nixtures = | ack-—no re every aving to efers at, - . has been renominated for the office and | owned by James Kerr and several INTERSTING INDENTATIONS. ~Vol.[IV, No. 1. ~The OURIER is 13 years old to-day. | ~Nex{hursday will be Thanksgiv- ing day. —0Ohas F. Lehman was visiting friends ifLock Haven this week. EB. WOowher, of this place, is a candidatéor mercantile appraiser of QOambria bunty. Two per, which were shot by menbers d the Patton Hunting Clab in Olinton cinty, were received in town Thursday, — A nuber of borough ordinances apportionig the cost of the recent street pawg in Patton will be found in this issp. —Jay Snpson witnessed the foot | ball gameat Williamsport Saturday between fate and Dickinson colleges. The formr won by a score of 6 to 0. —It isjstated that Ed. Knee, ab | present th county detective, will be | the deply under Webster Griffith, | after the atter is sworn in as sheriff. —John Laner and E. W. Cowher were appated by the court tq appraise the assigrd estate of George 0. Brady. They coipleted the task on Wed- nesday. — Rembandt Peale, who has extensive coal intessts in this section, has just closed a deal for an additional 1,000 acres of loal land in East Mahoning townshipIndiauna county. —T. A.Delozier has purchased the Hastings hotel at Hastings and will assume carge as soon as the license can be trpsferred. The consideration in the ded has not been made public. The Jentral Pennsylvania confer- ence of ti: Methodist Episcopal church will convoe in Tyrone on March 20. Its delibeations will be presided over by Bishoj W. F. McDowell, of Chicago. —The (uaker basket ball team of Johnstown will play two games in Patton @m Thanksgiving day. The first will Je in the afternoon and an- other gane will be played in the even- ing. i —Jose)h Fabian, a surveyor in the mines atBarnesboro, was seriously in- jared on Monday afternoon, by being ernshed between two mine cars. He is forty years of age and married. He resides in Barnesboro. —W. fH. Moudy, the manager of the United Realty Co., has purchased the site of the Wirtner photograph gallery on Magee avenue and will erect a brick building thereon 14, 16 and 20 feet wide and 70 feet long. — Announcement has been made that baggage rates will be reduced from 18 to 12 per cent of the passenger fares. This change is to become effective at once and will affect all lines in the Cen- tral Passenger Association territory. —Rev. 1. D. Houghwout, the father of Rev. L. M. A. Houghwout, a former rector of the Patton Episcopal church and a retired clergyman of the Presbyterian church, died at the Presbyterian hospital in Philadelphia Sunday. _A. OC. Harrington, who has con- ducted a 5and 10-cent store in the building adjacent to the post office for some time past, has decided to quit business and will dispose of his entire stock at auction. See advertise- ment in this issue. __«All aboard” is now official. The Pennsylvania railroad company has ijgsued an order that all brakemen, Pullman conductors and porters must ‘call out these words in a distinct voice, ~tly two minutes before the train P%es a division terminal station. '_All doubts as to whether President Mitchell intends continuing as pres- jdent of the United Mine Workers of America or notrhave been set at rest by the annoucement that Mr. Mitchell that he will permit his nomination to stand. —An editor of a western exchange recently began worrying about how he would get his shirt on over his wings after reaching paradise. An envious contemporary sarcastically observed that his difficulty woul: likely be in finding out how he could get his hat on over his horns. —The annual ballof the local di- vision of the A. O. H. will be held in the Miners’ Hall Thanksgiving eve. The Encore orchestra will furnish the music. The committee on arrangements is composed of Chas. Crowell, Thos. Gib- son, Jas. Mitchell, Chas. Cordell and Patrick Sullivan. — Nominations have closed for the election of officers by the United Mine Workers of America. John Mitchell for president, T. L. Lewis for vice president, and W.B. Wilson for gecretary-treasurer, have no opposition. The annual convention will be held in Indianapolis January 15. ; —The Clearfield powder mill, two miles east of there, blew up Wednesday afternoon. The mill, which was New Yorkers, is a total loss. Charles W. Mills, of New York, had leased the mill and had charge at the time of the explosion. He was severely burned. Four employes were slightly burned. stone, . worth. Store. i the asterisk. ’ - | out of life than a miser does. CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED. The Knox hat agency ab the Key- Fame usually costs more than it is Foot balls at Kinkead’s Stationery Among other literary stars we find Postal views of Patton at Kinkead’s Stationery Store. R. F. D. Boxes for sale at Kinkead’s Stationery Store. Kleptomania is the highest type of the art of stealing. Some men are born leaders and most woman are born drivers. The man who will not waste his love always wastes his life. A pauper gets more real enjoyment He can not be a light to others who is unwilling to be consumed himself. It’s easy to have large ideas of lib- erality with other people’s money. The heart that is hot with passion may have an icy face for the poor. Many a woman trusts her husband because she doesn’t know as much as she might. , Before an old man makes a marrying fool of himself he begins to argue that he is not so old. Everyone naturally dislikes those people who are so good they suggest the top line in a copy. This may be the land of the free, but anything worth having is seldom offered to us that way. For Sale—A second hand cook stove as good as new. Call onor address Ed. A. Mellon, Patton, Pa. Many aman is in the bachelar class to-day because the girl in the case had been taught to say “No.” Every time a man files an applica- tion for a patent he imagines he is going to revolutionize things. Which brings worse luck ? To break a mirror or to spend a lot of time every day standing in front of one? No soap bubbles on Duquesne beer. The ‘collar’ is pure cream. Ask for it at the bars and get the best. It isa good plan to listen to every mother you meet in order that you may find out who is the smartest child in town. When a man asks a girl to let him call her by her first name it means he thinks her last name ought to be changed. If you want the best call for Du- quesne Beer. Nota headache in a car- load of it. Cool, sgarkling and re- freshing. When a woman takes her sewing to the back room ‘“for quiet,” the truth is that she is trying to get used to her first glasses. Probably the easiest task a business man is ever called upon to accomplish is to induce an employe to accept an increase in salary. Tact in a married woman consists in refusing to remind her husbond in his cross moments of what he used to say to her when he was in love. Wanted—News agent for trains 30 and 37 B. C. R. R. Union News Co., Williamsport, Pa. Backache before and during the menstrual period promptly relieved by Wood’s Kidney and backache pills. Price 50 cents a bbx at Wolf’s pharm- acy. Will sell or exchange fine residence property on Fifth avenue with all mod- ern improvements for business lot on Magee avenite. Inquire of Dr. Mor- rison. For Sale-Good $35 Waterloo sleigh and good set of single harness will be sold gheap for cash. For further partic- ulars call on or address Chas. Crowell, Patton, Pa. For Sale—An 11-room house and lot in a desireable location in Patton. Good cellar and plastered throughout. Will be sold at a bargain. Also other properties for sale. Inquire of George Boone. n HAVE YOU CATARRH? Breathe Hyomei and Get Relief and Cure— Sold Under Guarantee. If you have Catarrh with its many unpleasant symptoms, you should begin to use the healing Hyomei at once. Hyomei is made from nature’s sooth- ing oils and balsams, and contains the germ killing properties of the pine for- ests. Its medication is taken in with the air your breathe, so that it reaches the most remote cells of the respiratory organs, killing all catarrhal germs and soothing any irritation there may be in the mucus membrane. : A complete Hyomei outfits cost but $1, extra bottles, if needed, 50 cents, and O. F. Wolf gives his personal guar" antee with every package that money will be refunded unless the treatment cures. Card of Thanks, The family of the late John E. Evans wish to extend their sincere thanks to the Masons, Odd Fellows and many friends of the family in and near Pat- ton, who in many ways done so mnch and showed their respect during his A —————————— a LL Closing Out. Two Thousand Dollars’ Worth of (Goods Will be Sold. Consisting of Tinware, Enameled Ware, Shelf Hardware, China and Glass- ware, Crockery, Woodenware, Lamps and Lamp Fixtures, Toys, Notions, Fancy Goods, Etc. THE ENTIRE STOCK TO BE S010 Nothing Reserved--- Everything Must Go. Room Must be Vacated by Dec. 5th, 1906. Sale Commences Monday Evening, Nov. 26th, 1906, and Continues Every Evening Until Entire Stock is Sold . . . . ND 10-CENT STORE, - Patton, Pa. Next to Postoffice, - - One Hundred New Hats ——AT THE— MELLON MILLINERY 310k, Patton, Pa. | T. J. SCHOLL Cashier. A. G. PALMER, Vice-President. WM. H. SANDFORD, President. First National Bank OF PATTON, PA. Organized Opole 10, 1893. Capital—fully paid - - $100,000 00 Surplus - - - - 40,000 00 Stockholders’ liability - - - 100,000 OO Total Assets - - - 850,000 00 DIRECTORS. Geo. S. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Anna, H. J. Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. EF. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. We pay four per cent per annum on deposits in our Savings Department, compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in dis- tant cities, strangers to you, when you ean do fully as well at home? Call or write for full information. You should have one or more «f our Savings Banks in your home. It will teach practical lessons in economy. Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Not, what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you’re old.” Don't fail to come and see our stock. F. R. MELLON, ‘Violin, Mandolin, Gui- Dentist. tar and Banjo : TAUGHT, WM. M. SIMPSON, Fifth Avenue, PATTON, PA. Opposite M. E. Chuarh, rr.MORRISON |Reuel Somerville, Dentist, PATTON, PA. Attorney-at-Law, Office in Good Building, formerly occupied by H. A. Seitz. PATTON, PA. 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. The loss will be about §30,000. sickness and death. | | Office hours:—S8 a. m. to 12 m. | Office in Brady Building. Office in the Good Building. 1 p. m. to 3:30 p. m.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers