FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. X. NO. 67. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. January 10, 1898. AIiRANUUMKNT OF PASHENOKIt Tit A INS. LEAVE FKB ELAND. 6 0.", R45 9 <JS a ra, 135, 2 30, 3 10, 5 25. 707p m, for Drlfton. Jeildo, Foundry, H. zle Brook and Lumber Yard. 05, S 45. 9 ;{5 a m, 135,310, (5 25 p ra, BlackDla mond) for Wearherly, Mauch chuna. Allen town, Eaaton. Philadelphia and New Vork. 7 07 p m for Weathorly, Maueh Chunk, Allen town, Eanton and intermediate stations. 9 Hit a m, 2 30, 5 25 and 7 07 p in, for Ilazle ton, Delano, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Ash land, Mt < armel, Shamokin and Pottsville. 7 20, 10 51, 11 54 a in, 5 24 p m, lor Sandy Kun, White Haven and Wilkes-Barre. SUNDAY TRAINS. 8 38, 10 51 a m for Sandy Run, White Haven and Wilkes-Barre. 10 43 a m and 138 pm for Jeddo. Foundry, llazle Brook, Stockton and Hazleton. lu 43 a in for llazlulon, Delano, Mahanoy City, Shenandoah, Mt. Carinel, Shamokm and pottsville. 1 3s p in lor Wnathorly, Mauch Chunk. Allen towu, Boston, Philadelphia and New Vork. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 7 28, 9 25, 10W, 1154 a in, 12 58, 2 20, 3 51, 5 24 uud 001 p m, from Lumber Yard, llazle brook. Foundry, Jeddo ami Drlfton. 7 20, 9 25, 10 51, 11 51 am, 12 58, 2 20, 351, 624 p ui, from Hazleton. 9 25, 10 51 u ill, 12 58, 0 01, p m, from Phila delphia, New York, EaelOU, Aliuntown, Mauch Chunk and Weath rly. 935 am, 2 30, 707 pm, from Wllkes-Barre, White Haven and Sandy Bun. 7 28, 9 25. 10 51 a in, 2 20, 5 24 p in, from Delano, Mahanoy City, She nandoah, Ashland, Mt. Car inel, Shumokin and Pottsville. SUNDAY TUAINB. 8 38, 10 51 a m and 12 5 p ra, from Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Y'ard, llazle Brook, Foun dry, Jeddo and Drlfton. 10 51 un), 12 55 p in, from Philadelphia, New York East Jii, Aileutowu, and Mauch t'liunk, 10 51 a in. iron) i'oitsviile, Shxmokin, Mt. Carinel Ashland, Shenanduah, Manauoy City and Delano. 10 43 a ni, from Wilkes-Barre, White Ilaven and Saudy Run. For further information Inquire of Ticket A rent". KoLLIN 11. WILBUR, General Superintendent. OH As. s. LEE, Uen'i Pass. Airent, Phila., Pa. A. W. NUNNEMACHER, Ass'tO. P. A., Philadelphia, Pa. 'TMIE DK LA WARE, SUSQUEHANNA ANL X SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect April 18, 1897. Trains leave Drll ton lor Jeddo, Eckley, Hazlc Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton Junction at 5 30, ti 00 a in, daily I except Suiulaj ; and 703 a IU. 238p m, Sunday. ' Trains leave Drllton for Harwood. Cranberry. Tomhickeu and Deringer at 5 30, 6 00 a m, daily " xcept Sunday; and 7 03 a m, 238 p m, Sun day. Trains leave Drlfton for Oneida Junction. Harwood Road, Huinbohlt Road, Oneida ami Hhoppton at 000 a m, daily except Suu dav; and 7 03 u ni, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton J unction for Harwood, Cranberry, Toinhicken and Deringer at 6 35 u in, daily except Suuduy; and 8 53 u m, 4 22 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Sheppton at t 32, 1110 a in, 441p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 8 11 p ui, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhlcken, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction and Roau at 2 25, 5 40 p in, dally except Sunday; and 9 37 u ra, 5 07 p in, Sunday. Trams leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton J unction ad Roan at 7 11 a Ui, 12 40, 522 p in, daily except Sunday; und 8 11 a ui, 3 44 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo ami Drllton at 5 22 p m, daily, except Suuduy; ami 8 11 a iu, 3 44 p in, Sunday. Traius leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 5 45, 620 p m, daily, except Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 5 40 p m. auuday. All trains connect at iluzleton Junction with electric cars lor Hazleton, Jeanoßville, Auden rled and other points on the Traction Com pany's line. Trains leaving Drlfton at 5 30, 6 00 a m make connection at Deringer with P. It. it. trains for Wiikesburfe, Sunbury, Uarrisburg and points west. For the accommodation ol' passengers at way stations between Hazletoii Junction und Der- IHirer, a train will leave the former point at aSO p ra, dully, except Sunday, arriving at Deringer at 5 00 p in. LUTllKlt C. SMITH, Superintendent. DePIERRO - BEOS. -CAFE.