el : vali prove a 8 now in Patton | : oe ‘Agency al the < wane come to ¥ e iyiser to the. mmber of atten sisting oi ind any, fantastic, Our elegant i Hee of kunnen wilt ha have « taken hold tn grout bape They wll on sight antl why shoside’t hwy * Everything about tem ofa natumts 2 Bpp | 14 the met particniar dresser. : We oan cloths you ln any way you want to be clothed. " we * Olt, we Dave 15 as it should be. [fis an outing suit, we can point, If itn something in‘bvening drow, ou way be sare git will be vight in every way i we farnish it Fo. Clothing for any ana “vnry oension. . A good snit for flan A stil better outs for $15.00. dal : ic fire daristown, dick. The body was found -xercise es; V ocal s by James H ial, r, ol f faen. . inne lid | Eben urs. remen’s Park : opposi side of the head, as would | probably have been the case bad gk re. ures tn propasation that cannot £ fil t to be of interest, Private en terprise is at work on A ctions, ohe of which ia { mission iota barged © to ) ali of these ey will be run independent of the ‘celebration propor. Warren's ariel cable will be astrong feature snd some. thing entirely new in this. section, It {was ran succossiull] ¥ in Philadelphia in connection with a New Year's cele- bration and recived the official sanc- | | tion of the committees at the meeting : , beld Tuesday night. at ‘The parade will start at ten o'clock | ” 2 and will be made up as follows, with a b number of additional have not as. 8. yet, been completed: features that FIRST DIVISION. Chief Marshall Lewis and Al da J. H, -| Allport, Wm, Prindible, Harry Lans- | | berry, 1 1. Dole, E 0. Hartshorne, | Thos. Bhasbangh, Frank Lingle, Wm, | Romler of the Declaration of se , dr, and Joseph Lingle oa A yolver of such large calibre bent fired | AL hiefof Police on , Horseback. wt close ranpe. Ebenshurg Silver Cornet Band. President of the Day, Orators asd Indi | Sand anid the fact thal i was missing | from his father's room bad worried the | } | penclence iu Carriages. Clergymen in Carriages. Lt Peter Kayior Post G. AL R - Bpanish War Veterans, sold his eoal aed told of findiog #800 in Ctinf Barges and Members of Bop 8 barrel of rye some time following g the | : ough Council in jdisnptearsncs of his ashes. . : : ink olin Schilling was We pos in Patton Behool Boa y Cardages. | : i : Board in Carriages. | Barr and mdioiniug townships, where The first division will form on Fifth pe Lad in former years gaiced Slane an avenue, front hacing south out. Filth! a hunter, but later he had settled down aAveriue, fon bls farin, thooph be often took ; : trips into the forest with bis gun. His | wife died many years ago aod be is garvived by two sons and a daughter : Jolin, who lives on the old pisce; Peter, Iposiding pear Strongstown, Lsdiana 1 : (county, aud a daughler, who makes ‘uion Ancient Order of her home with her brother John, | Behilling left hore and falled io re turn, telling about the search for bis father. Carriages. SECOND DIVISION, Barnesboro Silver Cornet Baud. Patton Fire Department. Kuights of the Golden Eagle. Siavish Societies in Uniform. Putton Div Hiburnians. sond division will form on Magee | aveliue, right resting on Fifth avente. | {New York Central Excursion Trois wo Far Sunk, July dik The New York Central will run a !gpectal traly and sell low rate excar- sion tickets to Patton, from Show Shoe, | Bower and intermediate points gn July 4th, Train will leave Snow Shoe at. 700 8. m,, ratarning will leave Pation for Snow Shoe, Philipsburg and inter: mediate points at 5:20 pom. Hee ex | cursion dodgers or call on agents for THIRD DIVISION, Patton Bilver Cornet Band, Beech Creek Cosi & Coke Co, Floal, Colitmbia and her Danghbters in Float. Industrial Parade. Kill Buck Tribe. 1. O. R. M. in War Paint. Ata NO COURIER next week. ws Fos sam Rabe Band. CONTINU ED ON PAGE 4 | ballet 4 not TE the skull a He pe: John Schilling identified the weapon i Witness sald his father had STORE. For beapty and rates and time of train from all points. Tite straw rush i on here oud wi Savite you w come in and wlest rn bat from the biggest and bust assortment In Patton, ¢ have sil widths of brims ind heights of crown ; bat tha swell has a wri 2 or 3 2 inches wide anil yerown #1 inches high Salor Grau So to wn Pannmas 90 to #0 9. Net # fraction or fiction | in oy of nr descriptions. : We have what ne advertise. : Thats why our Business is eomtantly on the. he < 10s stock of : lis of the + very best, ut ihe sons: ui Tow. When § =| Beer, Ale and Porter, one word tells the story—DU 2} The be best beer on the market and the e only High Gr you can i get the best for the s same : price. Goods delivered free and promptly. Special paid to big orders for Picuics, Parties, ete. family preatly when the elder Mr. NEXT DOOR TO BANK. Good News for the Man who Wants to Dress Stylish. Yoa have probahly been looking and looking and haven't found anything fo suit you. Then of course you haven't teen to the PATTON CLOTHING qualit y our Sumther Suits can’t be beaten. 1 ask you ‘to vislt me one day this wesk and you will agree with me. When 1 say Salta P eh mean Good Ones. My repitation hack cf venry one 1 well MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR Has been on sale for the last tonsils, bot now the weather and me bids : ona talk about them. GAUZE BALBRIGUGAN, different ways of knitting. An endless variety of Colors and Designs : MEN'S SHIRTS. Our 8hirts ave made better than any Shirts we know of, They are of the best grade, as good as goes in $1.00 Bkirts. Prices from 80. to $1.50, : A specialty in LADIES SUITS AND SKIRTS of the Latest Designs at | very low prices. B. KU SNE R, ; Good Building, Next Door to Bau, PATTON, PA.
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