Rss SF A BA in this instance to oall At eircas | {ike nomen. | rond hth 0 > Harri to Fourth avenne, to avents, ta speakers’ stand, inde was made up in the fol: | Bay 1 1. Dole, AH Mike Dottis, ay A Foster, Lomanre chairman of ain Jueobs, Frank Lingle. 1. Denlinger, Jr, Jos Lingle, W. fi aft ang. Wm. Prindibie on Day, J.J. Donnelly, ¢ das (le MOT and, : Prindible, a Alar : A n oil 2 Herr ana ine why 1 Sounefl in {ars : dan : i 5 pn Hons ow with Y. mung Ladies Staton and wie Rois trans ; fy Altar she | i fast HRV the horison. : In shart, the 17th snaiversary of the of the declaration of tlsgen. : Wi stupundousty amid Batatally : bavrved. Paton people neviir do (things by fractions and this year's ration was ably another evidence Cambria’ pr song froma was darts and good natored, and not a single arrest uring the day or evening Bec ! d polos r bad Deen sworn no i they € Success of the cece ttn 3 ble wel jodn in gratolstions aod Folic: tations at the | ottoone. Arksirtines Lettors. foe in the Paitos post office for the two . Jithy 4 18 Unloger, Antonia Hoffa Persons cating for the above Tottors wilt please say that they are “Adver + Hed,’ 1 ££ Woo Gey Ey Postmaster Naothowr $6 Tax Pay rr, The tax daplioate of 193 for Patton shoo! sud borangh taxes are phioed in Ly hands for collmelion win 5 por owing ofl thd Repl Ist After Nay 3 Lpar cent will be added. Payeumt he made al the affioe of Lisa ¥ J ¥ £3 aod. 3 Bills Born To Me and Mrs, THR BOT, Born- To Ms god Mra. Job 1. Uline ¥ of Blu, Bom To Me Bn daughter. ary ved bp foar iv. : he tiers Tro of the Miso Bena sod ened, woes spenthing their vaeation st Lim's Farm, NJ. the thme of thelr father's denihs s The family moved to Patbon aboat thre years ago and Mr. Lew is was ero | % ioved ss 8 driver for Geo 8 Uo oust angi the latter disposed of his grocery : store. He ad been with thai hile sud Me Lewis Was A fuithtnl wnnloye T and a good citizen, who leases ® Boat : of friends who sincerely dip ore untimely demise. He was " velur; “of the civil war and served | for mone time in the savy of the United States, {being located on a boat in thy | tween the north and south. PERTINENT PamaGAAPNS. a Cithy, Polated Pesciiings Fe ratniug to The following letters remain uncalled Poste and Pincers. ~§% ds said that T. M. Slwwhan, of this place, is a receptive eamlidate for the Democratic coutty Commitee wo moteed Jo Bert Twnny, of Johastown, HT Peturs moved his family te ani Hall last wouk, where be will eo- : RE § ia 4 drink bas os ber parte pershio with Lexi P. Mape the Now Yo ark Usuitral engliver, Jahn T. Haoter of Cantley ie, 5 prchasing the of 1 thi jowsiey : re of bh hve John ¥ ns SRECEE he Benedict Bie and Eb Bena LE HEE A Nepn unas YOU CAN of the very bn but the are fees, Aleand | Ports ro je word tells the st QL The best beer ¢ on {the met sud 1 the oul y Hii Grade | sold in town. N hy rink a you can get the | best : t : rir ete. ippi river during the great dunfliet be: Po sit 3 TOM STORE. Por to viet we one wl this week Mit yee Ee. Sron eth sie, mean Choos Ones, My ro putatiin hack i i BYELY fie 1 world, MEN 'S SUM MER UNDERWEAR =f Hg Hus) mnih, bal now pow weal hee and time, MEN S SHIRTS. madi better § 53 RY Rhivta we Snow of. They 0% grade. a > good 6 gro 1 $11 bon i Prtens fen eto af. a, ¢ around without Aobbing .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers