FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XI. NO 14. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEIIIGII VALLEY RAILROAD. May 16, 1898. AKKANQEMKNT OP PAHSENOEII TKAINB. LKAVE PUB ELAND. 6 20 a in for Weatherly, Munch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Fasten, Phila delphia nml New York. 7 40 a in lor Sundy Run, White Huron, Wilkes-Bar re, I'itt stun and Sc runton. 8 32 a in for Weatherly, Muucli Chunk. Al lentown, lie!hlcliein, Kixion, Philadel phia ami New Vork. 9 30 a in lor Huzicton, Muhnnoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. funnel, Shuuiokin and Pottsville. 1 1 56 a in for Sandy Run, White Raven, Wilkes-Dane, Boruuton uud ull points West. 4 32 P ni for Huzleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Shumokiii and Pottsville. 6 39 | in for Handy Run, White lluvcn, Wilkes-Burrc and Scranton. 0 57 p in for Huzleton, Mahanoy City, Hlieu undoali, Mt. Carmel and Shainokiii. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 a in from Pottsville, Hhuinokin, Mt. Carmel, Sheuuudouli, Mahanoy City and ilazletoii. 9 17 a in from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allentowii, Maucil Chunk and Weatherly. 9 30 a in from Scrunlou, Wilkes-Burro and White Haven. 1 1 50 a in from Pottsville, Hliainokin, Mt. Carmel, Slieiiaudoali, Mahanoy City and Ilazletoii. 4 32 p ni from Scruiitou, Wilkes-Bar re and White Haven. 6 39 P in from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allentown, l'otts ville, sliaiiiokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City ami Ilazletoii. 0 57 p ' from Scrunton, Wilkes-Baire and White Haven. 8 32 p in from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allentown, Muucli Chunk and Weatherly. For turther iutorniution inquire of Tiekel A vents. KoLLIN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. CIiAS. 8. LEE, (Jeii'l Pass. Agent. 211 Cortlandt Street, New York City. DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND X SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Thuo table in otToot April lk, 1897. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Kekloy, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Huzicton Junction at 5 90, t> uu a in, daily except Sunday; and 7 (J8 a in, 2 88 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drift-on for Hnrwood,Crant>en y, Tomhickeii and Dcriiigcr at 5 30, ti UU a in, daily except Sunday; und 7U3 u m, 2 38 p ni, Hun day. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shoppton at 000 a in, daily except Sun day; and 7 08 a m, 2 88 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Ilazletoii Jiinctiou for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhickeii and Doringer at (185 a in, dully except Sunday; und 8 58 u in, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Ha/.leton Junction for OneidH Junction, llarwood Road, Huinbohlt. Road, Oneida and Hhcppton at ll 82,1110 a in, 4 41 p in, daily except Sunday; and 7 87 a in, 3 11 p tu, Sunday. Trains loavo Doringer for Tomhlcken, Cran berry, llurwood, Huzicton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p in, daily except Sunday; and 0 87 a in, 5 07 p m, Sunday. Trams leave Shoppton for Oneida, Humboldt ltoud, llarwood Road, Oneida Junction, Ilazle toii J unction aid Roan at 7 11 am. 12 40, 522 p m, daily except Sunday; und 8 11 a in, 8 44 p in, Sunduy. Trains leave Shoppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, lluzio Brook, Euklcy, Jeddo uud Drifton ut 5 22 p in, daily, except Sunday; und H 11 a in, 8 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leavc Ha/.leton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, liu/.le Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 020 p m, dull}, except Sunday; and 10 10 a m, 5 10 p m. Sunday. Ail trains connect at Ilazletoii Junction with electric cars for Hazlcton, Jcanusviile, Audon ried and other poiuta on tho Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving- Drifton at 5 80, o 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for Wilkusburrc, Sue.bury, Parrisburg and points west. For the accommodation of passengers at way stations between Huzicton Junction and Dor ingor, a train will leave the former point at 850 p m, daily, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 (10 p m. LUTHER C. SMITH, Superintendent. MISCELLANEOUS ADVERTISEMENTS. AUDITORS' NOTICE: Michael Potoclmey et. ill. vs. St. Mary's Co-oporntive Asso ciation. In court of common pleas of Luzerne county, sitting in equity, No. 8, March term, 1800. Notice Is hereby given thutthe undersigned, an auditor appointed by the court of common pleas of Luzerne county to distribute the funds now in the hands of Clnis. F. Mcllugh, master, will att< nd to the duties id' his ap pointment lit his oliice, No. 7 South Franklin street, Wilkcsbnrrc, Pa., on I* riday, t he second day of September, A. I). 1808, at 10 a. in., at which time and place all persons inlorested In said fund must present, their claims before the uditor or he forever debarred from any share lu suid fund. B. R. Jones, auditor. NOTICE. -The Freehold Water Company hereby notifies consumers of water to cease using the same for washing vehicles, sidewalks, and in gardens and lawns, and to use it as sparingly as possible. Patrons are requested to prevent any waste of water uhout their premises. By order of Joseph Dirk beck, president. IjMHt RENT.- Large store room in MoMeiiu- J" mill building; possession given at once. Apply oil the premises or to J. J. MoMemiiuiii. ••ISny Wanted," Saturday Night. Tho big oxtravanganza, M A Boy Wanted," announced to appear at Ha/.le ton opera house, Saturday, Augugt 20, is from the pen of Charles E. Blaney, author und producer of numerous farce comedy hits. It was built up for laugh ing purposes only and has certainly met the author's ideas. The entire three acts go with a dash and vim from rise to tho fall of curtiun. Act ilrst shows the interior of a country news paper oliice, the Evening Key, wjjdro no end of the fun is dispensed by the print ers' devil, the wlnsoino typewriter and their co-workers. Act second presents the Interior of Starview hotel, on Wet water Beach, a summer resort. Act third, interior of same hotel, where a performance Is given in the drawing room. Tho company Is composed of twenty-live artists of merit who Intro duces many new specialties and up-to date novel acts. Reserved seat sale opens at the box oflico of the opera house three days in advance of the attraction. Orders by telephone will be saved until 8 o'clock. Buuuty Is lllood Deep. Clean blood moans u clean skin. No beauty without It. UiiHoarets Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it olean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the body. Begin today to banish pimples, bolls, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarots—beauty for 10 cents. All drug gists, satis! not ion guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Due Fare, (1. A. It., Cincinnati. Via Lehigh Valley, September 3 and 4. CABTOIIIA. Boar, the the Kind You Haw Always Bought BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Sym>|iNl. of I.ucml ttml MlKCollMtiotin Oc currenees That Can He Read Oiiickly. What. the Folks of Tills and Other Towns Are Doing. Services will be held at St. Paul's P. M. church next Sunday at the usual hours by Rev. S. Ponglase, pastor. The efforts made to reorganize the Sons of Veterans of town are succeding fairly well, and a camp of the order will he instituted here noxt month. Neil Mcllugh, of Eckley, has been tendered the position of assistant mine foreman at Derringer by the Cross Creek Coal Company and has accepted the Matthew T. L. Howoy and Miss Mary Ann Marshman, both of Freeland, were married yesterday by Rev. E. C. Murph) at tho home of the bride's mother on Burton street. The plant of the Bartel Brewing Com pany at Edwardsvillo Is now in full operation. It is a big affair In all its appointments and is capable of turning out 300,000 barrels a year. Ely Crawford has been appointed col lector of taxes to succeed A. A. Bacli man, resigned. The appointment is for tho balance of Mr. Bach man's term, which expires in the spring of 1900. The Associated Wheelmen will meet, tonight at the Cottage hall and import ant action will be taken on the building of tho cycle path. All who dosiro to subscribe for stock of the association should attend this evening's meeting. Ground was broken on Tuesday for Pottsville's now public building. It will he a handsome structure and will cost SCO, OOO. Ex-Congressman John B. Rollly succeeded in having tho new govern ment building bill passed through con gress four years ago. Daniel Shnch, of Lehlghton, while attempting to cross the tracks of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company at that place Tuesday night, was struck by a locomotivo with probably fatal results. Ills skull was fractured und he was otherwise badly injured. The annual midsummer picnic of the Foarnots Athletic Association at Drif ton hall park on Saturday evening will be up to the usual high standard main tained in such affairs by this organiza tion in the past. Dancing will be con tained until a seasonable hour and re freshments of all kinds will be sold. Mrs. L. C. Fuller and fivo boarders in her house at Wilkesbarro were poisoned by eating canned beans. The beans were partaken of at supper Monday night, and next morning all those who had eaten were sick. Several physicians were summoned, who labored with the patients all day and they are now out of danger. W. O. Sprlggs will succeed James Donnelly as superintendent of the Eas ton and AuTboy and Lehigh divisions of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, lie will assume the duties of his office on September 1. Mr. Sprlggs Is 42 years old and has had some experience in the railroad business. He came here from Asheville N. C. There is suid to be a decided and con tinued improvement in the anthracite coal trado. New orders are being re ceived daily, and thnro seems to be a disposition on the part of the dealers to purchase coal at this time, as the belief is growing that there will beau advance from present figures at the beginning of next month.— ThiUt. Time*. Funds are being raised by the St. Patrick's cornet hand to purchase new instruments. Members of tho band, and their friends in several parts of the country, are disposing of tickets which gives the holder an opportunity to obtain a high-grade bicycle at 1 cent a ticket. The success of the plan is al ready assured, as tlie band has a wide reputation and its friends aro legion. PERSONALITIES. Charles Boner, who spent aome time In the Klondike region, Is visiting his parentH on Adams street. Ho reports having passed Thomas Elliott and the Gallagher brothers at Seattle on their homeward journey and expocts them hero in a short while. Patrick Cannon, of South Contro stroot, returned to his homo on Monday from Hazleton hospital, where a tumor was removed from his body a fow weeks ago. He stood the operation very well and in a fow more weeks will be fully rocovered. Misses Annetta Stahl and Ellen Bocz kowskl are among this weok's visitors at Shenandoah. Miss Mary McGeehan, of Coxe addi tion, is visiting Jersey City relatives. Isaac Fry moved his family and house hold effects to Tainaqua on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. I'. H. Hanlon are at At lantic City. PLEASURE CALENDAR. August 20.—Picnic of the Fearnots Athletic Association, Drifton ball park. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 18, 1898. To Test Anthracite Coal. Henry 8. Fleming, secretary of the Anthracite Coal Operators' Association, has sent the following letter to Hon. M. It. Williams, of Wilkesbarro: "Relative to the matter of anthracite coal in the navy, about which I wrote you some thne ago, I have just returned from Washington, where I had an inter view with the chief of the navy bureaus and the assistant secretary of the navy. They have now promised that as soon as a satisfactory vessel Is available for the purpose they will have it detailed to make an extended series of tests of the various kinds and sizes of anthracite coal, which shall be suggested, for the purpose of deciding, finally, whether or not anthracite will bo suitable for naval "I beg that you will use all the in fluence that you can bring to boar at the proper time, of which I will advise you. to urge the selection of the cruiser Mar blehcad. The, ratio of her great surface to heating is Ito 28.r and further, her captain, B. S. McCalla, Is an exceedingly earnest advocate of anthracite for naval use. "I will keep you Informed of any de velopments that may come up in this matter, and hope you will, in the mean time, tako any steps that may suggest themselves to you to further it." To Prospect. In Silver Mines. John S. McGroartv, formerly of Wilkesbarro and ex-treasurer of Luzerne county, has resigned his position as general manager of the Electric Light, Power, Water, Street, Railway and Townsite departments of the Anaconda Copper Mining Company. His resigna tion will take effect on September 15, at wkjch time he will leave for the silver re gion at Zasatecas, Mexico, where he has already Invested. He and two export electricians, J. L. Malm and W. C. Cheney, are the inventors and sole owners of a new electro-chemical process. This will be used in the now fields, and it is thought will be very successful. The Anaconda Standard of recent date in a lengthy article speaks highly of Mr. McGroarty. W. M. Tuohy, of Butte, will succeed him at Anaconda. Weatherly Car Shops Closed. The Weatherly car shops have been closed indefinitely, something which has been anticipated by the employes for several weeks past, the final orders going into effect Monday night. Notices wore posted that the doors will remain locked until further orders, everything having been cleaned up In apple-pie order by tho laborers about the place. About lifty men in all aro thrown out of em ployment and do not expect to see tho shops open for work again. It is also tho belief of those employed in the ma chino shops that that department will be closed shortly. The workmen will now be obliged to seek employment else where. Severe Klectrlcal Storm. A severe electrical storm passed over lower Luzerne on Tuosday evening. The lightning, thunder, rain and hail came so rapidly and with such force that many feared considerable datnago would result. Fortunately this vicinity escaped without loss of life or destruc tion of property. In the Coxe addition the residenco of Mrs. Hugh Dover was struck by lightning, but no serious results followed. At Alvlntowu the barn of I). O. Krommes was also struck. The building was slightly damaged and a horse was badly stunned. Tlieso were the most serious accidents reportod. Death of John Haley. John Haley died at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon, aged 78 years. Death was duo to general debility. The deceased was a resident of the coal regions for many years, having followed railroad track-laying the greater part of his life. Tho remains were taken on Tuesday morning to Wilkesbarro, and the funeral took placo there this morning from the home of his nephew, Michael Murphy. Mr. Haley was a quiet, unassuming old gentleman and death ended a peaceful life. He was never married. For (Jranil Army Day. Preparations for lirand Army Hay on September 10 continue to be made by tho members of Ma], C. It. Co\o Post and tho local business men's committee. Tho Lehigh Valley Railroad Is offering spuclal rates of one fare for the round trip, good to return on September 11, from all stations between Wilkesbarro and Pbllllpsbiirg, N. ,1. Tho Jersey Central Railroad will also run special trains to Drifton or Upper Lehigh at reduced rates from the towns along its lino, Army of tho Potomac. Niagara Falls, August 3D to Septem ber 3.' Reduced rates via Lehigh Valley. llalf ltate. to ImllanHpoll. Via Lehigh Valley. Knights of Pythias, August 30-Soptember 10. Ladles, don't fail to see those fancy 9fic skirts at A. Oswald's. He sells lots of them and ttiuy'are dandies. OASTOniA. Bears the _/r Th® Kind You Havn Always Boupjit FIREMEN'S TROUBLES. Cleuring TlienitielvoH of by a Councilman. Last, night's meeting of the Citizens' lloso Company was largely attended, duo to the fact that aomu of the mem bers wore to bo placed on the rack on the charge of breach of conduct. The accused members wore Chief Patrick Welsh, Secretary Timothy Boyle, Treas urer John M. Powell and E. P. Galla ghor. The troublo arose from remarks made lately at a borough council meet ing by Councilman DePiorro, who, it is alleged, based his statements 011 In formation given him to the effect that the recent requisition for more hose and apparatus made by the firemen was not legally authorized by the Hose Company and that a quorum was not present at the meeting at which it was decided to make the requisition. Councilman DoPlcrro, having refused 011 the 1 Oth Inst, to appear and substan tiate the allegations concerning the company made by him, the firemen then docidod to investigate on their own ac count, and a committee was appointed for this purpose. Their report impli cated the members named above. All the accused were present last night. Messrs. Welsh, Boyle and Powell gave statements satisfactory to tho com pany as to what they had said in answer to interrogations put to them by Coun cilman DePierro at the time he spoke to them, which, by the way, was two weeks after the council had acted upon the requisition. These three were then ex onerated from all charges. Mr. Gallagher was tho last to bo called upon for bis explanation. He protested against the presence of re porters and non-members, and 110 action being taken on tho protest ho left the meeting. A committee of two was again sent to invito Councilman De- Pierro to attend the meeting, in order that all the facts could be brought out before taking action. Tho committee did so and reported he would not come. The investigation cominitttee then reported that they had heard Mr. Gal lagher say in the presence of the coun cilman that It was ho who told Mr. De- Pierro and that it was true there was not a quorum at the meeting in ques tion. The roll hook of tho company showed tliat a quorum was present at the opening and closing on the date upon which the requisition was made and that tho action of tho company was legal and authorized. A resolution expelling Mr. Gallagher immediately followed and it was passed by tho required two-thirds vote. The per capita tax to tho State Fire men's Association was ordered paid. The selection of a delegate to attend the state convention at Lebanon was laid over until tho next meeting. Thomas J. Moore, Edward Doggett and Patrick Breslin were proposed for active membership. School Hoard Meeting. The borough school hoard met in special session last evening with all the members except Mr. Krotumns present. Bills of THIIIUNK, publishing audit, $0.70, and Cross Creek Coal Company, coal, SO. were ordered paid. It was decided to pay the interost on the bonds at the next meeting. A communication from the Hudson School Furniture Company, relative to money due tlieui and tho buying of new goods, was read and laid over. The teachers' and pupils' com mittee reported rules and regulations for teachers and pupils. They were instructed to add the duties of the janitor to the report. The text hook committee reported a list of hooks and supplies for adoption, to the amount of $315.07. The report, was accepted and supplies are to be ordered. The salary of janitor was fixed at $25 per month during school term. All mem hois voted for the in crease oxcept Mr. Sweeney. Tho building committee reportod hav ing received bids for the cleaning of the Daniel Coxe school as follows: S. B. Vanhorn, $18; Mrs. Schaub, $10; Mrs. Douiin, sl2. The latter was awarded tho work, also tho Hill school at $5. Mrs. Sweeney was given the cleaning of the Eckley B. Coxe school, as per her hid of $7. A hill of $8 having been re ceived for South He her ton old building, it was considered too high. The hoard sot tho price of cleaning the South llub crton buildings, as follows: New build ing, $10; old, s(>. The committee was ordered to have rubbish removed from tho now building as per an offer of 25 cents for a single load. The board will meet again August 24. DEATHS. Fowler.-—At Drlfton, August 14, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Fowler. Interred on Tifesday at Freeland cemetery. George.—At Freeland, August 13, In fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry George. Interred 011 Monday at Free laud cemetery. Kriuciito Your Howies With Cascurcts. Cundy Cuthurtic, euro constipation forever. 10c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. CASTORIA.. Boam tha The Kind You Have Always Bought A Preacher's Hold KHCiipe. Rev. W. S. Anderson, a meek-looking minister, who had been confined in Wilkesbarro lock-up for tho past two weeks, pending extradition papers asked for by Maryland authorities, escaped from his cell in the staton house Tuos day morning and is now at liberty. His escape is a shock to the local police authorities, who were taken in by tho suuve Mr. Anderson, and who regarded him as too innocent to attempt such a thing. Rev. W. S. Anderson was arrested at Kingston two weoks ago on complaint of authorities at Cumberland, Md., who said he was wanted there for embezzle ment and making false representations in regard to a certain saving fund of which he was tho agent. Patrol Driver Wolfe went to tho room that morning to take the minister his breakfast, but his suspicions were aroused by finding tho door barricaded. A chair had been placed under the knob on the inside, and it required some time to force tho door. Wolfe found the room ompty. An iron bar on the window had been broken off and bent upwards, making an open ing 10x18 inches, through which the minister escaped. The distance was twenty feet from tho window to tho ground, but Ander son had tied a blanket to the bars and used that as a rope to reach the ground. A twenty-foot fence was scaled in some man nor and another blanket was used to get down on the other side. Willi tlio Rough Hitlers. From the Huzleton ttontinol. It has been four years and more since Henry Mans last heard from his son Charles, who left his home and depart ed to seek his fortune. His father had grown to think of him as dead, but was surprised and delighted to receive a letter yesterday eight pages long con taining the intelligence that tho writer was well and describing his adventurers. The letter was indeed interesting read ing, for Charlie is a member of Roose velt's Rough Riders, and was with them in the famous battle of El Caney. The Rough Riders will go down in history as valiant horocs, who fought and won against heavy odds, and Mr. Mans can well be proud to have a son who as a member of that famous band deserves honor and praise. If he ever returns to Hazleton he will be a person age of Importance, for who Is not anx ious to hear from tho lips of an eye wit ness the story of that awful battle in Santiago, and to shake the hand of a man who fought with such a group of horocs as Roosevelt's Rough Riders. Judge Storm Improving. Late news received from Danville sanitarium, where ex-Congressman John B. Storm is confined, is very encourag ing. On Saturday, for the first time, ho came down for a meal. Judge Storm's condition is so much more favorable that, his wifu, who has been In constant at tendance, will return tomorrow. Judge Storm's many friends are more hopeful ut tho present time of his recovery than for some time. While his condition is much improved, there is little possibility that the Democratic workers of the Eighth district will receive any assist ance from Judge Storm during the coming campaign. The nomination of Judge Jenks was very pleasing to the judge, and but for his recent, illness he would have given the Democratic ticket j hearty support. How's Thlu I Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. E. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio. We tho undersigned have known F. J. Cheney for the lust fifteen years, and believe him perfectly hotiorublo in all business transactions and financial ly able to carry out any obligation made by their firm. WEST & TIIUAX, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. WALDINO, RINNAN &. MAUVIN, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's f'aturrh Cure is taken inter rally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of th© system. Price, 76c. fcr bottle. Sold by all drugg'uta. Testimonials fp. Hall's Family Pills are tho best. Two Million* u Year. When people buy, try and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cusonrets Candy Cuthurtic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million lie tore New Year's, it means merit proved, that Cusimrets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists, 10c. 25e, 50c u box, euro guaranteed. Murchuiits Association Kxcurslon. To Now York, September 1-1. Re duced rates—fifteen days limit. Con sult Lehigh Valley ticket agents for particulars. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for the small sum of sc. ' C ASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought sSJoof ARMY AND NAVY ATTACK Spaniards Were Given Two Days in Which to Surrender and Then the Firing Began. Colorado Troops I.ud in tlia Assault Fire of R.utt IOHIIIJM Said to Have Fallen Short —lt Was Directed Only on the Ariued Defences—General AuguKtln Fleos on a Fast German Cruiser—Order I'revalls In the City. Manila, Aug. 13. via Ilong Kong. Aug. 18.—A lit llr II ft IT 8 o'clock Silt unlay morning Admiral Dewey scut a messenger to Captain Augustln to de mand the surrender of the city. The Admiral gave the Spanish com mander one hour in which to comply with the demand, and told him that If the city was not surrendered in that time he would bombard it. (Jen. Augustln r< fused to capitulate nud at 9:30 o'clock a signal wus set on the Olympln, directing the squadron to open tiro. Almost instantly the guns of the warships l>cgan to shell the town, and their lire was kept up for two hours. Then the American troops ashore stormed the Spanish trenches, sweep ing all before them. The Spaniards did not attempt a i\*- slstance. The Colorado troops llrst stormed the outer trenches and drove GENERAL MR MUTT. the enemy back to their second line of defence. Then me Americans swept the Span lards into the walled city, where the commander, seeing that further resist a nee was useless, hoisted u white flag and surrendered. The losses on either side are uu known. The Spanish intrenched forces numbered 8.000 men. while the Ameri cans attacking them numbered 10,000. The latter were better armed. 1 Hitter trained and better conditioned. The foreign ships in Manila Bay watched the bombardment with close Interest. The American ships engaged were the Olympln, Petrel, Raleigh, Hugh MeCulloeh, Boston, Monterey. Charleston and Baltimore. The Spaniards say that the Ameri can tire mostly fell short. The only effective fire was from a small gun l>oat close to the shore, that was armed with quick-:*!ring guns. They also assert that the Americans lost heavily in storming the defences ow ing to the faulty construction of their lntreiichineuts, which the Spaniards commanded from the heights, from which they poured a galling tire upon the Americans. ADMIRAL DEWEY. The Spanish trench extended around Manila at a distance of from two to four miles from the walled city. The circle was ten miles in circumference. It was impossible to hold so long a line against the American attack. It is understood that Admiral Dewey and Hen. Merrltt Issued orders to spare all but the armed defences, con sequently the town was little dam aged. There has been some street fighting between insurgents and Spaniards In the outskirts, but good order is main tained within the walled city. When the white Hag was hoisted. Captain-General Augustln Jumped iu to a German launch that was waiting for him ami was convoyed to the Ger man cruiser Kntserin Augusta, which sailed for Hong Kong before the bom bardmeut was concluded. $1.50 U year is all the TRIBUNE costs. pRANK YOUMAN, SHOEMAKER. Ho >ts and shoes repaired with hesf white oak leather. Cheapest and most reliable place in town. All work fully guaranteed. End of Trolley, Centre St., Next to N. Capeoc. $1.50 PER YEAR £MIAS. ORION STROJI, Attorney and Counselor at Law aud Notary Public. Office: Rooms 1 and 3, Rirkbeek Prick, Frccland JOHN M. CARII, Attorney-at-Law. All logul business promptly attended. I'ostolficc building. ... Freeland. MCLAUGHLIN, Attorney-at-Law. Legal Business of Any Description. Hudesty's building, So. Centre St., Frcelnnd. 'TNIOS. A. BUCKLEY, Justice of the Peace. All business given progipl attention. Tribune building, - - Main Street. jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Rcjrrcscntcd. General Hardware. builders' supplies of every kind always ill stock. Wall paper, paints, and tinware, bicy cles and repairs of all sorts. South Centre street. Dr. N. MALEY, DENTIST. Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVEIi IiIUKBECK'S STOIiE. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freelund. Temperunee drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street. Freehold. FINEST LIQUOR, BEER, POUTER, CIO A lis AND SOFT DRINKS. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 6 Walnut street. Freehold, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. Tin- finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shonan douh Boer and Youngling's Porter on tap. 93 Centre street. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in Uty GootlH, flroeefc'ieib lioetn and. Also PURE WINES | LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre nn.l Main strecU, Froolaml. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. I S6RQTHEHHODO HATS 0 U A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMAUDUS OSWALD, N. IF. Car. Centre and Front St*., Freelund.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers