Undot prensntiéo conditions neither the A '® | pupils or the teachers have jastice done | | { them. Due soos bas base verspind vy | | 3 2 | 88 many as an hundred scholars at one time and the one teacher has been ox- | 4 in, Gen pt or tH . : tod fo antl he rudiments of sd {ose ma. ot evens, Soap We are agents in sion sh ember of sen oy 000 of Hoe BARCIEntS Satary 1 | this vicinity for this a a dead under | ops of caring common. surperb product of the moto he each spe Koch, of beriin, disovered. the came; Brewers’ Art. Ask! Shirts. f alf that natuber of puplle oo |b. that saplely tumtecys (he testes for it at the bars of , The best Shirt momey can buy from $1 to $1.75 Other Justice ber The | system 1 at, dei athe. | leading hotels. Neckwear and Bt almost endless profusion. See our new big stock. wetai| Schlitz Blue Wrap-| (yar per and Export three dozen cases. | )e | rade | WHISKIES — Large, Sam ih Thompson, Atherton, Gugen- heimer, Etc. We arc also aente And all seasons we are busy turning der the cel ent lout the latest creations of the Sartorial 4 H Phenix Beer of the Clothes that wear | well, ft well and at ec 5 ittsburg Brewing Co. minimum of cost is our specialty. ‘New SAERL. 11d | Spring Patterns j just in and a big Yatiety to select from. Handsome new line of Trouserings. in r ion or di Local ‘Phone. AN Orders! Es I. i ; Promptly Attended to. For the benefit of those doing to | i x foun Ap o ran Firsth ation’ ‘Bank CITY RESTAURANT — 25 Roady omsenticn; Ape ways OF PATTON. : Is headquarters for crus = i ae oft a oa pany Patton, Cambria Co, Pa. taceans of all kinds. Oysters, Ps | lclams, hard and soft shell ae M Hoes, | CAPITAL PAID UP, 00,000.00, ' e pr. Bane 29, good going only | SURPLUS, $20,000. 0b. crabs, lobsters, etc. ve | On date of sale and good retarning to! Aceon of ¢ Coepars tim, Firmw, ndtv GOOD LUNCH COUNTER ti’ 11 MY ’ Sg b leave St. Louis not lster than May 4 { Sie tern a ee wae he mt Shera und i : | Tickets must be executed by jolat banking Heke oe sake sr it the ond MEALS AT ALL HOURS. “That i is 50 cool and refreshing as a drink of any i “iagent for return passage, for which lines Foreten n Drafie payabie in ihe pine ce cream with crushed fruit. .one of the concoctions for which our Fountain has es- asrvios ne fee will be charged. ET errr mes Hi havens prompt and flavors a specialty, ‘tablished more than merely local fame. You remember the L. Notts ta Sewer oaters. | Pant pass om me dopontts. Fine confections, tobacco and cigars. fine crushed fruit flavors we served last year and how they Sealed! proposals for the constructio A. E Patron, Wu H SANDFORD, | Miwhell 4 Mi Cormick, Prop'rs, were appreciated. Well, we have the same me grades this of a 12inch terra cotta sewer on Lang President. hier. | PHONE seovmomte HT. fren and our Fountain i is now running again. “ Nuff Ced.” ® | avenue In Pasion © hi Dee a— ————— SY ~~ josived at the office of the borough en- | | glneer ntl] 8 o'clock Monday evening, May 4th, 1003. A certified check for os RT RA oT MO RAS ei 13 Department i is till doing business and gaining new "PRIZ ER J] customers every day. award. | Plans at my ofloe oN i STOVES AND RANGES | Huyler's celebrated candies fresh every week. ROY : Po. "For ecosomy of leantiness tion BE eR, : ~ Sy re excellent of facl, ce baking and roasting BE High Grade Tobacco and Cigars and Druggist’ Sandries They have im ments and advantages BE Patton, Pa., April Ast 1908. not found in eh aioe and ranges. Boi BE of all kinds. . THE AMERICAN under a guarantees to do good work--and Schwab's Narre Beer. ? ; STANDARD also to last. You rin no rsk--money back Jobo A. Bchwab, of Loretto, bad a BR "TC if not satisfied. : if G NN’'S i r escape Monday sflerncon. F R EXCELLENCE. Would be pleased wo have you examine them, 1H U was in the store of Ed Shields when a j : 28 bullet crashed through a window and : Je R. COR DELL & CO Pa n Pa yy : : | buried itself in the wall a short dis- Gat . F Clagee Ave., tance above his head. Boys were SECA) - . Wo shooting mark with rifles some dis. tance away and one ball missed the "| target and wont into the store, but the | iscare the lads received was sofficient of Clearfield aren wit to induce them to select some hore ro. our own, but an intor- | mote Pie | in which to test their sill A a A oS A FH pp tielp bal be of benefit, Advirtisnd Letters } od. The gonerousity and! The following letjers remain uncalled FOR MEN. {for in the Patton poet office for the 10 pe, Shoe thet made Brockton Famous. | woeks ending Batarday, April 18, 1903: The Sh aaa : journey posible a alse: Mike jin tess, Chris Peterson, Miss $3.50 A; thi , | Lisate MoGuaire, Oscar Williams, For- * Bb highest encomiums, oi sedan Wisniewsdi er emote cadling for the above letters 00 : first downright ig will pieise SAY that thes are CAdver $5. ined.’ with ; er ised, - ony B, Wis, Gre we, Postmaster. There is Fall Vale in Yetbune Shoes. —— w Name and Prive sts ped om private individuals, the | | enARTER NoTICK. arch shoe MH your dex 1 ry : : which adjourned lust | Nutie behind geen stunt ron agpiteats wie" prhten to fash ovat AE BR AL: are ready to show vou one of the largest and most com. i» nde fi ihe GORErnoE i Nira] Brockton, Ca ; kL « oy a parallel. There Was os Friday, May sth A 15 1 : # : : 7 4 ie ; Cd { $ : Tu . 5 . 3. 5 ; : i who eould (or did) FSethion, Honey Peachiwatges wad Biwigd | be) al IHC HHCY 0 O00 OVUT shown In k atton. MeN ti finidor LL i Aet of mesel 0 PA om, ie boa dative halls that. exon Aura thi eis Thy lantern would bave | in the legislature | ennsyivinis reached cof infamy and dis. | ee of said st of ASsotobly and 16s soe talike again, | ens thao, - : ‘ Lome He Son [the best
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers