Roy Eaton Vesiur, 1808. ————————_— i — ESTABLISHED - - ————————— TERMS oF SUBSCRIPTION, One copy, one year, in ndvance, = - ages are paid, unless at the option of th publisher, class mail matter, ADVERTISING RATES, . © Card of thanks Hc per line. . Resolutions be per line, Poetry He per line. Business locals 5¢ per line, Display ads 0c per inch flat, — Patton Courier. + 8.00 A No pupers discontinued until all arrear- Entered at the Postotfice at Patton as second. Legal notices $1 per inch for three insertions, Foreign advertising must be paid for invar- fably in advance. No commission paid to advertising agents Thes ape “hest” rates—no others go. a ———— NO MORE VOTE BUYING, Under the provisions of an act passed by the special session of the legislature and approved by the governor all can- didates for pubiic office mast file sworn statements of their campaign expenses, if these shall exceed $60. These state ments wlll be open to public inspection. e| All money expended in a campaign | must pass through the bands of a treasurer, who must account for every dollar placed in his posession. The purposes for which money may be spent are set forth in brief as follows: First— For printing and traveling ex- penses and personal expenses incident | t iereto, stationery, advertising, post- | age, expressage, telegraph, telephone | | and public messenger service. i Second —For dissemination of infor- | mation to the public. Sen tent.” cated? Well rather. been unfit tor publication. ‘peady letter writers in their libraries. “To strike or not to surike,” that’s of coal land these days. ! THE agitation for new trolley legis- strength as it goes. ‘will not down. . trical list. ard in Patton, and Juage O’Connor in- timates that this is a cut rate. . THE late burgess of Windber tarned $5,850 in fines during his three years’ erm of office. Either Windber is frightfully wicked or else had an ex- tionally efficient burgess. } f BETTER sidewalks and cleaner paved streets ought to be the slogan of the 4 new borough council if the members thereot want to earn the gratitude of a hafient and long suffering constitu- oncy. ‘THAT the meat trust barons who p indicted for conspiracy shall go free, but that the corporations nselves must stand trial, may be ood law, but it is darn poor common joense, As thé average man why he doesn’t like certain luxuries and if he is honest . with himself he will tell you that it is because he can’t afford them or hasn’t | them. This applies to everything from .shampagne to automobiles. ri met stm OUR own dear little whiskered gov: ruor is _béing “mentioned” for the cd pGy on the United States supreme art bench. Ye Gods and little fishes, nldn’t Penny look pretty properly Wned and caparisoned? “It is to ” A\COMPANY is anxious to pipe nat- al | as to Johnstown and offers $10,- DOO for the privilege. A sheer waste of fmoney. + Why not utilize the vast |amount that could be obtained from [Pi6od City: politicians ? They have it plenty. { Dy eS t isn’t very much to the credit of the an people that a New York benator had the legislature kill ito save Niagara Fall because he not find any sentiment in favor . Were an unsentimental lot, ay. CL new state Scostabuiary is a big e at loafing. and drawing their THere never was a demand for h an | jpstitution any way out- e of the'big corporations who ob- ted to Pmying for protecting their propalty. | renin 0. BAER, vicegerent. of God by | own admission, is not near as nkerous now as he was two years ‘Even a man with a cranium as bd a8 Baer's gets down to earth na while ‘when compelled to by “Now is the winter of our discon- HAS the ground hog been vindi- THE weather the past few days has BoTH Mitchell and Baer must have the question that is agitating this neck ‘lation + is growing and gathering It is insistent and AND now the Billy Baxter letters have been dramatized. The works of | quired under this act he cannot be | osephus are probably the next on the ! “IT costs in the neighborhood of $40 4 to procure liguor for a habitual drunk- Third —For political meetings, dem- onstrations and conventions, and for | the pay and transportation of speak- | ers. | Fourth—For the rent, furnishing and maintenance of offices. Fitth—For the payment of clerks, typewriters, wstenographers, janitors and messengers actually employed. S.xth—For the employment of watch- ers at primary meetings and elections to the number allowed by law. Seventh—For the transportation o voters to and from the polls. Eighth—For legal expenses, bona fide, incurred in connection with any nomination or election, No candidate is allowed to *‘pay, give or lend, directly or indirectly, any money or other valuable thing for any nomination or election expenses,’ ex- cept as enumerated above, and unless the candidate files a statement as re- sworn into office. Of course the adept at bribing voters will find some way to evade the provisions of this law, but as a general rule the act will put an end to the lavish use of money in elec- tions and make the debauchery of vot- ers an expensive business. AN epidemic of resignations ‘broken out among the newly elected road supervisors in different parts of the state. According to the new state law, township road superyisors will hereafter receive no pay and in ad- dition to their free labor are forced to pay taxes just as other residents. They formerly received $2 per day while the has 1 of COPYRIGHT R908 THE SELLE NBURG GUOIMING Ga. Now Ready For Your Inspection the new Spring and Summer Models for Buys and Juveniles. For beautiful, serviceable fabrics, coupled with grace of modeling and best character tailoring, noth- ing equals SNELLENBERG CLOTHES for boys, and in no other make will you find the same splendid values for the same moderate prices. Fashionable Suits and Overgar- ments for Boys and Juveniles,every smart model of the season’s vogue, in a choice of new materials that i t please you $3.00 to $12.00. please you WE HAVE A DIS- TINCTIVE SHOE STORE. roads were being sepaired. strictly offered. [Fashion s pe rfectly reflected in the cut and finish of distinguished An Opening Display OF NEW Spring and Summer Styles We begin this season with one of | the most comprehensive assortments high-class clothing ever | and their fabrics include the most ex- | mr clusive shade and pattern effects in a | tremendous variety. | Smart Sack Suits for Men and Young Men Single and double-breasted models in a number of most stylish designs—the fit faultless —workmanship unexcelled. $10.00 to $20.00. | Swell Top Coats for Men and Young Men All the preferred styles in short, medium and long garments, and a fine selection of Raincoats made from “Cravenette” a wealth of handsome plain and fancy effects—abso- lutely waterproof. $10.00 to $15.00. | The latest shapes in Hats and everything that’s new and attractive in Spring Haberdashery—at most reasonable prices. | | TOZER’S, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Ko dacks and Supplies. THE KEYSTONE, Opp Bank, PATTON, PA. foremost | | | | | | ially when it you have never features are received wiil lose fabrics in made. SHOES IN ALL STYLES, SHAPES AND KINDS. NOBODY REFUSES. {a present of a box of candy. Espe comes from here. tried the experi] we advise you to buy a box. to your wife or sweetheart an see THE SMILE THAT WON'T COME OFF go Clothes of Quality n Land if you have a sweet tooth in your head a taste out of the box will make {|| you our steady customer for ever. KINKEAD'S STATIONERY STORE. Brin, THE piece of Silver- ware which on Christmas its lustre and turn to a brown color if you do not keep it wrap- ped in tissue paper away from the light not care to do that so you had better get a jar of . SILUER CREAM, the finest silver polish 25¢c at you You will ANOTHER A of “first degree murder in the Cambria county courts give the county a very enviable repu-| tation, to say the least. At the present rate an additional sheriff will have to be elected to look after executions ex- clusively. THE COURIER has not heard a dis- cordant note relative to the suggestion of making James H. Allport, of Bar- nesboro, one of the Republican nomi- nees for member of assembly, a fact that is a striking illustration of that genial gentleman’s popularity. IT is to be sincerely hoped that the commendable persistence of Pat Camp- bell in running down the wretches who were guilty of perpetrating the Portage outrage has been crowned with suc- cess and that the suspects now in cus- tody are the men wanted. BEN TILLMAN may be a little wild, wooly and picturesque in his language at times, but what he says anént the proposed railroad rate legislation comes pretty near being gospel truth. HYOME! CURES CATARRH SUITINGS. Now is the time to leave your|. Our of the new grays and blues is complete. order tor that Easter Suit. Everything new and up to date. you seen the new sack coat season. DINSMORE BROS, THE TAILORS, Patton, - - - Penn’a. line Have for this Its Healing Balsams Kill All Catarrhal Germs—Sold Under a Guarantee by O. F. Wolf, . It is a note-worthy fact that among the many medicines and treatments for catarrh, there is one which O. F. Wolf sells under his positive guaran- tee to refund the money if it does not cure—Homei, is nature’s remedy for the care of catarrh. No dangerous drugs are taken into the stomach when Hyomei is used. Breathed through the small pocket inhaler that comes with every Hyomei outfit, its healing balsams penetrates to the most remote cells of the throat, | nose and lungs, killing the germs of catarrh, healing the irritated mucous membrane, and making complete and lasting cures. The complete Hyomei outfit, consist- ing of an inhaler that can be carried in | the purse or vest pocket, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei, costs | sentiment. ation. is, w bo li in nthe swim it will | eral building. About every hy size in the state has made | \ mach ‘chance of being only $1. 'time, while extra bottles of Hyomei | i can be procured, whenever needed, for| present a’ request to congress only 50 cents. this year August 28th to 31st. the kitchen. | FIFTH AVENUE. Sargent’'s Gem Food Chopper. AND WHY IT IS THE BEST. Each chopper is supplied with four steel cutters, cutting from fine to course, and one nut butter cutter, five catters in all. sharpening and are changed by a turn of a screw. This chopper can be at- tached to any kitchen table in a minute and will last as long as any article in It’s simple, economical and indispensible in every home. For Sale By BINDER & STARRETT, Evervthing in Hardware. These cutters are self PATTON, PA ” The inhaler will last a life- | Nometods sleighing parties from FIRE, LIFE AND weigh boring towns have visited Patton cation and most of them | during the past week. —The Carroiltown fair will be held | Good Building, Patton, Pa.—'Phone No. 9. | Parnell, Cowher &Co |, 'F. R. MELLON, —Agents for— mourn INSUBNGE REAL ESTATE AGENTS, | occupied by H. A. Seitz. Office in Good Building, formerly Office hours:—8 a. m, to 12 m. 1 p. m. to 5:30 p. m. 7p. m.to8 p.m. Dentist. that can’t be trusted—or if you have no clock where one ought to be, just come in and see how economically we can supply you with a good, handsome and re- All war- liable time-keeper. our clocks are ranted. LUXENBEG JEWELERY CO. ' CAMBRIA CO. i » Patton, V0 HAVE A GLOGK Goldstein Building, next door to Hotel Patton, Pa. LEADING JEWELERS OF NORTHERN y Ss —An built at —Mis is visiti —-P, new bol —Mis relative -J. J this wi Ton stc Jin pell U week’s «=P fighter, man av —We spring- not in ( —Pec will be ment 0 —Mr turned an exte —Dr. Philade ing tre: —Re F. Wol has to —An est in t Keystc page. —Th which to-nigl house. tt ] Barne: night. colum! —Th ina P weeks evenin —Tk Franc] Johns! burg & 38 tol —Tt Associ this ye Nagle gathe: —W acres has pt stock anima stocke other —Ju matte ing te Clear! a lice! applic Clear -T order 40,000 freigh and w have! where brake —J Unite decid a wee in cs Some sesse fand, one —D brake slipp his tr ing. serio the taker say v terna —1 whic of Lu itely coun The at flv origi foot ohjec hold feet, in an —1 of th fas t leave proc the 1 Mon! grets Mrs. chan Law: paste
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