39, iid August 24, 1939. THE UNION PRESS-COURIER. PAGE FIVE vacation at the! a — oe —————————— been spending their Harry Hoover home in East Carroll Township, returned to their home in| Brooklyn, N., Y. Other guests at the | Hoover home are Miss Mollie Singer- | man, of New York, and Mr. and Mrs, | Robert Hoover of Jamaica, Long Island. | Mrs. Williams Forsberg spent last week with her daughters in Harris- burg. Miss Regina Kosice of Hastings is spending the week at the John Dvor- || Miss Helen Maycovich of South Fif- th avenue has returned from a visit in New London, Conn. where she spent some time with her brother and sister- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Maykovich. a WHERE the EVERYDAY PRICE isa BARGAIN PRICE! Patton High School will be held at the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrews spent | Ashville Swimming Pool on Saturday a two weeks’ vacation at Meyersdale, | YUKON CLU afternoon, August 26th. All members Pa. and Buffalo, N. Y. Ii BEVERAGES UEON CLUB, 4 24 0Z. 25¢ i Center Cut of this class re requesied to £oms and Miss Leona Montieth returned from | Plas BU. Deposit BLS, \ | Per bring your friends an lane hs a trip to the West, and while there | BRICK OR <iIERICAN LOAF Pound Cc Mrs. C. L. Forsberg is spending a attended the Golden Gate Exposition. “| J- CHEES > NE 39¢ H two weeks vacation in the State of Miss Myrtle Way is visiting her sis- SE, POUND PEG. Meaty End Cuts | Maine and in New York City. ter in Washington, D. C. H FANCY IMPORTED : : LB Miss Betty Grant spent last week in Mr. and Mrs. Walter Little spent the | " TIN 29¢ P 0 R K L 0 | N R 0 A S ¥ . 1 7c Williamsburg. week end here with relatives. | . 3 Miss Margaret Senita is attending Gerald Dietrick, ten year old son of | S H R P WET PACK TINS LEAN BACON, 12-14 1b. Avg. per Ib 14¢ the New York World's Fair Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dietrick, of Lin- | FOR [ SSMOFED SQU Nu James Fitzpatrick of Detroit, Mich, wood avenue, fell and fractured his] FD SQUARES, In le is visiting his mother, Mrs. Winifred Jott Sent ae! Sebintay mea oo] A & P CHERRIES SOUR 2 NO. 2 23¢ * QUALITY HAMBURGER,, Ib. i7¢ ere. bots Mr. & Mrs. Fir anielson and z TANS 2 / [ J > AST > Prati. e | amity of New Briton. . J spent las PITTED CANS : MEATY RUMP ROAST, Ib. 21¢ orothy Cartwright is visiting With gyunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. HEINZ "ANS % \ relatives in Louisville, Ohio. En iy ) 1 BABY FOO DS ¥’ 3 CANS 25¢ % Branded Steer Beef The eighteenth annual Krug reunion Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bosserman are | STRAINED oe S T E A K S Round, Sirloin, and Tender- c will be held at the Nicktown Grove ¢,andin ir. vie: 4 antic | » : ' ] spending their vacation at Atlantic <P or No, 5 loin, pound Saturday, August 29, 1939, in the form city and the New York World's Fair. | GRAPEFRUIT JUICE : POLK'S 3 a 1 7c : y : of a basket picnic. High mass in St. Mr. and Mrs. George Farabaugh of | ahs 3 Smoked, Skinned, Nicholas Cain at 9 a i) Danelng Detroit, are spending some time at the | ¥ ANN PAGE, 3 afternoon and evening. Sports 10r h€ home of the former's mother, Mrs. The- IN 1 3 children in the afternoon for which rs Foriboeh > ¥ : POUND jan ¢ i Priges wil) De given, Come, pack a John Thomas, son of Mrs. Emma SAN DWICH SPREAD ANN PAGE 19 3 Baska), bring your friends and enjoy Thomas of East Carroll Township, had PINT JAR Cc + Sunnyfield Ready to Serve HAMS, Small size 1b. 25¢ . e misfortune to severely cut his : , RES IN IFA 7 T ; 3 ieti res LS ND SE Herman Yeckley returned to his hand in an ensilage cutter while op- A & P BREAD Fifteen Varieiies, 2 Loaves 15¢ yRe i ROUND SEA roy Lm ie I home last week after being a patient erating the machine last Saturday. He Fresh Daily for FRESH DRESSER CROAKERS, 1b. - 12¢ at the Spangler hospital for the past was taken to the Windber hospital. ten weeks. He had been seriously in- Dr. H. B. Kerr, dentist, of Barnesbo- jured in the Bear Rock Coal Mine here. ro, has moved his office from Tenth Benjamin Katz, and family, who had Street to rooms over the Musser har- Street to rooms oyer the Musser Hard- FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES Fancy Elberta Crisp Sunnyfield CORN FLAKES 2 ®“ 9g AEE TEE, | at 1005 Philadelphia avenue. The East Carroll Township schools PEACHES 7 Pounds for .... orn 25¢ : will open for the 1939 and 1940 term Bushel $1.69 Pure, Safe White House H Vhole or Shank Half HAMS mi 33g Weim: {gg | on Monday, September 11th, it has JOE'S CUT-RATE STORE been announced by the school direc- SWEET POTATOES, § 1bs for 23c tors. Teaching personnel and assign- Tete . : aye ih EVAPORATED MILK 10 cic 55¢ | ments for the year are as follows: Al- JUICY BARTLETT PEARS, 3 Ibs. for . IL S ’S berta Zern Warner, Dry Run School; TOKAY GRAPES, 2 Ibs. ... | 15¢ Pk A Kollar, Dry R School; Paul- Te { g. on eit Merde Way, Meion PASCAL CELERY, Jumbo, 15’ 5-16’ , 2 stlks. 25 M A CA R 0 N D N N E R 10c school; Stephen Hovan, Luther school; HOME GROWN PEPPERS, 1b, ...... +e Most Varieties Mrs. Ethel Shortencarrier, Weber sch- | Prices Are Effective at All A &P Stor i ; ool; Eleanor Thomas, Cross Roads sch- : 4 £ ores. Medium Boys’ Long Pants ......... 69¢ | ool: Hilda Swope, Sharbaugh Sot H E N / S 0 U P S 2 Cans 27¢c Boys’ Knickers ay 49c Edna Snyder Luther, Eckenrode sch- ’ : col; Russell Springer, Bradley school; Q Boys Shirts mrrsey 39¢ Ethel Rae Sharbaugh, Strittmater sch- DELICIOUS L A Y L R CAKE 29 Boys’ Sweaters .... __ 49¢c |}! ool, and Ethel L. Hoffman Luther sch- PEACH C ra’ Q : ool. Members of the board of education . oo ; Boys Tee o : S120 are C. W. Meisel, president; James A. | FIGHT C 0 F F F L 3 Poun wd 39 Cleansing Tissue ys’ Sweaters ................. C || Dietrick, vice president; A. A. Feigh- O'CLOCK C i Packages $1.00 | ner, treasurer and Herman Haas and E N - EX 2 For 25¢ New Fall Hats G. H. Dumm. Facial Tissue ———— Mote than 3 perions Shsnded ae 1) Sanbriie Yous annual picnic 0 e Northern Cam- Rl nip . ; : . bria Kiwanis Club held last Thursday CLEANSER, 2 cans 9c § PEAS, 3 No. 2 cans. 25¢ F A S 1 D A Packa ge S or afternoon at the Kiwanis camp near Nicktown. Ralph Greenwood, Barnes- boro, told of activities at the camp dur- ing the past summer camping season. Iona Tomato Iona JUICE, 3 24 oz. cans 2(0c | CORN, 4 No. 2 cans. 25¢ Nutley Nut Golden Bantam Popular Brands (Plus Tax) {JOE'S CUT-RATE STORE CIGARETTES 2° “4 BARNESBOR PENNA. 23c 25¢c | : $ ; i i Shefford 3 i 3 | HEINZ PICKLES domes gg | | Ralph Bender, the eighteen year old OLEO, hs. ¢ son of Frank and Estella (Squires) 21s 19 A&P CORN, 35 No. 2 White Vegetable Short i ' er hite Vegetable Shortening | Cool off with iced orange pekoe Cans eri 25¢ Pp | i. NECTAR TEA, % 1b. 23c | paper HUMKO 3 Pewd Qe | TER ERE VC S TOWELS rolls iy FANCY RICE, 3 Ibs...13¢ 3 i Cleans and Disinfects | BRILLO, pkg. 15c] Foe Napa Pint Quart : SOAP, 10 cakes . § CLOROX 13 23 - a : ~ , S . — MID SEASON KLEEN-LIN, Ige. btl. Qc 95 ; : 7 Bottle Cc Bottle Cc > open . Spick” White Shoe peace CLEANER $) Five Ounce 25 ey me YYDOL IVORY SOAP Bottles e TEST . LARGE PKG. ......... 2]¢ 3 MED. CARES Fle A rich, Creamy, Smooth Salad Dressing with a Tart Bl $l A 2 SMALL PKGS. 7c | 2 GUEST CAKES Qc Sweet Flavor most people prefer— n hh la SALAD DRESSING {0 Hundreds of motorists today are riding and enjoy- CH | PSO QUART sible : i i sed cars CAMAY Lo ing many thousands of care free miles in » : + Small Packages qte JAR new purchased at great savings from the Main Street Gar- ) large packages . ......, 43¢ § TOILET SOAP, 3 cakes 19c ne age. And it is these car owners who today are the best nfor- criterion of the values to be obtained here. Jue. 1938 PONTIAC Four Door Six Cyl. Sedan ..... $625 bas 1937 CHEVROLET COACH $395 1935 PONTIAC Six Cyl. Coupe -.... $265 curs IEVR Mg aster ‘ 375 : a 1936 CHEVROLET Master Coach oi 1383 Id Owned & Operated by the Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 1936 PONTIAC Six Cyl. Coupe .. B : J JEVROLET Master Coach .............. . $235 js uy poe Laster Coac Ye 450 Magee Ave.; Patton, Penna. 35 oupe . ; 1936 FORD DeLuxe Town Sedan $325 - TR Ea SOR ; : 265 — = " — —— mn 1935 FORD Sport Sedan ...... -$ Bender, natives of Cambria county, Edwards, of Big Spring, Texas, and Dinsmore and Mrs. Herry Flood, of 1936 CHEVROLET Coupe ... . $345 i Eo Sei Han Suton: William H. Sandford, 2nd, of Houston, | Rana, > J, want to Tulsa to at- - b ile a r01L, san. =i . Burial wa ade in Tulsa, | tend the funeral. 5 T 150 he Lan ky 2 n exas urial was made in Tulsa, 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan ne $ tails of the Serilont ware nos lIsatneg Oklahoma, where he had lived for| RAGS WANTED—The Courier of- 1934 STUDEBAKER Dictator Coach $150 oy Telatives hn Cont i I 3-| many years and where his engaging fice wants clean cotton rags. Bring SEED WHEAT FOR SALE — A ther of the youth was born In Be personality won for him many friend- | them in this week only and receive smooth, hard wheat that yields and boro and his mother in Patton. €- | ships. His two sisters, Mrs. Rachel cash. does well in this locality. Average ED TRUCKS sides his parents he leaves a sister, Ri- | yield on 9 acres, 372 bushels; $1.00 ta Mae Bender, Detroit. Funeral ser- . a -.,i an per bushel re-cleaned.—E. J. Seymour, a 5% . vices were held in Detroit. Patton. RD. 1 Pa, ” 2t 1935 CHEVROLET One Half Ton Pick Up ......... $225 he annual hzrvest home picnic of (Political Adv.) VR TU. Li Jump Truck .. $345 St. Monica's church, at Chest Springs FOR RENT—Four rooms; theses 1935 CHEVROLET U Lio: Dunyy . > 3 = wil Ibe held on Labor Day at the rooms have been painted and papered 1936 CHEVROLET U Plate Chassis and Cab $345 picnic grounds there. A chicken and FOR COUNTY TREASURER in the new. Call on James A. Link, Ny 7 1 QTAKE TRTICK 5 veal dinner will be served by the wo- 31 mith, 501 Fifth Ave., Patton, Pa. / 1934 CHEVROLET STAKE TRUCK . $295 men of the church. Mr. and Mrs. Mar- ree atest se—— FARM FOR SALE—7 ruck cai a i . $250 | tin Storm are chairmen of the affair. "ARM JR SZ —10 acres, 5 of rr) 1936 DODGE Truc 3 J Another world famous star, Buddy coal; ons two-story nine room house 1933 DODGE Half Ton Panel Truck, S. Lic. $150 Rogers will appear in person at Sun- ? = BURNS and ORY SouREm new ii and other “If 3 le 5 set Park, on Wednesday evening of outoui dings. interested write Geo. 1934 FORD Half Ton Pick-Up SEL $195 | this week, and dance and music lov- . u E. Swartz, Flinton, Pa. 6t 1933 CHEVROLET Truck 11% Ton T. License, | ers will likely greet the appearance Democrat - = ” — Chassis and Cab $160 | with enthusiasm. On Friady, of this FOR SALE—Two stoves, one k 7 s rn week, Howard Becker, featuring Iv- = .e and jvofay enameled coolt stove; an. of recent “Sunset Swing Band, I'he Man for the Office new enameled heater, used only four Duncan W. Sanford, aged fifty-sev- months; one cupboard and chairs, Ins en years, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. AGGRESSIVE quire Henry Hofer, 415 Palmer Ave. William H. Sandford, of Patton, died en 4 5 = ® on August 19th at his home in Over- | CAPABLE A Pou oon: gE ton, Texas. Death was due to dilation | UALIFIED € g painted in the new. In- of the heart, from which he had suf- | Q Jive James A. Link, Blacksmith, Pat- : fered for some time. He is survived by : : | ton, Pa. his widow, Estella Eckenrode Sand- Primaries Sept. 12. | FOR SALE—Coal range with hot ford, a native of Carroltown, and two | | water front, $0.00. Inquire 102 Lang av- : | q g children: Dorothy, wife of Will Knox | enue, Patton. 2%
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