BI nw M A NIGHT SCHOOL Miners Uafon Will Sai he Pisin A Losend i Paard Jor fae. Nes, inited Miva { Workers of America, at their regular | mesting held Monday night adopted fa resolution requesting the Patton bor. ough school bosrd to institute a night {mehoo! for the benefit of the young i ewer l 1 Tiron Ray i Presentation of the ew Catholic Church. TI ON MASS. wo or eth Haye Al {gis piace. Their asthorty od by Preintes of the Chureh and the Lpequest is found in Artisin at Crowd that Ever Fait the sibiool | ying { from which follow: | Recriox {i That il £ ih i or asotion of | Sheard of sebioad Alnedtnss 1 ial any seoluwet diate . i men who are smploved in the mines at i fir % Shy the RIES nes of Pe : sd fact every y ¢ we Capon the us nt on i iesday and Wednesday. OF Wier po pit hres f the an dents of md acted ditriel, he cay perening a Ear beet tnd Lu an oared ¢ sete hand Bea teeny not fees than States Steel Corporation, in SE piinhl Hh eek wear sid A prince-priest, Father i ! months 1 poms of wenly A ratio ¥ te Gallitin, the first yuo Bure: Provided, however, That when | rish. Ch the weerage dally sltendabee Jor one traotith that at least two hun | falls below fifteen daily, said sehool dirctors | Ir hy laos al vie. (OF seh soutien mis, at thelraption, close od Pp 1 tae dors) | said prening sohiod for (he remainder of said {ler go] of the charch were there | SE 20 That pgm sil pp ation participate | in the friter- | boarsd of Selun dirctors ar seliol San rei een and the “church was aha ll prised, witht DfnerRaNTy Rein, We Ege Hire & pompitetit teacher, and open suid sven. e doors on both poearions | Fug sobond 188 sanvediont leat Provided, were unable to gain 8d- however, That twa tr more con tignoes schol : ! distri Sey Bl Any Line : 101 ie were held | i Pry aud wi Spat of detaw at Iniire sxvining : s se hionl®, aod Bartribate pire male 1 The wx pitiag Bay evening at 8 o'clock, when i of thle inte pe ¥ ; rogram was rendered: PART I awedy af the days, wil he wiside tn the euints GRA PREPARATIONS a re Hereid hey are Belong Made to Handle the Bag : Moma Coul Trae Fieve as £% hk Masago (ireat preparations are being made to handle the tremendous soft traffic soming from the Patton cond flolds, ways the Philipsburg The extension of the Pennsylvania division of the New York Central to connect with the Ponneyivanis sys tem at Kanthaos, is a greal piece of work. The grading is about completed, { but they have about 6060 men at work | fon the bridges and tunuels and they tare working day and nighl. The night toros are enabled to work by the use of electric lights, so that rapid progress Is being made In com: pleting the great task. Altogether they have had employed about 3,000 laborers, whi have been Hying in tents and shanties. Rosser, Coleman & {Hoge are the contractors on the tun. nel work; the Biddle Construction {company is doing the bridge work and | {Carpenter & Bixley are building the tanneis. One of the cuta on the Beech ook Co HMab rier | Jornal, Creek is a mile long and 35 feet deep. C Willlsms-Gansalioe Frederick Williams and Miss Mat tie Gunsalus were united in the holy | bonds of matrimony on Tuesday even- ling at 8 o'clock at the residence of the bride’s mother on Lang avenue. Rav. Dr. Deaver, of the M. E. church, | was the offiviating clergyman. The attendants were Miss Williams, of Bellefonte, and Sampson Hewlett, of *% (this pisce. The newly married have Yigone to house keeping in the Biller | residence on Mellon avenue. en ag Beware of ¥ nuda, + have appointed Mary Sample, Annie Lloyd, Anpn Morgan, and Nellie Lowes as the only authorized parties to receive sabsoriptions. If you have | paid to other parties you will confer a . | favor by notifying John Asberoft, the o | president of the board of trustees ae subscription books have been misiaid or purloined from my office. Gro. Boowe, Charch Clerk. win Leave Monday, ; E. 8 Hippy, the supervisor for the Pennsylvania railroad company at this * | place, will leave Monday for Pittsburg | {to join the other supervisors and offi- cials of the ecmpany on the annual tour of inspection. They will leave the | Bmoky City Tuesday morning and ar. rive at Jersty City on Friday. The | inspection of the Clearfield and Cam. { bria division will be held later. nn ye Yood for Though. Rev. Father Pierron in his sermon ri at Bt. Mary's Sunday morning gave an eloquent discourse on the causes lead- | ing up to anarchy and paid particular 5 Attention to the recent lynchings in the «+ | South and other acta of lawlessness that are winked at by the American . | people. There was much food for ser- v | ions thought in his utterances. Open Next Week, { OC. A. Harrington is making prep- | { grations to open a 5 and 10-cent store | "lin the new Fisher block and is receiv. © {ing new gooils every day. “Neil isa { deserving young man and ought to do Watch the columns of the COURIER xt week for his initial | iPrny, bavi grad th ing | anddidates ha to | pearance atl eithosiseen le alk very low ehh ducting a gum shoe campaign, sid days and an evening session of at emst of Johngewss, snd Centronics of Phe (i ed by Chas Firemen’s Cyan a fine production. a very mysterious case, deponent sayeth not {ington on Sunday. i i i { PERTILENT FARAGEAPHS Fon Pe rtadiing Jobin Lane wha wis gecidentiy T whet in the back by his fatherdin. law inst fans sre that hn pear Chest Borin ngs Welk, In be nel He £ oath wonnd gives The bulb is still Where in hie batik. ped diseps well hat Hite led EHD iH] salvar, ign the anetabis Westland, of Tor cutting down ohesingl Parr of Chas Anna They igers given ¥ had 32 ag Chae TW a Betta a honring nig farer the Le hey ds the volitional campaign Boe Few of of yd pat in an ie tO On Patan? Both sides seem to be cone = LL Linton, (has, M. Troxell, of (Hasglow, Repub. lican candidates for Registic and He Leorder and Prothonotary respectively, “were in town on Toesday getting guainied with the voters. fei oA filet mreh i ‘A handsome slamin bien placed on the to 3 ey irr tha hailing by the Pnited Rigtes Topographic and Gedo logic survey which says “Above Sea Level 1,757 28% Fert “A 4 sontitey Merchant’ Gs presorni- A Ceowlen aud company st Hall Wednesday evening Tha athesnlanoe wens Hmited only to the capacity of the building. Me ard Mes WOH OH Bel will go iairav ile Thursday, October {ete bir Regiment, Pennsylvania Volnntesrs, of which the Major was a member. AF the Johnedown sorpespondent to the Pittaburg Dispatch will multiply his estimate of the cost of the new Pat. tan ME charch by three be will come nearcr the exact figure, 14 is asserted that a couple of Pitte- soveral days pst looking up cies to And farther ~Supt. 1. W. Aliebone and Train Dispatcher H. T. Taylor, of the Cam: _bria and Clearfield division of the Pennsylvania railroad company, were in town on Monday. “Wm A. Mallon left for Philadel. ' phia on Monday to attend the state firemen’s convention as the represent. : | ative of Patton Fire Co. No. 1. {This has been made to take oot the : 2 filled by Rev. Mr. Hughes. : Eider i Hw fanbiiny, frrosted tad boys Iasi werk ftmem On the Jurnea Mallon the will run from bias 17th, to sitend the reanion ‘of the 11th Northern Cambria Capitalists ested in New Line. Inter CHARTER 15 GRANTED Far Ancthed Trodliey Band tex © Bmore Wi thie Northern {ambiia Sires Balway tes Johnstown To Bon From FEheansharg whe 1: aol OMecru. CET Prsraiars Dentinger, of this piace, and Allport, of Hastings, are W. H Jas. HL ‘among the intorporators of a new stroet rafiway company that filed jot ters priest in the register and record ‘er's office st Ebensburg ast week. The line will be known as the Cone. | maogh street railway company and Johnstown to Ebens- burg, 81 which place it is expected to connect with the Northern Cambria street raiforay, when the latler is o pleted. The charter shows the following or ganipation Incarporstors—J. (. Lioyd, George M. Wertz, Thomas E. Murphy, James H Allport, BE. EB. Davis, W. H. Dene linger, 4. BB. Roderick, and P, JF. Lats, Directors Samuel W. Davis, J. Go Lioyd, FP. H. Barker, M. Db Kittell, George M., Wertz and W. H Den linger, Cedonel 8. W. Davie is Presi dent and J. G. Lloyd is seeretary and treaasarer. Other gentle understont] to be aternsted in thw pro- ject, bat their names do not appear in ary official capwisty. A corps of engineers pomp five persons in charge of Jas H. Al port are now making a ey survey. They are not confined to any | particular route, bot were told to seek out what they considered the bead, giv ing as good grades as possible and at the snme time toaching ss large a number of important points ss they could, burg detectives have been in town for : [company will Levent it is stated positively that both | will be pushed forward as rapidiy as | possible. The capitalists interested in Its not improbable that the new consolidate with the Northern Cambria when both rowds are compisted, or sooner, bot in any both companies have ample means and backing for the work and it wil ernen than the above Ar not be long before residents of North. ‘ern Cambria will be able to go to Johnstown and intermediate points by trolley. The Northern Cambria com CL Experienors of {iea K. Good, whe has Reo ~The J. CC. Harper plumbing and tin- ving establishment now oaupy com. The goidnuncs assert that Patton {tween popalar and prominent young people before snow flies «Choo, Wilson attended a meeting of the executive board of district No 2, United Mine Workers of America, at F (Clearfiedd on Tuesday, The trustees of the Baptist church : ~The mining department of the Beech Creek Coal and Coke Co. moved to the pew office building on Monday. ~Mre. John Dinsmore wis called to i of the serions ness of her father Miss Minnie Holter left for Baf falc on Wednesday to spend several ‘ days at the Pan-American, Arbor Day. A proclamation was issued Monday | modias quarters in the new Fisber' block on Magee avenue. L Yellowstone {will have a number of weddings be- { Punxsutawney last week on account vouched for by Mr. Good. by Dr. Nathan C. Schaefler, state sup _erintandent of public instruction, des- ignating Priday, October 25 =» | Autumn Arbor Day. The superintend- Lent requests the teachers and pupils ‘of the public schools throughout the state to observe the day by the plant ing of trees and by other saoitable ex- | ercises. “Soon They'll Many,” Invitations have Patton for the wedding of Rev. Ernest Fryckiund, of this place and Miss Min- nie Ring Spotswood, of Carlisle, Pa, contemplate all nignt current and it is are worth your serious consideration. heen received in at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. Mary C, Spottswood, an Wednes- | day evening, October Mb, at 8 o'clock. ‘The vouple will be “at home” after | October rd. New Telephone Company. Another new telephones company pany bas already a corps of engineers Fay. Dr. Deaver occupied the pul | ‘pit of the M. E church at. New Wash. His place hare was ranning lines in this vicinity. KILLED BIG GAME. fakrned From His Trip (wn. XN Good, of lock Haven, has ge . just retarsed from a trip through the 8 coil National Park and a @~ honting and fsbing expedition in Wy. | PAOBILE CINSILONON fo tell you all about it. Fall Announcement. New stocks, neckwear, shirts, hats, underwe ar, glove hos iery, shoes, pants and clothing. Our boys’ and children's uits are now ready as is stock of knee and long for | JOVS. Look in our windows. It's here you get the late and best in everything. Keystone Clothing and Shoe (Co. Directly Op yosite Bank. \ body in this section knows that we are always here with as fine a line of toys, trinkets, novelties, etc., as are to be found any where, A owing Before entering the Park the Lh guns of ail the members of the party Gea were sealed bY gu United States woidiers and the seals i not brokes until they made thelr deo I Mr. Good was wild pariure They say plenty of camping with their nocle, and ate all their bread and meat, while the uncle was pelting it with stones. After fin. ishing his meal, Bruin departed, mach to the pleasure of the young ladies This is not a “bear story” deer and bear 8 while passing through the Park. In one instance 3 bear got into the camp | wagon of two young ladies, who were | and is The latter caught fourteen troat in. side of an hour, weighing 12 pounds: dressed, and was also fortunate eqoagh | to kill a buck elk, it being the (Sard bagged by the party, with an average weight of 1,000 pounds. He also killed three antelope, all that is allowed | ander the license fee of $40 NOTICE. Consumers of electric current must observe oir regulations regarding ite ase. The schedule of prices do not a useless waste of power Wo ibe com. pany, as well as Ganessary ex-: pense for jamp renewals to the con. | somers to a0 use it. For each five in service the customer is entit- | all night service and 43 Ligh in fed to use soe for Ene any excess “all-night lamps’ used will ‘was chartered at the state department on Monday, which the officers say will | peek an entrance into Patton, Hast ings, Ebensburg, Barnesboro and Span. ‘gler, as well as other points in the porth of the county. The Cambria | : Oounty § Tetophone Co. is its corporate | (have been left wit be charged for at & proportionate rate. (Feo. & Good Breorsee Laoar Co Patton, Pa. Oct 1, 11 Notion. The late Dr. J. B Noooan's books All persons knowing mediate payment. Geo, Be INE, =P Bead your own Coun. th me for settlement. themselves ine : cdebted will save costs by making ine . We are always to the f ront and this year will use more energy than ever to supply t Holiday Goods ever brought to Patton. early and get your pick of the stock. PATTON PHARMACY, C. W. Hodgkins, Prop’r. Come Points about Ready sto-wear Clothing— STYLE, DU RABILITY, ECONOMY he best stock of ill soon be here and every- Our If you'll do us the favor of examining the goods, you'll pro! bably do yourself the favor of purchasing. At any we invite you to look at these offerings. Smart Neck Dressings FOR FALL WEAR the prettiest 8 a ideas Fyn ay on Ox We has ented a line of have ever seen. ITC dL ery the show. Price SOc. 4 nL ww ox Tesh vy age ee A pieast look you take at our Come and see window displ rate, von ay. @
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