THE PATTON COURIER, NOVEMBER 23, 1906 - BOROUGH ORMINANCES. CONTINUED Fi w PAG, J borough this, the 100, day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1906, J. J. DONNELLY, Chict Burgess, An ordinance evyicg an nseessment | according to 1) wet front The on all property owners adjacent io Beach avenue, between Uifth and Sixth avenues, in the borough of Patton, to provide for the payment in part for the grading, paving and curbing of said street by the prop- erty owners, and providing for the payment in part by the borough of Patton, and providing that the North- ern Cambria Street Railway company shall pay for the grading and paving of nine feet wide along their tracks between the points named, and pro- viding the manner of making the col- lection of the assessments against the property owners and the Northern Cambria Street Railway company. Section 1. Be it enacted and or- dained by the burgess and town council of the borough of Patton, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of the same: That, whereas, two-thirds of the property owners ad- jacent to Beach avenue, between Fifth and Sixth avenues, in the borough of Patton, by petition to council, re- quested that said street, between the points named, be graded, paved and “enrbed, and that the cost thereof be assessed and collected as follows: That the cost of grading and paving be- tween and along the tracks of the Northern Cambria Street Railway company, to the width of nine feet, be collected from said company, and that the balance of the cost of grading, paving and curbing of said street be paid for, one-third by the borongh of Patton and two-thirds by the property owners adjacent to the same, according to the foot front rule. And, whereas, the Northern Cambria Street Railway company by agreement with the borough of Patton, duly exe- cuted, agreed to pay for the grading | and paving to the width of nine feet between and along its tracks, provided the borough of Patton graded and paved said portion of the street. And, whereas, the borough of Patton, by ordinance duly passed and approved, in accordance with the wishes of the petitioners and the Northern Cambria Street Railway company, did grade, pave and curb said street, the work thereon having been completed on the 18t day of October, A. D. 1906. And, whereas, the cost of grading and paving nine feet wide along the tracks of said street railway company was $1,016.22, and the cost of grading, paving and curbing the balance of said street between the points named was $3,663.48. It is hereby enacted and or- dained that the Northern Cambria Street Railway company be levied and assessed with the sum of $1,016.22, and that the borough of Patton pay oae- third of the balance, amounting to $1,184.49, and that the balance or two- thirds be and is hereby levied and as- sessed to and against the property owners adjacent to said improvement according to the foot front rule. The names of the owners, foot frontage and amount assessed against each being as follows: Northern Cambria Street Railway Co., grading and paving nine fect WHEE. ore ease rinssss ress aiesisios seri eissnnn§ 1,010 22 One-third balance, Patton borough..... 1,184 49 Two-thirds balance, property owners according to foot front, as follows: Trustees Patton M.E. Church, 150 feet, $296.10... 296 10 John Ott, 50 , $98.7 98 70 H. 8S. Buck, 50 feet, $98.7 98 70 F. O. McClure, 50 feet, $98.70.. George C. Yeager, 50 feet, $98.70 Minnie Barton, 50 feet, $98.70. - J. I. VanWert, 50 feet, $98.70. Mrs. Jos. Swope, 50 feet, $98.70. L. G. Gorsuch, 50 feet, $98.70.. B, Kusner, 50 feet, $08.70.... W, J. Weakland, 50 feet, $98.70. 98 70 98 70 98 70 98 70 98 70 98 70 98 70 98 70 George U. Yeager, 100 feet, $197.40, 197 40 "Reuel Somerville, 50 feet. $98.70 98 70 Mary Somerville, 50 feet, $98.70 98 70 E. C. Brown, 100 feet, $197.40.. 197 40 George C. Yeager, 50 feet, $95. - 98 70 W. I. Dowler, 50 feet, 398.70 He 98 70 Patton School District, 150 feet, $296.10, credit by eurbing, $98.89..... ......... 197 21 Section 2. That the assessment made shall be filed with the borough secre- tary, who shall thereupon cavse 30 days’ written or printed notice to be given to each party assessed, either by _ service on the owner or agent, or left on the assessed premises, giving the name of the owner of the property assessed, and the amount of the as- sessment, and stating that the assess- ments are due and payable, and directing that the same shall be paid within 30 days to the borough treas- urer. Section 3. If said assessments against amount, together with interest thereon | v mn date of compeltion of paving on o 3 w sid ot reet \u a Knacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the borough of . 3 Pattou, this, the 19th day of Novem. No cimbalmed !usines: | vers A. D. 1500 fours, We dea! stricth H 8. LaNGLE, 3. "x | baa ; | me at killed at cur siaughis President of Council, . . d | Attest: | house. Everything m season ED. 5. JMOORE, | Borough Secretary. | . y | Approved by the burgess of Patton L il B ¥ | | Borough this, the 19th day of Noyem- | I € ros, | ber, A. D. 1906. | J. J. DONNELLY, | Butchers and Dealers in All | Chief’ Bargess. Smoked Meats. { ORDINANCE NO. 100, : | PATTON, PA. Au ordinance levying an assessment | | according tu tne foot front rule on all | I property owners adjacent to Fifth ave- | . = \ | nue, between Lang avenue and the DR: A. W. BAILEY, Dentist! fresh and | bridge crossing Little Chest creek, in | | the borough of Patton, to provide for | the payment of two-thirds of the cost | of grading, paving and curbing of said | street, and providing that one-third of | by the borough of Patton, and provid- |p. m LOCAL PHONE, ing the manner of making the collec- tion of the assessment from the prop- | erty owners. | Be it enacted and ordain- | Pa rnel l, Cowher & Co Section 1. —Agents for— ed by the burgess and town council of | Th { | the borough of Patton,and it is hereby | FIRE. . FE AND enacted and ordained by authority of | ? the same: That, whereas, two-thirds | ACCIDENT of the property owners adjacent to | REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Kinds of | Room 16, Good Building, | the cost of the improvement be paid | oOmce Hours—8 to 12 a. m., 1105 p,m. 6108 | Fes 3d I ' A ENR wong < * ! + POWER WASHER | Will turn out your washing with less | labor, in less time, and in better con- jdition than is possible in any other | way. The work is turned out in the very | finest condition, regardless of whether | the laundress is a good one or otherwise. | It is not puiy a question of time and {labor required to do the rubbing on the | wash board, but it is the wear on the | elothes that makes washing expensive | when done in that old fashioned way. | Many a washboard has had the metal corrugations worn entirely: through in this process, and that the clothes were |damaged in the same operation goes without saying. Especially are the finer fabrics dam- that said street, between the points | above named, be graded, paved and | curbed, and that the cost thereof be as- | sessed and collected, two-thirds from the property owners adjacent to the | same, and that one-third be paid by the borough of Patton. And, whereas, the borough of Patton, by ordinance | duly passed and approved in accord-| ance with the wishes of said petition- | ers, did grade, pave and curb said | street, the work thereon having been | | completed on the 10th day of Novem- | | ber, A. D. 1906. | And, whereas, the total cost of grad- ing, paving and curbiug of said street | is ascertained to be §1,224.98, of which | one-third is levied, assessed and to be | paid by the borough of [Patton out of the general funds of said borough, and | two-thirds of said total cost be, and is hereby levied and assessed to and | against the property owners adjacent | to said improvement, according to the foot front rule. The names of the owners, foot frontage and amount as- | sessed against each being as follows: | One-third, Patton borough. eee 408 33 i J. Gagliardi, 50 feet.......... 127 20 | Aaron Weakland, 50 feet 127 20 | F. Maykovich, 25 feet 63 60 | Tony Dosie, 25 feet. 63 60 Beech Creek C. & C. 68 60 | Englebert Young, 69 fee 175 53 | Donnelly & Prindible, 25 feet. 63 60 | J. J. Donnelly, 50 feet we 127 20 | Section 2. That the assessment made | shall be filed with the borough secre- tary, who shall thereupon cause 30 days’ written or printed notice to be | given to each party assessed, either by | service on the owner or agent, or left | on the assessed premises, giving the | name of the owuner of the property | assessed, and the amount of the assess- | ment, and stating that the assessments | are due and payable,and directing that | the sume shali be paid within 30 days | to the borough treasurer. ! Section 3. If said assessments or any of them, shall remain unpaid at the expiration of said notice, the same | shall be placed in the hands of th: bor- ough solicitor for collection, whose | duty it shall be to collect the same, to- gether with five per centum additional as attorney’s commission, and interest from the completion of the grading, paving and curbing, by a mfinicipal claim filed against the delinquent owner. Enacted and ordained by the burgess and town councii of the borough of! Pattou, this, the 19th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1906. H. 8. LINGLE, President of Council. Attest: — Ep. 8. MOORE, Borough Secretary. Approved'by the burgess of Patton borough this, the 19th day of Novem ber, A. D. 1906. J. J. DONNELLY, Chief Burgess. Fifth avenue, between Lang avenue | Good Bnilding. Patton, Pa.~"Phone No. vw. | aged in the other methods of washing, and the bridge crossing Little Chest | {and by the saving of wear on the clothes creek, by petitien to council, requested | the Power Washer pays for itself sev- “The Devil's Turnip Pateh,” | eral times over each year. On the top of Bald Ilagle mountain, | Just where the old turnpike breaks | over the brow down into Black Hole | valley, is a queer field of rock, which | years ago was christened “The Devil's | Turnip Patch.” The rocks, which are | of a reddish sandstone, have a striking | peculiarity of all standing on end, thus forming a jagged, irregular surface, that won for it its queer name from the early settlers. In bygone days, when the stages | wheeled their way up from Northum- | berland to Williamsport, the four im | hands traversed the old pike that skirts | the turnip patch, and the strange gar- { den of rocks was a constant Source of | wonderment to the traveler. Added | to its interest as a natural curiosity is | | . ® hidden stream of water somewhere beneath the standing stones, the noisy flowing of which forms a romantic song beneath one's feet. Nobody | knows where the source of this stream Is, nor can anybody find where it emp- ties itself into Black Hole valley. | The rock field covers an area of two or three acres, with its widest part to | | the north, then narrowing down V' shaped to the south, where the angle Is lost in a fringe of stunted hemlocks | and elders. Theorists have figured on { the cause of this mountain freak, but | the theory obtaining most credence is that it 1s a legacy of the glaciai age, | the rocks being a eollection pushed | into their present vertical position by the moving ice.—Philadelphia Record. Curious Mexican Laws, They have some very curious erim | | nal laws in Mexico. For instance, it is | twice as much of an offense to muti late the face of a woman as that of 2 man. The law seems to be based ob | the idea that a woman’s best posses elon is her beauty and that to mar it does her a great injury. There is another curious law. If s person should be wounded in an ewn- eounter, the punishment to the offend: er is fixed by the number of days his victim has to stay in the hospital or | under a doctor's care. A line is fixed #t 40 days in the way of a general divi. | sion. If the injured man occupies more than 40 days in his reeovery, the pen- | alty doubles up. | An Impudent Fraud, An impudent fraud was perpetrated apon a Manchester bank by one of its | eustomers, who opened an account with some few hundreds of pounds. | The man, after a tew weeks, drew two checks, each within a pound or so of his balance, and, selecting a busy day, presented himself at one end of the | sounter, while an accomplice, when he saw that his friend's check had been cashed, immediately presented his own | | to a cashier at the other end. Both | cashiers referred the checks to the | ledger clerk, who, thinking the same ! cashier had asked him twice, said! *right” to both checks. The thieves were never eaugny They Changed. At a dinner party the ogeer day a well known and deservedly popular dramatist took a lady down to dinnes, | | Post Office & "Phone A 274, | | Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko- BINDER & STARRETT. Lumbe Manufacturers. Schenk & Perry. Lumber Cut to Order Saw and Lath Mill at St. Augustine, Pa. Chest Springs, Pa. THE piece of Silver- ware which you received on Christmas lose its lustre and - turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light: You will not care to do that so you had better get a jar of SILVER (RERM, the finest silver polish wiil made. 25c at TOZER'S, dacks and Supplies. A BOON TO WOMEN. The Bane of the Average Female Pomptly : | @8 it is 80 often under similar circum- stances. Backache, whether due to natural | “I can’t think why they have reviv- causes or the result of disease, can be | €d that plece at the King's,” the lady promptly alleviated and ultimately | Said. “I never liked it, and it's se cured by the use of Dr. Wood’s Kid- | worn that I should have done better ney and Backache pills. Thousands of | than that? : : on Yes,” the dramatist replied, ‘‘per- suffering women can testify to the haps so. truth of this. | however, and 1 had not had much ex. Eliminated by a Simple Remedy. property owners fronting on said street, or any of them, shall remain unpaid av the expiration of said notice the same shall be placed in the hands | .of the borough solicitor for collection, whose duty it shall be to collect the | same, together with five per centum | additional as attorney’s commission, | and interest from completion of grad- ing, paving and curbing, by a munici- | pal claim filed against the owner. | Should the Northern Cambria Street | who has had over 40 years of exper- | tist went on. fanded. It is a purely vegetable compound | perience when I wrote it. Let's change and does not contain any poisons or | the subject.” deleterious substances. It acts prompt-| The lady was quite ready to do so ly,and in addition to relieving the pain | 80d wished, no doubt, that she had tones np the system and makes life | known who her neighbor was. He worth living. A trial will convince | presently said: | Are you interested in’ the Fenton and a trial will costs you nothing. If| or : : case? they do not do all that is claimed for | ¢pat was in progress. them your money will be cheerfully re-| «yes. I've read all the evidence,” . | was the reply. “He'll lose it, of course,” the drama- ‘He never could have Dr. Wood is a reputable physician | Railway company fail to make pay- ience in kidney troubles, having made | had the faintest chance from tke first. ment within 30 days from receipt of|it a specialty, and these pills are made | . potice, then the claim or amount shall | from his own perscription. ‘be turned over to the borough solicitor with instructions to bring suit in the|box now. Price 50 cents at Wolf's court of common pleas to recover the | Pharmacy. | It's a marvel to me how any lawyer could have been idiot enough to allow 19s Don’t suffer any longer, but buy a ach & cage to.20 IBto court! “my husband was the idiot. shange the subject.” - J | meither kmowing who the other was. | | As a subject the theater was started, | It was one of my first pieces, | speaking of a cause celebre | “Well,” answered the lady quietly, | Si ’ Let's jit does the best printing. Of course 1 NEW BIG | LINE OF WALL PAPER JUST RECEIVED. All the latest patterns and designs and at the mini- mum of price. Picture frames, room mould-| ng, etc. | JOS. FLICK, | Patton, Pa. | The best business men use the best | stationery and get it at the best office | | | | at right prices. and superior stock are the things we Northern Cambria Street Railway Cor pany Schedule of Cars. RUNNING ON A FORTY-MINUTE HEADWAY, Firsi car leaves power house 100 Barneshoro wl we. 00 &, m, | Mecoud car leaves Carvolltown Junetion for Barnesboro ut 4556 a, m. This ear mies eonnecs Hon with +, Ii, i, tealn at Spangler lorresson, | Kirst car leaves Barnesboro ior Patton and Carrolitown ot 5:20 a, m. { | Be cond ear “ “ “ “ “ " 00 a, my, and every (hing, theres after until 11 p.m, The 11:40 p. mar to Power House only, First car leaves Patton for Asheroft at 6:00 a. m, “ “ “ * Barnesboro and Carrolltown at 6:20 a, m., and every 40uing, theres Sifts r until 11:00 p.m, The 11:40 p. mar to Power ouse only, | First car leaves power house for Carroditown at 5:20 u, m, Thier remains on ti Branch and oun! ets with ail Midlu Line cs aOwrrolitown Junction, Fist enr leaves Curroiitown for Patton and Burnesboro at 5:85 a.m. | Secona + " “ “ 6 ! 125 a, mu, and every drains, there. ; alter until 11:06 p, m. ? First ear leaves Victor No varnesboro oo oi a, mm, . “ “" ? a 3 | Se cond * ® H 6a, mi, and every 40 mins, thfatter natil 20 pem, First ear leav, Brandon Hotel tor Barnesboro at 5:10 a, m. | Second : “" Hood 6:10 a. m,, and every 40 mins. tlreafter until 30 p. m., bo | Sirst car leaves Brandon Hotel for Patton at Lm, i Sec “ “ “ i econd “ 0 Lm, and every 40 mins. théafter until 3 : 05 p.m, | First car leaves Victor No. 9 for Patton at 5:31 a. m. | Second “ n i“ “ 6: m., and every 40 mins.thereafter util 11:11 p.m! | First car leaves power house for Patton at 5:37 a. m. boo “ ‘ nam Sec ond . " 6:57 a. m,, and every 40 mins.thereafter ntil 11:16 p.m First car leaves St, Benedict for Patton at 5:40 a. m, | See . Second ¢ . “ 0:40 a. m., and every 40 mins. thereafter wil 11:20 pam, First car leaves Carrolltown Junction for/Patton at 5:44 a, m. Second * ge “ - 6:44 a. m,, and ev 1 3 A oI, very 40 mij. thereafter ; until 11:224a, m, y phe First car leaves Baker X Roads for Patton at 5:45 a. m. Second ** “ “ “ 45 a. mu, and every 40 minutes theafter until 11:25 p. m, First car leaves Asheroft for Patton at 5:48 a. m. Second “ id 6:48 a. m., and every 40 mins, thereafter un} 11:28 Pp. ing First car leaves Columbia for Patton at 5:50 a. m. Second ig ig 6:50 a. m,, and every 40 mins, thereafter unt 11:50 p.m, First car leaves Patton for Ashcroft at 6:00 a. m. First car leaving Barnesboro at 5:20 a. m. will connect with the N.Y.C. & H. I R. R. train leaving Patton at 6:10 a. m. for Mahaffey, Clearfield, Philipsburg and Williamspor Baggage and packages carried on all cars, Special cars can be arranged for. July 23rd, 1906. J. L. MeNH.IS, Supt. Advertising consists simply in pre- | senting before the people the goods you have tp sell in an intelligent maaner, whether it is a house and (Pennsylvania Division.) | lot or a pair of shoes It Beech Creek District. is too late at this day to Condensed Time Table. expatiate on the merits of iy Mail In effect June 17,’05 re on | 1Q1 EXD. Mod "0 os Pncas| advertising. That has 5% Paoar Patton v6 10 bi b d t d f- 900 129 Westover 636 1300 een emonstrated so o 70Lar Arcadia 8 14 . . . . 830 100ar Mahaffey Iv 700 827 ten that iteration is futile. 787 32 > lv Horrmoor ar729 Jos Y azzam 757 1212ar Kerrmoor wim i19| Everybody now days Jotle Thtipen IRB x h dvertici 737 1155 Mitchells 746 428 nows that advertising 701 1125 Clearfield 821 500 : E 635 11 00 Woodland 845 526 pays. The main question 2 WES. fin . sdale M1 Ss © : 6051029 Iv Munson ar913 35) 1S, what medium to use? 38 10WIv) Philipsburg aro iz 62 Ad is 1 50 ar " v 855 532 6 00 J024 Ar sinpson ivy 60 vertising experts ong 555 9 iburne 9 . 532 959 " Peale 947 626 ago settled it by declar- RE on 4d 9 Snow Shoe ! 5 1 113 841 Beech Creek 1057 744| Ing that newspaper adver- 401 829 Mill Hall 109 757 Se ish sm Lock Haven ue 805 tising was by far the most 336 ¢ Avis 3 825 396 752 Jersey Shore 1145 838 : . 1250 iv Wilmmeport ari22 510) effective and brings better pmam en pm pm BE SMa Williamsport iv hz) returns than any other 18 36*11 30 1v Philadelphia ar 730 650 Th 4 40 Pls NJ ya lanmagus ar iio er extant. e merchants & 9 v A via Phils ar . : am pm » : Pm Pi of this section long ago *¥Daily. Week days, #7 p m Sunday. 111 00 | am Sunday { declared that better re- * Connections ms port wit b a a Tn ays abide; sults were obtained by ria onl L Batlond of Penns . th C 1 Philipsburg with Pennsylvania 1 ( a psp ire y using e OURIER than at Cl Pi falo, Roches: Yittsburg 1 haffey and Patto» with Cambr by any other means. It ivision of tue Pennsyvania railroad; at Ma- | haffey with the Pennsylvania and North- western railway. J. F. Fairlamb, Gen’l Pass, Agt., New York, W. H. Northrup, Gen. Agent, Williamsport, Pa. hundreds of families and goes into the homes of the majority of the people of Northern Cambria county. The rates are low, just and equitable—one price to all and the small ad- vertiser gets just as good a rate as the large one. If your business needs a tonic, come in and let us talk the matter over with you or send us word and we will have a repre- sentative call on you and explain everything about our plan. You may do business without adver- tising, but you are certain to do more by advertising. It is an investment that will repay you an hun- dred fold. KINKEAD'S We will prepare your copy and take complete STATIONERY charge of your advertis- STORE.| ing campaign, however i iii oe | arge ior smal], withoist; extra cost. The Courier, vpyeigh t= Put on File a few memorandums about our goods and prices if not ready to take ad- vantage of these offerings now. At some future time when tempted to buy Stationery elsewhere it will pay you to ask our prices. It will be seen that the pro- ducts of the paper makers, the pen and ink makers and all other material for use in home, school, library and office can be purchased here at lowest prices. The COURIER is better prepared than ever to do first class job printing Competent workmen that’s the COURIER. brag of. Send or bring in your work. Patton, Pa. Second “ u _ 6:20 a. m., and every 40 mins. threafter unt) 11:40 p.m. First car leaves Patton for Barnesboro at 6:20 a. m. " " “1000 p.m, . “ Ashcroft “ 4 “ . “| 11:11 p. m. “ “ Baker X Roads “ ‘ “ “ “1 10:15 p. m. i H Car'ltown Jet, * f Second * “ * 6:36 “" “ 11:16 py me First St. Benedict 6:00 Second * pd “ 6:40 " " “01120 pom, t is read every week by ; —— Decis 5 ks A RN NN . pes * THE Pennsyl in Its | Boroug ha in Goo Reuel \ tor; Ed . E. Will town 'T the mar the Pen compel the ove: nue ove After argume torney . road co ~the mar ough ir good re case M with hi Ebensbt From hearing 1 ough c« 3 meant wi compan; build th keep it i not dont resolutic i was acce hs RY the rece olution f : thanks t tent and alone kn The cc ough off 897 cou reason t) ficient, t { essary te \ view, h Judge ( shows, a! borough |» t the bridg The st; for mont \ needed. may peti abandon tablish a come of tremely | In han 0’Conno the possil tion in qu ment was oughfare tion. If said, it m an action nr Teachers « The tea Qarrollto Ao the Carro on Saturc program: Addres: berger. ¢Schoo! Miss Mai Amandus Vocal S “How tween P: ~~ Foley, Mi = “fley, Amk berger. “How § Miss Edit) Misses Sle 1 One of the Clearf plant blew plant and adjoining. in that pa: “Ny John Byer man in the The electr be abou Smith’s le and $25,00 C If you w oughly hes amount of Prizer’s Aj coal to car down, and made as w out effect lower roc
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers