FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO. 17, RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. May 16, 181)8. ARRANGEMENT or PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVE FKBELANI). G '2O 11 m for Weatlierly, Muuch Chunk, Alleiitown, Bethlehem, Kaston, Phila delphia nod New York. 7 40 a m for Saudi Bun, White Haven, Wilkes-Bar re, P ttatou ami Serauton. 8 32 a m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al leiit iwii, Bethlehem, Eiston, Philadel phia and New York. 9 30 am for Hazleten, .Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. Funnel, Shuiuokiu and Pottsviilo. 1 1 50 a 111 for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Barre, Surautou and all points West. 4 32 P m for Hazlcton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmcl, Shauiokin ami Pottsville. 0 39 P m for Sandy Run, White Haven, Wilkes-Burro and Serunton. 0 57 P m for Hazletou, Mu'iunoy City, Shen undouh, Mt. Carinel and Sliamokin. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 a m from Pottsviilo, Shainokin, Mt. Curmel, Shenandoah, Muhuuoy City and Hazletou. 9 17 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Kuston, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Muuch Chunk and Weatherly. 9 30 a m from Serauton, Wilkes-Burro and White Haven. 1 1 50 a 111 from Pottsviilo, Shamokln, Mt. Curmel, Shouuiulouh, Muhuuoy City and Hazletou. 4 32 p m from Serauton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 0 39 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Potts viilo, Sliiiinokiii, Mt. Carinel, Shuuuu doali, Mahanoy City ami ilazloton. 0 57 J' ni from Serauton, Wilkes-Barre und white Haven. 8 32 P ni from New York, Philadelphia, Kuston, Bethlehem, Alleiitown, Muuch Chunk and Weatlierly. For further mloruiutiou inquire of Ticket A Rents. Bo 1.1.1N 11. WILBUII, General Superintendent. Cil AW. S. LEE, Uun'i Pass. ARont. 26 Cortiandt Street, New York City. 'PUE DRLAWARH, SUBQUEIIANNA AND X SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, I8i7. Trains leave Drifton tor Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle Brook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow Bond, Bonn and lluzlcton Junction at 53U, 8IX) a in, daily except Sunday; und 7 03 u in, 2 :ts p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood. Cranberry, Tomhickun and Bcringcr at 5 30, 6 00 a in, daily except Sunday; and 703 a IU, 23d p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Itoad, Oneida and Sheppton at 600 a in, daily except Sifn duy; und 7 03 a m, 2 iIH p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Hazletou Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 635 a 111, daily except Sunday; and 8 53 u in, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Trams leave Hazlcton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt ltouU, Oneida and Sheppton at 6 <>2, 11 10 a 111, 4 41 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 3 11 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Derinßer for Tomhickon, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazlcton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p ra, daily except Sunday; and 9 37 a in, 5 07 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hu/lc ton Junction and Bonn at 7 11 a 111, 12 40, 522 p in, daily except Sunday; and 8 11 a in, 3 44 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazlc Brook, Eckley, Jeddo mill Drifton at 5 22 p ni, daily, except Sunday; und 8 11 a tu, 3 44 p in, .Sunday. Trains leave Hazletou Junction for llcaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Kckley, Jeddo und Drifton at 5 45, 620 p 111, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 u in, 5 40 p iu, Sunday. All trains connect at lluzlcton Junction wit h electric cars for Hazletou, .leanesvillc, Audon ried and other points 011 tho Traction Com pany's lino. Trains Icavitiß Drifton at 630. 6 00 a in make connection at Deringer with P. It. It. trains for Wilkesbarro, Suiibury, llurrisburß und point* west. For the accommodation of passoiißers at way stutious between Hazlcton Junction and Dor iiiKor, a train will leave the former point at 350 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Do ringer at 5 00 p in. LUTUEK C. SMITH, Superintendent. MIBCKLL AN FOILS A DVKUTISKMENTS. "ii" STATE OF JOHN HALEY, late of Free _TL land borough, deceased. Letters testamentary upon 1 lie above named estate having been granted to the undersign ed, all Persons indebted to said estate are re quested to make payment, and those having claims or demands to prcsout the same, with out delay, to Clias. Orion Stroh, John Hale)*, Attorney. Serauton, Pa. IJH)R RENT.— Large store room in McMena- JP mill building; possession given at once. Apply 011 tho premises or to J. J. MeMonuniin, A Sure Thing for You. A transaction in which you cannot lose is a sure tiling. Biliousness, sick headache, fur red tongue, fever, piles and a thousand other ills are caused by constipation and sluggish liver. Cuseurcts Candy Cathartic, the won derful new liver stimulant und intestinal tonic, are by all druggists guaranteed to euro or money refunded. C. C. C. arc a sure thing. Try a box today; 10c, 25c, GOo. .Sample und booklet free. Ail druggists. CASTOniA. Boars tho A ll,B Kind Von Hare Always Bought Reduced Rates to Omaha. Trans-Mississippi and International Exposition, Omaha, Nebraska. Reduc ed rate tickets on sale June 10 to Octo ber 13, via Lehigh Valley Railroad, to Kansas City. Inquire of ticket agents for particulars. _Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy CURES AIL KIDNEY, STOMACH * ■ AND LIVER TROUBLES. Merchant*' AHHOCIUIIOII Excursion. To New York, September 10-14. Faro and a third —fifteen days limit, via Le high Valley Railroad. OASTOHIA. Beam tho J) ™ 8 Kind You Hate Always Bought Half Rate* to Indianapolis. Via Lehigh Valley. Knights of Pythias, August 20-Septeinber 10. _Dr. David Kennedys Favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH ** AND LIVER TROUBLES. An liitcreiting Trip To Niagara Falls via Lehigh Valley Rail road, September 0—35. CASTOIIIA. Boars tho Ito Kind You Have Always Bought BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Bynop*iM of Local and Mlscellaneou* Oc currence* Tliat Can Bo Read Quickly. What tlio Folk* of Till* and Other Town* Are Doing. The next convention of the P. (). S. of A. of Pennsylvania will be held at Wilkesbarro in August, 1899. A stable owned by Pardee A Co. at Lattimor was destroyed by lire on Thurs day evening. One horse was lost iu tho bla/.0. Jeddo bali club and the Stars played a one-sided game at tho hall park yester day. The score was 15 to 1 in favor of tho Stars. The St. Patrick's hand has procured sufiicient instruments to fill its engage ments and paraded the streets on Fri day evening. John Wejorok and Miss Elizabeth Hall, both of Ilazle Brook, were married on Saturday morning at Freeland by T. A. Buckley, J. P. Bicyclists must hereafter avoid riding on tho sidewalks in Drifton. Notices are up positively forbidding the use of the sidewalks for wheels. John Rowland, of Hazletou, who was taken to Danville asylum a few weeks ago, escaped from tho institution on Fri day. 1I was captured at his homo and will bo returned today. There will bo two full moons this month. One occurred on the 2d and one will occur on Wednesday night. Full moons occur twice iu the same month only onco in about throe years, and there will not bo two full moons in one month again until 1901. A West Ilazloton trolley party en livened the town on Friday evening. Wiiile some of the visitors were walking along Birkbeck street a stone thrown by an unknown person struck James Greoby and cut his head severely. The injury was dressed by Dr. Richards. Patrick J. Duffy, of Wilkosbarre, has : cntored suit against tho Central Rail- j road of New Jersey and asks $25.000! damages. Duffy was Injured in a wreck j at Mauch Chunk in June and has since been confined to his bed. Ho is per manently injured as a result of the Injury. Mrs. Hugh McGeehau. of West Hazle tou, aged 08 yoarH, died on Saturday and will bo buriod tomorrow. She was tho mother of Dr. E. J. McGeohan, of Macadoo; John J., teller at tho Marklo batik; James, conductor on Traction road; Hugh, Jr.; Mrs. John Burns, Mrs. J. J. (rough and Miss Margaret Mc- Geehan. Tho Wilkesbarro and Northern Rail road, with its franchise, rolling stock and other equipment, lias been purchas ed by J. W. llollenback, E. Trowcll, John Graham, Pierce Butler, John A. Sell in i tt, Thomas A. Barber and George R. Bedford. Tho company will be re organized on September 10 and will be hereafter operated by the Wilkosbarre and Wyoming Valley Traction Company. "Darkeiit RUMIIII" at lluxleton. The Grand opera liouso, Ilazloton, on Wednesday evening will have for its at traction "Darkest Russia." Few plays have met with such approval. It is pos itively strong and ranks among the most j satisfactory productions of recent years. For four years it has met with remark able success and each season it grows in popular favor. Tho play, while in no way bordering on tho sensational, de picts the scenes, incidents and auto cratic administration of the Russian em pire. All strata of socloty aro represent ed, and the plot of love, intrigue and ro mance holds Interest to the ond. Caring a .Shirker. An old civil war veteran tells a good story of how a lazy private In his regi ment was cured of shirking. It ap pears that the fellow was utterly no good. H had been drafted Into ser vice, and thereafter devoted his whole tlmo and attention to getting out of It. He spent more thnn half of hie time In the hospital tent. He ran the gimut of all the diseases that flesh Is heir to or has acquired through Its own misguided efforts. Somehow even the severity of military discipline was Inadequate to his case; Bhlrk he could and would. One day the regiment was ordered to battle. There was to be a long, hard march and a fierce conflict at the end of It. When the orders came tho shirker collapsed. He was taken to an ambulance, where he lay apparently In a comatose condition, hearing nothing, heeding nothing. The surgeon, a new officer Just appointed on the staff, was sent for to sea him. The physician chanced to be a keen-witted man, and after taking In the situation he ban daged the fellow's eyes, motioned to a private to take his feet, while he him self took the head, und without more ado dumped the comatose shirker head-foremost Into the river. As It was the dead of winter, with ice blocks clogging the water, a more vio lent remedy could not be imagined and the way the fellow swam to shore was a caution. From that day forth he was never known to try his game of shirk again. FREELAND, FA., MONDAY, AUGUST 29, IS9S, Three and a Half .Million Ton*. The output of anthracite for Heptem bor has beou fixed at 3,500,000 tons. Tills means four days a week for the miners at tho larger collieries and about live at small plants. The Philadelphia Inquirer , in speaking of tho outlook, says: "Reports from ail consuming quarters show a gradual and moderate expansion in tho demand. It cannot be said, how ever, that tho inquiry is any groater than is to be expected at tiio end of August, and in fact if there is to be any trade at ail this year it should come now. Hut while it is stronger than it has been lately tho volume of business is by no means largo for this season, and suggests a dull market for tho remaining months. Up to August \ the output is 250,000 tons behind last year, and it may bo tho whole year will show a decrease of one million tons. On tliis basis the trade can hardly be active and brisk. Tho best that can bo said is that more coal is moving, that New England dealers show they want supplies, and that prices are slightly better than they wore." Foreman Killed at Kckley. A rapidly moving belt in the Eckley broaker caught Fred Faosncr on Thurs day afternoon and hurled him into the moving machinery. As quickly as possible the machinery was stopped and tho unfortunate man removed, liotli legs were horribly crushed below the knoe, and the man died on his way to Hazleten hospital. The body was then conveyed back to Sandy Valley, the dead man's home. Mr. Fraesncr held tho position of breaker boss and was twenty-throe years old. Tho funoral took place yostcrday afternoon. Tho interment was made at White Elaven, previous to which services were hold by Rev. Korschnor in St. John's Reformed church, Eckley. Mr. Fcisnor was a member of the I'. O. S. of A. of Eckloy and tho Jr. O, U. A. M. of Freeland. Free Uridyl In Sight. Application will be made to tho court on Monday, September 12, for the county to take possession, according to law, of the two rivor bridges at Pittston, the North street and Market stroot bridges in Wilkesbarro and tho now brldgo spanning the river at Plymouth, for the free use of tho public. Luzerne is now tho only county in tho state whore tho toll bridge nuisance continues to bo tolerated, and there Is every reason to boliovo that tho rivor bridges will be free to all public travel and trafiic boforn the ond of another year. Mr*. William Rauglit Dead. Mrs. Hatty Rauglit, wife of Coal and Iron Policeman William Rauglit, of Sandy Run, died Wednesday evening. About five weeks ago she experienced a sovoro fall, by which she sustained a fracturo of the lower right limb. A week ago she began to grow weakor and by degroes she lasped in a semi-con scious stupor. Siio was born in Sugar loaf township on October 28, 1832. She is survived by a husband and three children, Anson, Ida and Maidie. The remains were burled at llazlotou on Friday. Brand Army Day, September 10. Active preparations for a big demon station on September 10 are still going on. Tho business people are heartily co-operating vilth the G. A. R. in the efforts being made to give the visiting veterans a gala day on that date. In the evening a camplire will ho held in tho Grand opera house, at which appro priate exercises will be rendered. Maj. Coxo Post is daily receiving responsos to its invitations to parade here, and every thing points to a largo and creditable demonstration. Prohibition Alan* Meotlnx*. Mass meetings will beheld by tho Pro hibition party 011 the following dates: September 1, Jcanosvillo, at Sons of Temperance hall; September 2, Free land, at Grand opora liouso; September 3, Upper Lehigh, at the public school building: September 4 and 5, Ilazloton. Hon. M. J. Fanning, a brilliant speaker, and E. 1). Nichols, Esq., candidate for lieutenant govornor, will speak at each meeting. Hon. I). M. Evans, candidate for representative from this district, will also bo presont. The Maine Remembered. On the facoof tho now revonun stamps, which are now being distributed, is en graved a representation of tho ill-fated battleship Maino. Tho ship is pictured as going at full speed through a heavy sea. From tho smokestacks are pour ing volumns of donso smoke. The stamps, millions of which will be used, aro a silent though appropriate rominder of the loss of tlio pride of the American navy and 200 of her brave crew. A Pure and Healthy Drink. Intelligent beer-drinkers aro careful of the quality of the beverago they con sume. Hartels' brewers guarantee their product to be unsurpassable in quality. Tests have demonstrated the truth of this time after tiruo. When you want a pure, healthful, invigorating drink ask for Hartels' lager, porter or stock ale. Charles Boczkowskl, agent. $5. Nlnunru Fall*. September o—Lehigho—Lehigh Valley Railroad. LOCAL WAR NOTES. Tho war dopartment has received a letter from officials of the Lehigh Valley Railroad, endorsing the largo plot of ground near Hayes' creek, four miles below White Haven, for occupation by tho troops. The plot mentioned Is along the Lehigh river, and is large enough to acoommodato thousands. Representa tives of the department may visit the location and report on tho facilities and advisability of transferring the Penn sylvania troops to that place. A series of tlireo entertainments held at Tainaqna, Lansford and Sumit Hill, to purchase air pillows for the volun teers of those towns in Company B, Eighth regiment, and Company L, Ninth regiment, netted the projectors $75.50. The expense Amounted to $70.50, con sequently the pillows will not be bought. Lieutenant William 11. Osborne, of tho First regular cavalry, died at Mon tauk last week from fever contracted in Cuba. Ho is a son of ox-Con gross man E. S. Osborne, of Wilkesbarro, and a graduate of West Point. Eugene Riley, of the St. Paul, arrived homo yesterday morning on a thirty days' furlough. During hostilities the St. Paul saw some active and exciting service, and Gone relates some fine stories of tho war. The funeral of Frank D. Fryo, the thirteenth soldier of tho Ninth to die in camp, took placo at Wilkesbarro on Friday. The sickness in tho regiment is now abating, although 158 are still on tho sick roll. Among tho calvalry ordered to ho mustered out of service Is tho Governor's troop, of Ilarrisbiirg, of which Charles Rowlands, of Drifton, is a member. They aro now on their way home from Porto Rico. Anthony A. Ferry, of Joddo, whoso enlistment in Company M, Third Now Jersey infantry, was noted in the TRI BUNE at tho time ho joined, is homo on a thirty-days' furlough. William ,T. Schmidt, of town, who joined tho Twelfth regular infantry during the war, has been promoted to a corporal in Company M. lie is stationod iu Georgia. Thomas Bronnan, of Company 11, Ninth Penn'a, defeatod George Ileigh, of tlio First Missouri, iu a boxing contest last week at Chickamauga. Another large train-load of sick soldiers from tho Ninth Penn'a arrived on Thurs day at Wilkosbarre. PERSONALITIES. O. C. Mutchler, train dospatchor for the I). S. S. Railroad, suddenly re signed last week, and has since removed his family and household goods to Ilagerstown, Md. Samuel Wallace, of North Centre street, will remove his family and house hold goods tomorrow to Ilazloton, where ho has secured a position as stationary engineer. Miss Maggie O'Ncil, a talented young lady of Freeland, is spending a few days' vacation with tho Mclnurnny family.— Mahanoy City American. Dr. Everett, of Sandy Run, has re signed as assistant to Dr. 11. M. Neale and accepted a position in Philadelphia. W. W. Peeler has resigned his position in Drifton office and will begin the study of medicine iu Philadelphia next month. Joseph W. Bellas, of Wilkesbarro, is the guest of his son, William E., super intendent of Freeland overall factory. Misses Mary Mulhearn and Annie Rogan, of Freeland, are visiting at the Valley hotel.— Lamford Record. Misses Bridget and Annie McGeehau. of Drifton, will loavo for Philadelphia this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Orion Stroh re turned on Friday evening from Sea Isle City, N. J. Miss Abbio Sullivan, of Mountain Top, is visiting relatives in town. Miss Minnio Neuburger is the guest of friends at tho county seat. Miss Maine McGowan,of Philadelphia, is "islting in town. DEATHS. Gerbor.—At Freeland, August 20, John W., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gorber. Interred yesterday at Freoland cemetory. Marioy.—At Highland, August 28, of diphtheria, Nettie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Marioy, aged 10 years. Interred this morning at Freoland cemetory. To Cure Count I pat lon Forever. Take Gnscarets Cundy Cathurtic. 100 or 26c. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. One Fare, CJ. A. R., Cincinnati. Via Lehigh Valloy, September 3 and 4. Foster township schools opened this morning with a large attendance. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Sunroof Joining the Regular Army. Tho recruiting officers at Ilazloton aro moating with much success in their efforts to fill up tiio artillery regiments of tho rugular army. On Friday tho following young mon of tho region wore sworn into tho snrvico and sent to Fort Monroe, Va.: Androw Krapf, John Brodt, Avery Maxwell, James lluvlc, (loorge Hadesty, John Meikrantz, John Faneook, Uoorgo Chlsnoll, Jr., Harry Gould, Sueley Gould, Roy Mock, Ray Mane, Charles Mauo, John Dcisenroth, Irwin Glitz, Arthur Lutz, George King, August Voth, Owen McElwoo, Fred Norris, J. J. Roylo, J. Coyle, Hazletou; llcnry I'rico, Hugh Garvin, John Ma loncy, Thomas Ferry, li. Coylo, Iteavor ISrook; William Ilonry, Silver lirook; James McGlynn, Reuben Walsh, Stock ton; James Mcßaughlin, Alex Wallace, Jr., Ilarwood; John Hannond, Sayre; Timothy Ryons, Mahanoy City; Wilson Dunn, Daniel Rafter, Jcanosville; John Kramer, Weatherly; Joseph Hobort, llarlulgh. On Saturday nearly 100 moro men were examined, and about one-half of those passed the examination and will leave today for Fort Monroo. At least live Freeland boys will bo in tho noxt squad to loavo, and probably a dozen more are Holding the question under consideration. Arrented for Forger}'. From lluzlcton Plain Speaker. John Zona, a young man of Freeland, was arrested Friday evening by Cons table HunsingoFon a warrant sworn out before Alderman Buchenau by Frank Toth charging him with forgery. On May 28 ho Is alleged to have made out a check on his own name In the amount of $5, but Mr. Toth claims it was not detected until yesterday, when ho went to the bank for his old checks. The check In question was cashed by William Deisroth where tho young man purchas ed a pair of trousers. The evidonco ad duced was considered sufficient and he was placed under bail. Edmund Lom blck became his bondsman and thereby saved the young man from going to jail. Quite Natural. Dlggs—Blank, the banker, died this morning. WggH—That so? Of whom did he die? Diggs—You mean "of what did he die," I suppose? I'UTffs —No; who wus his physician?— Chicago Daily News. Comparative SlinbhlncMN. Mrs. Murray llill—l need u new lint. Mr. Murray 11111—Why, tlie one you've got Isn't eo very shabby. Mrs. Murray TIIII—To tell the truth, it's not quite as shabby us you are; but it's too shabby for me to wear on the streets.—Tammany Times. Her Ambition. No sentiment invades her thoughts. The maid who's up to (lute. She hungers not for Love's delights. Hut weds a big check mate. — N. Y. Journal. LOST HIS IIA.\K. J? fiOTßjf 0 (p/ Jjj? I 1 m " Jack—Copt. Jones has married a ivldow. Florrlo—Yes, so T heard. Bad for him, 1 hough. Jack—Why? Florrlo—lie's second mate now.— West Und RevleWi Exception to the Rule. Father—Remember, my son, on never loses anything In this world by being polite. Son—You're wrong, father, I lost my sent in u street cur this morning from flint very cause.—N. Y. Truth. Moro Tl an Was A tilted. "Will you lend your Influence to this project. Dim ling?" asked Tot ling. "Will I lend it?" replied Dialling. In i sudden excess of liberality. "I'll do more—l'll give it."—N. Y. World. Everybody Say* So. CiiHcarotH Cundy CtSfhurtic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas ant and refreshing to tho taste, act gently and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, euro headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. today; IU, 25, 50 cents. Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter in 11 k soap for the small sum of sc. David Kennedy's favorite Remedy CURES ALL KIDNEY. STOMACH 4/ LIVER TROUBLES. DEMOCRATIC POLITICS, LEGISLATIVE AND COUNTY CON VENTIONS THIS WEEK. Delegates .Meet at lluzlcton Today to Nominate a C'amliduto for the A*Hcmbly. Home Sharp Content* Expected at Wllke*burre Tomorrow. Tho Democratic legislative convention of the Fourth district will be held this afternoon at Hazleton and a candidate will be placed in the field against F. L. Snjder, the Republican nominee, and D. M. Evans, the Prohibitionists' choice. Hugh Sheridan, of Joanosvllle, easily leads in the district, and is about the only Democrat who appears to want the nomination. Several others have been mentioned in connection with the honor, but few seem disposed to enter the Tight, inasmuch as the influence of every corporation, every anti-labor and every anti-new county man will be solidly ar rayed against the Democrats' choice. Mr. Sheridan is prominent in labor cricles and is said to bo able to poll a large Republican vote, If nominated. Some llazletonians are anxious to have a re presentative man of that city placed on the legislative ticket, and tills may be dono if a compromise can be effected with Sheridan. George McLaughlin, Esq., of town, has also been montlonod as a probable candidate. The success of the Democrats last, fall in Luzorne has brought out an abund ance of condldatns for the county oflices. For controller, Fcnner, of Ashley; Mul lally, of Wilkesbarro, and Shinier, of Plains, oxpect to win. Joe McCiinty and Dolpli Glennon load in the race for sheriff. Louis Gabriel, a Pole, and C. J. Boyle, of Plymouth, are the noarest to tho recordership goal. There are sever al others in the fight, but tho abovo are tho leaders. Who will bo named to oppose Williams for congress is yet a mystery. The county delegates wero choson on Saturday evening. At some polls there was 110 opposition, while at others a bitter rivalry for the credentials took place. The results in town were as follows; First ward—Jnmos M. Gallagher. Second ward —Michael Morrill. Third ward—John E. Mcllugh. Fourth ward—Patrick Hoonoy. South ward, Sucond district—John Trimble. South ward, Third district—P. J. Breslin. Other dologates are: Woodsido—Frank Ward. Highland—John White. Sandy Run—John Shovlin. Jeddo—Phil Brislin. Drifton (Foster) —James North. Drifton (Hazle) —John McElweo. Upper Lehigh(Fostor)—James Ilrogan. Upper Lohigh (Butler) —Fred Land nicsser. Shipping Molten Iron. A mechanical and on economical triumph reported from Pennsylvania is the dully shipment of tons of molten Iron by railway from tho blust fur naces at Duquesce to the Homestead Steel Works. This remarkable service was Instituted on the Ist of June, and Is now an ordinary dally routine. Tho molten Iron as it is tapped from the furnaces runs Into an immense mix ing ladle having a capacity of 250 tons, nnd from this it Is poured Into the 20-ton ladle-cars, tho ladles being •uade of sheet-steel or Iron, with a lin ing of refractory materlnl. Tho cars are then hauled by a locomotive to tho steel works, where the direct conver sion of tho molten Iron Into open hearth stool Is made, avoiding all the expense of casting the metal into pigs and cooling, handling, reloading, re heating and remeltlng the pig metal. It Is stated that between 700 aud 800 tons of Iron are transported dally from the Duquesne furnaces In this manner. A Correction. Ulontios, Co. Donegal, Ireland. August 12, 1808. EDITOR TRIHUNK. —An announce ment appeared in a copy of the FIIKK- I.AND TRIIU'NE, of the 4th nit., of tho death of John Ward. Slatington, whom, it was said, was survived only by a sister and a brother. Thero are still "two survivors of the family in Ireland, viz., Mrs. Michael Broslin, Shoskenegrono, Ardara, County Donegal, and Frank Ward, (ilentiea, County Donegal, (sister and brother). Please publish tho above correction and oblige us. Frank Ward, Hannah Hroslin. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy 25c skirts at A. Oswald's. Ho sells lots of them and they are dandies. DR-david favorite The one sure cure for J The Sidney's,liver and Blood Dr. N. MALEY, D L XT I ST. Sucond Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVER niKKBECK'S STORE. $1.50 PER YEAR £~MIAS. ORION STROII, Attorney ar.d Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Ofllco: Rooms 1 and 2, Birkbeck Brick, Freeluud JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly uttcuded. l'ostollico Building, ... Froeland. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Iludesty's Building, So. Centre St., Freclund. A. BUCKLEY, justice of the Peace. All business given prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Street. JYJRS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. 1} - ROIIRBACH, General Hardware. Builders' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, paints, and tinware. Bicy cles and repairs of all sorts. South Centre street. YOUMAN, SHOEMAKER. Bo r ts and shoes repaired with best white oak leathor. Cheapest and most reliable place, in town. All work fully guaranteed. End of Trolley, Centre St., Next, to N. Cupeoo. LI3OR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Tcinporunee drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. FRANCiS RRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Froeland. FINK ST LIQUOR, DEER, PORTER, CIGARS AND SOFT DRINKS. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, FORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 6 Walnut street, Froeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Gondy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenun duiih Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. U8 Centre street. T.CAMPBELL, dealer in lH\v III) O flits, CSi'o&Gi'i'es* Bools ill Ml Slum%S\* Also PURE WINES M LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Froelaud. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. s S BROTHERHOOD HATS 0 0 A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMAUDUS OSWALD, N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Ste., Freeland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers