ons, 80 callod, are not jet at are merely glass, but they purpose just as well Took well and are much cheaper, ecently nearly ali of them rom are now ‘in this country. and American | sufacturers are able to compete Bh the foreign traile. The process 18 a secret. process beging with the long ods of glass composition, from the buttons wire mide. These Tods are iy abot four feet jong Jreequarters of an inch in thick: ness. Three of ther are taken at a by the buttonmaker, bheid to nd so placid on the bench | that tne end Is kept constantly over we of fire. thi gas nsed being | wn by wind from a bellows worked | steam power and connected by | with each work bench. With a+ uf rod held in the hand the ; wer picks from the now mol | fen mass of glass a large drop. This THE MARKETS PITIRBURG Craln, Fiore and Foal Warar--No Syed}, HveinXo 2 Ce HX Nos # x fr AUR = Wint: 7 Frou gm rade Preadasis Se Hs Na od Si a ad Ab AE Se oe AD SAS Kew York, bey Ponitey, €. F Fading Fa. aol Oho, Feiss i 14 Frais and Yegeabion Gre Base ody Dis Anne Bt TERT he skilfully holds in such a manner mould made in two Sertiuns, n fron vise, shuts, catches the OF tx month, fresses it into the | of the die and then swallows © Upon being swalowsd, the button falls through a pipe two foot long a pail A feature of the pressing of the tut | ng is that sn evelet is pressed to tion at the seme time, it hav | previously been placed in the The buttons ate washed | w reid : and then the rough pi freon | & 8 i won SEO mR to {80 WR So a Ee er Fens ulds are cut off by boys with From here they are carried | elge--girts whose Work con sist in giving tha butions & totes | mery wheels, butions at this stage have in | nee of an ordinary black det peculiar foreign woud, on the | of which a preparation ia pur, hem a glassy appearance. The | ng or crepe effect is attained pattern of the die, and then by | gE the buttons in certain chemi i new and approved Appliances af buttons can be made on press in a day. The eyelels nse 4 ¢ of brass wire, which is run spool on to a small revolving When taken off this It has tuo i Lo BR ir Xo CARN Err er {pen EieiigeeB 5000 aid Penas. LIVE STOUR. Centra! Stock Yards Eni Libary Pa ERTL Prim 8 heavy. 3300 § SNe ok FOR ® & 3 3 ‘ 56% “i 3 H 2 Ef ; Fat Beaters, a £6 CB Phninee, ay to 100d tom, a 55% Compan to fair glo B18 Cixrg, comtitnon to 4 aes R02 CComman Sogo] Tet tain oo 3% DL Mel ene, encl sn wi AH | Este mich sows, éach. Bok hg woe of 8 long coll spring. Tis | B od in an eticlosed mechanism circular saw of hard steel cull foto as many little rings as there urns in the wire, From the manifacturing depart Got Yo ohcdie iw #4 Good ples Rua 4 A GT WT L Prisms beavy Hops C Cominion 6 Trir | Bough... AS Resa | Btn the buttons are taken to the | generally girls, who place jp cards and fasten thom with | ( we y and thread, The cards are | boxes, and the butions are tor market. On a sample card were glass or fet buttons of y ror imaginable shape, color effect, from the sombre cripe to fm, ged Ww ehokon, Kamin rhen to Bur Cp rig Tasnlw.. ovo with silver and gold | TSAI EAT SALAS SN Fo The Dath of the Orange. Fresh from the tree, sn orange Is much alive, with the oil, ded and the mystery of pot yet suspended. Cut off the sap supply, a change taken in draws closer to thi od off moisture that swiating If the fruit ‘at otice. But first those | travers must Bave a the bushel--if only thls were d of the Hood old bushel-bas arvon ‘sak of water, at re of soft Bristios. Tha | ives 80 that the lower & In cotinection with anoth. ahey in a smaller tank each with tub of wa scrubbing busily, ! e days of SUring. fed {into a hopper siagle file on to p Neni, extra O50, —— ns obo. Rs Veal somos to fair. Leal, SURELOR hoary. lz rly ¥ Ci I CEE NT 7S HHS TRADE CONTINUES 6000. her Ail of the Leading n ire ars Sill Xaap- ing Well Emplyyed-—improvement ia Damind for Finished Product RG Dip & Co's Weekly Rove (of Trade sayw: Genera Pts iene hc Fo TEAR ap About & your 220 my Bale was coming out very fast, 50 | bought a Bottie of Aver's Mair Vigor. It § stopped the falling and made my | Bair grow vor: rapidly, pnp now ft is 45 inotias 1 length. — Mrs. A, Boydston, Arehison, Kaos. There's s another hunger than that of the stomach. Hair hunger, for instance. Hunary ‘hairneeds food, needs hair vigor—Ayer's. § "This is why we say that Ayer’ ¢ Hair Vigor always | | restores color, ad makes | f the hair grow long and § heavy. ies «toute All droprists. : i i 3 st omni wen, EEPrenE £ 308 Then vour liver isn't actin? well. Yea suffer fromb ilious- ness, const fpation. Ayers Pills 2ct directly on the live For 60 years iL y have ih the Standard Family Pill Small doses cure. an srisaun SERIES Porm DUCKINGHAK 5 Di E ars Si ¥ Fk pA 3 A em poner i 1§ You Wish on ges a i FR ASS TM nA nh, wi A A Sh A £ondon dlamoend merchant, while | {nsw Butiding dustrios of goin to his office recently, in a fir of abstra action pastind a3 okt Suviiope out loan now ia pocket 8 sk Ha lo TORT eahanner, . When be Fenih i Hot the toreible fact Wim thar ir was the envelohe Ee RG thse] A Spermanenily cured. Now arasrvons. Fie : & wap af Tir whines Great Nerve Rests ror &Fivial bole and (reat fron : Dr 2.8 Hone, Lb Arch 3¢, Phila. Pa ; Thin wet 3 mae isa hinks of : anciog Lei 1h Foal dren SRT a Hustla fortune without | isiman ra Pa omy iil three resis agn ib, canes Rous | mix, Maple 88, NV. Feb, 17, 10, EADS, SAT: Write | wgiate, 700, ‘er, the Eakin he 'solving a comparatively easy GT he ons: sfgte nad ER The 13 4 wiate of ha TR anwiinel of abaes TH co Miia ir he state biant will Bt Wish LE fe me University of Notre Dame, SA SE AN wi Laundering Thin Drewes. become ive wiaterinhe wii TR ; Fas Tike ¥ LL fia ¥ Vaikare. The prosent wead boar Tom mtAThisg | of at Jest Lagos ; FeqpRanTd; phoemn differen nats 5 5 sultve some ol the maw Pale regione ¥, ey fron a Pr froiva bt sen lu atesi to Ent gmleeralan wil aE Wik presans indians of the “Colaratde. The Cacapy Imdiace af the Lawes | 5 p fi & hse PRI » gen TE i Corl 0 Hel Bada, f Chong apd Coates are of nie they base pret Riv # ; af Be Lents 3 @& Fo > on g trios. He PER Peony, affording, lodeed, a frare of prehistoric azrieniy 7 sally aw ag gricustnml folk theh toi sgricullee ix of the most pwisuie 2 % ods than those of any erie. Their customise well Lpontinges ite even deurse with all the af rhagueht on surround) ,Jeading fminetries well emploved and Lwitlh confidenge exprossed an every : of settlement anid specgintors have hand. Labor froables are In process | teen responsible for most of the uncest | i which has reflect In the LArRvIR. Seen] mili are gctively employed avd there 1x a distinet provement in £ Hae detiiand for Butshied products. In bars for nse by makers of agricnltumi Ys plements there fs a brisk movement Kalle sre ordensd freely. with potable i el SE SSE I Hh i PR SS HE {pressure for trolley and other Heh: | 5 {weights The most start ng mil | i gratifying feature of the sitaation is | the decrease of 15.215 tons in fdroaey | STOCKS, potwithetandiug an cGtput all | the rate of over 1.1m. XY lonis ab | nuaily. The market for soit gents ls fro ter, Jobers gia Behr storks of same Lmer goons; leather is in good demaml Cand firm. Teste Hues have settled fn a steady psition that profuvses P more lasting prosperity. Heavy weg swaodens are searing duplicate on Pers card millis are waking exiensive pre ‘paation for the [ght welgh! season [Wil was not sltenad lo price : firiner, tiraln crops Lhis sedson Poationing much noe Aa Co EBOORInIOrs, hate 4 ax 3 Lemppliciied siimaiion Intest ofltoial and uu cRiGons hore 1s reasol this heaviest bh hieat vet and avin wi plies Gp Hutul sin thir appears about JO per abroad in the ¥o4 Bums. Yet plies are far RS RI RE Bsa he A Flow recon) Extensive heeds ron inne, the paovemen: | tx for the Week dnb | a ad bashed against LL | els A Year Az, and Wass | apf 4 OTHETS busiuds, LOFT hnkhels fast Near tremarkable stronger, arog 3 ‘sinew July 1 givieg rvason Wb espect less than the official report, which inifieatnd more than Dokibos hashes, The failures Tor the week nutnber OS ti thie Dnlited States, against 106 : Lit pens | An earthquake wrecked several “buildings in the town of Aunlton, Mex, 1d then passed off to Zopothon, where rted with the waters of a big lake, At first the waters seemed in a i great agitation, and then they : Seaduaily disappen st : tod the deg dene © sf Pray duetres, Rul en af Hie Hild o the fell fabs son of tha lower Nile an prog rire of the Five aleng wo they Hive driven from the Iw Landis fy the aunuai fresbeds, a Thou LET "Csi wi wh wi give g He name of a wellknown How. , “ter, send your name and address | to “Tue Usmnive Moxtuiy hy sot, A, Temple Court, New YX ork. NTE Dadi, INDIANA € us ppb, 1 # tere, Feonooiios aad Hikiary asi Blevrrical pngiseey. nt Uasnmmereiag ALK ; 3 Hewsia Frese dbaker of Hers iver Your Cothege and makes t some, health GE Pa Remi goatrals Bawls Hall fir sors tinder 3 BED Yer will conn sepiember JOA, awaes Prim Rd ren MORRIS Ys Ey Prehiens race DISCOVERY: giver Frew oe BB £8 HONE Bax 3 Ateneo. : png Sunce hart om de TV pat Pol fumenn.” MeILHENNY'S TABASCO. PREYS VERMIFUGE | The childrens tonle, Haran a” WORN, LDanoves { Bae affastialiy and with. pd ® | oat pain, 0 venrs rocsyd (| of ma aa. Jt om the ra & fa made forall worm ironies, od . Eotireiy vagaidnie. 25a x —— catdroggists, country stot : ——————— ar be mall EE & % FREY. Baltimore, Md. brought back by ensuing droaghis ti plant anew in the soil fertilized hyp tha aaneal si depesit Peviiape © primary interest muon thelr onsom ty their dbanosal of the dead They Be only dlitribate the feoperty of the evitsesd atone pon-relatives, but bo the body and rhe habiriiion together A considerable part of the tribal lobe ia ntvertodd wih the mortuary ou tom: and rusten and lore 6 5 afford the remarkable insight into the edderic fife of primitive pevples. As early as 10046 there were 0.0 operatives in the © i Ku coool houses, Oarfsld besduwhe powdery Seip people ta fuel well even in the extremady host wea thar | bu thelr noe a beslnehe can be cured qaickiy atid the whais system tinal and refre aed, A trial always recavs The King of tedeeraing of first day or we sn danghier He aes for Dwiey eEall Fach package of Porsaw Fasrorss Divs onlors mare woods tan BEY % ther Gee and Sars them Detter Ls gidid aid druggists, Of 2X0 pigeons wet | i wiag, the rarity reached Ha Fi, & distance of Yo mies, in theres Some pean tke fois “and ches prope dos Ladies Can Weisr Shoce free pine szialler afer caing Allen's Pu Fase so powder for (hy font, toils Hadi oF new shoes easy, Cures wavilon. Bot pera big, sching fret inzrowing sail Gone and Yunions. At ull Jr posts and shoe er 5c. Trial packigs PREE Uy mal, Al Allan 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, x I A i i Vi Reat For he Mowels. Ko matter what sails you, Basdache to a tanver vou will ever gel well anth vane howals are put right, Cascaners Lap matures, cure vag without a gripe or pain. produce : vasy natural movements, cost vou just 12 cents 30 glart FUN tor health back. Cas Candy Cathartic, the ht Reouine. 2 rE ap hianelhes an thd Tel The vegbiarian ‘movement Aods Bos Kennebunkport. Cae | appetr to have made notewort iy Lwhieh used to build great ships andi reads upon the armies of the meat occasional | eaters. Never was the demand for a ; esh food so extonsive, ee at ’ oe Pharmacy, tew | CrUSLS, scales. i itching surfaces, s | www wean supplies the r Be he hair grow y scalp when all else fails. uport as sweet, whole~ ny iti to won ed mh the toilet, bath, and nursery. y induce those who havi Watch our next advertisement, “The Enigma in the Sun.” The fiery sun is nthe Fast And 3x on it we jfarr. Chur svos arin the legend {east Embigeonel in is rare What seiset may there be immersed Woitkaon that gluriisg sun, Whar mean the winds, “September Brat, Ninstess humdred and ane?” Reptomber first? That is the date When LION (COFFEE grand, Tis newest Promiven List so great Distribotes through the land Most useful gifts fr young and old, Fur homes. bor wink or play, And bere 's varieny sutoll For anyon today. Be sure and sak vizier grocer, them To give yeu, om that date, Chae aewest List de teke your pen, $i vou don't want 19 wait, And write a leper straight to us A twiecent stam) iciose, We'll forward win the List, and thus Nao troubls yin mnpose. Just try a package of 1 the reason of its popularit E and you will understand EAS
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