¥ Is Headalarters for on $1 : Seif taceans of all kinds. Oysters, Is the best and cheape | for the fuil amount of uieir deposits. Lelams, hard and soft shell plac ¢ to get the following Harris will begin the distribution of | 1.1. g di p ee p ; od nd £ 44% wmieryg oi 4 40 [ goods: fends Ruan upon wy the $5,000, 00 school fupd on September GOOD LENCH 0UNTER ! has ; Fo Is rie <f and mst select dssort. . 1, and, in addition, be will shortly make | 4% nd i Builders Ha irawale, : a thie aption of thé : tL heavy pay ments to Lisorge V. Payne & 1 bial iesining ig) nl ac Hi nists’ Too Si : ment o all an Winter (Goods ; ¢ pow 4 lee cream with crus wed frost. Plasterer CT onls Hg ca 0 on a Patton we seven Po, eoutiactons of the vew capitol : 5 ath i : : ever brought to Northern Came During the next three or four months | £ HAYOTs a4 a! il cially. : ‘mints and ( ils. : Comnfuitin TR, Tau 9 £ i ; 3 j od ; A ; : the treasury department will be cnlied | Ine contuitions, toluno and gam, | Scales and Balandes, : bria County. All the new weaves upon to puy out over $1,000,000. This | Mitchell & Motorinick, Prop'rs, ; Clothes Line Wi ire, 8] cxtranrdianry demand is made neces. | pros, arnesinsons to Ha T, Fors | Table and Pocket : i sary by the builditig of the new oapl Cutlery, You will want to see them, 1, appropriations to Lhe s sebiooks | i arpenters’ Tools hy ait By . ol, appropriations to the public schools or Ws k 1 | The price is right, too! Now as and many other little appropriations | om ac ksniit 1 Tools : : : : made by the ® Segieiniene of 1968, : | VY, : ss and Putty, fod always a fit guaranteed in every ir shoe Si ii | ‘Bw A FRSTAE TD \ Fishing Tackle, : firat thonght this seems Teo giver some clear dono the extent | BRIREOR BRS \ Butchers Tools, iculovs, but the honest as: of the savings of the masses of the, [| KENTUCKY i Woodenware, Your next Suit or Trous the president leads one to! American people, it may be stated that. | o Ow y- “% p Glue, after thought that after all | the mousey they bave to-day’in the | BERR DERRY E | Garden Tools, ething practical in it. savings bank would not only suffice to | Ea oe Plows and Wagons seen the Decesity for It! pay for all the important railroad lines \ or Ge: Boys’ Wagons, | AE a 1 have been in the banking in the country, but they would still | who cheri ; Linolenms {odd gieces | L 1NSI ] 10 ~~ LJ 83ros. siys the president. “It isa have half their cash Jeft. It is this : 5 ; below cost, : : ; fa J Baif of the women who come money in the hands of the common | Stains and Carriajge MAGEE AVE, i PAT TON, PA." bk to deposit money carry it | people, the workers, the bone and | For Sale by Paints, ; Ll SI a : or in their Soskinge sinew of the land, that insure the : Brushes of all : edi stability of our inatitotions and the d as. M Gilli ECC. . description, A WORD binsbingly inform me that socurity of business, ’ oe oo eer] 11 is sald on high wcelesinstical au | FipstNali ion | Bank Furniture Depa ment WITH YOU thority that at least one sew American | : TOR, Chamber Suits, tne F PATTO cardinal will be n 1 at the first con- | ig ri} Sxtencing Takled, : hr, ‘Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. Extens 31011 Tabled. We opis" Ea | CELEBRATED Eo he into a corer, tury their | SIStOTY beld by Pias X, and the recom. : Kithen Tables, Ranges ile ail ki ds. el Harris that hoy will led upon ui the next three months We have just received the and styles, instance. ers! Can't we make it? $e bi : ; wi jmendation of Cardinal Gibboss willl oyppray, PAID UP, $100, oooh. “Chairs, American Standa rd | aud deftly bring forth a roll of decide who itis to be. It is hard fo sy! RPL 8, $20, m0.00. Er Dising Room Chiairs, lence, guarantee unl decided that if the women which of the two prelates, Iretind | Aceanta of ( : i * Cupboards, not satisfactory {or Farley, will bo made a prioce of the | Me lens soosieient with sas pre] LC hiffonier 5, back and ask no Ge church first. It is barely possible that | grb pho aon Vag thd bie, § Sideboards, : You have eve ry thing both of them will get the rid hat jo rye fete 4.93 : il Sis thsini a B ried | Ww Arr frobes, noney in such places we ke it easy for them to abstract » it; #0 we originated the | and i sothi HOY 1h loose, : | Tur recent robbery and successful gn st paid um Lim deposits Cradles, CW € h: Ave €% ervthing i mn the | of the “stocking room” We escape of the burglars at Barnesboro A. E. PATON, Wu H. Saxvrowp, Iron Beds and paint line. Lead, oil, ready- | pirrors and a chiffonier stands calls to mind that Patton bas bees : President. Caaliior. Wood Beds, : mixed paints, varnish, stains, I er with combs brushes, singularly fortunate in that repect.| | Carpets and Matlings. enamels and anything you other toilet articles, But | All around us burglars have from time | r . Give 2c a eal sa ern may need in this dine at “Just sting things are three! ; time found a rich graft, but have Kiten) 0 ood AN eat yourself, ‘the right price. | Is 12 inches high with a this place the go-by. Eternal vigilence | + rr Our Hardware stock is cot Eh {a the price of immunity from rublury. ree AT mms J. E. Ki RK’ S HpW. plet e and we don’t want you 1 well policed town seldom suffers. | LOW PRICES. J de Be Oblon Label on Every Keg 8 Tunes years ago Third Amsistant Jatronize the New Meat & FURT. Si ORE. The “Chrysolite Enameled. | and Case. in General Mido devised | Market and save money. N A ware” is conceded to be the # little postage stamp book. Their . an Magee Ave, best. Of course, if it is the, pularit how . Lverything in season. on xsl. Mee ro y M3 je g| Hey have so far netted the govern-| Nuf Ced.” on Prices moderate, quality cotl- e {ment a clear gain of $200,000 although i the department only gets a cent from ANSTATT & W IRTNER, yg : : i miners’ tools we can each book, aside from the stamps in it, Magee Avenue, Patton, Pa ok D. Tent furnish any thing you want Schlitz Blue Wrapper and and the cout Is ane third of Avent oc mE ay go 1), st 3x ; 1 once. | ii | ce an | Export in 3 Doz. Cases. : | | a , sperialty of buggies, the Board of Trade rooms at Harri. ™ SE Por Boys and Girls, Latest Shapes wagons, surries, harness and | FINE GR | burg September 3, for the nomination 7 Ae and Styles, with RIGHT PRICES. anything you may want in : ADE. Full line of this live. superior cour | We are agents for the best WHISKIES: ch ue OXfOrds road mac chine made, Farmers : ] te : a. 1 Cp » <® in { srain wi ile os Youn fall advertising. Now is tie} OX JOONEY relunced, orite Gram Drills, Deer.) : 4 : r Helos y Favvrma Af terms | Er 8 eh very materially from | time tocommetion I. medic: Cogn eed By Fo Sk | In both Walkever and Queen [U8 Harvest] ng Machinery, Large, Sam Thompson, dopted by other saioon | a pent ph : es Sa onklin and Kramer Way gous, | ris there any doubt that! 3 Fowar G ialiona; W SETH Langer, ! . Ml Y iss Bladder troubles. Quality, Y¥ ou will Appreciate £3 (3 1% er ana Nyy raCnse Chill bed | public. had much to com- : : oun 10 THE PACIFIC COAST. : PRICE Se ud 35.0. | line this season. Oxfords for Chi) Plows and handle + a fall line, the mann in which Mr. Yin Peapsytvania Railrond, on Aveonant 6G, | and Mises a speciaity. Eh ps machi nery and farm-| i aged P ace of business. | AR National Eosawipmoant, PY . : : 3 VE ers’ 001s i We fire also A a x wi : " i : : ine of mil kinds of Bho fi : gets for the Celebre’ xd model Mr. Showles was an On acconnt of the National encamp- Hor Ne Killed Meat A full ineof all kinds of Shoes. | | We cy ry the best grade of aracter in a city where there | jment of tie Grand Army of the Re. ; BN ’ goods in our line on the 2 six inks bitanta to every] | public xt Ban Francisco, Cal, August No embalmed business in 1 | = I\ S. market at one price to all and | PHCENIX BEER 117 to 22, the Pennsylvania railroad . Lio petals red ) £y | company offers a personally-conducted PUTS, We deal strictly 1m | THAT PRICE IS RIGHT. owles had as one of his laws tour to the Pacific coast at remarkably : eat killed at our slaughter The White ~ Come and see and be con- Of the Pittsburg Brewing Company, jet that mot more than three low rates. house. Everything in season. vinced. | wa were to be sold to one man in a| Tour will leave New York, Philadel. : Shoe Store. iin] he moved his beer : phia, Baltimore, Washington and other | Littl e Bro S : | . 1 » oll QUINN & HARPER, : rons | points on the Pennsylvania railroad | ‘9 Magee Ave Patton. Pa. 5 . 1 Ss11 Patton, Pens’ the with an | - : 5s ay * vow $ ti He a x i a BR. schoonen 8 man [east of Pitteburg Thursday, August 6 I Butelers and Doula ul K ‘ : : LOCAL PHONE. looked in vain for Mr. {by special train of the highest grade ns eaion in Al Binds of { ’ jms ; his throat saturated. Pullman equipment. An entire day | Wie X 0. S. ji A Onley Prumpiiy Atmnded wn r. Showles’ self-enacted | will be spent at the Grand Canyon of PATTON, PA. { : fists ost ey hat which bad to do with | Arizona, two days at Los Angeles and - : {visits of a half day or more at Pasa ‘H. A. SEI'TZ TT 3 who sought the quick route to | | dens, Santa Barbara, Del Monte rd] Ah rd Ldn - A | ENTION ! wn he refased to sell mixed San Jose. Three days will be spent in - Sy ne? fo No gilded youth could get a’ San Francisco during the encampment. e Nn 1 St | Mr Bhowles’ saloon: no A 48y will be spent in Portland on the : iE bod return trip and a complete tour of the OMe aputaie In Good Buildin Of. BO ok o okey Agi : : : : HERE in SEL 3 : Sa 8 sould =p gin rickeys Yellowstone Park, coverlug six days, foe Hours Sa.om 1m, and lp . Bhowlew’ bar. Such a mun hax retorping directly to destination via M05 pom 10 pose as & model to other Billings and Chicago and arriving ensers, but bis example is Washington, Baltimore, Philsdeiphia ANTHONY ANN A, That's what we i : and New York September 1 CBIAL WU HRC of Howed to any greal extent, even Lg *plomt pb ; of gf Rt Sie ee fi Lo : Bound trip rate, covering all ex. FURTHER OF THE PEA LY NW La ; Ly your eyes have * That Hi] i NERY ’ ; penises for twenty-seven daye, except SA \ I [ A R Y THE concorn whose advertisemvnts Saree days pe My it Bun Francison, $416; D : a ~ fe 3 EERE = . Babu i a hwo in one berth, £200 cach. {Colleetions promptly shtended to I 1 'M I IN x i Ar ee Eso, 12 heaton 8 only peessionally loses one of . g Hittom froinply SHented Wo. PLE 3 & (1, N—— iio so, 1s an indication that aby Round trip rte, covering all ox ne aso —— : most vaiuable slements in sftract i k : ¥ He % est ir i pel elite. ph 1] ont wnt mation T op ave 3 So fle | penises 10 Lox Anges, incinding trav. CVO S00 CR at Lozers ang business the cumulative effect of portation, meals io dindny car and wr ERRGUBCETENIS, which makes | Visits to Grand Canyon aod Pasadena Reuel Somerville ork in that |] SRPLRIOUSIY tal atid wall ir depart. ame familiar snd associates it and transportal only through Cali . ' and well ment wher 2 ean have all 5 Gi is ies, Lensese xchang red | ree at Sy fornia and retarning to the east by Oe. | ‘ Be Peplining meaty ang tly i : ¥ hiv Fy i i fied : ny 4 Aa) ge Ctaber 15, via any dirpeet route; inciud- : Attarne | Atel aw : : any time within a year {rom ing A stop-oyers, $115; two in Al kmds of un work. roof. Also fH mol forget the coniplets as : date of sale, Satisfaction guar cone berth, R106 each. Returning vis Parser DD > fn ox, locks and jew. e Parting 8 Le Se Hg Vin Parron, Pa. ing ¢ and spouting, ee apes. clocks jew. | ised or money refunded : § ortiand #11 additional will ber charged, : 3 Bi t % } + t 1 i € Bi BIW As = ; SAT ONL 15 sliaweyg 2 wanted £3 toe 3 we ng ks rai 2a : 08 from Pittsburg will be 85 Jess | y a ME stock of stoves and tin- ease cal r by the same means. [It requires | a ee fom Pittsburg will be 8 less omee in the Good Building. Don’t forget that we have i ware . - : : ss much effort to hold brestige ml For full information apply to ticket | eo] J. T. SAUTE R, | the best equipped repair shop A hand Ban be vo | agents, or Geo. W, Boyd, general pus: SANNER A J. C. HARPER CO,, Jeweler and Optician, iin Northern Cambria Co. i i * for the men who would | ger agent, Broad street station, | the most nosing selva ln the word. | Fisher Biook, Patton Pa. po rio 1. 0. Sayder) TOZER = : {3 LOORRO * *. 7 3 . of or teyoud competi. | Philadelphia. - TE i bn i i 1 J | So ~~ || Fewer Gallons; Wears Langer. | Fewer Giullons; Wears Lon ger, | Powe Gallons; Wears Longer. ; PATTON, PA. THE PATTON JEWELER. Atherton, Gugenbeimer, Ete. Years Bebe Bq es ¥ them fitted with specta- i
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