REEL AND TRIBUNE. VOL. X. NO. 105. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. May Id, 1898. ARRANGEMENT or PASSENGER TRAINS. LEAVK PUBRLAND. 6 20 a m for Weutherly, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila delphia and New York. 7 40 a in for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Barns Pitts ton and Scranton. 8 32 a m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Al lentown, Bethlehem, E.iston, Philadel phia and New York. 9 30 am for Huzlcton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Alt. tunnel, Shumokiu and Pottavillc. 11 58 •in for Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Burre, Scranton and all points West. 4 32 P ni for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carmel, Shuinokiu and Potts vi lie. 0 39 P m for Sandy ltun, White Haven, wilkes-llarre and Scranton. J8 57 P in for Hazleton, Mahanoy City, Shen andoah, Mt. Carinel and Shaiuokiu. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 40 a m from Pottavillc, Sharaokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and HHzleton. 9 17 a m from New Yerk, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Mauch Chunk and Weatherly. 9 30 am from Scrautou, Wilkes-Burre and White Haven. 11 56 a in from Pottavillc, Shumokin, Mt. C'urmel, Shenandoah, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 4 32 P m from Scranton, Wilkes-Burre and White Haven. 6 39 P m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Potts rille, iShamokin, Mt. Carmel, Shenan doah, Mahanoy City and Hazleton. 6 57 P in from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and White Haven. 8 32 p m from New York, Philadelphia, Easton, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Mauch Chunk and Weatherly. For further iulormation inquire of Ticket Agents. ROLLIN H. W(LBUR,General Superintendent. CHAB. 8. LEE, Oen'l Pass. Agent. 28Cortlaudt Street. New York City. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANI SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18,1897. Trains lenve Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hash* Brook, gtockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton Junction at 5 30, 000 a m, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Harwood. Cranberry. Toinhicken and Derinirer at 6 .'lO, 6 <0 a in, daily except Sunday; and i 03 a ra, 238 p m, Sun ' Vrains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and sheppton at fi 00 a ra, daily except Sun day; and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhiekon and Deringer at 635 n in, dally except Sunday; and 863 a in, 4 22 p m, Sunday. . „ Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Ooelil.i and Sheppton at 32,11 10 am,441 pm, dally except Sunday; and 737 a in, 3 11 p m, * Tndu* leave Deringer for Tomhiekon, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at 2 25, 5 40 p m, daily except Sunday; and 37 a m, 5 07 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Sneppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood R>ad, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 am, L. 40, 6-~ p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 II a m, d 44 p ni, Sunday. „ u . Trains leave Sheppton for Bearer Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 22 p m, dully, except Sunday; and 8 11 am,3 44 p ra. Sunduy. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Bearer Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 620 p ra, daily, except Suuday; and 10 10 a m, ft 40 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with electric cars for Hazleton, Jeaucsville, Audeu ried and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. . Trains leaving Drifton at 5 30, 6 00 ara make connection at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for Wilkesbarre, Sunbury, llarrisburg aud points vut. For the accommodation of passengers at way otatious between Hazleton Junction and Der inger, a train will leave the former point at 250 p m. daily, except Suuday, arriving at Deringer at 5 (W p in. LUTIIEU C. SMITH, Superintendent. MIfICELLANKOUft ADVERTISEMENTS. CHIAKTER NOTICE.—In the Court of Com ) mon Pleas of Luzerne County. Notice is hereby given that an application mlli be made to the said court or to a law judge thereof on July 2, IH9B, at 10a. m., under nu net of assembly of the c mmonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "an act to provide for the incorporation ami regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an in tended eoriMirat ion to lie called "Drcck Creek Fishing Association," the character and object whereof is the preservation of game and fish jind the maintenance of a club for that pur pose, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all thn l ights, bciietttsund privileges of thesaid act of assembly and itssupplements. by Henry B. Coxe. Eckley B. Coxe, Jr., Arthur Jk/cClolluii, Elliott A. Oborrender and 8. P. Wot vert-on. The proposed charter is now on tile in the itrothonotary's office. June 10. 18. W. 8, P. Wolverton, solicitor. IVOR KENT.—Large sbm room in McMcim rain building; possession given at once. Apply on the premises or to J. J. McMcuumin. Barbed Wire Defenses. Washington. June 29.— "There t one feature of Santiago's defences which does not yet seem to have been ©on gldered," said an army official to-day. "and that is the twelve lines of barbed wire entanglement which surround the city. "To attempt to clear these barriers TvVth guns, results only In throwing them down in away to harrass the men going over them. The Cuban Jun ta furnished their troops with nippers with which to force their way through the trocha. With these the wires were cut and the problem was comparative ly simple. The American army to-day needs nippers more than guns." Bay Makes a Protest. London, June 29.—1n regard to the Interview which took place between Lord Salisbury and United Btates Am bassador Hay on Saturday, it la now certain that the subject of the confer ence was a. protest on the part of the United States government against Spain using Jamaica as a base of sup pllee. There is the highest authority for the statement that France and Austria recently made unofficial overtures to Spain urging her to open negotiations for peace, but without result. Washington, June 29.—1n the House Tuesday General Henderson of lowa, chairman of the committee on the Ju diciary, presented the conference report upon tho bankruptcy bill and the state ment of the House conferees, explain ing the provisions of the substitute for the Senate and House measures agreed upon, was read. OABTOHIA. Bor th. I'M Kind You Han Always Bought BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Sjnopnl* of Local and Miscellaneous Oc currences That Can He Read Quickly. What the Folks of Thla and Other Town* are Doing. The war tax will begin active service tomorrow morning. A Polish excursion will bo run from town to Glen Onoko on July 19. The Guarantee Clothing Company's stock was removed yesterday to tho Re fowich building, 37 Centre street. A supper will bo held on Monday next by the Ladies' Aid Society of St. Paul's P. M. church. Supper on tables at f p. in. Charles F. Allen, convicted with Frank Rentz and John P. Martin of misde meanor in ofiice while serving as county commissioners, was sentenced in Pottu villo to pay the costs and $250 line. Tho Associated Wheelmen will meet at Cottage hall this evening. A move ment is under way to build a cycle path to White Haven, where connection will be made with the Wilkesbarre path. A. Oswald sells three bars of grand ma's butter milk soap for tho small sum of sc. A class of twenty-three applicants for teachers' certificates was examined by Superintendent Gabrio, of Foster town [ ship, on Tuesday. The appointment of teachers will bo made by the school board early next month. At. St. Ann's church on Tuesday James Hreslin and Mrs. Mary O'Connell were married by Rev. M. J. Fallihee. Robert Mulreany was groomsman and Miss Hella Gallagher was bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Hreslin will reside hero. At Eckley yesterday Rev. Thomas Hrehony united in marriage John Gaff ney and Miss Kate Mcllugh. Neal O'Donnell was groomsman and Miss Helia Murrin was bridesmaid. The young couple have the good wishes of a host of acquaintances. Ladies, don't fail to see those fancy 25c skirts at A. Oswald's. Ho sells lots of them and they are dandies. Sheppton postoflice has been discon- 1 tinned and all mail for the people of that town will be sent to Oneida until further orders from the postoflice de partment. No reasons are given for discontinuing the oflico and the Inhabit ants of the town aro objecting to the order. M. J. Mulvey, William Tasker and Thomas O. Price, ex-members of Miners Mills school board, were called to court on Tuesday, charged with misdemeanor in office. It is alleged the members of the board paid SI,OOO for a school library which was only worth S3OO. After ar gument between counsel the trial was postponed Indefinitely. PERSONALITIES. Mrs. Charles H. Coxe and Eckloy llrln ton Coxe will give a large house party over the Fourth at their handsome country place at Drifton. Their guests will include Miss Eliza Coxe, Miss Mary Coxe, John Cadwalader, Jr., John S. Newbold and Charles Sinklor.— Phila. Times. The Luther League convention at Hethlehein yesterday was attended by Misses Edith and Mary Kuntz and Gussie Hrauch and William Rippel, of Freeland. Dr. 11. G. Vanllorn has resigned as assistant to Dr. G. S. Wentz. Ho In tends to locate In Philadelphia. Ex-Prothonotary Goorgo J. Llewellyn, at present deputy revenue collector, attended to business here yesterday. Joseph Hirkbeck, of Wilkesbarre, at tended to business in town yesterday. PLEASURE CALENDAR. July I.—Hall of the Stars Athletic As sociation at Yannes'opera house. Ad mission, 50 cents. July 3. —Haso ball, Tigers vs. Cuban Giants, at Tigers park. Admission, 15 cents; ladles, 10 cents. .Inly 4.—Picnic at J. F. Chrlstman's grove, llutler valley. Beauty Is Blood Deep. Clean blood moans a clean skin. No beauty without It, Casosrets Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep jt clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all inir purities from t'io body. Hogin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets—beaut >• for 10 cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. Reduced Rates to Buffalo, On account of the Haptist Young People's Union convention July 14 and 17, 1898, via Lehigh Valley. Consult ticket agents for rates, trains and further particulars. Educate Your ltowles With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c. If C. C. C. fall, druggists refund money. CASTOR IA for Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ST? Signature of /-CtiCcJuA/. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1898. Cuban Giant* to Play Here. The Cuban Giants never miss an opportunity to play a game of ball in Freeland, and their annual appearance is welcomed by all lovers of the national sport in this vicinity. The Tigers have completed arrangements for a game with them on Sunday afternoon. The colored gentlemen will line up in the following order: White, 2b; Jackson. 3b; Williams, c; Jordon, lb; Grant, ss; Garrison, cf, Robinson, If; Nelson, p; Selden. rf; Howard, extra. The Tigers team contains tho following popular players: Gaffney, 3b; Honor, 2b; Grels ing, If; McFaddon, lb; Gillespie, cf; Hrodorick, ss; McGeehan, c; McGarvoy. rf; McGIII and Kurke, p. Ono of the prettiest exhibitions ever given on the local Held should result when these two clubs get together Tho ad mission has been placed at 15 cents; ladies, 10 cents. The grand stand will be free to ladies. Wan Justified ID Heating Hauglit. In court on Tuesday John lludock, of Hazle Hrook, was acquitted of the charge of assaulting Coal and iron Policoman William Raught. At the pay office last December Raught tried some of his bull dozing tactics upon a crowd of Hunga rians who swarmed about the pay win dow, and after threatening to do them up as he did several of their countrymen in tho Lattimer massacre, the foreigners turned upon him and In self-defense gave him a severe drubbing. Raught had lludock arrested, but the jury consider ed that the prisoner was justified in his action after Raught drew his revolver and threatened to shoot, and returned a verdict of not guilty. Twelve Yran for Griner. Ex-Representativo Griner, convicted on Saturday of manslaughter, was sen tenced to the maximum penalty of twelve years on Tuesday by Judge Woodward. In pronouncing the sentenco tho judge said: "The crime was a horrible one. A helpless and un protected woman was shot to death, and after lifo was extinct you shot her again. I find nothing to mitigate the extreme sentence of the law, which is that you pay a line of SSOO and undergo imprison ment in solitary confinement at labor in the penitontiary for twelve years." Griner was cool and collected, and after ward expressed his satisfaction with the trial and sentence. !litn<Uome Fans Free to All. At the ball of the Stars Athletic Asso ciation, at Yannes' opera house to morrow evening, 500 beautiful fans will be given away. The fans are large and serviceable and are stamped with pretty designs. The reverse side contains the order of dancing and other information. With the aid of these fans the ball-room will be kept cool and pleasant all even ing, and the forethought of the commit tee in choosing such an appropriate gift will certainly bo appreciated. During tho evening a waltz contest will take place, and many couples havo already entered their names. Dancing music will be furnished by the St. Patrick's band. Myilic Chain Officers. Loyal Castle, No. 05, Knights of Mystic Chain, has elected the following officers: Past commander—Fred Ilorlacher. Commander—A. W. Washburn. Vice commander—John Cartwrlght. Chaplain—Robert Hell. Recording scribe —James W. Hell. Financial scribe—Samuel Forrest. Treasurer—Henry Fisher. Inside guard—Conrad Hock. Outside guard—George Hechtloft. Trustees—William Relm. John Klln german, Robert Hell. Representative to select castle—James W. Hell; alternate, Robert Hell. Now nuthllocfi mill Improvement*. Ground was broken on Centre street, near North, on Tuesday for a residence for W. J. Tlmney. The building will-be a single dwelling, 16x40 feet, and will contain all modorn conveniences and cum forts. The foundation Is being laid on Nortli Washington street for a residence for August Lesser. M. Hrennan's property at Centre and South s-roots is in tho hands of the painters. Alox Drashor Is erecting a residence at Avintown. Chrlntlan Endeavor Convention. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company announces special rate of one fare for the round trip to Nashville, Tonn., on account of the international convention of Christian Endeavor. Tickets will be sold July 4 to 5 Inclusive, limited for return until July Ift, subject to exten sion by deposit with joint agent, Nash ville. Consult Lehigh Valley Railroad ticket agents for further particulars. Two Millions a Year. When people buy, try and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Cascarets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million bo fore New Year's. It inenns merit proved, that Cascarets are the most delightful bowel regulator for evorybody the year round. All druggists, 10c. 250, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. OASTOniA. Bn the /t TIN Kind You Have Always Bought RAISING THE FLAG. Rev. Itrehony Will Unfurl One ut Eckley. Independence Day Celebration*. Few clergymen in the state aro more patriotic than tho venerable pastor of the Church of tho Immaculate Concep tion at Eckley. Rev. Thomas Hrehony, and on Sunday afternoon a beautiful American flag will be raised in his church-yard. The exercises will begin at 3.30 o'clock, and will be participated in by the societies and musical organ izations of Eckley and St. Patrick's band. Father Hrehony comes from a family whose members have shown their vaior on many a battle-field, both in America and other countries, and none prays more earnestly for the success of American arms than lie. A war fought for humanity's sake appeals to tho men of Father Hrohony's nationality, as they can sympathize with their Cuban brethren more so than any other race, having been oppressed themselves for centuries by a brutal government. Ho believes the day of deliverance and freodom for all allllcted nations is dawn ing. The socond raising of tho borough flag will take place on Saturday after noon. The pole first erected proved too short for the purpose, but the new one will be the highest in the region. Orig inally sixty-six feet long, it is being spliced and will measure eighty feet from ground to top when It is finished. From this tha 10x15 flag will float. The councilman are preparing an interesting program for the occasion, inviting all the musical organizations of town, also all tho clergymen. The inimenso height of the new pole will make the flag visi ble for miles around. Mauch Chunk's flag-raising on the Fourth will be the biggest affair of its kind in this part of the state. A cable nearly 2,(KM) feet long is stretched be tween the two mountains alongside the town, and on this one of the biggest flags ever mado will be raised. A parade, fireworks, etc., will make the celebration an attractive one. Rev. J. 11. Kerschner lias been en gaged by Council 252, Jr. O. U. A. M., of Ilnbhie, to deliver an address at thoir flag-raising on Saturday evening. Rev. K. is always in demand at patriotic gatherings and his voice and assistance are never lacking when called upon. There will be no organized celebration of tho Fourth in Freeland, but the small boy will see that the nation's birthday is appropriately observed. A picnic will bo held by St. Patrick's band at the Public park. The citizens of Alvlntown will throw a large flag to the breeze Saturday even ing. A sixty-foot Jjole was eroded some ago at Lamb's corner and it will be glvon its colors with music and other ceremonies. llutler valley people will celebrate the Fourth with a large parade at Drums. In the evening the attraction will be the monster picnic to bo held at Christman's grove. The Sunday schools "of St. Ann's and St. James' churches will make their annual call upon the Coxe ladios at Drif ton on Monday morning. POLITICAL PICKUPS. At Altoona yesterday tho Democrats nominated tho following state ticket: Governor, George A. Jenks, Jefferson county; lieutenant governor, William H. Sowden, Lehigh county; secretary of In ternal affairs, P. Dolacey, Lackawanna county; congressmen-at-large, Jerry N. Weller, Carbon county, and F. P. lams, Allegheny county; judges of superior court, C. M. Iloyor, Centre county, and W. T Trlckett, Columbia county. The contest from this district was settled by seating lloyle, Gallagher and Higelow. A meeting of the Poles of the county was held yesterday and the naino of L. C. Gabrill, of Nanticoko, was selected to present to the Democratic county con vention for whatever oflico tho delegates see fit to give him. Councilman Patrick Meehan has en tered the race for the poor directorship nomination in earnest. He lias a wide acquaintance throughout the district and would prove au exceptionally strong candidate. Congressman M. H. Williams stated in an interview on Monday that lie would be a candidate for renomination. CHURCH CHIMES. St, John's Reformed church, Rev. J. H. Kerschner, pastor. German services next Sunday morning. A patriotic ser vice will bo preached in the evening in English. A similar service will be held at Eckley at 3.30 p. ni. All are kindly invited. St. Paul's P. M. church, Rev. S. Pen glaso, pastor. Services next Sunday will be as follows: Preaching at 10.30 a. ro|; Sunday school at 2 p. m.; song service at 7 p. m., to which all aro cordially invited. BIRTHS. Butterwick.—On June 25, to Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hutterwick, a son. OASTOniA. Bean tha Kind You Have Always Bought Ilitrd Coal Convention. An important gathering of represen- \ tativo business men from all the larger towns and cities of the anthracite coal fields was held in Scranton on Tuesday and yesterday, having for its purpose the formation of a plan for the better ment of the hard coal industry and a corresponding improvement in the con ditions of laboring men and business in general. Delegates were in attendance from Mount Carmel, Shamokin, Locust Gap, Centralia, Uirardsvillo, Mahanoy Plane, Gilberton, Shenandoah, St. Clair, Potts ville, Minersviilo, Tremont, Hazleton. Freeland, Wilkesbarre, Pittston, Ply mouth, Nanticoke, Ashley. Kingston, Wyoming, Avoca, Parsons, Ashland, Jermyn and Forest City. D. I). Holich, of Mount Carmel, called the meeting to order, tho agitation hav ing started in that town. Mr. Holich, in explaining the movement for the con vention, said an investigation into the stagnation of the anthracite trade had revealed great discrimination in the freight rates as between that coal and bituminous, much to the favor of the latter. It was believed relief would fol low a correction of the evil. Thomas 11. Dale, of Scranton, who is largely interested as an individual oper ator, was elected permanent president, and W. K. Lord, of Mount Carmel, sec retary. Mr. Dale said there was some thing wrong when soft coal can be car ried for from 1 a ' to 3 mills per gross ton per mile, while from 7 to 11 mills is charged on anthracite. A resolution was adopted providing for the appointment of a special com mittee to bring the question before the Interstate Commerce Commission. Stormy LegUlutlve Convention. Tho delegates of the fifth legislative district met in convention at Avoca on Monday. Shortly after the meeting was called to order tho fighting element pressed the nomination of their candi date for chairman, and Patrick Joyce, one of tho delegates, jumped on tho platform and presented a motion, de claring Ids friend Patrick Finn, chair man. Dr. Hurge, another delegate, objected and was roughly handled. Finn mounted the platform and pro claimed himself chairman, and Joyce, it is said, proceeded to throw Chairman Fitzsimmons from the chair. Another Finn man struck at the pros trate chairman, but missed liim, and struck Joyce full in tho face with a pair of brass knuckles, foiling him. Fitz simmons was pushed through tho win dow, but his men rushed to his rescue with chairs, tablelegs aud other handy weapons and succeeded in saving him. Hurgess Healy and live constables at tempted to quell tho disturbances, but they were swept away and thrown bodily out of the hall. In the afternoon another fight occur red, being started by a man abusing Chairman Fitzsimmons, whereupon the crowd took sides and the battle waged merrily. The scenery on tho stage, j windows and the entire third floor of the building were completely demolish ed. Among the injured Is Burgess ! Healy, who, in his endeavors to quell j the disturbance, was badly bruised. In the end M. J. Tighe was nominated as the candidate for tho legislature. Hie niuxo Ht McAiioii. A disastrous fire occurred at McAdoo early Tuesday morning. The largo busi ness block owned by Alex Potochnoy, a brother of Michael Potochnoy, of Free land, was totally destroyed and a large supply of goods went up in smoke. The fire is supposed to havo started in the basement of tho building, whore John Lesko conducted a bottling establish ment. It soon spread through the top stories and the place was doomed. On the one side of the first floor, over the bottling shop, Alex Potochnoy couductod a whosesale liquor store and in the other was a clothing store. Close to the burning building was Mohalshick's hall and Mike Timko's meat market to the west aud the Kellar, Rogers and ltoyle and other buildings on the north and east, all of which had to bo sprayed with water quite frequently to prevent them from getting on fire. Potochnoy places his loss on the build ing at $2,000; clothing store, $1,200; liquors, $600; furniture, S3OO. Lesko fixes his loss at S3OO, nearly all of which Is covered by Insurance. The orgin of the fire Is unknown. BTATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, ) LUCAS COUNTY, | FRANK J. CHENEY makes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. CHENEY A Co., doing business in tho City of Toledo, County and State afore- S id, and that said firm wi' l rv the sum of ONE HUNDRED D LARS for each and every case of < vitnn that cannot be cored by the \ CATARRH CURB. FRANK CIII <KY. Sworn to before me and my presence, this 6th dav • December, A. D. 1880, C I | " A. W.GLF.ASON. I | r Notary Public. Haifa Catarrh Cure is tn- internally and acta directly on llni blood and muoooa carfares of the system, bend lor testimonials, free. X. J. CHENEY A CO . Toledo, O. OTSold by Druggists, 7bc. Hull's family Pills an llu '.est. IMPARCIAL WANTS PEACE Says That It Will Be Much Bettei to Treat Without Any Nation as Mediator. Greot Chungs of Front on the Fart of S|inll Her lJopclcMM Condition Geunrully Reo ngulzed When Santiago Fall* J'earq Coiiiiftelii Will lie PreiMed—Sagimtu Trying Hard to Avert an Internal Crl*U—General Condition of the Kingdom. Madrid, June 30.—Tho linparcia* which has been one of the most strong ly militant of the Spanish organs, now says it would be better to treat with the United States for peace without any mediators. Other newspapers survey Europe, and, finding Spain without friends, give way to despair. They declare that Great Britain is encouraging the United States. Prime Minister Sagasta reiterated to-day that Admiral Camera was go ing to the Philippines, but neither Senor Sagasta nor anybody else knows where Spain will be a week hence. Paris, June 28.—The Madrid corres pondent of the Temps says that decis ive news Is expected momentarily front Manila and Santiago. Senor Sagasta is trying to avert an internal crisis un til then. The Heraldo says that while Prime Minister Sagasta ntay possess the con fidence of the Crown he does not pos sess the confidence of the country. The Liberal accuses the Cabinet of shaping its domestic policy according to the vicissitudes of the war, and o! placing the Constitution Itself at the mercy of American Generals. The Naclonal declares that the ques tion of peace or war Is being solved, not on Its intrinsic merits, but to pro tect certain interests and institutions different from the country at large. Continuing, it says: "Will the Carllsta revolt? the army be offended? Will the*dynasty be imperilled? Ev erything is subordinate to these consid erations. If the Government falls it will be because the dynasty desires new Instruments." In an Interview to-day Prime Min ister Sagasta said the time had not yet come for speaking of peace. Spnnlnli Yloiv of tlio Figtit. Madrid, June 30.—The official and press telegrams concur in saying tha; the Americans were three times re pulsed, with loss, while attacking Se villa, despite the fact that they used quick-firing guns. The Spanish loss is placed at eight killed and thirty-eight wounded, Including six officers. Gen. Linares' forces were posted along lines extending for twelve miles. Gen. Linares saw that the enemy, after landing at Baiquiri, intended to outtlank him, the American left ad vancing concurrently toward Santiago and the bay. He rapidly concentrated his forces and made an orderly retreat to Sevilla and Grand Pena. It is ex pected that he will hold out there until Gen. Luque, with reinforcements from Manzanillo, enables him to take the of fensive. Admiral Cervera, It is said, can spare 2,000 men to aid in the defense without weakening his crews. Captain-General Blanco cables he has received several cargoes of pro visions. He adds that the news from Santiago causes some anxiety in Ha vana. The troops are in a healthy con dition. There are fewer cases of yel low fever than In previous years. The Americans are advancing on Santiago in three columns byway of Altares, Firmeza, and Juraguu, Hank ed by insurgents to force the Spanish positions at Sevilla and Grand Pena. Cauutru Cannot Take on Stoker*. Cairo, June 29. —Admiral Camara has been informed by the Egyptian gov ernment that it would be a violation of the neutralitv laws to permit him to embark the 130 stokers he has engaged at Port Said for the Spanish lleet. The authorities have been notified to see that the men do not go aboard the ships. Camara has signified his intention of remaining at Port Said for three days to make repairs to the Audaz's ma chinery. Ye*uvlus llurlH Dynamite. Kingston, June 29.—At one o'clock on Monday morn'ng the Vesuvius a[ - proached to within 000 yards of Morro Castle and let go several shells loaded with 500 pounds of gun cotton. Terrific explosions followed on the shore. It was seen when daylight arrived that a great chunk was torn out of the west ern battery. Some of the smaller ships shelled the coast near the army camps the same day. 9,000 Men to Nlinfter. Washington, June 29. —Orders have been issued for the immediate sailing of another large expedition to reinforce General Shafter. The soldiers will sail from Tampa, and Will include about nine thousand men. It Is understood they will be taken from General Sny der's second division of the Fourth Ar my Corps, and include six batteries of artillery, three heavy and three ligiit. To Bring Fish's llotly Ilero. Washington, June 29.—Nicholas Fish of New York, father of the late Ser geant Hamilton Fish, who was killed In last week's battle near Jarugua, San tiago province, visited the secretary of war Tuesday, when arrangements were made for having the body of young Fish shipped to Tampa and thence to New York. ltoads Reported Mined. Kingston, Jamaica, June 29.—A1l the roads leading to Santiago are reported mined with dynamite by the Spanish troops under the direction of 'Gen Linares. The Information was rec ed by a Cuban mwldent here In a letter from a friend living in Santiago. JL.r.U a jiar is MI tho TIUBUNK COS is $1.50 PEK YEAR QIIAS. OKION STROII, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Rooms 1 and 2, Ilirkbeck Brick, Freeland TOIIN M. CAHIi, Attorney-at-Law. All legul business promptly uttended. Postoflico Building, ... Frcclund. qeorge Mclaughlin, Attorney-at-Law. Leyal Business of Any Description. Hadcsty's Building, So. Centre St., Freeland. jyj KS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Companies Represented. Q* D. KOHIHSACII~ General Hardware. builders' supplies of every kind always in stock. Wall paper, naints and tinware. Bicy cles uud repairs ol' ..11 sorts. South Centre street. Dr. N. MALEY, DEKMS®. Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVEH lIIKKItUCK'S STOKE. LIBOR WINTER, Eating House and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. Temperance drinks, cigars, etc. Families supplied with oysters direct from the shore. G. HORACK, Baker & Confectioner. Wholesale and Retail. CENTRE STEEET, FREELAND. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street, Freeland. FINEST LIQUOR, BEER, PORTER, URIAHS ANI) SUET DRINKS. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer. Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester and Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Porter on tap. 08 Centre street. T. CAMPBELL, dealer in JM\v Goods, liroeeirleMj) Hoots and SIJLQOS* Also PURE WINES LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main st reets, Freeland. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. IAI S BROTHERHOOD HATS C! 0 A celebrated brand 'XX hour always in stock. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty I AMANDUS OSWALD, A'. If, Or. OtnUt Front Sit., Freeland,
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