dealer. SEL TIIE I:ghest ref "fizgeri hingt. n,D, Ean THE PATTON COURIER. ~ VOL. XIV.—NO. 1. PATTON, CAMBRIA CO. PA., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1906. $1.00 PER YEAR INDEPENDENT — NOT NEUTRAL — RUN BY THE PUBLISHER. X Patton High School to Take : Advanced Stand. . ' ABUSINESS EDUCATION It Can Soon be Secured by the Young Men and Ladies of This Place Without Going Away From Home-—Statistical Report for Month Just Passed. The course of study prescribed by our state officials for the public schools is the result of a process of evolution. To the three “Re” have been added other more or less essential branches of study, without a pretty thoro knowledge of which the modern citizen is classed with the ignorant. No English edu- eation is complete without English grammar and its collateral branches. The severest critic finds no fault with the common school course of study save in the amount and kind of matter contained therein. This course is going thru a refining process that will purge it of all non-essential features. The High School course is different. "It usually aims to be classical instead of being practical. Just criticism is not infrequently heard. Scholars are often without the means of earning aliving. They know facts but can- not do things. They possess a rich fund of classified knowledge, but lack- ing in ability to apply itto modern industrial and social conditions, they go a-begging. This is not intended as an argument against a high school or college edu- cation. It is contended,and reasonably so, that a classical education should not be the only available one. When Germany established the ‘‘Real Schule’ or practical school, she did not abandon her “Gymnasia,’’ or classic school. It requires the combined product of both schools to meet the demands - of professional and industrial life of this progressive and aggressive era. Not all young men and women intend to follow a profession; hence it is assumed they will follow some line of business. If schooling is a preparation for life’s % work, the course of study should not S«_.high school. > is appended: be rigid, but flexible, giving to all an opportunity to make some preparation for the line of work to be followed. To the end that every girl and boy in Patton may have an opportunity at home to prepare for some line of busi- ness life, the board of education has established a business course in the It will not displace the present literary course; it will be independent of it, a separate and distinet course. It will be open to young men and ladies of Patton who are under twenty-one years of age and have qualified themselves by having completed at least one year’s work (or its equivalent)in a good high school. Qualified persons not residing in the boroawill be admitted upon payment of five dollars a month tuition. Werk on the course will begin November 26th. The board has adopted the following course of study for the business de- partment: First year:—English grammar and composition, commercial arithmetic, spelling and etymology, penmanship, Jetter writing, shorthand, typewriting. Second year: —Composition and rhetoric, bookkeeping,commercial law, penmanship and letter writing, gpelling and punctuation, manifolding and tabulation, shorthand, typewriting. The statistical report for the month First Primary, No. 1. Number enrolled, 65; average attend- ance, 52; per. cent of attendance, 87, Present every day: Gabriel Christoff, Anderson Carl, Harry Boyer, Edgar Connery, David Fleck, Leroy Felkirk, William McCoy, Joseph Sheka, David Thomas, John Wheeler, Beatrice Cav- anaugh, Bernice Cowher, Helen Diet- rick, Violet Graham, Gladys Gagliardi, Winnie Jones, Pearl McCoy, Frances MeCoy, Agnes Pearson, Annie Repsher, May Squires, Esther Stresser, Mary Wilson, Margaret Turnbull. ZitA DURBIN, Teacher. First Primary, No, 2. Number enrolled, 64; average attend- ance, 54; per cent of attendance 92. Present every day: Chester Airhart, Sam Sunseri, Arthur Crowell, Harry Mitzinsky, Harry Powell, Raymond Dunegan, Edwin Smithbower, George Somics, Mike Somics, John Stasko, Augustine Trinkley, Alex Tober, Amelia ‘ Berilacqua, Martha Cochran, Annie Gillespie, Loretto Mellon, Nellie Poch- atilla, Susie Selanche, Julia Somics, Ethel Yahner, Agnes Zabronsky. HANNAH A. WALSH, Teacher. First Primary, No. 3, = CONTINUED ON PAGE 2. A rim—— % NEW COURSE! THE DEATH ANGEL. | Demise of a Well Known aud Respected i Resident of Patton. | John E. Evans,one of the best known and most respected residents of Patton, | died at his home on Beech avenue last | Friday evening at 9 o’clock of pulmon- | ary trouble, after an extended illness. He had been in ill health for several years,but was able to be up and around at intervals until eight days before his death, when he was compelled to take to his bed. Mr. Evans was born at Danville, Pa., on September 5, 1845, and therefore was 61 years, two months and 10 days old at the time of his demise. He spent his boyhood in his native town and when about 22 years of age engaged in the meat business at Fall Brook, Ti- oga county, which he continued for several years. From there he moved to Bevier, Missouri, where he had a confectionery establishment for about a year, going from that place to Ra- leigh, N. C., where he had charge of a commissary on a plantation for 18 months. Returning to Pennsylvania he lo- cated at Antrim and was employed as a clerk in a store for five or six years. Later he formed a partnership with his brother, E. Evans,under the firm name of Evans Bros., who conducted a gen- eral store at Hoytville until they were burned out two years later. He then located at Morris Run, where he was employed as weighmaster for ‘several months, going from there to Sand Run, where he successfully conducted a ho- tel for two years. He then moved to Karthaus, Clear- field county, engaged as a grocer, in prospecting and as a hotel man for 16 years, or until the family moved to Patton in the fall of 1896. He was em- ployed here as checkweighman and mine foreman at the Pardee No.3 mine, filling the latter position for a period of five years, or until August, 1904, when he was compelled to relin- quish it on account of ill health. Mr. Evans was married at Fall Brook 38 years ago to Miss Ellen Mason Allen, who surviyes with the following sons and daughters: Dr. William A. Evans, of Clymer; John, a student at Bucknell university at Lewistown; Mrs. Frank C. Little, of this place, and Misses Jen- nie and Ella, at home. He is also sur- vived by the following brothers and sisters: E. Evans, of Glen Ritchie; David F., of Winburne; Mrs. Isaac Bowen, of Williamsport; Mrs. Thomas A. Evans, of Danville; Mrs. Benjamin Morgan, of Hamilton, Ontario, Can- ada, and Mrs. Thomas J. Evans, of Danville. He was a member of the Patton Bap- tist church, Ossea Lodge No. 317, F. & A, M., of Wellsboro, and Karthaus Lodge, No. 925,1. O. O. F.,of Karthaus. Mr. Evans was an honorable, upright man, a good citizen and a kind and in- dulgent husband and father, who en- joyed the respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. The funeral was held at the residence Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock, con- ducted by Rev. Shaw, the pastor of the First Presbyterian church of Barnes- boro. Tne remains were laid to vest in Fairview cemetery, the services at the grave being in charge of the Masonic fraternity, and all that was mortal of John E. Evans was consigned to the dust from whence it came. TWO BAD BARGAINS. Joseph E. Thropp Did Not Get His Money’s Worth in This County. Hon. Joseph E, Thropp, late Prohi- bition candidate for congress in this district, certainly did not get his money’s worth in Cambria county. The COURIER has no definite know- ledge as to how much of the long green he spent in this county to aid his can- didacy, but we have it on no less au- thority than Thonias A. Osborne, the chairman of the Democratic county committee and the editor of the Ebensburg Freeman, that he gave $2,400 to Editor Kaylor, of the Johns- town Journal, to boost things along and grease the printing machinery. Editor Kaylor likewise accuses Brother Os- borne, as chairman of the Democratic committee, of receiving $1,000 to fur- ther the Hon. Joseph’s political aspira- tions. It really makes the COURIER feel as- hamed of itself for accepting a measly little $12.30 from the ex and would be congressman, especially as it was the means of his securing a plurality in Patton borough, while he lost Johns- town and Ebensburg. The sage of Earlston made at least two bad bar- gains, as the election returns show. Who does your printing? If the other fellow does it, it may be right. If the COURIER does it, you know it is right. PATTON WON OUT. Took the Second Basket Ball Game From cram ITWILL NFFECT PATTON! The basket ball game at the Miners’ | The Proposed New Rates for Hall Saturday night between the local | team and the boys from St. Francis college resulted in a victory for Patton | by a score of 9 to 7. A record breaking GOOD FOR EBENSBURG, crowd was in attendance, every seat in the edifice being occupied and the | stage crowded with ladies. | The locals played a listless game in | to Adjoining Towns While Reducing the 3 | the first half, but soon recovered from | Toll to Johnstown, their apathy aud did excellent work in | the last. The score at the end of the! The telephone war, which has waged first half was 5 to 4 in favor of the fiercely between the Bell people and visitors, Patton was handicapped by | the Huntingdon & Clearfield Telephone the absence of Simpson, its star player, | company for several weeks past, is ex- so that the victory is all the more cred- | Pected to reach Patton this week. Eb- itable. | ensburg has had its turn at it for some The Patton team has not been beaten | time and other towns in Northern since its organization and the North A Cambria county are expected to get Star seems destined to lead the other | their quota of the disturbance in due Telephone Messages. But Poor for the Balance of the North of the County—Would Cut Out all Free Service towns of Cambria county in basket ball as well as in other sports: The line up: ST. FRANCIS Fahey Bearer Hickey Mellon Guard Dillon Cresswell Guard Bender Time of halves—20 and 15 minutes. Referee—First half, Devine; second half, Bailey. Time keeper—Martin. PATTON Dinsmore Sweeney Rees POSITION Forward Forward Center ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that George O. Brady and Eva L. Brady, his wife, of the borough of Patton, in Cambria county, Pennsylvania, by deed of vol- untary assignment bearing date the 16th day of November, 1906, have as- signed to Nicholson Russell, of the bor- ough of Barnesboro, in said county and state, in trust for the benefit of the creditors of the said George O. Brady, all the estate real and personal of the said George O. Brady. All persons in- debted to the said George O. Brady will make immediate payment to me, and those having claims or demands will present the same without delay. NicHOLAS RUSSELL, Assignee of George O. Brady. Barnesboro, Pa., November 19, 1906. MARRIAGE LICENSES. and Bertha M. Edward Morgan Chapman, of Patton. Jerome Flick, Jr., of Cresson, and Annie Smithbower, of Patton. Joseph W. Yeaglin, of Carroll town- ship, and Mary Farabaugh, of Barr township. Joseph OQCarr Mec.uullen, of Turtle Creek, and Catharine C. Kuntzman, of Allegheny township. Michael Cavenaugh. of Patton, and Clara McMullen, of Hastings. John Leadbitter and Margaret Stew- art, of Carroll township. Andy Hotary aud Katie Granchak,of Spangler. Many “Indignant Citizens” Present. There were more‘‘indignant citizens’ present at the regular meeting of the Patton borough council Monday even- ing than there were councilmen, and all of the latter were present. Cross- ings and grades formed the burden of their complaints and the honorable body promised to do something to remedy the deplorable condition of things in different parts of the town. Among other things the borough engineer was instructed to prepare a map and list of grade crossings wanted over the Pennsylvania railroad tracks and present the same to court. Struck by an Engine. { William Reinne, a well known res- | ident of this place, was struck by the New York Central yard engine Satur- day evening about 7 o’clock and sus- tained serious injuries. He was walk- ing on the track in the vicinity of the brewery and attempted to step to one side as the engine approached. He was not quick enough, however, and the engine hit him, breaking his shoulder blade and inflicting internal injuries. He is getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstances. The Cow Did Mrs, Joseph A. McMullen, of Alle- gheny township, sustained a serious injury while engaged in milking on Saturday. She was seated on a stool in the barnyard, when one of the cows took fright and in its mad movements struck the stool, knocking Mrs. Mec- Mullen over with it. Her leg was broken above the ankle and she was also bruised rather severely. It. Good House-Keepers Will appreciate the many good qual- ities of Prizer’s air tight, donble heater. It will make more heat with less fuel, and last twice as long as any other air- tight stove. The best results are guaranteed, BINDER & STARRETT. | seat said in Patton the other day: | season. i To an unbiassed onlooker the ‘‘war’’ | appears to be an effort on the part of | certain county seat people to get other | towns to assist them in pulling their telephonic chestnuts out of the blaze. The county seat lawyers, newspaper men and a few others have considera- ble business with Johnstown and nat- urally want the lowest rate possible. Patton and the other towns in North- ern Cambria county have very little business with the Flood city, but a great deal with each other, and right here is where they are going to get “‘gstung”’ if they ‘‘don’t watch out.” The Bell people have made a propo- sition to the different towns of a flat rate of five cents a message to Johns- town, providing a certain number of new ’phones are installed (60 is the number for Patton) and a like number of H. & C. taken out. BUT, the free service to Barnesboro, Hastings, Spangler and other points is to be discontinued when this new rate goes into effect. And right here is where Patton is go- ing to get it in the trachea. For every message sent from this place to Johns- town there are an hundred sent to other towns in Northern Cambria county, so that by saving an occasional 20 cents when talking to the Flood city the business men of Northern Cambria will pay five times thab amount to talk to neighboring towns. It is a nice scheme for the county seat, but a d- -euced poor one for Patton, Barnesboro, Hastings and Spangler. The COURIER has no object in view in publishing these facts other than to serve the people of this section, but there has been so much misrepresenta- tion in prejudiced newspapers concern- ing the matter that a plain statement of facts seems necessary. Moreover, the service given by the local company has always been satis- factory and the majority of the stock- holders are men whom we know and in whom we have the utmost confi- dence. The Bell company has always been an arrogant corporation and never reduced rates or provided better service until compelled to do so by the independent concerns. The H. & C. took the initiative in providing an all night service and its action has not yet been followed by its competitor. As for Ebensburg, the only ones put- ting up a kick of any consequence so far as can be learned are Berkebile, the Ebensburg representative of the Johns- town Democrat; Osborne, of the Free- man, and Kaylor, of the Tribune. As a prominent resident of the county **What difference does it make, any- way, what the rate is from Ebensburg to Johnstown? Berkebile, Osborne and Kaylor have the line all the time and if you want to talk to a Johnstown man you either have to go there or wait ’till these fellows are in bed. NO SPECIAL HOLIDAY RATE. Passengers Will be Compelled to Pay the Regular Fare. Probably for the first time in the his- tory of railroads no special holiday rates will be granted this year. No rates were granted for Thanksgiving Day, and unless some action is taken at a | meeting of the General Passenger asso- ciation at Chicago next week passen-| gers will be compelled to pay the regu- lar fare during Christmas week. Railroad officials figure that they | would not be justified in granting | special holiday rates this year in view | of the many reductions made in passen- | ger fares all over the country. Usually | the special rates are announced during | the latter part of October, but so far no | circulars have been issued, andit is, generally believed that none will be issued. Representatives of certain | trunk lines are said to favor the special holiday rates and will present a resolu- | tion to this effect at the Chicago meet- John A. Schwab, Pres. ing next week. | | Fall and Winter Wear Coming in every day. For boys, as stylish as can be made. All at the lowest figure. Suits for men-—good as tailor Children’s Suite Call in made. in many different styles. and see and price them. SHOES. The largest shoe stock in Patton. That is why this store sells more than any store in Northern Cambria. Satisfaction guaranteed. LADIES’ SKIRTS. For Misses also. Extra Large Sizes. TRUNKS AND VALISES. We always have a large stock on hand to select from. HATS AND CAPS. Fall line now complete in all lines. Stein-Bloch Clothing. B. KUSNER, Next Door to Bank. PATTON, PA. There's a Vast Difference between poor whiskey at a big price and good whiskey at a low price. With the former we have nothing to do—we won't sell it at any price. But because we have and handle nothing but the best brands is no reason why we charge more for it. In fact, our reputation for standard goods at a low figure is more than local. We believe in a standard article and also believe in selling it for what it is worth—and not a cent more. : ; go Beer? Of course the same policy obtains thefe too. Nothing but the best—Duquesne and Piel—and the price is right, too. ED. A. MELLON, Local 'Pone’ PATTON, PA. THE GRANGE NATIONAL BANK OF PATTON. M. D. Bearer, Qashier. Surplus - - 12,000 @ Opened its doors tor the banking business of the general public on Wednesday, Aug. 8th, 1906. We invite the accounts of individuals, merchants and manufacturers. Collections Promptly Made. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. DON'T BE SICK. Be prepared for the season’s changes. ‘An Ounce of Pre- vention is Worth a Pound of Cure.” is one of the old say- ings which contains a world of truth. Don’t wait until the hearse is called before seeking relief. A good sailor shortens sail before the storm is upon him. The wise general pre- pares for defence if in danger of attack. If you had a large purse of money you would not leave it loose in the presence of thieves. Be as good to yourself as youn would to your money. Disease germs lurk about and sneak into your system at the first opportunity. good health ? It is gone perhaps forever. from disease by wearing a chest protector during this For sale by Then where is your Protect yourself changeable weather. WOLF'S PHARMACY, PATTON, PA, Capital - - $60,00p-# =¥ ©
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