RE PN Se i hp 4 A aR SAAR SS ACAI ros FBS eA 1 permeste their being have slug. | gine to dd of good rich rand blood. Eb bare Ar Toast tbe newsps- pers published at the county at were the only ones the COURIER bas wen | | ay were furnished with a program for pitblication. Ebersbnrg is a nice | Harmar town, Mr. Jones, sud peopled with at fhe op on of the, intelligent and amosement loving eit at Fanon sx wooing. | zenw, bt “there are othems® Patton | for instance, { in this country man wind or ‘Sowever oteliestont enves an impression of worse than | mediocrity, while the quis, BAM. ing man, who never says anything un- Jews it in worth repeating, be he ever (80 mediooral, soon gains the conf. {dence of his fellows and is credited | | with an intellectuality far beyond what | he possesses. His influence is be LE LANDS vocabulary | £ for the eritics, All Jonx Mrremeis, president of the | United Mine Workers of America, an ‘nounces that he is not a candidate for {She Place now held by Samael Gompers of Labor. He thinks be oan he more] useful in bis present position than else. | s Where, and he says that he has no proper conception of things and is to. | The miners seed him now more than * ever, and he is sensible enough to know it. ; LAST year the biggest holiday bul: pews in town was done by the mer. rawrs, of the Altoona chants who used the largest advice tone * ing space in the CovmrEn len't this a | argument enough fo runvines the state Mbrarian, 1 ho! doubting ones that the way to dispose co with as much of their holiday stock is to * advertise i like thin Cre 2 Money % much more supers well for & cunt wilt} Fun spent re 1h STAR goods. | i * than the HH You what yi 55 sOare af Fw Ba the this. “The Hom patron. | ime ti SoEmenioy av wrtining. The this form of intellec early bird, ete. i A Policeman’ » Ten Winey. N. Patterson, night policeman of Sashes, 1a. writes, “last winter k pad is going to the dogs | Gomn advertiond cough midicines a areasid Dad treatment from two physicians : withont getting any benefit. A friend | ; Day speech at Pitta recommendad Foley's bovey and tar don’t be join Willie Waldor! and twodhirds of a bottle iared me. I e? Uncle Bam can. consider it the greatest cough and lung | very niewly. medicine in the world.” All druggists. > | To remove a troublesome corn or i in the SUITEneY waa bunion: First soak the com or bunion the National Bankers i. wun water to soften it, then pare in session at Naw Orisa. | it down ne slously a powigie wishion | 2 eigoronsly for five minttes. at cack %) ; 4 — more than it plication. A corn plaster should The b bankers have hit the | worn for a few days, to protect it from | “ the shoe. As a general Imiment for ? sprRine. bruises, lameness and rhenma- won man hus been carrying tism, pain balm is onequaled. Por sale : Yor the Northern Cambria | by Cw. Hodgkins, Patton, Pa : Anions Moments : % in the ln of enloyiog ® free | Rome of the most anxions hours of a day, but from present indi. mothers's Hife are those whin the little : the card board will have to be poes of the household have the croop, | for anothe year, or lon dor, There is no other medicine wo effentive, Sl in this terrible malady as Foley's realize bis long cherished AM: honey and tar. It is & bookehold favo = : ite for throat and long troubles. and ax ft eondains no opiate or other poisons it now car own Chariey Schwab can bw safely given. Al druggies nade the hero of a novel to fu i ; bis other Sonor. Hallie EB rod When vou feel that life is bardly | i worth the candle take a dose of (ham. | Was in Pittabury this week Tabet 's stomach and liver tablets : ring data and it is said will visit They will cleanse vour stumach, tone before the book is completed, ap your liver and regulate your baw. ob is Schwab and great is the ‘els making vou feel Uke anew man authoress for thinking of such. Fo or mle by C. W. Hodgkins, Patton, : Lovers of oratory. wit and hamor, first year of the new century are fortunate in being able to bear Dr. win to a close. On the whole it | Halley in Patton, and no one who en- | a good one. Peace and pros | joys an evening with an orator, a ha. | io morist and a poet can affird to mis nye been ia evidence through. py, Hulley's most popular lectare. be land and if the remaining yoars Sort well by us as this one, there will Legal Notice, S All tieveles that have been left at the coming’ on the part of . Bazaar for repair over six months and | who have been fortunate enough | ot called for before Jan. 1, 198, will it, | be sold for repair and storage charges. | : very few of us here to, | 4. 0. Brapy. yway, when the 2ist cen- There is no ; cough medic ne 30 popa- | iar an Foley's honey and tar. [It cone — tains no opiates or poisons and never TTHSTANDING the numerous fails to cure. All droggists, against | it 58 2 dangerons and You can do better at the White : €, foot ball retains its high Shoe Store. 4s ove of the sports par excel There is just enough risk and | we Wheres, letters of adodinistintion wo the doumess in it to appeal to YOUDE | samite of Ansin: Weak iar ” Exseutios’ Notice, ¢ and those who cannol witness an | 100881. depend, boas Spt : spe : sbseribers, Bil persons odebied Lo the sab Yon ; sontest between mg skin kick. Bate are regudestod 4a make Immedinde pay t feeling a thrill of excite. MD asd thow having claims agningg the estinte of sald decalent will male Roos ths RABUN WEARKLAND, i * ; $ £ i nguinary fivid in their veins in. Warrex Waaxnaxg, Patron, Pa Nov in, WER Einar higher ambition. Mr Mitobell has a’ be ommended for his good jodgement. { getting Yous share of the £¢ values at e Bon ° on OF OURS. (MOST: PEOPLE ARE THAT LIVE IN OR NEAR } phi ron) Ir YOU'RE NOT, COME AND SEE HOW WE DO BUSINESS, STRICTLY PRICE, EVERYTHING MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES, NO CREDIT, M BACH FOR THE ASRING. Ladies’ Monte Carlo Coats, made of all . wool Kersey, lined with high lustre Sateen, earl buttons, black and castor, $7. TO a A Ladies’ Coats of Fine Melton. lined nl | pers med with braid. made full deep 89c¢ each, 5 Ladies’ Fine All Wool Hersey J | trimmed with straps of same Sloth, | Jine of special at 19¢ each. mercerised lining, $5.00. ao A We SOM A with satin, full Monte Carlo, $10. pm ARM Ladies’ Plush Capen. made of all silk plush, 30 inches long, lined with mercer- feed lining, $4. 75. doin sia silk braid, lined and interlined, Ladies’ Walking Suite, made of heavy i wool Melton, jacKet lined with satin, sKirt lined with grass cloth, a nobby, well fit- ting suit, $10.00. 20 hats (shown in window) for Misses nd Young Ladies. some come to $2.10 when trimmed, choice 5. 49. Making a specialty of Ladies’ Trimmed Hats at $2.98. Have quite a number of pretty styles at this price. They lock as Padtrore and stylish as most hats at 4.00 and $5. 00. Fancy Brooches, were 25¢, now offered SHIRTS. 39 @ 69¢ Each. t 10c each. HINARI TRAE 5h Kp ER nT Gr Soon 05 i rt a SARs All Wool Blankets, 10-4 size. in re ‘and black and black and white plaid 3249 pair. RARER a AEG Ladies’ Fleece Lined W, Sasi Men's Heavy Conon Underwear Wl HAL A A Men's 49¢ Dress Shirts now offered at 29¢ each. Al styles. iH en] Ko A Men's 50c¢ Nechtivs. oll strles offe Children’ s Black Velvet Coats, trimmed at 35¢ each. SAAT RAC Sa A Men's 25. Ties now 2lc each. A Mra oh Children’s Woal Stockings, were 19% now 15¢ pair, C hildren's Cotton Stockings. smal sizes of l4¢ Stocitings 9¢ pair. Ladies’ Flannelettc Night Gown fancy stiwhed, 49c. i roman ip Ladies’ Flannelette Gowns, trimmed with braid, 75c. Ladies’ Flannelette Gawns, trimmed with ribbon, braid, etc.. 98¢ and $1.25 i ind Fis bas erin Children’ s Flannelette Gowns 49¢. BH IA LADIES’ FLANNELETTE KNE Tinningand Plumbing) I Sour new 3 Block ined EEL NOW ¢ : prepared Fourth Ave. fan ¢ver Li eu fii WORK 1B PATTON, PA. We are sole agents for Cambna county for the cele Registersd Trade Mark No. 38.728 5 * Root and Herb Medicine composed chiefly i Sarsapar tia and Ch: a imoogra. dr is Legally Ne Cure No Pay. ’ sm, Catarrh, Nervousness and Stomach, and pg ood Diseases. A i-month treatment Dollar. Sold by John A. Guan “GET CURED." Dealer in hrated aban Ld WR YSTERS, (lams, Hard cei N atin nll | - : : ' ( >: wl Soft Shell Crabs and FirsiNation [Bank Groceries, Flour, Feed ~~ Brooks Oil Co.'s and Provis- Gutta Percha IONS. Roofing Paint. 5 & Woe PE ih 3 : RET Et ob 1S Estimates LATER 454 3 Sh for all work nn our hne. First-Class Stock and New ES od OF PATTON, tae Patton, Cambria Co. Pa. CAPITAL PAID UP, $100.000. 00. rand SURPLUN, $19,500.00. Aooudiity of Corpountions, Piome, Dmittvides sii anal Manin rerel enh twin The feast vor et ik ly d - 1 flee Bares sonisiRbERT Will safe an conmevative Vy EHO id TELA (Ed i~ banking Somitistip Hedets hr sade for all the hema ty TE In fee d rea. $ age srry fhpaivg Svan ia the peters i Sire OI Waar rrosvemadanes wilt have sas peri et sad Fsorist paid on daw deposits Goods. Give me a call J r RH anrhan rn CITY RESTAU RANT, person. S8ehiioh, Reuel Somerville, GEO. BOONE, Attormersi lew, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Parton, PA. Office 1a Gand Buitding gio Hea el Office in the Good Building, Miteheil & MoCormick, Prop'm, A. FE Parrox, Wu H Saxprorp AN gre sin 0 HLT Petes Prosident. Cashier, ITZ Dr. V. A. Murray, A. Si kl PHYSICIAN & SURGEON. | Cb Hngtom Hoek ae Xt Posto ffve, Ie Ni tong Phe ARE Shits Preskoasied to TERY Laine on r ENR Mo at thm ess attention, DY Ed ir Bo inn e; Dio npestair in Good Butidinge,. OF ose thon ie 3 oa REEL SPEPTICIDE = Honey = “ar | fy 08 Tal an: The greatest aid to DIGE -STHIN Billi LE as TEL oly Howrs-S 8, mn to 12 mooand Lp He rebate son 55 Ly Bead your own COURIER,
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