CASTOR IAI for Infants and Children. "CMtorlai;, so well adapted to children that I recommend ltaaaupcrior toany prescription known to me." 11. A. ARCHER, M. D., HI So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. •• The ase of ' Castoria 1 Is so universal and its merits so well known that it seeing a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." CANNOT MABTYN. P. D., New York City, j Late I'ostor Reformed CL ureh. TUK CENT AIM COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORE. j Ripans Tabules] i | Ripans Tabules act gently j I but' promptly upon the liver, j | stomach and intestines; cure 1 { habitual constipation and dis- I | 1 pel colds, headaches and fevers, j , One tabule taken at the first : | symptom of a return of indi- j \ gestion, or depression of spiij- j I its, will remove the whole dif- : j ficulty within an hour. I ' '' ' > '""""""L I I I : Ripens Tabules are corn- j | pounded ftom a prescription | 1 used Kir years by well-known j j phvsi:u.ns ana endorsed by j j the r .chest medical author:- : | ties. In the Tabuies the stand- j j ard ingredients arc- presented • | in a form that is becoming the j | fashion with physicians and j 1 patients everywhere. 2 Om hot ff't* Vials Srvenrv-fire Cent* t | Otie rodtwo Dollar*. j : Ripans Tabules may be ob- j j tainea of nearest druggist; or • |b" mail on receipt of price. j Tor free sample addrtaa f | RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. I J IMM MM. | J THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor Bays It acts gontly on tho stomach, Itvnr I and" kidneys, and Is a pleasant laxative. This drink in | made from hcrbfl, and is prepared for uso actually aj tea. Itlseallod LANE'S MEDICINE All drußKlt a anil It at flUa and f 1.00 a package. If EN cannot KG t It.nend your address for/roe sample 1 ' Family Midielno moves the bowel* each y. In orderto bo healthy, thlslßuoceMnry. OUATOIT F. WOOII\VALLD, HI HOY, S.Y, FRAMES BEST IN THE WORLD. Itawearing qualities nr© unsurpassed, actually Outlasting two boxes of ntiy other brand. Nu'. effected by h®ut. I ir U ET Til EUENHNE. FOR BALE HY DEALERS GENERALLY. 1 A NTD EALFAMI L Y MED TcTuTl For Indigestion. Biliousness. I Ifcadui'lK'. t, Hull Complexion, Offensive Itrentli, jQ. and all disorder# of the btouun L, f | "bip'A N s't A BOLES I wh ■ I Vor fre-.' ih k n,hl IC A CO., Now York. | W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE NOT'VIP. Do you wear them 7 When next In need try a pair. Best In the world. ! M.oojf \52.50 4 3.50 42.50 fif , £at H1.79 If you want ifine DRESS SHOE, made In tho latest styles, don't pay $6 to SB, try my $3, $3.50, $4,00 or $5 Shoo. They fit equal to custom made and look and wear as woll, If you wish to cconomlro In your footwear, do so by purchasing W. L, Douglas Shoes. Namo and price stamped on tho bottom, look for It when you buy. W. I* DOUGLAS, Brockton, M. Sold by John Smith, Birkbeck Brick. BEAD THE TRIBUNE— —ONLY 11.60 BElt YEAR. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, BOUT Stomach, Diarrhcaa, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion. Without injurious medication. H For several years I have recommended your 1 C-astoria, ' ami shall always continue to do so as it has invariably produced beneficial res id Li," EDWIN F. PARDEE, M. D., ••The Wlnthrop," 186 th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. FREELAND OPERA HOUSE. JOHN J. WELSH, Manager. Tuesday, Sept. 26. LATOSKA COMPANY headed by LATOSKA QUEEN UF SONTR, producing Opera. Force Comedy, Specialties. Latoska company constats l funny people* j A ■ • '.••• .• i- i . . pretty girls, come -■ -a:-t ,;t n..-. k-- > ;..1 uc'n. gtrgeous costuuics, 2J, 3o and 50 Cauls. GEO. CHESTNUT, LEADKK OF GREAT BARGAINS, has a flue line of Boots and Shoes. Every Variety. Best Material. Good Workmanship. Reasonable Prices. NOVELTIES, TOYS, Etc., OP EVEUY KIND. Sic our handsome stock of footwear—the I largest and best In town. Custom-made work a specialty uud repairing done on the premises. 93 Centre street, Freeland. D. J. FERRY'S SALOON J is the place to yet a fresh yhm of RINGLER'S HELL GATE or j - - ROCHESTER BEER. Fine Temperance Drinks. 1 Fiixt-chiss cfurirx ore alwau* (n stock, also the it in lust wades / wine, claret, brandy, gin, whUky and imrter. | Centre and South Sts., Freeland. Keiper's Steam Marble Works. Con. LAUUEL and MINE STREETS. Monuments, Headstones, selling at cost for next thirty days. Iron and (talvnnfsed Fences, Sawed building I Stones, Window Caps, Door Sills, Mantels, i Orates, Coping, Cemetery Supplies. I Pill UP lit:lP Eli, PIIOP., llazleton. ent business conducted for MODERATE FEES # Oun OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U.S. PATENT OFFICE' and we can secure patent in less time than those! remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-# tion. We advise, if patentable or not, tree of! charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. S A PAMPHLET, "How to Obtain Patents,'' with# cost of sauie in the U. S. and foreign countries! i # sent free. Address, S ?C.A.S!UOW<&,CO.j OPP. PATENT OFFICE, W A C. J FR*> " • "VT " V." 'T'V It Ournn Throat. Croup. Influon sa, Whofiping Cough, Bronchitis ond Asthma. A curtain cure for Consumption in nrct stngoa, rd I Bur© relief in advanced stages. Cs.' at enoo. You will pee the exoellent effect after taking tha first dose. Told by dealers everywhere, kettles 60 cents ana $1 00. , ' LEIIIGII VALLEY ' RAILROAD. Anthracite! coal used r insuring cleanliness ann AUHANOP.MKNT OF PAPSKNOKR TRAINS. MAY 14. 181)3. LEAVE FREELAND. 0 05, 8 IT. 1140. 1(' 41 am. 1 L' 37, 3 45, 455 li 58 7 ll'. s V, p MI. lor Drll'ton, Jeddo. Lum • ■i-'Viiid Btin'ktoii ami lla/.lcton. 605 m' I ■ t " ! *• 1 v ' l' ,or Naiieh chunk. Allentown, Ik'thieheiii, Phihi., Easton and New 7 jo;, I. a in, R.'lo, 434 ] in, (via Highland i ranch) for White N av n,Glcn Summit, Wilkeu- I uri c, Pitfston and L. and B. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 10 a m and 3 45 p ni for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum ! er \ ard and Huzleton. 345 n in lor Delano, Mahanoy City, Slieuan ouh. New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5 50, 7 00, 7 20, 9 18, 10 50 a m, 12 10, 1 15, 2 13, 4 I'd, 0 58 and 837 p in, from lla/.leton, Stockton, I.umber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. | 7 20, 0 18, 10 50 a m, 2 13, 4 34, 0 58 p ra from ! Delano, Mahanoy City and Shenandoah (via I New Boston Branch). i 1 15, 658 and 837 p m from New York, Easton, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch . Chunk. 18 and 10 50 u m, 1 15, 0 58 and 8 37 p m from Easton, Pliila., Bethlehem and Maucn Chunk. U 18, 10 41 a ni, 2 27, •' 58 p m from White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes-Burre. Pittstou uud L. and B. Junction (via llighlund Branch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 31 a m and 331 p in, from Huzlcton, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. 11 31 a m from Delano, Huzlcton, Philadelphia and Easton. 3 31 p m from Delano and Mahanoy region. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. R. H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. Eastern Div. A. W. NUNNBMACIIER, Ass't G. P. A. South Bethlehem, Pa. r i IIE DELAWARE SUSQUEHANNA AND JL SCHUYLKILL RAILBOAD. Time table in effect September 3, 1893. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle , Brook. Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan and ila/.letou Junction ut 0 00, 0 10 a in, 12 10, I IF.) p m. daily except Sunday, and 7 03 a m, 2 38 j pm, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for 11arwood. Cranberry, Toiuhicken and Deringer at 000 a iu, 12 10 p ui, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 u m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, llarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida und Sheppton at 010a m, 1210, 4 05) pm, daily except Sunday; and 7 03 a in, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains leave lla/.leton Junction for llarwood, ■ Cranlherry, Toiuhicken and Deringer at 037 u in, 1 49 p m, dally except Sunday; and 8 47 a m, 418 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Hurwood Road, Humboldt Road, (hieidtt and Sheppton at 0 47, 9 10 a ni, 12 40, 4 39 P in, daily except Sunday; and 7 40 a in, 3 08 p m, Sunday. Tivins leave Deringer for Toiuhicken, Cran berry. Hurwood, Ha/.leton Junction, Roan, Beaver Meadow Road. Stockton, Liazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton ut 2 40, 007 p in, daily except Sunday; und 937 u m, 5 07 p m, i Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction ard Roan at 7 52, 10 10 a in, 115, 5 25 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 14 u in, 3 45 p m, Sunduy. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Hoa'i, Mockton, 1 la/.ie Brook, Eckley* Jeddo and Drifton at 10 10 a in, 5 25 p in, daily, except Sunday; and 8 11 a ui. 3 45 p rn, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton. Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 10 38 a m, 3 11, 5 47, 038 p j m. daily, except Sunduy;and 10 08u in, 5 38 p m, ' All trains connect ut Hazleton Junction with ! electric curs for Hazleton, Jeaneevllle. Audcn ricd and other points on Lehigh Traction Go's. K. U. Trains leaving Dril'ton at 0 10 am, Hazleton: .1 unction at 9 10 a in, and Sheppton at 7 52 a m, I 1 15 p in, connect at Oneida Junction with L. V. ! : It. R. trains east ui id west. Train leaving Drifton at 0 00 a in, makes con nection at Deringer with P. It. It. train for Wilkes-Burre, Suubury, llurrlsburg, etc. E. B.COXE* DANIEL COXB, President. Superintendent. '^^C-RGERITZ V BELOW CENTRE. \ En" 711 \MANDRAKE\ . I, ; i GOSTIVEN ESS i ( Biliousness, Dyspepsia, |, Indigestion, Diseases of .. the Kidneys, Torpid Liver <. I Rheumatism, Dizziness, II Sick Headache, Loss of 6 Appetite,Jaundice,Erup 11 9 tions and Skin Diseases. '' A Prico 25c. por bottlo, Cold by all Druggists. | I Sold at Schilcher's Drug Store. A BIG STOCK OF WAGON UMBRELLAS, FLY NETS, LAP SHEETS, EAR NETS, Etc., on hnnil at WISE'S. -A.ll 22Iin.d.s of From $6.00 Up. GEO. WISE. No. 35 Centre Street, Freeland. Also Jeddo, Pa. J FREELANJ) TRIBUNE. PUIIRISHKD EVERY MONDAY AND THURSDAY. TliOtw. A. BUCKLEY, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. SUBSCRIPTION 11ATK8. One Your $1 50 Bix Months 75 Four Months 50 Two Months 25 Subscribers are requested to watch the date following the name 011 the labels of their papers. By referring to this they can tell at a glance how they stand on the books in this office. For instance: G rover Cleveland 28June94 means that Grover is paid up to June 28,1804. By keeping the figures in advance of the pres ent dute subscribers will save both themselves and tho publisher much trouble and annoy- Subßcriberß who allow themselves to fall in arrears will be called upon or notified twice, and, if payment docs not follow within one month thereafter, collection will be mude in the manner provided by law. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. STATE. Judge of Supreme Court, Samuel G. Thompson Philadelphia Treasurer, Frank C. Osbourn Allegheny COUNTY. Roger McGarry Wilkes-Burro Register of Wills, Stanley Davenport Plymouth Controller, James W. Ray White Haven Coram issi oners, Thomas M. Dullard Wilkes-Burre Thomas McGruw Beach Ilaven Auditors, W. E.Bennett Wilkes-Barre John F. Neary Pittston FREELAND, SEPTEMBER 21, 1893. Negroes In Mexico. A Mexican paper not long ago pub 1 llshod an articlo calling on the ne groes, who found themselves in un comfortable social and political cir cumstances in the United States, to come to that country, whore, it as sured thorn, they would be gladly ro ! ceived on a piano of entire social equality, and could make a good living with tho greatest ease. It appears that this paper only expressed its own Individual opinion, for the Two Repub lics tukes it up and says tho scheme is impracticable and the assurances untrue. It says that the Mexican gov ernment is not likely to look with favor on any very largo immigration of a people who asplro, as their history | shows tho negroes do, to take a hand in the government of tho country, and who might aspire to revolutionize the part of Mexico where they settled and set up an Afro-Mexican government; and it says that Mexicans arc not by any mcanß free of a race prcjudioe j against tho negroes, as became very apparent a few years ago when tho government made a contract author izing negro colonization on a limited ' scalo. Appropriate Nicknames. Down in Marblohead, Mass., nearly every ono has a nickname. Tho Bos ton Journal Btates that on tho wharf tho other night a Jolly summer tar suggested that tho thinking cap bo donned pnd somebody should keep score. When remembrance was ex hausted and tho list was footed up of everybody that could bo thought of who boro a nicknamo tho sum total was found to bo but a couple short of ono hundred and fifty. A veteran boat man, whoso nether limbs describo al most a circle, is given tho euphonious appellative of "Ice-Tongs," and an swers to it now among his friends con genial as readily as to his own family patronymic. Another townsman who walks stiffly along tho winding streets with both arms hanging straight down before him is hailed as "Ualf- Past-Six," both hands down, you IfPQjv, The Fecund Fly. A fly will lay four times during tho summer, about eighty eggs each time, and careful calculations have demon strated that tho descendants of a single insect may from June 1 to the end of September exceed two million. Were it not for bats, insect-eating birds and the Innumerable microscopio parasites with which the flv is particu larly afflicted there would be no worse post in tho world than the fly Drawn as Jurymen. The following have been drawn to serve as jurymen at the court of quarter sessions for the week commencing November 13: Owen Fowler, Joseph Neuburger, Freeland;Bernard Gallagher, David Handlong, Thomas Scott, Foster; J. M. Cumin, W. A. Straw, Butler. A. A. Bowen and John J. Mooney, of Jeddo, and Thomas Butler, of Butler, have been drawn for .November 20. Papering and Painting. A. A. Bachman, having purchased tho Gibbon property, near the Central Hotel, (Watkins' old stand) and fitted it up, has on hand a large and varied stock of wall paper, paints, etc. Wall paper from 8 cents a double roll up. Painting and paperhanging done on short notice and by good workmen. Call and see samples. When Baby was sick, wo ga.o hor Castorla." When oho was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When she bocamo Hiss, sho clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gave them Costoria. Lane's Medicine Moves the llowols Each Bay. In order to IHJ healthy this 1b necessary. COUGHING LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. Kemp's Balsam stops tbe cough at once. READ THE TESTIMONY Of One Who Suffered Years and Tried Many Physicians Both of Philadelphia and New York WITHOUT GETTING RELIEF. AND IS NOW CURED BY DR. RIEGEL. I have been a sufferer for a number of years with catarrh in its worst forms. Had constant headaches, matter drop pin); in the throat, dizziness, nose stop ped up, difficulty in breathing and no doubt would soon have been a consump tive, had I not met Dr. Riegel. Before that time I had tried every well-known remedy and doctored with many physicians, not only of Hazleton but of New York and Philadelphia, but could get no relief anywhere. As soon as Dr. Kiegel began treating me I felt relieved and continued to improve until now I feel like a new man, and knowing that there are many others suffering as much as I did I write this for publica tion, so that others may avail them selves of Dr. Rirgcl's treatment before it is too late. He can cure you if you take it in time. I am willing to answer any letters of inquiry from persons wishing to consult him. James McCool, 189 North Wyoming Street, Hazleton, Pa. Hereafter Dr. Riegel, " l<i leading tpeciaUst in catarrh aiul all chronic dis eases, will be at the Central Hotel, Free land, THItEE DAYS A WEEK ONLY. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, FROM 10 A. M. TO 2 P. M., and from 8.30 TO 10 P. M. Office hours at Hazleton, same days, from 3 to 8 p. in. REMEMBER, examination, consultation and first treat ment FREE. CITIZENS 7 ™ OF FREELAND. CAPITAL. - $50,000. OFFICERS. Joseph Birkbeok, President. H. C. Koons, Vice President. B. R. Davis, Cashier. John Smith, Secretary. D 1 RECTORS.—Joseph Birkbeok, Thus. Blrk beck, John Wanner, A. Rudewick, 11. G. Koons, Chos. Dusheck, John Smith, John M. Powell, 2d. John Burton. Three per cent, interest paid on saving deix >sits. Open daily from Pa. ra. to 4p. in. Wednesday evenings from 0 to 8. - - - $1.50 - - - Will ZBririg- Ycu tlxe Tri"b" IFor - - a - - ~sTear. I r if^ ' t l *3 N B careful investigation is to our responeibil-1 S iMi gU U ifl I SSfIaEE EBMi | au( * tho morltd of our Tablets. j I flSal Double Chloride of.Cold Tablets EM Will complotelydestroy tljodeaire forTOBACCO infrom 3tofidfiys. Perfectly harm- jf /L M Icssicnugenoslokuess.unUmaytioglvonluaciiporteaorcoircowithoutthokiiowl- jr jl> VSb J? H eut?o of the patieut, who will voluntarily atop smokingor chewing iu a few clays. y Jr BL ra DRUNKENNESS and MORPHINE HABIT + E the patient, by thousoof our SPECIAL FORMULA GOLD CURE TABLETS. Purincr treatment pntlonta nro allowed the freo uso of Liquor or Mor- ' •'JtMiL. A FFW *3B m phlno until such time as they shall voluntarily givo thcin up. f fi lllli S * 7 particulars and pamphlet of testimonials free, and shall <i-Sk S mrftliwinwtnin BM mU bo glad to place sufferers from any of those habits In communion- J * xffek f 1 Dblliilßri]n IS tion with persons who have boen cured by tho use of our TABLETS. 'SS %\*o LE cT?aek T a e o°' Bal ° by ° n FIRSTCLABS from persons druggist does not keep them, ©nolOßO us % 1.00 Who have boon H a Tablets W 80ut i you, by return mail, u puckugo of our jT L , j U c f affl gg3 Writ© your name nnd nddress plainly, and stato ■ H - eg LiquoVhabH. 1018 for Tobucco ' MorpW ° or sZ%K S Hill 5 Tafllpfc C jfl DO NOT BE DHCEIVED Into pnrchastng S SIIII 3 0 C£JJIVK#3. Bfl *I2S% t r^ y aie U *"2 s st. t wi r iSil" K S WiPVk Tnr.OntornEMicAi.Co.: L > m niA'RT trrft S DEAR SIR:— I have been using yonr Lffl takonootboi cure for tobacco hahlt, and found It would mgi Manufactured only by do what j'ou claim for it. 1 used ten cents |Kj IH ss M .s. - from ten to iorty pipes of Have chewed P nmn nnrMTPAT Pn S S and smoked for twenty five years, and two packages wl ■ UillU uHliilliuiiL uUII of your Tablets cured mo FO I have no desire forlt. 61 53 A BB Opera Block / B. M. JAY LOUD, LesUe. Mich. ® I IMA nmn S Tiie Onio CnEMiCAL CO.:—GENTLTMEN:—Somotim "ago i Bent fl ■ uniu. m for 81.00 worth of your Tablots for Tobacco Habit. 1 received m DinTTPiriADo S thom nil right nnd, although I was both a heavy smoker and chower. M M rAKiicLisAKo A wSV/ they did the work in loss than threo days. lam cured. rnrr Truly youro, MATHEW JOHNSON,P.O.Box4B. ■ ■nut. S PiTTBDURon, PA. ■ S TnE Onxo rntxricAL Co.:—GENTLEMEN:—It gives mo pleasure to speak a vy mm m word of praise for your Tablets. My Bon was strongly addicted to the use of H ■ *f- S liquor,and through H friend, I was led to try your Tablets. Ho was a heavy and m S jT conatant drinker, but aftT using your Tablets but three days ho nuit drinking. ■ ■ ><!▲. S and will not touch liquor of any kind. I havo Wjiltod four mouth before writing mt S you, lu order to know the cure was permanent. Yours truly, ■ ■ MBS. HELEN MORRISON. g ■ -, 2? I havo used morphine, hypodermtcally, for so'von years, uua have been cured bvtho uaoof B* two packages of your Tublota, uud without any elTort on my part. \y, L, LOTEGAY. P^H Aclclrcßs ull Orders to BR Jk TfrlE OH2O OMEMiOAL CO., J* x _ 1 5i v 63 and 55 Opera Block. LIMA. OHIO r .... fin wrltlnar DIGQUO mention this poper.) •* LIWA umu ' r/mrrn irmrnnmrnTi I'ummrtV^ For F>arsa'\ns In Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Furnishing Coods, Notions, Etc., We lead tlio trade, as our stock is the largest in this region, and we give you more honest quality for your dollar than you can get elsewhere, which you will no doubt readily see in the few quotations below: Good tea toweling, 4 cents per yard; one of the greatest of ferings ever made in town is a good* heavy quality shaker flannel, 5 cents per yard; good heavy canton flannel, 5 cents per yard; the best indigo blue calico, 6 cents per yard; the best apron ging ham, name Lancaster, 7 cents per yard. On account of lack of space we cannot quote you any prices on our other line of dry goods, but if you are in need of anything in that line call and see what we can do for you. Our line of shoes and clothing contains so many bargains and up to date styles that our small space here restrains us from describing them, and in conclusion will say that when in want of any foot wear, clothing or wearing apparel of any description, by giving our immense stock an inspection, you will find it will prove both profitable and satisfactory to you to do your trading at JOS. NEUBTJBGEB'S Bargain Empcrinm, In the P. O. S. of A. Building, - Freeland, Pa. KELLMER ra®ro®Bjyracßß The Finest Specialties in the Photographic Art. For Finish We Can't Be Beat. WTT T P*TT AI I A Xr r rT7 , T7' nETTER WORK THAN CAN ME HAD VV llilj U LUVitAi'L J. I'jJli ANYWHERE ELSE IN TILE; REGION. 13 West Broad Street, Hazleton. ORANGE BLOSSOM IS AS SAFE AND HARMLESS AS A Flax Seed Poultice. It la applied right to the parta. It euros all diseases of women. Any lady can use it horsolf. Sold by ALT., DRUGGISTS. Mailed to any address on receipt of sl. Dr. J. A. McGill & Go., 3 and 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, lIL Sold, "by AmancLus Os-wald, Freeland. It will be to your interest to call and inspect OUR FINE DISPLAY OF NEW NOVELTIES and reliable standard grades in Moii'B a ii <1 Boy s' C loth i lift* f Ilats and Caps* Our seasonable stock lacks nothing but buyers. Tliey will come; they will be satisfied; they will buy at the fairest prices ever made for such qualities. JOHN SMITH, • • BIRKBECK BRICK. OUR SUMMER LINE OF FURNISHING GOODS must be seen to get an idea of its many attractions. Expecting an unusu ally active trade we have prepared generously for it, and show in greatest variety the latest and best in Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Hosiery, Neckwear, Underwear, Hankerchiefs, etc., etc. Come in and you will find styles, quality and price that hit your ideas of a good thing exactly.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers