FREELAND TRIBUNE.' XaUbiiihtl 1888. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY TBI TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited, OrKicn: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONO DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. FREELAND.—The TRIIICNE IA delivered by carriers to subscribers in Freelaud at the rate of 12 X cents a month, payable every two months, or $1.50 a year, payable in advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the ofllce. Complaints of irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE la sent to out-of towu subscribers for II .50 a year, payable iu advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The date when the subscription expires is on the address label of each pai>er. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. Entered at the Postofllee nt Freeland, Pa., ns Second-Class Matter. Make all money order#, checks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printinu Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., AUGUST 23, 1001. FACTS IN FEW LINES Hypnotism Is scientifically studied In some of tbe French medical colleges. At the German universities there were last winter 34,303 students, nt the French 20,901 students. The 31 beet sugar factories In this country now yield more than a third of our domestic sugar product. A searchlight on the electric tower of the Pan-American exposition Bt Buffa lo casts rays for a distance of 50 miles. For the first time for 1,000 years an ordination service In Bt. David's cathe dral, Cardiff, has Just been conducted In Welsh. A new Berlin municipal budget shows that 300 streets In Berlin are planted with 44,000 trees, which repre sent a value of SIOO,OOO. Cardiff has grown move quickly than any other large British town of late years. From 1881 to 1891 Its popula tion rose from 83,000 to 129,000. Canoe building Is one of the Indus tries of Kennebunkport, Me., which used to build great ships and even now launches an occasional schooner. A runaway horse In Denver the other day finished his flight by landing In the Interior of a rapidly moving trolley ear, where he rode for nearly a block before the vehicle could he stopped. By a law passed recently the most Incorrigible of the rateros, or pickpock ets, of the City of Mexico are to be put to work on the tobncco fields In the In terior of Tehuantepec. The number of arrests for drunken ness In New* Orleans, 5,000 in a year, Is larger than In Baltimore, although the population of Baltimore Is 508,000 and that of New Orleans 288,000 only. The king of Italy received 20,000 telegrams of congratulations In the first day or two after the birth of his daughter. lie also received 20,000 re quests for money In honor of the event. The total number of experiments on living animals In the United Kingdom In 1000 was 10,830, 2,370 more than In the previous year. It Is stated that but few of thcaa experiments were In any serious degree painful. The Loudon Lancet declares that "the prices asked for wine at big ho tels are so monstrously high and the wine offered Is so often bad that this fact alone accounts for an Increasing demand for whisky as a dinner bever age." Milwaukee has twice as many sa loons as Detroit, though the population of the two cities Is almost eiactly the same, but In Milwaukee, a beer drink ing city, the number of arrests for drunkenness Is considerably less than In Detroit. A strange sight was witnessed at iJologna recently. A bellrlnger at a church was struck by a great bell and thrown violently through the window of the tower on to the roof some 50 feet below. He escaped with nothing more than a shock. Last year the markets of New York paid as revenue Into the city treasury $258,000 from rents, exclusive of $48,- 000 collected from stalls and privileges In Walkabout market, Brooklyn, and $3,000 from market cellar rents, a total of more than $300.000. Pan-American Kxpneltlon. Low tares via the. Lehigh Valley Rail road to the I'an-Amerlcan Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only in day coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, May 1 to October 31, from Freeland at the rate ot $7 for tho round trip. Ten-day tickets will be sold from Freo land cvory day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, oxccpt the Black Diamond express, at the rate of $lO for the round trip. O. O. Buck, Boirne, Ark., says: I was troubled with constipation until I bought DeWltt's Llttlo Early Illsors. Since then 1 have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend thorn, drover's City drug store. tow Pares to Tan-American Kxponitlon. Via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad. Fivo day tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturdays, from Freeland, at the rata of s7.6o*for the round trip. Tick ets good only In day coaches. Ton-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, oxcopt tho Black Diamond express, at tho rate of $lO for the round trip. James White, Bryantsville, Ind., says DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve healed run ning sores on both legs. Ho had suffer ed 6 years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeWltt's. Accept no Imitations. l> rover's City drug store. LIQUID AIR. A A Striking Experiment Which Will Show ltn Knommon I'owrr. A striking experiment which will show the enormous power of liquid air consists In pouring some over quicksil ver which hus been put Into a mold having a screw eye nt each end. In a moment the liquid metal becomes fro zen hard, and the screw eye Is tlnnly Imbedded In It. If a conl Is attached to one end and to the other a weight of 60 pounds, the weight will be suspend ed for 16 or 20 minutes at the ordinary temperature before the metal Is thawed sufficiently to allow the screw eye to be pulled out, anil nearly as long a time again elapses before the quicksil ver returns to Its ordinary liquid state. Alcohol, which, as no one can forget, Is used for measuring degrees of ex treme cold, ns It does not freeze until about 150 degrees C., Is easily convert ed Into what Is practically alcohol lee when liquid ulr Is poured into It First of all, however, It becomes ns thick us treacle and when lifted out of the con taining vessel can be still further fro zen stiff Into Icicles. The black magic, or what would In the middle ages have been cnllcd blnck tnagle, which can be performed with liquid air Is of so startling a character that It would have condemned such modern experimenters ns Professor De war to all the consequences which were visited on those who were sup posed to be In league with the devil. Everybody talks glibly of the Torri cellian vacuum, the space at the top of the column of mercury In the barome ter, which Is popularly supposed to have nothing In It Moisten a piece of cotton wool, however, with liquid air. Touch the glass which contains this vacuum. In a minute a shining silver ed mirror forms nt the point of con tact. The vacuum which Torrlcelll describ ed, the vacuum which the scientist would linve sworn existed, the vacuum which every student has received ns nil article of supreme faith, Is disproved! It Is a chimera, a vain Imagining. The vacuum contains the vapor of the mer cury In the tube. It Is but the merest fraction of vapor, go little thnt It ex erts a pressure of only one-mllllonth of an atmosphere lmpnlpnble, un thinkable. Yet under the alchemy of this force It reveals Itself to the eye of even the most careless observer.— Coasell's Magazine. Mary land Girls. Census reports are not generally In teresting to ladles, but some figures that nre printed in The Sun todny di rectly concern them nnd will doubtless attract their attention. It seems the female population of Maryland exceeds the male by 1),4!)4, there being 680,275 males In the state and 598,700 females. Maryland women, however, are not like those of Massachusetts, who are In a hopeless majority because the demand for them Is not equal to the supply. Maryland women are so attractive and so delightful that It Is necessary to pro duce them In large numbers to meet the demands of the matrimonial market abroad as well as at home. The appar ent excess of Maryland females Is only statistical. It Is not real or genuine. There could not be, In the nature of things, an excess of Maryland women. When the bachelors of other sections hear of Maryland's surplus feminine crop there will be a general rush from all quarters to secure as wives women who for sweetness, beauty, cleverness and capacity are chief among 10,000,000 and altogether lovely.—llaltlmore Sun. 1.011-R Lakt. Inhabitants of the Tyrol have lost a lake. The village watchman Is positive that when he pnssed the banks of the lake the night before the remarkable discovery It was In Its usual condition. The fact, however, remains that In the morning nothing hut the bed of the lake was left to show that It ever existed. On the trees growing near the lake some one had caused to be posted lurge notices, headed "Lost, Strayed or Stolen," to the effect thnt a reward would be paid for the return of the missing wnters nnd "no questions asked." Another notice exhorted the missing wnters to return and ull would be forgiven. There linve been many similar mys terious disappearances In different parts of the world. Quite recently a lake over one square mile In area dis appeared In Japan, and the place that It once occupied is now devoted to farming.—Cincinnati Enquirer. Platform Tickets. A German custom, which The Hall road Digest thinks might be Intro duced with advantage in this country, is the sale of platform tickets, which admit the bearer to the trains about to depart. The Idea Is to enable those ac companying friends to assist them with their hand baggage to their seats and help with the children when such are present. In most eases the assist ance Is denied, as those not holding tickets nre not allowed to pass through the gates, or at least not allowed to en ter the train. In Germany penny In the slt machines disburse these platform tiJkets, which entitle the bearer to ac company friends and to stay with them on the train until the moment It pulls out. ■lae sad Gray. Recently the Grand Army of the Re public organization In Atlanta re quested to be allowed to furnish a room at the Confederate Soldiers' home. Funds for the furniture of the room had been quietly contributed by the members of the post. The request was met In the same spirit In which it was tendered, and there will be an In scription over the door of the room Indicating that Its comforts were fur nished by veterans of the northern army. . , ] The Big Day Out! Saturday, August 24,1901. This Is the Date for the OLD RELIABLE ANNUAL EXCURSION AND FAMILY PICNIC OF THE White Haven Relief Association, TO Mountain Park. The Surplus, If Any, Will Again Be Applied to Charity in this Section. Special Trains and Rates via. C. R. R. of N. J. Leave UPPER LEHIGH 0.50 a. m. Faro round trip Adults !K)e Children 00c " SANDY RUN 6.50 " (10c " 00c " LEHIGII TANNERY. . 05c " 40c '• WHITE HAVEN 7.35 " " " " 05c " 40c " TUNNEL 7.47 " " " " " 05c " 40c " RITA 7.59 " " " " " 30c • " 30c " PENOHSCOT 8.07 " " " " " 30c " 30c " SOLOMAN'S GAP 8.13 " " " " 30c " 80c Returning Leave Mountain Park at 0 P. M. Upper Lehigh and Sandy Run Tickets for Sale by Committee on Train. St. Ann's Band of Freeland Will Furnish the Music. 3v31. J. IlCelley, of Scrantcn, Caterer. Tickets may be had at almost evtyy business place in White Haven and at the C. R. R. Stations along the route. piz /*dK LAXAKOLA DOES IT NO ONE BUT A MOTHER I nleep givca to an ailing, teething, fererlsh, colicky, fretty infant. Almot distracted by its constant crying, and worn out with weary, anxious care and watching, she tries every thing possible to obtain even relief for the little sufferer. With what comfort and delight she sees hsr little one drop off Into a deep peaceful health-giving slumber, after its little clogged bowels are cleared of their poisonous bnrden by a single dose of Laxakola, the great tonic laxative and mother's remedy. Laxakola Is a pure, gentle and painless liquid laxative, and contains valuable tonic projterties which not only act U|on the bowels, but tone up the entire system and purify the blood. A few drojs can be given with safety to very young babies, which will often relieve colic by expelling the wind and gas that cause it. Great relief ft ex perienced when administered to young children suffering from dlurrhu-a, accompanied with white or green evacuations, as it neutralizes the acidity of the iiowels and carries out the cause of the fermentation. LAXAKOLA will aid digestion, relieve restlessness, assist nature, and induce sleep. For constipation, simple fevers, coated tongue, or any infantile troubles arising from a disordered condition of the stomach it is invuluable. I.axakola, the great tonic laxative. Is not only the most efficient of family remedies, hut the most economical, because It combines two medicines, vlx.s laxative and tonic, and at one price. No other remedy gives so much for the money. At druggists, 25c. and 50c.. or send for free sample to THE I.AX AKuLA CO., 132 Nassau Street, N. V., or 356 Dearborn Street, Chicago. The SPORTING WORLD Dcftlfrtier of tho Independence. Bowdoln Bs Crown In shield of Boston Is a man who Is occupying a prominent niche before the public these days. By reason of his having designed the Law- BOWDOIN B. CBOWNISSHIELD. son competitor for the honor of defend ing the America's cup Crownlnshleld has won for himself a ranking with the foremost of American yachting ex perts. The Boston defender, Independence, Is a mngulflcent specimen of the ship builder's art. She will prove a worthy Competitor for the llerreshuff Consti tution and, should she come out victo rious against the latter, will give Up ton and his Shamrock II all the excite ment they are likely to care for. Crownlnshleld Is a graduate of Har vard university, having been a member of the clnss of 'IK). Ills father had mapped out 11 nautical designing career for him. Crownlnshleld buckled down Immediately to hard work. The first bonts he designed were very small, but he gradually went from one class to another. After successfully planning a myriad of 22 and 28 footers he tac kled 35 and 45 footers. The designing of the 1)0 foot Independence was the climax of his career. Designer Crownlnshleld Is naturally very sanguine as to the showing of the Independence In the coming trials with the Belmont syndicate craft, while he knows full well the wonderful ability of Nat llcrresliolT 111 bringing out cup winners, yet the Bostonlan has not a particle of doubt that his creation will prove the swifter. The American public Is awaiting with much Interest the outcome of the pre paratory rnces. The deckling of the American defender will, in fact, nttract as much attention as the actunl Inter national races with the British racer. P. T. Thomas, Sumtervlllo, Ala., "I was sulTurlng from dyspepsia when 1 commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. I took several bottles and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Grover's City drug store. Clean-Up Sale, of Summer Goods In a few weeks we will be talking of Fall Goods; just that much time left to dispose of the balance of our Summer J Stock. With the customer it's quite differ ent, aS he will have use for them for ** eight or ten weeks to come, although at the prices we are now offering them it will pay the average man even if he lays them aside for next season. We have fine assortments of SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SUMMER HEADGEAR, SUMMER HOSE, SUMMER SHOES, SUMMER NECKWEAR, SUMMER FURNISHINGS. McMENAMIN'S Hat, Shoe and Gents' Furnishing Store, 86 South Centre Street. VThe Cure that Cures / p Coughs, fr \ Colds, J p Grippe, (k \ Whooping Cough, Asthma, 1 Bronchitis and Incipient A J? Consumption, Is fa folios] \ "W\e German remedy" fa ir Cures WtoA ■atvi iXstaseu. J Wilkes-Barre Record Is the Best Paper In Northeastern Pennsylvania..,. It contains Complete Local, Tele graphic and (ieneral News. Prints only the News that's fit to Print 50 Cents a Month, A°°aess. $8 a Year by Mail The Record, or Carriers - - - WILKES-BARRE. PA. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. June a, 1901. AKHANOBMBNT or I'AHHBNOEK TKAINB. LEAVE PRE ELAND. 0 12 a in lor Weatherly, Mm ah Chunk, Allciitowii, ltctlilchcin, Easton, Phila delphia and New York. 7 34 u iu tor Sandy ltun, White Haven, Wilkes-Hurre, Pittston and Seranton. 8 15 a in for Huzlcton, Weatherly, Munch Chunk. Allciitowii, Bethlehem. Euston, Philadelphia, New York, Delano and PottßVillc. 9 30 a in for Huzlcton, Delano, Muhunoy City, hbenandoiih and Mt. Carinel. 1 1 42 a in for Weatherly, Maueh Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem. Kuston, Phila deinhia. New York, Hazloton, Delano, Mahanoy City, Shcnundouh and Mt. Cariuel. 1 1 5 l a iu for White Haven, Wilkes-Burre, Sera lit on and the West. 4 44 (i m lor Weatherly, Maueh Chunk, Al lentowu, liethleheni. Eos ton, Philadel. nhla. New York, Huzlcton. Delano. Mahanov City, Shenandoah. Mt. Cariuel and Pottsvillo. 0 35 P ni for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-IJarrc, Seranton and all points West. 7 29 p iu for Hazleton. AKHIVE AT PRKELAND. 7 34 a m from Pottsville, Delano and llaz leton. 9 12 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Hus ton, llethlehem, Alleiitowu, Maueh Chunk. Weatherly, llazleton, Mahanoy City, Sheuitudoah and Mt. Cariuel 9 30 a iu l'roiu Seranton, Wilkos-Ilnrre and White Haven. 1 1 5 1 a iu from Pottsville, Mt. Carinel, Shen andoah, Mahanoy City, Delano and llazleton. 12 48 p in from New York, Philadelphia, Kaston, liethleheni, Alleiitowu, Maueh Chunk and Weatherly. 4 44 1> in from Scrauton, Wilkes-Ilarre and White Huven. 0 35 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, llethlehem Alleiitowu, Maueh Chunk, Weatherly, Mt. Carinel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City, Delauo and Hazlo ton. 7 29 P in from Seranton, Wilkes-Harre and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket A (rents. UOLLIN H. WlLßUß,General Superintendent, 20 Cortlandt Street, New York City. CHAS. 8. LEE. General Passenger Agent, 20 Cortlandt Street, New York City. G. J. GILDKOY, Division Superintendont, THE DELAWARE, SUSIJUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect March 10, 1901. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Kckley, Hazle Hrook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazieton Junction at 000 a m daily except Sunday; and 707a m, 2.18 pm, Bunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry, Toinhicken and Deringer at 600 a m, daily except Sunday; and 707 a m, 238 p m, Sun rains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction. Garwood Road, Humboldt ltoad, Oneida and Sheppton at 000 a m, daily except Sun day; and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood. Cranberry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 635 a ai, daily except Sunday; and 8 63am,4 22pm. Sunday. Traius leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road Oneida and Sheppton at B 32, 11 10 a m, 4 41 p m* dally oxcept Sunday; and 7 37 a ra, 3 11 p m*. Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhicken, Cran berry, Hai wood, Hazleton Junction and Roun at 500 p m, dally excopt Sunday; and 337 a m, 5 07 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazln ton Junction and Roan at 711 am, 12 40 628 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a m'. 3 44 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Moadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Hrook, Kckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 20 p m, daily, except Suuday: and 8 11 a in, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook Rcklcv Jeddo and Drifton at 640 p m, dally oxcept Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 6 40j> ui, Sunday.* All trains connect Ht llazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jeauosvillo, Auden ried and other point* on the Traction Com pany s line. Train leaving Drifton at 600 a m makes connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains lor Wilkeebarre* Sunbury, llarrisburg and pointi west. LUTUEIt C. SMITH, Superintendent*
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