FREELAND TRIBUN E. VOL. VI. No. 79. FROM SUBURBAN POINTS. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE OF NEIGHBORING TOWNS. A Highland Man Shot at South Heber ton Other News of the Town— Bright and lfreezy Letter from the Upper Le high Newsgetter—Kckley Note*. Special anil regular correspondence from the surrounding towns is solicited by the THIBDNB. Communications or items intended for publication must be accompanied by the name of the writer. UPPER LEHIGH NOTES. On Tuesday morning about 3 o'clock the company's steam saw-mill, which is situated in the Oley valley about a mile from this place, was burned to the ground. The first report of the (ire that reached here said that Josh Santee, who had appartments in the building and was foreman of the mill by day and caretaker at night, had perished in the flames. This report proved to be un true, although Mr. Santee had a narrow escape and were it not for the timely ar rival of some workmen, who reside near the mill, lie would undoubtedly have been burned to death. As it was he es caped with a few slight hums, though lie lost all his personal effects, including $l5O in money. The origin of the fire is not known. Already some of the knowing ones are digging bait ami making preparations for the trout season, which will not open before the 15th of next month. But ac cording to reports those who are looking for bait now are slow, as some of the Freeland men have been seen acting very suspiciously on the "big creek" only a few days ago. Wait and see the "bite" some of these men will get if they are caught fishing before the sea son opens. The Central tracks near the weigh scales have sunk a few feet several times this week, caused by an old cavein that is settling. Miss Bridget Haggerty, returned to her home at Providence, Lackawanna county, on Monday, after spending a few weeks with relatives here. Ike Waldron is lying very low with a severe attack of pleurisy and pneumonia. There is some doubts of his recovery. Henry Jean, a miner in No. 7 slope, had his head severely cut by falling coal on Monday. Patrick McGuire, Jr., of Scranton, is spending a few days here with his parents. The new slope which was being sunk at Railroad street surprised the men working in it by the bottom dropping out of it into an old working this week. The old workings belong to No. 2 slope and it is many years since they were abandoned. It is expected, however, that work will be continued. There was quite an exciting time here on Sunday afternoon, which was caused by two of our residents who gave a good exhibition of the unmanly art. The residents of Spring street were treated to a full and impartial view of the alTair and some of them say the weapon used by one of the men upon his defenseless neighbor should debar him from living in the midst of a law-abiding community. ECKLEY CLIPPINGS. The celebratian here on Saturday in honor of Ireland's patron saint was an immense success. A splendid parade was held in the morning and a ball in evening. The parade marched through the principal streets, the St. Patrick's hand and Shamrock drum corps furnish ing the music. Both presented a credit able appearance. The hall held in the evening and was largely attended. Music was furnished by Carey Bros, orchestra, of Freeland. Misses Maria Ritt and El lie Conlin, two young ladies of Lattimer, were among the Sunday visitors here. Miss Lizzie James is home from the state normal school at Kutztown for the Easter vacation. Miss Nellie Gallagher, of Sandy Run, is calling on friends in town. Miss Fannnie Gallagher, of Mt. Car mel, left on Tuesday evening for her home, after spending a few days with friends. D. W. James and wife attended the lecture of Rev I. C. Edwards, of Kings ton, at Ha/.leton on Tuesday evening. George Fear and family spent Sunday at Hazle Brook. Misss Barbara Lut/. is spending a few davs at Wilkes-Barre. A three-vear old chil<l of Andrew Witkosky wis slightly injured on Sun day evening by being struck with a bicycle. John James was coming down the street at a rapid rate of speed, and on seeing several children playing he rang his bell and the little one scattered in all directions. The Witkosky girl became bewildered and ran directly in front of the wheel. James applied the brake, but was too late. The bicycle slid right into the child and knocked it down and John was thrown a consider able distance oIT the wheel, but escaped with a few slight scratches. John feels grieved over the affair, and says be will come through town hereafter under per fect control. HIGHLAND DOTS. On Saturday evening several of our young men went to South Heberton for an evening's enjoyment and later in the night when the pleasure began waning they became engaged in a quarrel of some kind in a noted resort at that place which resulted in A1 Seitz, a resident of this place, being shot. There are many versions of the affair, but Mr. Seitz says he was in no way implicated in the brawl, and will enter suit against the party who shot him as soon as he is able to be around again. The bullet entered the left side from back to breast close to the ribs and the wound is not consider ed dangerous. John Ward, of Freeland, has accepted the position of pumpman at No. 2 slope. Patrick Gallagher, of Mauch Chunk, was in town visiting his parents on Sat- i urday. Miss Mattie Brown w ill enter the ' Stroudsburg state normal school as a student about the 27th inst. Work at the mines here has not im proved any of late and from twenty-live to thirty hours a week is all the break ers are running. John McGill, of Stroudsburg normal school, is home on Easter vacation. One of our young men claims an at- I tempt was made on Sunday night t<> j waylay him between this place and 1 Freeland. By his lleetness of foot he I escaped. He says he knows the parties. : but not by name. Mur<!ere<l Over Drink*. A fatal fight occurred late on Monday night in a Wilkes-Barre speak-easy, in which two men were fatally shot and \ stabbed. John Dolphin and bis brother in-law, James Marcell, entered the place to get a drink. While they were drinking a number of Italians came up to the bar and while drinking a quarrel arose between the two parties. Finally several of the Italians rushed at Dol phin. He knocked two of them down and was defending himself bravely when one of the gang drew a revolver, and thrusting it close to his face, pulled j the trigger. Dolphin fell to the floor with a bullet in bis brain, and Marcell rushed to bis assistance. As be did so one of the Italians turned upon him and thrust a stiletto into his abdomen while another stabbed him in the back. The noise of the fight aroused the police and they burst into the place in time to catch the Italians. Several of them were arrested. Both the wounded men are alive but the physicians say they cannot recover. A Former Freeliuuler for ftonator. From the Ashland Record. Hon. John J. Coyle, one of Mahanoy City's representative citizens, and a gen tleman well and favorably known in political circles, has been prevailed upon by his friends to allow bis name to go before the next Republican convention for senatorial honors in his district. Mr. Coyle is at present a member of the house of representatives and was elect- d 1 by a handsome majority in a strongly i Democratic district. The senatorial district is also largely ! Democratic, but Mr. Coyle has elements of strength which, it is believed, will enable him to overcome his opponent with a safe majority should he be •nom inated. Socially, Mr. Coyle is one of j the best of men and be has the faculty , of making friends whose attachment im proves with larger acquaintance. Firemen's Neetliitf. The members of the Citizen's liose Company at their meeting last night, passed a vote of thanks to the Upper Lehigh Coal Company for its generous present of a check for $25, in considera- j tion foi the prompt response of the lire company on the occasion of the late fire at that place. The report of the officers was read showing the company to be in splendid financial condition. They decided t<> 1 place S7OO out at interest. G. G. Pritch ard, E. P. Gallagher and J. J. Welsh were appointed to make arrangements for a banquet to be held on April 13. PLEASURE CALENDAR. I March 26.—Annual ball of St. Patrick's 1 cornet band, at Freeland opera house. i Admission, 50 cents. March 27.—8a1l of Slavonian Young 1 Men's band, at Freeland opera house. | Admission, 50 cents. March 30 —First grand ball of the Actor | Club, at Freeland opera bouse. Ad ! mission, 25 cents. | March 31.