NEUBURGER'S orbS™ Holiday Goods at Striking Price Concessions. Have you seen the gorgeous display of Holiday Goods at Neußurger's-the greatest and most complete stock of useful and practical Xrnas Gifts ever gathered under one roof in lower Luzerne county. Anything and every thing in Clothing, Overcoats, Slippers, Shoes, Rubber Footwear, Cloaks, Furs, Neckties, Gloves, Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs, Mufflers, Jewelry Novelties, Sweaters, Fine Hats and Caps, Umbrellas, Dress Goods and Flannel and Silk Shirt Waists. We have enough to please both both old folks and young folks. Each year holiday purchasers turn more to useful Christmas Gifts and each season have Neußurger's strove to meet the great demands of the Big Store's patrons. But this season's Yuletide efforts have greatly eclipsed those of any season of the Big Store's career, and plenty of room has been made for the Christmas crowds with more than a double force of corteous salespeople added to afford you all the comfort possible while making your purchases. We have also added a Free Parcel Delivery System this season, so that what you purchase now will be stored for you and delivered Christmas Eve and morning to any point in the region by our own teams and wagons engaged for the purpose. Silk and linen Handkerchiefs and Mufflers The prettiest merchandise awaits you here in this line and more acceptable Xmas gifts arc not to be had than an assorted box of our Hand kerchiefs. Fancy bordered Handkerchiefs for children, 1 c each. Ladies' fancy embroidered 10c Handkerchiefs, in twelve styles, special Xmas price, dc each. Fine silk initialed gents' Handkerchiefs, ]Oc. Fine embroidered silk Handkerchiefs, 20c. At Joe. 08c arß l dOc we are showing an assort ment of imported lace edge and embroidered fine linen Handkerchiefs which are the best values we have ever shown. Silk Mufflers at dOc, 7dc, SI.OO and $ 1.2 d in all the pretty coloring, and plain white and blacks, suited to either old or young and noth ing is more appropriate for an Xmas offering than a Neußurger Muffler. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fine Peerless Jersey Leggings at specially reduced prices for the next two weeks. Children's 75c Jersey Leggings reduced to SOcpr Misses' 90c Jersey Leggings reduced to (>dc a /JC Ladies 1.00 Jersey Leggings reduced to 7dc (1 pv The ca-reat E3ed.-u.cti©xi Sale Beg-ixxs Tcday cm. Tv£en."s, Overcoats, lE3eefers and. Trousers, and values such as to prove the most tem are showing a larger stock than all other Freeland stores could show combined —or in Overcoats or Suits to one that any other Freeland store could show you. Another great lot of rs\ Yoke Overcoats c v^s% ) For Men. Still greater and greater grows the demand for this n \ wonderful Overcoat. Look /. \ at the cut of it, see the style / j I of it, the way it hangs, the I 1 length—every coat being 49 j-p. I inches long—the fullness at \Qj. i II I the bottom, the broad mili 1' i JA-J tary shoulders and vertical i i pockets. They are made j Jjwf from fine oxford frieze, satin I yoke and iron cloth, deeve ; 1 lining, perfectly tailored. They are posi fh fl f| f| \ lively the best \'U II | Coats ever sold flf] 1] for 12.00. Price VUiUU I I f The above coat we also K have in the 49-ineh, long pic i>- vjpv cadilly without yoke, and 42- inch long hox Coats. Our stock of Yoke and Piccadilly Coats have been reduced as follows: Any 15.00 Overcoat in the store reduc- 10.00 Any 18.00 Overcoat in the store reduc- 12.00 Young men's fine yoke Overcoats, ages ib to 20, perfectly tailored, made from fine oxford frieze with vertical pockets, are the hest 10.00 coats QU ever sold. Special Xmas price Boys' yoke Coats, like- above, ages 7 to A_ I II I 15, 6.50 value, sale price _!_• v/ Fine Jackets, Capes and Raglans tGo on sale today at the lowest prices in the region. Every gar ment in our large Cloak Depart ment reduced wonderfully in price. The misses 1 2.00 Jackets are now $1.19 The misses' 4.00 long Autos are now $2.98 The misses' 5.00 long Autos are now $3.48 And so on through the entire stock, all are i proportionately reduced. The ladies' and young ladies' 10.00 Jackets now $6.50 See above cut, which was taken from our line kersey 12.00 Jackets, which has been one of the smartest Coats pro- Q duced this stason —in castor, tan, brown and lill black, with velvet or storm collar, now selling at r The We arc now showing all style handles for ladies or gents, and if you want to make a present that will he appreciated let it be a Neußurger Umbrella. Our special Xmas prices will prove an inducement to all Umbrella purchasers. Ladies' or gents' fine paragon frame $1.50 gloria silk Umbrellas, OSc. Ladies' and gents' 26 and 28 inch fine $2.00 Umbrellas, special Xmas price, SI.AB. Ladies' and gents' fine $3.00 silk Umbrellas, SI.OB. Men's and Boys' fine Suits. Instead of keeping you waiting for our great clearance sale of suits to day we repriced every suit in the store at a reduc tion of one-third, thereby giving you the opportun ity of wearing your suit for Christmas. The s.oo men's and boys' Suits cost you w ; -v now The 7.50 men's and boys' fine Suits cost I If I you now " v/ The 10.00 men's and boys' fine Suits cost you now \f\f I The 12.00 men's and boys' fine Suits fl I If I cost you now The 15 00 men's fine imported fancy and black worsted Suits tailored in best possible manner with military . . . shoulders and permanent nonbreak- 111 (If 1 able fronts are now only AViVv 1/ W \ Fine Overcoats in oxfords, UU tans, and blues, some worth / \ \ u]> to 12.00, none under 8.50: your choice i If I of lot at V'v/ Men's, Boys' and Children's Trousers At 19c we now offer all sizes, from 5 to 14, boys' all AQ_ r -fjrrs wool tricot Pants, per pr loL The heaviest and best all wool boys' Pants in town, sizes 3 to I fiAJT l evtr y P a ' r no ' proving satis- I [T "T[ factory in every respect Cf)r> l\ // replaced by a new pair, "bt \\ / The Stony Creek absolutely all I \ wool cassimere men's q OO I 3.50 Trousers, per pair s' I Men's fine 4.00 imported Jl worsted neat Trousers, o -*/ per pair Men's fine 5.00 imported worsted neat and n io stylish Trousers, per pair O#4!0 Fur Scarfs, Collars and Sets for Xnias Presents and nothing will please child or lady better than one of Neußurger's. Children's Fur Sets from 1.00 to #I.OO. Ladies' Fur Scarfs and Collars in all the popular furs from iisc to #IO.OO. Special offer of 100 fine Fur Scarfs with six tails, a regular 2.50 scarf, for $1.50. Ladies' Capes in plush, kersey and astrakan at one-third off former price. Stocking and Underwear Bargains Hoys'and girls' extralieavy 18c fleece lined fast black Stockings, 10c a pair. Ladies' 20c fleece-lined fast black hose, J2lc a pair. Mens' line natural wool Hose, 12Ac pr. Children's heavy fleece-lined com bination Underwear, 25c a suit. JDS. III!! ESTATE, P. 0. S. Of A. Bill, Mol <• Christmas Neckties, Suspenders and Gloves The smartest and prettiest effects in every conceiv able shape ef newest styles in neckties from the patent shield hows at ioc for the former iyc kinds up to 50c now for the former 75c kinds in reversible four-in-hands. At 25 c we offer an endless assortment of 50c values in club-house, bat-wing, reversible four-in-hand and tecks. Xmas Gloves for ladies, gents, boys and girls in kid and mocha silk-lined, wool-lined or unlined. The new Golf Gloves in plain grays, white, black, red and the fancy mixtures at 25 and 2/.Bc pr. At SI.OO we are showing a line of ladies' and gents' silk-lined and unlined kid and mocha Gloves of full $1.50 value. In heavy Gloves and Mitts for driving and working our stock is the largest in town. Special values in children's and misses' fine worsted Mittens at 15c ])V. Men's heavy leather covered Working Mitts, per pair, 25c. Bcy-s' and Oliilcirexi's Suite, ipting of any of our special offerings while we other words at Neußurger's you can see four Overcoats arrived this week. Children's Smart Suits, Reefers and Overcoats Milt of every new style cloth and make and at special Xmas low prices. Children's velvet collar fine blue chin-'| llf ft chilla Reefers A • V/ \ / 300 children's velvet collar and boys' storm collar absolutely all wool ox- | I ford frieze, 2.50 Reefers A • ' Children's fine Russian blouse Overcoats with patent leather belts and gold ~1 C|W buttons A.i/0 Children's fine blue and olive kersey Russian blouse 4.00 Coats made •/ with silk frog fronts Boys' fine oxford Overcoats made with O cuff sleeves and vertical pockets Children's fine double breasted Top Coats in blue and olive kersey, a (|U full 4.30 value at Boys' all wool blue tricot Suits f vJV Boys' fine all wool 3.50' Suits, sizes 3 to 8, with Norfolk coats, 8 to 15, "1 (J|W double breasted At 2.50 you now can select any Suit from our entire stock of 4.00 suits. Our entire stock of 5.00 boys' Suits have now been reduced to 3.50. Men's 1.00 heavy flannel Night Robes, 75c. Ladies' extra heavy fleece-lined Un derwear, 25c. Men's very heaviest fine fleece-lined Underwear, 3i-c. The Finest Lot of Christmas liifts for the Housewife Iti Town Nothing would be so pleasing to the Mrs. as a pair of tine Luce Curtains, of which we show an endless assortment from 48c to $5.00 a pair. Fine white or fancy Spreads and Counterpanes. Christmas Slippers and Shoes Never have we shown such a complete stock of Xmas Slippers as this season. We have them for children, youths, misses, boys, ladies and men at astonishing low prices. Fine velvet embroidered Slippers for youths, boys and men, per pair, 50c. Ladies' and gents' felt Slippers, per pair, 50c. Children's fine fur-trimmed Nullifier Slippers, per pair, 7'Sc. Misses' fine fur-trimmed Nullifier Slippers, per pair, <JOc. Ladies' fine fur-trimmed Nullifier Slippers, per pair, SI.OO. Ladies'' and gents fine Dongola Slippers, 75c SI.OO, $1.25. r . A ladies Shoe bargain OXL without an equal. 500 pairs ladies' fine shoes with patent and stock tips like ■J fYxft/ cllt ' e ' t '' lL ' r ' aco or button; a tl celebrated 2.00 line sold to tilth J2&l is under a solemn pledge fc{\ not to use the name in ad t! I.iSl* vertising. They however (f £1 llfl possess all the merit that can be placed in a 2.00 Shoe and while they last \v, I in we offer them A a J Q per pair at iplf*o 600 pairs men's, hoys' and youths' fine satin calf dress Shoes, strictly solid leather throughout; a guaranteed $1.50 Shoe, in all sizes. We bought the lot from an overloaded maker for spot cash and place them on sale today at SI.OO a, pr. With above lot we bought 200 pair men's hand sewed, Goodyear welt, velour calf $3 shoes which go on sale today at $2.00 tt pr. Children's first quality wool lined Rubber Boots, reduced to !)()c a pr. Children's Felt Boots, with 1 buckle rubbers, sizes 11 to 2, SI.OO a pr. Men's genuine Woonsocket Rubber Boots, with leather insoles, $'2.08 a pr. Men's Felt Boots with granite Ist grade Perfection Rubbers, $1.75 a pr. ROSSMORE MAKE. This cut is the new Waldorf $2.00 Gents' Hat which we offer in the celebrated union made a nn Rossmore make at 1 00 Grandpa could not be pleased as well with anything you could buy him as with one of our fine silk Seal Plush Caps, which we are now selling at 49c and SI.OO. Children's fine Toque Caps, 19c. 75c imported Tains, all the new shades, 4Sc. All sizes Men's and Hoys' absolutely pure worsted fancy wide and narrow stripe Sweat ers. with patent necks and cuffs, which are guaranteed to retain their shapes, never be coming baggy at neck or cuffs, a $1.50 value, sale price, SI.OO Another large lot of Men's 1.25 Flannel Shirts placed on sale today at 75c each. which wo have Irom 76c to $3.50 each. A line l'air of Blankets, which we have at all prices. 50c to $6.50. A Fine Dross Pattern, which you can" select i from our large Dress Goods Stock. A Fine White hinen or Fancy Uaw Silk or Chenlle Table Cover—ln fact wo can assist you wonderfully if you call and inspect our stock. ' With each sale wo give you a slip with the amount of purchase, and with every #20.00 worth of slips we give you a Fine Handsome Imported Jardiniere—Absolutely Free.
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