Scrofula Sweh gs Msslth Was Very Poor flood's Qarsaparllla Has Civ ft ©f. "Aly daughter had Bcrofulnjhinys on hor nook and hor health v poor. Bhe did not obtnln last Id fc t from medicines until she began til Ho > .l s Barsaparlllu, Three bottle If lc•• li- Clhe entirely cured her and K> never been troubled with scrofula | I have grant faith in Hood's Saj 4." Mrs. . D. Effner, Ruth, N. Y. Hood's Sarsafe'illa If America's Greatest Medicin<X x for $5. Hood's Pills euro ull liver jj 'j cents I = ——- —l ! Try Allen's Foo rfc Ppwder to be shaken ,t shoes. ! At this season your feet fe- ■ . ner vous unj hot, and get tired Si If vou have smarting feet or tfj t . "try Allen's Foot-Ease. It cook tt and makes walking easy. Cur-slvn and Sweating feet, bisters and spots. I Believes corns and bunions •> din and fives rest and comfort. 10,000 t< ■' niais 1 ry It to-day. Sold by all .lists tnd 1 shoe stores for 25c. Trial pal FlilT Address, Allen 3. Olmsted, L# , Ny Fits permanently cared. No fit* icrvinis- 1 Sess after first day's use of lir S'l- lire-it erv ,e Restorer. S2trial bot'doltr uti.-o tree Dr.R.H.KLINE Ltd.,931 A N fltiila i'a Mrs. Wlnslow's SoothlngS; p hildren 1 teething, softens the gumn ■ u in flammation, allays pain, cure •olic. Vc. • bottle. Government's uia dotal}ness. | Bard times can be pr.-, ■* 11 estl nated by the amount of gßcwclry, old plate and trinkets,-aaysjvtor of tho Mint Preston, present eAhc gov- | jftffiment mints. During tlßrioJ of fettremo depression the a::.* t met ttls purchased by the gover m reach. *<l high figures, but in the p , a r it i VAs dwindled considerably.f ■ ap proach of the holiday se. so • Jew- Wry sent to the mints to Sold tin (Meases In large proportion l a red to the quantity sold In the h season Boon after Now Year there I i -.lly a heavy Installment at the f offices And mints. " Within the past week a A,f gold bracelets, which cost SSO vf . at to the mint bureau here to be 11 ir the gold in them. Their ownLa 1 be ftould not koep them, as he rl r 1 the fnoney, and asked ffireciorls u td dispose of them at whatever! i tliey might bring. The bracek;li being melted down, wero shown icon tan sl7 worth of pure meta.' From 1873 down to last ir le amount of money paid out tJ',o gov y ernment for old gold, plat ajewelry has steadily increased. The|i water nnark waa ranched In 1891, 1.en ho gowernmeat paid out for 'o and Jan-elry $4,035,710. The PBlfipUU melts nine-tenths of thArc ind Jewelry presented to the gitanient. Payment Is geueral'y ma din gold when the Jewelry is of tbalietaL— Chicago Inter Ocean Boarding House Keeper—rl -orry I feel for those pooi Klondllv. ners this cold weather I Boarder tadam, there is no need of g • ng so fa o place your sympathy. You seem forget that I occupy one of your ba!i„ms.— Judge. "I DO MY OWN WOK." So Says Mrs. Mary Roch tv of Linden, New Jersey, in it Letter to Mrs. Pinkfca i •* I was bothered with a fl- 4 h>h would be quite annoying at ti 1 and at others would almost stop. "I used prescriptions given ml/1 ly physician, but the tame state jfr- f<• * 1 of aifairs time I wasi v taken withl a flooding, \ lj that I was ] obliged to ? .yjl keep my bed. gave up my tor, and began Ov/ baking your medi cine, and have certainly been gre4y benefited by itsusq "LydiaE. Pinlcham's Vegetable pound has indeed been a friend t<i il w I am now able to do my own wol thanks to your wonderful medicine 1 was as near death I believe as 1 cud be, so weak that my pulse scarcely bel and my heart had almost given out. I could not have stood it one week morft lam sure. I never thought I won! be so grateful to any medicine. 44 1 shall use my influence with nnl one suffering as I did, to have th | use Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegelabll Compound." Every woman that is puzzled :bou| her condition should secure the s; .k thetic advice of a woman who u lorl stands. Write to Mrs. Pinkhain i l Lynn, Mass.. and tell her your il s 1 Lazy Livar ♦*l have been troubled a great deal with a torpid liver, which produces con-' ;na tion. I found CASCARETS to L'eall you tlm for them, and secured such relief the tirst trial, that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured. I shall only be too glad to rec ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity la presented." J. A. Smitu, 2920 Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. M CATHARTIC \cwctacts TMAOC MAAN OtOiaTVacO Palatable, Potent. Taste Good Dr wood. Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c 2&c 50c ... CURE CONSTIPATION.' Otorlhn BwHty Cowp.ay. Chief,, N.w York. *2O ■O-TO-BM THE SHIP. A ship salted from the port. Another port to find, To he the ocean's sport, A plaything to. the wind. In merry mood the crew Unturled the driving salt, And gayly on they flew Before the fresh'niug gale. The fading land behind, The shoreless sea before; No track clearly defined Toward the wished-for shore. All lighted by the day. Enshrouded in the night, Tho ship sails far away, Yet lingers in tbu sight. And whether soon or Igte Tls anchored by the shore, Still, In the hearts that wait, The ship sails evermore —Alfred Lavington. HUMOR OF THE DAI I Some persons are proud of theii blood, but it's all iu vein. ! On opening the front door you Sad the hall stairs in your face, A girl whose dress is a "perfect | dream" is always awake to the fact. A carpenter may believe in maxims, but he doesn't always trust an old , saw. They don't furnish cats and dogs with caudal appendages at a retail j store. | He—"l'm not myself to-night." She—"Then how dare yon speak to me, sir, without au introduction?"— Chicago News. She—"Don't you think it is dang, r oils to eat mushrooms?" He—"Not a hit of danger in it. The danger is in eating toadstools." I •'What made you so anxious to in troduce Higby and Digby?" "Higby tells war stories and Digby tells fish stories."—New York Journal. "Does young Mr. Slimmins shinein society?" asked u young woman. "Some," replied Miss Cayenne; "es pecially about the coat sleeves." "Seems to me yon didn't thump quite so hard as usual at the concert lastnight. Weren't you well?" "Oh, yes; but it was my own piano, you see." Hicks—"Nobbins seems to be hold ing up his bead of late." Wicks— "Yes; it probably comes of reading Qewspaper bulletins."—Boston Tran script, Dawdler—"Snithers writes poetry for magazines." Dofton—"ls that so? How many magazines do thev give him for each poem?"—Roxbury Gazette. Fiddler—"Yes, Boston has tnrncd out a great many musicians—yours truly among the number." Quiz — "Well, how cau you blame her?"— Brooklyn Li.'e. Half the world doesn't know hiw the other half lives; but if it could be oonvinced that suflh knowled-c vns none of its business, it would 'ry mighty hard to find out.—Pack Lecture (iu museum) —"Yes, i lies and gents, thoro are freak - a 1 freaks, but this man stauds alum." Spectator—"lf he'll stand a 1 au f live dollars, I'll divide with you "The young woman you are cl - to is very fascinating, I undo stand?" "Fascinating? I hud o stand in line seven hours to get <> propose to her."—Chicago Reoord. An old lady refused the gift ol i lead of wood from a tree stru -L. ly lightning, through fear that some ..f thej'fluid" might remaiu iu the vooi, and cause disaster to her kitchen it■ >v Mendicant Michael—"Shure, i Tat I ve got sivin small children at h .tut, utl underfive." Mrs. Skinner—' So* - l children! Any twins?" 51 1 int Michael—"All twins."—Tit-Biti First Tramp—"l hear thej t • nilding a new jail, with all mode) improvements." Second Tramp—- That won't do no good. You'll need pull to get in there."—Fliegendu lUactter. She—"l am not up in the language of flowers. What did that bunch oil jacqueminots mean that you sent mc? i He —"I dou't got the translation from tho florist until the end of the month.?' —The Manhattan. Bacon—"ls that man Crimsonbeal iu favor of war?" Egbert—"No. ill! deedl Every night he's out late he takes home oysters or somethiii;' t) his wife. I think he's for peace at any price."—Yonkers Statesman. "My son," said the aged politician, "it i better, especially when yon ar talking about tho enemies in your iwn party, to use only soft and honeyed words. They are much easier to cat, should occasion arise."—Cincinnati Enqn irer. Hagasta— "Well, Yonr slajesty, wo have ine hope left. The rainy sea m is about to begin in Cuba." The I Qneen Regent—"Ah, seuor, it 1 oks 1 to me very much as if the reigny va I son was about to end there."—Clevc- I land Leader. I The Sarcastic Parent—"And -■ m Iwant my daughter for herself alone? lsaid the sarcaatio- old millionaire. II 'Y yes, sir." "Well, my boy, IT! do I etter by you than that. I'll throw in |t clothes she wears, too."—Cleve 1. 11 Plain Dealer. Why is it. I wonder," mused Sn fl.-ita, 'that those Americans are such itad shots?" "It must be their prac tle at the national game," suggested ijllon. "I've heard considerable aqmt their putting the hall right over th) plate." Philadelphia North American. , ..tPa," began little Clarence, after a | season of silence, "a Chinaman i —r" "Yes, my son," broke in slr. Calipers hastily; "a Chinaman does ma:W things which seem to us very pec'tiar." "Yes, I know, pa; but whn| 1 was going to ask you was, isn easier for a camel to get tki Lb the e ve'of a needle than for a 1 ii.n ,i to get through his need for i n idol ?" —Judge. PORTO RICO EPITOMIZED. I PARACRAPHIC POINTS ABOUT AN ISLAND NOW IN THE WORLD'S EYE. j A l.and or Nntnral Mnrvels and Quaint Customs—The Harbor of San Juan One of the Hest in the World—ldyllic I Kxistenre of tho Small Planter. Porto Rico's area, 3530 square miles. It is thirty-seven tniles across ami 107 miles in length. A chain of mountains traverses the islautl east anil west. El Yunque, 3(588 feet high, can bo seen sixty miles at sea. There are 1300 streams. Forty seven of these are navigable. A rnilroail has been partially built and a fairly good telegraphic service is maintained. Tho roads are little more than cat tle tracks. Population in 18S7, 807,708. Africans and muiattoes number less, in proportion, than in any of the neighboring islands. Exports in 1887 were valued at $lO,- 181,201; imports, $10,198,00 G. A variety of highland rice requiring no "flooding" is the staple food of tho laborers. Sugar, coffee, tobacco, cotton, corn and potatoes are the market crops. Grazing is quite an industry, fresh meat being shipped to St. Thomas. Gold, iron, copper, coal and salt are 1 found. Slavery was abolished in 1873. Ponce de Leon between 1509 and 1518 killed off the natives. A plant growing there, the "orte gou," has a purple flower a yard long. The mosquitoes are terrible pests. Fevers nud dysentery kill off the foreigners. The hurricanes off the north coast tre the terror of sailors. San Juan, the capital, is a town of El, 000. Education is a, matter of little con sern. ' The "giboros" aro the small land aolders of mixed Spanish and Indian ttoek. For three centuries the island was a penal colony. Not until 185G was any trace of aborigines found by archaeologists. Queer prehistoric monuments on the Rio Grande River have attracted attention. San Jnan harbor is one of the hest in the West Indies. Sgu Juan was sacked by Drake in ] 1595 and by ilie Duke of Cumberland three years later. Baldwin Heinrich lost his life in an unsuccessful attempt to take San Juan in IGIS. In IG7B the English failed in an at tack on the forts, and again in 1797 they had to retire atter a three days' siege. De Leon's palace, built in 1511, is oue of the curiosities of the town. S use of the islands near by send to Porto Rico for water. V i sitors are ready to affirm that every man on tho island gambles. IT spitality greets the traveler on every hand, and a tender of money grieves the peasant. Every man, no matter how poor, owns a horse and three or four game cocks. Warm clothing is found comfortable at night. The surf that breaks on the north coast is one of the strongest known. 11 uses in the towns have flat roofs 1 to catch water and for recreative pur poses. In Ihe country the houses are built ten feet from the ground on piles. This is to avoid tho dampness. The siesta is a universal favorite; ' shopping and visiting being done only ' at niglit. Strange as it may seem, there are no I stenches noticeable in the towns, as in other tropical climes. The planter of any means will have j a town house, and there brings Iho family at carnival time. Tho tree 3 are always green in Porto Rico. There are no snakes, no beasts of prey, no noxious birds nor insects to terrorize the field laborer. There is a strange scarcity of birds ' there; a few parrots and water fowls j seeming to cover tho list. Monkeys and rabbits aro unknown ei tin island. Enormous rats, ho.v ". er, abound and dovastato the crops. Longevity among the natives is of j • i nn u occurrence, death at 100 years j if age not being rare. Han Juan seems to bo the "Mecca" fa tv nturers and fugitives from jus- : lice. To In) a white man in the islands is ! ■ have a certain stamp of nobility. . Mi v aro" is how the Binall planter mown. He loves his sweetheart, 1 i game cock, his cigar, his guitar, ! b hammock nud his horse. He is I kto anger and quick to forgive. 1| • is not fond of work. Men and women rido horseback a'l .c. Wicker baskets with handles ai) hung on either side of the horse's si'lt.i-s. This carries provisions. I'l K i'f the baskets, but in front of :' ! Mulders, tho rider sits and swings his feet. The [traveler on horseback never fe'l dressed up unless he carries a 1 i t-handled sword u yard and a qua t long. t John's Day is annually the oc w 11 of ln/rse racing. tail's attire is generally a broad iu \1 straw ligt, a clean shirt and clu I antaloons. To : >ve, the housewife packs up n fe ' hash shells, some earthen pots, one ' two hammocks, fwo'qr three g lis and tho machete. Then all is ready. Some f the houses of the'wealthy w- iht gi ce any of our suburbs.' Thi- v utien nre of middle size And ilclicat' lj formed. They are born co quette!. To obi ervance of birthdays is rigid ly insiS ei. on. | HORSES KILLED FOR HOC FEED. Effects or Droughts in California—B2,ooo,• 000 Worth of Live Stock Imperilled. Tlio growers of live stock in Cen tral and Southern California are in a panic. Hay has gone up to S2O per ton, and the continued drought and the frequent hot northers have ruined the ! prospects for feed in the future. Cat tle and sheep men are hustling their stock out of the country as fast as the railroads can carry it. They liavo tried to get permission from tho Gov ernment to pasture it this summer 0:1 the Government reservations, but could only get permission to drive it across them. They have applied to Nevada for help, and Nevada has re plied that she has no more than she needs for her own stopk, but has lin nlly decided that stock may be shipped across the State. The cattle quarantine against tho southern part of the State has been sufficiently modified to permit the re moval of stock from the drought stricken sections, and the overland roads have consented to make half rates for stock sent East for pastur age. The authorities of Utah, Ne braska and Wyoming have agreed to allow shipments into their territory of stock that has been properly inspected. Tho value of the imperiled stock is in the neighborhood of $2,000,000, Many buyers from Utah, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas and Northern Califor nia are visiting the drought-stricken districts and picking up bargains. One herd of 5000 head of cattle, re quiring fifteen trains of eighteen cars each has already been shipped East, aud the railroad authorities made arrangements to send out at once sixty trains of eighteen cars, each of which will carry about 20,000 head of cattle to points east of Nevada. In all not less thau 100,000 head will be sent out of tho State. # One big shipment of 18,500 sheep is on its way East in live trains of thirty-seven cars each. Another shipment of 15,000 Hlreep has been sold in Chicago and is on its way there. Nearly 100,000 sheep will probably be sent East during the next month. Cattle and sheep cars are be ing collected au l hurried here from all parts of the West. One firm, which controls largo tracts of pasture laud, is shipping 22,000 head of sheep to New Mexico and is sending droves of cattle to Northern California and to Texas. A member of this firm said: "We shall not leave a hoof on our ranch. Everything, cattle, sheep and horses, has got to go. There is 110 feed for the stock." Those having large bands of horses will suffer heavily, as the animals are not sufficiently valuable to warrant much effort in saving them. A good many raisers of hogs are buying up all the horses they can get at from $1 to $2.50 per head for hog feed. Tho horse is taken to the field, killed, its hide stripped off', and its carcass left to the hogs, which soon leave nothing but a pile of bones. Ono hog dealer in Santa Barbara County has bought 250 head of horses which he will use solely for hog feed. Several firms are buying up horses for the manu facture of fertilizers. A few who own blooded stock are sending it out of the country for pasturage. California Crystal Mines. A new industry has opened in Cali fornia in the working of crystal i The Green mountain crystal miue, near Calaveras, lias turned out a large number of beautiful specimens which have been bought up by the largest jewelry firm in New York. The consignment is said to represent more great crystals than have hereto fore been discovered iu the history of the world. No crystal balls have ever been made until recently outside of Japan, bat the New York firm has perfected methods by which they can execute balls and other designs in crystal and can do more work iu a ten hour day than the Japs can do in that j many weeks. A more extensive exploration of tho ancient river channels from which the crystals have been taken will, it is thought, result iu the discovery of the cavern or great ledgo crevice where they are formed and where the stray j specimens rolled down the sides of the river banks and lodged ages ago. f If this source can be revealed it is certain that finer ones thau any yet found will be secured —crystals that i will be free from cracks aud flaws and i as pure as distilled water petrified. Iu the meantime California holds the world's record for size, the weight of j the greatest crystal so far taken from | the Calaveras mines being 2290 pounds.—Washington Post. The Lord's Prayer in a Dot. ! A machine lias been invented which ■ is composed of most exquisitely grad uated wheels rubbing a tiny diamond point at tho end of an almost equally tiuy arm, whereby one is able to write, upon glass, tho whole of the Lord's prayer within a space which measures the 294 th part of an inch in length by the 440 th part of an inch in breadth, or about the measurement of the dot over a letter "i" in common priut. With this machine anyone who under stood operating it could write tho whole 3,507,480 letters of the Bible eight times over in the apace of an inch—a square inch. A specimen of this marvelous microscopic writing was enlarged by photography and every letter and point was perfect aud could bo read with case.—Saturday Evening Post. Teachers Club Together. The teachers of Boston have formed a club for social and intellectual im provements, and improvements iu methods of instruction aud school man agement. Another object is to arouse 1 the community to a greater sympathy with their work, aud a strong*•: inter est iu the schools. This club has al ready a membership of nearly 7CO. Deve'opment of tho Transvaal. In ISO 2 the main trunk line from 'Cape Town was pushed forward from Its then nortliorn terminus to Johannes burg. The distance from Cape Town to Johannesburg by rail Is 1,013 miles. In 1894 tho road was completed from Delagoa Bay, a port In Portuguese teW ritory on the southeast coast of Africa, to Johannesburg—a distance of 377 miles. The third road reached Joiiam nesburg a year later, from Durban, a port In the British colony of Natal, dis tant 453 miles. Prom 23,000 ounces of gold In ISS7, the annual output has risen to 3,000,000 ounces In 1897, giving the Transvaal the second place In the world's gold production. There is no doubt that tha present output of the country will rap idly Increase; and probably within a few years, notwithstanding the Increas ed output of other countries, the Transvaal will rank first as a gold pro ducer. The town of Johannesburg may be taken as a good Index of the wonder ful expansion of the gold-mining Indus* try of the district. From a few huts iu ISSG, It has developed into a town un excelled, if indeed equaled, In the im posing character of its buildings by any of the enterprising mining towns in Western America. Indeed, Johannes burg has but little of the aspect of ac American mining camp. In its general appearance it reminds an American more of Spokane or Salt Lake City.— John Hays Hammond, in the Engineer ing Magazine. Tea at $143 per Pound. One hundred and forty-three dollare k pound is what Ceylon tea of a cer tain kind brought at auction in London some time ago. This Is stated, says the Buffalo Courier, on the authority of J. H. Grairo, of the Ceylon Import ing Company, who says planters of Ceylon were as much surprised as you or I or the next person at such fabu lous price. Owing to certain peculiari ties a pound of that tea probably repre sents, approximately, one hundred and forty-three dollars' worth of labor; but tho figure It fetched is so extraordinary as to give the tea or the sale absolutely no commercial value whatever. This is particularly so because this tea has no appreciably finer flavor. It Is named "the golden tips." The leaves, when only twenty-four hours old, are picked from the top only of tea bushes. They are very small, not half as big as your finger nail, and extra expert pickers are required to gather tliem. It can be imagined that three hundred or four hundred people on the plantation must pick over several acres of bushes to get enough green one-day-old tea leaves to make a pound of tea when dried. Or- ; dlnary tea Is from leaves which are ten days old, and consequently very much larger. Women In HnalneMk From the Free Press, Detroit, Mich. A prominent business man recently ex pressed the opinion that there is one thing that will prevent women from completely filling man's place in the business world— they can't bo depended upon because they are sick too often. This is refuted by Mrs. C. W. Mansflold, a business woman of 58 Farrar St., Detroit, Mich., who says: A complication of female ailments kept me awake nights and wore me out. I could get no relief from medicine and hope was slipping away from me. A young lady in 5 y , ou l£\? y S avo me a box of Dr - Williams' Pink Pills for Pule Feople. I took them and was able to rest at night for the llrst time in months. I bought more andtook them aud they oured mo as they also cured f®y e . ra \ other people to my knowledge. I think that if you should ask any of tho drug gists of Detroit, who are tho best buyers of Dr. \\ illinras'Fink Pills they would say tha young women. These pills certainly build tip tho nervous systom and many a young woman owes horlifo to them. "Asa busiuoss woman I am pleased to recommend ■ thom as 0 they did . i mothanany — =r ft physician -J and I can // // give Dr. \JM lUam s' credit for I my general good health to-day." Suddenly Prostrated. No discovery of modern times has done so much to enable women to take their nroper place in life by safe-guarding their health as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Acting directly on the blood and nerves, invigorating the body, regulating the functions, they restore the streugtli and health to tho exhausted woman when every effort of the physician proves una vailing. For the growing girl they are of tho greatest benefit, for tho mother indispensa ble. for every woman invaluable. For paralysis, locomotor ataxia, and other diseases long supposod incurable, these pills havo proved their efficacy in thousands of cas ess. American buyers of Mexican woods go to London to make their purchases instead of Mexico. The woods are shipped to London and then back to the United States, for the reason that London is the exchange market of the world. Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggists, 500 or 81. Cure guaranteed. Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. Scientists say that butter is themost nutritious of all articles of diet, with bacon a good second. Educate Your ltowels With Casourets. Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever 10c,25c. If C. C.C. fail, druggists refund money. In Japan nearly every house has two to four carpet looms run by children. They work 12 hours a day, and their wages are about two cents. The New York Ledger is now suc cessfully sold by bright boys and girls, who thus earn many valuable prem iums. Two cents profit on each copy sold. No money required in advance. Send name and address for complete outfit, including Premium List, to Robert Bonner's Sons, Ledger Build ing, 160 William St, N. Y. City. ST. VITUS' DANCE, SPASMS and all nerv ous diseases permanently cured by tliq ufio of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Se'nd for KREK 8100 trial bottle'and treatise to Dr. It H. Kline. Ltd.. W3l Arch Street Phila., Pa. > 1 c. ' ros I$ a{L >s.-e •: I , A 4 * 42i. 1 1 . iW¥zr*t a * ifW- I j IThe "Ivory" is a favorite shaving soap because it 8 makes a profuse rich lather, which softens the beard to 5j be removed and leaves the skin unharmed. 8 It costs about one-fifth as much as the so-called | shaving soaps and many who have used it for this pur- s pose for years, will not have any other. I The vegetable oils of which Ivory Soap is made, fit it ! for many special uses for which other soaps are unsafe or j unsatisfactory. I A WORD OF WARNING —There are many white soaps, each represented to be £ j "Just as good as the 'lvory';" they ARE NOT, but like all counterfeits, lack tha peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist | j upon getting It. 21 CoryrfiM. IMS. by fh Procter • oabU C. , ClatiauN. sssaaesaaßß^g^^saaagesaaeMeMsa^ Mayor Quincy, of Boston, objects to The presentation of the freedom of a the ringing of bells at sunrise on the city or borough in England is now a morning of holidays, and vetoed an or- mere compliment, which does not con dinance providing for the public dis- fer any substantial or exceptional turbance at sunrise, noon and sunset privileges. / of such days. The veto was over- " . . ... ~ ridden. Beauty la Blood Deep. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty To Cbre a Cold In On© Day. without it. Cascareta, Candy Cathartic clean Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. ttc. the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Begin to day to banish ln T l h SD7 R aT l un tP d r °t dU ?n% n nn °nn n PlS "7" &"kif blliout toklSi'"' o£! in 1897 amounted to 113,500 000 poods, carutm-beauty for 1(1 cents. All druggists, or a little less than -.000.000 tons. The satisfaction guaranteed. 10c. 2Uc, 35c, 60c. existence of the South Russian iron ore industry is threatened. Experts Professor Ghoost says that if we state that after 15 or 20 years the de- reckon the average depth of the ocean posits now known will be exhausted. at three miles there would be a layer — of salt 200 feet thick in their basins No-To-Bac for Fifty Cents. should the water of all suddenly evap- Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak ora te. men strong, blood pure. SOc. sl. All druggists. To Cure Constipation Fo; ever. c ,„ v.. -v,i . , a Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or2sc. Signals used by ships at sea date IfC.C.C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. from 1660. They were invented by the Duke of Ycrk, afterward James 11. In Italy there are more theaters in — proportion to its population than in J. S. Parker, Fredonia, N. Y., says: "Shall any other country. not call on you for the SUM reward, for I be- lieve Hall's Catarrh Cure will cure any case Plso's Cure cured me of a Throat and Lung oi catarrh. \n as very bad. \\ rite him for trouble of threo years' standing.—E. Cady. particulars, bold by Druggists, 75c. Huntington, lnd., Nov. 12.1804. "BIG FOUR ROUTE" tSSBjf WP CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS, NEW YORK, 0 BOSTON THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN Cincinnati and Chicago, st. Louis, Toledo and Detroit ELEGANT DINING CARS jirlt IHQALMI, E. O. MOOORMIOK, WARREN J. LVMOHt *■">' NEW YOHK ICAITO LOUISVILLE I °£ T nriiiimiiP MM " M ■—i—M PAIKTrWALLS'CEIUKSSi MURALO WATER COLOR PAMTS 1 FOR DECORATING WALLS UNO CEILINGS JRSSSK&SSJ MURALO I paint dealer and do your own deenratinjr. This material la a II Aitll I IMMI to !r applied ■ well At h 1 '* id orliotwl™" burd ° s Cemellt - 1,1 tweuty-four tints aud works equally as ■ IV-nEMI FOIL sAlll'l.K CO I (>l{ CAIIDN sn l if you cannot purchase this material K from your local dealers let us know an.l wo will put you lu the way of obtaining It. £f tm: 111"hai.oco., \i:w bhm<;HTO\. s. i.. \k\V VORK. 1 To Save Time is to Lengthen Life. Do You Value Life"? Then Use SAPOLIO "JONES HE PITS THE FEETOnT." and Wagon mBm&SCALES. AW Sizes and All Kinds. Not made by a treat u controlled by a ci._bm.tioa. iw trfe <*>* and Price Ust, address josr.s or iiingitamton. XSlaglmiutun, a\. V. W. A* Virginia Land Cheap Easy Terms^nS TV. It. UROADUIiS.WoitPoint,VaT THE domih4NT'" s?Ry& y^ d s gma M Music. Bright Liierafnrc s i™Ki Woman s Department. Ureal Clubbing Offer. *I.JJ IrilK DO.fuNAN JIENSIONU'Ii'. Prosecutes Cl nims. 3yidiuloai war, utty siuee, P N U 24 'O3. n^^TTT^-^
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