PATTON, CAMBRIA CO, PA, THURSDAY, JULY 11, AR dd, PR RLS 1901. TWAS A anu MEMBER Pratl lane Photaisen thie Maw : Pete Hawn : Min. rival and Miu Lu {Ope of the most exciting, if aol one (of the best played, hall pase lealf oO . fn 2 * L gr eid ah ne homie groands Wis self on the Anniversary of mu of suns when the single and | | 3 | Fare men of Pattor orl hats, The latter, hei PE OF Sie, aiong all Thaw Ere, Pbered soversi who have fof thir ways aod i matrimony 1m the pide te mat ny aL La ons ih crowD IN HISTORY kal he i Gy GO GLeny inture, wiry § Here 0 Hel ; » Fo { the Twentieth o ware Hoth Singhs men, ang ethern Cambria County Was Pa the Ie Pht Fourth of July fh Ti wihiie Both dnd their duty aa they saw it, a saturn) an i Jes Li R¥ $415) | diets oonid pot beip but crop oui The game was i Berde one from Mart to a . eB RRP rl 1% oF Gua 4 : : PRET aghavant the hb Fue finiinh, with the rosull in donbl al every | stage of the contest, andl the “rooters’” is an Intasior town in the state that can boast of a larger, better or aude the W Honing with thelr ene Fourth of July celebration this year than Patton it bas not notice of the world. From the first gun of the National salute at x in the misrning until the last skyrocket kissed the heavens al nid ve feature idvertised and all the svent projected and faithfully carried in the entegory of successes of the most stupendous and uogualified | Lconragement, That Bachelor, HH. : Dobby Dianiore, on the rubber | for his side, white Tum Grabam play ed backstop for the same aggregation. ‘ Pitchor Flynn also tossed the bimniney part uf the Innings ably srell for bachelor, ‘more, John Prindible hah iy yan John Dins did itself! proud and ite citizens can be pardoned, now that is all | and Pitcher take a fisw minutes to themselves and join in gratolations and evi- | preme satisfaction. When the event was first projected it was the married mon and made some of the s the 195th auniversary of the signing of the Declaration of bachelors, who oaglit to ba on the other first of the 20th century ane in which the celebration would thing herstofore given in the north of the county. Now that the th aii ai ahi ah x ya a Ce + behind the bat and eanght afl the balls s faded and the tinsel Inid away, it can faitbfally and teathfully be said |p bo hetom missed. romise Have been fulfilled. The fire works, sports, parade, crowds, The fetuses of the game wore the | exercises, and, i in fact, all of the concomitant of & sucosasful celebra daring slide to secnnd base by Geo. BE allabat covid be asked or desired. | prinditle and the phenomenal fly cate tivities wen scheduled to begin at 4 8. m. with a salute of 100 guns | {of W, C. Hobbard. It is hinted that, 5 | Hubbard had fly paper in his hand to: direction of C. W. Hodgkiny. The latter felt like giving a lintle | be sure of the ball. but verithd, The Ight the crowds comhminpeed to come, and In avery con. counts differ. Certain and manner. Although a heavy shower, that started about six = Sxolberomnt : pie ven : avedd and the bachelors claim hat at kept a number away, tho that can town yl A nu away, tho conveyances that came to town ‘the close the moore wai 38 bo 23. On. Si train arrived contained enough people to make a respect. the other hand, the benedicts assert themselves. The first train from the Glen Camphell territory, fal in AY wees victorin. by Bator af Gh, Westover, Mabafley, Lin Jos, ete, was loaded with & happy 2910 U8 Tt was a great gate any wiy humanity, who came 10 have a patriotic outing and And Sothern contest between the two ‘pines is being arranged, which wi probably be © plied Gil” on § Satarduy. | larity. The veteran Walter Dale Wis was wall, it HATO fas was that in mmngs Wer ill Som Cremon which arrived at 9:45 wPolock cotnisted of from Ebensburg, Barneshoro, Spangler, Cherrytree, Car 6 ete. Nor was this all; the regular train due here at The Soden and Sul Dosti of Frases ier large contingent. Alin all, it Was the largest crowd | ; and more than that the Best natured and orderly. | i A partie slnrly ward death Weert on ‘ time and there were no distarbavces of any kind. Mondsy, when Frac Xavier Leh. 5 ¥ ad ‘been sworn in to mssint Chief of Police Ryan, but they | | mas lot a single arrest had beeti made up to midnight. j of young manhood, shooting tournament ab At hietie Park at 3 am. opened | wd by the sports committe: and four events were Usted. The ), which was won by Jos. Hl. Hubbard, of Patton, who broke xX and the late He ond was a sweepstakes and was won by Wm. Sneden, of cand Had been employed at the rit of 4 t ont 4. Bneden also won the next event by fine for fhe pass Bix ¢ moutta. z Hubbard yf July he assisted at the ( the last, a » patakes, by his old record of : Hestaonoand, and A ho he aid net ball gare scheduled Hor # o'clock had to bo postponed on | foal well | o howe, k Ping that his services were needed, wad 36 Faas fake. i] and it Is pot & mistomer to obi : : : i : if altarnooy Be consuibai a phy. k over the following route: Fifth avenues to Mellon | © arn ; 3 ; isiedan, who ordered bin homie and to Beech avenue, Biech to Sixth, tu Palmer avends, (0 giacuoned his trouble a a ppd iin to Fourth avenie, to Magee, to Fifth, to review. CALLED HOHE. Naver Solemn, Jy, win called to the four Gays, The deceaacd was U Sra son of sphita Lehman 1% § TRE and { i ho mafused to 54 cr sani Fas t Fruday Bix Wri ¥ ful Tw 3. EE ww SERriac He grow rapidly worse and an oper. tion was decidest upon. This was per- formed $ ok by Drs. Dowler and Van Wert, | and Blew, of Hastings in most ad and while svery effort i pkle fo prology AT fife 1150 po om @ Ris fol. in the parade, wafer TE teach amd every individews, G Lewin and | Lmsion or boiz repre annied uel! proud and wis a | gressive community, After reaching the reviewing stand, the piurade disbanded and the patriotic exercises were hell under the direction off BC. Brown as follows: Made, Patton Silver Cornet Band, Music, Barnside Brass Band Invocation, Rev. Dr. EI A Patriotic Afr, Chua ap tn the bi aut oF ae fas a“ a Hi AL a 1"; ai Bellefunte on Jan, hs 17 yess 3 onthe and 9 dave old at the time of kia mine, He loft ¢ Bat place when bat two years old, when the family moved to i Ais S03 a4 therefore ede A Dodver ; nk i oy ede, THE eK 5 ED! he heat of the contest owing fo Their superiority fale pane, | and ampine were julie), All did remark. : Bavers did most of the twirling for the | Taide, fan the air with remarkable regu- wT this cannot be i, Jr. an bright boy in the full fash great beyond aller an fines nf only eninois Riley | £35 Lhe fo Mandavy morning al one Hate ed i SRN | Borough Counc Has Elected a Permanent Clerk * , Straw IH ats, We want the profits given to our customers. COME ALL! Of all Summer Clothing [PROBERT WAS ABSENT! Furnishings and Tan Shots. Whe All Jam. (HiHeee Was Relesled Ty a Vols of cash. Searle Yatinl fur Me. Flew Phiee th Ta i Hew | COME ONE! whng of Patten barcagh : held Thursday ovoning, | The following mombers ore present: Messrs. Campbell, Wins Cordell, MiCormick aud Goold | NOW DIA cally just at th IC first of the Season Cordell nominatisd Winslow for tempo rary. shalrman anil Gould nemed | 10 GCL W % : you need in this line. Campbell. The latter was alected by a vote of three to two. . The long dead oek over the clerkship ! was broken by (he sleotion of Gillis x | by the following volte: : For Gillies Campbell, Aordell, Far MoClore Gould, MeUormick. On motion of Winslow, seconded by | Gould, it wax ordered that the millage jai thin year be ten mill, the same as tlnst, On motion. of Winslow, seconded | by McCormick, it was agreed that two ‘mills be applied to streat work, three mills to interest and debit and five mil fe to light and water. Probert moved and Wi alow wes ondpd, that Secretary Gillilece make i out the tax doplicate for the year 1001 {at a price of $16. The motion pre ivailed. The folowing ordinance was The same liberal reduction given on all | pamad on motion of Contell, meonted| (“5th ine not quoted in above prices. by MeCormick. | Ordinances No, 83%, } i An ordinances establishing grades for! the streats, Inpes and alleys of the, Barongh of Patton, ter 5 bigc each, Sperion 1. Ba it enacted and or. Men's Shoes in certain lines cut 24 per cent. ¢ dained by the Burgess and Town ‘some sty tes of Boys’. Alsoin Ladies’ Oxfords. Keystone Clothing and Shoe Co. it is heroby eracied by the authority of Directly Opposite Bank. Clave NG Seroe! Uianssibestone gd Aan phil Tupenry Chatman, Tow Men's $3 50 Suits Red aced to oa i 50 78 0 00 HO HO Reg gular $13 id 12 11 12 10 5 5 x ai 1 is i es i Cinelow, | d wi ry i ik ii ii Boys’ 5 it if 4% 7 oo YVestee Suits Reduced 5 Is] 2% i Las Children’s 4 : Regular $5 + aX i ii 3 it is 5 a £4 4 3 3 £4 88 Some $1.00 and 88¢ Shirts picked out and on sale cgoln i Same in ‘the same. That the grades of the (streets, lanes andl alleys of the Borough ‘of Patton shall hersafter be of the ‘same slovation si established by Bor. | ough Engineer Fi. C. Yerger, in profile hereto attached and made part hereotl | Hereby mavoking all ordinances or | parts of ordinances or resolutions in. consistant hepawith, ; Enacted and ordained thin the rd day of Jane, A.D, 16801, FRAN CaMrieny, Prealilent of Council Attest: Tasns Giiripes {Herk of Connall, Approved by the Horgess of Patton Borongh this, the 28th day June, A : 3, 1901. Arex Moxtiery, | Dirge of Patton Borough, The questhon of purchasing hose for | the fire sompatty was aid over auld the next meeting. The bill of J. D. i Blair for extra police service during the Cmonth of May was ordered sent back for earrecton. Prolwerl voted against the motion. The following bills were | ordered pakds Patton tiny Nothing Magic about it bat ihe fact that it will enre coughs, cokils and sore ihr! almost Instantan. 1sonshr, It cantuing nothing to in. jure the system and is easy jo take. iy £3 : Pull Olrections ui the Bottle. Price 25 Uenta, OUR GUARANTEE. If you purchmse any tm of ORF OWE preparations, anid it does on no good, we will, upon the receipt of the emply bo tiie or package, return your mosey just as freely ar we took iL We feel safe In saying this, because we know the goods ave right and all that we elaim them to be PATTON PHARMACY, C. W. Hodgkins, Prop'r. It Pays to Save Our Cash Register Checks. iE Co, M25 W. J Donnelly, $83.31 Jacoh Thomas, $2 Cae Brown, o aJ Buan, $0; | ele Light Co, 78.20; wy a {mn 8. Clon B i Praak MeClore, $2, 1.8. Lingle 32; ML B. Cowher, 8; Denuis Fiyon, 860; John Terns, 450: Geo, Teron, 45; E.; i YW, Cowher, $1; J. B Hubbard, 400; W. . Prindible, 82; H OC Yerger, au 18; | | Patton Hardwamw : on, 380; wr Rab. fnson, $11.80: AG. Hem $10.50: John “Danielson, 32.10; doves, J. El Thomas, $4.30; Ea Thomas, $4 05; So "on ton to, nie Basi bd BBE aR rm motion seconded by Read of the big reductions and come | Wilibameport, and Inter resided in Lock Winslow, the clerk was ordered to dren. Music, Ebenshuar 2 Cornet Band, i Vol Quartette, i Jas. P. Eddy, Mra H. E Barton, BLM rein and Meade B Cow! Ler, Oration, W. H. Denlinger. Patriotic Air, Chorus of School Chil. Haven, mi g to Patton four vears notify the Patton Water Co. to put the fags last Nove wher. He leaves three pavement in front of the property at brothers and two sisters. The broth. the corner of Fourth and Magee ave HE ers are Chas. Foand Jos F., the well- nues in as good condition as it wi known tonsorial artists, and Joba W. before making the taps Lehman. The sisters are Helen and Adjourned. i Mary, at bon A balf brother, Councilmen | George, and two half sisters, Gertrude low, Cordell and Campbell and Secrs. Cand Jose, af home, also survive, Cary attended the regular | The funeral was held this morning at session held on Monday evenin July | Th singing of the school children, | ‘So'ciock kt St. Mary's BE. pis les fut. yi a yy Prof. B. 1. Myers, was a pleas- | dred by the pastor, Rev. Father On motion of Winslow, seconded by feature of the program snd ona | Pierron, with interment in the Cassidy Cordell, it was ananimously of arried appreciated, while the vocal | cemetery. ‘that the duplicate ss submitted be Rete | of the excellent quartelte are. gy he was commonly called, cepted and banded to the tax collector. | known to need encomiams at | was & quiet, attractive boy, and a hard The election of a st reef conunissioner | ik The oration by our fellow | opr who made lots of friends was postpobed the next oweting Ww H. Denlinger, wasa masterly among bis associates, all of whos oon make *rol Ags one that created considerable sincerely regret his untimely aad sad unded ty Winslow. Fen among bis friends who death, An effort was : hie on befor 8. elerk’s salary advanced month, but it was tile. cwas made by Probort Ouly those bills wers ordered paid: J. D. Blair, R14; Patton Water Co, $10; Goo 8. Good Electric Light $78.90; J. M. Gilllece, $15, M. Byaa, an. Me Shed Probert, Gould, Wins 2g ¥en 1 % Betediction, Rev. Dr. BE. A A Gilliecs weed x: wg £5 hive bl 214 A Foe (Ha whi eadd he widope 143 Tiifos Being fever palnig Wanted, A boy to deliver papers, at want steady work need apply. Kovkead’ 8 Nuws Sraxn. URTER conts ous than two hy don't. you sub a i ~~ Whdwo Coun are , you \ reading?| WW per The motion Lh, J. tn of Cian, Are You Up to Date? No excuse for being behind the procession of fashionable dressers. ‘The beautiful Suits and attractive Furnishings that we are displaying this season are so easily reached mm | price that the neglecting to appear in the proper make up is ‘enough to brand you a back number. A $10 Suit, a $2 Hat, a 75¢ Shirt, a soc Tie, a $3 Shoe and a o8c Suit of Underwear Will | convert the seediest looking individual into a regular We want to prove your appearance and are P tashion plate. 0 get your trade. illing to divide profits with you in oriler t 3 We make a specialty of Fine Black Duits, $10, $12, BLS, S18. Boys’. Vestee Suits, plain and fancy materials; small collar, 31. 25 to £5
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