n your | make RE. er- ¥ y ou 14s nd - if ap- ay rill ou I Yatton Courier. A ————————————————————-=-=SETEE INTERESTING INDENTATIONS. '.W. H, Denlinger bad business in Pittsburg this week. —A new $35,000 opera house is to be built at Barnesboro. Miss Anna Moore, of Lock Haven, {8 visiting relatives in town. —P. P. Young is president of the new borough council of Unalport. —Miss Margaret Flynn was visiting | relatives in Barnesboro last week. | —J. J. Donnelly is in eastern cities | this week buying goods for the Bon | Ton store. | e—Jim Sheehan is home from Buck- pell University at Lewisburg for a week’s sojourn. -~“Panch” Leegle, the erswhile prize fighter, is now employed as a police- man av Portage. — Wednesday was the first day of spring —according to the calendar but not in Cambria county. —People looking for pure liquors will be interested in the new advertise | ment of Ed A. Mellon in this issue. | —Mrs. Sandford Burkhart has re-| turned to her home in Johnstown after an extended visit with relatives here. —Dr. J. A. Murray is home from | Philadelphia, where he has been receiv- ing treatment in the German hospital. Read the new advertisement of O. | F. Wolf, the druggist, and see what he has to say about nigh grade stationery. —An advertisement of unusual inter- | est in this issue is the new one of the | Keystone Clothing Co. on the fourth page. | —The Dickinson College Glee Club, | which will appear at the M. E. church | to-night, will be greeted by a crowded | house. | —“The Fatal Wedding” at the | Barnesboro opera house Saturday night. See advertisement in another | column. —Thomas J. Graham, who has been in a Philadelphia hospital for several | weeks past, returned home Saturday | evening. —The fast basket ball team of St. Francis college at Loretto defeated the Johnstown high school five at Ebens- burg Saturday afternoon by a score of | quesne Beer. 38 to 11. —The Pennsylvania State Firemen’s Association will meet at Gettysburg, this year on October 1st to 6th. T.N. Nagle will represent Patton at this gathering. — William F. Mosser has about 5,000 acres of land at Westover, which he has put a wire fence around and will stock it with deer, pheasants and wild animals. He will also have fish dams stocked with trout, carp, pickerel and other fish. : —Judge Smith, after holding the matter under consideration and hear- ing testimony at the argument court at Clearfield on Monday, refused to grant a license to either of the two hotels at Hawk Run. He also turned down the application of the Hotel Bloom at Clearfield. —The Pennsylvania Railroad has ordered the destruction of all its 30,000, 40,000 and 50,000 pounds capacity freight cars. They are of an old type and worn out. All 60,000 capacity cars have been ordered to the Altoona shops, where they will be equipped with air brakes to comply with the law. John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Workers of America, has decided upon an assessment of 20 cents a week for the local miners, to be used in case a strike is called April 1st. Some months ago the miners were as- sessed 10 cents a week for a strike fand, but the order was effective but one month. . _.Nelson Crosscart, of Mahaffey, a brakeman on the C. & O. division, slipped irom a car roof and fell under his train at7 o’clock Wednesday morn- ing. He was run over and his back seriously injured, but the authorities of the Altoona hospital, where he was taken for treatment, are unable yet to say whether or not he received any in- ternal injuries. —The much mooted paving question which has been agitating the citizens of Loretto for many month was defta- itely settled last week by the borough council, which voted to pave the streets. The width of the sidewalks was placed at five feet ana the street at 30. It was originally the intention to have a six- foot sidewalk, but owing to the many objections filed to this plan by property holders it was decided to change to five feet, as this will not require a change in any of the property lines. —Rev. David J. Lawrence, the pastor of the Swedish Ev. Lutheran church, fas tendered his resignation and will leave here as soon as his successor is procured. Mr. Lawrence has accepted the pastorate of a church near Stanton, Montgomery county, Iowa. He re- grets to leave Patton, but the health of Mrs. Lawrence is such that he thinks a change of climate beneficial. Rev. Lawrence is a hard working energetic pastor and the church here has pros- pered greatly under his pastorate. The best wishes of a host of friends will follow both he and his estimable wife to their new home. CLIPPED AND CONTRIBUTED. Black bass and trout every Friday at the Oity Restaurant. For paper hanging and decorating call on A. O. Fisher, Patton Pa, Every one likes power, even if he does not know what to do with it. Spring suitings in all the latest de signs just received at Dinsmore Bros How soon we learn that the average | man’s bark is about all there is to him | When people say anything good about you, ever notice what u few are present ? Always have distinguished friends, Never have tools tor friemds. They are of no use, | To govern men yon must either ex el | them in their accompiishments or ce- | gpise them. A white bed room suit will | For partcu- | For Sale be sold cheap for cash. lars call at this office, Found— A Owner ¢n | have same by calling at this office wd | | ladies’ boa. paying for this notice. | Sue Wentz, teacher of masic i d representative of 8. Hamilton Piano | company, Pittsburg Pa. | For Sale—Good bed room suit bed springs will be sold cheap for cash, | Inquire at this office. | aad No soap bubbies on Duquesne beer. The “collar”? is pure cream. Ask tor | it at the bars and get the best. To rule men we must be men. Our wisdom must be concealed under foi yi and our constancy under caprice. 1 Have you trouble with yoar watch? | We can repair it at short notice. Laxenberg Jewelry Co. Seo our new line of gray and biue spring suitings just received DINSMORE BROS. Whatever you may heed in jeweiry we have it. Give us a trial. Luxenberg Jewelry Co. Wanted —8,000 shares Consolidated Gold, Copper & Coal Co. stock. Ad- dress Box 507, Bloomsburg, Pa. Your money refunded it our repair- ing is not satisfactory. Luxenverg Jewelry Co. Lost— Between Patton, Thomas Mill and Hastings, a fur. Return to Com- mercial Hotel, Patton, and receive re- ward. it you want the best call for Du- Not a headache in a car- load of it. Cool, sparkling and re- treshing. | Next to knowing when to seize an opportunity the most important thing in lite is to know when to forego an | advantage. | There are not many sights more de- | pressing than to meet a farmer’s wagon 'on a country road going out from town with a coffin in it. Somehow the hundred dollars some | other man has always looks larger and | ag it it would go farther than the hun- dred dollars you have. For Sale—A good Cornish organ. | Will sell cheap for cash or will trade | for a good cow. Call on or address A. | C. Fisher, Patton, Pa. | When a man says he got up nive times with the baby six nights in suc- | cession it means that one night he | woke up and heard his wife get up. No mattter how old your watch or jewelry is, we will make it as good as new at a low price. Luxenberg Jewelry Co. If you appreciate anything clean, attractive and a variety of anything prepared in a first-class way, try the City Cate at Barnesboro, north from the Corner Drug store. It is the best place of its kind in the north of the county and is a very desirable place for ladies as well as gentlemen for meals, lunch and all kinds of soft drinks. Strawberry, vanilla and choc- olate ice cream every day. Also fruit, candy, nuts and fresh roasted Jumbo peanuts. THE STRENU- 00S LIFE Results in Stomach Troubles and Physical 0. F, Wolf Offers a Very Breakdown. Simple Remedy. Strenuous life of modern times forces people to rush through their meals hastily, hurrying from the table in the mad rush after the almighty dollar. The result is incomplete digestion, inflammation of the walls of the stomach, and lack of secretion of the gastric juices, ending in chronic stom- ach trouble and nervous breakdown. How much better it would be to eat slowly, cure the stomach trouble with Mi-o-na, and soon regain perfect health. The headaches, sleeplessness, nervous troubles, pain after eating, specks be- fore the eyes, backaches, melancholy and gloomy foreboding would be soon Jdvercome and perfect health and strength would be restored. So reliable is Mi-o-na in curing all forms of stomach weakness and stom- ach trouble that O.F. Wolf gives a signed guarantee that the remedy will of Mi o-na sells for 50 cents, and is in- igestion, nervousness or weak stom- ISAT., MARCH 24th. cost nothing unless it cures. Each box | 4 THE PATTON COURIEK, MARCH 23 1906. Don’t Forget the Dates of the MELLON MILNER Mar. 31, April 2 and 3. Everything New in Hats, Turbans, Flowers, Ribbons, Belts, Hose, Gloves, Etc. . . . . EVERYBODY COM And Look at the Stock. k * BARNESBORO OPER A RONSE, [uname ones mec Fred Morley, Mgr. First National Ban OF PATTON, PA." --.. Matinee and Night. Organized October 10, 1893. 66 Capital—fully paid - - $100,000 : H Surplus - - - - 40,000 Stockholders’ liability - . - 100,000 Total Assets - - . 850,000 4 FATAL io { | Qeo. 8. Good, James Kerr, A. G. Palmer, E. C. Brown, Chas. Ann Patton, W. C. Lingle, Geo. E. Prindible, Wm. H. Sandford. A general Banking Business transacted. Interest paid on time deposits. Banking by mails a specialty. k We pay four per cent per annum oil deposits in our Savings Departmen compounded semi-annually. Why send your money to institutions in tant cities, strangers to you, when you can do fully as well at home? Call | write for full information. You should have one or more of our Savings Banks in your home. It teach practical lessons in economy. | Saved wages become wage earners for the saver. “Not what you get, but what you hold, Eases life’s burdens when you're old.” WEDDING.” * A Pure, Clean and Wholesome Story, Vividly Portrayed in a . . . True and Realistic Manner . PRICES: 35, 50 and 75c. Children 25c. Matinee 10 and 25¢. Reserved Seats can be arranged for at Gunn’s Pharmacy. sommes T.R. MORRISON, Dentist, PATTON, PA. 1S ille, we Sh : Retie] Someries Violin, Mandolin, Gui= DR: A. W. BHILEY, tar and Banjo . euant, | DepiisH Room 16, Glo WM. M. SIMPSON, - | Fifth Avenue. PATTON, PA. | Office Hours—8 to 12 a. m., Attorney-at-Law, Patron, PA. | Office in the Good Building. Office in Brady Building. i a BE \ fair to anyone who suffers with in- i h. i 5 Read your own paper. | Is this your paper? Opposite M. E. Churh, p.m,
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