Fo KEPT SH Wn a was in Pittsburg this ry i = vi siting the. AR a the ad fot. > at te Commercial ! i nent. of BA pom muita for boys A targel and pistol | Riven with each suit. Price, $2.50 to ana! Williams died in New Castle. i night. 4 : shoe store. ad Thaokagivine. 8 tina the chil «Mr H. Allison, of Bb Lawranee and Miss Dimpie Rbody, of Patio were in Cresson Monday morning. | They vikited Mt Aloysios seademy innd Mere Allen made arrangesionts ito send hor daughter, Miss Verda, there £0 nko a codree in musie Opes. | non Record. The oedination servions of Rev. 4 Ww. Evans will take place in Ihe Bap: "tint church next Wednesday, The {amination will take place in the after. | 8 noon. Public service will be hid § | the evening at 7:90 o'clock. Rew, Jacob « FE Dean. of Rathmel will preach the { ordination sermon and other clergy men will speak. The public bs cord | ally invited to attend the evening ser It is claimed that the reason thal Albert Ttell, the former Patton drog- 5 A iat for cansing ~ the death of Miss Mabel Williams, of | Conemaugh, is the fact that neither | Cambria nor Lawrenoe counting have the Country. "agreed to pay any expenses or rewards Everything the best for the| for his apprehension. Coroner Mille of | says Cambria county people have noth. least money. As everybody | ill ing to do with the cass because Miss knows Kirk's is the place to go when a man gets married, as, INTERESTING 11 INDENTATIONS. ‘they can furnish everything g from cellar to garret. Don't Jorge: the lecture Toes *¥i The well known Red Cross. Have your watch repaired ab ‘and Summit Ranges take the! You oan do better at the White respect. : Carpenters’ Tools, Cutlery, Guns and One week from Thursday will be fal line of Oi Cloths and Linoleum | ~ Paints and Glass, An old saying | in * “Better spoil the Lave isn't always blind. Sometimes at a bargain for 30 days to is merely nearsighted. Some people sre foo dall even to cut ay furniture. n andesirable acquaintance, Acar load of lumber for Lhe Bev 12 and 1 ineh Dawn Mowers at gion. freight station arrived Monday Tew Oream Froopew af 81.35 Screnn "Duquesne heer fa good.” Roars ax low as THe, PooA Meiaan, five oe koa gf the odd stand hele ww “Duquesne” stands for all that is 0° c Commercial Hotel, good, ive ard who esnme In bese Swadl dress — ken J. E KIRK’ S HDW. & FURT STORE. Fo styles now ready. Magee Ave, Wear & Taos pen, PATTON, PA. Ww « wll the fae nous Widow Jones’ | Wore & THoMPson, Parity and exeelionce, couphsd with : age, sre what toakes a good bear. Wher | ¥0u drink Daquesne you are assured Pore ink Dugas yoo a= set ANew Line of the * Nelvet house i for tadlies and etn ow thietyve ant forty Celebrated Stet- seventy | Ba 1 will i thos Springs « with the Geo, 8. z : ol | are the best in the market and at prices 4 that are sare to please. ee i Dr. Lincoln Holley as the third attrse- ition on their course Tuesday evening, November 18th, in M. E. church andi. on "RUBBER GOODS. thoroughly aged and not made by i known and pleasing lecthrers on the | Wor & Tw i Ow egrent patent colt es shows son $5 and $6 Shoes for Ten. Wolr & THOMPRON. § | Snyder's. lead. Guaranteed in every Sash and doors will be sold | nake room for heating stoves | The following will be sold below sont: are now in season, ‘and as usual w. arcpre pared to sup-! ply all demands. Our r Stock of Stoves and Ranges 1S fuller | and more complete than ever. We can please the, ‘most fastidious. Few as good and! none better than the lines we handle Turnish you with any kind of a Gun! made. and also the ammunition to shoot it with. A specialty of all & kinds of Buggies. Big 60-day sale Now on. ALSO “Everything The Patton Lecture Course will have | Careful Dressers will Why Ek $i 3% SE EER i oy lanl hy drink a“green’ non-nnion made Boots. rubbers and felts beer, when yoo can get union goods ; grast, Moral: Drink Diqoesne beep, WOILCT have stood the test, Ev. A. Meron. | We sell them. Tp. Ha Hey bs oie of The fuel widely You can do better platform. His lectare “Sketebes in at Charcoal” always pleases and enter: tains. Heb not » cheap man, but one thelr money’ # worth. er mneh sought after hy county lustitotes : team of » SHON and Jectire courses who aim to get. Sotorday and were moore of 24 100. Are playes at Athletic aps, “paor of the z . the Hon. Henry Houck, Deputy Super. ad | 1 i rsday evening, | i ithly meeting, | the banquet, will be! the Crystal hotel. ; ade gad last night! : of a letter to Supervisor ‘that all the men em. east of Pitts an $200 per month | increase ten per cent in ; 3 The White Shoe Store. TEACHERS’ wate Aho Cine far Cambria County Wi Commoner | Mt Ebepsburg Honmday, 3 fambria county tescherw’ insti: | Magee Ave., Patton. Pa. tute will convene at Ebensburg Mon: : = y E v ay and continoe until Friday noon. The corps of day instractors inelades | At all times and at all Btendont of Public Instruction, Has} £5 vi ew Xx r “% 3s Hubbard; Wednesday evening, the SEASONS. WW ¢ Mendelssohn Quartette company, SE, vi Hew oe id cluding Miss Marguerite Smith, yo “- cari ) th ¢ hin est onist, who is ealled the “queen of hne of Wo a l- ehlid impersonators,” and Tharsday rg {evening Capt. Richmond P. Hobson, of cns in this the United States Navy, will deliver Salm W his tecture, “The United States a section. he I World Power.” : a ri in need of an y- Fiw Sale or Exchange. : go . . A fresh cow and 21700. 1b dra? horse, thi ng In our Horse is guaranteed in every way. Were bid off at sale, bat partios conld It ne, dl Hl hi tor - not settle for thet. I will exchange ik BA ara for fine. yobog driver and must sell gut that we can quick. Loves BE Kastor please y vO. Af you want to get your share of the holiday trade hy artise your gods ~ Dinsmore Bros. im the 3 COURIER. ‘appreciate this foot wear. Queen Quality Shoes for in Hardware.” J.B. CORDELL & C0., Fifth Ave., PATTON, PA. Is a courteous mvitation and one that 1s appreci- ated when vou have the article to back it up with, Cnr | ‘LARGE’ Whiskey fills the ll, either for a social glass or purposes. It higher than bitt——von it want to treat your friends to something that wn't the very best. We have pond whiskey, not just as good, but good enough for average pur- poses at all prices. Over fifty different brands to lect from. DUQUESNE BEER is the par - excellence in brewing. It 1s the gentlemen's beverage and une xeellied as a tonic for stek people. Porter, wines and champaign of every price and descrip tion, ED. A. MELLON, Whodesid L — Maye ee Ave, PHONE. Patton, Pa. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES Our new Shoes are now here for your inspection. One : of the largest and most up-to-date litie of Shoes ever shown mn Patton, | ———— Ask to see the go ly y Zr) Treadeasy Shoe for Women. letely style, comfort and | b ygiene in footwear have been Contin, You walk—at least you think you do—on a cushion of down with an elas tic instep. No jarring, no une tation to disturb your nerves. ——— A cl yotir doctor about them. He will tell yon that your general health will be much betterif you avoid debilitating colds by wearing Shoes fitted with cork cushion insoles. They are made in all the very newest shapes and leathers, are sna py uptodate Shoes in every respect and are sold at a on orm price of $3 50 the pair, They are not only the best shoes made at this price, they are the best made at any price. Puy your Shoes here and you can Yepend on getting the very best Shoes, at all times, at “the very lowest price. Do not forget that we have Shees for Men, Women, Boys, (irls and the Baby, We have them in all kinds of leathers, ‘all sizes and widths Come and see then and be convinced that We CRI Save you mony on your Shoe Bill, Patton Supply Co. The Money Saving Store. trimmed Full line of ladies’ hne hats, children’s school hats, Rolled Rims and Flats in all colors. Misses’ street and dress > hats. New line of ladies’ outing hats, latest styles. Good assortment of birds and wings, large variety of long plumes and - feathers. All the newest shades of ribbon, Fancy Pon Pons and Buckles. EVANS SISTERS, Fifth Ave. Patton, Pa. THERE IS A And a wide one betweerw pure, fresh wholesome drugs and those that are Regt on the shelf fur years. We do not handle the latter class and that is why we are filling so many prescriptions. All our goods and pew and clean. which is a hig point in our favor and our prescriptions are compounded by a careful and thouroughly competent pharmacist, which is another point. ; * ’ i . Druggists’ Sundries Of all Kind, Huyler's Celebrated Candies, Good Tobacco and Cigars and a tull and complete Ime of everything in the bust ness at aunns PHARMACY, Tlagee Ave., Patton, Pa. Get a pair of Treadeasy RTH RENE G : Shoes and walk on velvet 1 ELON BE, WES 1 You will then know how com. | Chon yet
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