NANCY ROLL unt Clicture for they love. drama, great- vil's Holiday.” ch as the ar- wunts conven- woman he Frank MORGAN Tues- ARO IN i AN HOUR )X MOVIE- ED BY VD SEASON’S EST COM- featuring Tracy ice, Iymer ... y Bogalt ier, Sr, herie” ry by Watkins SEND IN ALL NEWS ITEMS WE WANT EVERY NEWSY NOTE YOU KNOW ABOUT TO HELP MAKE THE COURIER BETTER. VOL. XXXVII. NO. 19. COUNTIES CHANGE SPANGLER HOLDS PATTON HIGH SCHOOL | PRESENT RATINGS ~~ A MEDICAL CLINIC NOTES OF THE WEEK BY NEW CENSUS Two Altoona Specialists Speak | As on Diseases at the Miners’ Hospital. The medical staff of the Miners’ | | hospital held a clinic last Thursday Betty Greene, a graduate of last | Vat the Spangler institution, at which Year's senior class and now a student | time two illustrated lectures by Al-|©f Ohio University, is spending me toona specialists featured. Dr. Kech | holidays at her home on Palmer ave- |a heart specialist, delivered an illus- nue. Compiled for the Courier Readers by Bob Little of the Student Body. Five Will Be Advanced from A | Lower to Higher Status; { Three Demoted. Under this year’s census figures for Pensylvania there are eight of the sixty-seven counties of the State that willch ange classifications. Be- Ich trated address on that organ explain- Nettie Eckenrode has returned to cause of increases -in their popula~| ing in detail the functions of the |school after a week of absence due to | tion, five counties will be Bavenceld eure and the treatment of various sickness. from a lower to a higher class and|g of heart disease | ior Ch: pr : L $ e sease, mber because of decreasing population | The students of the Junior a Dr. Frank Miller, of Altoona, spe- demoted; cialist on the eye, also spoke to the counties will be An act of 1919 provides that the three of Commerce are busily working on their Christmas program which is to : : br ho tact ot physicians, illustrating his remarks be held Wednesday morning in the as- Governors hall certify the act o | with lantern slides. | sembly. A good, jolly time, With pelnty advancement of ; oun . Yat ee The doctors were served a dinner of laughs, is promised. legislators that year neglectec at the hospital dining room at the: make any provision for counties that Rumors are floating around that Ab- noon hour and the clinic was contin- 3 [irs tatus ause of > cen- : 3 : ie Crooks, Floyd Grant, and “Ears” lose theirs tatus becagss of fhe con ued until late in the afternoon. Miss be Co hi 10 start a big sehool Sus and-go into lower classifiontiony, Beryl Hoover, superintendent, was | Wy are going id e There apparently is no legal method by which the people of those coun- ties will learn of their loss of stand- : : : hockey team. This may not be true but harg :atering for the din-| s 2 Shares of thewatering for tne « they skated all Friday afternoon to { : make sure the ice was safe. There is a ing—unless they read the census | fourth. Tener Tn Gs roe. ei figures. That is a matter, however, also interested in the new sport but take | who has kindly asked me not to men- | that the 1931 Legislature can care of if there is any necessity. PATTON SCHOOLS a 1 i 1»: 3 o v . » . " BI PROGRAM tion his name because he is bashful | Refuses Payment Bill Sub- Many Subjects Offered for Ag-| John McCormack, who comes to the | The census enumeration in Penn-| H y and can not afford to see his name iio mitted By Two ite In- riculturalists in Cambria Grand theatre on December 31st and |ship, sylvania always has shown an in- . i print. | titutio: Secti |New Years’ day, in his first a crease and usually all the counties F th Fifth and Sixth Grados Betty Somerville spent the week en 1] stitution Section, | Fox Movietone production, is today do have shown some increase or a lc owl, v3 # "| with relatives in Philadelphia. a sal Fiehtetr ‘insti rT ing for song in America what Dante that did not acect their classifica- Present Series of Plays on 15s ory recently visited in Altoo- | I'he legal righ t ate Insti- County Agricultural Agent H. C.! did for literature in Italy and as . : " Cora Ivory recently visited in 00 : ee > 10 a yiipl - Sy . tion. Anyway, the Legislature in aac r After x tution to refuse Qo a ¥ 8 court iMewilliams announces that the | Spencer did for literature in England. | the past did not consider seriously | I'uesday Afternoon. na. = Hat order releasing inma d of ano-| pengylvania State College has ar-| There are no different audi ) ssibility of very heavy losses Myrtle Way, Jane owes, CULY | ther to charge 'm nce fees!jinged several special courses for! > McCormick sings. cCor- | the possiby ey m 99 LeNSus The fourth, fifth and sixth grades G i A Gregg, students of e thi double th 1 rate, iS|¢an os Spe ; : S °C when John McCormick sings. McCor in the counties. The 1930 census| 8 arant and nna Gregg, ‘(more than ’ farm boys and girls as well as for mack audiences are composed of real- gave Pennsylvania a population of | of the ¥ atlon Schools save they an Lock Haven Teachers’ College, anc going to be Settled Ve n because men and women, who are interested ly cultured men and 9,681,350, a gain of 911,333 for the nual C hristmas Programs on ne graduates of the high school, are home of the action of Can ounty of- | j, procuring last minute information communities where he appears who Lis- decade. | day afternoon, A Tot vas socred | for the Christmas vacation. ficials in refusing go bills sub-| on several lines of agricultural work. |ten spell bound while grout oe : : rors advanced in “each. instance. 1e teachers are i wi mitted by the Indust lome for!mhese special courses will oben Jan.) oo 8 The counties that were advanced the Missed Anna Lacava, Lily WEL. Mabel Fitzpatrick was an Altona Wornen oi. Money is Sr revics hos SI : Jurses open sings in classification were Delaware and tehead, Grace Urich and Anna Hom- | Shopper last Saturday. Ey soital : $ uary Sth and continue through to that an artist and a song ma % p : 3 ad, Ie J ‘ 4 < 5 state ospital. ‘ebruarv 28 . tres : Ivor ie > Montgomery, which go from the yak The second report semester will soon Init orth {ishing Py) run 23th nd fheruly vestogs great without being mysterious. v 4 $1. a eg hig and . By - Qo n 1€ case < nst 1- nanagement, arm management, i for: > Tae A ha ig or Fourth Grade. | be made up ang; the Students are Dus- tion, County Controll non has farm crops, dairy cattle feeding, Through the marvel of the Fox Mo- iy 4) a ad MoRaal. witeh “Mrs. Santa Comes Into Her Own,” | iV taking tests and malting up back been instructed te ref: ment of fruit and vegetable growing, green vietone this great voice may be heard the tous a sixth tivtend of Temain- cast of characters: Santa—Jimmie work 2 brine their marks up as nigh a balance of $861.02 f e main- house management, poultry manage- | €ve rywhere. A good supporting cast in a seventh-class county. | Donahue; Mrs. Santa—Mae Wentz; |a¢ Possible. ; tenance of Ruth Unca nd B ment and control of diseases and the | 1S With } McCormack in the picture. fond ’ 7 is te yut of | Brownies—Jimmy Crowell, Frank The next basketball game. Is fo be tha Harris, because of t ct that manufacture of dairy products and Seytena Somny aL 0 Kinkead, Patsy Sourito, Claude A. played with the Hastings High School their reldasq ‘was ‘ord by the lice cream. s fi lass cause 0 S * : i 3 ‘ i | tines qi show : ; , i the nu ud 5 a. in the sixth, | Blake, Jimmy Toschi, Louis Carretti,|on Jan. 7 at Hastings. Come team, show President Judge of t Cambria In previous years, according to Mr. | lion £ an 2 » : pn ° Sixth to “the Byron Selfridge, Billie Simpson and them the pep and spirit you had the County Courts some ago. | McWilliams, Cambria county has had | Brannon A DN ham seventh | Willie Reed; Fairies—Eleanor Camp- | last game. Both women were tra: 1 from |a number of students, men, women, on a or lowest class of coun-| Sell, Sue Leon, Ida Merrill and Lou- | The date set for the publication of the county jail, to whi vy had ipoys and girls, enrolled in these spe- - ist {ise Jenkins. : the Junior Chamber of Commerce ' been committed, to the Some cial courses. Those persons who are ” : : ties! Santa Strikes,” cast of charae-| r, “The Commercial Pikc-Up”! but later were order eleased, | interested this year and who desire] The first three classes of counties , ¥ hak "| newspaper, xe Commercial Pi 8) : A der eat s S year : s ei Tas van iy pa “ this ee contained only | Santa Claus-—=Mel Gardner’ is Wednesday, December 24th. Be sure copies of the court orde: served to take advantage of procuring spe- | Wife of Poor Divecto Callec : or etl ; a. . Santa—Geraldine Stevens; anc Re Ir ret ine » officials at ome and | i, ining. > 2 6 'Subleals | : “t . one county each. Philadelphia is Mrs. Santa Ger ildine Ste ii to read this issue. Its Interesting, upon the officials fie home andiel training in the above subjects, | lowing A Brief Illness of a first-cl - county, Allegheny a sec- | Dream Lady—Eleanor Jones. t For Sal One pair toe skates. very ignored by them. W 1 the Muncy may procure further information by | : : 8 urabciang nd. Locka nna al ‘Spirit of Giving,” cast of charac- | or Sale— pair toe Sz :> 7 | authorities. refused to release the wo- communicating with the Pennsylva- | Pneumonia. class Soni} 2 a Laglaval Bk ters: Mehetable—Catherine Lapenna; | cheap. Guaranteed not to stay on feet. men, notice was 1 upon them |nin State College, or County Agent | i i ill be added Delaware| Belinda—Louise Jenkins; _Susan— | Inquire Louis Smale. {that nosmore mo; would beiraid|H, ©. McWilliams, Ebensbure. | Mrs. Mary ©. (Patterson) A Bor idl 3 | Mary Kruise; Captain of Soldier: S| Alice Hicksor. spent last Wednesday | by Cambria Coun ¥ for ana Mo 3 C . PATTON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA. CAMBRIA CO. THURSDAY, | | DECEMBER 25th, 1930. letide Greeting May Your Christmas Be A Happy and Joyous Event as’ oe) (5¢) | In “Last of th | traction O’Brien enacts Buck Duane, young outlaw. ilance, no home, man. ardly assassin, EEKS PRISON their mz SPECIAL COURSES FOR COST TEST in- | FARMERS OF COUNTY : |50 cents. The afafir is for vicinity. eve, December 31st, acter, | Lehigh and York Counties, which! Hush Semelsberger; Soldiers—Billy ang Thursday in Altoona. tenance at the home, where the per | are advanced from fifth to four class Noon, Tedy Li harley Yan Hud Albert visited in Magees Mills | capita cost of i mate ARintenance COUNTY NOT AB ABLE TO x Bo 3 3 rr sh; Mother—Vers - rj since J , ) Ic find much more company in their D¢ n John a J Shobrosky: |OVer the week end. has risen sing uly 1, 1929, fron ih 3 - i its are Nelson; a er: TC 86 » SKY; : $1.09 t $3 2. J now clasgiffoation, for in its ar Little Girl—Ida Merrill; Little Boy— Have you noticed how Bill Rennie ®1.09 to $2.5 Saii18 Bl YV TE MA HINES Berks omihin, Dauphin, Eris, os Mike Sottile (has his hand in a sling? He said a tel- The anpaid b lifes oF 1 § : ater lorthsz 3c -|m1Re = . BE 3 3 ic \ Mairwiew S : seeks cite, Iancasier, Northampion, fiehn./ Fourth and Fifth Grades. ephone pole fell on it. I wonder what | Which the Tairwiew Hi103pital scelis —— ylkill and Washington. | » George Gold gives as his excure? May- | to collect , from the county, is for Conditions Are Such That Purchase : The third-class counties contain One act play—*“Sougs for Santa = 20 5 le o oe XD cm ig CHL Be the maintenance of five persons, all! YE Du 2 populations between 250,000 to 800,- Christmas Spirit Queen—NMarjorie | Pe it’s love.? : : . of whom were committed to the in- Is Impossible Now, State Offi- 000 and the fourth-class counties Steir; Spick and Span, two pages| Gordon Kruise Albert Crooks, Gus | iitution when it became apparant cial Is Advised. contain 150.000 or 50,000. For pur- who atended the queen—Robert Le-|Beunier and ‘Dutchie” Stoltz were that they were mentally deranged poses of general legislation the coun- man and Thomas Reed. : visitors in St. Augustine last Sunday. At the time they were sent to the in- The Cambria County Commission- are grouped by classes up to the} ‘Toy Songy"—Adelaide Delpierre,| my, girls basketball team have re- | stitution, which is for the crimi ers Friday advised James A. Walker, ight, which contains less than 20,- Betty Psioda, Mildred Choby, Allee] ceived new suits. They are of a differ- | insane of the state, technical charc-|secretary of the Commonwealth. that 000 population. | George, Mary Agypt and Mary Res-| color—gold trimmed in blue. The! es or surely of the peace were lodu-| ne county 1s not in a financial sit. The principal effect of the change ko. % Go Prank girls are very much pleased with their ed against them in this county, but| ation that would permit the pur- in classification is that some of thef Ron Cy 2 a new equipment. after being transferred to the InSt-| chase of voting machines. approved counties laws. Third-class| counties lin, Marie Ma » Mary Lad, ML ba uli Pots: ws Yeranitiv seo in | tution, the charges were nolle pros- by the electorate last year. The com- : ar Resk Mneas S: , ¢ auline Tober was recently seen in ; : 5 . ? : : have general Jaws pertaining to|garet Resko, Eneas Santucile and ol a ine Sk > . ed, and this action, county authori munication was in reply to notice themselves that would be of little Hele n Leary. toona. ties hold, entitles the county to the|g. the secretary advising that the use in the lower classes of counties! ‘Carol Chorus”—Emery Halus}k A Christmas vacation starts December | y,onafit of a rate of $3 a week rath-|,,,chines should be purchased in 30 which are sparsley. County officials, Joseph Melko, Anthony Zunsli,|24th and ends January 5th. Who said er than a rate of $6.719 a week, | days, or that the state would pro- salaries are higher in the higher | Wendell Rowland; Fouviess Jump: we never got a break? which is charged for criminal insane | vide them and bill the county. class counties, but the changes Ing Jacks two pages, Emery | Helen Crooks spent the week end in | patients. The commissioners: pointed out brought about by the census will not |uska ii W Snyel JoNanas Pour. Altoona. In the case of the Fairview Hospi- [that they had asked the voters to ap- ip at ria r official | teen Jumping Jacks’— eorge ; 3 Morente. arise pi TTOVS. 7 Y OTe Sele g cilitate the affect the pay of any county official Ray Baker, Angelo Natrico The students and faculty of the high | tal, the difference arises out of an|prove a bond issue t : faci fat the now in office. +) UAL AS Ns 2 +1 3s for interpretation of the mental health |purchase of the nachines, but that The salaries paid in the third and] Williamson, Howard Baker, Earl school extend to you their wishes for 2 Cambria County officials con-|the project had been defeated. It he Saiaries Dai ln fhe inivd and Gregory, Edward Hetsko, Basil Cag-| joyous and M Christmas, and a act, Cambri: Y. a xe roy Pid bofl Dock ash. fourth class counties are nearly the » . : a New Year tending that the practice of commit-|also was said that bids had been ask Som Sheriffs receiving $6500 a|e¢o, Henry Gelermino, Billy Gresko, bright and prosperous New Year, tir pei ons to the hospital and then |ed at one ime but ti figures were same, Sheriffs g $65 : ; sersons » hospital : [ d at one time, but tI figures ie 3 SR Yeorce RPBeris tle Si Ss Al- ip $e teinmy ast Fridav a : ; : ! , : Sh ners year; Prothonotaries, $6000; Record- Ge AL Bon: hen ADS Al First big victory, Last Tridey quashing the charges against them |submitted by only one company. The ers, $4000; Treasurers, $5000, and fred anc a Gr an ert, basketball teams came Grongh with 3! has been legitimized by reason of the|bid was rejected, it was added, be- Commissioners, $5000. - The next , aa bade. double victory over the M fey High long period of years during which it|cause the commissioners felt it un- county officials elected in York and ‘Just Fore Christmas T Uncle g n,n), During the first half the op- has been followed. wise to award a contract under such Lehigh Counties will receive those|Jonas—Howard Ditsmors} Suomen posing .Ic 2s put up a hard battle for : kh | conditions ie : Barker—Dick Beck; Tom Davis— Se +} i) . ! : : : NS s : our girls but they held their own for . a ACTER CWS NOTES I'he secretary was told that if the compe nsations, : : iff in| Ralph Woods; Nell—Helen Marie Enh y part of the game endine | EPWORTH LEAGUE NEWS NOTES. Stats tovide the machines At the present time the Sheriff in ‘ the remaining part of the game ending En : 1 ti Epwort state should provide the machines, a x ; ; \ ; re- | Maycovitch; Beth—Bethel Mertens; |. on SAE. Th Der AR Seventy-five attended the PW iy i : i be creatod either York or Lehigh County re- : hh = ” Booterhaneh |i 2 25°to 10 score. The boys, however, A wiing Sanday, Des. 21. T financial situation might creat ceives $4000 a year; the Prothono-| Mrs. Davis—Thelma 0oteroonghy put up a fine fighting spirit and had League meeting tort I lwhich the commissioners would be ae, Tet Sia .« | Aunt Susan—Rita Brown. ae og E : aguers sang Christmas hymns and | : : » tary Recorder and Comissioners, > ‘hi Little difficulty in taking over the vis- ns a +, | unable to handle, SA 00H } 1 the Treasurer, $5000 “What Became of the Chirstmas| 2 tell Their final score w 's 36 Is for half an hour and closed the | 4 ) each ar e eas yr, 0000, + r Tellows. 1 11nal score was : FAO Sacnang th ; paid in the DPipners’—Mrs. Holmes—Mary Fur-| iting fellows. The a ad eting with the Epworth League ben-| 'HODIST EPISCOPAI the same amount now paid in the lage; Clara—THelen Marie Maycov- | te 3. Lineups: tion | TRINITY METHODIST EPISCOPAL fourth San Jem ar in the itch; Anie—Louise Swisher; Susie— | Girly: game, : Be on hand for the Carol Sing on| CHURCH. 1 Fixed aries 3 IsaPhenr f : Mary Berzansky; Tommy—Geo Patton—25 Mahaffey—10 Wednesday from 11 to 12. Meeting at | rer-cls 3 2S and es are , . >: i ies 3 a : 5 Fo Cy % id re ln at SO Pot- | Hoppel; Mrs. Greene—Rita Brown; p_whiteford Mitchell | the church and guides will lead the| The foll | tor County : which drops from the | Mr Greene— Robert Daugherty; F—Fitzpatrick Anderson | ay to different points in town. | December : seventh to the eight class, will see Jenny Rose gejeeminoy Jonnngs C—Cassidy Wetzel Dec. 28—Topic, “Taking Inventory | . m Mor- its Sheriff receiving $1200 a year in- Bruce Campbell; oyun SC—Jenkins - Buterbough of Our Souls.” Leader, Florence Beck ™. Sermon stead of fees and its Commissioners Jones; Polly Marguerits Lonisam G—Weakland Curry | Speaker, Martha Rumberger; Special > P. Hinkle. Solis roo, "$1000 a year to $500, "The Christmas Party. Jory all G—Otto . Frout| music, Duet, Bob Rowland and Martha | Christain Wil! oS DS 2 Tot : 16 WwW Lolar: nry Ball— K : 4 A : . | Se > Oar A IryY 1 while most of its other officials will —Matthew olan Howey ih a | Substitutions: Albert for Whiteford; O'Brien. Let us have a gala reunion. | Year—A I Hill: Billy Be scar ymas; St Ey : is ! 4 id x : silnniiii be paid fees based on the amount of ail; Billy all li Sent Trot Joe | Christoff for Albert; Whiteford for Old friends and new friends. Sunday Epwor Le business transacted. Bifnicers Si iY land: Lame |Christoff; Bell for Mitchell; Sabbato December 28, 1930. at 6:30 9) vent 3 (ers liffor ef { : 4 a ~ 7 tr . : . It is expected that Governor Fish- BHnK X EO am: Dottie Ball for Curry; Fletcher for Sabbato; Mott —— f our Sou Ia er will shortly notify the 5 counties Tim i lomon; Lottie Ball—Bet- | for Fletcher. HOLY TRINITY EPISCOPAL Rumberger. ser that have been advanced because of Re De Bo Rs Bo Sotto Hetz-| Field goals: Whiteford, 2; Fitzpat- CHURCH | Sermon by The Be- their increased population. The act B corse Whell r : Lorraine Nagle: rick, 10; Anderson, 3 (1 one pointer.) Henry A. Post, Rector. Christmas | ginning of o : ’ : {0}; reorge « 40 & ANAE , > 2; Be xy 3 . . . a of 1919 provides: ‘Whenever it shall oe Sam Blinkers-—THlisie Jones: Bill Fouls: Patton 1 out of 11; Mahaffey Day Service: Holy Communion at 9:00 apear by any such census that amy ios fo fbr tale 50f 1. A. M. COLVER RANGERS WIN Le > oan : ieht Lp Dietrick. 4 county has attained a population en-| ‘righ Sixth Grade. Referee—Lacava; Scorers, Wetzel est inonnn OVER PATTON OUTFIT fins ht Io Wn advanes i clessiens | oH an ALT Pt a ale ee] LT li — i as ‘rein prescr ibe it sh: > : Y - : + " Yeoree Li y HLH Ai HH great seal of this Commonwealth, to Steir; Fairy—Phyllis Coder; Knarf—| oys (Game, EARLY PAPER AGAIN [Friday cvening, the Colver Rangers a Commonwealth, 19) prank Wilinmeon; Enila—Tetly Low. Patton—36 Mahaffey—s3 4 or Bui humbled & team from Patton by a tify that fact accordin ly, which sr: Dorl--Tastor Dunmire: Dad : . NEXT WEEK. : e of 22 to 12 $ y end of the certificate shall be forwarded to the © . : Hidak: F—Lamont . Mott score of 22 to 1 4 end c he » . . ; Fred Swisher; Mom-—Anna can Ir-—Ranis “Wo eo yeeasmenny first half the score was 12 to 8 infa-| Recorder of Deeds of the proper a Acvpt: Spankety Man F—Ranish dome: ne T y v | county and be recorded in his office,” MAT Apa Soh 7 Capute; |O—SmOth ries McGowan On account of the New vor of Colver, : Y p Nair; each . ¢ 2 | nl 3; at y y : = » : . : - - — _ Spe ig Mt ara Rte lo-mantinnern Bell Years’ Holiday falling on NUMEROUS XMAS: TRE} 3 10 Moos cell ’ ¥ CIoariity auf ar y : » ir . ; ous S TREES. Rapin © huseh and Rellly Mission, | 00 ty a (ag SCY HE ayn Thursday of next week, we ? ord’s Day Services. Tira Clanie Ree wv Bet-| Substitutio enry for Mott; - TV o Tacs ; Tats —y Rev. M. H. Jones pastor lle" Ems sClonty Sh Henry : tle for Lamont; Miller for Smith: will advance our bublication Fine Christmas trees went begging At Reilly, 9:00 A. M. Bible School oy. w Shovel Brigade.” Wayland Gregg for Blankenhorn; Dandrea for time to W ednesday morn- for buyers in Northern Cambria this gf : Ys » ‘Snow Shove irigade. ayl: ah D week and last and : mber ' loads following with Sermon by the pastor Fregly, Clair McNair, Dick Selfridge Garrity. Se ing, and ask that all adver- vonage Lim 3 Ia 28 of Joads Patton 10:30 A. M. Bible School fol. Francis Leon and Fred Swisher. Referee, scorers and timers—same as tisers and contributors as- i of by the vners. Business do ONO S 2 a = whiners game, | A ro 3 ed of bh 1 owners. Business - 1 qd ih Sermon by the pastor. All About the D ath of Santa rls’ game si tsus by getting their copy pression kept many from purchasine 30 P.M B. V. P. U.,, President Claus” Sam—Ralph Xruise; Tom , ' pe 1 hy : > i 2 4 8 si mB hb ” arie Petruynak | in this office DY Tuesday the cheerful reminders of the Yule- st B. Jones. Leo Villanova Marie Petruynak. ) : ; i : ; 4 Lec ‘ Be yy I tite Cyiotne rank Roos tide season. Postoffices in Jo imstown 7:30 P. M,, Preaching service. “The Happy Christmas Tree"—| Sos of hig AT ink Rog at noon. and throughout the county did mo Wednesday evening at 7:30, Prayer Elizabeth—Rrma Wiliams; Nancy— ers; tuth Smith; Betty Weakland, | io iho Ustal rd viol. and Bible Study Kleanor Senita: Christmas Fairies Violet Terrezza, Louise Blair and I il I ll ave up the usual standard of ho A: ee 0 > rey i Y ini ( busine 7 ¢ e Stranger bt > "Pauline Paterick, Anna Kubish and Antoniette Cafeo. Hm Hil I I iday business by any means. Stranger but once. Pauline Paterick, Anna | a beautiful girl. This thrilling western drama is based [ana counties will be colected at the on Zane Grey's widely read story of [American the same name and includes a fine [Altoona on January 9, between ast of players. wife | member of the Cambria County Poor ship by devotion to mutual helpful- Board, died on Saturday at her home | ness. \ \ Ebensburg following a brief illness of | Membership in an organization so : Ro umonia. Despite her advanced age,|. ° S y Mrs. Zvans had been able to be about er death. | when she contracted a heavy cold and | until a week prev | letone, all talking but the of John L. Evans, e Duanes,” romance great southwest, which will be the at-| at the Grand theatre next | connection with the 1931 Monday and Tuesday nights, the featured handsome and daring | the American Legion on Friday and no rest, ious to h pneumonia developed. The deceased wa. | terson. Mrs. Evans is su S a dau rvived by A BLANKET CIRCULATION : NINETY PER CENT OF THE POPULATION O} PATTON ARE READERS OF THE COURIER. $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. TWO GOOD SHOWS ND a JU: To cA) IN KEYSTONE STATE McCormick In His Famous Screen Portrayal. Being an outlaw means etern: no content; always on the dodge, alone and haunt- ed by the thought that he is a marked | And such was the existence of young |rollment will exceed that of 1930, as Buck, after he killed his father's cow- sweetness of life comes to him finally in the love of women of the | great songs and proves to whasad of the American Legion has set apart her band and the following children: Thomas Jose, B. Evans Ebensburg; Everett and Miss Grace, a teacher of Pitts- | 8ion to enlarge its me mbership and bureh. { trust that there may be a whole- Funeral services for M Evans wiil| hearted response from those to held Wednesday afternoon of this| Whom theopport unity is given dur- week at 2 o'clock in the Congregational | 1n8 Membership Week. church by the Rev. H. J. Baumgartel. | Ce = _—— } £ TRI n ‘E TIPPLE Interment will be made in Lloyd cem- FIRE AT MINE TIPPLE. etery. ni gar { A fire at the Barnes and Tucker No. 12 mine destroyed the scale \ ry YN rea 3 ASHVILLE WILL HAVE A house early on Wednesday morning BENEFIT EVENT SOON | of last week, the night watchman of Cleveland, ,of Ligonier; The citizens of 2 ‘ed an event sé patronizing it money’s supper by a Cinct clock ,and the gen invited but ur end. that worth. It is with plenty of oysters, Ashville h will much m eral ently awarded at the card games. TRY DANC ING. A branch of the Simpson Studios wi be opened in the Good Building ond floor, January including Tap, Musical Comedy, Cl batic, Ballet, Spanish, Acro glo and Social. Ct afternoons; adult's Ballroom classes 8 P. M. For main st ments write or dio, 818 W, phon MRS. MARY Funeral services f ski, aged 65, whose Sunday at the hom chael Abretski, in C ducted at ten o'clock ing in St. Thomas’ Ashville. Interment cemetery. Mrs. Abr lowing children: Summit, N. J.; Springfield, N. J. liff, Gallitzin; Mrs. Marie Hebba | Miche el and Joseph, is st ‘and Josephine, of Camden, N. Fifth Av 5th. All 1ildren’s classes, e to our e. Patton, Pa. Friday night at the Memorial hospi- = tal in Johnstown, following an ill- ress of i itis. She is survived by ESKI. 1 peritoni ABRESK her husband and a son, Harvey Cow- i or Mrs. Mary Abro- | 2% a i death occrured on ALVERDA MINER INJURED e of h son, Mi John Shloski, of Alverda, aged Were COn-| 29, suffered injuries of the pelvis in on Tuesday MOrn- | an accident on F riday in the Penn- Catholic curch at sylvania Coal and Coke Corporation Ohio; Wal-| ta Mrs. Walter |J010 rris and Harrison M. Evans, both of P., of Walden, Col. | ave surely ore than an oyster followed | 1 h and Five Hundred p all for the one admission price of only is a benefit and the Relief fund of the Ashville The date will be New Y tsarting- at 8:00 o’- public requested to The affair will be held in the own hall and valuable prizes will is °%, | dancing will be taught every Mond was in the ch irvived by both of both of the *fol Mrs. Stephen Bodesk Mrs. Louis Bodeski. of Mrs. Joseph Bing- Mr Mrs. William Guido and Ashville; Gallit J. Fox Mov- | role oi Evans, the latter a rhter of | gu Thomas and Magdalene (Dunkle) Pat-| the OCC-| in Rome, was one of 27 American seminarians ordained to the Catho- lic priesthood last Saturday. Spec- 1ar- | ial services were held in the Church Ada- | of St. John Lateran. AMERICAN LEGION ~~ PLANS “ROUND-UP” : | Local Post Soliciting Member- | ships for Caravan Early Next Month, of the] The Pennsylvania “Round-up” in member- Geor ge | | ship campaign now under way will {be held by the State Department of a | Saturday, January 9 and 10. On | these dates a caravan of automobiles al vig- | peadeq by the State Highway Patrol, will make a tour of the State for the {purpose of collecting membership | cards, of all Legion posts. It is er- [pected that the 1931 membership en- every post in the State is working hard in the membership drive. Membership cards of the Legion Posts in Cambria, Bedford and Indi- Legion Headquarters in the jhours of 1 and 5 p. m. State Com- | mander Charles 1. Engard, of Phila- delphia, urges the support of every post in helping to boost the member- udible | op Saturday afternoon, January =| 10, at 4 o'clock, there will be a big {demonstration staged by the Depart- what | ment at Harrisburg, Governor's Governor Proclamation, John §. Fisher has is- | sued the following proclamation in | the interest of the 1931 Legion mem- ences | | bership drive in Pennsylvania. artist | The Department of Pennsylvania pe | the week of January 5 to 10, 1931, jas American Legion Membership | Week. The purpose which inspires | the Legion is set forth in the pream- ble of its constitution and under its terms the members bind themselves together to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; Jo foster and perpetuate a one hun- red per cent Americanism; to pre- serve the memories and incidents of [ei asociation in the Great War; to 1culcate a. sense of individual obli- y fies to the community, State and Fol- | Nation; to combat the autocracy of "| both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and good will on | earth; to safeguard and transmit to "posterity the principles of Justice, freedom and democracy; and to con- secrate and sanctify their comrade- inspired must be helpful to the indi- vidual who cherishes memories of service in the greatest of all wars. The organization itself forms a bul- wark of good citizenship and is a iranty that the benefits won and principles indicated will not be lost to posterity. It should be a rare hus- | Privilege fi all men and women Mrs. | Who are eligible to membership to take advantage of the opportunity to I heartily.indorse the effort of the Pennsylvania De partment of the Le- giving the alarm. The Hope Fire Co. of Barnesboro responded to the call pre-| ; i fF ojve | 1OF assistance and with the use of give chemicdls confined the blaze to the property. The determined. oss. origin of the fire is un- Insurance covered the arty, | SPANGLER MINER INJURED. Anthony miner by the interests, at temack, employed as a Peale, Peacock & Kerr Mine No. 9, at Spang- ler, suffered a compound fracture of the left leg last Thursday afternoon in an accident at the mine. He was be | removed to the Spangler hospital, where the fracture was reduced. ee ——— ORDAINED TO PRIESTHOOD. Philip Curran, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Curran of Moxham, a stu- dent at the North American” College ears’ not Sr ————————— PORTAGE LADY DIES. Mrs. Hazel Cowan, aged 22, wife of Harry Cowan, of Portage,died on urch | mine at Alverda. The young man's condition is reported as favorable at the Spangler hospital. MRS. PETER HANCHALK. s. Catherine Hanchalk, wift of Peter Hanchalk, died on Sunday after- noon at the Spangler hospital where Uzin, | she had been a medical patient since December 6th.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers