In September twenty-five years had elapsed since Switzerland got its first railway—from Zurich to Berne. The value of the churches and the laud oil which they aro erected, in this country, up to July 1, 1897, is es timated at $080,000,000. Previous to ten years ago titled men in England would not act as Mayors of towns, hut at the recent elections over a dozen members of the nobility weie elected, chief among whom is tho Duke of Devonshire, who is Mayor of Eastbourne. A medical authority asserts that "so long as a scorcher breathes through his nose instead of his mouth there is no danger." But how is a pedestrian to know wheu a scorcher bears down •u his direction at top speed whether the fellow is breathing through his uose or not? After giving to the world of letters a small volume of 1 ravels that no ono ever heard of, Ira Nelson Morris, of Chicago, bus abandoned literature and plunged into pork packing. As the elder Morris of many millions sneer ingly remarked: 44 A million men can write books; few have the opportunity of my son to pack pork." The London Chroniclo questions tho wisdom of erecting a statue of George Washington in Loudon. D. C. Mur ray, the novelist, is proposing a Na tional subscription to erccc the statue and Messrs. Bayard and Hay have ap proved of the schema. In discussing the matter the Chronicle says: "Like all near relatives, England and America quarrel now and then. Perhaps soma day it mjgUt occur to a boisterous jingo to make the statue of the father of his people the subject of an uncdify ing demonstration." A story is in circulation at the Cpurt of the Hague concerning tho young Queen of Holland which is des tined to illustrate that she fully shaves the pronounced aversion of her sub jects for Germany, and prefers in every respect the French. It seems that on tho last occasion when she met Em peror William she insisted on respond ing in French to tho remarks which he addressed to her in German, and ou his asking her why she did not apeak German, she tartly replied that it was merely because she preferred French. The cost of the lastfceusus as far as commuted is stated at au aggregate of $11,553,462.50, that amount of money having been appropriated for expenses by Congress. It is pointed out by the Philadelphia Record that "this was at the rate of nineteen cents per capita for the whole population in 1890 of 62,622,230 persons. If tho statistics obtained had been of reasonable ac curacy, and if they could have been tabulated and given to tho public in reasonable time, the expenditure would not have been deemed exces sive. But doubt of tho verity of tho statistics and delay in the publication have gone far to bring the propriety of such large expenditure into question. Either inquiry should be less elaborate or more scientific." While there is no doubt, states the New York Observer, that dissatisfac tion with the pretensions of tho em peror and with his methods of govern ment is a potent eausß of the preva lent discontent in Germany, the fact remains that tho chief cause of unrest is economic rather than political. It is not so much the suppression of po litical liberty and the reactionary leg islation which the Junker following of the emperor is trying to push through the Prussian Landtag and in turn through tho Reichstag, that excites discontent, as it is the poverty of tho people, the fact that there is not enough wealth to go round. The in ternal development of Germany and the expansion of German trade since the formation of the empire have been so great that it is difficult to re alize that the empire rests upon an in adequate economic basis, and that the brave front which it shows serves to hide a poverty in some sections ap proaching that, though without tho squalor, of the English industrial dis tricts seventy years ago. But statis tics taken from the tax returns of Prussia seem conclusive on this point, showing, for example, that although tho limit of taxation is drawn at the low income of $225, but 8.46 percent, of the population of the kingdom pay an income tax, leaving more than ninety-one per cent, who must make ends meet in some way on less than $225 per year. Only one person in every 550 of population has an income of $2400 a year, and only 37,000 of tho 32,000,000 of Prussia possess wealth representing an income of $7500 a jrear. SNOW-BIRDS. Vldo wastes of glittering enow, The fields niul the lanes adrift, Wild winds that infrequent (blow. Gray clouds that remove and shift. And swift from the ground upspring Tho snow-birds tiny and wary. Blown hither on restless wing In January. Packod close is tho barren hedge With white and shining wall; Tho wind ruts like a wedge Deep-driven by oaken maul; And no from the food-lots rise Tho snow-birds agile and merry, Under the lorn steel skies Of January. Tho sun burns sullen and red; j The woods aro as black as night The puise of tho world is dead. And sudden, to left and right, I>r<>wn-spun in n whirling maze, Tho enow-birds over tho prairie Weave out through tho snowy ways Of January. —Ernest MeGafley, in Woman's Homo Com panion. LAN INCONSEQUENT I g EPISODE. o r> o !3 ET EI.EAN'OE FOSTER. O 0 O 15 u* 11 7 DC, 11 I*l/-11 "a '.* 7- OO 'j OOO'? OO ■.jJTz'S®- HERE was a big - crush at Mrs. Sin c'a'r's " a ' ; bomu," { and people were — making slow pro gress through the rooms, looking cyn ical or bored or in terested, as the case might be. For vivid, frank enjoyment, tliere were few fuces to compare with one girlish one—a little flushed, with shin ing blue eyes, and soft curly brown hair clustering about it. She was a little country monse, hav ii)g a peep at the enchanted fairyland of London, and nt her pleasure the grave face of her companion relaxed, and he forgot, for the moment, to find it all a weariness to the flesh and van ity und vexation to the spirit. The girl wanted to know'who every ; one was and all about them; she! thought them charming, and regrotted ' that she did not live in London. "Father hates it so," she said. "Your father had a long spell of it," the man said. "But"—and he smiled very pleasantly—"wo shall very soon have you among us, X hope, for more thau u flying visit." The girl blushed and grew shy, and then uttered au exclamation. "Who is that?" she asked eagerly. : "Look at her, there! That woman with tho beautiful face and dark hair." "That is Miss St. Quentin. She Writes, you know. Writes well, too; her new book is an immense success, beiug neither cheap nor nasty." "Ob! I've read it," Hilda Carson said, tho pink flush deepening in her cheeks. "And I Jiked it ever so much. I 1 read it out of doors, too, and it in- ' terested me all the time!" "l)o von consider that n severe test?" "Very! And lam glad to have seen her. She is wonderful, with that clear, colorless skill, mid those great eyes. I think—l think—" Slip hesitated a little. "Well?" "I think she is a woman nobody could help loviug, if they knew her." He laughed. Her fresii enthusiasm was amusing, and ho rather enjoyed it tor a change, but before he could speak again two or three people joined them, and he lost sight of Hilda for a little. A good many people admired Miss St. Quentin, but very few even dimly guessed that, while writing the stories of others, her own iit'e hid one away in an inner and very sacred chamber. They said she was "not a bit im pressionable," and, for all her beauty, very unlikely to break her own heart or any one else's. There were just two or three people —of whom Mr. Sinclair was one—who doubted this dictum, and wondered if the delicate coldness of her manner did not hide at least as much of her nature as it revealed. But eveu those who had so much discernment did not know—nobody knew—of thut summer, eight years ago, when she and Jack Tremaiu had met in the old Suffolk mansion. No body knew of the long, long mornings in the orchard, talking over everything and anything, or sometimes sitting in tho silence that is only possible be tween friends. And nobody knew of the afternoons on the river, or the evenings in the moonlit garden, or the sudden, sharp ending to it all. He was wrong and she wa3 right, and they were both very proud, so she let him go, forgetting how hard a thing it is to be forgiven. And there had been times when suc cess had seemed a small thing to her, and life a very desert of loneliness, because she missed one voice in the chorus of praise that greeted her and one face in tho many friendly ones that smiled upon her. For Mary St. Quentin had the virtue of her defects, and she was terribly faithful. Six mouths ago Major Tremain had come home, but society bad seen very little of him so far, though it was eager to lionize him and raved over the deed that gained him that coveted V. C. Miss St. Quentin had not seen him at all, though she knew he was, for the moment, in town, and scanned the faces in park and street, and party, in the hope she was half ashamed of— that of seeing his. She was always a centre of attrac tion, and had not been many minutes in Mrs. Siilblair's rooms before she was surrounded with a little crowd. She resigned herself to the inovitablo, and was trying to forget her one insistent desire when her hostess camo up with a bronzed, dignified man at her side. "Miss St. Quentin, may I introduce Major Tremain to you?" Hhe said, and then there was a little exclamation of mutual recognition, and ten minutes' ordinary chat, and—that was all. Ah, yet not all. Who could say | where it might end—the story began ! in the Suffolk garden, and, interrupt ed there, resumed in a London draw ing-room, and to go on—perhaps? No; certainly, certainly, her heart cried. Fate could not be so cruel as to mock her with a mere will-o'-the wisp of a hope after all these years— these lonely, lonely years! A iuan'3 voice broke in tipon her thoughts. He was the same who had been talking to Hilda Carson in the evening, and Miss St. Quentin enter tained a very kindly feeling for him. ; She made room for him beside her, and they began to talk. Presently Hilda passed by, looking so sunny and animated that Miss St. Quentin paused in her talk to look at her. "What a dear little girl!" she said. "Who is she? Mr. Cresswell? I saw you talkiug to her just now." "Little Miss Carson," ho said, fol lowing the little white figure with his eyes. "She is General Carson's only j daughter, and a very nice girl. A \ great admirer of yours, by the way, Miss St. Quentin." "You must introduce us,by andby," Miss St. Quentin said, smiling. "Blie looks so fresh and nice. I don't think ! I ever saw her before." "No; but I suppose shevrHl be more in town after her marriage." "Oh, is sbo engaged?" "Why, yes. Didn't you know? She is engaged to Tremain—Major Tre main. It seems he went to stay with the Carsons, and that it was a case cf love at first sight. AU the other fel lows in his regiment thought him a j regular, hardened old bachelor, so it | has been a good bit talked about." Miss St. Quentin leaned back and fanned herself slowly. "You know Tremain, I suppose?" Mr. Cresswell continued, not looking at his companion, as he spoke, but watching Hilda Carson as she stood talking to some one, with her sunny smile. "Slightly," she said. "I used to know him years ago. He is—or was— -1 very pleasant." ) "Oil, yes; he's generally popular. Why," turning suddenly round, "I'm afraid you're not very well. Can I get von anything?" "Nothing, think you. It is only neuralgia," sho said, quietly. "I am afraid I must go. I am subject to it, and it is very bad to-night." I "I'm awfully sorry!" | He was all sympathy and eager proffers of assistance, and when he 1 | put her into her carriage shook hands | j with reiterated regrets, j "I hope the paiu will be gone in the j morning," ho said. I She smiled at him with white lips I an d then drove away, j But the pain did not pass in tho morning.—London Sketch. A life Trngmly. | For twenty years William 11. .Terola- ] men, of Morristown, N. <T., wassiioftt iu his home. He made n vow never to speak to his wife again and kept it until death faced him. Ono morning he woke up to find that pneumonia had laid its grip upon him. He was eighty years old and he felt that he could not recover. Then ho broke the oath, spoke to his wife, kissed her and died. Upon the day he took sick lie sent for tho woman whose love ho had spurned for so many years. His wife bent over him with a love that all his harshness had never killed. Ho I saw the light in her eyes, and, feebly essaying to take her hand, ho sobbed: "Dear, I'm so sorry. Will you for give me?" Forgive him? Would she? Kneeling by tho dying man's beside she wept softly, while he, with tongue freed at last, rambled on deliriously about old times. SUe did not leave him until the end came. He died with his hand iu hers and a look of happiness that his face had not borne in twenty years. The quarrel oconred back in the '7os over a trifling affair. At that time .Terolamen was fifty-eight, years old. He kept Lis vow and lived on, utterly ignoring the woman who had shared his joys and sorrows so loug. They lived in a cottage at Mount Arlington, ; Morris County, but, as far as Jerola met: was concerned, it was as if his wif- *ras not living. She bore tho slight without a murmur. He dined iu silence and alone, and so did she. 1 Often Mrs. .Terolamen had to speak to her husband in reference to household affairs, but he never answered. He was a church member, being one of ' the organizers of the Mount Arlington Methodist Episcopal Church. In H174 the town waa divided on the question of prohibition. The old man tried to induce the members of the church to indorse the cold-water ticket at the town election, but they refused. He swore that be would never go to church again. He kept his word in this as he had toward his wife.—Chicago Tribune. Vitality of the " Life •Plant." There is a creeping moss found in the islands of Jamaica, Barhadoes and other parts of the West Indies, known ■ as the "life plant." Its power of vi • tality is beyond that of any other I member of the vegetable kingdom. It is absolutely indestruotible by any l means except immersion in boiling j water or the application of a red-hot 3 iron. It may be cut up and divided i in any manner, and the smallest - shreds will throw out roots, grow and form buds. Tho leaves of this ex - troordinary plant have been suspended * in the air of a dry room, they have s been placed in a close, air-tight box, ii without moisture of any sort, and still 1 they grow. Even when pressed and t packed away in a botanist's herbarium i it lias been known to grow. Ever . green leaves sometimes remain on the 0 tree for several years; for instance, in 1 the Scotch pine, three or four years; f i'ae apruoe and silver fir y six or seven ' years; the yew, eight; Abies pinsapo, sixteen or seventeen.—Tit-Bits. OUR liUDOET OR HUMOR LAUGHTER PROVOKINC STORIES FOF LOVERS OF FUN. A Modern Version—When the Light Burn Low—The Matrimonial Mnrfa Feminine—Knew Hlh Business—Quiti Different—ln tlio Green Room, lito "Where nro you sotng, my pretty m.ilil?" "To marry a mill sir," she said. "Then what will you lp, my pretty maid?' "The flour or tho family, sir," she said. —Chicago Tribuno. Where the Lights Burn Low. "Julia calla her new sweetheart 'in candescent.'" "Why?" "Because he is such a gas-3aver."— Chicago Record. The Matrimoninl Mart. "I came to ask you for your daugh ter iu marriage, sir," said the young man. "Have you auy money of your own?' , asked the careful parent. "Oh, you misunderstood mo, sir! J do not want to buy her." Feminine. Maude—"Do you Know, I really be lieve (bat Tom is going to propose." Bertha—"l noticed that he was look ing terribly sad about something oi other, but then, you know, dear, it may not be that. Perhaps his mothei is sick, or possibly he isn't feeling wel 1 himself."—Boston Transcript. A Horrible Presentiment. Business Man—"lf I should com mit murder, would my policy remair valid?" Lifo Insurance Agent—"Er—l'm not sure about that. But you don'l expect to commit murder?" Business Man—"Yes, I do. I feel it in my bor.estbat I'll kill a life insur ance agent some day."—Puck. In the Green Room.' "Ah," exclaimed the melancholy Dane, complacently, "what, indeed, would be the play without me?" Old man Hamlet gestured fretfully. "It wouldn't have n ghost of a show without me," he retorted. But that which irritated the Prince particularly was to have Ophelia gig gle that way.—Detroit Journal. Tho Count-. Mistake. "So Gwendolyn is not to marry the I count, after all?" "No, poor man. He tried to tell ' her that her singing was something - that made one glad to live, and his pronunciation was so broken that she thought he said it made ono glad to leave. And then she requested him ic leave."—lndianapolis Journal. Has Plenty to Say Now. "Does old Grttflly ever say anything lo any of the men in liis employ, aside from giving business orders?" "Bless you, I should nay he did. Ho talks so much to them that they nctu- j ally have to stay after office hours very frequently in order to get their work I done. You soe, he oniy recently be- ! came a father for tho first time."— Chicago News. A rustle. Willy Addlopate—"There is one ' thing I eawn't understand, doiicher- 1 uo!" Cholly NodJlekius—"What's that?" AYilly Addlcpate—"Why, when we stop to consideh—aw—how uncom fortable it is in a crowd—why, aw— f cawn't see why it is that there are , always more people in a crowd than ; there are wbero there is no crowd!"— - Puck. Another Newspaper Horror. Mrs. Jones (indignantly)—" These newspapers are just simply not fit ta read." Mr. Jone3—"Another o'-ime, I sup pose?" Mrs. -Tones—"Yes; hero is a de scription of the gown I wore at the ball ast uiglit, that must have been written 'ay some ignorant, amateur male re porter that didn'tkuo-.v a dress from a dromedary!"— Puck. finite Different. Caller—"Sir, I am reliably informed that you have been insinuating that I was a liar and a thief, aud I have called to demand nil immediate retraction, or, in lieu thereof, your /worthless hide, sir." Editor of the Eagle—"All the Eagle has ever said about you, Major Gore, has been in a politico! way." "Oh! I bog your pardon. I was un der the impression that yon had been attacking my character."—lndianapo li3 Journal, The Art of Management. Of course, ho thought he knew it all. A man always does. "When it comes to the art of mann ing servants," he begau. "It's very easily done," she inter rupted. "Oh, you admit it, do you?" he asked. "I do," she said. "It's like manag ing children. All that is necessary is to let them have their own way." Of course, he readily saw that she had mastered the subject.—Chicago Post. Ilopoless Task. "What strange methods some men adopt to get wives," she remarked as she looked up from the newspaper which she had quietly appropriated as hers by right because she was first at the breakfast table. "What happened now?" he nsked. "Why, a New York widower has made application for one at the Barge office where the immigrants land," she explained. "He says he wants a wo man who is thoroughly respectable, of kindly disposition, fairly good look ing, good to children, obedient—" "Hold onl" he interrupted. "What's that last?" "Obedient." "He might as ryell give up."—Chi cago Post,* PRIVATE HOWE'S PAY. After lie Had Put Up 1931,000 lie and His Regiment Got Their Money. When the Civil War broke ont an immense meeting was held in Bridge port, Conn., and many men volun teered for the army. To the general surprise, one of the richest men in tho I State—Elias Howe, the inventor of Ihe sewing machine—arose aud made this brief speech: "Every man is called upon to do what he can for his country. I don't know what I can do, unless it is to en list and serve as u private iu the Union Army. I want no position; I am willing to learn and do what I can with a musket." But it soon proved that the chronic Inmoness from which Howe suffered l incapacitated him from marching with a musket, even to the extent of stand ing sentry. Determined to be of use, however, ho volunteered to serve the regiment as its postmaster, messenger cud expressman, i Sending home for a suitable horse and wagon, bo drove into Baitimorc twice a day and brought to tho camp ! its letters and parcels. It was said I that he would run over half the State I to deliver a letter to some lonely mother ansions for her soldier boy, oi j bring back to him a pair of boots which he needed during the rainy winter. For four months after tho Sevon , teenth Connecticut entered the field j the Government was so pressed foi money that no payment to the troops could be made, and there was, conse quently, great suffering among tlie families of tho soldiers, aud painful anxiety endured by the men them selves. One day a private soldier came quietly into tho paymaster's office in I Washington and took his seat in the corner to await his turn for an inter view. Presently the officer said: "Well, my man, what can I do for I you?" "I have called to see about the pay ment of the Seventeenth Connecticut," answered the soldier. Tho paymaster, somewhat irritated by what he supposed a needless and impertinent interruption, told him sharply "that he could do nothing without money, and that until the Government furnished some it was useless for soldiers to come bothering j him about way." "I know that tho Government is in straits," returned the soldier. "] have called to find out how much money it will take to give my regiment ; two months' pay. I am ready to furn ish the amount." The amazed officer nsked the name j of his visitor, who modestly replied, "Elias Howe." Ho then wrote a draft for the required sum—s3l,ooo. Two or three days later the regiment was paid. When Mr. Howe's name was called, he went up to the paymaster's desk and signed the receipt for S2B. G5 of his own money, j The officers of a neighboring regi ment sent over to the Seventeenth Connecticut to sea if tlioy eoulu not "borrow their private."—Youth's j Companion. Cleverly Done. "Charge it to experience," said tlie ! man of the world who had just heard the plaint of a friend who had paid for a straight tip at the races aud lost. Cupidity makes gillies of the best of us. I was up against it myself only a j few mouths ago." "Not you?" "Yes, I. Looking out of the win dow one morning I wr.s surprised to j see a stronger on the lawn hunting ! closely in tho grass and under the shrubbery for something he had evi dently lost. He looked like a gentle man in ill health, was well dressed, ' and apologized for intruding as soon as I went out. While taking his morning walk he hod noticed a base ball outside the hedge, concluded at once that it belonged to some boy about the placo and tossed it into the yard. In doing so he had thrown a ; plain gold ring from his finger, ema j ciated by recent sickness. Ho did not I mind the intrinsic loss, but the ring had associations that made it very dear to him. After further search he gave it up, but before leaving be as sured me that he would gladly give SIOO to any oue leaviug the ring at his hotel. Of course, I could take no such reward, but I could send one ol the boys aud that would make it all right. "While I was down on all fours in specting every inch of ground a man dressed like a laborer looked at me awhile aud then joined in the search. He soon had the ring. He had it all the time. On learning that it was not mine, he refnsed to give it up. Ho would advertise it and get a reward. After much dickering ho turned it j over to me for SSO. Of course, 3 J never found hide or hair of tho in valid."—Detroit Free Press. A Duke's Endowment. ! On the occasion of the wedding ol the late Duchess of Teck to her hand some but impecunious husband her brother, tho Duke of Cambridge, gave pent to his unfortunate habit of think ing aloud. When the Duke ®f Teck solemnly pledged himself with all his worldly goods to endow the bride, the Duke of Cambridge marred the solemnity of the occasion by exclaim ing quite audibly: "Well, by Jovol And Wales gave him his shifts!" The Figuro Was Lost. A colored woman went to tho pastor >f her church the other day to com plain of the conduct of her husband, who, she said,was a "low-down,worth less, trifless raskil." After listening to a long recital of the delinquencies of her neglectful spouse aud her efforts to corroot them, the minister said: "Have you aver tried heaping coals of fire upon his head." "No," was the reply, "but I done tried hot water."— W. E. Curtis, in the Chicago Record. FOR AJNI)'GIRLS. SOME COOD STORIES FOR OUR JUNIOR READERS. Ca<*an t tlio Tartar Dwarf —If Wordi Were Sj)*iio<l u They Sound —How to Millie Fudge* A Laughing Dog. The lluiid of Lincoln. *fjrp OOK on thia east, iC\ and know the (vvj hand cv _ That bore a nation JV rjV) in-its hold; jjl this mute wlt /*-' - y ncsa understand | "What Lincoln was —how large of q mold. - -v- The man who sped the woodman's team. And deepest sunk the plowman's share, And pushed the laden raft astream. Of fate fftforo him^unaware. This was the hand that knew to swing The ax—since thus would freedom train Her son—and made the forest ring. And drove the wedge, and tolled amain. Firm hand, that loftier office took. A conscious leader's will obeyed, And, when men sought his word and look. With stendfast might the gathering swayed. No courtier's, toying with a sword. Nor minstrel's, laid across a lute; A chief's, uplifted to the Lord When all the kings of earth were mute. The hand of Anak, sinewed strong, lingers that on greatness clutch. Yet. lo! the marks their lines aiong Of one who strove and suffered much. For here In knotted cord and vein I trace the varying chart of years; I know the troubled heart, the strain, Tho weight of Atlas—and the tears. Again I see the patient brow That palm errwhile was wont to press; And now 'tis furrowed deep, and now Made smooth with hope and tender ness. For something of a formless grace This molded outline plays about; A pitying flame, beyond our trace. Breathes like a spirit, In and out--. Plie love that east an aureole Hound one who, longer to endure. Called mirth to ease his ceaseless do!®, Yet kept his nobler purpose sure. Lo, as I gaze, the statured man. Built up from yon large hand, appears; A type that nature wills to plan But once in all a people's years. What better than this voiceless cast To toll of such a one as he. Since through its living semblance passed ' The thought that bade a race be free! Curtail, the Tartar Dwarf. In a series of papei'3 011 "Historic Dwoffs," Mary Shears Roberts de sribes the famous Casan. Mrs. Rob arts says: Casan was the name of a little Mon gol Tartar who flourished in the early part of the thirteenth century. He was born in the eastern part of Asia, not far from the ancient city ol Karakorum. His parents belonged to one of the barbian hordes that owed al legiance to Genghis Khan, and Casan became a fierce though small warrior, and fought bravely under the banner of the great and mighty Mongol con queror. The exact height of this little dwarf Is unknown. He was certainly not over three feet tall, hut he was active and muscular, and like all his race, could endure hunger, thirst, fatigue and cold. The Tartars were unexcelled in the management of their beautiful horses. The fleetest animals were trained to stop short in full career, and to face without flinching wild beast or for midable foe. Casan was a born sol- Qier, and at an early age became ex pert in nil the exercises that belonged to a Tartar education. He could man age a flery courser with great skill, and could shoot an arrow or throw a lance with unerring aim, ln full career, ad vancing or retreating. Like many of those small in stature, he was anything but puny in spirit, and while yet a lad he gathered about him a troop of wild young Tartar boys as reckless a/id daring as himself, of whom by common consent, he became a leader. He commanded his lawless young comrades with a strange mix ture of dignity and energy, and they obeyed his orders with zeal and will ingness. Sometimes they would go on long hunting expeditions, seldom fail ing to lay waste any lonely habitation they happened on. How to Mukn Furl no*. It isn't "Oh. fudge!" any more. It's "Oh, fudges!" And aren't they good! Any one who has ever eaten fudges — stuck as full of nuts as Jacky Horner's pie was of plums —will know thht they eclipse anything every invented In the line of goodies. They aren't so hard to make, either, when you once know how. But you must follow directions closely, for fudges can cut up the most unusual and extraordinary antics. II not made exactly right they will crum ble or refuse to harden. Here Is a good recipe and It won't fail you: Take three cups of granulated si gar, one cup of sweet milk and two squares of the best chocolate, which, of course, must be grated; let these boil for eleven minutes; Ju3t before the time is up add a piece of butter the size o! a walnut. Fudges must be stirred constantly, and when removed from the fire should be beaten briskly until they harden; then Spread on a butter ed platter, cut into small squares and set out of doors to cool; If nuts are added they should be chopped and put Into the sirup when it is taken off the stove; English walnuts or pecans are best. There's only one trouble about fudges. They look so appetizing that you can't wait for them to cool. And they taste so good that they don't last any time at all. By the time they're done they're eaten, and every one want more. So make a lot!—Chicsgu Record. Reasoning* Faculty l n Animals. I* ctv scientific prejudices have been more difficult to overcome than that lyhlch removes from animals the rea soning faculty, and probably many years will elapse before it will be rec ognized that all animals which come under ordinary observation are en dowed with the same kind of faculty, although developed in various degrees of a descending scale, which distin guishes man and *.he so-called higher organisms. The bee and ant have been frequently held up as the best expon ents of the instinct class, and more recently of the "exceptional" animals which developed reasoning powers. It was a rude shock, not only to the lay man, but as well to the scientist, when Sir John Lubbock, as the result of an almost endless series of experiments, announced a few years ago that these animals were "sadly wanting," both in their instinctive and intellectual traits. In other words, there were many times when both instinct and in telligence erred for them. Some most remarkable instances of the erring of instinct among insects have recently been noted by naturalists and they add an interesting chapter to the physiol ogy of sense. One of these was the ease of a butterfly, which persisted in visiting the artificial flowers on a lady's bonnet, mistaking them for the natural product. Another, and per haps more striking, instance of fault is noted by the distinguished French entomologist, M. R. Blanchard, and concerns a species of sphinx moth, which enterpd a hotel room in the half obscurity of early morning and was found to flit with direct intent to def inite parts of the walls and celling. These were decorated with paintings of leaves and flowers and to the latter the insect approached in repeated at tacks, thrusting forward its proboscis as though intent upon intruding it into the opened cups of the beguiling flowers. After repeated failures and the x*esulting discouragement the ef fort was given up and the sphinx es caped by the window. Hog" l.auch, Too. Of course dogs laugh. Every boy who has a pet terrier or mastiff 01 Newfoundland knows it well enough, • but it is only recently that scientists have begun to study the subject. A Frenchman has found that the dog and the bear and a very few other animals actually have smile muscles in their face, and the picture here given is from a photograph of a fox terrier owned by tho scientist. He believes that dogs show their joy and delight by smiling just as a boy or girl would do, and he says that some dog? are so amiable that they seem to "stride all over," from their wagging tail 3 to their faces. A monkey, although high er in the scale of animal life, is al ways sorrowful faced, and in this spect the dog is ahead of him. No longer can it be said that man is the only animal that laughs.—Ex. If Wools Were Spelled as Tliey Hound- Spell pique, catalogue, phthisis and a few other words of like character and you will not wonder that foreigners have so much trouble in learning Eng lish. Owing to silent letters and let ters having several different sounds, English is said to be the most dinfcult of all modern to spell. For this reason scholars and .societies have been trying to institute a spelling re form, but tliey are not very successful. People learn how to spell when they are children, and they don't like to change. Still, there are many people who now write though, "tho"; cata logue, "catalog", and programme "pro gram," and so on. A writer in a re cent publication pokes fun at the re forms proposed, and publishes this lit tle verse to show how queer our lan guage would look if all the words were spelled just as they sound: "Litl Will had a monlcl Claiming up a yelo stik; Hi sukt dhi yelo pant ol of, It mad him detlili slk; Dhi huming top 1B salient now, Dhi bol lz lad asaid, And dhi munkl duzent Jump around Sins litl Wilt daid!" A l'arty. l'arty. Surprise parties are rather out of date now, but there's a "dropping-in" party that's heaps more fun. The guests, instead of coming In a crowd, "drop in" at Intervals of five minutes. Of course the "surprised one" never knows when all the guests have ar rived. Each one brings some goody— cakes or nuts or oranges or candy— and when all have "dropped in" flic spread takes pl .ee. Of course the sur prised one's mother must be in '-he secret
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