FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XIII. NO. 76. FOR HOLIDAY FOOTWEAR DON'T FORGET Refowlch's Wear Well Clothing and Shoe House Refowich Building, Freeland. Remember the Big Sale. AT LADBACH'S You can get the Finest Con fectionery in the market. We carry large and well as sorted stocks of all grades of Pure Candies and, while are prices are no higher than elsewhere, we guarantee you a better class of goods for the same money. We sell Mixed Candy as low as 4 lbs for 25c. We also have a very com plete stock of High-Grade Candies, including the Fa mous Downey and Nuss Makes. Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! Our Doll department is a perfect paradise for the little ones. Come and see our variety. Come into the store and view them. Not one-tenth of our display can he seen from the outside. Dolls of Every Kind and at prices which will fit everybody's purse. We also have hundreds of other Holi day Novelties, too numer ous to mention in this space. All sorts of Toys and every thing that can make your little one happy can be had AT LAUBACH'S LADIES* AND CHILDREN'S COATS. A very pretty line of these goods to select from. To close out the lot we have marked down the price on all coats in our store. MILLINERY GOODS of every description as low as can be had anywhere in town. Dressmaking of all kinds. MRS. R. THOMPSON, South Centre Street. SLIPPERS FOR HOLIDAYS Anything you may select in Slip pers—or, for that matter Shoes— for holiday remembrances included in our unapproachable stock. Alligator, Seal, Velvet, Black or Brown Vici Kid, In all styles from 50c up. All styles of Felt Slippers and Shoes, both ladies and gentlemen. Jersey Leggins for ladies, girls and children. Fancy Colored Boots for babies. Rubber Goods of every descrip tion at prices which will meet with your approval. Call and see them. You are welcome if you wish to buy or not. STAR SHOE STOEE. u A n Alf Corner Centre and Hugh Malloy, Prop. Walnut Streets. FREELAND, PA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1900. BREVITIES. An infant child of Mr. and Mrs. John McGill, of Scranton, died yesterday. The remains will arrive here tomorrow and will bo buried at St. Ann's ceme tery. Mrs. McGill is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Condy Boyle, North Ridge street. Beatric May, aged o years, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John G. Davis, of the Second ward, died yesterday from pneu monia. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Inter ment at Freeland cemetery. Toys of all kinds at Merkt's. Frank Palmer has resigned his posi tion as mining engineer with G. B. Marklo & Co. After the lirst of the year he will locate at Latrobe, West moreland county. The will of the late William F. Hoch was probated yesterday before Deputy Register H. M. Kuntz in Attorney Carr's oflice. The deceased leaves his entire estate to his wife, who is also named as executrix. Christmas candy at Keiper's. The South Ileberton Sporting Club will hold a shooting contest for turkeys, geese, ducks, etc., at its rooms on Birk beck street on Christmas Day. Charles Dusheck treated several of his friends to a rabbit supper on Wed nesday evening. Toys of all kinds at Merkt's. "All Hail to Santa Clans," a Christ mas cantata, will be produced in the basement of St. John's Reformed church on Monday evening by St. John's Sun day school pupils. The Young Men's Christian Associa tion has received a donation of §4OO from Mrs. Eckley B. Coxe. Christmas trees are sold at Merkt's. F. H. McGroarty, proprietor of the Standard Milk Dairy, is erecting an ice house at the rear of his property on South Centre street. Upwards of forty people will take part in the entertainment of the Good Wills Athletic Association, at the Grand opera house Tuesday eveniug. The participants are rehearsing regularly and have an excellent program pre pared. Christinas tree ornaments at Keiper's. All the schools of the viciuly close this afternoon and will not reopen until January 2. This is the shortest day of the year. Every 25-cent purchase at Daubach's gives you a chance on a handsome doll. Metro Krause, of Upper Lehigh, is receiving treatment at the Miners' hos pital for frozen hands. The injury sustained by Hugh Malloy during his hunting trip a few weeks ago is healing and no further serious results are looked for. Gentlemen, for hats and caps go to A. Oswald. He has a nice variety. The remains of the late Edward F. Gallagher were interred yesterday morn ing at St. Ann's cemetery. The fuueral was attended by many friends and the Tigers Athletic Club. At St. Ann's church a requiem mass was read by Rev. Francis Mack. The pupils of St. Ann's parochial school were made happy today by re ceiving Christmas gifts from their teachers. Candy, nuts, fruits of every descrip tion, etc. at Merkt's. John Steele, who was employed as a gardener by John Markle, of Jeddo, has resigned his position and returned to Philadelphia. The amount of coal shipped to market this month Is expected to exceed the output of any previous December. Help is needed at once when a per son's life is in danger. A neglected cough or cold may soon become serious and should be stopped at once. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures coughs and colds and the worst cases of croup, bronchitis, grippe and other throat and lung troubles. Grover's City drug store. The night school at Upper Lehigh has an enrollment of sixty pupils. Jesse A. Alden is the teacher. A wagon driven by William Govver, of town, was struck by a trolley car Wed- ! negday evening at Harleigh. Gower had the reins wrapped around his hands and was dragged several yards. He was bruised about the body and legs and his face and head were gashed. Ho was brought home and will soon recover. When the stomach is tired out it must have a rest, but wo can't live without food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure "digests what you eat" so that you can eac all the good food you want while It is re storing the digestive organs to health. It is the only preparation that digests all kinds of food. Grover's City drug store. "The Span of Life." That long-lived and remarkable Eng lish melodrama, "The Span of Life," will be presented at the Grand opera house next Thursday evening. The author, Sutton Vane, has written many successful plays including, the "Cotton King" and "Humanity," but none have achieved as lasting a success as "The Span of Life." Whether this be on ac count of its excellent presentation, Its Interesting story or Its unique and mar velous effects, or the human bridge, is difficult to determine. The manage ment, however, in keeping the standard up to the original deserve all the success they achieve. The famous Donazetta 1 trio are, with this present production. j MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS, N< ITICE.—AII persons are hereby oautloned ajrnliist trespassing on the property of the Birkbeck estate, in the Third ward of Freeland borough, under penalty of law. Mrs. William Johnson, Lessee. ROUND THE REGION. A hundred strikers, formerly employ ed in the silk mill of Klots Brothers, at Carbondale, gathered with drums and fifes last night and as the hands who took their planes filed out of the mill set up a terrible racket. Then forming into line they accompanied the working hands through town playing the "Rogues' March." Several fights oc curred, but none of the participants were badly hurt. The strike has been on for over a month. Mrs. Emma Kochinsky was sent to jail yesterday for refusing to keep house for her husband in Shamokiti. She de serted the man and her six children tw weeks ago and fled to Scranton, where she was apprehended on Tuesday. She would not agree to livo with her hus band. who was willing to forgive her. She says she is tired of housekeeping. Owing to poor business the Burrill Comedy Company, which played the first three nights of this week at. Hazle ton, could not realize enough to pay their hotel bill. The. members tried to escape on Wednesday night after the show, but were caught by the landlord. Two hundred delegates, representing District No. D, of the United Mine Workers of America, embracing 150 locals and a membership of 50,000, scattered through Schuylkill, North umberland, Dauphin and Columbia counties, opened a three days' conven tion at Pottsville yesterday. When you need a soothing and heal ing anti-septic application for any pur pose, use the original DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and skin diseases. It heals sores without leaving a scar. Beware of counterfeits. Grover's City drug store. A slate-picking machine, which it is claimed will do as much work as fifty breaker boys, was given a successful test at Pittston yesterday. Michael Graham, a prosperous farmer in Oley valley, attempted to bound a train at White Ilaven yesterday. He fell under the wheels and lost an arm and a leg. The will of the late Lavlna Drum heller, of Conyngham, has been pro bated. She leaves $1 to her son, George W., and the balance of her estate to her daughter, Alice. Don't use any of the counterfeits of DeWitt's Witcli Hazel Salve. Most of them are worthless or liable to cause injury. The original DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve is a certain cure for piles, eczema, cuts, scalds, burns, sores and skin diseases. Grover's City drug store. Mine Workers on Strike. Nine hundred employes of the Max well and No. 5 collieries of the Lehigh and Wilkesbarre Coal Company, at Wilkesbarre, are idle because the 150 breaker boys of each of these mines have gone on strike. The boys struck without the sanction of the union. The employes of No. 10 shaft of the Pennsylvania Coal Company, at Pitts ton, went on strike today. The men claim that too much work is required of them. About 700 hands are Idle. The 300 men employed at the Oxford mine of the Peoples Coal Company, at Scranton. went on strike today because they had not been given the 10 per cent increase agreed upon at the time the miners' strike ended. The strike at the collieries of the Kingston Coal Company has been settled. Both sides made concessions. The em ployes won the semi-monthly pay and a check-weigh man at the breakers. Verdict of the Jury. The coroner's jury which was em paneled to ascertain the cause of the death of Joseph Bresenski, who was shot last Saturday evening, met in the ofiice of Deputy Coroner Bowman last even ing. Dr. Deardorff, who made the post mortem examination, testified that there was but one shot fired. The bullet, flattened by contact with the skull bone, , was produced, but owing to its shape the calibre could not be ascertained. After a short deliberation the follow ing verdict was rendered by the jury: "That Joseph Brezenski came to his death from a pistol shot, fired by Thomas Boyle." Independent Operators Win. Members of the Anthracite Coal Operators' Association who have re turned from New York say that the new contracts were offered by the transpor tation companies and accepted. The 05 per cent rate, for which the independents have contended for years and which they vigorously demanded when the deal of the big companies "to , settle the strike was on, has been , granted. The independents are also to have better treatment in the matter of allotment and car service. Train Newsboy Must Go. The newsboy, once an important fac tor on railway passenger trains, is grad ually becoming a thing of the past, and before long is destined to disappear en tirely. Following the lead of the Penn sylvania Railroad, which several years , ago excluded the newsboy from thoir main line trains, others followed, not ably the Lehigh Valley, and now comes the announcement that a number of the Western lines will exclude him from their trains after January 1. 1901. Damaged by Cave-in. The surface over the workings of the old Seneca mine, in the upper part of Pittston, caved in yesterday morning, j Miners had been robbing pillars which ■ weakened the surface. The foundation I of houses owned by Frank T. Patterson, W. T. Toole, Sachs and Brown, James T. Davis and William Foltz were some what damaged. A water main was also | cracked and broken by the dropping of j the ground. The cave-in covered an I area of nearly two acres, PERSONAL. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Gallagher and Joseph Gallagher, of Wilkesbarro, and Miss Ilanuah Gallagher, of Philadel phia. attended the funeral of Edward F. Gallagher yesterday. Calvin Albert, of Cornell university, and Howard Albert, of Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, will spend Christ mas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Albert. Thomas Campbell, of Villauova col lege, is home for the holidays. William Lawlor, of Holy Cross college, Worcester, Mass., is spending his Christ mas vacation here with his mother. William Crawford, of Newport News, Va.. is visiting Freeland relatives. Miss Jennie Bacbman, a student at Bloomsburg normal school, is home for the holidays. Mrs. 11. C. Koons has returned from a visit to Philadelphia. James Gallagher and family removed this week from Adams street to Drifton. Councilman Daniel Kline and Roger Dever are home from Dickinson law school, Carlisle. Owen Fritzlnger is confined to his home on Johnson street with a severe attack of rheumatism. William F. Gallagher, of East Hart ford, Conn., came to Freeland yesterday to attend the funeral of tho late Edward F. Gallagher. Jerry McGinley, of East Stroudsburg normal school, is home on a short vaca tion. John Gallagher is seriously ill at the home of his sister, Mrs. David Hanlon, on Adams street. PLEASURE. December 25.—Fair for benefit of St. Mary's Catholic church at Eckley. December 25.—Entertainment of Good Wills Athletic Association at Grand opera house. Admission, 10, 20, 30 cents. December 25. —Shooting match under auspices of South Ileberton Sporting Club at club rooms on Birkbeck street. December 31.—Twentieth Century Ball of Tigers Athletic Club at Yannes' opera house. Admission, 50 cents. Accident on Stripping. David Shanno, of North Washington struct, employed on a stripping at Upper Lehigh, was injured today by. being struck by rocks from a dynamite blast. Ills face was severely cut, requiring several stitches. He was also badly hurt about the body. The young man was brought to the home of ills father, Leopold Shan no. Fell Down Steps. Mrs. William Slattory, Sr., who has been a sufferer from rheumatism for some time past, missed her footing yes terday morning at tho head of tho stairs in her home on South street and fell down the steps. So far it is not known if any bones are fractured, but her body is severely bruised and the accident will give her much pain for several weeks to come. Pastor of Polish Church. Rev. Joseph Servatko has been ap pointed pastor of St. Kasimer's Polish Catholic church by Bishop ilohan, of Scranton. Rev Servetko cntnes from Pleasant Valley, Illinois. He will cele brate mass hero next Sunday at 9 and 11 a. in. Awarded a Gold Medal. Miss Delia O'Neill was the recipient of a handsome gold modal at the closing exercises of St. Ann's parochial school today from her toacher, Sister M. Stanislaus, for being excellent in her studies, attendance and conduct. Now is the time when croup and lung troubles prove rapidly fatal. The only harmless remedy that produces im mediate results is One Minute Cough Cure. It is very pleasant to take and can be relied upon to quickly cure coughs, colds and all lung diseases. It will prevent consumption. Grover's City drug store. It was announced in political circles and from a reliable source that Harry Hayworth, assemblyman-elect, had pledged himself to Ah Hay not to go into the Quay caucus. The news has created quite a stir among tho friends of tho "Old Man."—Sentinel. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeland Opera House Co., Lessees. Thursday Even ing, Dec. i The Thrilling Sensational Melodrama, THE SPAN OF LIFE presented with An Entire New Equipment of Beautiful Scenery. THE WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS ACROBATS. The Donazettas FORMING The Human Bridge, Thirty feet above the stage, over which three people run to safety. TWi'f TUT ice The Great Lighthouse Scene JJUU I jyilSSThe Living Span! YOU SEE THE BItIDGE MADE. YOU SEE THE ESCAPE OVER IT. PRICES: 25, 35, 50 and 75 Cents. Scuts o-i Sale at McMonumiu's store three days before date of show. Merry Christinas! .A. GOLD nvniisriE : Our SIB,OOO Stock of Fine Tailor-Made Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings must be sold. Two garments for the price of one. Now is your chance to get high grade merchandise at your own figures. Owing to the Strike, Politics and Unfavorable Weather, we were unable to dis pose of them as in former seasons. The .Selection Is Complete, Fresh and This Season's Production. It will pay you to travel a hundred miles to pur chase at our store from now until the entire stock is sold. It is needless to say we advertise facts. We never fill your yards and doors with sensational advertisements. We never promised anything we did not fulfill. The working people have dealt with us since we located here, because we don't work the people. We never treated your child different than we treated you. We have the entire confidence and patronage of Freeland and vicinity and we deserve it. As a SPECIAL I3STID"CTC!E3V£E3SrT we off er to all our patrons: The best pair of Gloves in the house with every Overcoat. J The finest pair of Shoes or Hat with even/ Three- Piece Buy s Suit. A fine pair of Boy's box calf Shoes with each Boy's A 25e African Gem Stud with every Shirt. Fine pair fancy Stockings with every pair of Shoes. A good Silk Umbrella, sterling silver handle, with every S2O purchase. Do not be misled. Reach the old reliable place, where your friends buy and where they bring their friends. Flils. (Write (Mil Hoist, S. Senie, Prop., Freeland, Pa. BUYERS OE HOLIDAY GOODS are invited to ex amine our lines of Ladies' and Children's Furs, Ladies' Plush Coats, Kid Gloves, Collarettes, and Mufflers for Ladies and Gentlemen. ELEGANT STOCKS OF Dress and Dry Goods, HOLIDAY NOVELTIES, ETC. Daniel Grill Centre Street, near South. Skates at Martin's. All Sizes. All Stylos. NICKLK TEA AND COFFEE DOTS. OILSTO VES. HANDSOME PARLOR LAMPS, TINWARE, HARDWARE, Etc., Etc. Stove Repairs a Specialty. W. E. MARTIN, Corner Washington and Front Streots. GEOTKROMES, dealer in GROCERIES arxd. PROVISIONS. Rebate Checks Given for Cash. Ilirklicck and Walnut Street.. POULTRY, FISH™ AND OYSTERS. CHEAP FOU CASH. GEO. FISHER'S nIWZr. No. 6 Walnut Street. Wm. Wehrman, "W atclinaainer. Watches and Clocks for sale, and repairing of all kinds given prompt attention. Centre stroet, below South. $1.50 PER YEAR, Look at Our Window Display! Handsome Rings for Christmas Gifts ! 600 Different Styles in Opals, Amethysts and all the Very Latest Settings. Suitable for Man, Woman, Boy, Girl or the Baby. We Sell Them at Very Reason able Prices. Call and See the Goods. It is No Trouble to Show Them. Butterwick's, Cor. Centre and Front. ROGERS' SILVERWARE. AMANDUS OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL BUTTER AND EGGS. A celebrated brand of XX flour alwayß in stock. Latest Hats and Caps. All kinds of household utensils. F. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sts. , Freeland. T. CAMPBELL, ~ dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES M LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets. Freeland. CURRY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions arc among the finest sold in Freeland. Send a sam ple order and try them. E. J, Curry, South Centre Street.
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