ies well in sugar; tered pans near by hen up with abies ae twink ng of an eye. hot oven bake thet then well of they Jy burn. Fs hay a. oyster savs that Is born with bis shell on gm, of an oyster is not Satning SIgan-that is. bis Where {8 your paspori that when the figore is down the Jd will close. [If you want to, you can make the front and tack of the box rectangles instead of half-circies, so it will ba steady instend of rocking. Then make the weight at the snd of | the wire swingers. New York Word TRAINED TO POLITENESS, A woman tells of a poohey which she saw while in Paris, whith was so well trated in good msaners that RB wits mitsost bopossible ta Delleve that he did nor understand what was sald to him. The Japan Weekly Maily de scribes the animal's sconmpiisbmenis: “Whats the woman met the monkey snddeniy on the stirs one day, the ereature stood in the corner to allow her to pass, and, when she sid, "Goods worningl be took off Lis cap and bowed, HAPs ¥oil going away? she asked, Polling off took from the Crown 4 paper, opened it, atid sho ved It fo ber, When some one observed tha” her dress was dusty, the oourtsols monkey 105K # brush from the table, ad carefully beastied ber dress and then her shoes, When any ote gave lm feed, be al ways made a Jow bow before taking it nud then ste lr shiwly ad dalniliy, He had been taught fo ent vous with a spoon aud to use a kolle and fork his cap. he oir father und brother? a7. very “em at hi as te as thia as silver pa- ingly fragile. Then be ‘and more, till at last the is bard as ‘the old shell. MES UNDER THE BARK. kinds of Insects have sharp F emiing holes in ‘wood. Some of a lead pencil deep into Some insects make thes or intricate network of passages Bomes where they may live and ected from storms. Others not the wood, but use the chips for food. ~St. Nicholas. TWO JACKS. aN A BOX, together by gluing a piece board around the edges, as 8 Re ea Cut a piece © of - d on both these rery light figure of ow put the wood- 61 sealing was. He conid lock and unlock a drawer, thread a needle, uncork a bottle, and polish bis master's shoes, He seciped to take great pleasure in gay company, anal paid close atentian to the Convers {i xation, looking in turn at each speaker as if be understood what was sald, “This remarkable monkey was never placed on exhibition, He died at an early age of pneumonia” COXDENBED AI! TRICK. Fasten a needle, the point In the air to the bottom of a basin with a bit Arrange on eyg-shell, third of wich has been cut off, in the following manner: Pleres the ups per end with two little beles into which insert two straws, each tering: ating In a right angle 4 held in pace by sealiug wax, Arcund the Ai — open Tend of the egg ar thres or four pieces of woney in order 10 keep it is balance. ‘Then set the shell thus prepared upon the point of the needie. Fill the basin with water and with a straw blow the alr benesth the egg shell: this alr rises, is condensed shove, and in escaping by the little paper tibe gives a rotary movement to the whole apparatus. This js the same phenomenon as that produced by water pressure. Joubert's Chair, General Joubert's chiclr, made of ebony, bok horns and hides and caps tured from bis laager at Lisabon, near | denver, {8 pow treasured by Lieu. tenant Colonel Urmston, at Glenmore ven, Bound of Mull The Yarmanth Herving. Yarmouth, England, exporta over : barrels of cured herrings to the Continent during the nat Fear. hind of damask or sates dik # i Belent, THE TEA CRN serving alternoon Yor tea wwhera ficre then three or four PErsons are ex 1 pete], the urn is shout the B venient apparataz for holding erage. kitchen, strained, then placed in the urn over the Hghled lamp, hot and fresh for hours, is distiked 8s: bhelng old-fashioned and formal and cumbersome, why not wake the tea en the table In a smnovar, There In nothing smarter than a same avar, espeelally if It should happen to be an attigue, and of splendid burs nilghed brass of copper. resort, ons may employ the tea Rellle suspended over the ttle aleohol lamp, Auything is better than to fumble secand with a teabsl] gciore of guests watch the operation RE SOT. the Deve hungrily apd meinten thelr lips in ane ticipation of the tea that dors not coon New York Tribute, A RTAINR IN WHITE GOODS. It ix always best to try simple meth. oils of removing stains wflore resting to strong chemicals, such ax cohiloride af lime, which is one of the most pow. #riul chemicals for removing stains It is mo strong that it may be very destructive If not used carefully, Iron rust may Ie easliy removed hy eonvering the stalin with a thick layer of sal! and they satumiing 3 with a piooe of lemon and laying it in strong sunlight to Livach, Bot come ont with the first application it vertainly will with g second. Mildew Is one of the 1nast iffeult of all stains to yepove, Hub well with brown soap, then apply a paste of hall and water and put the stained article In th hot sunshine. Aller two of three applications the mildew may be Bleached ou To remove ten or coffes siaing rod powdersd borax thoroughly into the stnined part and pour belllsg water through It inte a basin New York Tribune. RECOVERING SCREENS a, A simple aud Insxpensive method of Felnsranng an old screen In tn cover | ith henry wall paper, either a plain per fnce, or aoe showing a large forall pation, The frat proceeding 8 to measure a foil of the srreen with great securacy, and then, with very sharp scissors, 19 eut the paper to ft exnotly {nside tha surrounding frame, which ncloses the cloth of the previous covering. Have in rendinesa some thin glue and with this quickly brush over the edges of your paper. An inch oor two is auf If too much glue fs applied it will cause the paper to break. Apply the strip deftly to the sevven, and with a soft, clean cloth press {t firmly inte contact, Proceed {0 ke manner with ench fold, laying the sereem fiat upon a jarge table for greater esse in works ing. Bometimes the edges do not re isiire any kind of finish, hut when this seers desirable a navow border of gold Japanese leather paper or round brass-Lieaded nails serve the purpose sdmirabiy. IRONING OUTFITS No Jess than different kinds of flat-lrons are on the market. An iron especially designed for the couvenwnt ase of travelers contains a ttle famace in which prepated coal iy bummed. A single piece of fuel will provide heat sufficient to press out a Bit of neckwedr or soine other little thing of the kind. The fuel ts said to be easily carried about and convenient | to handle. The hotel guest is pruvided for with | an iron wialch contalins an aleohal lamp or, if talilng the alcohol, which may be tte! over a gas buroer amd thus bented, Ironing outfits come done up In eases ahd comprise a small fell-covered board, the fron and stand, a stick of beeswax, and a durable fronhoider, Ironing boards which can ba indooed I» masguerade as saltves are nd there ave also folding laplwards pine tales for the » sane purpose. It i» thongzht thar the numercas cleansing preparations which enable w ~{licage Post, Maple Cream, Frozen—DBoat the fae of two eggs until light ard add a cu of hot maple syrup, stiring conetantty retin to deuble boiler and stir and cook until the mixture thickens. Let cool, then add a cup of whipped cream and pack and freeze. Macaronl Rarebit—Put in a frying pan ote tablespoontul of butter; when It 1s hot add one cupful of cold bolled macaroni, cut very fine; add to ir one cupful of grated cheese and two well beaten eggs: spfinkle in salt pauper; cook unt creamy. Herry Muffins—-Cream two level tablespoonfula of butter; add gradual ly one-thind cup of sugar and one egf well beaten: to two and two-third cup. fuls of sifted flour add four leve! tea- spoonfuls of haking powder and ones half teaspoonful of salt; put aside one. fourth cup of this four; mix it with one cup of any kind of berries and add to the first mixture, alternating with one cupful of milk; All buttered muf« fin pans two-thirds full and bake in a father quick oven twenty minutes. The tea shoul be nade in the It will keep Or if an urn Grr, ps a fingl: while half & If the stain does norTelly | pariridgveron fr ‘assis Chi mnecrisial of sandy wysres pnts ub attrpvhive Rowers by saok aw al whe New Jersey of Sie Agerieanns: which Hourishes an stags ie hillsides has inde of bdeleria gpon its roots, Ro large and Abundant fre the nodules formed hy the hidtvria that It ix diffe to Gig up a plat without noticing them, One of the best egtabiished laws of physics 8 that compression beats ag expansion cools The fru compressing air is to raise fhe tetipern. ture, and i at & single apevation the presse be raised to nindly or one inp dred pounds the lenipeorature Hy teach DiXy or O08 Jdegress Fahrenheit Under these circumsianess oll does noe fiwan work well ag a Jabelognt, at feast inthe main cyiinder. ah mules is very sanch betier. Several mptuods have been devised for infrefiuciug this material hess vary in mele of eomirss, but there is no doubt atujut the superiority of the material seif]to oil — Thirteen hundred stone sleds] han mers have been taken out of t tune win made by preldstoric men io tHe iron wine at Lexile, Mo. They are] made of black Lematite and have pg other finleh than a groove abwut the fulddie af sack, showing where Tonueriy thy wore bound by wie © pti handles Greenstone gud vole risabd hy the aberigizes far war axed were not hard enoug ehip awe the hernatite 80d oinass The af ried exide ofl vn whieh fx A paint bsmimers howe ths with two bandise ws 3 hold oe in then § Hoot vif Bm & % i oul 13 sols hat, on oh Sogo od oF Rs we ig ent of harden The latest m af Py pal re of armoeh fire With electeivn! edrronte br af large rarbon anodes | Hof an piviny the heat ir debe besn found that Hetrionl tregiment a pert of the anodes enters tion of the stevl pr pest of that is fe 4 ss BE x H ia Sopth 4 iH regs pe the batdening proceeds teugth Hf thee during fret be applied. 18 Be ggperior ta the Harver that of Krupp, By the latter prov plates require fies rewenty Saye tren ment. With the desiredireslr is azcesuitued 13 five Bours, g ; sgt TE $ gr sien of 3 y ay oh ¥ Phe eet rion; Teportant toaleots, under yd Torani L roi, pevesaiating thw 3. vmserTons dame Boos proposed to build entirely the mest novel featores of wilcl 5 be hardened steal inclined © arch ribs, It Is estimated ther a reid abls storage reservalr, got the next G0y or one pundeed Teard cand be built en this plan for “a mit wall the exhense voguired fora mas soury dam.” For high dams {he 24d vantages of steel construction ale nist as great as for jow anes, and thi peal tem of bauikjing sueh sirustore more feud than the erseilaf of a modem sted skeleton offve Bling. It is also asserted that fo egsh of 2 break in such a steel dam, thromgh carelessness, neglect ar incendbarisp. the balance of the siroeture woltid Det he jesnandized, as wopld Le tHe ase with masonyy traction. T imit of & Feel das Iv Woaryg sieht that ft iil extend far beydoe times when develnprment rid Rese LHUBITY Ina id Dew Struc tabep ta losgtih proved willy vesveor capacity, eifoer dorirablie alle Laiding Laie tf i He Tea 42 Li flies Too Rad | Abont the Cane, Next 1o thd woman wha May her umboelid cones the nan w A cane which be Sourisies in a iano that menage our tices I haps to follow yo into an offi Bust $d Co i Sr AS Ss RR 187s F the women to remove spots and dirt from expensive! gowns, of course necessitating pressing | have created a demand for small {rons | : wa i pov and women, 37,928 is precisely way to fhe els vator ol Ro vislhatiy with avir prudent While walting carne down, deeasd IY reach 37 To BPS 2p gy poked around vr. $e ey ¥ avis ral Gi x annding will SH es wk < fh Wg 5 wh Liekity siti er ond of the eae Yuna Php 42 ud up so suldenly thar ower a resounding whack chim Copy en h broke OF course 1 alr savvy for thm oan, bat hi KOFYOW (Enno uake us forget that an elew S104 : erty ard, LisY CHrTY a man up to heights of wisdom ~ ira Eagle, tao. young t fuiways pro}. Yous Brook: the vRne IR Effet of Wind on Water, Lake Erie affords a good opal far stalying the elects of th on an enclosed body of wail rough, Hity miles Mm extent, vg in the diredtion of ihe wes to west winds that prevail there great blow from that gaaris the body of water easiwanl, se tive of eiglt feet or more tak at Baffalo in the course of a fo When the foree of the gale hus the water swings beck. A Siegular Record. Census returns just fssued singular record for Duckingba Eogland. The number of un sepsis that w 4 Padre SERN, Passed how a shite, tried t SAILe as the gumber of bachelors. the tops, available for platia ia and wh years can be wrofitalily pla EE 3 are Brose, i% heel Em Py tats, PraiwE EeRSan pear trees G0 0d grow eapidly wid have an application of - friminnine the ends of the young branches will ted to send Gul vivols and thicken the working around frees with a cultivator wil Eve (hein 4 new start, Phere Heopyett TER PROTECTING BQUARH PLANTA in the culture of syusches the use of pincex of mosquito pefting eights Wiig squase to place over the hills whi the young plants were getting ator is recommended as 8 protection against the striped cucumber beetle or | squash bugs. A amall woodén pin six inthes In height is placed In the contre of the hill, the netting thrown over {1 fo | form a font and the sides fastened own wiih dirt, FOOD FOR PLANTER Phosphate rock and bone meal, ane bess dlesalyedd, oay not be lnmediately | bt the finer the materials, If unacidaiated, It is koown that water charged with carbonie ackd will, to a cefiain extent, dissolys phounhates if the materials are in 8 very fine condition, though the process is not rapid less carbonic sold and oo wove or golas hy REVIVING OLD TREES If yon have old trees that have failed to gles profitable crops of frye, dig the soil up thoroughly and then apply goed dressing of welligovted malde mandre and work thorengiiy ots the Then, If you Lave them. apply #& dresxing of wood ssnen 2 to revive the tree afier giving goin] pruning ft is past pid give way fa something bit Cond rir wall for tives or fine antes tn wnine ron Wille the trees In the arehasl are rowing, but alter teat plan i te elther to seo Juwn fH vlaver, Bae aR KR hog pasiuve, of to enliitiute wiheut allewing TOD iG STOW. Sug that the 1 ET hg Sa BAISING TOMATOES My method for raising un small fag talde use of the delle] £55 rwelve or fourtésn inches high clean oul sil the weeds, have groaml Joose and meiiow, ‘tile wheat SIPAW, place all aver groin, thick enough to keep down the wesda taking care to put if citme up around the plants This will ales wien the melsiure grosrsd ane they wil bear pore abwndantly thas in any other way 1 bave sver trivd, £34 Keep perfectly ¢lean. meet eed under emit does not sunbhu wed when allowed nateh then Ne * the Mont Yd as i ty lay on Uw wrod, but is always clean, with pa die ar all when gathering ~Cordia 5g THB dm bo Allie, in The Epltomlay CURIOUS GRAFTING, Professor Green, of the Minnssoty tate School of Agricnitare, bas by a process of grafling, grows fully de 1 tomaties vout off the young shoots of 4 potits Ville, top, ints which he inserted a freshly lined tie roi with straw and supported Bt by long rods. Nature did the the the earth throuzh the roots of the po as required In the way of the getion of ght and aly ggon its own leaved tor te adopted roasts, Professor Greeny sitle ohject was to show what emai be done fn the way of graliing widely separated plants The work af the Ki In the graftapan, bgt it shows the extent to which nature will act to versie 4 waned Ir shows ale hat the ation ul the s i% nos . 1% thee potion wii $77 6 a § $id iRs BEE The plant five ahd. and HeAriy oma toa Eg § * : fairly ie . in the grovnd ws asin ap Chom mAs neil % % gE baw t+ & Ke ERR of thre vigap Cuitlvaty AT CLEANING UP OUCITARDR gow ald ony Pog? ETN ef fruit [ER Lean as HT % le varalition, of wo Yale it them down atid pet hem ont wu way so that the land oun be 5 profitatde. If they are worth saving prune ont, this full the Dicken Branches removing a pamber of the nner ohes aud shortend thee ones, Then scrape the bark whieh & ruRty and cracked from the fravs thas ole or two applications of Bor deaux may be made put in the best pos $ the i Bre peal firs = airtel in he to destroy insects Az gn appitearion of wile many of the (nevis and. bmpeere the sp PeATRDCE ef the rves Plan to plow wmder the sod lm the orchard the coming spring, or if yeu do nol care 10 do this remove the sol from close around the trees amd suw grasa sved over the sod. mauuring i lightly the vomduog fail or appiving muriate of potash and groaned bone two hundred pounds of the former snd HX iure the meanii wash will &ill x £%3 three hundred poumis of the latter ti the acre. In this way the orchard may be Improved at smail cost.—Indianap. “olly News, Ff thdne naw fruit i snitivate the plants 11 they ave It hoops fhe] fhe vines and thw of 3 palate vite making a Vealape! slit in the young tomats plant and hoon Tisy tomato drew [te sustenance fnin Bosal AGERE {Bota args water dish fa con the better, radenpption, andi and fa return furnished what wif 5 pe % a proot Lb eavonabiy clean, which ia not the case Ite eat their wilbiout trouble, will be po chance of its slipping THE MILK SUPPLY. It Is not necessary for a cow to give only a sual quantity of milk in order to give viel milk. One can nee 8 breed tht {5 fawmons for large yields of rieh Ei rather than to get rich milk and low yields, Every fartoer should look around him before purchasing a cow, snd lie should make it 8 point to know shone the breeds, and which of them will Lest serve hig purpose, 2 WHEN EGGS HATCH. It Is a mistake to expect that eggs will hiatels precisely (0 twenty-one days. While this i» the rile It is pof An inves risbile one. Rome will bateh In nineteen days, others in days, and others will require twenty-five days for henbation. The canees are virions ~#uch as getting too cold, too mueh beat, Inck of wwisture, want of vitality of either or both of the parests, and the age of the expe. " COVERED-PAIL FOUNTAINS. Clileka are sometimes drowned falling into large pails of water lo cardiessly where they can find hot weather, because the supply Insts #0 bang, and becanse if Is more All than a fountain. top with a small hole through ®t will igive the chickens & chance to drink Al wiles « contain without drowning. HOIST FOR HAY WAGON. My rigging takes the loads of rill ap to the great beams of the bars which are eighteen Teet from the floor. 1 1 have had it over twenty years. When one Basa ton of hav up so high it I» pot much work to roll it off inte the mer And oti the scaffold at each end al the foor. One Lorse draws it Up I would not have mine taken out for $200 unless 1 could have another, Ino the fall 1 take my wagons and earts, three or four of thems, snd draw them right up-out of the way: but unlosding the hay Is the tain thing 8, Blalsdell, In The Cults saber. A CAUSE OF LOSS, Otis of the causes of loss when poul- {try ix dressed for market Is the fallure uty the part of those who do not give proper attention to details in the oval ing of the carcasses. No farmer would kill a hog in summer and expeet the ; { eareass to Roep well, and the same &if- he Bculty arises with pouliry, especially 8% some markets require the birds to be undeawn, and hence it 3 not easy to tool the carcasses thoroughly. Af C ter ull the feathers have heen removed piace the carcasses in lew water and alidrr them to remain In the loo water fromy ten to twelve hours. The water will sot only remove the animal heat, But also give esch carcass a fresh sp pearance. [f the market Is near by pack the carcasses In jes in barrels. Always ship dressed poultry by ex- pres, [USING SMALL SEPARATORS ™ Duirymen who have a goodly name ber of cows understand the value of the separator, but the farmer with frome three to 8iX OF seven cows culls Aalders that the separator Is too ex- pensive far his ase. This la a decided mistake, for the small bamd separators fun be bought at a price which will be warranted by the added saving of Butter fat over the old process of hand skisaming. This has been repeatedly depionatrated. A forther sdvantage, and ote which has moch weight with those who feed skim milk is that by using the hamd separator, or any sep arator for that matter. the skim milk ray De kept at home If the milk Is sold © a creamery and then one Is sure thal the animals who use (he skim plik are petting something that is when the skim milk fs brooght from the creqmery sod taken out of the gens eral var Everything would be in faver of Using the separsinr even if If cost idapdde the price now asked for it irdinnapeils News, BARNESS FOR UNRULY SOW, There are severn! devices for oven coming the PROCHN of seme swine young but none of them Better than the method showy in the fifustration, which consists Io making 3 Darvess and armaching it to the and mal in such a manper that abe cansot get it «ff. At the same time this har yr me MUZZLE FOR AN TOLY Pio, ness does not prevent the animal om esting slop er shelled grains. Little expienation is pecessary about thie harvess, for the cut shows how it Is made and sdiuste] The essential! fea ture is to have the sirap back of the forelegs adjusted tightly enough =o that the animal can not slip it over ber head. It must also come close enough to the forelegs so that there The harness should be made of heavy leather weil julned with rivets. The expense of such a harness as shown is small and several of them can be made if necessary so that any aod ail of the pig-eaters may readily be kept fron Ying mischief. — Indianapolis | News,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers