JOHN C. BERNER'S A.\\Oi:V<'KMElT ! First floor, Washington street entrance, you find our 19c j counter. Some articles worth three times what we ask. 19c COUNTER. Men's cheek coats 19c Men's seersucker coats 19c Girls' outing flannel coats 19c Men's Domet flannel shirts | " t Hoys' Domet flannel shirts Hoys' Domet waists Ladies' woolen hose Men's woolen hose Hoys' woolen hose Men's drawers ' ! ' c Ladies'chemise • l'-'c Ladies' drawers l'-'c Linen tidies. 19c Men's suspenders 19e Ladles'silk mitts 19c Ladies* black tatTna gloves 19e Iluir brushes 19e Shoe brushes 19e Clothes brushes l'-'e Men's caps 19c Ladies' corsets 19c I have sold over one thousand 19c articles, and everybody is satisfied. If you can buy the same quality goods elsewhere fori less money, bring ours back and get your money refunded. Ery CS-ccd-s and. Ncticas. We add daily to our now immense stock. Best apron ging-1 hams, sc; dress ginghams, etc., 6c; Outing flannels, 7c; dark dress calicoes, sc; best blue calicoes, 6c. Blankets reduced; a 89 all-wool blanket for 87; an 88 all-wool blanket for 86; a 87 all wool blanket for 85; blankets as low as 79c. Comfort ables and quilts reduced 81.45 to 81; quilts as low as 45c. Our dress goods department is full of valuable goods, all shades and prices. All woolen cloths at and below cost, j C'henile curtains, 89 99, worth 85; lace curtains, 79c to 89 j>er pair. Ladies' muslin underwear, the finest assortment ever shown in this town. Boots and Slices. Our spring stock will arrive in a few days and we will have i them on the tariif reform list. Watch for them. Old stock now closing out at cost. Queens'ware. Dinner setts, 813 to 818; tea setts, 85 to 88. In every-day ware we have anything and everything useful. Bats, Caps, "Wa.ll Paper, Etc. Not necessary to mention separately, as we are closing them out away down. Also our wallpaper. All at one-cent price. This means s()c paper for 25c; 25c paper for 121 c; 10c paper for sc. Not much left. Come and get the balance. Like all other general stores, we keep household tinware, granite ware, wood and willow ware, tubs, brooms and brushes. A good scrub brush for sc. This is the largest and finest assortment Freeland has ever seen, .fust look at the quantity. 55 different dining room tables in stock, at 81.59 to 819 each; 35 center tables, for par lors and bed rooms, 81.25 to 815 each; 22 different bed room suits, $16.59 to 895 each; 13 different side boards and clief foniers, 813 to 840 each; 6 bookcases, 87 to 833 each; 10 hair rugs, from 87 to 835 each; 12 different parlor suits, 829; black moliner cover, solid walnut frame, only 829; rug suits, 859 to 875; silk brocalett, $125 to $135; 57 different bed steads, $2.25 to $5 each; 25 cribs and cradles, folding cribs and swinging cradles, $1.59 to s\99; 1099 different chairs, cane seat, wood seat, leather seat, with high backs, etc; 35 different rocking) chairs, $1 to sl9; 12 different styles of lounges and couches, j Carpets and. Oil ClctHs. • 49 rolls ingrain carpet, ranging from 17c to 80c per yard; 15 i rolls stair carpet, 29c to 85c per yard; 35 rolls Brussells car- i pet, with or without borders, 50c to 81.35; 6 rolls rag carpet, 30c to 69c per yard. 25 different patterns of oil cloth and | lenolinne, prices as per quality. Smyrna rugs, wool rugs, rugs of Brussells and ingrain carpets. Bed springs, mat- j tresses, piilows, feathers, etc. MY FURNITURE STORE is a wonderland of novelties, and I invite everybody to pay it a visit. If in need of any goods you will be more than paid by doing so. as our prices are the lowest the market affords. (GROCERIES. 21 lbs granulated sugar no 10 lbs No. 1 currants 25 10 lbs gold dust meal 25 0 lbs out Hake 25 tt lbs out meal 25 5 lbs soda biscuits 25 0 lbs mixed cakes 25 5 lbs raisins 25 , 5 lbs rice 25 5 lbs barley 35 0 qtA bcutis- , 05 10 Full cream cheese U 4 lbs starch 35 I 0 lbs tapioca 05 1 lb dates 10 6 lbs Lima beans 25 California llain 10 Ham, sugar cured 124 j FRESH TRUCK EVERY TUESDAY AND FRIDAY. EVERYTHING IN SEASON. Any goods not satisfactory after purchase may be brought I>ack and money will be returned. Yours for prosperity, JOHN C. BURNER, M and Wasliiigtoii Streets, Mam. 15 sailor tics ls 'e 1 man's silk scarf 19c 1 man's silk tie 19c 1 s Ik baukerehicf 19c 1 pair linen towels 19c 0 tea spoons, silver i luted 19c table f'>rKs, silver plated 19c 1 pair child's napkins 19c 1 pair scissors 19c 1 mutch safe, silver plutcd 19c 1 luminous mutch sufc 19c I augur shell, silver plutcd 19c 1 butter knife, silver plated 19c 1 two quart delph pitcher 19c 1 9xlo picture frame, with gluss 19c 1 camp stool 19c 1 spring roller window shade 19c 1 curtain pole, brass rings 19c 1 carpet rug 19c 1 boys' cup 19c I 5 bottles chow chow $1 00 s corned beef 1 00 5 bottles pickles 1 yy 0 lbs prunes or, 1 lb baking powder pi 1 lb plug tobacco :•!, 1 lb fine cut tobacco ;Ui 4 cans corn o -2 cans sulmon 2*, 3 cans pie peaches 25 2 cans table peaches 25 5 cans sardines 25 1 quart-bottle ketchup 15 3 cans lime 25 1 can condensed in ilk 10 a big glasses mustard 25 1 can French peas 30 1 cau domestic peas 10 THE WOMAN OF FASHION. Many Pretty Gowns for the Gkj Eastor Promenade. ■low Fair Woniun Will Hodi-ck Herself ir tli© Day ll© Itrit'lit- i'iic Itrver in . All Its Waywardness Gay :IIMI Festive (•owns. | COPYRIGHT, 1804.1 The Eastor pageant this j r onr will lack something of its old careless magnificence. If the sun shines, there will be light, brilliance, richness of color, as of old; but the close observer will easily discover signs of care, of discrimination, that the Easter costume rarely displays. Wo have truly taken no thought for the future in getting ready for that |j| ■V \ win. I 1 • w ■ "*\J A RIBBON AND LACE FANCY, gayest promenade of all the year. Not one whit cared we whether our gown would be useful for future days aud occasions. So long as Fifth avenue opened her arms to us, and pronounced us lit to mingle with her Easter throng, we were satisfied. But, alack and alas! other considerations have weighed heavily upon us these early spring days. We dare not turn our eyes utterly from that stern Dame Economv. who demands that cxtrava EAflTEli GOWNS. pan Co bo curtailed, and more sensible modes adopted. So tliat the proa test charm of the American girl- herdarinp and richness in robing*—will not impress us so vivid ly as of old. Think not, however, that because of this no interest will be awakened in the crowd* that pours forth from fashionable churches at hipn noon of the Sabbath, March 25. Our modes are altogether too taking for that, modifications and all. The Easter gown will show these main A DAINTY KABTF.U CONCEIT. characteristics. Skirts, gracefully go deted, and. for the most part, plain. A little lace may be seen, caught up in cascades, or a full satin # fold, or three plain satin folds or bands. The bodices, those that are not tailor made, will have full, gathered fronts. The fronts will be brightened by insertions of rib bon or lace set in; or there will be lace yokes, with full fronts beneath; or coat effects, with lovely laco ef fects between, or short Figaro ef fects with lace. There will be a rever somewhere, or a shoulder rufllo in godets; you may count upon that. There will be scarcely a costume that does not show one or more hip rubles, small or large; and all of these . Combinations will be lightened and j pladdenod by the touch of each wom an's individuality, nnl unexpected blendings and cluuigings will trans form the styles the fashion writer is weary in describing, and reveal to her possibilities that she and her dressmaker friend never dreamed of. I have not been idle these Lenten days. Are you anxious to know what just a few of those dresses will be? A girl with the darkest hair and whitest skin in the world has just folded her gray Easter gown neatly away in a great box. When she took it out ten derly to show me I saw that there was a tiny bit of an underskirt in shining pale gray mohair, only three inches of which were visible under the skirt of due gray serge that fell over. The j skirts were both severely plain. The corsage was a short Figaro, fitting close ly in at the waist line and turning back in broad revers that continued them selves into godets over the shoulders. A pretty chemisette was made of gathered white bcngaline, and a graceful Robes pierre how was tied over. The re vers were faced with white bengaline and had a tiny edge of gold passemen terie all around. The sleeves had mod- j erately large puffs to the elbow and ; gathered cuffs of bengaline. Two ! rows of large pearl buttons fastened i the Figaro together, it was a striking costume and particularly simple. Another brunette friend of mine had j picked a lovely green from out of the shining spring stuifs. She had caught the godets of the skirt up into a big , bunch at the left hip, and hold them there with a buckle. Slit; hud started a broad band of white moire at the bottom of her skirt, right in the cen ter of the front, and drawn it, diag onally, around this self-same garment, j She had set a graceful bow of white, in narrower ribbon, on the left shoul der, where it fell in long ends. Thence, across the front of the bodice, was a draping of the broader moire, caught up under the right arm; and a crushed white belt, in narrow folds, encircled the waist. White gloves will be worn with the costume. but I saw another one; and immedi ately succumbed to its charms. The material was a delicate old blue, dashed with white silk, so that a sil very sheen was the result. The silver was further brought out l>y the skirt's trimming, which was, first, a tiny plait of blue silk, then rows of fine passe menterie in mingled steel and jet. At the hips was a reproduction of the lower trimqiing. The corsage was peculiar and difficult to describe. A yoke was made of rows of the fine passementerie, and a slender, pointed effect was given to the short basque by . a black moire band that started from one shoulder, was carried down to the waist, and then allowed to fall from the opposite hip, where it was gathered closely, in two spreading- ends that fell quite to the bottom of the skirt. From the shoulder fell a cascade of thin blue silk that edged the skirt. Rows of the passementerie, laid over the short drooping sleeve puffs, broad ened the shoulder effect wonderfully. The sleeve puffs were of the blue silk, lightly dotted with jet. j Rlack will not be eliminated from the Faster gown; indeed, a rich black here n,nd there will make the throng seem all the gayer. One black cos tume, suitable for more than one oc casion, shows a neat, heavy serge skirt, made of two equal length flounces, j each edged with heavy pointed braid. ! A enpe conceals the bodice, and falls in such full godets that an ample view !of the scarlet lining is afforded. I'c ! twecn each godet is a stripe of heavy | jet passementerie. A small shoulder , cape is a reproduction of the larger cape, and around the neck is a ruched j collar. In front the cape stands open to admit of two long jet-pans, that fall I far over the skirt. Another black shows a satin skirt that is scanter than usual, and that does not show the customary flare at the foot. Twelve inches from the bot tom is a crushed satin band, protrud ing every ten or twelve inches in double headings. The cape which falls over is also of black satin, but turns back in rovers that are faced with bright gold. A yoke of heavy cream guipure is inserted, from which falls line, close silk fringe. The cape's edge is a plain velvet band, caught down with a silk braid. It is the curve of the rover and the sweep of the jacket that make most of our novel effects. One pretty gown wil show a waistcoat that is cut sharply away at the waist line and re appears over the side of the hip, inside the long coat. The coat points out ward from the shoulder until it reaches the bust, then curves inward and away , to fall over the hips back of the walst j coat EVA A. BcHVDEBT. Fiuseland Tribune. FUKIJSIUSD EVERY M \UAY AND THURSDAY. TIL OS. A. IUJCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN* STREET ABOVE CENTRE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. One Year 50 Six Months 75 Four Months 50 Two Months 25 Subscribers arc requested to observe the date following the name on the labels of their papers. By referring to this they can tell at a glur ee hew they stand on the books In this office. For Instance: Grover Cleveland 28Junc94 means that Qrover Is paid up to June 28, 1894. Keep the figures In advance of the present date, be port promptly to this office w hen your paper Is not received. All arrearages must bo paid when paper is discontinued, or collection will be made in the manner provided by law. FREELAND. PA., MARCH 19, 1894. LEIIIGII VALLEY RAIL KOAIL | f b'- Anthracite coal used exclu sively, insuring cleanliness ami 1i comfort. ARRANGEMENT OF PASSENGER TRAINS. FEU. 11, 1894. LEAVE FREELAND. ft 05, 8 25, 1)55. 10 41 a m. 155, 227, 8 45, 4 55, 5 50, 0 58, 7 hi, 8 17 111 40 P ill, for Drifton, Jeddo. Lumber Yard, Stockton and Hazleton. 6 05, 8 25, DIM a m, 155, 515, 155 p 111. for Maudi Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Phila., Huston and New York. 6 05, :, lull am, 22, 4 55, ft 58 p in, for Mahanny City, Sh< nundouh and I'ottsville. 7 20, 1050 u m, 1150,454 ; m, (via Highland Branch)for White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes- Barrc, l'ittston and L. and B. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 40 a tn ami 5 15 p m for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum : ber Yard and iia/.leton. 545 p m for Delano. Muhanoy City, Shenan doah, New York und Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5 50, 7 is, 7 20, 0 10, 10 50, 11 50 a m, 12 58, 2 15, 1 4 51,0 58, 8 57, 10 52 pin, from lla/.leton, Stock ton. Lumber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. 20, 0 10, 10 no a 111, 2 15, I 54, 0 58, 10 52 p m, from Delano, Malianoy city and Shenandoah (via New Boston Branch). 12 58, 5 ill. 8 5'., 10 52 p in, from New York, Hus ton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allentown and Munch 1 hunk. 0 10, 10 50 a 111, 12 58, 5 40, 0 58, 8 57, 10 52 p m, from Huston, Phila., Bethlehem and Munch 0 55, 10 41 a in, 2 27,0 58 p m from White Haven, Glen Summit, W ilkes-Barre, l'ittston and L. unci B. Junction (via Highland Branch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 51 a m and 551 p 111, from Huzleton, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. II 51 a m from Delano, Ilazleton, Philadelphia j and Huston. 5 51 pin from Delano and Mahanoy region. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. ( HAS. S. LHH, Gen'l Pass. Agent, Phila., I'a. If. 11. WlLlirit. Oon. Supt. Hast. Pi v., A. W. NONNHMACJIHK, Ass t (. P. A., South Bethlehem, Pa. NPIIE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND A SCHUYLKILL EAILEOAD. Time table In effect September 3, 1803. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle Brook, Stockton. Denver Meadow Koud, Kuan uiul Huzleton Junction ut 0 HO, 0 1 a in, 12 10, ; 4 00 p in, daily except Sunday, und 7 W1 a in, 2 38 ! p 111, Sunduy. Trains leave Drifton for Ilarwood, Cranberry, Tonihicken and Deringer at 0 00 u m, 12 10 p m, daily except Sunday; and 7 05 a m, 2 58 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction. Ilarwood Hoad, IluniLoldt Bond, oucida and bhepptou nt i' 10 a 111,12 10, 400 p in, daily except Sunda.v; and ;,05 a 111, 2Usp m, Sunday. '1 rains n-ave 11 azleton J uiiclion f(r Hnrwood, Cntnher: \, : • •nihickt n and J • ringer ut 087 a m, 1 4ii p in, daily except Sunday; und 8 47 a in, 4 18 p m, Sunday. Trains have Huzleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Garwood Bond, Humboldt Komi, Oneida and -heppt 11 at 0 47,0 lo a in, 12 40, 4 30 p in, daily except Sunday; and 7 40u 111, 308 p Tr ins leave Dcringer for Tomliicken, Crnn hcrry, Hitrwood, Hn/Uton Junction, Kuan, Berni r Stockton, Kazlc Brook, Fcklcy, Jr.!-..i i; i; > I 1 • nnt :J 40, 4107 |i 111, llllllj except Sum I: \ ; mid U u 111, r>U7 |> 111, Sunday. i rains leave Sbepppn for < 'neidn, Humboldt Koud, linnvi ■ >1 Koud, Oneidn Junction, Ilny.lo ton Junction ii d Komi at 7 fig, lUltiuin, lift. r> „." p m, dally except .Sunday; and 14 a m, 8 4u p in, Nundu). Trains l< slu pptoii for Beaver Meadow Itond, stoekt n, lla/lo Kro.ik, Eckley, Jeddo find In it ion it in lo a in. 5 ;& pin, dully, except Suuda} ; and H 14 a in,4", n ni, Sunday. Truin.s leave lla/leton Junction for Honver Meadow Itond, Stockton, Huxlo brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Hrifton ut la .-s a in, J 11, 5 47, 0 <W p in, daily, except Sunday;and lOOOu in, 5 88 t m. Sunday. All trains connect at Ilazleton Junction with electric curs for lla/.lcton, Jeaticsville, Audou ricd and other points on Lehigh Tructlon Co'i. It. It. Trains leaving Drifton at 0 10am, Hazletou Junction at 0 1U u in, and Hhcppton at 7 W a in, 1 15 p in, connect at Oneida Junction with L. V, It. It. trains east and west. Train leaving Driltoii at fl 'X) a m. makes con nection at Deringer witli J'. It. 11. train for Wilkes-Borre, Sun bury, llurrisburg, etc. E. B. COXE, DANIEL COXH, President. Superintendent. X'OTICE. A meeting of the stockholders of thi" Citizens* Bank of Froehind will bo held at the banking liouse of said hunk on Wednesday, April 4. IM4, from 10 to 11 o'clock a. in., to elect directors to serve the ensuing yem-. B. It. Davis, Casliier. Froelund, Pa., March 2, 1804. LP'H KENT. A large hall on first lloor, suit. 1 able lor society meetings, storage room or for any purpose that a large building is needed. Apply to George Mnlitiky, Fern street. SAI.E. A good sound horse, suitable Jd for any purpose, will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to Henry Wilson, South lleberton. I OST. (n March 111, between Freeland and 1 J Jeddo, a poeketbook. Finder will be re warded by returning It to the Thihune office. The < h inip'on .Mean Man. "The meanest man on record is in New York." "What did he do?" "lie invited a policeman to take a drink and slyly put in a powerful stim ulant that would keep the man awake nil night."'—Alex F. Sweet. rxptßiiit.i. "Why do you like that woman r>a "Why, because she's such an atten tive listener when I want to criticise my friends."—Truth. A €' rowing Imp rove meat. Foster—Old I'opleigh dresses much better than he used to. Felton -Yes; his boys are now large enough for Mm to wear their cast-off clothes.—Puck. A Con tension. Aunt Mabel—Why, Johnny, how the 6un has tanned you! Johnny No; it wasn't the sun thftt tanned me. It was papa.—Jud^e. Each with the Other. "There's n man aiul his wife who ! wc'va h over two hundred pounds each." ihey certainly have much to con tend with."—Truth. flltaiS* SKfties QUthnig. I>rv Oo<% I>ry (food 8. In fact anything and everything to dress you up in the latest style. Lots for Little is our motto in all departments, and this to you means a big saving on all purchases made from us. 0 NEW MESS,' NEW ° Uil ' ° S In she Most Popular Fabrics of the Season, a nobby liat, or a pair of shoes, or any furnishing goods for Easter, give our immense lines an inspec tion, and be convinced that by trading with ns you can at all times enjoy (lie full purchasing power of your dollar. JOS. NEUBURGER, Leader and Promoter of Low Prices, Freelaud, Pa. IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS Flax £*3©©cl sr- s O'o.2"£io©u It is applied right to the parts. It cures all diseases of women. Any | lady can use it herself. Sold by ALL DftUGGISTS. Mailed to any j address on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill & Co., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold. To3r "Vty. "W. GBOVEE, DPreelaxid. Do You , ° all c ~ Wish 1/ E L L M I*. n To Make Photographer. j a 13 W. Broad Street. Hazleton, Pa. Handsome CABIffiTS FOR m Prnconi 9 Which calmot be heat for I I CuOlli ■ / elegant finish. .101) FEINTING- Promptly and ISTeatly Executed at the TRIBUNE OFFICE. Prices - Guaranteed - to - be - Satisfactory. GEORGE FISHER, dealer In | PRESII BEEF," PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Cull at No. o Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Keiper's Steam Marble Works. COR. LAUREL and MINE STREETS. Monuments, Headstones, j wlllnir at CI t tor next thirty days. Iron and GMIV.IM i Fences, Sawed Iliilldlnjr Stones,. Wind.,-. aj s, Door Mils, Mantels, urates, < . ,<imr, Cemetery Supplies. PHILIP hEI PER, I*llol*., llazlcton. CITIZENS' BANK OF FREELAND. CAPITAL, - 550.000. OFFICERS. Joseph Jlirkbeck, President. 11. c. Koons, Vieo President. H. K. Davis, Cashier. John Smith, Secretary. PI It E('TOlts.- Joseph nirkbeek, Thos. Ilirk beck, John Wagner, A. ltudewick, tl. (.'. Koons, t 'lias. Pusheek, John Smith, John M. Powell,2d, Jolin burton. |3T' Three per cent, interest paid on saving deposits. ( )pen daily from oa. ni. toll p. m. Wednesday eveiiingH from 0 to 8. To Horse and Mule Owners! | - Big stock of lorse lints, Robes, It Bokes and all kinds cf Harness. Complete Harness, from #5.95 up. Prices According to Quality Wanted. Geo. Wise, Jeddo and Freeland, Pa. SALE.- House and lot on Centre street, I" Freeland: house, ii2x2H; lot 125x25. For I urther particulars apply at tliis olliee. I OT KOH SALE.- One lot on west side of 1 A Washington street, between South and Luzerne streets. For further particulars apply • toT. A. Ituckley, Frecloud.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers