FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO. 18. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEIIIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. May id, 1898. AKRANQBMRNT or PABHKNGKK TRAINS. LEAVE FREELAND. 0 20 R m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, * Allcntowu, lletlilehem, Kustou, i'hilu- W. delphttt and Now York. 7 40 a in for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-liar re, Pitto ton und Scranton. 8 32 a in for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al lcntowu, llethlehcm, Boston, Philadel phia ami New Vork. '9 30 a m for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Bheii andoali, Mt. Carinel, Shamokiii uml Potts vtlle. 1 1 50 a m for Sandy Run, White Iluvcn, Wilkes-Bur re, Scranton und all points West. 4 32 P in for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shcn umlouli, Mt. Carmcl, Shuinokin uml Potts viilc. 6 39 P m for Sand)' Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Harre und Scranton. 0 57 P m for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shcii audouh, Mt. Curmol and Sliumokiu. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 a m from Pottsville, Shuinokin, Mt. Curmel, Shenandoah, Muliunoy City and Huzloton. 9 17 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Kaston, Hcthlchcin, Allcntowu, Muuch Chunk uml Weatherly. 9 80 a m from Scranton, Wilkes-lturre and White Haven. 11 50 a in from Pottovillo, Shuinokin, Mt. Curmel, Slicnundouh, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 4 32 p m from Scranton, Wilkes-Burre and White Haven. 0 39 P m from New Vork, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allontown, Potto villo, Shamokiii, Mt. Curmel, Shonun douh, Mahanoy City und Hazleton. 6 57 P m froin Scranton, Wilkes-Burre und White Haven. 8 32 P m from New Vork, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allontown, Mauch Chunk uml Weatherly. 4 For further liilormatiou inquire of Ticket Agents. IKiiiLlN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CHAS. S. LEE. Gen'l Pass. Agent. 26 Cortlandt Street. New Vork City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 18H7. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Kekloy, Hazle Brook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan ami Hazleton Junction ut 530, 6 (JU aw, <laly except Sunday; arid 7 03 a in, 2 38 p in, Sumluy. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood,Cranberry, Tomhickcn ami Deriuger at 5 30, 0 00 a in, daily except Sunday; and 703 aw, 2 38 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood ltoad, Humboldt Roud, Oneida and Khcpptou ut 000 um, daily except Suu duy; ami 7 03 a in, 238 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Ituzlctou Junction for llarwood. Cranberry, Torahickeu and Deringer ut6 35 a in, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 a m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Hurwood Road, Humboldt ltoad, Oneida ami Hhopptou at 0 :CJ, 11 10 a ra, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 737a m, 311 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Dcringor for Tomhickcn, Cran .berrv, Hurwood, Hazleton J unction and ltoan ait 2 25, 5 40 p in, daily except Sunday; and 0 37 u m, 5 07 p m. Sunday. Trams leave Shoppton for Oneida, Humboldt lloud, Hurwood Roud, Oneida Junction, llnzlo ton Junction and Roun at 7 11 am, 12 40, 5 22 t> m, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 u in, 3 44 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Shoppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Kekloy, Jcddo and Drifton ut 5 22 p in, daily, except Sumluy; and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 620 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 u m, 5 40 p iu, Sunday. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jeanesvillo, Audcn riod and other points on tho Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drifton at 630. 6 00 a in make couuection at Deriuger with I*. R. R. truins for Wilkesburre, Sunbury, llorrisburg and poiuto west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Hazleton Junction and Der iuger, a train will leave the former point at 350 p in, duily, except Sundiiy, arriving ut Deriuger at 5 00 p in. LUTIiKR C. SMITH. Superintendent. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AUDITOHB' NOTICE: Michael Potochney et. 1. vs. St. Mary's Co-operative Asso ciation. In court of common pleas of Luzerne county, sitting in equity, No. 3, Murch terra, 1896. notice is hereby given that the undersigned, en auditor appointed hy the court of common pleas of Luzerne county to distribute the fuiuLs now iu the hands of Chas. F. Mcllugh, muster, will attend to the duties of his an poiiitiiient at his office, No. 7 South Franklin totreet, Wilkesbarre, l'a., on Friday, tho second day of September, A. I). 1868, at 10 u. in., at , which time and place all persons liuerested iu suid fund must present theirolulins before the uditnr or bo forever debarred from any shure in BHid l uml. B. R. Jones,^ auditor. LOCAL WAR NOTES. Captain D. L. Miers, of Company F, Ninth regiment, died on Sunday night at his home in Wilkesbarre of typhoid fever. Ho was brought home on the hospital train on Friday morning in a very weak condition and grew gradually worse. He was sick four wcoks in camp. He enlisted in the regiment in 1880, and arose gradually to tho com mand of tho company, being elected captain December 23, 1805. George Boyle, of town, is seriously ill with fever at Camp Algor. He belongs to Company F, Sixty-fifth Now York. This regiment is ono of those which has tmu ordered to be mustered out, and leaves this week for Buffalo, from which city most of the men came. Mr. Boyle's friends here are auxious about his con dition, and efforts are being made by his father, Timothy Boyle, to have him brought home. The Ninth Penn'a has pitched tents fn Camp Hamilton, at Lexington, Ky. Colonel Dougherty's men arrived In lino spirits, and are pleased with tiie coun try. Tho hospital corps of the regiment is very much crippled. The men are glad to have gotten away from the fever stricken camp at Chickamauga. Another Interesting letter froin C. F. Ilaganey, of tho First Penn'a, has been received by theTIHRUNK and will appear in these columns on Monday. Robert Wallace, of the Ninth, arrived at his home in Hazleton on Tuesday evening. He I s quite ill. PLEASURE CALENDAR. •September 3. —Trolley party to Hazle lark under the auspices of Drifton Foot Ball Club. Tickets, 25 cents. September 4. —Base ball, Mauch Chunk vs. McAdoo, at Tigers park. Admission, 15 cents; ladies, 10 cents. $5. Niagara Falls. September D—Lehlgb Valley Railroad. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. HynopniM of Local and Ml*cellaneou Oc currence* That Can He Read Quickly. What the Folk* of Thin and Other Town* Are Doing. St. Ann's parochial schools will re open on Monday next. Taxpayers are wondering when Col lector Crawford will file his bond and open his office. Edward Murphy, of town, has been appointed by the court administrator of the estate of his father, Patrick Mur phy, late of Hazleton. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for the small sum of sc. E. J. Oaffney is suffering from a sprained ankle received In a game of ball at Mauch Chunk on Saturday. The injury is quite painful. Con Welsh, the fifteen-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. James Welsh, of Walnut street, foil from a tree yesterday after noon and dislocated his right shoulder. St. John's Reformed church, J. 11. Kerschner, pastor. Harvest Home Thanksgiving services next Sunday, (jiermun in the morning and English in the evening. Mrs. George 11. Starbird, wife of a prominent citizen of Wilkesbarre. fell from a trolley car In Kingston on Mon day while it was in uiotiou and was instantly killed. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy 25c skirls at A. Oswald's. He sells lots of them and they are dandies. During the hearing of a case before Squire Shoveliu last evening, John Kashay became too demonstrative and was committed to the lockup by the justice for contempt. Grand Army Day, on Saturday of noxt week, will be one of the biggest days Freeland has seen in some years. G. A. It. posts and Sons of Veterans from the entire region will be present. The Fitzsiminons Institute has been removed from Hazluton to Wilkesbarre. The institution has done some good work in the Tegion in curing a number of persons addicted to alcbulic stimu lants. Freeland Business Class will reopen for the term of 1808-09 In Birkbeck brick on 'fuesday evening, September t. Tui tion same as last term. Thorough busi ness education. W. I'. Wright, princ'l. The Prohibitionists are arranging for a large attendance at tho meeting to be held In front of the Grand opera house on Friday evening. On Saturday even ing the speakers will address Upper Lehigh voters. Reports from different quarters in dicate that the anthracite coal trade will boom this fall. The progressive merchant will make a note of this, and see that his namo and goods are made familiar to tho readers of local papers. Drifton Foot Ball Club will conduct a trolley party to Hazle park on Saturday evening. Special cars will leave Free land at 7.12 o'clock. Tickets for the round trip are 25 cents each and can be had at Wood ring's store. Tho boys promise a big time to all who join them. PERSONALITIES. Dr. G. B. Kalb, who has been phyal-' clan at Jeddo for some years past, has resigned his position and transferred his practice to his assistants, I)r. Rich ards and Dr. Toombs. Mrs. T. Campbell and son James left on Tuesday for Philadelphia, where the latter will attend school during tho coming term. Daniel J. McTlghe will leave this evoning to resume his studies in Ottawa university, Canada. Miss Annie Winters has returned home aftor an extended sojourn in Philadelphia. Rev. L. Novensky, of New York city, is visiting Rev. Carl Houseron Washing ton street. Condy O. Boyle and John Houston aro on a business trip to Bayonnc, N. J. Miss Mame Collins, of Scranton, is the guest of Miss Josephine Campbell. Miss Aggie Lyuott, of Scranton, is the guest of Freeland relatives. UPPER LEHIGH NOTES. Isaac Waldron was at Jersey City last week attending tho funeral of his brother Thomas, a former resident of this place, who was buried on Sunday. Miss Mattie Purnell, of Giiberton, Schuylkill county, is being entertained by her friend, Miss Annie Davis. A young son of Daniel Ferry is suffer ing from lung trouble, and his recovery Is'said to be doubtful. Ray Boyer, who left here some time ago, has socurod work iu Dubois, Clearfield county. Diphtheria has a severe hold upon some of the young children of town. Wm. I. Williams and wife, of -Ashley, spent a few days here last week. Chas. Stockier, of Mauch Chunk, is spending a few days here. Ira Ivloss has accepted a position at Ashley. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 189 S. Btrftke on the Boutlk Side. A large number of employes of A. S. Van Wickle at the Colerainu colliery struck on Monday morning, and as a re sult the works are tied up. They de mand the reinstatement of a workman who was discharged last week. A meeting of the Hungarian workers was held on Sunday evening In Beaver Meadow, when it was decided to strike. Pickets were stationed at all roads and paths leading to the collieries and the employes on their way to work were turned back. Another force was sta tioned at each colliery to see that work was not resumod. The English-speak ing miners were not in favor of a strike, but have gono out with the others. About 1,000 men are affected by the strike. Tho company's officials state they will make no concessions to tho strikers, but will close the works if sufficient men cannot bo secured to run them. The men, it now appears, have more griev ances than wero made public in the beginning and intend to hold out in a body. Rune Hull on Bundny. On Sunday afternoon tho strong Mauch Chunk and McAdoo clubs will meet in a contest for supremacy at the Tigers park, Freeland. The rivalry between these teams has grown very keen during tho past few weeks, so great, in fact, that a neutral ground had to be selected to light the battle. Notwithstanding the fact that Mauch Chunk club is almost wholly composed of Freeland boys, the South Side team is'not without friends here, and the audience will be fairly well divided. The game will bo called at 3 o'clock. The admission will be 15 cents; ladles, 10 cents. McAdoo promises to have Pitcher Stivetts, the famous National league twirler, In the box. Special trains will be run on the Le high Valley Railroad for the accommo dation of out-of-town folks who desire to see this game. A Home l)enl CHIIHPH Trouble. On Saturday last Samuel Rosenthal, of Hazleton, and Matt Mackaravich, of Freeland, traded horses, Mackaravich receiving 810 "boot." Upon Mackara vicli's return to Freeland he sold tho horse that he received from Rosenthal to Joseph Latz, of Walnut street, for 825. Early Monday morning Latz was surprisod to find Rosenthal and another man from Hazleton in tho act of taking the korso out of his stable. He took tho animal from the pair, locked the stable and allowed tho men to leave. Yester day Rosenthal had a summons in tres pass issued from Alderman Ileldonreich's oflico against Mackaravich. The sum mons is returnable Saturday morning. A lively time is anticipated at the hear ing, as the case is somewhat mixed up. Colanel Stone Coming to Freelund. Colonel William A. Stone, tho Repub lican candidate for governor of Penn sylvania, has accepted the invitation of Maj. C. B. Coxe Post, No. 117, to de liver an address here on Grand Army Day, September 10. A letter received this morning by Post Commander Thos. Birkbeck from Colonel Stone's head quarters at Philadelphia gives positive assurance that ho will let nothing inter fere with bis intention to join his com rades in Freeland on tho 10th Inst. Colonel Stone's presence in town on the above date will swell the number of visi tors by several thousands. To Kntor Glrarri College. The first Freeland boy to enter Girard college, Philadelphia, will leave for that institution today. He is Henry George Birkbeck, aged 8 years, a son of the late George Birkbeck, who died recently in Hazleton hospital from injuries received in Jcddo mines. Tho admission of the hoy was secured through tho influence of Miss Rebecca Coxe, of Drifton, and Rev. C. A. Ilowolls, of town. Master Birkbeck and his mother go to Phila delphia today. Knights of Malta Officers. Garfield Commandery, No. 6, Knights of Malta, elected the following officers on Monday evening, and will install them next week: Commander—William Ashman. Generalissimo —John Thomas. Captain-General—Curtis Kocher. Prelate—Joseph Sensenbach. Warden—John Williams. Assistant recorder- 1 -Archie Koers. Trustee —Robert 8011. Reality Is Hloml Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascarets Candy Cathar tic clcuu your blood uml keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body* • Ik-gin today to bullish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets—beauty for 10 cento. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Army of the I'otomac. Niagara Falls, August 20 to Septem ber 2. Reduced rates via Lehigh Valley. Kducate Your Howies With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. OASTORIA. Bears th. /9 II" Kind You Hare Always Bought LEGISLATIVE TICKETS. Hugh Sheridan. of Jeanesvllle, Nomin ated in Thin DlHtrlct. Hugh Sheridan, of Jeanesvillo, was nominated by the Democrats in the Fourth legislative district convention at Hazleton on Monday. James P. Gor man, of Hazleton, was chairman, and Michael Campbell, of East Foster, was secretary. Mr. Sheridan had no opposi tion for the nomination. The name of P. F. Boyle, of Hazleton, was presented, but was immediately withdrawn and Sheridan received the unanimous vote of the convention. The resolutions adopted endorse the Democratic state tieket nominated in Altoona, and ask that the nominees receive the hearty support of the Demo cratic voters, pledge the support of the convention for the creation of a new county and instruct the candidate nomi nate d to work unceasingly for tho suc cess of the measure, and calling upon the voters at. large to support the Demo cratic nominee for assembly. Tho following were named as a dis trict committee: James Gallagher, PetuxLGallagher, John Hudnck, 11. A. Shovlin, Freeland; Michael Campbell, i Thomas J. Boylo, John O'Donnell, Foster; Patrick Smith, Anthony McGill, Daniel Conalian, J. W. Boyle, Frank Fisher. Hazle; Frank Neadham, 11. W. Jacobs, Denis C. O'Donnell, I). B. Briehof, James P. Gorman, Hazleton; VV. S. Jones, West Hazleton. In the First district P. J. Boyle, of | Wilkesbarre, carried off the nomination. ' Tho Second district convention was held at Luzerne borough and E. G. Christ,man, of that place, was nominated. In the Third's convention, held at Nanticoke, George W. Gruvor, of Nunti coko, was selected as the nominoo. Carbon Democrat* Split. Extreme bitterness between the Bar ber and Lauer factions characterized the proceedings of the Carbon county Democratic convention at Mauch Chunk on Monday, tho sides being equal in strength, and a split resulted in the nomination of two tickets. The main light was for the congressional indorse ment of tho county, Laird 11. Barbor, of Mauch Chunk, and John E. Lauer, of Lansford, boing the candidates. By the time that the convention met noses had been counted and it was found that each side had 37,% votes. Nominations were made for chairman, but bofore a vote was taken a motion to Adjourn for dinner was made. This tho Barbor raon objected to. The motion was put by County Chairman Mulhearu and declared carried. Then the split, occurred. The Barber delegates organized and Barber was voted the conferees for con gress and Dr. Zern those for senator. The county ticket nominated was assem bly, Thomas B. Craig; associato judge, E. P. Williams; district attorney, It. A. Hoiuberling; surveyor Franz- Mackl. The county chairindn and those who stood by him met in the afternoon and began where tho convention left off in the morning. „ Lauer was indorsed for congress. A ! county ticket was nominated as follows: Assembly, Thomas B. Craig; associate judge, E. It. Enbody; district attorney, ' James Breslin; surveyor, Franz Mackl; ; coroner, Henry Bartols. Lackawanna Republicans. At the Lackawanna Republican coun ty convention on Tuesday Hon. William Conuell was renominated for congress, Dr. J. J. Roberts was named for coroner; George E. Sephenson. of Weavorly, for surveyor, and Hon. F. W. Gunster for judge. Judge Gunster is the Democratic nominee. Ho received 157 votes to 28 for C. B. Gardner and 11 for J. Elliott Itoss. The Crawford county primary rules wero adopted without opposition. President McKinley was indorsed as the next Republican candidate for president. Thcodoro Roosevelt was suggostod for vice president, the ticket to have this platform: "The Earth is Ours and the Fullness Thereof." Cottage Hotel in New Hands. The Cottage hotol is now in the hands of Soloman Kresge, who has leased the establishment and will immediately begin to place this one-time popular hostelry on the high plane it occupied some years ago. Mr. Kresge has had considerable experience in the business, having conducted the Central hotel here for some time, also hotols in Moscow and Dunmore. He is a capable manager and should in a short while make his placo a favorite with the traveling pub lic and the people of the region in general. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach tho diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the eustachian tube. When tliis tnbe gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it isentire ly closed deafness is tho result, and un less tho inHamation can bo taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing will bo destroyed for ever; nine cases out of ten are caused by outarruh, which is nothing but an in 11amed condition of the mucuus surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for cirrulars, free. F. J, CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, O. UTSold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills aro the best. Sending Off the Recruits. Fifty-two recruits were sent from the recruiting station at Hazleton on Mon day afternoon to Fortress Monroe. This was the second consignment shipped off for the artillery regiments, or ninety one in ail. Tho names of those who went on Monday were as follows: Al bert C. Wiegand, John Walker, Christo pher Thorn, Belvll C. McNeal, Leo Levey, Wm. Blackweli, Conrad Wilbur, John Poruo, Conrad W. Krapf, Charles Curran, John Keck, Valontles Dies, George B. Watson, Joseph Coyle, David Houston, Henry Sciiade, Harry Jones,. Thomas Williams. Jacob Barr, Howard Keck, G. Albert Koerbcr, Robert A. Drey, John Klee, John Oswald, Hazle ton; Thomas Girard, Mllnesvllle; Wm. B. Ferry, John W. Boyer, Victor P. Widzbor, Hollywood; Herman Reckling, Albert Reed, West Hazleton; J. R. Byden, Mahanoy; John Conaghan, Free land; John McMonigle, llarwood; Pat rick Dougherty, John Schalles, William Thomas, McAdoo; Frank Braeme, Pat-1 rick McCoy, Jeanesville; Frank Mauror, Audenried; John Shaughnossy, Honey Brook; Oscar Cieckner, Isaac N. Kloss, Sheppton, James McFadden, Park View; Jacob Snodgrass, Bloomsburg; August Winters, Cranberry, John Nnss, Wm. B. Shive, Weatherly; John Parkerry, Hum boldt; Evan Edwards, Andrew Ferenz, j Beaver Brook; Alex. McCabe, Kelayres; ! George Wagner, Conyngham. Yesterday afternoon thirty-two more ' were sent off, as follows: Levi Ocks rider, Edward O. Edwards, James M. Iladesty, Charles McConnell, Norton S. Lacey, Thomas Trainer, Louis Weiden bach, W. J. Blackburn, Edward C. Robin son, Hazleton; Oliver Slussor, Mountain Grove; Frank McNeils, Jeddo; Michael Kaska, Eckley; David Byrne, Patrick Slavin, Ebenezor Griffiths, Albert Her bert, Frank Ricks, Harry Moore, Michael Michalchok; Daniel Mulligan, W. E. Fox, McAdoo; Frank M. Hellner, Latti mer; A. J. Knelly, Drums; Clinton Bor ger, Weatherly; Owen Courtney, Maha noy; Patrick Gerrity, Centralia; Joseph Costello, Colorado, Pa.; Win. McMillan, Kelayres; Harry Johnson, Freeland; Patrick F. Curran, Mauch Chunk; George Koons, Midvalley; Allon Mack, Jeddo. Many of those who are going and some who have gone are well established in this world's goods, and not a few are are sacrificing lucrative postions. Among the latter class is G* A. who was lately appointed principal of Grand streot school, Hazleton. Miner Faced a Fearful Fate. While being lowered in Greenough shaft, Shamokin, Monday night Peter Doyle's right hand was entangled in the carriage machinery. The bucket con taining a number of his friends contin ued downwatd while he dangled in space. His hand had become so tightly wedged in tho rests that it was impossi ble for him to fall. Every second ho felt that IBs arm would bo ripped from the socket by the. weight of the body. Ilis companions as soon as the bucket reach ed the bottom signaled to tho engineer to hoist. After a period of five minutes the bucket bumped against the swaying form of Doyle. He was senseless. His i mangled hand was released, after which the miner was removed home. Grand Opera House, Hazleton. The indications point to a crowded house this evening, when the Pitman Company open for three days in a clever production of "La Bella Marie." Tho company have made numerous changes for the better this season. Besides securing several now plays they have added new specialties, and scenery. Frederic Ilerzog and Miss Anna E. Davis are at tho head of the company. The many improvements made the past few mouths should make the Pitman Company's engagement one of tho most successful in years. Commencing Fri day dime matinees will be given daily. Sale of seats now open at box office. A Pure and Healthy Drink. Intelligent beer-drinkers are careful of the quality of the beverage they con sume. Bartols'brewers guarantee their product, to bo unsurpassable In quality. Tests have demonstrated tho truth of tliis time after time. When you want a pure, healthful, invigorating drink ask for Bartels' lager, porter or stock ale. Charles Boczkowski. agent. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try and buy again, it meuiis they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets ('nndy ut the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Coscnreti are the most delightful bowel regulator (pr ,ov#*ybody the year round. All druggists, 10c. 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. Merchants' Association Excursion, To New York, September 10-14. Fare and a third—fifteen days limit, via Le high Valley Railroad. Half Rates to Indianapolis. Via Lehigh Valley. Knights of Pythias, August 20-Soptembor 10. An Interesting Trip To Niagara Falls via Lehigh Valley Rail road, September 9 —85. Oysters in all styles at Winter's eating house on Saturday next. As in former years only tho best and finest in tho market will be served. OASTOHIA.. Bears the H" Kind You Hate Always Bought T" 7 COUNTY TICKET NAMED STRONG COMBINATION PLACED IN THE FIELD THIS YEAR. Stanley Devenport for Congress, Joe Mc- Glnty for Sheriff, Shiffer for Controller and Gabriel for Recorder—Ticket Pleases All Adherents of the Tarty. The Democratic county convention at Wilkesbarre on Tuesday was an enthusi astic affair. The large Armory build ing was crowded, and the following ticket, when nominated, was received with every indication of pleasure from the mulitude present: For congress, Stanley Devenport, Plymouth; sheriff. Joseph McGlnty, Wilkesbarre; control ler, George Shiffer, Plains; recorder, Louis Gabriel, Nanticoke; coroner, I)r. J. A. Singer, Forty Fort; surveyor, A. Brooks Celiax, llazleton. Jaines P. Gorman, of Hazleton, was chairman of the convention. The first office filled was that of congressman. Stanloy W. Davenport was named by John T. Lenahan. Rush Troscott was also a candidate, but withdrew during the balloting. For sheriff Joseph McGinty easily beat Dolph Glennon, of Pittston, by a Vote of 103% to 114%. Louis Gabriel, tho well-known Pole of Nanticoke, was nominated for recorder by acclamation, his townsman. Edwin Wornet, withdrawing during tho ballot ing. For controller there were four candi dates. One ballot sufficed, the vote standing: George Shiffer, Plains, 125; Edward Barret, Pittston, 38; William Mullally, Wilkesbarre, 28; J. K. P. Fcn ncr, Ashlov, 13. After this nomination many of tho delegates left to catch tho lower end trains. For coroner there were two candidates. Tho vote was: Dr. J. A. Singer, Forty Fort, GO; Dr. W. Smytho, Wilkesbarre, 4G. A. Brooks Celiax, of Hazleton, was tho unanimous choice of the convention for surveyor. The platform adopted endorses the state platform, favors municipal owner ship of water and light plants and free bridges, favors a reduction in the salar ies of public officials, denounces present tax laws, thanks the soldiers and sailors of tho nation for their valiant work and condemns the official mismanagement which has caused them hardships, pleads for the election of honest legisla tors, severely denounces Quay and Quay ism and calls for the prosecution of those who are ruining the anthracite coal trade. Nearly ali tho nominees are men with whom the voters are already acquainted. Mr. Davenport served ono term as regis ter of wills and is looked upon as a man who is able and competent from every point of view to represent this district in congress. Ho is not identified to any extent with any faction of tho party, and can therefore command the votes of all its members. Mr. McGinty is so well known to the. people of the lower end, having resided In the Fourth district for many years, that but little need be said of him. As recordor he filled the office with credit, and when he stepped from public life he took with him that with which few office-holders can retain—the esteem of every citizen who ever did business with him. He was one of the most obliging officers who over sat in Wilkesbarre courthouse, and his strength on election day will surprise the people again, as in his past contests. Louis Gabriel, the nominee for re corder, is a popular Pole of Nanticoke. The recognition of the so-called foreign elemont by the Democracy, it is pre dicted, will bring to the party the almost unanimous support of this class, and his friends look upon his election as an as sured fact. Asldo from his nationality and its bearing upon the contest, Mr. Gabriel is fitted in every way for the office. Goorgo Shi (Tor, of Plains, will make an able successor to Czar Lloyd as con troller. Ho Is one of the most popular men in the upper end of the county, and will poll a heavy Republican vote. The nominees for coronor and surveyor are also competent to fill the offices to which they aspire, and the ticket as a whole looks like a winner. Every locality and every element of the party has received recognition. The work of electing the nominees is no easy task, but the candidates are workers them selves and will win if givon the support they deserve. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought sjTuTur^of Dr. N. MALEY, DENTIST. Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVEH MKKBBCK'S STOUE. $1.50 PER YEAR. £MIAS. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Itirkbcck Brick, Freeland JOHN M. CARE, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postoflice Building, ... Freclund. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Leyal Business of Any Description. Hadesty's Building, So. Centre St., Freclund. T^ nos - A - LUCK LEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Street. JUT RS. S. E. IIAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Rejvresentcd. Q* I). ROIIRBACH, General Hardware. Builders 1 supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, paints, and timvnro. Bicy cles and repairs of all sorts. South Centre street. JPRANK YOUMAN, SHOEMAKER. Boots and shoes repaired with best white oak leather. Cheapest and most reliable place in town. All work fully guaranteed. End of Trolley, Contre St., Next to N. Capeoo. LIBOR WINTER, * Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Free land. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Cetitre street, Freclund. FINEST LIQUOR, BEER, PORTER, CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. fl Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer In Liquor, .Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shcnuii doah Beer and Ycungling's Porter on tap. WJ Centre street. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Hry Goedfft liOOtM UIMI Sboes* Also PURE WINES £ LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Freeland. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. \A\ S BROTHERHOOD HATS C A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front St*., Freeland.
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