in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Cutter Always in Stock. Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty, EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. N. W. Gor. Centre and Front Ste.. Freeland. V/ear the Famous Gold Seal Gum Boots FOB SILK AT THE STAB SHOE STORE, HUGH HI ALLOY, PHOP., Centre fiud Walnut Streets
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers