2 F NEW - YORE - CLOTHIERS ] JACOBS & MIUCI. 1 Will be open MMMVM 111 same as usual. Here you will find great bar- I l§ " , p| gains in Men's, Boys' and Children's Fine Clothing. h |lj 1 11 I Men's Clothing: Boys' Clothing: | FINE SUMMER SUITS, P LIGHT WEIGHT SUMMER SUITS, GOOD STRONG SUITS, P GOOD CHEVIOT SUITS 600 " " 800 ALL WOOL SU * TS ' ------ 5.00. " 7.50 g || GOOD CHEVIOT SUITS, - 6.00. 8.00 CASSIMERE SUITS, _____ 5.00. " 7.00 g P GOOD WOOSTED SUITS, _ _ B.OO. " " 10.00 CHILDREN'S SUITS, _____ .99. " 1.25 || ® CHILDREN'S SUITS, ______ 1.25. " 1.75 g P FINE WOOSTED SUITS, _ _ _ 10.00. " " 12.50 CHILDREN'S SUITS, _____ 1.75. 2.25 |jj Ha CHILDREN'S FINE DOUBLE BREASTED SUITS, 2.00. " 3.50 i FINE MIXEI) CASSIMERE SUITS, - - 8.00. " 11.00 | ALL WOOL SINGLE AND DOUBLE BREASTED P Wl FINE WOOSTED (OUR OWN MAKE) SUITS, 12.50. WORTH 16.00 II ' CHEVIOT SUITS _____ 2.50. " 3.50 || || |i] | SPECIAL SALE OF PANTALOONS. | I Ten Days Only. | 1® w-T L^l I MEN'S FINE MEDIUM LIGHT COLORED PANTALOONS, sl.lO AND $1.09; WORTH DOUBLE.' j I IN GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS WE HA YE I I 111 DISPLAY I MM, MB III) Sll HH SHIRTS, MLIKI! SHIRTS 11 DRAWERS, [ 'I Elegant 25 and 50-Cent Neckwear in Tecks, Puffs and Eour-in-Hands. [|] Lsi HI j§ A NICE LINE OF COLLARS AND CUFFS, TRUNKS, VALISES, ETC. {g I Have Just Received a Large Consignment of Hats, all the Latest Styles in Alpines and Derbys. 1 [ffi] _ [ffll 1 CUSTOM MOPABTMim 1 Uncomplete with and elegant and clioice variety of suitings and trouserings. I MultM to Order from $12,00 tqu IPaiitalooiiH to Order from SI,OO up® p i IBTISriE SUIT TO ORDER EOR $12.00; "WORTH $15.00. | I gj \w\ Our custom suits are the talk of the town. Bear in mind we manufacture the better grade of our clothing, thereby saving you ; the middleman's profit. Give us a trial and we are sure to 'make a customer of you. I New York Clothiers, Jacobs & Barasch, 1 I Manufacturers of Fine Clothing, 37 Centre Street, Freeland, Pa. 1 faWfKißi isi frtii si rrPMiAU ta mil a a nMi fa a fAfMrP ei [PiiPJ mfP a iPiTfP ea amu fa Fki nvi Fa rnUli a utn a niTiTiALfej rP ajpMißijlJ^llJpjMlPMPllJMMißtil FREELAND TRIBUNE, MONDAY, MAY 29, 1893.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers