NERGAN, 78 \T BAKERTON onergan, aged 178, mergan, died last at the home of her rgan, following an 5s of a complication shand preceded her rs ago. Surviving omas, with whom 1, also of Bakerton, angler. She was a lary O'Donnell, of Annie Gatton, of grandchildren and children also sur- were conducted on vt 9 o'clock in the olic Church. Inter- Houtzdale. I GUEST ged 42, of Altoona, noon in the Mercy illness of a compli- Surviving are his dren. Funeral serv- afternoon. Inter- 1e Rose Hill Cem- cm oH — AND ATRE | N, PA. id Sat., 12-13 Rogers Cane and Moore in 0% 14 : Fo illful high ac- ity. ason’ dway racht 1d Thur. 7 and 18 1a Dell Torrence rs meeting at - a betraying er found be- nopied bed— er of jealous m. These and more daring eate the thrills st, raciest story ct the love life most alluring Vith Claudia st Torrence, Pidgeon. -hnicolor f the ves. No 1 —— SEND IN ALL NEWS ITEMS WE WANT EVERY NEWSY NOTE YOU KNOW ABOUT TO HELP MAKE THE COURIER BETTER. A BLANKET CIRCULATION NINETY PER CENT OF THE POPULATION OF PATTON ARE READERS OF THE COURIER. Pa PATION High SCHOOL AMERICAN LEGION _ Worthen conse Ee —— rt AS PATTON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, PA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1930. re ———— I — jin - © $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE, LOCAL AND STATE HALL FOR PATTON NEWS OF INTEREST VOL. XXXVII. NO. 18. PA TETAS IN ea Sones NEW RECREATION Wife of Retired Railroad Foreman IN A BIG DRIVE | Andrew Geus, Seventy-two Years of As Compiled for the Courier Peansbivanis Round-Up Will Be | Age, Succumbs Monday Morn- ing of This Week. Readers by Bob Little of Held Friday and Saturday the Student Body. January 9th and 10th Kathleen Ofto spent Saturday in | Andrew Geus, aged 72 years, | ship, died Monday morning at 3: visitor in Altoona. {and 10th. On these dates a caravan | Summit on April 16, 1858, and spe Mr. Forsythe spent Tuesday night. in | headed by the Pennsylvania State Po- | Practically all his life in the northe Hastings where he witnessed the Re- i ade Tovnshiy and Hastings basketball | 0f all posts. It is expected that the game. And what's all this we hear about the big attraction which is drawing | Albert Haluska's attention in Chest | ing to Elder township he resided its total 1930 membership on that | Was engaged in the meat business date. Legion posts, locally, and aq | Hastings for a number of years, gi over the state are appointing member- Springs; Al will be glad to answer any | new members and see that the cards | questions about the matter. Albert Crooks visited in Moss Creek | of the Highway Patrol. | on Tuesday afternoon. | For Cambria, Blair, Bedford, Arm-|4 Inez Wilson spent the week end in|stong and Indiana counties. Twin Rocks with relatives. time and place to deliver the cards to | Miss Kusner was a recent visitor in| the Legion caravan is at the Post | ron, Ohio. Altoona. |Home at 1123 Thirteenth Avenue in| (j are delivered in time for the schedule | p10. Surviving are the following chi His wife, Mrs. seen roller skating last Saturday up at|! to 5 P. M. Our town has a fine post | Philip Geus, of Nicktown. Sunset. and the majority of the ex-service| Peg Gwynn and Betty Mellon were | Men of the community are members, | y : ied with a high mass of requiem i week end visitors in Johnstown. but this, like most other communities, | g¢ C q gave an interesting talk to the assem- | members of the American Legion, who bly about the beginning of the bas- | have not availed themselves of their ket ball season and the spirit with | Privilege. The American Lgion plans which the student body should back | much work from a national and state [morning and interment was made i the church cemetery. | prominent resident of Elder Town- The big Pennsylvania Round-Up of |©'clock at his home, following an ill- ESI Q Johnstown. | the Ne er Legion will be held on | nes of several weeks of a complica- CANNON Di ? RE: Mabel Fitzpatrick was a Saturday | Friday and Saturday, January oth | tion of diseases. He was born at the lice will pick up the membership cards | Part of Cambria County. Prior to go-|that he had written two b : arr , v ORY . 1 i - state Pennsylvana Department will exceed | © irrolltown for 40 years. Mr. Gets|and prisoners at - sta {ing up this work fifteen years ago [portance and of great inf Ove f 4 | because of failing health. Six months |er counties throughout the state. The | years, ship committees to enroll all old and ago he suffered a stroke of apoplexy ( on letter is addressed to |and had since been a patient at his/ment of Revenue at Har wg ren: John, of Nanty-Glo; Edwin B., | tenance of inmates at the the | of Hastings; Margaret, at home, Mary | trial Home for Women ai Mun v. The and these sisters: Mrs. W. A. Reff- {of Detroit, Mich., and James, of Ak-|case will determine whether or not the | ner, of Spangler; Mrs. Frank Stam- Mary court has the authority to order the !natz, of Youngstown, Ohio, and Mrs. : ‘urns) Geus, passed away ten years release of county prisune: Coletta Stoltz and Bill Brochi were [Altoona on Friday, January 9th from ago. The deceased was a brother of [tutions of correction whe The funeral services were conduct- Lio hte 2 Bernard's Catholic church at Has- | this case for the reason ! | Wed Last Friday morning, Mr. Barnard |2!S0 have many men qualified to be tings at nine o'clock on Thursday |capita cost of keeping these prisoners in St. Patrick’s church, The Rev. Fa- Expires ¥Folowing A Long Ill- [County Seen Return of Women | ness of Complication. TY} . | al Inmates Because of Material | Mrs. Cecelia Reff d 65, wit . FO 1 oT | 's. ‘Cecelia Reffner, age , wife Maintenance Ine ase of Thomas Reffner, of Spangler, died - lat her home at 3:30 o'clock Monday ACTION | morning, following an illness of a | SomD leation of diseases, She was a daughter of Joseph and Sara (Gut- 30] nt| County Controller Hen: Cannon | | wald) Trinkley, both deceased, and | osc 1 rn announced on Wednesd mi ng was born on June 17, 1865, in what is n re- | now Bast Carroll Township. The de- in [gard to the keeping of « Wards | ceased and Thomas Reffner, a well Ututions, | known retired rajle I | : Much or} ailroad foreman, were in| which, he says, will eventually lead t0| married in Carolltown, November 14, v- | test cases which will be of itmost im-) 1887, and Mrs. Reffner has been a st to oth-| resident of Spangler for the past 38 Depart- | Surviving are her husband and ; and | three children: Mrs. W. C. Williams of $861,-| of Spangler; Mrs. M. J. Dietrick and fe main- | Mrs. Harvey J. Mulligan, both of Pat- ite Indus- | ton. She also leaves ten grandchildren calls attention to the bal 1-02 due from the county rom insti- | William Shero, of Erie. they have Mrs. Reffner was a member of St. Patrick's Catholic church at Spang- Evans is, ler, and of the Ladies’ Aid Society. cision in| Funeral services were conducted on the per | Wednesday morning at nine o’clock | been confined by court or President Judge John n [particularly interested in a n|at Muncy has increasd fr {day to $2.52 pr day. It ap males sentenced to the co transferred later to Mur 1 $1.00 per |ther George Quinn officiated. Inter- es to fe-| ment was made in St. Benedict’s cem- jail and | etery at Carrolltown. Miners’ Hall Has Been Recondi- Condensed Items Gathered from tioned and Promoters So- - | Various Sources for the licit Memberships, Busy Reader. Local promoters, interested in ath-| TWo Lilly men, Nick Cojetkovich and letic and recreatonal activities have | Julian Smet, were badly injured rec- taken over the Miners’ hall building éPtly by a fall of rock in the Son- on West Magee avenue and have thor- | Portage. Cojetkovich, who suffered in- oughly reconditioned the interior, with | Juries about the chest and shoulders, the idea in mind of providing a suit- | Was removed to his boarding house able place for athletic events, and for |While Smet is a patient in Memorial gymnasium facilities. A new floor has NOspital of injuries to the spine and been placed in the building, and bas-| ight leg. ket ball, indoor tennis, and all other| TWO bond issues were approved last indoor sport events can be held in the|Week by the department of internal building. Effairs. They are: Borough of Ash- “Recreation Hall” is the name of the | 1and, Schuylkill county, $26,000, for new venture, which will be co-opera- Street grading and paving and borough tive, it being the intention of the pro- [of Lilly, Cambria county, $40,000 for moters to take out a charter later on. |the purchase of water works. The new venture will afford the| Resolutions supporting utilities pro- young men of Patton an opportunity |8Tam, including abolition of the public to engage in good, clan sports, at a [Service commission and his state high- nominal membership fee. $1.00 per | Ways. program calling for taking over month will be the fee charged, and it (by the state of 20,000 miles of rural will likely be more than worth it. At|roads were adopted at the final ses- a later date, if girls show an interest [Sion of the annual convention of the in the activities, plans will be made to|Pennsylvania State grange, which accommodate them at periods sci ended at Pottsville, Friday. . aside for them. It is the intention of| A Warrant was issued by the state the management to conduct the place|bank department for the arrest of O. in an orderly manner at all times. W. Wigfield, cashier of the Bedford Opening of Recreation hall has been [County bank, at Alum Bank, Pa. who On noel set for next Monday. All young people, | Was charged with a shortage of $22,- or the older people, too, for that mat-|000 in his accounts. Sarre eee ny Ten |POSTMASTERS NAMED ter, who are interested, can see at-| Short courses in agriculture and mty and| tendants at the hall, or apply to the |dairy manufacturing will begin at the Metused| BY PRESIDENT HOOVER | manager, Bennie Onristars. ra particu- | Pennsylvania State College on Jan. 5. ‘ot el — lars. The hall will be open daily from [These courses are designed for those 7" 1% Ebensburg, Spangler and Barbesbo- [10 A. M. to 11:30 P.M. the teams at all games. | scope that should make every ex-ser- | RICHARD CRAGO DIES Vick ng tio be be count of the increased c Albert Welshire was recently seen|'!C® man want to be a member. {has ordered the transfer in Ebensburg. Governor Fisher is very much inter- | AT SPANG LER HOSPITAL prisoners back to Cambria After attending a couple of months | Sted in this caravan experiment and| the authorities at Muncy ! in the Johnstown High School, Thelma | 2 has assigned to the Legion a great| Aged Barnesboro Resident Passes | to comply with the last or Litzinger has returned to our school |MAany members of the Highway Patrol | Away After Brief Pneumonia to resume her studies. She says there ‘who will clear the way on the two days | Attack is no place like our Patton High. above mentioned for the gathering of | . O. Mary Catherine Lipple was a~ recent the official membership cards on Jan- | shopper in Altoona. juary 9th and 10th. A demonstration tt ania i i er 2 , A : Stoltz. [5 tend Pennsylvania is going over the ceased’s wife preceded him to Up is busy working at the December WHO is eligible to be a Legion member it. Will they help the local post attain | before vacation. : : the membership quota it should have; ar, 2 $ Mo fter- : : ; odd Cormen Bruno spent hday afte |Join the American Legion Mr. Ex-| noon in Altoona. Mees . 3 Let's have a big turn out at the Service Man, you'll not regret it. second basket ball game with the Ma- haffey High School which is to be WEATHER STATION played in the school gymnasium Fri- day night. Come on, everybody. Back oe jon, night during orchestra Air Line Launches Radio Broadcast- | for several years. 5 hex | i . > | practice Louis Smale and Hud Alberts ing Unit for Weather | had an exciting collision in the as- sembly room. Louie was all thrilled and i. ielung everyoody ‘he sees about tt Last Friday the high school boys and TashTparation, with headquarters in|! irls played their opening game of the, Columbus, O., recently openéd a ra- “YT ~ TIDY Ly with the Alumni. The dirls dio and meteoro-logical station on] UP THE RIVER AT easily won over their opponents but | the grounds near the Summit Coun-| the boys lost after a long, hard fought | try Club, between Cresson and Gal- battle. The line-ups ? . =| litzin. The call letters of the station Schenectady, N. Y., | neshoro. The Prans-Continental Wlstern Air boro “cemetery. Richard Crago died on Monday i. to determine whether joi : i ..| night at the Spangler hospital, follow- | Act, to he “Butt” Maykovich had the mistor- | Wil % hod BD bus Ta Sur | ing an fllness of a few days of pneu. (Mates confined to this ins: : ria ieluded 4 : tune of contracting blood poisoning is Yann y a ro an nes ation | cota, He had been a patient at the technical charges of sure of the 3 shoro, Lemuel A. Bosserman; while having some fun with “Duchie” : 2 gion members 40 | hospital for only three days. The se-|Deace, are to be charged Mr. Crago yas prominent in the af-| posed on them. The tec! | fairs of the United Mine Workers in x of surety of the peace is OPENS AT CRESSON {the Northern Cambria District for a lf t | number of years. He has been retired tally deficient in order t The funeral services wil be conduct- led Thursda afternc f this week 3 Reports l€ SQay f on of this because of the incresc of - y » « fwith interment in the North Barnes- At “ry. oly s of GRAND ON CHRISTMAS | : | Coming at a time when genuinely | TTS Ro 2 la g e 0 : on a frequency hilarious. cheaie are at a premium, | KIWANIS MEETING [for the more weighty type of character | Passenger in the bus, was held for the extensive improvements being made | court. | The second letter is addressed to the | Fairview State Hospital, Waymart, Pa. | and has to do with the Mental Healtis| Postmasters in this section of the not in. |State nominated by President Hoover ution on | ©" Monday included the following: ro Included in Apoil'tments itzin, William H. Weston; Garrett, : | Ema M. Schryock; Jerome, Aleda A. the Men- lave nev- 1 of any | asmuch as no sentence ve ever im- | son; Spangler, Zola K. Rodkey. il charge | ht 2s | CHARMING “SWEETIE” | GETS BIG DRAMATIC aist these persons, thoug bring them under observation. ‘The Controller is f:ling this action | | | 82ance bebwdeneyd When Naney Carroll appeared in the | TYRAT 3 3 inmates. In the one instance: the Devil's Holiday” at ‘the Paramount BARNESBORO MAN IS r at the | Berlin, George Wetmiller; Blandburg |w. J. Doughty, Driver, Held to Face |38Y i the [rate of the full per eapita cost of the | Arthur A Lovell; Central City, Jos- The staff of the Commercial Pick- | top by January 10th. Will every man grave a number of years ago. Surviv- | triminal insane. The county controller HL Lops Dunlo: yo Rhchows ed fo : ing are the following children: Will-|takes the position that these people |. shurg, George D. Kinkead; Gall- issue which is to be published the day |2SSist the state department in doing iam, of Kittanning; James, of De- | are not criminally insane and do not troit; John, Richard, Howard and EIl-|come under the provisions o izabeth, all of Barnesboro; Harry of |tal Health Act, because i Wilbur, of South [er been indicted or con Fork, and Mrs. C. C. George of Bar- | crime. and are under nc who cannot spend a longer period at the college but who desire to become familiar with the very latest agricul- tural information and practices. Write HELD IN CONNECTION to the dean of the school of agricul- IT ture, State college, for a catalog. WITH BUS FATALITY The war department announced Fri- that John Cook Tredennick, Johnstown, had been nominated for admission to the military academy. Benjamin S. Goodall of Barneshoro . was named first alternate and Robert driver of a|Newton Walker, Johnstown, second Murder Charges; Admits Intoxication Walter J. Doughty, Shoemaker; Ligonier, William H.| Detroit-Pittsburgh motor bus which alternate. Lowery; Lilly, Thomas B. Conrad; |Police said crashed into an automo- . 7 | Loretto, Tillie Bradley; Patton, Thos. | Pile at Ambridge, Pa. nee, in- ‘powell: St. Benedict, Jean McPher-|kiled two men, was held without bail Tuesday on two charges of murder- pending a Corner’s inquest. Shoplifting has become entirely too common in Altoona to suit merchants and a close watch is being kept for those who offend. Detectives in one Doughty pleaded guilty to operat- store are credited with having caught ing the bus while IR Tie Wr no few than fourteen people helping of liquor when he was arraigned themselves to merchandise one day this week. In each case, the individual was Sunday and r | Tuesday night before Justice of the : 4 PART ONCE AGAIN | peace. Heo lon Cot oy Yo the|taken to the office, made to disgorge £ a and leave the store. preferre in The Car %a_plknt of the Bethlehem two murder charges connection vith thu deaths of Georg: ames is $3 per week, while in the | Theatre in New York City early last ge is er week, ile ir : i : case where the énmates are under sen- | Sunumer, the metropolitan newspapers tence the st is $6.72 per week {were as one in citing her capabilities NORTHERN CAMBRIA |" The public appreciation of her gift of Pittsburgh. pleted the erection and placed in op- The two men were injured fatally |eration two batteries of modern coke when a Colonial Stages motor bus|ovens, 154 ovens in all. Their com- as a remarkably talented dramatic act- [crashed into the automobile in which | bined output will approximately 2,600 they were riding, police said. per day and give employment to a Peter Malloy, Barnesboro, Pa., a number of men. They are a part of Algnmi 23 | are WAEG operating t 1 $2.000 bail : £ ST 298 Aldus ibe» . EY aoesn ot : | | rtravs \ Pars te yf court under §2, bai n charges ae Witherow | ©f 393 yilocycles and supplying in- | «gp the River,” will be at the Grand | ar | portrayal, let the Paramount company § il on charges at the plant. Patterson | formation regarding weather condi- Jas. Semelsberger | fon to inline terminals between New Stickler | York City and Columbus. O. theatre on Wednesday and Thursday of next week, with a special matinee Bess a ; : at 2 o'clock on Christmas day. It si Hudak | The Cresson station is the moun-| pears the advance reputation of being Substitutions—Lamont for Rennie, | 30 weather control station and the the funniest picture since the advent Dandrea for Tuttle, Smith for Miller, | ¥2dio is used to give weather infor-|.¢ (yo talkies. Garrity for Blankenhorn, Ranish for|melion io pilots hefore taking off | “nln. nine features are said to Gregg, Rennie for Dandrea, Dandrea 214 ta pamiain constant communic-| ;haracterize this production which is for Ranish, John Semelsherger for Jim | 2t0n between the pilot in flight and ? {ground organization. Weather condi- John Ford's first humorous directorial sberger r em- | 2. : : fort r x jie 2, The story, Semelbesger. Hudak for John Sem i ilons in the Alegheny Mountain dis- effort for Fox Movietone. The story elsberger. trict are the most treacherous on the | an oirginal by Maurine Watkins, Dus High school, foul goals—12 out of entire route. Reports are collected |R0S of that satiric triumph, “Chica- 23. Four field goals. lat varying intervals from observers | 80,” revolves around the earnest ef- Alumni, foul goals—11 out of 31.|gi tioned along the route, then relay- | forts of two hard boiled burglars to Eleven field goals. | ed to the pilots in flight giving them 'Dromate a romance that begins be- High School Girls 30 Alumni 6. |, constant picture of weather condi-|hind the bars. Whiteford ... . Whitehead | {jong ahead. These lads hold the jail-breaking Callahan The station supplies information con- championship of the country, and they Dillon cerning weather conditions to pas- employ their peculiar talents with Noonan senger and mail planes operated by | considerable frequency, even to the ex- Crooks | {yo Trans-Continental and Western | tent of breaking out of one jail to get wo WISON| gp ne, on the Harrisburg and | into another when the comforts of the Substitutions—Alberts for White-| pittshurg scction and continuous) first do not measure up to their stand- ford, Stoltz for Alberts, Thomas fori communication is maintained bet- | ards. Stoltz, Whiteford for Thomas, Christ- ween station WAEG and the airplane| Meanwhile, the romance staggers al- off, Fitzpatrick for Samerville, West- | eon route east or west by means of|ong, helped over the bumps by the wood for Cassiday, Semelsberger for |sending and receiving radio tele- aforementioned volunteer cupids, who Jenkins, Eckenrode for Semelsberger, | phones in the ships. eventually manage to bring it to a Henninger for Eckenrode, Jenkins for | Harold D. Sears, radio operator in|Satisfactory conclusion. : Henninger, Jones for Weakland, Noon- | charge was formerly chief engineer| Spencer Tracey, Broadway star of an for Whitehead, Dillon for Calla-|o¢ radio station KGFF at Alva, Okla.| “The Last Mile,” and Warren Hymer han, Jones for Wilson. |and for some time was associated |play the roles of love's ilttle helpers, High school—12 field goals. 8 out of | with the T. A. T. Maddux Airlines. {with Hemphrey Bogart and Claire 16 fouls. 4 | He matriculated at Okahoma Uni-| Luce in the romantic leads. A mighty Alumni—1 field goal. 4 out of 8 versity and Northwestern State Col. good supporting cast is included. fouls. {lege and has had seven years of ex-| The outstanding feature of the of- to | perience. Mr. Sears is a native of fering and the one which has made it { Alva, Okla. la sensation wherever it has played, is 3 ny -| Harry Davis, meteorologist in cha-|the manner in which the comedy is NOTES 0 FTHE WEEK | = is a member of the T. A. T. wea- | sustained throughout the story. With : [ther staff and has served the entire|a few well scottered lapses into serious- Fifty four people attended the Lea-|,.qyute, the present asignment being|ness to heighten the effect, the pro- gue on Sunday evening. ‘Th Leaguers | his first in Pennsylvania. He was | duction is said to be a continous roar decided to adopt the Friendship Cir- | formerly with the United States Wea-| from start to finish. cle. Louise Beck talked on “The Mean- | ther Bureau and previously in the mem rere ing of Gifts at Christmas.” Then the | Guggenheim Fund : Experimental STANLEY CROSKEY, 23 Leaguérs held a general discussion on | Airways Weather Service in Califor- | n d 7 A QITCCTT 3S au topic ® nia. His home is in Los Angeles, | OF ASHVILLE, SUCCUMBS S b | Bob Rowland played a trombone so- | i 4 | Stanley Croskey, aged 23 years, ex- lo, accompanied by June Rowland at The Yoriner sation sug Som mn pired on Monday afternon at 2:45 o’- the piano, Fifty-four attended this |} cing situated on the highest point | ¢10ck in the Lee Homeopathic hospi- week Is%s Dake I of the Allegheny Mountains. tal in Johnstown, where he had been unday, December , S | — a patient for the last few weeks, suf- will meet in the Sunday School room fering form chronic nephritis. for a half hour of singing Christmas| COURT UPHOLDS SENTENCE | He is survived by his widow, his Carols. ON FISH CODE VIOLATION : Christmas Ev, at 11 o'clock the Lea- | mien { kep, and the following brothers and guers will meet at the church for a| 1n an opinion handed down by Sisters: Joseph, of Pontiac, Mich. ; “Christmas Carol sing.” Route, Beech| rydee vans in Ebensburg on Mon-| Mrs. Elizabeth Abretski, of Gallitzin; avenue, Ross avenue, Magee—Fifth,| gay, the verdict of the Justice of the|and Stephen, Helen, Anna, Anastasia Magee—Fourth, Beech, Fifth, Palmer | peace in imposing a fine of $100 ana | dna and Albert, at home. : and Beech. costs upon Albert Pellucioni of Gall-| The body was taken to the home of et ene |itzin, for violating the fish laws by| iS parents in Ashville. Funeral ser- LOST: —Somewhere in Northern polluting a fish inhabited stream was| Vices were held in St. Thomas’ Catho- Cambria County, a Conn Slide Trom- | upheld and the appeal was dismissed. | li¢ church on Wednesday morning at bone, in a leather case. The finder or Pellucioni, proprieor of a sawmill in| nine o'clock. any person having any information | Gallitzin, was fined for permitting the instrument is asked to communi- sawdust from his mill to clog a| Christmas cards for every member cate with the Simpson Studios, A re-|stream, thereby causing the death of |of the family will be found at the Pat- ward will be given the finder. the fish. ton Drug. EPWORTH LEAGUE Cal. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cros- ..| Northern Cambria Kiwanis Club at the | | . 3 . { aci “Laughter” as her :t | of transporting and yossessing lig- ee | Dr. Skelly, of the State Sanatorium at | to decide upon “Laughter” as her next poss 1 Mrs. Ella B. Black, of Beaverdale | Cresson Speaker During Session ! at Spangler Monday. atre on Friday and Saturday of this |? | re ———— |week. It is an original story written |* | Dr. Skelly, from the Cresson Sana- by Douglas Doty and Harry D'Abbadie | torium, addressed members of the|D’Arrast. £ In the play Nancy is seen as the (talk, Dr. Skelly showed moving pic-|after her young lover ‘forsakes her in | tures taken at the Sanatorihm. Past | (President George Clark of Hastings, |on his return to New York her “first {was chairman of the evening's pro-|joye” becomes a pal to Nancy's hus- (gram and introduced the speaker. Joe | band but slyly attempts to make ad- ( Sottile of Patton entertained With a |vances to her. The dramatic and thrii-| MRS. JOHN LEADBETTER | | number of banjo selections; George A.ling effects which follow are the high Clark, of Hastings, Fred B. Buck, of | points of interest in this powerful | Carrolltown and J. R. Nicholson, of | show. |Spangler, were appointed a committee | The part of the philandering young [to solicit toys for the children of the | lover is played by Frederich March the | Cresson Sanatorium. President J. B. | capable young leading man who de- | | Holsopple announced that no more | serted the stage for the talkies about | {meetings of the club will be held until | two years ago and who has since ache- | January 5th when there will be in- | stallation of new officers. Meade Cow- [her of Patton will head the organiza- | tion after Mr. Holsopple's time expires. Glenn Anders, f Ladies will be guests of the Kiwanians | | the evening of the installation dinner. famous for his work in |, | “Strange Interlude,” on the Broadway | (stage; Frank Morgan, star of “Topaz” |t la Broadway legitimate success; Diane |t TURKEY RAFFLE WILL BE | Ellis, Leonard Gray Worthington Car-|1 | HELD FRIDAY, SATURDAY | & and others. WILLIAM MARSH, AGED | 72, EXPIRES SUDDENLY (1 Walter McCoy Post, American Legion, | dramatic release. uor. A bottle of liquor and two em- President of the “Laughter” comes to the Grand the-| Pty bottles, discovered in the bus men’s Christian Temperance Union, sion of liquor was on his way home ! rT Yetroi ic spe “hrist- Brandon ‘hotel, in Spangler on Mon- | ex-Follies girl who marries a very ¥rom Dogars Mit 10 som Christ [day evening. In connection with the] wealthy old man, her “second choice” | 2S hy nay ana. re- | ’ ’ |latives at Barnesboro. ed ? s ben employed in Detroit, Mich., for : | favor of an exciting trip to Paris. Up- several months ahd left Detroit Sun- (of a call on President Hoover at the Pennsylvania Wo- after the accident, allegedly belong- :d to Molloy. Peter Malloy, held in Pittsburgh on v charge of transporting and posses- represented that organization at the National Temperance Council and the Conference of Organizations Support- ing the Eighteenth Amendment at Washington, D. C., Last week, Mrs. Black, through the courtesy of Con- Malloy had | Sressman Clyde Kelley, a personal fri- RIT op | €0d Of Mrs. Black, had the privilege Yay. White House to express the good wish- i a | es and loyal support of the 50,000 mem- | bers of the Pennsylvania W. C. T. U. Joe Curio, of Johnstown, who plead- AGED 36 YEARS, IS DEAD |ed guilty to a charge of setting up and conducting a lottery known as the “ » 3 . Barnesboro Resident Passes Away numbers racket,” in Johnstown and * [who was sentenced to pay the costs and a fine of $25, Friday presented to [ the Court a petition asking for the re- Mrs. John Leadbetter, aged 36, died |tWn of $915.65, which he alleges was Following A Lengthy Illness on Sunday Night. | | Sunday night at her home in Bar- |Confiscated when his place of business |ived considerable distinction as a POr- | nesboro of a complication of diseas-|Was raided November 8. Of this sum, | trayer of emotional roles. |e Others in the cast of “Laughter” are ison, Jack, her mother, Mrs. McNa- |tion of his billiard parlor and was not s. She is survived by her husband, a {De says, $320 was derived from opera- nara, of Detroit, Mich., and a broth-|a part of the lottery fund. The Court er and sister, Thomas Palmer of De-|fixed Monday, January 12, for the roit, Mich., and Mrs. Carney of Pitts- | hearing in the matter. ourgh. She was a half sister of Wil- | lam and Henry McNamara, both of Spectacular Car Smash | Detroit. The funeral services were conduct- | At Cresson on Sunday 2d at nine o'clock on Thursday mor- | Oo . ct ts 16 . iing in St. Edward’s Church at Bar- | ne of the most spectacular acci- to Stage Event in the Former —_— [nesboro, and interment was made in| dents of recent years in the Cresson fo Grange Bank Bldg, | Nicktown Resident Suffers Stroke |t [ and Dles Before Physician Can The Walter McCoy Post, No. 614, of | Be Called. the American Legion, of Patton, will | inion {conduct a gigantic Turkey Raffle in! the rooms formerly occupied by the Grange National Bank on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week, De- cember 19th and 20th. Scores of tur- keys have been serured for the event. away before a physician could be which promiss to be the greatest summoned : this kind ever held in Patton. Patron- He is survived by his widow and aj ize the local Legion boys and win your- number of children. I self a turkey. William Marsh, aged 72, died sud-| denly on Sunday at noon at his home | at Nicktown of a stroke of paralysis. | ; Mr. Marsh was taken ill while seated |} aE eT cemetery at Strongstown on Wednes- | I'rinity Methodist Episcopal | au; | Church, The following services will beheld on' FIRE CAUSES DAMAGE OF | Sunday, December 21st at the Meth- $500 IN EBENSBURG SUN. |! odist church: { rise [1 Sunday church school at 10 A. M. | Damage estimated at approximate- it Morning worship at 11 A. M. It | ~ > 4 ly $500 was caused by a fire believed I Sermon by the pastor, Rev. Gordon to have started in a defective flue a’ |, F. Hinkle. the residence of Bruce Tucker at the |; Topic: “Dickens’ Christmas Carol.” corner of Lloyd and Beech Streets ir | Epworth League at 6:30. : Ve Ebensgurg on Sunday afternoon. The | The league will meet for a half hour blaze was extinguished by the Daunt- | PAPER WILL BE PUBLISH session to sing Christmas camols in preparation for the carol sing in the belfry of She church on Wednesday ev-|- The Patton Drug have the interior] ening from eight Hill twelve o'clock. |of their store beautifully decorated for |; Children’s Christmas service at 7.50 the "P, Mi. less Fire Company |EBEN SBURG HOUSE in a chair at his home and passed water about 2:45 holiday season. The main attract- | sing of our office, this paper will be ison and an alleged ions are two large gift tables. published on Wednesday. | vicinity occurred near the intersec- [tidn of the William Penn Highway fand the Main Line Highway on Sun- | day afternoon when a car driven by DAMAGED BY FLAMES | Harry Rowline of Memphis, Tenn., | Sideswiped a car driven by John Pla- A dwelling at the corner of Beech Zk of Cresson and crashed though a ind Lloyd streets in Ebensburg, wa- large plate glass and wrecked a show " = age 1 J i i > badly damaged by fire, smoke ani €ase 1uside the building. ; o'clock on Sunda: Rov line escaped with minor bru- 1fternoon when smoke was discover- ses. The accident occurred, it was d emitting from the roof of the learned by police, when, in an at- 10use. An alarm was given and the | tempt to pass, Rowline’s car side- Dauntless Fire Company boys re-|SWiped the Plazick car. Both vehicles he St. Boniface cemetery. Burial took place in the Greenlawn | sponded immediately and got the fire Were damaged, but an adjustment of inder control. The damage to the damages was reached and no arrests ternoon, | building was estimated at aproxima-| Were made. ely $600, partly covered by insur-| EE —————— |ance. Little damage was done to the | MOTIONS AND PETITIONS furniture, inasmuch as the greater HEARD AT EBENSBURG art of it had been carried out. It is | —— velieved the fire was caused by a de-| A brief session of Motion and Pe- fective flue. The building is the pro- [tition Court was held at Ebensburg erty of Michael F. Farren and was Monday morning with Judges Ivan ccupied by Bruce Tusker and fam-|McKenrick and Samuel Lemmon Reed ly. on the bench. In addition to hearing motions and petitions, arguments were heard in several cases. The court filed a decree, granting a divorce in"the case of Mary Boyle Withers of Ferndale, against Harry On acount of the Christmas holiday | McKinley Withers of Johnstown, the next Thursday and the consequent clo- | grounds being indignities to the per- { offense against WEDNESDAY NEXT WEEK morality. Shriber, 23; and Max Derns,30, bothystee!.zom psiccirrohnstown Ras “i a
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