dai Rr 5 5 PATTON ’ CAMBRIA co, PA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1907. idan Bd i ny i T Tnteredting Fxsrohies in Honor of the Mar | | mvnitien, and in aecordanoe with the mewomAL SERVI. oss tyre President fast Thursday, In common with other patriotic com. | proclamations of President Ronsevelt, ‘(avernor Stone and Chief Burgess | | Monteith memorial services in honor of | the late President MoKinloy were | held at the First Baptist choreh ast Thursiasy afternoon at 28 Selielk : Pukingms was sntirely srssended derr- : frp the day and the edifice was ail 10 | ei all to ascommadata the large crowd : of pecple who came 10 DAY A ast trib | ate of respect and veneration muimmary of the geoal ans good man 7 who hud gone before. COuRieR last week was faithfolly car 0 a ¥ Cle and Jos. Woodley and the injured The program as published in the PROR | riesd ont with the exception of the ad | drems by Rev. Father Edwin, who was ont of town and unable th be present. Harve Oaks, The latter two will re cover, their injaries being mainly The church was tastfully decorated | with flags and emblems of mourning | and the united choirs from S85 Mary’ 8 ‘ Catholic, MINERS STRIKE. Kn ' (Over One Handred Men are Ont at the Brawliy snd Siyder Mines, the Corner tone Laying! The miners employed by the Bloom. | 4 ‘ington Coal Mining Co. near Carroll town are on a strike and the Brawley ‘and Sayder mines are idle. About E SPECIAL TUSIC. bem Weil Alter pied wo Good Sermons ny Rov. alastully Plaga, lists peneived a grand impetus thon. on Bhanday last, when the Stoetaer--L wosiderabie Money corner stone of the new chiresh on ao. venue was ald with solemn ard "one handed and twsnty-five men are Si ; : involved. Rerwiees Held on Sanday, all of Which | . | by the discharge of & number of men, While the troubls was precipitated the United Mise Workers and Supt | Dusismors have not worked in har s caremonies. But the exoraises to this ceremony the attention of the members chore and its friends, goodly |an of mtey was primed 4 in the work of tliding ih i 5 ives GEN lent REF HES well as setting an example of trae oo Rev. Ww, P. Suriuer, oes Opportunity wis given ih to eimtribute to the good Work 40.80 was ralsed by volnonlary butions, Kpecial music had been pest and the efforts of the choir that consciencions practice’ 8 beer: done by the e singers. mony &ipce March, when the first clay vein wae strgok. The men wanted pay fur driving throngh. ciaiming that +g adiiyaed tn Ohba wore nol all | sen vid tise] on CF WTR the labor Giltown, but sere (lise Wink aanng ine above Mathodist | and sisted Mrs. T. J. Scholl, who presided at the organ. A pleasing feature of the wervice and one not down on the program was the vocal solo SRG. time We'll Understand,” by Mrs J. F. Jlady. This charming vocalist, always s favorite, outdid bersell on this ooes phon and brought tears to more than me pair of eyes by tie sworingss ari fueling expressed in the sd won ix, The congregational singing was lixe a RY OTREE Spa the bug with the chor power i etter ing praye Jambi those £17 Re br. reaver and Row. Radel {ie werd in $m Dat thoughts, Wile fx by Ww, iL Den ® semn and Prof Bo 6 Alyers were aibowed to pestis Mine Workers thing 4 winn Of + gr) wood plie, and 5 strike ingly ordered last week, Ravers] edforia to settle it have bean WR ond. made. bat without result. The THe « acknowiege they made a mistake by a not notifying the company that they f God on Hugt oct #1 and he d by Rev. Dr. Deaver in a. ; : ! bers of the committee appointed to whi spoke in behalf of the y school. Mr, Brown talked of sence of this phrase of church and said that the now pdifice grected with a special view Waits of the Bunday school Shiner also moade n short ad y and told of the opportunity pre. weryone present to have an intended to “lay off, bat declare the discharges irs unwarranted. Patrick Gibbons, Dennis Sullivan, John Pob- liek and Martin Klafjack are the conduct Hie strike. | plaintiff Pose NA SRANGE. Pasa hrin Coanty Drcamtention fa Meel Wilh Bary Lange Neary Ninkiowe good snd fot & respoamie chiar in & Baa Sak wa a ae » Sage i ES thé hearts of everyone priment, he peeling ciimend by single He Lhe Op PRE tra and We ow sediclidn ir. Preaver. HALTIRGS BEATEN | Bodner Ram has MiGe AAI seit for Dame = ages Prongnht Agama i The case at Ehonehurg Murgaret 3 aig % v x oat the borough of Hastings ant, if being a soit to reeover dam for injuries sustained by a fail on 4 side walk wax tried last week. The Waa Whig OB Goan uk ous agro Vl Sue BE sie ea sing pan i fhe side Walk 1D Ha singe ous April Sn, si bg i in oompany wilh Gun mean, when fle atanbed £353 sed Board and the board Sew up and hit her Bw fell The Cambria county Zomops grange will meet with Barr graoge in ther hall near Nioktown on Thursday, Bept, 26. The following 8 the order of ex in the new church by contrib. | 10 the cost of ita erection. A ptlon followed in Keaplng with bie it remarks. ail ceremony of laying the storie followed and was partici in by the building committee of church, Rev, J. E. Radcliffe, the tor of the First Baptist ehureh, Bev. W. P. Bhriner, pastor of the Bellefonte peh,and Rev. Dr. Deaver, pas. f the Patton M. E. church, ng the exercises and the pssem. was dismissed with the benedic- chtireh listened to ANOUHOF 6X qa. 00. Lon mon by Rev. Hbriner and | Thomas; sng. er Cine: 9:30 a mm. song by grange; address of welcome, A.B. Kirsch) respons, Joseph O, Thomas; reports of subordi nate grapes, report of secrotay of fire lnauranoe company, eis on bey Caltors,’” biy A, PP. Kirsch; song. The afternoon session wil begin al 1:80 velock with a song by the grange, The regulur routine business of tha order will then De transacied; distus. Lwion oon YHiow to Secure i Gn a Cate ; dered cof Gras.” opened by B. Evi y eboir rendered thru seloctions Are the (Qualitios that Constante Good Housekenper 77" Lizse Td HAY hat Lanzera; ‘solo, Herman Dishart; “The Powibil, evening a large crowd of taxed the capacity of the gram of unnsoal murit by work of building the su- of the new church will be as rapidly as possible in the furare will be dy $ Hl ise “A Country. Firamen's Hall on Wed- now > sale at Probert's bar- 25 and 85 cents. The ities of the Grange,” Worthy Deputy Prank Westrick: recitation, Sara J, The evening services will begin al 7:30 with a song by a choir from Nick: town; recitation, Gussie Farabangh; essay, “What ia Socialism?’ A.B. Kirsch; quinteite; address by the Hou, ication 5 : ; like interesting exercises Alvin Evans, of Ebensburg. ~The cut above is an Bishop Garvey Instalilod. Dr. Eugene Garvey, the first bishop of this, the new Catholic diocese of Aj- toona, was formally installed in the | pro-Cathedral of St. John's at Altoona a | Tuesday evening. He was accompar(- s | ied to Altoona by Bishops Hoban, of Scranton, and Shanahan, of Harris burg, and twenty priests of the Scran- ‘ ton diocese. After the ceremonies in the church a public reception was held in the school hall. The Rev. M. MM. come on behalf on the clergy, Mayor Giles on behalf of the moniaipaly. | and 0. A. Garvey on behalf of the laity. ded eloquently. on was a notes y tribute Ww the new bishop. season of 1901 and injured ber arm so that she was arshile to walt an hersplf for five weeks & i $3 a ra lor nage peerlont, corral sie to the fall and walk, Dr ghsneh said tie Hgurment of he € ibe Pst juin wae sev: foe Brin i 1 Keay Eby “h only {her % ja. . tat los] tht the wilk wan bowl oF . % $5 Aaa WaeTe boven WER I an Bales Dah Ihe Bere Wan fone dar the opposkda of Lhe streel, : we bo walking in the roadway. so portented that the plain. bs sd pot exercised a reasovable af care, ewe the acedent wold sot have happened, The jury found for the plaintiff for $01 damages F001 Bact TEAM. Long Halred Heroe » ot the Pigskin Have Organized for the Neasan, An enthusiastic mecting of the foot ‘ ball players of Patton was held Monday night and arrangements made for pat. ting a first-class team in the field for the ; Practice will con mence at once and an available eleven picked out from a large nnmber of ‘ candidates for position on the team. The long haired heroes of the pig skin will meet every afternoon at d i | o'clock for practice. Suits will be or- dered at once and it will not be long _ before the team will be ready for its first game and willing to meet ali evening of Tuoesday, Ovtober Isat. The best of music has been secured’ ‘and a time assured all who at tend. officers of the new organi. CUFT OF G00 Recorded fori i that proved fatal and two others were bruises, although it is thought that Baptist | cliarches ead the singing aod farnished excellent music, while H. N. Aspden which broke and let about 1920 feet of and Mande B. Cowher with violins as : hemlock pounds, dowa onl the anfortapate men wherein dias Bagger was the 11 intati and with bis Jdaaghter wax in Patton Sun RR Three Fatalities the Past Week. Se ‘OVERLOADED A TRUCK I AL Aldhars MI and Fallbng Camber Killed Ton Mon. Fhenstmer Poy Killed al the Tuenisbie, While Parents Were Boll Away From Hom A hoerible accident ocenrred at Ald- burn, about seven mites from Patton, jaat Thursday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock, in which two men received injories seriously hurt. The dead are John are Frank Cole, a cousin of John, and Frank Cole's spine is injured. The acrident was the result of over- | joading & lomber truck, an aX oO fumber, weighing 50,000 Whi Cole, Se. has the contract for Joading the lumber in the yard at that place on the cars for the Mountain City lumber company and the guar. | tette were employed by him at the - wt wir The wen in a playfal moos over fonded the truck, so that 1% contaloed #3 wt that it woud hall Ouse of tha the frei sells the , the ia miter x A pneven Prpclon and witsy Crasiuang worn forian iy wenden were phuned whoniGer and x west bund fey ase | dies taal al FN Ta & shod leaves an avai : Fle resided ahant teu mR T ; « mretie of he Lp ‘ ng HE ET fa: THE wil RAS falda 5 i Sdtarday: sake Bo Bik Bose nearny Tia kkadl ex. a0 that the heaing werd hough an operation £4 Worrell iy Rl A : sity of hone removed from the ha al be died on Monday morning ab $80 a ole. was with him when he ay. The foneral was held at Carrolitown on Wednesday with ine terment nn the Catholic cemetery si that pli, Puirenpgh. the manager of tle py 4d ciskare Tanning Co. at Ebensborg, day allernoon, wheal hae received no na Angus seed 14 years, had been crit is message ating Hat he seal. They imme Bane DIY ta find n 1 + hoy was dead, was phx ying station when, in way, ho wan walls of the circle, wh dghtly the : Forts Bim Iin: Bis ned k : ; several ore trunk of is bie oly WX rribly man gied, Mm a at the time of the accident, bul was SLA neh Be he Bas 3 Pele pra ae i Yor irpmediatel John Lane, of Braddock, who with his wife and father-in-law, Demetrius MoDermiott, has been visiting at the farm of Mrs. Catherine Miller, about two miles from Chest Springs, was ac- | cidently shot by the latter on Tuesday afternocn about 1:30 o'clock and his chances for recovery are said to be very sight. The two men had been pracliciog shooting with a revolver, and Lane went to look at the target. McDermott was in the act of laying his weapon, a (3% calibre revolver, down ou the ground, whea in some unaccountable manner it was discharged. The ball ‘entered the small of the back, inflicting | a dangerous and probably = fatal, | wound. The bullet has not been lo- | Sheedy delivered an address of wel- comers. In order to ralse money fOr |. coq timate expenses a grand ball will be held at the Firemen's Hall on the! sn Jack Simpson, who has had more that his share of paipfal accidents lately, was unfortunante enough on Wednesday to cut himself in the wrist | | with an axe while in the woods with | stitches | | were sequired to close the would. co ! an engineering corps. Four a Bev. Father Plerrom, of Sm —— Come to our store and we'll ell you all about it. Fall Announcement. ~ New stocks, neckwear, da hats, uRderwsar, gloves nd C ig children’ Our boys and a big its are now ready as tock of knee and for boys. 1 ook in our windows. It's here you grt the i and best in everything. | Keystone Clothing Shoe is Directly Op pos ¢ Ban 4 Er ere Magic Headache Cure. NE davis endl i OOS rast: ETS Nl Headache or Neuralg never lai: fo Cll the worst forms of Four powders in pac kage. Pee. Li ov R GU ARANTEE. ff vou purchass any one of our own preparations, aad it does we good, we will, npon the receipt of “the empty hotide or age, return your money just ws fincely ss wo ook i 2 3 £ = Es 5 ng nll tl Wo feel safe in saving this, beciuse we know the goods are right and all that we: dab them fo by Another inducement. " gery have, we § are worth § peroent of }owarth, i: 5 addition Ey 11 : ethane of Been pore and ¥ A OTS snpsiieri . oi ’ 4p . is : tut Xia Beinn tL . pk (8 ¥ 4 LF E Zid TTI i Points about our Ready-to-wear Clothing— STYLE. DURABILITY, ECONOMY __are worth vour serious consideration. goods, you'll At any rate, If you'll do us the favor of examining the probably do yourself the fevar of purshasing we invite you to look at these fenng Smart Neck Dressings FOR FALL WEAR. We have just opened a line of the prettiest ideas you have. yer seetl, A pleasure at every look yon take at our window display. Come and see the show, Price 50c.
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