—"0n His Track," comedy- I drama, by Freeland Juvenile Dranm- I tic Company, at Freeland opera house. | FREELAND, PA., THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1894. Operation on James Leitaliun. Attorney James L. Lenahan, of Wilkes-Barre, who has been in New 5 ork for some months, having several operations performed for an abcess in his face near the cheek bene, has re cently undergone the most serious of all. He said all along that he had no pain in the spot and the physicians thought this suspicious, and upon making a closer ex amination discovered that a large por tion of the cheek bone was dead and decaying. Had it been allowed to remain much longer in that condition it would have killed him, so an operation was decided upon. His face was cut open from the temple around the eye, down along side of the nose and through the middle of the upper lip; then the tlesh was laid back and the" decayed portion of the bone removed. In its place was put a silver plate, the flesh laid over this and then sewed up. The patient is slowly recovering from the operation, and the physicians think it will prove a success. Ila/.leton Will Have a Club. The movement to establish a State League club in Ilazleton lias been defi nitely settled at last. The enthusiasts who had been championing the scheme I were in doubt whether the necessary amount of capital could be procured. An offer which was received on Monday from a private source not only warrants the trial of a State League club, but gives assurance of substantial support throughout the season. As a result the j base ball cranks are happy. The work i of securing a desirable manager has been in progress for some time, but so far no I definite action has been taken. Delegate* Elected. St. Ann's T. A. B. Pioneer Corps has elected the follow ing members as dele gates to the quarterly C. T. A. U. district convention, to bo held at Mauch Chunk on April 22: Peter D. Gallagher, John B. Hanlon, Dominick Timony, Edward Brcnnan and Daniel McLaughlin. The Young Men's T. A. B. Society has elected the following members to repre sent that organization at the same con vention: Patrick McGeehan, John J. ; Gallagher, Frank O'Donnell, Charles | i O'Donnell, Frank Ward. The Hall Wan Removed. An operation was performed on Mon day afternoon upon Major C. M. Conyng ham, of Wilkes-Barre, to remove a ball j j which lie received on May 12, 1864, ! while he was captain of Company A, 143 d regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers. | The major was shot in the abdomen, ! hut the ball was never removed until j Monday, lie has been greatly troubled j by it of late years. The hall, it was ! found, had worked its way around the right side until it rested near the spine ' where it was found. Two Damage Suit*. From the Newsdealer. A suit for SIO,OOO damages was com- i menced.on Tuesday by John Dougherty j against the Central Railroad of New Jersey. Dougherty claims that he pur chased a ticket to Sandy Run one night and that as the train did not take him to his destination he was obliged to walk. The night was dark and he fell and broke his log, hence the suit. James O'Donnell commenced suit on the same grounds but for $3,000 as his I injuries were not so severe. AP?/.NITIOGG CI HI.TO .V. BYRON often ivcclvid visits from N specter, but li 'lrnow it to be a creation of imagination. GOKTHK states that he one day saw the exact counterpart f*f himself co.n- I itig toward him. j POPK saw an nnn apparently eorao through the wall and made inquiries after its owner. DR. JOHNSON heard his mother i call bis name in a clear voice, though she was at that time in another city. COUNT KMMANUKL HWKDRXIIKRO be lieved that he had the privilege of in ter vie win ir persons in the spirit world, i LOYOLA, lying wounded during the I siege of Pampcluna, saw the Virgin, : who encouraged liiin to prosecute his mission. I): -CAI; [ R:s was followed by an in visible person, whose voice be heard urging him to continue bis researches I after truth. SIR JOSIICA REYNOLDS, leaving his homo, thought the lamps were trees and the men and women bushes agi tated by the breeze. OLIVF.K CROMWELL, lying sleepless on iiis couch, saw the curtains open and a gigantic woman appear, who told him he would become the greatest man in England. | ROSTOCK, the physiologist, saw figures and faces, and there was one human face constantly before him for twenty four hours, the features and headgear as distinct as those of a living person. If you are suffering with any disease of the stomach, liver or kidney, wait for Dr. rlagg. Will beat Cottage hall for i two weeks, commencing Tuesday next. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. LOCAL JOTTINGS GATHERED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Little One* of Interest About People You Know anil Thing* You Wish lo Hear About—What the Folks of This Vicinity Are Doing. Wait for Dr. Flagg. Governor Pattison has issued his pro clamation fixing April 15 and April 27, to be observed as Arbor days in this state. Matt Long is making a determined ef fort to secure the Ilazleton postolfice. He has strong backing and may win the prize. Free entertainment at Cottage ball every evening for two weeks, commenc ing Tuesday, March 27. The company store at Laflin, this county, was burned down on Tuesday. The loss is SB,OOO, partly covered by in surance. Many young people from this vicinity, attending the normal schools and col leges, are spending their Easter vaca tion at home. There will be preaching in the Bethel Baptist church this and tommorrw even ings at 7.30 o'clock. Rev. Stewart will conduct the services. The entertainments given by the. Flagg Liver Pad Concert and Advertis- i ing Co. are free four nights a week. Charles Siogfldt has returned from the Keely institute, Harrisburg. He looks well and expects to resume the butcher ing trade at Freeland.— Standard. A. K. Burger on Tuesday entered into a contract with Station Agent James Mc- II ugh to build a double block, 30x30 feet, on Washington street, near Carbon. Don't fail to see Billy Wims, the man of many faces, with the Flagg Liver Pad Co., at Cottage ball, commencing Tues day evening. Ilazleton's mayor, N. L. Gavitt, is a candidate for the Republican nomination of prothonotary. He spent some time in town this week looking up bis chances. ! Among the deeds recorded on Tues-1 day at Wilkes-Barre was one conveying ! the property of Mrs. M. L Lubrecht, on Walnut street, to Joseph Neuburger, for $2,200. All under age and all coming after 8' p. m. will be charged 10 cents at the en tertainments to he given by the Flagg Liver Pad Co. at Cottage hall. Ex-Representative James Collins has recovered from the effects of the dyna- | mite explosion at Tresckow and on Mon- ! day was discharged from the Ilazleton ! hospital. The residence of Michael Green, ! White Haven, was destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The family had , a narrow excape from the (lames, the origin of which is unknown. The Ilazleton Sentinel savs the enter tainments given by the Flagg Liver Pad Co. are superior to anything of the kind which have visited this section. The members of the St. Patrick's cor net band are hustling to make their ball on Monday a grand success. No ex pense will be spared to show all their friends and visitors an excellent time. A fire at Drifton on Tuesday destroy ed a small building which was used as a hennery by J. 1,. Owens. An incubator and about thirty chickens were burned, involving a loss of $l5O to Mr. Owens. Dr. Flagg will give free entertain ments the coming two weeks at Cottage hall, commencing Tuesday next, lie comes well recommended, being highly spoken of by the press and public of surrounding towns. 'I he Lackawanna county judges last week granted licenses to sixty-six new applicants and refused sixty. Several of those refused have licenses now, but complaints were made against the saloons. The Central Pennsylvania conference met at Harrisburg this week and made the appointments of ministers for the ensuing year. liev. Edmund White was reappointed pastor of Trinity M. K. church, Freeland. The Foster township auditors have completed tiieir work and tlie report is published in an adjoining column. It is 'of great inlerst to the taxpayers of the district, and is worth reading to those interested in Foster's finances. J. A. -Seeiey, a ilazleton confectioner, was attacked by two young men on the roail between that city and Beaver Meadow on Tuesday evening. They beat him and left him unconscious hy the side of his wagon, after relieving him of his money. When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castoria. When she w-as a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. When Bhe had Children, she gave them Castoria TDEPOHT OF AUDITORS OF FOSTER I V township on roads for years-1893 and 1894. Tax Collector Win. .Tonkins, agent for supervisors. DR.' Total road taxes $ 4,357 14 Special tax, 1 mill 376 83 Supplemental 216 61 $ 4,1150 58 (It. Abatements, commissions. •■$ 130 77 Exonerations JCil NO Special titx not paid 24s 66 1 n.sea ted land 85 34 Seated land 71 40 Errors on duplicate 77 Jkl ('om, 5 per cent, on $4,012.13.. :200 01 Cash puid treasurer 3,811 52 Daniel Boner, Treasurer. DR. To cash roe'd from Win. Jenkins $ 3,811 52 '• " J. S. McGroarty, license 2,030 50 To cash ree'd from J. S. McGroarty, land taxes 11 40 To cash ree'd from Patk Givens, spec. 151 43 $ 0,073 85 CR. Hy nra't paid John Sehnee, personal orders $ 250 10 By ain't paid P. MeFadden, personal i 320 80 lly am't paid John Schree, general 574 01 lly am't paid P. MeFadden, general 814 07 My am't paid Wilson and Mc- Laughlin, joint orders 200 tid My am't paid Condy Mc- Laughlin 1.800 00 My am t paid James Wilson.. 1,501 50 My am't paid orders, worked out taxes 200 78 My am't 3 per cent. com. on $5,800.07 170 70 $ 0,000 77 , Balance due township $ 7 08 Condy McLaughlin, Supervisor. CR. My 307 days work on roads, at—s 400 50 My Peter Timony. horse, 230 days, at $2 178 00 My John McLaughlin, horse, 40 days, at $2 08 00 ! My sundry parties, work on roads 1,150 77 ! My general expenses, supplies, etc— 205 02 5 2,401 20 Juiucs Wilson, Supervisor. CR. By 305 days work on roads, sit $1.50 $ 457 .'0 My Henry Wilson, 208 days, at $2 596 on My Fisher Bros , team 21 00 My SII .dry parties, work on roads 1,230 00 By general expenses, supplies, etc ... 251 80 $ 2,503 20 OUTSTANDING ORDERS. James Wi son $ 1,001 07 Condy McLaughlin 532 2*3 $ 1,533 00 RECAPITULATION. To balance ns per audit 1802 03 § 3,700 84 To amount expended by .Fas. Wilson.. 2,503 20 To um'nt expended by C. McLaughlin 2,401 20 $ 8,755 30 1 By am't paid hy treasurer.. .$ 5,800 07 By am't due from treasurer. 7 08 $ 5,897 15 Balance $ 2,858 :.'i The auditors make surcharges as follows: Daniel Bonner, Treasurer. DR. To ain't, of money illegally paid out § 1,688 38 i 3 per cent. com. on tax orders worked out 0 02 James Wilson, Supervisor. Bit. Witness fees not allowed...s 0 00 50 edits per day reduction on | pay for horse, 298 days 140 00 ■ Time deducted, Jan'r.v, Feb ruary and March, 334 days, ' at $l5O 50 25 ('om. paid Win. Jenkins 100 31 $ 308 50 Condy McLaughlin, Supervisor. DR. Witness fees not nllowed —$ 11 10 Auditors order P. MeFadden 10 00 50 cents per day reduction on pay for horse, 288 days 141 00 Time deducted. Jan'r.v, Feb ruary and March, 20j days, at $1 50 14 25 Coin, paid Win. Jenkins 100 30 RESOURCES. * ' " As Per Audit 1802-03 Thos. Early $ 568 00 Jos. Haiieks 781 62 P. MeFadden 158 50 John Sehnee. 140 75 Wm. Gallagher 46 Ex-treasurers 25 32 Patrick Givens 33 34 ASSETS. 1 road machine $ 125 00 Unseated hind. 1801-02, Lewis Bcchloft, collector.. !8 GO Seated la d, 1801 02, Lewis Mechloft, collector 315 58 Unseated land, 1802-93, Pat'k Givens, collector 450 08 Seated land. 1802 93, Pat l ick Givens, collector 120 04 Seated land, special 266 78 Unseated, special 100 76 $ 1,310 44 i Less received from treasurer 71 40 ! $ 1,310 41 - We, the undersigned auditors of Foster town l ship being duly sworn according to law, do certify that the foregoing is a correct state ment of the tlnancial condition of the township to the best of our knowledge and belief. W. B. Koons, J A. Rndcwick, Auditors. Frank Solomon, l Sworn and subscribed before me this 17th day of March, 1804. [SEAL] 0. O. Stroh, J. P. j To the Taxpayers of Foster Tow nsliip. There has been expended on the roads of Fos- ' tor township in the past live years the sum of $33,811.28, as follows: In 1889, $6,148.24; 1890; <7,(ttl.oS; 180|, $6,524.20; 1802, $9,141.21: 18051, $4,- '.*61.55. This amount of money properly applied would he sufficient to macadamize nearly ail of the roads in general use throughout the town ship. In Place of this, as is well known, the township has practically received no service. The roads are today in a deplorable condition and have been so during the above period, and previous to the time mentioned. In many places the roads are two narrow for two teams to pass In safety, the result of no work done, or else if done at all, performed in an unskillful manner. In other places if the weather i- in the least stormy the roads are hut a succession of mud-hi 1 s almost impnssahlc. In view of these facts the auditors, believing that the present rate of pay i< the supervisors is excessive considering the service rendered, have considered it their duty t<> reduce pay of the horse td $1.56 per day, making pu> for one man and horse $3.00 per day. During the winter months when a horse is used oniy to haul supervisor and men to and from work, and for which full time lias been charged, the auditors consider that an allow ance of live hours a day to lie siillieieiit renin neration for services of said horse, we have accordingly made deductions, us per above statement. W. M. Koons, A. Rudewick. -Auditors. ' Frank Solomon,) tYU)R HALF. A good sound horse, suitable U lor am purpose, will IK- sold cheap for cash. Applj to Henry Wilson, South Heberton. i osT. On March It', between Freeland and I j Jeddo, a pocket-book. Finder will be re warded by returning it to the THIHUNK ofIice. Read - the - Tribune. Spring Goods! i i We have just received a very large consignment of ! „ Piece Goods for suitings and trouserings. Nobbiest patterns. If you contemplate get- \ '■ ting a spring suit made give 1 us a call and we will take ' pleasure in showing you j these goods. Prices that can't be beat, here nor elsewhere. Perfect tit and workman : ship guaranteed. I Suits to Order, - SI 200 Up Pantaloons to Order. 4.00 Up ;j Fine Tailoring Our Specialty. Jacobs & Barasch, 37 Centre Street. Factory, - - - Frceland. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Notion*, Hog Carpet, Jhtots and Shoes, Flour and Feed, Wood and Tin and Queensware, Willowware, Tobacco, Table and Floor Cigars, Oil Cloth, Etc., Etc. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always in stock. Fresh Roll Butter and Fresli Eggs a Specialty. 1 My motto is small profits and quick sales. 1 always have tush goods and am turning my stock every month. Therefore every article is I guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, ■Vorthwfst Corner J,\. Centre and Front Streets, 1 ' ccjuuu. DePIEREO - BROS. = CAFE. CORNER OF CENTRE AND FRONT STREETS, Fieeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufor Club, Roscnbluth's Velvet, ol' which we have exclusive Sale in Town. Muium's Extra Dry Champagne, llounossy Brandy, Muck berry. Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. j Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. Ilam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandiciches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Hallentine and lla/.lcton beer on tup. Baths, Hot or Cold, 25 Cents. Dr. H. W. MONROE, Dentist. Located permanently in Jlirkberk brick, second door, rooms 1, 2 and J, orer Smith's shoe store, Frceland, I Gas and ether adminish nd for the ]>aiti les* extraction of t<\ th. i< eth Jllled and ar tificial teeth " v rU d. Heasonable prices and AM. WORK GI'AII ANTE EI). d. Goepperl, proprietor of the Washington House, 11 Walnut Street, above Centre. j The lu st of whiskies, wines, gin cigars, etc. Call in when in that part of the town. Fresh Beer and Porter on Tap. FRANCIS ISRHNXAX Restaurant. 151 South frilll-I- -irrrl, Fnihllld. (Nrnr the 1.. V. 11. li. depot.) CJIOTCKS T— LIQUOR, BEER, ALE. PORTER BEST CIGARS AND —ON TAP, TEMPERANCE DRINK. $1.50 PER YEAR. jonN D. IIAYES, Attorney-at~Law and Notary Public. Legal busincßßof all kindß proir l ly attended } Boom 3. 2d Floor. BlrkbecV Brick. jy| HAI.PIN, Manufacturer of Carriages. Buggies, Wagons, &c. i Cor. Walnut and Pine Streets, Freeland. QIIAS. ORION STROR, Attorney and Counselor at Law, AND Justice of the Peace. Office Booms No. 31 Centre Street, Frceland. I T OIIN M. CARP., Attorney-at-Law. 15 S. Franklin street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. All Legal Businees Promptly Attended To. I J F. O'NEILL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. ■or. squabk, - wilkes-babre. Alex. Shcllack, Bottler I BEER, - PORTER, - WINE, and all kinds of l i q u o it s. Cor. Wushinglon and Walnut strcetn. Frceland. WASHBIiRH a TURNBACH, Builders of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING of every description. FRONT STREET. NBA It PINE, FREELAND. COTTAGE HOTEL. Washington and Main Streets. FRED. HAAS, Drop. First-class accomodation for permanent and transient guests. Good table. Fair rutea. Bur llnely stocked. Stable uttuehed. LIBOR WINTER, niSTMUIT Si OYSTM SALBDI. No. 13 Front Street, Frceland. The tlnest liquor and cigars on sale. Fresh beer always ou tap. ■ H. C. CREASE, D. D. S., I) T. Located permanently in Birkbeck's building, room 4, second floor, special attention paid to all branches of dentistry. Booms occupied by the late Dr. Puyson. Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Office hours: 8 to 12 A. M.; 1 to 5 P. M.; 7 to P. M. WM. WEHRMAN, German Watchmaker. CENTRE STREET, FREELAND. (Baker Horlachcr's Block.) Repairing of every description promptly at tended to and guaranteed. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc, The finest brands of domestic ami I imported whiskey on sale at his new and handsome i-nlnon. Fresh Booties- Jife w tor and Hallentine beer and Vuung- v ling's porter on tup. I Centre - Street, - Five - Points. Hard Time Prices ! I will sell you holiday goods this year at very low prices. My stoek is complete in Watches, ("looks, j Rings, Silverware and Musical Instruments I of uli kinds. FREE ENGRAVING ON ALL GOODS PURCHASED OF ME. PHILIP GERITZ, Corner Front and Centre Streets,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers