"It is an HI Wind That Blows Nobody Good.'' ,That small ache or pain or weakness is the "ill wind" that directs your attention lo the necessity of purifying your blood by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Then your whole body receives good, for the purified blood goes tingling to every organ, h is the remedy for all ages and both sexes. No Damage That 3, Could Mae. • Magistrate—"You are charged with running over an olu ladv while scoroh lng. What have you to say in regard to this awful accident?" Defendant —"Awful accident? Why, a little thing like that doesn't hurt a good bicycle like mine is!" —Stray Storleg. Nave the Nickels. Prom saving, comes having. Ask jour grocer how you can save 15c by investing 50. He can tell yon just how you oan get one large 10c package of "Bed Cross" starch, one large 10c package of "Hubinger's Best" staroh, with the premiums, two beautiful Shakespeare panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth Century Girl Calendar, all for sc. Ask your grooer for this starch and obtain these beautiful Chxiatmas presents free. DRIFTINCI BOTTLES. Olvs Valaabl. Xarormatlon as ta th. Ocean Currents. Washington Spec. Baltimore Sun: Some valuable Information respecting ocean currents has been obtained by the Naval Hydrographlc office through floating bottles thrown overboard by steamers and recovered by passing ships, which report the exact points at which they were found. Frequently the bottles are picked up and again tossed overboard after the latitude and longitude and the number of the bottle have been noted, so that the office In Washington may know the direotlon taken by the bottle since put Into the sea or last sighted by some vessel. In this way the direction It has drafted and the strength of the current can be accurately estimated. There are some recent returns which show that bottles have floated thousands of miles, and one has a record of covering 2,400 miles In 92 days. This bottle was tossed overboard from the steamship Furst Bismarck on May 1, 1898, about 350 miles southeast of Cape Race, and re covered on August 1 In the vicinity of Gluck stadt, on the Elbe. The dis tance between the two points, follow ing the route through the English Channel, is about 2,400 miles, giving 26 miles as the lowest possible estimate of the daily average velocity with which the bottle traveled eastward. The longest distance made by any bot tle was one thrown from the steam ship Electrician, which covered 6,300 miles in a little over three years, or an average of nearly six mtle3 a day. An other bottle traveled 6,000 miles In 671 days, or an average of eight knots, while another made 6,000 miles In 327 days, or an average of 15.3 knots a day. Another good record for a bottle is 300 miles In 16 days, or an average of 18.S knots a day. In conducting its experi ments the navy department has had the co-operation of the Russian gov ernment, which on the cruises of two of Its vessels had thrown In the sea 703 bottlee, of which 30 have been re covered and reported. Taken collec tively, the paths followed by these floating bottles give a good idea of the drift currents of the North Atlantic. The motion of the waters aeems to be weeterly, as is evident by the destina tion of the numerous bottles cast adrift between Madeira and Cape San Roque, all of which ultimately found their way to the Windward Islands, the Ba hamas or to the western shores of the Gulf of Mexico. MRS. PINKHAM says that irritability indicates disease. Women who are nervous and snappish are to be pitied. Their homes are uncomfortable; their dis positions grow constantly worse. Such women need the coun sel and treatment of a woman who understands the peculiar troubles of her sex. aa a MRS. ANNA E. HALL, Of Mill— EwEal m -U/l m dale, Conn., was all run down in ■Ma a aaaaMfaa health and had* completely lost M wkLKS WW MM mm control of her nerves. She wrote - —— MM to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass., wwUbwMEN for advice. Now she writes: — "I wish to thank you for what your Vegetable Compound has done for me. It has helped me more than anything else. I suffered for a long time with ner. vousness, pains in back and limbs and falling of the womb; also had neuralgia in my head and could not sleep. I told my husband that some to all my friends and never ham's Vegetable Compound was entirely cured. I take great pleasure in writing this to you and would be pleased to be Interviewed by any one who is afflicted with that distressing complaint. lam very grateful to you." Don't Need Another. : Lady Traveler—Allow me to detain you one moment, sir. I have here a ! neat and pretty little letter-opener— very handy. Gent (interrupting)—So have I —at home. I'm a married man, j you see! Like Finding IVToney. The use of the Endless Chain Starch Book in the purchase of "Red Cross" and "Hubinger's Best" starch, makes it just like finding money. Why, for only 5o you are enabled to get one large 10c package of "Red Cross" starch, one large 10c package of "Hubinger's Best" starch, with the premiums, two Shakespeare panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors, or one Twentieth Ceatury Girl Calendar, emboeeed in gold. Ask your grooer for this starch and obtain the beauti ful Christmas presents free. Kata Undermined It. An extraordinary occurrence happen ed the other day In Brussels. A milk woman with her cart, drawn by two dogs, waa passing through a street In the center of the city, when of a sud den the roadway opened and the cart and dogs disappeared. Investigation ■bowed that the roadway had been un dermined by rats, which swarm In the neighborhood. *• Our. Constipation Towers o^S9f s . c^f ets Candy Cathartic lOoorffie. u u U. U. fall to cure, druggists refund money. After the recent thunderstorms in England thousands of dead eels were found near Sandwich, floating In the Delf river. ■mt Tobacco Spit tad Hooka Toar Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netlo. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. Ail druggists, 50c or 1. Cure guaran teed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. Chicago or New York. Cheap Water In Glasgow. In Glasgow a 376 householder ob tains for 31.42 per annum a continuous, never failing, unrestricted stream of the purest water In the world delivered right Into his kitchen, wash-house and bath-room. It Is calculated that 380 gallons of pure water are delivered to the citizens of Glasgow for every penny paid. And It is water of such peculiar softness that the householders of Glasgow can pay their water rate out of what they save on soap. Loch Katrine water Is not only soft—lt Is remarkably bright, clear and free from vegetable matter because of the bare and precipitous character of the hills which drain into the loch. It is uni form In color, temperature and qual ity, Is absolutely free from pollution, and must remain so because the corpo ration have now bought up the build ing rights of the whole drainage area; it needs no filtration and Is practically unafTected by the change of seasons.— Engineer Magazine. A Prince*. Dilemma. The German emperor likes to study the characters of his gyoup of small sons, and to that end has given them a room next to the one used for busi ness purposes for himself. A certain great scientific man, having on one occasion an interview with the em peror, left his hat In the adjoining vestibule. There the little brothers discovered it; aud the crown prince, explaining to the younger ones that "papa" sometimes sat on his opera hat and it came all right again, proceded to give a practical Illustration of this statement, to the ruin of the beaver. The emperor's door suddenly opened and "papa" and the professor appeared. Like a manly little fellow the crown prince owned up, apologized to the laughing professor and went oft to buy for the old gentleman a new hat with his small pocket change. A Terrible Revenge. Tom—"So that rich heiress reftwed you?" Jack —"Yes, but I got even. I married her mother."—New York Journal. ON THE KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS CIEANSES THE SYSTEM CO JFE^EAJSFFE^ OVERCOMES WeWHST.WT.ON WMU PERMANENTLY ""■"UK*** BUT THE (CNUINt-MAN'FD By GUFVRNIAPC.SVRVP® +*'i &!*<• ►" ?A*U*. C 'S^ fOBSAUYAUOKIMCt9TS F*U SOt KRMniL Sour Stomach " After I was induced to try CABCA BETI, 1 will never be without them in the house. My livr was in a very bad Bhape. and my head ached and 1 had stomach trouble. Now. since tak lUK Cascarets, I feel fine. My wife has also used tbeni with beneficial results for sour stomach." JOB- KKKHLINU. 1921 Congress St., St. Louis, Mo. M CATHARTIC HLQCQLUFE TRADEMARK RIOtT|WKO n Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do 9ood, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe, 10c, 26c. 50c. ... CURE CONBTIPATION. ... Itrrllng lirm.Jy (U-p.DJ, ( kK.FO. Montreal, New Trfc. 118 M .TA.lt IP Sold and guaranteed by all drug. I U'DNv gists to CIJKE Tobacco Habit. W. L. DOUGLAS $3&53.5Q BHOEB J,"' t Worth $4 to $6 compared with other makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES name and price stamped on bottom. Take no Rubstltuto claimed to he os good. Largest makers of S3 and 53.50 shoes in the world. Your dealer should keep them—lf not, we will send you a pair on receipt of prlco. State kind of leather, size and width, plain or cap toe. Catalogue C Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brockton, Mast. CARTER'S INK No household can afford to be ►- without it-Every household can afford to have it. nPODQV NEW DIBGOVBRY;fives 1/B% \/1 CB ¥ quick relisf and oures worst CBSM. Book of testimonials and 10 days' treatment tree. Dr. H. H. OKIER'S ONO. Bos B, Atlanta, Qs. Catarrh Cannot t>e Cured With local applications,asthoy cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or Constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Ca tarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It wh9 prescribed by one of the best physicians in tliis country for years, and is a regular pre scription. It is composed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood puri fiers. acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredi ents is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials, froo. F. J. CHENEY <fc Co., Props., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, price, 75c. Hall's Family P ills aro the best. The constantly increasing business of the Baltimore and Ohio Kailroad has necessitated very material additions to the telegraph service. During the past year nearly 2,000 miles of copper wire, 166 pounds to the mile, have been strung. New lines have been placed in service between Baltimore and Pitts burg, Baltimore and Parkersburg, Newark, 0., to Chicago, Philadelphia to Newark, Philadelphia to Cumberland and Cumberlnd to Grafton. During the summer several of these wires were quadruplexed between Baltimore and Cumberland and duplexed west. Like all new Baltimore and Ohio work, the lines are constructed in the best possible manner. In Great Britain there are 7,340,096 houses of all kinds. As the popualtion is about 40,000,000, this gives Ave per sons and, say, a baby to each house. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin to-day to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sidcly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets,—-beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 60c. There are two hospitals for lepers in this coutry, one in New Orleans and one in San Francisco. Each contains about 35 patients. Bow Are Yonr Kidneys V Dr. Hobbs'Sparagtui Pills cure all kidney ills. Saw. pie free. Add. Sterling Remedy Co.. Chicago or N. Y. As early as September orders were placed In Wisconsin for 50,000 Christ inas trees, to be shipped East. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treaties free. Dr.R.H.KLiNE,Ltd.93I Arch St.Phila.Pa. H.H.GREEN'S SONS, of Atlanta. Ga., are the only successful Dropsy Specialists in the world. See their liberal offer in advertisement in another column of this paper. I could not get along without Pi BO'S Cure for Consumption. It always cures.—Mrs. E. C. MOULTON, Needham, Mass.. October 22,1894. r^MKFAgffIOMI |§ Designs For Costume? That Have Be- 1| come Popular in the Metropolis. r D \\ OS* 0S& !. U Ctvh A SH LfZtl NEW YOKE CITY (Speoial).—The dressmakers, the tailors, furriers and milliners are enjoying daily confer ences with their clients, and the worn- THE QLYMPIA. en are rapidly coming forth in smart, fresh fineries. One ef (.their first responsibilities was to provide themselves with the proper sort of walking 'hat, and the MODEL JOB A CLOTH OOWM. struggle has been to arrive at a com promise between the article that would appear advantageously on the street and yet mark a decided departnrefrom the hard qnill and crown band habit of last season. A single plume from the old gray goose's tail, stuck inde pendently through the crown of a slouch felt, is not the approved idea now. A green, or gray, or brown felt with a bent-edge brim and a stiff "bowler" crown seems to be the tri umphant one of many shapes and as might be expected it has been desig nated patriotically by the name of Ad miral Dewey's flagship, the Olympia. There is nothing nautical about the "Olympia." It iB wound about the base of its brim with a scarf of dark liberty silk and this comes to a loose knot in front, in the folds of which the quill ends of two long, soft composite plumes are made fast. Of well-dyed barnyard fowl feathers these plumes are made, mottled white down the cen ter, and <fchey are so arranged as to droop softly to one side. Into the lib erty silk knot a fancy strass pin is in troduced, and this is a happy contrast to the unbecoming cowboyish headgear that all womenkind that adopted it during the summer should remember with a blush. A great many patronesses of the Olympia wear the easy-fitting hat on hair dressed low at the back of the head and a strap of elastio, not skewer pins, is used to keep the felt in its place. The Evary-Day Gown. The shops are filled with the new dress goods, and what to buy and how to have it made is the absorbing topio with the sunbrown shoppers. For the every-day gown which must stand hard wear, such as is illustrated in the large engraving, the reversible Harris tweeds are highly recommend ed. The best quality comes fifty-six inohes wide and costs 32.75 a yard. It is sold in all the new attractive shades, with a real Scottish clan plaid for the reverse side of the oloth. When these double-faced tweeds are used fcr a skirt and coat costume, no lining i is reqnired and the lapels, caffs and collar of the coat are made of the plaid. Camel's hair cheviot is extremely fashionable this year. It can be found in dashing plaids, and in indistinct plaids of mingled dull artistic colors. Then there are attraotive half-inoh oheck cheviots and these crossed with narrow stripes. Oraphite gray and the browns and blues are usually the foundation shades of these cheviots and the lines whioh run through them are generally automobile red, vivid green, orange yellow and beige. The Long Ulster. A little later on and we will be criti cising the usefulness and beauty of the long-skirted ulster that fits the body olose and has a trifle of fnllness in the rear, where a strap spanß the base of the spine and is glorified by a large silver buckle. Long cloth ulsters in the colder weather will be used with capelets of bear's fur that are short on the shoulders, high in the collar, but almost reaching the feet in front in two stole ends. The opera mantles, so far as they have allowed their charms to be viewed, are buautifnl in the extreme. They are lonp, of coarse, carry large lace hoods a la Bra tonne made of heavy lace lined with colored silk mUßlin, and in order to gain a de sired width at the shoulders the silk, satin or damask skirts of the coat hang from wide yokes of lace over satin and this yoke is edged by a deep bertha frill. One of the most commendable of the new wraps in fur is a cape ool lar having broad ends falling to or be low the waist line and made of the THE NEW CI.STER. tails of brown bear, so called by fur riers who would like all animals to possess symmetrical salable taiU. BUBBLES. With their pipes, and with a pan In the housework, as in play, Filled with soap-suds pure and strong, Tenderest skin or frailest lace Little maid and little man Washed with Ivory day by day Play with bubbles all day long. Is not harmed the slightest trace. No chapped hands will worry mother — Half the housewife's care and troubles No stained clothes; they play secure; In the cleaning work befall; Ivory Soap, unlike all other, Common soap the mischief doubles— Cannot hurt, because 'tis pure. Ivory Soap prevents it all. COPYRIGHT MM BY THE PROCTER ft GAMBLE CO. OIMCINNATI THE WORLD'S COLDEST PLACE. Kuatao Ifamlet un Vau River Hold! That Distinction. From the Philadelphia Press: Ver cbolausk Is considered to be the cold sat place in the world. It is a small collection ot native log houses, plant ed near to, but not on, the Yana river. The street, It so it may be called, ex tends on either side of a narrow sheet ot water, a kind ot creek formed by the autumn overflow of the Yana, and which in winter forms a froxen prom enade or driving place for sleds. It is a dreary place enough. The summer lasts only four months, and during the I other eight of the year it is bitterly cold, the thermometer sometimes indi cating 86 degrees below zero, and it sel dom goes above 60 degrees until April 30. Corn will not grow in this desolate region. Barley and oats have been sown, but have always succumbed to the early frosts. Of vegetables, there are only the radish and the turnip, with, perhaps an occasional and very precarious crop of potatoes. Cabbages all run to leaf. The ground rarely thaws, even during the hot season, be yond twelve or eighteen inches deep and in places much exposed to the heal never beyond a yard. Most of the dwellings are Rakut huts, built of tlx trees against a square framework and covered thickly with mud to keep oul the cold. Margherlta'fl Fondness for White. Queen Margherlta is passionately fond of white, and wears it more than anything else. One day she asked the king if he thought she was glowing too old to wear white dresses. The king replied that he would like to think the matter over. In the course of a week the queen received a note from her royal husband, saying that his answer would be found In the ac companying box. The box contained three beautiful white dresses. Rat Worth navmr. Bir Jung Bahadur, the prime minis ter to the king of Nepaul, has a hat made of diamonds worth over 32,600,- 000, and perched on top is a single ruby of incalculable value. piy I Dizzy? Then your liver isn't I I acting well. You suffer from bilious- I I ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills bet I I directly on the liver. For 60 years I I the Standard Family Pill. Small I I doses cure. 25c. All druggists. I Want jour moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black ? Then use BUCKINGHAM'S DYEJMSr. HOLIDAY GIFTS •FOR ALL- The first fiye persons procuring the Endless tjligifl starch (look from their grocer, will each obtain one large 10c. package of "Red Cross" Starch", ole large 10c. package of "Hiiblnjcer's Best" starch, two Shakespeare panels, printed in twelve beautiful colors, as natural as life, or one Twentieth Century Gill the iiuest of its kind ever printed, all absolutely free. All others procuring the Endless Chain Starch Hook, will obtain from'their grocer the above goods for sc. "Red Cross" Laundry Starch is something entirely new, and is without doubt the greatest invention of the Twentieth Century. It has no equal, anu surpasses all others. It has won for itself praise from all parts of the United States. It has superceded everything heretofore used or known to science in the laundry art. It is made from wheat, rice and corn, and chemically prepared upon scientific principles by J. C. Hublnger, Keokuk) lowa, au expert in the laundry profession, who has had twentv-five years' practical experience infancy laundering, and who was the first successful and original inventor of all fine grades of starch in the United States. Ask you* grocers foj this Stgrch and obtjiin tbaae beautiful Christmas prcscyts free. Merchandise imports into France dur ing July decreased 122,000,000 francs - from 1898. or $24,400,000. Exports in creased 88,700,000 francs, or $17,740,000. fldneate Tour Bowels Wltli Ctiertn> Onndy Cathartic, care constipation forever, toe, 26c. It C.C.C. fail* druggists refund money. French Studying German. It Is said that the study of German is increasing in France, while the study of English is on the decline. In thei Ecole des Sciences Politiques, in Paris, where diplomats are trained, many more study German than English. Many young Frenchmen are now being sent to Germany and Austria instead I of England to get acquainted with ths language of the victors of 1870. In & Paris lycee 143 students study German to 34 English. In another school ths proportion of German to English is 500 to 188. In the Marseilles gymna sium two-thirds study German, one third English. It Is believed that this French interest in German will have a powerful influence in the commerce and politics of the world in the next generation. a Ccmgh or Cold at inj Conquers Croup without fail. IQI M Is the best for Bronchitis, Grippe, R3 U Hoarseness, Whooping-Cough. ana l 4 for the care of Consumption. f-'| fTf Mothers praise it. l>octors prescribe it. |ul LU fr™ o ' l doses; quick, sure results. Wellington VisiMe Typewriter "" Writing. No. 2 Equal to any machine. Superior to all in important features. GUARANTEED. Made by Williams Mfg. Co., Montreal, P. Q., Can. Second-hand typewriters and type writ tr supplies. Send ror catalogue. F. A. HAYKK, 337 Fourth Ave , Pittsburg, Fa. COUGH Prevents Uo£Bi KILLER All Druggists. 25c. WANTED Energetic man as County Su perintendent to manage our business In your own and adjoining counties; no can vassing; straight salary, fcIK.OO per week and expenses. Yearly contract, rapid promotion. Exceptional opportunity. Address Manufar box 733. Philadelphia, Penn. I ASTHMA POSITIVtLY CURED. f'KOSII V'S SWEDISH ASTIIJIA LURE does this. A trial i a kage mail'd tree. COLLINS BROS. .M MUCIN K CO., ST. Loom, MO. Or. Ricord's Essence of Life * n ~ t h l ?ft.sS ard, ne'er-falling remedy for all cases of nervous, mental, physical debility, loe vitality aud pye> mature decay in both sexes; positive, permanent cure; full treatment 6, or #1 a Untie; stamp for circular. J. JACQUES. Agent. 176 Broadway, N. Y. MILWn MIL ErSS II for Railway Mail, Postal, Custom House, etc. Send for particulars. CIVIL SERVICE fCHOOL. I Thompson's Eye Water nucnu ATIGU CTTKFD- Sample bottle, 4 days' KntUIVIA llom treatment, postpaid. ID oente, *'ALIIAMDR RIMIUT CO.. ate Greenwich St., M.Y, P. N. U. 43 '99 tfcBMMF# 1 C Best Cough Syrup. Tattles Good. tec P|
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers