FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 77. FOR HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR DON'T FORGET Refowlch's Wear Well Clothing and Shoe House Refowich Building, Freeland. Remember the liiff Sale. AT LAUBACH'S You can get the Finest Con fectionery in the market. We carry large and well as sorted stocks of all grades of Pure Candies and, while are prices are no higher than elsewhere, we guarantee you a better class of goods for the same money. We sell Mixed Candy as low as 4 lbs for 25c. We also have a very com plete stock of High-Grade Candies, including the Fa tuous Downey and Nuss Makes. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Our Doll department is a perfect paradise for the little ones. Come and see our variety. Come into the store and view them. Not one-tenth of our display can be seen from the outside. Dolls of Every Kind and at prices which will fit everybody's purse. We also have hundreds of other Holi day Novelties, too numer ous to mention in this space. All sorts of Toys and every thing that can make your little one happy can be had AT LAUBACH'S • LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. A very pretty line of these goods to select from. To close out the lot we have marked down the price on all coats in our store. MILLINERY GOODS of every description as low as can be had anywhere in town. Dressmaking of all kinds. MRS. R. THOMPSON, South Centre Street. SLIPPERS FOR HOLIDAYS Anything you may select in Slip pers—or, for that matter Shoes— for holiday remembrances included in our unapproachable stock. Alligator, Seal, Velvet, Black or Brown Vici Kid, In all styles from 50c up. All styles of Felt Slippers and Shoes, both ladies and gentlemen. Jersey Leggins for ladies, girls and children. Fancy Colored Boots for babies. Rubber Goods of every descrip tion at prices which will meet with your approval. Call and see them. You are welcome if you wish to buy or not. STAR SHOE STOEE. Hugh Malloy, Prop. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1900 BREVITIES. Several hundred children of the men employed by tho Drlfton companlei were made happy on Saturday afternoon and evening by receiving useful Christmas gifts from Mrs. Eckley I!. Coxe. Tho tree at Drlfton was ono of the prettiest ever erected there and the presents consisted of wearing apparel, toys, can dles and fruits. One of the large hollers at No. 4 slope, Upper Lehigh, exploded at noon on Sat urday. The force of the explosion was downward, which broke tho bpller In half. A number of workmen were In the vicinity, but all escaped injury. The damage to the foundation and sur roundings was immediately repaired. Toys of all kinds at Merkt's. I'. J. Furey has again fallon from the path of virtue and on Saturday was before Ilurgess Boyle on tho charge of drunkenness. He was sentenced to serve thirty days In the county prison and was takon by Chief Filler toWilkes barre this morning. The Tribune wishes all its readers, friends and patrons a merry Christmas and many of them. Christinas candy at Keiper's. Marksmen should attend the big shooting contest tomorrow at tho rooms of the South Heberton Sporting Club on Hlrkbeck street. The prizes are tur keys, geese, ducks, etc. John McLaughlin, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Condy McLaughlin, of Adams street, is seriously ill In Brooklyn, where he has resided for some years past. His sister, Miss Annie, went to Brooklyn on Saturday. Toys of all kinds at Merkt's. Services will be held tomorrow even ing at the Fern street P. M. church. A Christmas tree for the Sunday school pupils will be one of the features. Clayton M.. the year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zeistloft, of South street, died Friday evening and was buried yesterday at" Freeland cemetery. Christmas tree ornaments at Keiper's. P.ev. W. \V. Ilartman delivered an ad dross on Friday afternoon at an enter tainment given under the auspices of tho Jeddo Literary Society. A young child of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Jones was sevorely burned Friday afternoon. The little one played too near the kitchen stove In its homo on Walnut street and Its clothes caught lire. Several of tho teachers of the borough schools wore tendered Christmas gifts on Friday by their pupils. Among the presents given were a handsomo um brella to Principal Ifouck and a rocker to Vice Principal Haulon. Every 25-cont purchase at Daubach's gives you a chance on a handsomo doll. Freeland postoflice will be open to morrow from 0.30 to 10.30 a. m. and from 6.30 to 7.30 p. m. Mrs. M. M. E. Mav will see her friends for a few days at the Centra] hotel. One of the latest makes of engraving machines has been added to Jewelor Butterwick's equipment. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald, fie has a nice variety. Handsomely painted banners placed conaplcously throughout town and the surroundings call attention to the Tigers ball on New Year's eve. Rev. E. C. Murphy will preach his farewell sermon at tho English Baptist church next Sunday. The merchants who advertise In the Tribune are not complaining of poor holiday busihess. Candy, nuts, fruits of every descrip tion, etc. at Merkt's. Councilman Harry S. Keck is readv to resume work after a week's idleness due to throat trouble. It Is reported that after the first of the year the Upper Lekigh Coal Com pany will enter tho ranks of the mining corporations paying semi-monthly. Mrs. J. Schmidt, of Washington streot, attended the funeral of her mother, who died in York last week. DoWitt's Little Early Risers are dainty little pills, but they never fail to cleanse the liver, remove obstructions and Invigorate the system. Grover's City drug store. Hon. John Lelsenrlng Is rapidly re covering from his illness and enjoyed a drive to Freeland on Saturday. The man who snares the news for the Freeland Tribune has a most deli cate perception of the eternal freshness and newslness of events. The Tribune prints nothing but pure wheat, the news man having discarded all the chair. — Lansford Public Eye. When you need a soothing and heal ing anti-septic application for anv pur pose, use the original DoWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits, (irover's City drug storo. "Til® Span of Life." It will bo seen next Thursday evening at the Grand opera house and will be presented by tho strongest company of metropolitan actors over before engaged in melodrama in tills country, and will include the world famous Donazettas, whose feats have astounded the entire world. New and beautiful scenery has been provided for every act and the marvellous mechanical and electric ef fects havo been greatly improved this season. Seats on sale tomorrow. MISCKLLANKOUS ADVKRTISEMKNTB. XTOTICE.—AII persons are hereby cautioned A ..W 1 " 8 ! trespassing on the property of the Hlrkbeck estate. In the Third ward of Freeland borough, under penalty of law. Mrs. William Johnson, Lessee. ROUND REGION. For tho first tlrao in th history of the i Gre which started in the celebrated burning mines at Summit Hill, nearly i forty-two years ago, officials of the Le i high Coal and Navigation Company are , now confident that they have the fire under control and that the flames will be extinguished in about two years. Plttston is still excited and apprehen sive over its big cave-in. Parsonage street has fallen twenty feet and at other points the cave-in is greater. At one point the street has sunk fully forty feet Into the mine. Further cave-ins are feared. The plan of having separate local unions of the United Mine Workers for each colliery, instead of large locals from several collieries, has been decided upon by the miners of the Wyoming district. The plan may be followed in this district after the holidays. The sum of $1,500 has been subscribed to the proposed fund of SIO,OOO for the establishment of a free hospital for con sumptives. It Is intended to locate the institution on Green mountain, near White Haven Philadelphia philanthro pists are back of the project. The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad will pay its mine em ployes semi-monthly hereafter. All tho large companies in the upper end have now agreod to obey the law. Now Is tho time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is vory pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Grover's City drug store. At the Baptist Church. The following is the program of the Bethel Baptist church Christinas ser vices, to be held this evening, entitled, "The Dawn of Peace:" "Star of Fullfiluient," by the choir. Prayer, by Pastor Rev. E. C. Murphy. "The Wondrous Advent," by the choir. Primary song, "Christmas Night," bv the children. "The Light of Heaven," by the choir, with solo by John Price. Rocitation. Solo, "0, Little Child," by Blodwen Roberts. Primary exercises. "Hark, the Glad Bells," by the choir. Offering. "Over the Hills," by the choir. Recitation. "O, Bethlehem, Sweet Bethlehem," by the choir, solo by John Price. Exercige. Address. Primary song, "A Song of Holly," by the children. Distribution of gifts. "Unto Us a Child is Born," by the choir. Benediction. Good Wills Program. The program to be rendered at the entertainment of the (food Wills As sociation tomorrow evening consists of a minstrel first part, in which upwards of forty local people will participate. This will be followed by an olio, as follows: Duet, Misses Annie and Millie Bonotna. Bag punching, Bernard Sharpe. Recitation. Miss Alice Riley. Selection, Star Mandolin Club. Recitation, Miss Teresa Meehu,n. Song, Richard Welsh. Recitation, Miss May Jocobs. Song, Miss Marie Timney and R. De- Plerro. Bag punching, Bernard Kennedy. R. J. O'Donnell, Esq., will deliver the address of wolcome, and St. Ann's band will render selections. Formally Abandoned. The project to build the Now York, Wyoming and Western Railroad from the Lackawanna region to tidewater was formally abandoned at a mooting of the diredtors bold at Scranton on Fri day. This Is the road originally planned by the individual coal operators as a means of fighting tho big carrying companies. The granting of the 65 per cent demand is responsible for the abandonment of the project. The 7,000 tons of rails distributed along the pro posed route two years ago are to be sold. Masonic Officers. Arbutus Lodge, No. 611, F. & A. M., has elected tho following officers: Worthy master—W. E. Martin. Senior warden—C. C. Collins. Junior warden—George Wilmot. Teasurer—ll. E. Sweeney. Secretary—J. 11. Trevaskis. Representative to grand lodge—Rev. J. W. liischoff. Trustees —A. Oswald, Samuel Salmon, 11. B. Price. Fair Opens Tomorrow. At Eckley tomorrow a fair and bazaar will upon in the basement of the Catholic church. The committee in charge ha# expended considerable time and money in fitting up the placo in an attractive manner. The proceeds are for the benefit of the church. The many ar ticles on exhibition, all of which will be disposed of during the fair, are worthy of inspection. PLEASURE. December 25.—Fair for benefit of St. Mary's Catholic church at Eckley. December 25.—Entertainment of Good Wills Athletic Association at Grand opera house. Admission, 10, 20, 30 cents. December 25.—Shooting match under auspices of South Heborton Sporting Club at club rooms on Birkbock street. December 31.—Twentieth Century Ball of Tigers Athletic Club at Valines' opera house. Admission, 50 cents. PERSONAL P. X. O'Donnell, of the Pennsylvania university, and Joseph Wagner, Frank Roberts and It. S. Cunningham, of Le high university, are spending their va cation at their homes here. W. H. Smitii, Jr., of Jeddo, has gone to Chicago on business and will spend Christmas with his mother in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert W. Fritz, of Rockport, are visiting the latter's mother, Mrs. R. A. Dedson. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Ferry left this morning for Scranton, where the latter will spettd a few weeks with her parents. Miss Mabel Croil, of Wellesley college VVellesley, Mass., is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles Croll. Thomas A. McCole, of Washington, D. C., is the guest of bis parents on South Ridge street. Evan Phillips, of Scranton, is the guest of his mother on North Centre street. Mr. and Mrs. John Burton left todav to spend Crhlstuias with their son, Caleb, In Newark, N. J. John J. Gallagher, of "Philadelphia, is in town for Christmas. Hugh Breslin, of New York city, is at the home of his pareuts for the holidays. Henry Bechtloff, of Easton, is visiting his parents on Chestnut street. Thomas Evans, Jr., of liucknel! uni versity, is visiting his father. Miss Hannah McLaughlin Is homo from Bloomsburg normal school. Prof. W. L. Houch is spending the week with relatives at Berwick. Fred Koons is home from Philadel phia Dental college for tho holidays. G. Mord Neußurger, of Jefferson col lege, Is greeting Freeland friends. John J. Mooney, of Philadelphia, is visiting Jeddo relatives. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Poysor are visiting the latter's parents In Hazleton. Dr. Thomas Hlrkbeck, of Philadelphia Is the guest of his pareuts. Trolley System Tied Up, The strike of the motormen and con ductors of the Scranton Street Railway Company was declared on yesterdav morning at 5 o'clock, the hour when the men began assembling for tho day's first runs. It was a complete tie-up, not a car going out of the barns, the service 011 the score of lines branching out from Scranton and covering every town in tliu Lackawanna valley froiii Pittston to Forest City being completely shut up. Tho compauv began this morning to import men from the larger cities. The employes of the Wllkesbarre and Wyoming Valley Traction Company bad a meeting at midnight last night, and fixed December i!7 as the dav to receive the company's answer to their demands. A number of the men say a strike will be declared. A strike has been Inaugurated at the Warrior Hun mines of A. J. Davis. The troublo grew out of a driver boy who drew a check representing about SI.BB a day. He refused it, saying he wanted wanted $1.98. Over 500 employes are idle. The employes of the Dorrance and Prospect collieries of the Lehigh Valley Coal Company are on strlko for tho semi monthly pay. When the stomach is tired out It must have a rest, but wo can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Curo "digests what you eat' so that you can eat all the good food you want while it Is re storing tho digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. Drover's Citv druir store. Notlc* to Taxiiuyern. All persons in Freeland borough who have not yet paid their taxes for tho current year are requested to do so without delay, as all the treasurers are out of funds. Hugh Malloy, collector. Ifelp Is needed at onco when a per son's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. Drover's City drug store. Christmas troes.aro soid at Merkt's. GRAND OPERAHOUSR Frcolaud Opera House Co., Lessees. Thursday Even- •}*7 ing, Dec. £ Tho Thrilling Sensational Melodrama THE SPAN OF LIFE presented with An Entire New Equipment of Beautiful Scenery. THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS ACROBATS. The Donazettas FORMING The Human Bridge, Thirty feet above the stage, over which three people run to safety. Don't MissTK® LiX^au' 01 ' 80See "° YOU SEE THE BRIDOE MADE. YOU SEE THE ESCAPE OVER IT. M usio by DePlerro's Orchestra. PRICES: 25, 35, 50 and 76 Cents, Seats 011 Sale at McMenamin's store three days before date of show. Merry Christmas! -A. GOLD nvEiiisrieL Our SIB,OOO Stock of Fine Tailor-Made Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings must be sold. Two garments for the price of one. Now is your chance to get high grade merchandise at your own figures. Owing to the Strike, Politics and Unf; ivorable Weather, we were unable to dis pose of them as in former seasons. The Selection Is Complete, Fresh and This Season's Production, It will pay you to travel a hundred miles to pur chase at oar store front now until the entire stock is sold. It is needless to say we advertise facts. We never fill your yards and doors with sensational advertisements. We never promised anything we did not fulfill. The working people ha ve dealt with us since we loca ted here, because we don't work the people. We never treated your child, different than we treated you. We have the entire' confidence and patronage of Freeland and vicinity and we deserve it. As a SPECIAL HOXji:D.A.~Sr I^T2D"CrCB2v£E2>TT we offer to all oar patrons: The best pair of Gloves in the house with every Overcoat. J r>- The, finest pair of Shoes or Hat with every Three- Piece Boy's Suit. SuG^ ne I }air Uoy's box calf Shoes with each Boy's A 25c Africa,n Gem Stiul with every Shirt. Fine pair fancy Stockings with every ]>air of Shoes. Silk Umbrella) sterling silver handle, with every ,s'2o purchase. Do not be misled. Reach the old reliable place, where your friends buy and where they bring their friends. Ma. One-Price Clotliii HUB, S. Senie, Prop., Freeland, Pa. BUYERS OF HOLIDAY GOODS are invited to ex amine our lines of Ladies' and Children's Furs, Ladies' Flush Coats, Kid Glove s, Collarettes, and Mufflers for Ladies and Gentlemen. ELEGANT STOCKS OF Dress and Dry Goods, HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, ETC. Daniel Grill Centre Street, near South. Skates at Martin's. All Sl/.os. All Stylos. NICKLE TEA AND COFFEE POTS. OILSTO VES. HANDSOME PARLOR LAMPS, TINWARE, HARDWARE, Etc.. Etc. Stove Repairs a Specialty. W. E. MARTIN, Corner Washington and Front Streets. GEO. KROMMES, dealer in GROCERIES and PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given tor Cash. Birkbock and Wnlnut Streets. POULTRY, FISH AND OYSTERS. CHEAP FOR CASH. GEO. FISHER'S £&. No. 0 Wnlnut Stroet. Wm. Wehrfnan, atclmcialcer. Watches and Clocks for sale, and repairing at all kinds given prompt attention. Centre street, below South. $1.50 PER YEAR. Look at Our Window Display! Handsome Rings for Christmas Gifts ! 600 Different Styles in Opals, Amethysts and all the Very Latest Settings. Suitable for Man, Woman, Boy, Girl or the Baby. We Sell Them at Very Reason able Prices. Call and See the Goods. It is No Trouble to Show Them. Butterwick's, Cor. Centre and Front. ROGERS' SILVERWARE. AMANDUS OSWALD,. dealer iu Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour always in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. A. IT. Cor. Centre and Front St*., Freeland. T7 CAMPBELLr dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES I LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre anil Main st reets, Freeland. CURRT'S ' Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E.J.Curry, South Centre Street.
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