THE UNION PRESS-COURIER, Thursday, August 24, 1939. PAGE SIX. Rf— - - AUDITORS’ REPORT | Of the Patton Borough (Cambria County) School District, for the School Year Ending July 3, 1939. Assessed valuation of Taxable Real Estate $1,162,070.00 Number of Mills Levied 3 he 18 Number assessed with Per Capita Tax : 1576 Rate of Per Capita Tax $5.00 AMOUNT OF SCHOOL TAX Per Capita Property Total Amount levied (Face of 1938 duplicate) $7,880.00 $20,917.26 $28,797.26 Additions to duplicate arm inini . 20.00 20.00 Penalties added after Oct. 1, 1938 168.12 415.30 583.42 Total amount of tax to be collected 8,068.12 21,332.56 29,400.68 Exonerations (1938 tax) . 3,417.20 3,417.20 1988 Tax Returned soe hages inns evans 7,922.50 7,922.50 Net amount of 1938 tax collected ...... 4,650.92 13,410.06 18,060.98 CURRENT EXPENSES EXPENSES OF GENERAL CONTROL. Secretary’s Office, Salaries 3 . i $ 120.00 Secretary's Office, Supplies . 15.10 Secretary's Office, Other Expense 4.30 Tax Collector 1,000.00 Auditors . 30.00 Legal Service 50.00 45.00 ! Census Enumeration ev——— ; Other Expense, Business AAminiStration ooo 26.70 Other Expense of General Control . 110.05 Total General Control arsevbicibemerias wom basen orem pee ..$ 1,401.15 EXPENSES OF INSTRUCTION Salaries of Supervisors . . sessistsnntbrio $ 2999.97 Salaries of Principal's Clerks and Assistants 420.00 Supplies of Principal's Office 66.80 Other Expense of Supervision .. an - 62.40 Salaries of teachers seta trees oeet tet ens 33,252.41 Textbooks erent 1,809.88 Supplies used in instruction .-. 2,700.17 Attending Teachers’ Institute ._ 232.00 Commencement Exercises, Etc. i - 315.71 Other Expense of Instruction .. . in Sots sisi vpasae sine eit 44.58 Total Expenses of Instruction .._..... $ 41,903.92 EXPENSES OF AUXILIARY AGENCIES AND COORDINATE ACTIVITIES. Social Centers and Recreation i $ 546.24 Enforcement of compulsory attendance ...... 100.00 Other Expense Coordinate activities .... 10.50 Total Auxiliary Agencies and Coordinate Activities bien emesis ..$ 656.74 EXPENSES OF OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLANT. ! Wages of Janitors and Other Em ar ian an. 3551.14 Ruel. ho - 1,263.57 Light and Power __. 669.46 Janitors’ Supplies 211.68 Care of Grounds nem 10.00 Services, Other Than Personal 15.00 Telephone Rental ..... a 94.45 | Total Expense of OPETation wi $ 4,815.30 EXPENSES OF MAINTENANCE OF SCHOOL PLANT Reoair'of Buildings... ~~. =o nS 1 148.95 Repairs and Replacement: Of Heating, Plumbing and Lighting .... 641.97 Of Apparatus Used in Instruction 174.76 Of Other Equipment vs 12.00 Total Maintenance he sid bins missin: dibs wd 976.98 EXPENSES OF FIXED CHARGES. State Retirement Board . eases ..$% 1,005.24 Insurance: Five,,......... SER po ier ag 756.22 Compensation 125.43 Total 7+... A ar issih ; in mien: 1,886.80 TOTAL CURRENT EXPENSES .... $ 51,640,98 RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 4th, 1938, General fund ... , $ 164.08 Property tax 1938, $13,410.06: Per capita tax 1938, $4,650.92 . 18,060.98 Delinquent tax (Previous to 1938) + 2314.31 State Appropriation: Teachers, Transportation, Tuition, Vocational... 23,208.20 Tuition, non-resident pupils . 8,555.62 Special State Aid . 1,500.00 Temporary Loans 19,000.00 Sale of real estate, supplies and equipment 19.10 | week in New York. 6,152.76 1938 Tax (Current Year) . 1937 Tax ii 5,514.12 1936 Tax 4,351.35 Previous to 1935 Duplicate 5,396.36 Tuition Receivable 6,344.40 Sinking Fund Balance 331.44 General Fund Balance 514.51 Total Assets $229,104.94 LIABILITIES. Bonded Indebtedness (With Vote of Electorate) $52,000.00 Bonded Indebtedness (Without Vote of Electorate) 8,000.00 Temporary Loans 19,000.00 Supplies — Payable 257.15 All Other Accounts Payable 111.09 Total Liabilities $79,368.24 Amount of Tax Collector's Bond . $28,000.00 ) $10,000.00 $300.00 We hereby certify that we have examined the above accounts and find them correct, and that the securities of the officers of the board are in accord- ance with law. FRANCIS X. MULLIGAN, H. J. MULLIGAN, R. G. SHANNON, Auditors. August 8, 1939. 20003000000000O00OGOGEHNOOO0 grades; Miss Irene Anna, 3rd grade; Miss Emma Fredo, 4th grade; Miss HASTIN Mary Coleman, 5th grade; Miss Anna Marie Roland, 5th grade; Miss Susanne 2 V. Lord, 6th grade; Miss Agnes C. Miss Betty McMonigal of Rahway, | Kelly 6th grade; Miss Sarah McMone. N. J., is visiting at the William Thomas gal, Tth grade; Miss Mary Anna, Tth home, grade; Miss Helen Dvorchak, 8th grade; Mr. and Mrs. Cosmos Elder and dau- | 2ng victor Constanzo, 8th grade. The ghter, Mary Louise, spent the week end | pio School Faculty consists of: Miss at the home of the former’s parents, | kathryn Pontzer, English; Miss Mary Mr. and Mrs. Walter Elder in Sewick- Binder, Science and English; Miss Le- ley. nore Collins, Foreign Languages; Miss Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Riordan and | Amy Commons, Mathematics; Miss daughters, Rita and Jane visited rela- Catherine ~L. Vallino, Commercial; tives in Philadelphia recently. James Franklin, Chemistry and Bi- Mr. and Mrs. John Miller announce ology; Joseph Gillespie, Social Studies the birth of a son last Friday at their | and Coach; Joseph T. Torallo, Commer- home on Spangler street. cial; Paul V. Houck, Mathematics and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Huston and Clair J. Urich, Supervising Principal. daughter, Vera, and Lyle Siler of Ha- Miss Florence Yeager who has been gerstown, Md. spent several days at employed in Harrisburg the past yeat the Dr. F. C. Peters home. has returned to her home in East End. Tuesday guests at the Edwin Gues Traini hool of Indiana Hospital home were Mrs. John McGahen, Miss Taining Sc 201 © iz ospiial, Indiana, this fall. Stella Rosensteel, and Frank Rosen- 0000VOVVOTOVOVVVOVVVVOVVV0 ensteel of Ebensburg. ; the J. Milchak home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Garrity of Johns- Mrs. Gervase Kinsey of Barnesboro town and Mr, and Mrs. Sterling Smith spent Sunday here with relatives. of Nanty-Glo, visited relatives here on Sunday. ; ner home in East End included the fol- Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKillop and son lowing: Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Edwards Earl, Visited relatives in Houtzdale and and daughter Jean of Ebensburg, Mr. Brisbin last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McMurray and Serenus, I. H. M. of Scranton, Fr. Cy- son, Billie and Mr. and Mrs, Mark Pa- prian of Reading and Mr. and Mrs. terno and children were Saturday James Yahner of Reading, shoppers in Barnesboro. Mr Wihism Paterick 18 visiting a children spent Sunday in Nicktown at the Brazill home on Harvey street. _| the C. B. Soisson home. Miss Jane Dillon is visiting relatives in Altoona this week. | Mrs. William Sibert and Miss Mar- garet Rager, were Monday callers in Altoona. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McKillop and son, Earl, were among a party of local reople who were motorists to Penn's Cave, and Green Wood Forest on Sun- day. Miss Anna Mary Bobal or Barnesbo- ro spent the week end at her home in Hastings: Mr. and Mrs. Pete Insano of Barnes- boro spent Sunday here. Thursday callers at the Rager home Niebauer and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Yah- ner motored to Altoona on Sunday. Do You Know? That the Medical Service Associa- tion of Pennsylvania finds that the cost to a voluntarily insured individ- ual for complete medical service, in- cluding general practitioner and spec- falist in the office, home or hospital, will be approximately $29 annually. This insured service will soon be available to persons within certain in- come levels. Miss Yeager will enroll in the Nurses’ | Week-end callers at the I. P. Yah-| Tom Yahner of Chambersburg, Sister | Mrs. John Burch and children of |; steel of Johnstown and Mrs. John Ros-- Nanty Glo were Sunday callers at PENNSYLVANIA STATE BREWERS ASSOCIATION | REUEL SOMERVILLE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office in Goud Blde.. Patio i TTY NE Ar, t ow her, Nehrig & Co. IIMA ot] : 30000 OOOOH UN 230 0 HE HAHIOIIOOOOOOOOOOOOOO0 : 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ; THE PLACE TO TURN FOR 3 BUSINESS ADVICE 3 While we realize that you know your g business bétter than any one else, you may at 3 some time feel the need for some outside ad- 3 vice on a particular business problem. We 3 urge you to make use of our experience and fa- 3 cilities at all times. This bank is always ready 3 to make loans to sound businesses. Mr. and Mrfs. F. L. Soisson and | Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Holtz, Mrs. John Ue Are A Member of the FDIC. at Patton HIOOGOOO0OO0OCO0O0000OO0OO BOOVOOOOOOVVOVOOVVIVOVVOOOOO0 : First National Bank last week were Mrs, Myles McGue and daughter, Margaret, of Nanty-Glo and Sister M. Roberta of Philadelphia. Misses Marie Garrity and Kathleen | Thomas of Patton were Sunday callers alt the Rager home, Sunday guests at the A. J. Dillon home were Mr, and Mrs. Michael Ward and son, Joe, of Spangler, and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Strittmatter and daugh- | ter, Patty, of Altoona. Miss Ann Nesdore is spending this | Misses Marie and Alice Krotendorfer | of Allport and Shirley Rager of Patton spent the first of the week at the Ra- ger home. The Borough Public Schools will open the 1939-40 school term on Mon- day, August 28th. Friday, August 25th, 9 A. M. will be registration days for all the members of the Freshman Class, all the members of the Freshman Class, both borough and township students who intend to enroll as Freshmen. The faculty assignments for the en- suing year are as follows: Miss Mar- garet Jane Clemens, 1st grade; Miss tll, just hoi alltel. ~~ Tonight RK "5 fg 4 fr 2 Nn & NHN & What you “slip” on at day start... All other sources 263.49 Total Receipts $73,145.78 DEBT SERVICE Redemption of Bonds direct from General Fund cere $4,000.00 Redemption of Short Term Loans : . : - 13,100.00 Payment of interest on Bonds a... otis 2,677.30 Payment of Interest on Short Term Loans .. rn—— - 508.48 Refund Taxes, Tuition, Etc. .. . ere hres wi is 5.25 Total Debt Service ...._._. $20,291.03 | CAPITAL OUTLAY Improvement of New Grounds _ ist 370.83 Heating, Lighting, Plumbing and Electrical Equipment .. 117.65 | Furniture Mefetirniysent aetna Espa strsvevt bos Sm tae ours 4.98 | Instructional Apparatus _.... 205.80 Total Capital Outlay __.. 3 es : $ 699.26 SUMMARY TOTAL ‘RECEIPTS .... 0... = rn $73,145.78 TOTAL PAYMENTS: Total Current Expenses ermine 1,640.98 Total Debt Serviee ._. .. ennee 20,201.08 Total Capital Outlay ...... - 699.26 Polal oi... 72,631.27 Balance on Hand (To be Available for School Year 193940) .........$ 51451 SINKING FUND REPORT RECEIPTS Balance on hand July 4, 1938 spite aegh tot aestdrs 8 471.00 Received from Returned Taxes ....._._.___ eres . 5,450.44 Total Receipts ........... nmin D021 44 DISBURSEMENTS Paid Out to Redeem Bonds 5,150.00 Paid Out in Interest on Bonds 440.00 Total payments 6,590.00 Balance in fund, July 3, 1939 .___ $ 833144 ASSETS School Buildings and Sites . ELL cerns. 180,000.00 | Textbooks and Equipment 20,500.00 Unpaid Taxes: | Dolores Effinger, 1st and 2nd grades; Mrs. Hazel Sibert Sellers, 2nd and 3rd Dunker’s Delight These slips, lovely to look at, lovelier still to wear, give you that "lift" that makes a day better, an evening gayer. Form-fitting, four-gore, they come for every length, every size. aros LAROSATIN SLIPS yo Ra a btn bade Bh Oh bt LF hl eR A ed eh bie Pee - BoxoOomNAa of Bemberg rayon and silk, look well, wear well and laugh at the laundry. The American Institute of Laundering $9.95 _— J. EDW. STEVENS FUNERAL DIRECTOR | KNOWN BY SERVICE | | PHONE SERVICE, Day 3651, Night 2651 | ———— ee | _— : ea Now-—a doughnut especially de- signed for dunkers. Invented by Ar- thur Basham, Indianola, Iowa, the doughnut has a wooden handle, sim- ilar to a lollipop. It was exhibited at a New York exposition, i gave them their seal of approval. FANNIE C. WETZEL CARROLLTOWN, PA. PR. xX $2 Gx dz 4 5 #4 ~~
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