- Coruer of Centre and Front Streets, Freeland, Pa. FineSt Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufor Club, Kosenbluth's Velvet, of which we h ve EXCLUSIVE SALE IN TOWN. Mumin's Extra Dry Champagne, Honnesay Brandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clare ta, Cordiaij, Etc Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Rallentine and Huzletou beer on tap. Baths. Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. J.F. McNULTY, funeral Director and Ejn b Ijn er. Prepared to Attend Calls Day or Night. South Centre street, Freeland. G. HORACK, Baler & Confectioner. Whole-sale and Retail. CENTRE STEEET. FREELAND. Dr. N. MALEY, DENTIST, Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick. OVEK BIKKUEC'K'S STOItB. THEY HAD A GOOD TIME. DEMOCRATS PUT UP A STIFF FIGHT IN REPUBLICAN WARDS. Their Activity Made the Day Interesting in the Up-Town Dlntrictn—Mlxert Re- ! milts in Foster Township—Democrats ' aud Citizens Divide the Honors. The result of the voting iu Freeland ! borough, as given in tabulated form iu ! adjoining columns, is not. a surprise to ! any one who the Alongth of j the political parties in this town. In the wards north of Main street, where all the candidates for council men and school directors were running, the vote is overwhelmingly Republican, and in capturing the offices in these" the ma jority party gained-no notable victory. ; merely fielding its own. The Democrats cut deeply into the vote in the First, some of the candidates gained iu the Second, some in the Third and in the Fourth heavy inroads on the Republican majority were made by all the Demo cratic candidates. The only ward in which the Republicans increased their vote was the Third. In none of the upper wards. n< the above are termed, had the Democrats I reasonable grounds upon which to hope ! for a victory. They expected nothing, | and got it, nevertheless they showed the j other side a good time all_ day and have cause to feel proud of the vote east for ! their candidates. Their activity in dls-! tricts where they were hopelessly in the minority had the effect of putting some | I fe in the election up-town, something j which the Republicans failed to do in the Democratic ward. The South ward went Democratic, as usual, hut by a decreased majority. ! The lightest vote ever polled in the ward was cast on Tuesday, over 100 Democrats failing to vote, as there were j no important contests on hand to induce them to go to the polls. William K. Martin, the Republican candidate for borough auditor, carried j five of the six election districts. The i Third district of the South ward, which has the remarkable record of never ' having given any Republican candidate j a majority, stood by the Democratic ! nominee, James Dublin. Election day, like the campaign, ! passed off with the best of feeling pre vailing among the opposing parties. The victors and the vanquished accept ed the results in a becoming manner. The increase in the number of mem bers on the council and the'school I board will give the Republicans control of both of those bodies. The council at ! present consists of four Democrats and ! two Republicans. As the two retiring members, Messrs. Rutter .and Miller, are Democrats, and the six new mem- j burs are Republicans, the council on a ! party vote will be eight to two. The ! present,school board consists of six Dem ocrats. Two Democrats, Messrs. Mc- j Carthy and Timony. will retire in June : and six Republicans will take office. I The board will then be composed of six I Republicans and four Democrats. The total number of offices voted for was thirty-two. Politically they wore filled as follows: Dem. Rep. Auditor 0 i Councilmen 0 i School Directors or, Assessors 1 4 Registers :1 0 Judges of Election 4 Majority Inspectors :i 4 Totals 7 25 Foster Township. Foster's battle was undoubtedly tho I most bitter over fought lu that towu sbip. Parly lines disappeared early in the day, and combinations and counter combinations were made and broken many times by friends of the several ! candidates. The totals show that part of the Democratic and part of the Citi zens' tickets won. Woodring, Lesser 1 and Halter represent the Citizens In the | victors' column, while Fnirehilds, who I was the candidate of the Republicans and Citizens, also catno out ahead. The ' Democrats elected Campbell, McGulro. I McHugh, Carllsand probably Gallagher. Tho vote for auditor indicates the clec- ] tion of the latter by a small plurality. The fight centered on school director 1 and upon this tho Citizens staked every thing. Their candidates won by a good j vote and this sufficed for the defeat of j the other candidates on that ticket. ' Tho returns from tho nine polling dis- j tricts show Some queer figures, and ft is ! safe to say that tho table published to day will bo preserved for future use by politicians of all parties. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. If C. C. C. fail to euro, druggists refund money. Watcli tlie date on your paper. IM INCFI.I. A XKOIJB ADVERTISEMENTS. VT"OTICB. To All Whom it, May Conwrns Take notice thnt I have purchased from Stephen Hudock the following: 2 black horses, 2 sets of harness, 1 butcher wiurun, 1 buggy, 1 sleigh, I buekboard, ice box und con tents, 2 scales, 1 safe, and all butcher blocks and tools In, on ami about the premises, on I Centre street. Freeland, PH., lately occupied by Stephen Hudock as u butcher shop. 'I hut I this iersnual property belongs to me abso lutely and I warn any and all persons from In- , I terferiug with the same In any manner what ever. J oil n Shigo. FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1893. VOTE OF FOSTER TOWNSHIP. NAMES !!!!!:==:§§ i = Z i. I CANDIDATES. : " : g- : f 1- r 3 H: : 1 ! ! o* 1 ] Justice of the Peace— Noah Mover, r 26 4 10 13 10 7 19 27 t'l 137 i Michael Campbell, d 32 43 80 35 44 s 29 36 48 361 111! I John S. Miller, c 14 9 19 30 20 29 57 67 0 245 Supervisors— Evan J. Davis, r 25 0 20 12 9 8 20 li 22 127 : Samuel Herring, r 25 0 19 9 12 111 J3 45 23 156 | l'atrlck McUlllre, d 41 24 37 17 46 (1 30 94 47 342 45 Frank McHugh, d 31 32 99 39 46 6 20 26 44 334 37 Joseph Meirs, c 17 36 50 32 13 31 62 54 0 297 John D. Davis, c 7 22 56 31 15 26 74 20 0 251 School Directors— 0 Walter L. Richards, r....25 13 52 38 12 4 26 23 64 257 John U. Boyle, r 23" 2 17 7 25 5 18 9 23 129 John Kringe, d 34 18 80 10 39 5 17 12 5 179 William O'Donnell, d 30 24 89 55 IS 4 13 24 43 291 Jeremiah Wood ring, c 10 33 35 34 17 38 93 81 3 350 59 Julius Lesser, c 20 33 35 29 35 38 67 113 3 373 82 (1 leiic-j Thomas Pa trie, r 26 1 28 16 15 9 22 59 24 200 John Carlis, d... 32 31 59 24 43 7 23 37 43 899 ft) Michael Tatura, c 14 15 48 31 11 28 55 34 0 236 A urtitors— John 0. Stroll, r-c 42 21 65 53 26 28 II 78 27 373 E. \V. Tulllo. r 87 4 32 12 12 18 17 30 85 177 Josoph Gallagher, d 32 34 61 31 45 6 74 50 40 379 0 As CS'or — I'hlllp Fairchllds, r-c 42 19 56 44 26 41 61 96 26 111 60 Michael Carr, d 31 45 65 28 45 4 54 36 43 351 I Treasurer— | Herbert Bierly, r 27 1 51 11 12 6 18 32 25 183 William Sheaman, d 31 31 50 5 45 II 22 15 41 251 August Baker, c 10 17 28 66 14 24 54 81 0 :ioo 49 I Poor Director— J Samuel tlangwern, r 22 18 .. 53 34 .. .. 66 19 212 Edwin F. Warner, d.....47 29 22 32 .. 59 49 238 1 Puar .! 'alitor— -W. J. Thomas, r 1..29 23 48 26 .. .. 65 26 217 Frank C. Winteruiuth, d.41 22 .. 27 39 .. .. 60 40 ''l9 VOTE OF FREELAND BOROUGH. ; CANDIDATES. Ist 2d 3d 4th Southward Total Plu i Borough Auditor — Ward Ward Ward Ward 2 dlst 3 dist Voto ralltv Wi'liam E. Martin, r 104 89 58 115 99 34 499 170 James Bohtin, d 07 29 32 94 51 50 323 I Poor Director— Samuel Uangwere, r 102 81 52 108 53 24 420 27 j Edwin F. Warner, d 67 29 40 108 95 60 393 ' Poor .4 uditor— jW. J. Thomas, r ' 99 80 54 110 53 20 410 32 j Frank C. Wintermuth, d 07 28 37 100 91 ui 384 — IN THE WARDS. At a Glance You Can So tlie Vote and j the Winners' Majorities. The following Is The vote polled in the j live wards of Freeland for ward and i election oflicors. The first column i shows the number of votes received by I each aspirant and the second column the majorities of the successful candi- j j dates. FIRST WARD. i Councilman— Harry Keck, r. 91 10 ! George Christian, d 75 ' School Director— ■ John 11. Trevaskis, r 95 21 : Frank Eberett, d 74 ' A ssemr— j John Miller, r 107 45 | Patrick Dooris, d 02 | Judge— : Joseph McClellan. r 104 57 i : Henry Krone, d 07 I Inspector— John Hell, r 104 41 John Gillespie, d 03 SKCOND WARD. Councilman— Anthony Rude wick, r 77 12 Daniel Kline, r 75 in George C. Schreiner, d l: Owen Frltzlnger, d 05 School Directors— William D. Kline, r 80 44 Daniel (>. Kromes, r 90 48 ; | 11. G. Deppe, d 42 | Michael Mtirrin. d 33 I Awe a nor — i Thomas Evans, r 100 75 I ! Wilson Wulp, d 25 I Judge- Thomas Ilowey, r 92 03 I Deter H. Carr, d 29 I n* pectur— Job Kocher, r 90 71 Uubbart Doudt, d 2.1 TIIIHD WARD. Counciltnen — Mathias Schwa be, r 03 25 William H. Hut/., r 03 25 i | Frank McLaughlin, d 38 Haul Kemehinc/.ky. d 20 1 School Director— James Van Horn, r 53 11 William J. ISrogan, d 42 I Assessor— ! Richard Druratra, r 55 13 j j Henry Hincer, d 42 j i Constable— Charles Croll. r 59 Judge— J. C. Sneddon, r 51 7 Louis Rytuor, (1 44 ! Inspector— John Shelly, r 03 29 j George Doggett, d .. 34 | FOURTH WARD. Con '■ci'man— R. F. Dertferro, r 114 is 1 Albert Novak, d 90 I School Direct 1 ra— -1 J. R. Laubach, r 108 0 W. J. Everett, r 11l 9 Patrick McGeehan, d 90 : Peter Gallagher, d 102 1 Assessor— Stephen Drasher. r 11l 15 j John F. Gallagher, d 96 Constable— Henry Haas, r 108 ' Jndt/c— --[ Simon Noubuigur, r 114 r.'o August Icebacher, d 04 Inspector— Soloiii&n Trantor, r 114 18 Charles O'Donnell, d <h; SOUTH WARD. i Assessor— 2d 3d T't'l Plu. 1 Charles Elliott, r 55 25 80 I John Trimble, Sr., d.. 93 57 150 70 Judges Benj. Reese, r 00 . . GO John J. Welsh, d 85 85 25 i George Welch, r 24 24 I Man us Conahan, d oo oo 30 Inspectora— Thomas J. Moore, r.. 01 .. oi Condy O'Donnoll, d.. 85 .. 85 24 Oliver Miller, r '23 23 William F. Brogan, d. ... 00 go 37 Registers— Thomas Lewis, r ... 02 .. 02 Thomas Mulheurn, d. 81 81 19 j David P. Jones, r 24 24 John Cannon, (1 *57 57 33 The Election Elsewhere. Democrats won in Hazleton, electing Harry Myers fog mayor, Ilarry Jacobs for controller, four of the six school directors and two of Hie three assessors. The Republicans elected C. J. Groveling j for treasurer. j In Wilkesbarre the Third Class City party won the day, re-electing Mayor | Nichols and a majority of the council. J Immediate stepts will be taken to do i away with the old charter. The Republicans elected their whole ticket In ilazle township. The new : school hoard will ho a tic—three Dornu ! crats and three Republicans, i Returns indicate the election of Uang ! were. Republican, for poor director by a j small majority. Many names woro spelled incorrectly on the ballots on Tuesday. In the First ward of Freeland the candidate for assessor was printed "Fraud Dorris," instead of Patrick Dooris. To Moke Further SuNpentdoiiN. ' It was announced in Pottsvillc this week as coming from official sources in I connection with the changes to bo in j troduced on the Lehigh Valley Railroad I systom, commencing next Sunday, that the suspensions will be heavier than at I lirst anticipated. The schedule, which was under consideration all of last week, contemplated the removal of five of tin* fourteen crews employed on the Maha nov and Hazleton division. It is said that this schedule cannot be made prac i ticable and that another one is now | under advisement, which will remove | six crews. Beauty IN Blood l)e<>p, Clean blood moans a clean skin. No beauty without it. Cascurets Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by j stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im ; purities from the body. Ilcgin today to b uiish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets—beauty for 10 cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. i A. Oswald sells coffee at Bc, 10c, 13c, j 35c, 30c and 25c per pound. OA.STORIA. | The fao- yy B, . SarloiiM Accident* In the Mino. John J. Gallagher, a car-loader at No. breaker. Highland, had a narrow escape from a serious Injury yesterday. After coupling several railroad cars lie was walking between them under the breaker. His feet slipped and to save himself from falling under the wheels lie threw out his left arm for support. It was immediately caught between two bumpers, and before it could be with drawn the fleshy part between the elbow and wrist was terribly squeezed. Xo bones were crushed, but a painful injury resulted. He Is resting easily at Ills homo on Centre street, near South. In I pper Lehigh shaft yesterday an unexpected fall of coal in the breast of William Schrumm caused an accident which extinguished the life of Herman, his seventeen-year-old son, and seriously injured the father. The two were load ing a car when the fail occurred. The boy was instantly killed. The Injuries u> Mr. Schrumm consist of interna) bruises which may result fatally. John iirelim, a patcher in No. 5 col liery, Upper Lehigh, had' his leg broken yesterday in a peculiar manner. He was walking down the slope and a car was coining in the opposite direction. The rope suddenly swerved over the top of the bevel-roller and struck him on the leg, breaking it below the knee. He was removed to his home in Upper Lehigh. At No. 1 Oakdale colliery yesterday two Hungarians were badly hurt. Had Designs on Fai'liuuient. The prompt action of Squire Bronnau, of Mahauoy City, was all that saved himself and a party of friends from u horrible death Monday night, in his of lice. John Herigan entered the office, and placing a queer-shaped article on the iloor, hurriedly made his exit. Bren nan's friends fled from the room, but the former grasped the Instrument and tore it apart. It. proved to l> an infernal machine, capable of blow the building to atoms, and would have exploded In a very short period of time. It contained 100 dynamite cartridges, with a needle so arranged as to explode them. Heri gan is evidently insane. When captured and asked what his object was, he said he was experiment ing and that he intended going to Eng land and blowing up the house of par liament if his plan proved successful. ltnnnvul of Valley Otticn*. The anticipated transfer of the traffic department of the Lehigh Valley Rail road to New York will not take place, It Is understood, until' May. President' Walter will have an office there as well as in Philadelphia. The general traffic manager, the general passenger agent, the freight agent (together with the freight department) and their forces will be transferred to New York. A portion of the Lehigh Valley Coal Com pany officials and their clerical forces at Hethlehem will be transferred to Phila dolphin and the rest will go to New York. Driftoii Company Store Sold. The store of Coxe Pros. A- Co. was sold on Tuesday to E. .1. Edwards, who has been superintendent of the establish ment for some time past. The purchase price was not made public. It is under stood that Mr. Edwards bought the; store for a stock company composed of himself, William Lauderbach and ex- Mine Inspector James Roderick, of Ilazleton. and others. It, is also stated that the other stores owned by Coxe Bros. A Co. will be disposed of as soon as purchasers who will pay the price asked are found. Serviced on Sunday Next. On Sunday morning next Rev. .1. H. Kerschner will hold memorial services at St. John's Reformed church in mem ory of the late Henry C. Groessol, Co. U. 47th Pa. Vols. The services will he in English, and Post 117, (I. A. R., will attend in a body. Rev. Kerschner. by invitation, will preach a sermon to the members of Camp 144, P. (). S. of A., in St. John's church, Eckley, at 2.15 o'clock the same day. In the evening English services will be held here. The public is kindly invited to attend. Hoy Meet* u Violent Death. Joseph Lozler, the four-year-old son of Benjamin Losier. residing near Wilkes barre, was playing in an upstairs room when the mattress on the bed caught lire. The room tilled rapidlv with smoke. An older brother broke into the room, and catching up bis little brother, tossed him out the window to the mother, who was standing on the ground below. The mother succeeded in catching the child, but the younster had inhaled the smoke and died during the night. I'uteulK Granted. Reported by C. A. Snow A Co.. Wash ington. D. C. J. 11. Lamer. Tamaqua, automatic railway-switch. .1. Kennedy, Alletpwn, suielting-ma chiue. W. 11. Thompson, East Stroudsburg, cigar-cutter and match-igniter. OABTOniA.. Tkofao- _/? _ BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. PARAGRAPHS GATHERED FROM ALL PARTS OF THE REGION. Synopdin of Local and Mincellaneouft Oc currence* That Can lie ltead Quickly. What the Folks of Thin and Other Town* are Doing:. The engagement of Miss Matilda Lewis, of Front street, to Mr. Gazo Lefwlth, of Mahanoy City, is an nounced. The date of the wedding will be made public later. Miss llclla McGill, of Freeland, and Miss Mary Dowd. of Hazleton, were re ceived into the Sisters of Mercy at Ha zleton convent on Tuesday. MlssMetllll will be known in religion as Sister Mary Lorretta. Patrick Boner, a well-known resident of Drifton, died of pneumonia on Tues day. He is survived by a wife and six children. The funeral took place at 9 o'clock this morning, interment being made at St. Ann's cemetery. Rev. J. 11. Kerschner on Monday con ducted funeral services at Butler valley over the remains of Peter Kloiigh, who died on Friday. He was aged 97 years and it was claimed that he was tho oldest Old Fellow In Pennsylvania. Hop at Krouse's hotel, South Ilebor ton, on Saturday evening, (loud music and refreshments. Admission free. Mrs. Ann Owens, widow of the late Owen K. Owens, died at her home in Wanamie on Saturday and was buried at Hazleton on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Owens lived at Highland for many years, and the latter served one term as supervisor of Foster township. On Tuesday evening the Actors Asso ciation of Butler valley will hold their masquerade ball at Dinkelacber's hall. This will be the first event of the kind held in the valley fur some time, and the attendance will naturally bo large. Many Freeland people will also attend this ball. The dairymen who supply the citizens of Hazleton with milk held a meeting oil Monday preparatory to organizing u milk trust and making a standard price. Some dealers are selling milk as low us 4 cents a quart. Some are getting 5, and others 6, 7 and 8 cents a quart. The object is to keep the price at 8 cents. The remains of Mrs. Mary Meadoe arrived here on Tuesday from Laury town, and were taken to tho residence of her son-in-law, John Kruppu. The deceased had been an inmate of the almshouse for several years, and her death was due to old age. She is sur vived by two daughters, Mrs. John Ivruppa, of Freeland, and Mrs. George Sholack, of Scranton. PLEASURE CALENDAR. February 17.—Bazaarof Young Men's C. T. A. B. Corps at Grand opera house. February 19.—Dancing school under the auspices of St. Patrick's cornet band at Van lies' opera house. Admission, 25 cents. February 28.—Masquerade ball of the Actors Association at Dlnkelacker's hall, Butler Valley. Admission, 25c. Two MilllotiK a Year. When people buy, try and buy again, it means they're satisfied. The people of the United States are now buying Case a rets Candy Cathartic at the rate of two million boxes a year and it will be three million be fore New Year's. It means merit proved, that Casearets are the most delightful bowel regulator for everybody the year round. All druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c a box, cure guaranteed. AT'DITOItS' NOTICE.— Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, auditors of Foster township, will meet at the hotel of Albert Ooepj ert, on Walnut street, in Free land borough, on Monday. Maroh ?. 1888, at 10 o'clock a. in., to audit the accounts of the township for the past year. T. U. Argust, I , ... Patrick 11. Korry, \ Auditors. Freoland, Pa., February 17,1808. LIBOR WINTER, Restaurant and Oyster Saloon. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. The finest liquors and cigars served at the counter. Families supplied with oysters. FRANCIS BRENNAN, RESTAURANT 151 Centre street. Freehold. FINEST LIQUOR, BEER, PORT Eli, ALE, CIGARS AND TEM PERANCE BRINKS. VIENNA: BAKERY. J. B. LAUBACH, Prop. Centre Street, Freeland. CHOICE BREAD OF ALL KINDS, (JAKES, AND PASTRY, DAILY. FANCY AND NOVELTY CAKE: BAKED 10 ORDER. * Confectionery $ Ice Cream supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with all necessary adjuncts, at shortest notice and fairest prices. Drlirxry and tupply mayom In all parti oj touta and turroundinyi every day. 81.50 PER YEAR. | £ll AS. ORION STKOII, Attorney and Counselor at Law and Notary Public. Office: Booms I and Hirkheck Itrick, F reel and. J 01J N M. CAIUt, Attorney-at-Law. All legal business promptly attended. Postofticc Building, - . . Freelnud. M' LAI'<JIJLI Attorney-at-Law. Legal UuHncKt Ami/ l)c-( /ption. Hirklieck Brick, - - - 1 reclnnd. JAMES E. DWYKR, Attorney-at-Law. Boom 10, C cliwaitz , a Building, I Bust Broad street, - - llaxlcton, Pa. I jyjKS. S. E. HAYES, Fire Insurance Agent. Washington Street. None but Reliable Cfflnpunic* Rej/reseii fed, £ D. llOintßAClT^ General Hardware. HuildeiV BupplUr . r every Kind itlwny. in stock. Hall paper, paints ami tinware. Biey oles and repairs ol' .11 sorts. South Centre street. D DKI'IERIJO. Ristaursnt. . Fresh Ale Altroys on Tap. ni cr, Fm-tor, and Finest lyunllttvn .r ttllisky, Wine, Etc. Excellent Cigars. Hidge Street. - . . Frcoland. IDATRICK Mri-'Ai>I)E.V Carpet Weaver. All kinds ol plain carpet, single and double warp, woven in liesi >l style. Only the very best yarn used. Prices, L'Ue per yard upwards, tall at shop or resilience. Opposite electric ear terminus. Centre street. CENTRAL r HOTEL LEADING HOTEL. IN FRKELAND. M. 11. HUNSICKER, Prop, Hates, $2 per day. Bar stocaed with fine whiskey, wine, beer anil cigars. Sale and ex change stable attached. GEORGE FISHER, dealer in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street, Froeland, or wait tor the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Candy 0. Boyle, dealer in Liquor, Wine, Beer, Porter, Etc. The finest brands of Domes! it and Imported Whiskey on sale in one of the handsomest sa loons in town. Fresh Rochester ami Shenan doah Beer and Youngling's Dorter on tap. W8 ventre street. T CAMPBELL, dealer in Xlxry CSo<><ltf Grocer Hoofs, and f§ Is.o c s . Also PURE WINES I; LIQUORS FOR FAMILY AND MEDICINAL PURPOSES. Centre and Main streets, Froeland. Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions. if if sillr SBROTHERHOOO HATS C o A oelebratod brand of XX Hour always in stork. Roll Butter and Eggs a Specialty. AMANBUS OSWALD, X. IF. Cor. Centre and Front SiFretland.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers