FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. VI. No. 26. FROM SUBURBAN POINTS. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE OF NEIGHBORING TOWNS. A Realtlent of Drifton Struck and Seri outtly Injured by a PanKenger Train on Saturday Night—A Birthday Celebra tion at Jeddo and Other New*. Special and regular correspondence from the surrounding towns is solicited by the TninuNU. Communications or items intended for publication must be accompanied by the name of the writer. DRIFTON ITEMS. John O'Donnell, a resident of No. 1, met with u terrible accident on Satur day night by being struck with a Lehigh Valley passenger train. He had been nt Freoland and came to the Drifton sta tion on the train due here about 7.15 p. m. From the station he started home nnd nothing was seen of him until 1 o'clock Sunday morning, when he was found near No. 1 breaker by a Hungari an who was working on the night shift at Jeddo. The Hungarian notified the night watchman at No. 1 breakor and the latter identified him and had him taken to his home. The right hand was cut off at the wrist and four toes cut off the left foot, besides being otherwise badly injured- As no one was near at the time of the accident the supposition is that he was struck by the late train which leaves here about 8.50 p. m. with the locomo tive running tank first. Yesterday he was taken to Hazleton hospital where his wounds were dressed. There are good hopes of liis recovery. Samuel Cunningham left last week for Lehigh University, after spending his vacation here with his parents. Messrs. Jordan anil Gallagher, of Philadelphia, are here spending a few days with friends. Mrs. James A. O'Donnell, of Silver Brook, was hero visiting relatives last week. James Roarty, who has been off on a trip to the World's fair and visiting rela tives in the west, returned home on Thursday. Jack O'Donnell, a miner in No. 1 slope, was seriously injured on Thursday morn ing by a fall of coal. Work was supended at the collieries here on Saturday. John Quinn, a lad eight years of age, fell from a chestnut tree on Friday and had his elbow dislocated. The practice made of Bhooting oil revolvers after dark by some of the residents of No. 2 will surely have its results unless it is stopped. Morgan McShea, while coining down stairs 0110 evening last week, slip ped and dislocated his ankle. Miss Annie Gihhon, ono of Sailor llill's fairest, is visiting friends here. William Jones has returned from a two weeks trip to the Worpl's fair. Jerry McCarty, who had his leg brok en two months ago, resumed work today. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Burns, of Buck Mountain, spent a few hours here last week. One of the greatest games of tho sea son was played hero yesterday betwoen the Fearnots and the Tubs. It ended in the twelfth inning with the score 7 to 0 in favor of the Tubs. The battery work of T. O'Donnell and J. IValters was very fine. The woman who is said to have escap ed from the Laurytown asylum is causing quite a commotion among many of the residents of this place. Some have went BO far as to stop their children from going to school. The valuable setter dog, owned by Hugh Brogan, which was stolen, has been recovered. Word reached here on Friday that C. A. Quinn, brother of Patrick Quinn, of this place, was injured by a mine locie at Jeanesville that day. JEDDO NEWS. On Friday evening tho young people had a very pleasant time at a birthday party given in honor of George Jacquot, who passed his twenty-first year. Dancing was the principle feature and was indulged in until an early hour. Several of tho Japan Comedy Company were present as invited guests and added greatly to the amusement by introducing some of their specialties. Miss Kate Ilarkins left last week on an extended trip to visit Buffalo friends. Last week another of tho carpenters employed on tho No. 2 Oakdale breaker fell from that structure and was badly injured. Geo. Wise returned last week from a trip to the World's fair. COUGHING LEADS TO CONSUMPTION. Kemp's Balsam stops the cough at once. State Debt I. $3,400,000. The finances of Pennsylvania are in a most satisfactory condition. State Treas urer Morrison say that the net state debt at present is $2,400,000. The next loan becomes due on August 1,1894. There will then be sulticient in the sinking fund to redeem the loan in toto without drawing on any of the state's bonds or valuable securities. Tne amount of that loan is $1,550,800 at 4 per cent. It could run until 1904, but the stale treasurer has the option of calling it in next year, and he has already given notice to that effect. Respite the recent hard times the owners of these bonds had faith in them and the treasurer was only asked to re deem SOO,OOO worth of them. He did this at a slight saving to the state. The net debt of $2,400,000 includes some $102,000 on which interest has ceased. Some of these bonds date back as far as 1841 and will doubtless never be pre sented for payment, having been des troyed in some measure. Killed l>y Lightning. A very heavy hail and electrical storm passed over the Schuylkill mining region Friday evening, doing much damage to electric light, telephone and telegraph lines. Lightning was terrific and many trees were felled. The storm was particularly severe in the vicinity of Shenandooh. At that place a Polish boy named John Bos conage, aged 18, was struck by a bolt and instantly killed. This case is made the more sad by the fact that the boy's father had just been brought home from the miners' hospital dead, The result of an accident in the mines a few days ago. Killed by a Train. The Reading Railroad fast express train that left Philadelphia at 4 o'clock (Saturday evening as it reached the out skirts of I'ottsville shortly before 7 o'clock, with President Harris on board as one of tlio passengers, struck a young man named Peter Reilly, broke his leg, bruised his body badly and cracked bis skull, scattering his brains on the track and engino. Reilly's body was taken to an undertaker's morgue and prepared for burial. He bad been riding on a shifter and jumped off in front of the express train. l'icnic at Handy Run. Camp 255, P. O. S. of A. of Sandy Run, will hold a picnic at Fairchilds' grove Sandy Run, on Saturday, Septem ber 23. Lopp's orchestra, of Ilazleton, will furnish the dancing music. The proceeds of the picnic will be used to fix up the dancing platform and stands. Special trains will run from White Haven and Upper Lehigh on tho Cen tral railroad. The public is cordially invited. * Temperance I'arade. The Catholic temperance societies of tho lower end expect to make a good showing in the annual parade of tho C. T. A. Union of the Scranton diocese at Wilkes-Barre on the 10th of next month. From Freda ml the St. Ann's Pioneer Corps nnd St. Patrick's cornet band and the Young Men's Society and Mayberry band will attend. Both societies will go via C. R. R. of N. J. from Upper Lehigh. BUSINESS BRIEFS. Try Fackler's home-made bread and rolls—baked fresh every morning. Picnics supplied with ice cream, cakes, etc., by Laubach at reasonable rates. I will give special inducements in my store this week. Come and see and get some of the bargains. J. C. Beiner. Four ladies out of fivo have some peculiar trouble. "Orange Blossom" will cure them. Sold by A. Oswald. Ladies come ami see the $2.00 genuine dongola shoes which Ncuhurger's are selling at $1.50 a pair. Eight styles to select from. Hill's chloride of gold tablets are not experimental. They have been on the market for years and are guaranteed to cure the tobacco, morphine or drink habit. Your druggist Bells them. PLEASURE CALENDAR. September 23.—Ficnic of Tigers Athletic Club at Freeland Public park. September 23.—Picnic of P. O. S. of A. Club at Lattimer grove. September 30—Picnic of St. Patrick's cornet band at Freeland Public park. October 10.—Annual ball of tho Young Men's T. A. B. Society, at Freeland opera house. DEATHS. DAVIS.— At Birvanton, September 16, Elizabeth, wife of David Davis, aged 39 years, 4 months and 3 days. Inter ment in Freeland cemetery tomorrow afternoon. Rev. Allan J. Morton will preach. Bachman. For a mild cathartic and efficient tonic, use Mandrake Bitters. Every bottle warranted. Sold by Dr. Scliilchor. FREELAND, PA., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1893. BIBLE INSTITUTE. Outline of the Work to lie Accomplished by Mr. MacGregor's Class. Since Duncan MacCiregor started the first institute here, a largo number of towns are organizing, or are going to organize, bible institutes also. We pub lish the following outline of work, as requested at the first meeting held in St. John's Reformed church. The next meeting will be on September 26, in the Baptist church. The pastors every where seem to be unanimous in expecta tion of good results. This is a new organization designed to unite the churches of every town in three distinct objects. I—For daily reading of the bible in the homo, in preparation of the Sunday school lessons. 2 —For the special study of the books of the bible, in harmony with the inter national Sunday school lessons. 3—For the systematic visitation of all the Protestant families of a town to increase the prayer meeting attendance of the churches. After securing the hearty co-operation of the pastors of a town a monthly even ing meeting will be held alternately in the churches uniting in the plan. The books for study will be in 1893-94: September, Book of Romans; October, Corinthians and Ephesians; November, Colossians and James; December, Peter and Revelation; January, Genesis; Feb ruary, Exodus; March, Leviticus; April, Numbers; May, Deuteronomy; June, Matthew; July, Mark; August, Luke; September, John. The pastors will be invited to serve as a committee of arrangement to under take the teachings of the book named for each month. An afternoon monthly union meeting, of the junior department of the bible institute, composed of the children of the Sunday schools is also included in the plan, so as to interest more children to attend the morning church services, and also the prayer meetings. When these bible institutes are organized and are thoroughly work-' ed there will be a noticeable increase in prayer meeting attendance. These institutes are adapted to any town where the pastors will unite to j carry on the work. I propose by per- j sonal visit, to organize these bible insti-1 tutes in the following counties in Pennsylvania: Lehigh Valley Railroad, Luzerne and Carbon counties—Phila-1 delphia and Reading Railroad, Schuyl- J kill, Berks, Montgomery and Philadel phia. For further information write to Duncan MacGregor, of Philadelphia, lecturer on the bible, Mauch Chunk, Pa. A Largo Houd of Lettuce. From the Plain Speukcr. Undoubtedly the largest head of lettuce ever grown in this section, is one that was grown by Patrick Carey, of Free land, and is now on exhibition at Clark's grocery, on east Broad street, Ilazloton. Mr. Carey planted it about six weeks ago, and attended to it himself. He presented it to Dr. T. G. Sallade, of this j city. The lettuce measures 18 inches) across ami weights 3J lbs. Mr. Carey is a successful farmer as well as saloon keeper. Papering and Painting. A. A. Bachman, having purchased the Gibbon property, near the Central Hotel, (Watkins' old stand) and fitted it up, has on hand a large and varied stock of wall paper, paints, etc. Wall paper from 8 cents a double roll up. Painting and paperhanging done on short notice and by good workmen. Call and see samples. * WANTED.— Girl for general housework. Inquire at Dr. MeK night's. Main street. HX)lt SALE.— House and lot onContro street, Frceland; house, 32x23; kit 125x25. For further particulars apply at this office. TOST.— A young hound, white, with dnrk- J brown ears, black spot on tail, a sear under the neck, and answers to the name of Toby. Lilierui reward will be paid upon its re turn to Charles Dushcck, Frceland. "TJX)R SALE CHEAP—A house and lot, situate J? on the road loading from Frceland to Up l>or Lehigh below Harmony hall. South Hcbcr ton. For prieo and further particulars apply to John Bchnee, llirkhcck anu Johnson streets, Frceland. DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-Estate of Elizabeth Evans, late of Foster township, deceased. Letters of administration upon the above-named estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those liuving claims or demands, to present the same without delay, to Thomas Evans, administra tor. John D. Hayes, attorney. GEO. GHESTNUT, LEADER OF GREAT BARGAINS, has a line line of Boots and Shoes. Every Variety. Best Material. Good Workmanship. Reasonable Prices. NOVELTIES. TOYS. Etc., OF EVERY KIND. i..? 00 f >,lr handsome stock of footwear the ~ , V : town. Custom-made work a specialty and repairing done on the premises. 93 Centre street, Freeland. BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. LOCAL JOTTINGS GATHERED FROM VARIOUS SOURCES. Little Ones of Interest About People You Know and Things You Wish to Hear About—What the Folks of Tills Vicinity Are Doing. Miss Annie Bonner is visiting Ply mouth friends. J. F. Briggs will be the now postmaster at Shickshinny. George Wassel, of Highland, buried an infant child yesterday. An isolating ward will be built to the state hospital at Ilazleton at an expense of $4,963. October 5, Grand Army Day, will be celebrated at Allentown by the com rades of eastern Pennsylvania. Rey. Ebenezer Edwards, of Miners ville, secured a S6OO prize at the World's fair for an essay on Welshmen. Latoska, with her opera singers, funny comedians, handsome ladies, pretty costumes, etc., will be here on tho 26th inst. A horse was struck and killed by lightning at the Milnesville stripping on Friday evening. The driver was stunned but escaped injury. Tho St. Aloysius society, of White Haven, will erect a S3OOO opera house on Northumberland street, on a site donated by Martin A. Lavelle. Luzerne county teachers will hold their annual institute during the week commencing October 30, nearly two months earlier than heretofore. In a dispute over a game of cards at Ilazleton on Saturday night an Italian named Jetro Parima was shot in the cheek by Sornim Julian, who escaped. Today the A. O. H., B. of E., of Lu zerne county, will hold a monster picnic at Mountain Park. Many members of the organization from this end of the county will be present. During a free fight at West Ilazleton yesterday Patrick Bonner, of Cranberry, was shot in the right leg while trying to escape from Constable Jones. The ball was extracted at the state hospital. The members of Owena Council, No. 47, Degree of Pocahontas, are requested to meet in tho P. O. S. of A. hall, Free land, on Tuesday at 1 p. m., to attend the funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Davis. The Lattimer Club was defeated at the park here yesterday by the Tigers. At the end of the seventh innings the visi tors asked the umpire to call the game, as the score was 18 to 0 against them. The management of the opera house has been very liberal with its patrons by securing the Latoska Company at popular prices, as this company has been playing the cities and larger towns of the state at advance prices. J. D. Myers was oilicially notified on Saturday of his appointment by Gov ernor Pattison as a justice of the peace for Foster township, to fill the unexpir ed term of Clias. A. Johnson, deceased. Mr. Myers will qualify this week. John Logan, a pumpman at No. 2 Highland, while descending the steam way on Friday, put his weight against a prop, which gave way, causing him to fall nearly to the bottom. He had a leg severely injured and his head cut. D. J. FERRY'S SALOON ih the place to net a fresh glass of RINGLER'S HELL GATE or - ■ ROCHESTER BEER. Fine Temperance Drinks. FirsU'law rtgnr* are always kept in xtock, alm> the very best grades of wine, claret, brandy, gin, whisky and porter. Centre and South Sts., Freeland. FREELAND OPERA HOUSE. JOHN J. WELSH, Manager. Tuesday, Sept. 26. LATOSKA COMPANY beaded by LATOSKA QUEEN OF SONG, producing Opera, Farce Comedy, Specialties. Lntoßkn company consists of funny people, gooil people, dancing people, pretty girls, come dians that make you laugh, gorgeous costumes, handsome scenery. PEICES : 25, 35 and 50 Cents. Reserved seats at Christy's book storo. LEHIGH VALLEY ITFJRY RAILROAD. Anthracite coal used exclu f Blvely, insuring cleanliness and ARRANGEMENT OF PASBENGER TRAINS. MAY i t. 1898. LEAVE FREELAND. 0 05, 8 47, 0 40. 10 41 a m, 12 25, 1 32, 2 27, 3 45, 4 55, 0 58, 7 12, 8 47 p m, for Drifton, Jeddo. Lum ber Vurd, Stockton and Hazleton. 0 05 a m, 1 :52, 3 45, 4 55 p in, for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Hethlehem, Phila., Euston and New York. 9 40 u m for Hethlehem, Euston and Phila. 7 20, 10 50 a in, 12 10,4 34 p m, (via Highland i ranch) for White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes l.'arre, Pittetou and L. and B. Junction. SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 40 a m and 8 45 p m for Drifton, Jeddo, Lum i er Yard and Hazleton. 3 45 n m for Delano, Mahanov City, Shcnan t'.ouh, New York and Philadelphia. ARRIVE AT FREELAND. 5 50. 700, 708, 0 18, 1086 a m, 1018, 1 15, 018, 434, 058 and 8 37 p in, from Hazleton, Stockton, Lumber Yard. Jeddo and Drifton. 7 20, 0 18, 10 50 a m, 2 13, 4 JH, 0 58 p ill from Delano, Mahanoy City and Shenandoah (via New Hoston branch). 1 15, 0 58 and 8 37 p m from New Vork, Euston, Philadelphia, Bethlehem, Allentown and Mauch Chunk. i 18 and 10 56 a in, 1 15, 058 and 8 37 n m from Euston, I'hila., Hethlehem and Munch Chunk. !• 18, Hi 41 a in, 2 27,0 58 p m from White Haven, Glen Summit, Wilkes-Barrq, Pitteton and L. and B. Junction (via Highland Hruuch). SUNDAY TRAINS. 11 31 a m and 331 p m, from Hazleton, Lum ber Yard, Jeddo and Drifton. 11 31 a m from Delano, Hazleton, Philadelphia and Euston. 3 31 p m from Delano and Muhunoy region. For further information inquire of Ticket Agents. R. H. WILBUR, Gen. Supt. Eastern Div. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Ass't G. P. A. South Bethlehem, Pa. '~| A HE DELAWARE SUSQUEHANNA AND -A- SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table iu effect September 3, 1893. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle Brook, Stockton, Heaver Meadow Road, Roan and Hazleton Junction at. 0 00,6 10 am, 12 10, 4 09 p m, daily except Sunduy, and 7 03 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Ifarwood, Cranberry, Toinhicken and Deringer at ono a m, 12 10 p in, daily except Sunday; and 703 a m, 238 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, liarwood Road, Humboldt Roud, Oneida and Shcppton at 010 a ra, 12 10, 409 p in, daily except Sunday; and 7 08 a in, 2 38 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for liarwood, Cranberry, Toinhicken and Deringer at 037 a m. 1 49 p in, daily except Sunday; and 8 47 a m, 4 18 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shcppton at 6 47, 9 10 a in, 12 40, 4 39 p in, daily except Suuday; and 7 40 a ra, 3 08 p ra, Sunday. Trains leave Deringer for Tomhickcn, Cran berry, Harwood, Hazleton Junction, Roan, Heaver Meadow Road. Stockton, llazle Rrook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 2 40, 007 p m, daily except Sunday; and 9 37 a m, 5 07 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Shoppton for Oneida, Humboldt Road, Harwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle ton Junction aid Roan at 7 52, 1010 am, 1 15, 5 25 p m, daily except Sunday; and 8 14 a m, 3 45 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Shcppton for Heaver Meadow Road, Stockton, llazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 10 10 u m, 5 25 p ra, daily, except Suuday; and 8 14 a m, 3 45 n ra, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo and Drifton at 10 38 a in, 3 11, 5 47, 038 p in, daily, except Suuday; and 10 08 a iu, 5 38 p m, Sunday. All trains connect at Ilazleton Junction with electric ears for Hazleton, Jeanesville. Auden rkiUmd other points on Lehigh Traction Go's. Trains leaving Drifton at 0 10 am, Hazleton J unction at 9 10 a in, and Shcppton at 7 52 a m, 1 15 p in, connect at Oneida .Junction with L. V. It. R. trains east and west . Train leaving Drifton at 0 00 a m, makes con nection at Deringer witli P. R. R. train for Wilkes-Harre, Sunbury, Harrisburg, etc. E. B. COXE, DANIEL COXE, President. Sui>erintendent. C.P.GERITZ : BELOW VENTRE. Keiper's Steam Marble Works. COR. LAUREL and MINE STREETS. Monuments, I-leadstones, selling at cost lor next thirty days. Iron and Galvanized Fences, Sawed Butldhur Stones, Window Caps, Door Sills, Mantels, Orates, Coping, Cemetery Supplies. PHILIP KEIPER, PROP., Ilazleton. A BIG STOCK OF WAGON UMBRELLAS, FLY NETS, LAP SHEETS, EAR HETS, Etc., on hand nt WISE'S. _A.II of From $6.00 Up. GEO WISE. No. 30 Centre Street, Freeland. Also Jeddo, Pa. Advertise in the Tribune. MMPffill THE New York Clothiers, JACOBS & BARASCH Have transformed (heir establishment To a One Price Clothing Store. Every garment in our stock has been marked in plain figures, and the prices placed so very low that we defy competition. We will guarantee our friends and the public in general Honest Goods for Honest Money, and to be convinced we ask you kindly to come and in spect our stock of Men's, Youths', and Children's Clothing, Gents' Furnish ing Goods, Hats, Caps, Etc., and see if we don't mean exactly as we say. Good Goods for Least Money. One Price to All. ■ Fine Tailoring Our Specialty. Thanking you for past favors, We are, respectfully, NEW YORK TAILORS, JACOBS I BARASCH, 37 CENTRE STREET. GREAT BARGAINS IN Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Notions, Bag Carpet, Boot k and S hoc ft, Flour and Feed, Wood and Tin and Qucensware, Willowware, Tobacco, Table and Floor Cigars, Oil Cloth, Etc., Etc. A celebrated brand of XX Hour always iu stock. Fresh Roll Butter and Fresh Eggs a Specialty. My motto is small profits and quick Rales. 1 always have fresh Roods and am turning my stock every month. Therefore every article is guaranteed. AMANDUS OSWALD, Northwest Corner PViaAlnrnl Centre and Front Streets, r 1 Ccitmu. DePIERRO - BROS. = CAFE.= CORNER OF CERTRE AND FRONT STREETS, Freeland, Pa. Finest Whiskies in Stock. Gibson. Dougherty, Kiuifer Club, Rosenblutli's Velvet, of which we havo Exclusive Sale in Town. Mumm's Extra Dry Champagne, Hounessy Ilrandy, Blackberry, Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc. Imported and Domestic Cigars. OYSTERS IN EVERY STYLE. llam and Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches, Sardines, Etc. MEALS - AT - ALL - HOURS. Bnllontine and Hazleton beer on tap. Baths, Ilot or Cold, 25 Cents. WM. WEHRMANN, German - Watchmaker. Centre Street, Five Points, Freoland. WATCHES AND CLOCKS FOR SALE. Repairing of every description promptly at tended to and guaranteed. Gold nnd silver plating. FRANCIS BRENNAN, Restaurant. 151 South Centre Street, Freeland. (Near the L. V. It. R. depot.) CHOICEST— LIQUOR, BEER, ALE, PORTER BEST CIGARS AND —ON TAP. TEMPERA JYCE DRIJVK. JTp. MCDONALD, Corner of South ami Centre Streets, has the most complete stock of , FURNITURE, CARPETS, LADIES' nnd CENTS' DltY GOODS, FINE FOOTWEAR, Etc. In Freoland. PRICES ARE BOUND TO PLEASE. $1.50 PER YEAR. [ JOHN D. HAYES, j Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public. Legul business of all kinds promptly attended Koora 3, 2d Floor, Birkheck Brick. iJVI HAI,PIN ' Manufacturer of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, &c. Cor. Walnut and Pino Streets, Freeland. ORION STROH, Attorney and Counselor at Law, ' AND ' Justice of the Peace. Office Rooms No. 31 Centre Street, Freeland. JOHN M. CARR, Attorney-at-Law. I">S. Franklin street, Wllkes-Barre, Pn. All Legal Business Promptly Attended To. : Alex. Shollack, Bottler BEER, - PORTER, - WINE, and all kinds of L I Q U () li 8. Cor. Washington and Walnut streets, Freeland. LIBOR WINTER, iMIM s SUM. No. 13 Front Street, Freeland. The finest liquor and cigars on sale. Fresh beer always on tap. A. W. WASHBURN, Builder of Light and Heavy Wagons. REPAIRING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PINE AND JOHNSON STB„ FREELAND. CONDY 0. BOYLE, dealer in Liquors, Wine, Beer, Etc. The finest, brands of domestic and imported whiskey on sale at his new ifo and handsome saloon. Fresh Roches ter ami Ballcntinc beer and Young- ling's porter on tap. Centre - Street, - Five - Points. WEIOER & ZANG, TuHors, We are located above Meyer's Jewelry store anil have on hand a fine line of goods, which will be done up in the latest styles at a very moderate price. Our aim is to satisfy and WE ASK FOR A TRIAL. Repairing Promptly Executed. G. B. Payson, D. D. S., DintisT, FREELAND, IA. Located permanently in Birkbcck's building, room 4, second floor. Special attention paid to all branches of dentistry. Painless Extraction. All work guaranteed. Office hours: 8 to 13 A. M.; 1 to 5 P. M.; 7 to U P. M. GEORGE FISHER, dealor in FRESH BEEF, PORK, VEAL, MUTTON, BOLOGNA, SMOKED MEATS, ETC., ETC. Call at No. 0 Walnut street, Freeland, or wait for the delivery wagons. VERY LOWEST PRICES. Dr. H. E. Nyer's DENTAL PARLORS. 11. \V. MONROE, Manager. CAMPBELL'S BUILDING, CENTRE STREET. Teeth filled and artificial teeth inserted. Painless extraction. Reasonable ]' ices and all work guaranteed, COTTAGE HOTEL, Main and Washington Streets. PROPRIETOR, flood accommodation and attention given to permanent and transient guests. Well-stticked bar and fiim pool and billiard room. Free buß to and from all trains. **- STABLING ATTACHED. A. Goepperl, proprietor of the Washington House, 11 Walnut Street, above Centre. The best of whiskies, wines, gin cigars, etc. Cull in when in that part of the town. Fresh Beer and Porter on Tap.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers