Patton Courier. A ———————————— Roy Eaton Decker, "ESTABLISHED .- oo. — TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, une year, in advance, « « 1883, ages are pald, unless at the option of the publisher, Entered al the Postoftice at Patton ns second. class mail matter, —— ADVERTISING RATES, « Legal notices §1 per inch for three insertions. QOard of thanks be per line. Resolutions be per line. Poetry be per line, Business locals 5e per line, Display ads 10c per inch flat. Foreign advertising must be pald for invar- fably in advaace. No commission paid to advertising agents, These are “best” rates—no others go. — - TO ESTABLISH NEW COURSE. CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1. Number enrolled, 63; average attend- ance, 58; per cent of attendance 95. Present every day: Hugo Blumberg, Que Cullen, Pau! Clristoft, Simon Cherkowsky, Patrick Callaban,Stephen - Ohurley, Raymond Cavanaugh, John Damyou, Elmer Danielson, Andrew Force, Alfred Graham, Matthew Hodge, Albert Law, Forest Matley, Joseph Miles, Jacob Mirkin, Alex Monteith, Gerald Manion, James Quinn, Frank Sunseri, Mike Stasko, John Stasko, Raymond Short, William White, James Fisher, Homer Litzinger, John Sim- mons, Roumilda Geisson, Elizabeth Haden, Esther Hile, Mary Stasko, - Orphelia Banker, Annie Waters, Jennie Wilson, Annie Pocatilla, Katie Nole. FLORA A. PENNY, Teacher. Second Grade, No. 4. Number enrolled, 60; average attend- auce, 53; per cent of attendance, 94. Present every day: Edwin Biller, Ray- mond Biller, James Calhoun, Edmund Qollins, Ernest Commons, Hayes _or- ~ mnelins; Frank Davis, Dennis Flynn, ‘Earl Gill, Harry Kusner, John Misinco, George Nelson, Peter Tober, Maurice - Weakland, Derr Winslow, Marion Blair, Susie Bobeck, Mildred Brown, Clementine Cauteraux, Virginia Coop- er, Bertha Leary, Mary Lunn, Harriet Manuel, Carrie Short, Bernice Shunk- wiler, Lucilia Spence, Laura Thomas. BERTHA EVANS, Teacher. Second Grade, No. 5. Number enrolled, 53; average attend- ~ ance, 49; per cent of attendance, 93. Present every day: Mike Bullock, - Sgmuel. .Boyer, Richard Brown, Walter Oaivpbell, Rhule Catherwood, Irvin Dunegan, Bannan Fitzpatrick, Thomas Graham, David Heist, Robert Jones, Worrell Jones, John Leisko, Leslie Rafferty, Wallace Walk, Walter Wil- liams, Mary Dale, Alice Gradwell, Gen- evieve Gregory, Florence Harper, Evelyn Hubbard, Esther Howe, Laura Hubbard, Rosie Lehman, .Leah Rep- sher, Annie Simon, Yoonne Yerger. MARY E. HERTZLER, Teacher. Second Grade, No. 6. Number enrolled, 62; average attend- ance, 59; per cent of attendance, 96. Present every day: Olara Airhart, Edna Beckwith, Ethel Beckwith, Mary . Bigosh, Amanda Dahloff, Josephine Gagliardi, Kate Gillespie, Marie Glass, “Forence Jenkins, Sara Kelsall, Ida * Lunn, Edith Pearson,Josephine Quinn, . Mary Richards, June Rhody, Mary ~ Somies, Sibyl Stull, Ellen Zehursky, Edward Barnwell, @nssell Commons, Mat Dawson, Mack Denlinger, John ‘Dubranskey, William Fletcher, Ray- mond Feigh, Edward Gauntner, Stan- Jey Kayden, Mike Koschock, Harry ~ Mitchell, Harry Mulligan, Thomas Quinn, Warner Repsher, Francis Rounsley, Stephen Smithbower, George Spence, George Stasko, Frank Walter, David Waters, Ernest Wilson. ALMA M. EIDSBURG, Teacher. Third Grade, No. 7. Number enrolled, 67; average attend- ance, 58; per cent of attendance, 89. Present every day: Logan Allison, Earl Campbell, Mike Dubransky, Edwin Johnson, Eddie Merriman, James R. ‘Monteith, Howard Mitchell, James ‘Morrissey. Albert Novick, Walter [oonan, Edwin Powell, Robert Rogers, Charles Swapkosky, Charles Somics, ‘Hugh Whiteford, Ethel Commons, Stella Chapman, Maud Feigh, Eva Goods, Mary Hulaska, Bessie Kusner, Maggie Kayden, Maggie Kuhnley, Zelda'Long, Ethel Lucas, Miriam Lilly, Marie Nagle, Rachel Nelson, Maggie Sadula, Mary Stull, Celia Trinkley, Eliza Williams. CECELIA DUNEGAN, Teacher. Third Grade, No. 8. umber enrolled, 69; average attend- , 66; per cent of attendance, 96. nt every day: Axel Anderson, Jo Biller, David Danielson, George Fornadley, Knut Forsberg, Elery Hub- ‘bard, Robert Hunter, Earl Ivory, Wil- liam Jenkins, Covle Marks, James McMuldren, Raymond McMasters, i Frank Modjenski, Thomas Powell, jorie Ross, Eddie Rounsley, Joe Sa- dala, Leo Thomas, Fred Wolt, Anselm Weakland, Gaston Quignon, Elmer Peterson, William Elms, Alice Air- hart, Florence Bell, Margaret Brown, / Minnie ‘Brown, Susie Ballock, Rozella “Margaret Collins, Louise Lottie Jones, Lizzie Kochis, "Law, Margéret McCormick, a Moréy, Mpicelene McCoy, Susie - $1.00 | &=No papers discontinued until all arrear | Welty, Czarine Urbin, Orive WHITE, Teacher, Intermediate Grade, No, 9. Number enrolled, 55; average attend. ance, 49; per Rafferty, Joseph Squires, Eddie Wilkie, | Allen Williams, Samuel Williams, Julia Astbury, Hagriet Astbury, Myrtle | Brewer, Annie Bobuck, Hattie Boyer, | Mary Collins, Agues Danczak, Marie Fisher, Matilda Huber, Sara Law, Janet Manuel, Olive Manion, Palcho, Marie Sanker, Catherine Smith- | bower, Gertrude Short, Lilian Wilson, Mary Waters. LorETTo PRINDIBLE, Teacher. Intermediate Grade, No. 10. | Number enrolled, 47; average attend- | ance, 43; per cent of attendance, 94. Present every day: Ford llison, Philip Bauman, Frances Bruneau,\John Qallaghan, John Campbell, John Grad- well, Adam Heist, Donald Hubbard, Joseph Kelsall, Joseph Lacava, James | Long, Horace Manion, Orvis Shunk- wiler, Andrew Somics, John Somics, Lizzie Banfield, Esther Blair, Susie Drorchock, Sara Long, Nellie Kuhn- ley, Jane McMuldren, Olive Meredith, Turla Nelson, Annie Novick, La- vinia Williams. RENA B. LEwis, Teacher. Intermediate Grade, No. 11. Number enrolled, 51; average attend- ance, 44; per cent of attendance, 94. Present every day: Clarence Austin, James Astbury, Samuel Brown, John Boyer, Thomas Fletcher, Charles Gib- bons, Glenn Humphrey, Thomas Lloyd, Moore Miles, Joseph Mirkin, James Morgan, David Nelson, Albert Shuss, Earl Woomer, Jennie Collins, Annie Christoff, Katie Flynn, Rachel Gwynn, Sara Haywood, Rose Hayden, Mabel Mellon, Hilda Mullen, Ruth Noonan, Sara Rowland, Laura Winslow. ELsiE E. EISENHART, Teacher. Intermediate Grade, No. 12. Number enrolled, 54; average attend- ance, 51; per cent of attendance, 96. Present every day: John Bell, Leo Burkhart, Andrew Anderson, Harry Chapman, Anthony Choby, Albert Christoff, Edgar Cooper, Joseph Hub- bard, Lloyd Johnson, John Litzinger, George Mitchell, Francis McCormick, Daniel Morgan, Eddie Rafferty, George Sheka, James Sunseri, Walter Thomas, John White, Welwood Winslow, Mar- sella Biller, Margaret Commons, Alice Danielson, May Delozier, Annie Fitz- patrick, Sophia Force, Hilda Karlheim, Gertrude Lehman, May Lilly, Martha McMasters, Elizabeth Monteith, Marg- aret Powell, Katie Purcell, Harriet Short, Maude Shunkwiler, Roumayne Worrell;Mary Swapkosky, Alice Bixler. LYDIA BUCKWALTER, Teacher. AGNES DONNELLY, Substitute. Grammar School. Number enrolled, 51; average attend- ance, 47; per cent of attendance, 94. Present every day: Hilda Bishop, Margaret Campbell, Helen Monteith, Anna Nothnagle, Agnes Williamson, Helen Bell, Magdalena Gagliardi,Marg- ureite Morey, Anna Mirkin, Bessie Sheehan, Elizabeth Summerville, Bessie Swope, Estella Watkins, John Lewis, John Morrison, Perry Walter, Joseph Delozier,John Jones, Robert Lindbloom, Ralph Miles. High School. Number enrolled, 33; average attend- ance, 29; per cent of attendance, 97. Present every day: Bruce Bell, John Sheehan, Thurman Jackson, George Jones, Earl Mitchell, Claire Smale, Esther Bishop, Ida Forsberg, Mary Hewlett, Mildred Lewis, Myrtle Mulli- gan, Mary Summerville, Sadie '‘Sum- merville, Zella W oomer, Anna Jones, Anna Monteith, Gladys Morey, Rosella Miles, Grace Monteith, Romaine Smale, Anna Jones, Anna Monteith. Assembly Room. B. I. Myers, teacher of physics, al- gebra, grammar. W.M. Bosserman, teacher of mathematics, German, civ- ics. Sara Lawler, teacher of Latin, geography, physiology. Jane Hufford, teacher of English branches and his- tory. Summary. Number enrolled, 794; average at- tendance, 702; per cent of attendance, 94; present every day, 404. B. L MYERS, Principal. DANGER FROM DYSPEPSI Imperfect Digestion " Most Prolific Cause ot Serious Disease, While health reports do not givein- digestion as a cause of death, yet it so weakens the stomach and the whole system that it makes one readily fs. ceptible to serious illness. If you have distress after eating, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nervousness, dizziness, nausea, head- ache or any other symptoms of indiges- tion, begin the use of Miona at once and get well. Miona will give such strength and tone to the whole digestive system that you can eat anything at any time with- out fear of distress or indigestion. 0. F. Wolf has so much faith in its su perior merits, that he gives a guarantee with every 50-cent box of Miona that- the remedy will cost nothing unless it cures. Read your own COURIER. Julia | | 1,755.5 feet; thence west 30 feet to an Borough Ordinances. ORDINANCE NO, 96, | An ordinance establishing a side walk grade on the north side of Magee | tofore established, | Beit enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the bor- | ough of Patton, and it is hereby enact- ed and ordained by authority of the { same: Section 1. That, whereas, there are | [at present a number of irregularities (in the grade of the side walk on Ma-| | gee avenue between Fifth avenue and the bridge across Little Chest creek on | | the north side of said street, and for | the purpose of establishing a perma- | nent and uniform grade of said side walk, it ic hereby enacted and | | ordained: That beginning on the west side of | Fifth avenue said sidewalk shall be of lan elevation of 1,749.56 feet; thence ex- [tending west 166 feet at a uniform | grade of 3.25 per cent to an elevation of 1,754.9 feet; thence continuing west 16 feet to an elevation of 1,756 feet; elevation of 1,756 feet; thence west 25 feet to an elevation of 1,755.9 feet; thence west 25 feet to an elevation of elevation of 1,754.6 feet; thence west 265 feet at a uniform grade of 3.7 per cent to an elevation of 1,744.8 feet. Section 2. That all grades or ordi- nances inconsistent herewith establish- ing grades of the gide walk on the north side of said street between the points named are hereby repealed. Section 3. That the borough engi- neer be and is hereby directed to give the grades to the property owners along said side walk, or mark the same on the ground and that written no- tice be given to all property owners adjacent to the same, to make the grade of their respective side walk conform to the grade hereby estab- lished, within 10 days from service of notice, otherwise the grading will be done by the borough of Patton and the cost collected from the owners adja- cent to the same, along with ten per centum additional as allowed by law. Enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the borough of Patton, this, the 12th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1906. H. 8. LINGLE, President of Council. Attest: — ED. S. MOORE, Borough Secretary. Approved by the burgess of Patton borough this, the 14th, day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1906. J. J. DONNELLY, Chief Burgess. ORDINANCE No. 97. An ordinance levying the assessment according to the foot front rule on all the property owners adjacent to Fourth avenue between Magee and Beach | avenues in the borough of Patton, to | provide for the payment of two-thirds of the cost of grading, paving and curbing of said street, and providing | that one-third of the cost of the im- | provement be paid by the borough of Patton, and providing the manner of the collection of the assessment from the property owners. Section 1. Be it enacted and or- dained by the burgess and town council of the borough of Patton, and it is hereby, enacted and ordained by the authority of the same: That whereas, two-thirds of the property owners adjacent to Fourth avenue, between Magee and Beach avenues, in the borough of Patton, by petition, to council, requested that said street, between the points above named, be graded, paved and curbed, and that the cost thereof be assessed and collected, two-thirds from the property owners adjacent to the same, and that one-third be paid by the bor- ough of Patton. And whereas, the borough of Patton, by ordinance duly passed and approved in accordance with the wishes of said petitioners, did grade, pave and curb said street, the work thereon haviog been completed on the 1st day of September, A. D. 1906. And, whereas, the total cost of grad- ing, paving and curbing of said street is ascertained to be $2,490.77, of which one-third is levied and assessed to be paid as the share or amount to be paid by the borough of Patton out of the general funds of said borough, and two-thirds of said total cost be and is hereby levied and assessed to and against the property owners adjacent | to said improvement, according to the foot front rule. The names of the owners, foot frontage and amount as- sessed against each being as follows: One-third, Patton borough... coven $§ 830 26 B. C. C. & C. Co., 140 feet, $415.10, Carb- ing credit $42.40 G. 8S. Good, 80 feet, $88.9. M. Collar, 110 feet, $326.15. John Jacobs, 46 feet,8 inches 372 70 88 95 326 15 Section 2 That thes assessment above | made shall be filed with the borough | secretary, who shall thereupon cause’ thence west 25 feet to an elevation of| 1,755.6 feet; thence west 25 feet to an | ber, A. D. 1906. 138 37 | Patton this, 30 daye’ written or printed notice to be given to each party assessed, either by service on the owner or agent, or left on the assessed premises, giving the name of the owner of the property as- cent of attendance, 98. avenue, beginning at Fifth avenue and | goggod, and the amount of the nssess- Present every day: Bimer Beiter, | extending west to bridge across Little | ment, and stating that the assessments Jimes Brown, Joseph Ohristoff, Wil-| Ohest creck, and repealing any side | ape dne and payable, and directing that [liam Dahloff, George Lehman, James | walk grade between the points named | the same shall be pafd within 80 days Mitchell, Paul McNamara, Chester | on the north side of said street, here- | to (he borough treagurer. Section 8. If said assessments, or {any of them, shall remain unpaid at | the expiration of said notice, the same shall be placed in the hands of the | borough golicitor for collection, whose | duty it shall be to collect the same, to- | gether with five per centum additional as « attorney’s commission, “and interest | from the completion ne grading, | paving and curbing, hy a municipal {claim filled against thy delinquent | owner. | Enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the borough of Patton this, the 19th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1906, H. 8. LINGLE, President of Council. Attest: — Ep. 8. MOORE, Borough Secretary. Approved by the burgess of Patton | borough this, the 19th day of Novem- J. J. DONNELLY, Chief Burgess. ORDINANCE NO. 98. An ordinance levying an assessment according to the foot front rule on all property owners adjacent to Fifth avenue, between Beach avenue and Terra Cotta avenue, in the borough of Patton, to provide for payment of two- thirds of the cost of grading, paving and curbing of said street, and provid- ing that one-third of the cost of the improvement be paid for by the bor- ough of Patton, and providing the manner of making the collection of the assessment from the property owners. Section 1. Be it enacted and or- dained by the burgess and town council of the borough of Patton, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by authority of thesame: That, whereas, two-thirds of the property owners ad- jacent to Fifth avenue, between Beach and Terra Cotta avenues, in the Ror- ough of Patton, by petition to council, requested that said street, between the points above named, be graded, paved and curbed, and that the cost thereof be assessed and collected, two-thirds from the property owners adjacent to the same, and that one-third be paid by the borough of Patton. And, whereas, the borough of Patton, by ordinance duly passed and approved in accord- ance with the wishes of said petition- ers, did grade, pave and curb said street, the work thereon having been completed on the 10th day of Novem- ber, A. D. 1906. And, whereas, the total cost of grad- ing, paving and curbing of said street is ascertained to be $4,112.89, of which one-third is levied, assessed and to be paid by the borough of Patton out of the general funds of said borougii, and two-thirds of the total cost be, and is hereby levied and assessed to and against the property owners adjacent | to said improvement according to the foot front rule. The names of the owners, foot frontage and amount as- | sessed against each being as follows: One-third, Patton borough... ...§ 1,370 96 Patton School District, 150 foot, $111. 30, credit by curb $106.80. 304 50 Joseph Fisher, 50 feet, $137.10.. 137 10 Mrs. Annie Worrell, 50 feet, § 137 10 | T. J. Scholl, 50 feet, $137.1 187 10 G. 8S. Good, 159 feet, $411.30.. 411 30 F. Staemmele, 50 feet, $137.10.. 137 10 G. 8. Good, 30 feet, $137.10... 137 10 Russian Orthodox Catholic C 50 feet, S137.10.......cuvises session 137,00 Mrs. W. C. Hubbard, 50 feet, $137. 10.. ee 13710 Alex Montieth, 50 feet, $137.10. 137 10 T. R. Morrison, 50 feet, $137.10. 137 10 A. C. Fisher, 50 feet, §137:10. 137 10 Lillian Greene land E. Will Greene, 50 feet, $137.10 137 10 W. H. Deplinger, 274 20 Mrs. V. A. Murray, 50 feet, $137. 137 10 Section 2. That the soe made shall be filed with the berough secre- tary, who shall thereupon cause 30 days’ written or printed notice to be given to each party assessed, either by service on the owner or agent, or left on the assessed premises, giving the name of the owner of the property as- sessed, and the amount of the assess- ment, and stating that the assessments are due and payable, and directing that the same shall be paid within 30 days | to the borough treasurer. Section 8. If said assessments, or any of them, shall remain unpaid at the expiration of said notice, the same shall be placed in the hands of the borough solicitor for collection, whose duty it shall be to collect the same, | together with 5 per centum additional as attorney’s commission, and interest from the completion of the grading, paving and curbing, by a municipal claim filed against the delinquent owner. Enacted and ordained by the burgess and town council of the borough of the 19th day of Novem- Richard Rowland, 46 feet, 8 inches, | ber, A. D. 1906. FISS ITLL veins bissbnisvin: . 13837] H. S. LINGLE, Mrs. Frank Wargo, 23 feet, 4 inc ws | President of Council £69.18......... = . 6918] ’ Patton Fire Co. No. 1, 140 feet, $415.10..... 415 10 | Abbest:— Mrs. Sarah Henry, 23 feet, 4 inches, ED. S. MOORE, $69.17... 69 17 Borough Secretary. Approved by the burgess of Patton moved out as many ourselves and get the money to use in our business we have 8 decided to cut the prices as follows: (SALE BEGINS SATURDAY, NOV. 17th)’ This Sale Men’s Cut Price Sui Sale. Owing to the warm © Ai fall season we find we have not, In order to help suits as we should. Men’ s $20.00 Suits Cut to $17.50 18.50 16.00 “ 16.50 ’ 14.50 3 15.00 4 13.00 dy 12.50 .“" 10.00 "This includes all our fine blacks and finished mixtures in worsteds and all grades of suits. Remember, this nreans all. Come and see us—Save Money. The Keystone, Opposite First National Bank. CHILDREN'S SUIT SALE. In order to reduce our children’s suit stock we offer you the following low cut prices, beginning Sat. Nov. 17th. These are of two standard makes and all of woolen cloths of best qualities made for the prices. Ages run from 38 to 16 years. The $6.50 Suits Cut to $5.00 5.00 4.00 1 4.50 6“ 66 3.50 1 4.00 13 13 3.25 ‘ 3.50 1 6 2.75 ‘6 3.00 6 6 2.25 “« 250 4 2.00 In this sale we offer some the following prices: The $6.50 Ones Cut to $5.50 6.00 5.00 “500 % 4.00 “ 4.00 * .“* 3.25 “ 350 6 2.75 “ 300 € 2.25 “ 2.00 > # 1.65 Directly Opposite the First National Bank. — ; No suits held back-—no prices raised or anything of that kind. Selling our goods at one fixed cash price where every man’s dollar is as good as another; you all. this 1s a nice saving to nice Overcoats and Reefers at, is at THE KEYSTONE, i % ~ PRIZER’S AIR TIGHT DouBLE HEATER Appeals to the housewife who trieg to save where others waste. the rooms to be heatgd. LESS ASHES—NO DIRT. ‘We invite your inspection of PRIZER’S AIR-TIGHT as we believe ° we can please in quality, appearance and price. BINDER & STARRETT, PATTON, PA. BURNS THE CHEAPEST GRADE" OF SOFT COAL OR SLACK WITH THE SAME SUCCESSFUL RE- SULTS THAT OTHER STOVES DO THE BEST QUALITY OF FUEL. / Prevents cold floors, and establishes an even temperature in all parts of A continuous fire can be maintained throughout the winter, and the amount of heat can be regulated and controlled te meet the actual requirenients of the household. SAVES ONE-FOURTH THE COAL CONTINUED ON PAGE 4. TRY IT! PHONES: { The Acme of Perfection, PATTON BEER Warranted absolutely pure ard free from all deleterious substances. FOR SALE AT ALL THE LEADING BARS IN THE COUNTY. PATTON BEER IS UNION MADE. Bell Loeal TRY ITI THE PATTON BREWING CO. PATTON, PA. after were
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