FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XII. NO. 30. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. February 5, 1899. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 6 20 a ni for Weatherly, Munch Chunk, AUentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Plttston and Seruntou. 8 20 a in for Weatherly, Muuch Chunk, Al lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel phia, New York and liazleton. 9 33 a in for liazleton, Maliauoy City, 81ieu andoah, .fit. Curmel, Shaniokin and Potts ville. I 1 45 u m for Sandy Run, White llaven, Wilkes-Barre, Seranton and all points West. 4 30 pin for liazleton, Muhanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Curmel, Shainokin and Pottsvllle. 6 34 P m for Sandy Run, White Haven, wilkes-Barre and Seranton. 7 27 P ui for liazleton, Muhanoy City, Sheu uudouli, Mt. Curmel, Shumokiu. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 20 a in from Ashlund, Shenandoah Mutiu uoy City and liazleton. 7 40 a ni from Pottsvllle, Ashlund, Shenau douh, Muhanoy City and Huzlctou. 9 17 a m from Philadelphia, Easton, Bethle hem, AUentown, Muuch Chunk, Weath erly, Huzlctou, Muhuuoy City, Shenan doah, Alt. Curmel and shaniokin. 9 33 u m from Seruntou, Wilkes-Barre aud White Haven. II 45 a m from Pottsvllle, Shainokin, Mt. Carinel, Sheuuudouh, Muhanoy City and Huzleton. 4 30 p m from Seruntou, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 0 34 p m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Potts vllle, Shainokin, Mt. Curmel, Shenan doah, Muhanoy City and Huzleton. 7 27 P ni lroin Seranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. KOLLLN 11. WlLßUß,General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen'l Pass. Agent. 80CortlandtStreet, New York City. HPILE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND A SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18. 1897. Trains leuve Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and liazleton Junction at 6 30,0 00 am, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drilton for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhiekeu and Deringer at 6 :W, 0 (JO a m, daily except Sunday; and 703 a in, 2 38 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Ilarwood Roud, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at 000 a in, daily except Sun day; aud 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave liazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 035 a at, daily except Sunday; aud 8 53 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Roud, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shcppton at 0 32, 1110 um,441 pm, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a in, 3 11 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhick n, Cran berry, Harwood, Huzleton Junction and Roan at 2 2.\ 5 40 p m, daily except Sunday; aud :• 37 a m, 6 07 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for Oneida, Humboldt Roud, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Huzle ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 am, 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; und 8 11 a in, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazlc Brook, Eckley, Jeddo ami Drifton at 5 22 p in, daily, except Suuday; and H 11 a in, 3 44 p iu, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 020 pin, daily, except Sunday; und 10 10 a m, 5 40 p ni, Sunday. All truitis connect at Hazleton Junction with electric cars lor Hazleton, J canes ville, Auden ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 0 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, Ilarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction and Der inger, a train will leave the former point at 350 p in, dally, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 (X) p m. UJTHER C. SMITH. Superintendent. A, $2.75 P-QX-RAIN c< ?AT %. 'T A RKUI'LAK *S.(M) WATKHFHOOF BIAt'KIXTOSII I'OU $2.75. Jfcfr Send No Money. f\.)\ T\ Htulo your bright and weight, state /. ' **< 1 \ "Umber of Indies around liody at Ml fv U I \ lrrm.t token over vent under coat £L/r Y tj close up under arms, and wo will I '4 send you this coat by express, C. O. Y'}! r;J- [f preMofllee and If found exactly ;>L J n rc# n3 represented and the most won- CR I. LiJ dorful vuluo you ever BUW or heard Rig'-' of and equal to any coatyoucan buy Bli 'J, '* V for 15.00, pajr the oxprru agent oar special *. / offer prlro,, und express churges. < THIS MACKINTOSH is latest Mil lßWutyle, inadofroin hrarjr walarproof, &}!■• •..-*! trwi color, irrtiulno Da*lCoerl€lolh|xtra l< • ; j long, double breasted, Sagcr velvet Ilvß ' collar, fancy pluld lining, waterproof Wi''V " B ewtMb strapped and seajm^ 'f. by °us'or°ntfy other house. ForFrra \B-" ( loth Simple* of Men's Mackintoshes up to is.OO, and Made-to-Measuro Hulls nnd Overcoats nt from 15.U0 to 110.00, write for Fra. SEARS'''ROEBUCK 4 CO., CHICAGO, ILL. (Scars, Iloi huck * to. aro thoroughly reliable.— Editor.) P. F. McNULTY, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Embalming of female corpses performed exclusively by Mrs. P. F. McNulty. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. Headache for Forty Years. For forty years I suffered from sick head ache. A year ago 1 began using Celery King. The result was gratifying and surprising, my headaches leaving at once. The head aches used to return every seventh day, but thanks to Celery King, I have had but one headache in the last eleven months, i know that what cured me will help others.—Mrs. John I>. Van Keuren,Rangertles, N. Y. Celery K ing cures Constipation and all dis eases of the Nerves, Stomach, Li ver aud K id xieys. Hold by druggists. 25c. and 50c. 2 BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Sjnnphln of T. #cnl and Miscellaneous Oc currence- Flint ( an He Read Quickly. What tho Folks of This and Other Towns Are I)oin_'. William Doggett a "d James Quinn, of Philadelphia, aro visiting here. Now delivery wagons have been placed on the road by A. Oswald and M. Leichtman. Goods at your own price at Berner's auction Friday and Saturday nights. No. 5 colliery, Jeddo, was thrown idlo yesterday by tho breaking of the main screen shaft in the breaker. Miss Rose Gillespie, accompanied by Miss Mary MeGill, of Wilkesbarre, is attending to business in New York city. St. Ann's band will reopen its dancing school at Yannes' opera house on Satur day evening. Mrs. J. C. O'Donnoll, of Main street, left on Tuesday for Bayonne City, where her daughter, Mrs. Anthony O'Donoell, is seriously ill. Louis Bagger fc Co., patent attorneys, Washington, D. C., report that on Tues day G. T. Brown, Esq., of Freeland, obtained a valuable patent for improve ments in cyclometers. The Young Men's Temperance Corps conducted a ball at Yannes' opera house Tuesday evening which was a social and financial success. The attendance was largo and tho enterprising com mittees gave them plenty of amusement. Carloads of new fall goods at Nou- Burger's. Read opening announcement on fourth page. Michael Kearns, of McAdoo, who has gained considerable notoriety in that section as a listic artist, will on Satur day evening meet Waltor Edgarton, of Philadelphia, better known to the ring as tho "Kentucky Rosebud." The affair will be pulled off in McAdoo hall. Tho first of tho series of entertain ments to bo given this season under the auspices of the Mining and Mechanical Institute will bo held next Thursday evening, when the Cecilian Ladies' Quartette and Edwin R. Weeks, tenor and impersonator, will appear here. A. Oswald sells Dolicatesso Baking Powder at 5c per pound can. Every can is guaranteed as to its purity. Give it a trial. Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has issued for free distribution to patrons a folder, containing a time schedule for trains and a guide to the city of Now York. Purchasers of tickets for Now York from the Lehigh Valley agents may procure this guide book gratis. PLEASURE CALENDAR. October 27? Second annual ball of Good Wilis Athletic Association at Yan nes' opera house. Admission, 50 cents. T. CAMPBELL, dealer iu Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PURE WINES $ LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Muin streets, Freeland. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CIIOICE BREAD OF ALL KINDS, CAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKES BAKED TO ORDER. Confectionery'S Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Delivery and supply wagons to all parts oj town and surroundings every day. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in Liquors, Wines, Cigars, Etc. FOB A GLASS OF FRESH BEER, PORTER OR ALE eull at NO. 0 EAST WALNUT STREET. ZPIRIHSTTIHSTG- Promptly Done ut the Tribune Office. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1899. Where Freeland'a Soldiers Are. Froeland is still well represented in the Philippines, as the following boy 9 of town are yet in service in and around Manila: John Conaghan, John Ryan and Michael Zetnatiy, of the Sixth ar tillery; Charles Dinn, of the Third cavalry; William J. Schmidt, of the Twelfth infantry; Patrick Boyle, of the Seventeenth; Thomas Welsh and John J. Warklot, of the Nineteenth, and John O'Donnoll, of the Twenty-first. Guy Sonsenbach is with the Second artillery in Cuba. Others from this vicinity who aro serving Uncle Sam in the East are: Frank Lester, Sandy Run; Daniel Quigloy, Jeddo, and Reuben Mochamer, Eckley. Discharged Soldiers Welcomed. The discharged soldiers of the Eigh teenth regular infantry were given a rousing welcome home at liazleton Mon day evening. One of the largest crowds that ever assembled on the streets in that city was prosent and their enthu siasm was boundless. The Citizens' band of town and Eckley Junior band took part in the parade. During the progress of the celebration pickpockets circulated among the crowds and got away with some money. Henry Dryfoos, one of the wealthiest men of Ila/.leton, was robbed of SIOO in cash and checks and valuables. Will Try to Get Creasy. Democratic County Chairman C. Frank Bohan left yesterday morning for Philadelphia to arrange, if possible, to have Democratic candidate for statue treasurer, William T. Creasy, visit the county seat, or at least spend a few hours there. Mr. Creasy's itinerary is not yet complete and the county com mittee will endeavor to have Wilkes barre included. Tomorrow it will be known if the arrangements can be made. Heavy Sentence for Chicken Thief. Albert Stoinbaugh, 00 years of age, pleaded guilty iu Lackawanna county court on Tuesday to stealing three chickens and was sentenced by Judge Archbald to thirty days in the county jail. It was brought to the judge's at tention that the old man is a profession al chicken thief, and the judge revoked the sentence imposod and re-sentenced him to three years in the Eastern peni tentiary. Communion services will be hold at St. John's Reformed church next Sun day morning and evening. Morning services at 10 o'clock, instead of 10.30; evening services at 7 o'clock, instead of 7.30; Sunday school at 9.15 a. ui. and 'Christian Endeavor meeting at 6.15 p.. m. All aro kindly invited. Rev. J. B. Korsehner, pastor. D. Hartwoll, Gilbert Jacoboski and three wood choppers, engaged in laying out a railroad, were attacked on Tues day by a big buck deer in tho woods near Boar Creek. The deer rushed at one of tho choppers, when the other two felled the buck with their axes, crushing his skull. A fair-sized audience enjoyed tho entertainment given at tho opora house on Tuesday evening by Humphrey's Concert Company and Nivers' aniuiata scopo. A defect in the machine pre vented the moving pictures from ap pearing as well as they should. "The Stowaway*' was well received on Monday evening by an audience much smaller than the average attend ance at the opora house. Bargains during the day and auction at night at Berner's. Are Your Shoes Run Down ? The Black Diamond SHOE REPAIRING HOUSE Will Make Them Good as New. Tho quality of our work cannot be surpassed, and wo make repairs quicker than any other establishment in town. Call here when you want tho Lowest Prices in the Town. H. MOWER. Prop. Hadesty Building, 109 S. Centre Street. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in ono of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tup. 98 Centre street. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Stroct, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Familes supplied with oysters direct from tho shore. Host Cough Syrup. Tates Good. Use W In time. Sold by druggists. Fi A MATTER OF SIOO. Figures Altered in Agreement Between Architect and Borough. Owing to the absence of a quorm tho borough council failed to meet Tuesday evening. Last evening, however, six of the members, Messrs. Kline, Davis, Mulhearn, DePicrro, Rute and Rude wick, got together, and before they ad journed some more damaging evidence of jobbery and high-handod scheming was produced. Fortunately tho few members of council who are protecting the citizens' interests against the as saults of their avaricious colleagues and other plunderers were strong enough in numbers last evening to expose the crooked work that is being engineered by a clique which apparently believes tho borough can bo fleeced without protest from the taxpayers. As reported in the proceedings of the last meeting, tho motion to designate Frank Salmon as architect of the bor ough building and to pay him SSOO for his plans was rushed. At that meet ing Councilinen Mulhearn and Rude wick wore absent. Last night Mr. Mulhearn called attention to tho fact that the contract made with tho architect was for S4OO for the plans, not SSOO, and asked for an explanation as to how the figures changed during the time between the conference with the architect and tho meeting of council. The architect admitted that he alter ed the figures. Councilmeu Rudewick and Mulhearn then entered their objections to such high-handed work and demanded that the matter bo referred to the borough solicitor. A motion to this effect was made. Councilmeu DoPiorro and Rute spoke in defense of the architect's action and resented all efforts to investigate tho matter. Tho vote on tho motion to refer tho question to the solicitor was a tie, Messrs. Kline, Rudewick and Mulhearn voting for it, while Messrs. DePicrro, Davis and Rute opposed the action. The discussion was spirited while it lasted, and the manner in which some of tho members took offense at insinua tions of "there being something in it" do not go very far in altering general opinion that a conspiracy exists among certain councilinen to lake care of interests other than those of tho tax payers in tho erection of the proposed borough building, indisputable evi dence to prove the above is being gath ered, and again the TRIBUNE calls upon tho councilinen to beware, for the citi zens of Freeland aro in no mood to trifie with wrong-doers. Treasurer DePicrro reported a bal ance in tho treasury of $5.44. Tho committee on the Carbon-Ridge street sewer was ordered to report at the next meeting. On motion tho names of certain streets in the South Heborton portion of town were changed, as follows: Main street, j South Ilcborton, to Schwabe street;' Centre street, Alvintown, to Alvin street; Chestnut street, Alvintown, to Dcwoy street; tho road leading from Alvin street to Highland to bo Oak street. The street committee was instructed to have boards with names of streets placed In position. Tho fire and water committee was in structed to advertise for proposals for the installation of an electric tiro alarm system. Council will meet tomorrow evening. Unstamped Cigar Sellers Caught. Former Deputy Revenue Collector Ivear, of Pottsvllle, unearthed tho illicit soiling of unstamped cigars and tobacco at McAdoo and Kelayres, Schuylkill county. He obtained the information against Dominic Chappone, of McAdoo, and furnished it to his successor, Major Evans, who has arrested Chappone. United States Commissioner Woltjen bound the defendant over for a hearing in tho United States district court at Philadelphia. Other arrests are to fol low. Parsons' Elopers Coming. District Attorney Martin has received another letter from County Detective Johnson at London, stating that the de tective had engaged berths on the steamer Lucania and would leave Eng land on Saturday, October 7, and ox pects to arrive in New York on the 13th. Ho will be accompanied by the Parsons elopers, whom ho went after. Patents Granted. Reported by C. A. Snow & Co., Wash ington, D. C. L. L. Logan, Seranton, car-brake. T. D. Smith, Wilkesbarre, automatic drain-valve for steain-cyllnders. A. G. Snow, Seranton, globe-holder. A. S. Spaulding, Bloomsburg, flexible curtain construction. Tuesday's parade of tho Catholic Total Abstinence Union of tho Seran ton diocese, in honor of the birthday of Rev. Father Mathew, was held at Seranton. It was made up of fifty societies and as many more bands or drum corps, numbering all told 4,500 men. Auction! Auction! at Berner's Friday and Saturday. A FLAGCAMPAIGN. Quay Exploits the Tenth Kegiment For the -Machine. SOLDIERS MONOPOLIZE STUMP. The Republican State Committee Pays the Expenses of tlio Tenl h Regiment to the Dewey Celebration In New York—Can the Fine Save the Im periled Machine? (Special Correspondence.) Philadelphia. Oct. 2. —As patriotism, according to old Ben Jonson, is the last refuge of a scoundrel, so the waving of the flag and an appeal to the martial spirit of the electors is the final re source of the Quay machine driven to hay and waiting for the fatal shot to he fired into its gangrened carcass. It is no secret that Boss Quay was seriously thinking of an abandonment of his originally proposed "rally 'round the flag, boys," and God-bless-MoKin jey campaign, suppressing the leather lung and brass throated stump scream er—preferring to trust his luck to the indifference of the people and on the principle illustrated by the following story: "Dad," said the youthful citizen of Dead Man's Gulch, "thar's a big rat tlesnake under the bed." "All right," replied the old man, composedly, "jist let him stay thar—kase ef you pester the varmit he'll spring his rattle and wake yer mom, and then that'll be the devil to pay." But a howl of protest wentupagainst a Quaker meetin' campaign from county chairmen and local candi dates. In a great many counties that contain the seeds of revolution that were planted at previous upris ings against the Republican machine the insurgents are either sullen or openly threatening, making things look ns blue as indigo for the county tickets. The party henchmen and the nervous candidates, therefore, stretched out their hands to the boss, appealing like shipwrecked mariners for him to throw out (he life line or Davy Jones' locker or Mr. McGinty's mishap would be their fate. BRING FORTH THE STARRY FLAG. Hence, it has been decided to at tempt to arouse the dormant party spirit and to impress the lukewarm Republicans with the fearful import ance of paying a visit to the polls and voting early and often that the im perialistic policy of McKinley and Hannti of making American citizens of the Filipinos with the aid of Krag- Jorgensen bullets may be upheld in pidentally and Quay permitted to re gain the keys of trfie state treasury vaults. Keeping the martial and fluttering flag campaign ever in view Chairman Reeder has been directed to turn Colo nel Barnett loose and allow him to "swing around the circle." Two mili tary parties of campaign orators have been organized to sally forth from Harrisburg, one headed by the youth ful Barnett and Including a number of the members of the Tenth regiment who intend to vote for the colonel for state treasurer and the other com posed of professional soldier political swashbucklers like General Gobin and Colonel Tom Stewart. This last band of grim warriors wear the service stripes of long and patient office hold ing. Gobin as a political Poo Bah. like : old Sol Gill's watch, is "equaled by few and excelled by none." and can be depended upon implicitly to "put his foot" in it by making some bad break of speech, as he did during the senatorial deadlock last spring anl again at the Williams' Grove Granger picnic. Colonel Tom Stewart's greed for of fice is not yet appeased, anu he has a latest patent lightning rod up in hope that the next governorship will strike him. Colonel Stewart was a warrior of great prowess in the civil Iwar. A story is related of him. At .the first day's light at Gettysburg Tom 'had pileu the rebel dead in a great heap under the withering Are of his Springfield, when the attention of his colonel was attracted to his fearful execution. The colonel riding up to him and pointing to the pyramid of his slain said: "Tom, cease firing anu go home; you've killed enough." WELL. WHY DIDN'T HE REMAIN? This martial array of shoulder strap jped and gold laced orators Is cunning jly intended to divert the attention of |the ring enslaved people from the '.home issues that directly concern them most. It is the ingenious policy of European rulers and statesmen when [their people become unrestful and threaten to bring out the block and the [ax to divert their minds from their domestic troubles with a comic opera J imbroglio with some obliging power This is what Quay, crafty and foxy, is doing, but the Democratic leaders and 'candidates mean to keep him to his mutton. It will be interesting to note Colonel Barnett's elation voice ringing out that ja vote for Colonel Barnett is a vote to sustain the Hanna-McKinley subjuga tion of the Philippines in direct eonlra jvention of the immortal aphorism of :the constitution of the United States [that "all men are created free and .equal." i If it is essential that Pennsylvania 'shall vote to keep Quay's stork spec julatlve grip o the state treasury in [order to sustain the American position iln the Orient why was it that Colonel llnrnett deemed it wise and patriotic ,to return to Ills native shores from tlio [Philippines, and thus weaken the hands of President McKinley? Colonel Barnett had the opportunity of re-en listing in Manila, but he preferred his Blackstone to a sword; he preferred running for office in Pennsylvania to running after the Filioinos with a CUD DePIERRO - BEOS. -CAFE.- Corner of Centre and Front Streets, Freeiand, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club, Uosenbluth's Velvet, of which wo hive EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumra's Extra Dry Champagne, Hcnnessy Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Ballcutinc and Hazleton beer on tup. R;iths. Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. Freeiand Opera House Co., Lessees. -A.ttra,ction.. MITCHELL'S ALL STAR PLAYERS. Week of October 23. in ms nana, men, too, the state treasurer should he a business man. Colonel Burnett is a gallant soldier, who braved Mauser bullets and disease In the far off swamps of T.uzon, but because he is a soldier and a lawyer, sans a practice or reputation, does not prove him possessed of the qualifica tions of a financier. But light here, it may be, is where General Gobin's ex planation will fit as a piece of joiner work. The office snatching Gobin con fessed to the grangers at the William's iOrove picnic that "the state treasurer is only a clerk." Colonel Barnett might, as state treasurer, make an excellent and satisfactory clerk for his boss, which his name is Quay, but the [Contention of the Democrats is to ele vate this office from the lot of a mere clerk into a dignified state official, who will own himself, and will carry out his campaign pledges to the people and "open the hooks." HIPPODROMING THE TENTH. Senator Quay could never be induced to persuade President McKinley to make the late Colonel Hawkins, the heroic commander of the Tenth regi ment, and who "died with his boots on," a brigadier general. But Quay has no qualms about hippodroming Colo nel Hawkins' regiment and exhibiting it as a Barnum's show to save his own hide and tallow. There should have been enough pa triotism among the money kings of Pittsburg and its wealthy vicinity to have paid the hills for sending the "Fighting Tenth" to New York's jubi lation over Admiral Dewey. It is no torious, however, that the Republican Btate committee a la Jones, "paid the freight," not so much to exhibit the sunburned heroes in the streets of New York as to to display them as Philip pine curios and as an advertisement through the state of Pennsylvania and in Philadelphia for the Republican state ticket and Colonel Barnett for state treasurer. However, let this political trick pass for whatever it may be worth. The "sojer" boys were cheered and feasted and champagned and kissed by good looking young girls, hugged by older ones and divided the honors of the New York jubilee with the hero of Manila bay himself. While the Tenth was in Philadelphia individual mem bers were interviewed as to the reports that had been in private circulation that Colonel Barnett is unpopular in the regiment. It was established that the gallant colonel is the unfortu nate victim of cephalic elephantiases, or Napoleonic head, and is a bit of a martinet, which frequently accompa nies this malady. His men resented his treatment of them, and his indifference to their comfort and well being. They recall that while they were fighting Colonel Barnett was recruiting in the United States. It was also proven by these interviews what Congressman Acheson maintained in protesting to Quay against (Colonel Barnett's selection for state treasurer, that the bulk of the Tenth regiment would oppose him and vote against him. So unpopular is the colonel in western Pennsylvania, where he has the reputation of having for years kicked against the regular Republican organization, that the state committeo will keep him cnmpalging on the eastern side of the Alleghenies, leaving "the warriors bold"—Gobin and Stewart—to drape themselves in the folds of the American flag on the other side of the mountains and shout for lead and sword as the true gospel of American civilization and citizen ship for the niggers of the Philippines. MARTIN GIVES A CRUMB OF COM FORT. State Senator David Martin, the In surgent chieftain of Philadelphia, has created more than a flutter in the Quay dovecote by an interview, in which he makes the prediction that a light vote will he polled at the November elec tion. and says the hippodroming of the Tenth regiment is a mistake and will react. This is significant, coming from a politician of Martin's importance and girth, since it means that the anti- Quay insurgents have nn understand ing that they will go fishin' on elec tion day. This "wise man of the east" also ventures the assertion that the vote that will go into the Philadelphia boxes will lie honest, and that, better still, it will he honestly counted by the uratcssiuuul lightning calculators. $1.50 PER YEAR MENS SUITS Tliut will please your fancy, lit your liyiiu- and su.-tain .vmr reputation as a good dress* r await your Inspection* SUITS FOR YOUTHS Of every description, cut in un-to dato fushions ami made by expert tailors. MEN'S FURNISHINGS A complete Jineof Men's Furnishings. Some swell goods in this line to select THE LITTLE MAN Must not bo forgotten. Bring liirn here and tit him out with cither a Vesteo or Double Breasted Suit. Plenty of others too numerous to mention in this limited space. HATS AND CAPS A large line of hats, every popular block. The Derby, the Alpine, the Crushed—in all the new colors. MERCHANT TAILORING Our lino of Merchant Tailoring is the 11 nest. Latest full goods und styles. Pliila. One-Price Clothing House, S. SENIE, PHOP. Birkbeck Brick, Freeiand. ORION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law und Notary Public. Ollicc: ltoomsland2, Birkbock Brick, Freeiand JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoflieo Building, ... Freeiand. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Brennan's Building, So. Centre St., Freeiand. J. O'DONNELL, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business Promptly Attended. Campbell Building, - Freeiand. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Street. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRKBECK'S STORE, Second Floor, - - Birkbeck Brick. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Strcot. None but Reliable Companies Represented. | S. S. IIESS, DENTIST. 37 Sjuth Centre Street. Second Floor Front, - Kefowieh Building. se n n o d money This Circular Plush Cape LVdV in "J r!!imde of a iSt hall'* Seal Flush, L'o im-lies- long, out full sweep, lined throughout With Merccrlged Silk in 11 ch, blue or red. Very elaborately embroidered with soutache braid and black beading aaillustrated. Trimmed all around with extra line Itlarl. Thibet Fur. heavily interlined with wadding and tlber chamois. Wrile for free Cloak Catalogue. Addre**, SEARS, ROEBUCK &. CO.. CHICAGO (bean, Roebuck At Co. are thoroughly reliable.—Kdltor.) Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. SUM S BROTHERHOOD HATS 0 0 A celebrated brand of XX llour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Sis., Freeiand.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers