on RSE do css kr Brea Hastings, Pa. Munuleinrees of and Tewieriin Notes > and Things mn al : witling Boron All he ri About You and! All Kinds of Worked | Your Neighbor-—Enterprising Business Men who are De and Rough | serving of Liberal Patronage—Keep Your Eye Peeled for the Lumber. = at st and Best. Pagan han s resigned ae Haste § ¥ 3 i In Fine Carpeting. SC i will create a grea ever. Samer Esenrsion Tikels, a greater farors Mian sven On April 30, 1901, the Pennsylvania {| While wo ire always crowded, All Copy for Advertisement. 4 News toms. Job Printing, Subscriptions, Etc, | Fratnes; contracting of aft It te said that the Fider Se NOTICE. I Your Patronage Solicited otis, near Hast ngs, by the fire; Dan Beamer, who is well gaalified in All the books anid records of the shoo! g matters in this place last | (spreading and doing much damage. iri to entiect subscriptions, pay for | of our friends from St Boniface ment concerning Mex Jas Gibbons, of | left in bis bands will reonive prompt jsters, with or without borders, made fund that she waa insane and inoue speak for him a cordial mweption At! on this apiiinlie buoy bik ued Commons & Sonn, Aaron Gold PF » Emma Clemenson, a former res | {some extensive repmiring in his ne Leonnt of the Pan-American Exposition antil all sre satisfied. into the control of the Webster | for a week, Ha really enjoys it. {sammur resorts enst of Pittsburg and Aways at All kivds of building sup! plies, porches, stair work, store fronts, window and door Ete, Can be Left with Ilan. Reamer, who is Anthorized to ransact Busi kinds are our speciaities \ : < disilch, : ness for the Hastings Editi: mn n of the Courixr Poors, sash, moulding, etc, aways ns ps & ANAS HR AS A cv a RS SA i i Ll bre ns Sn NASBA STA 2 os SB PA rh AE om hand. 4 thi athool directors purpose suing thay The Hastings page of tha Corres fo | Perinsylvania Railroad company for henrafier will be cides tha ttraction of {the destruction of the Libhy schools | MArRITEr Wiki IN URGE Lhe crac ti A C k ’ ' 00 3 Lerery Way to give one patrons the oat | ton the Hastings branch of the Cam: i He has had considerable experience asi A F ie an ilar ew Specials brig & Clearfield division oun May 34d. a correspondent and can be relied | Pp y oPherion, the able president | : { nies £6 Ban Interest rot | sub-disteiot No, of district No. 4, | were burned. The sparks set fire to | HpOD ED furnish a inte resting amaonn the U1. MW. of A. was looking ithe woods near the tracks, the biaze of news each week. He ix uiso anthor- | | do order to stop considerable sense. Uioh wrk, advertledng ete, and any | o iless talk, Dr. Rive has issued a state. ) ve int For the prisent we are going to offer ; wore very sorry to hear of the Cie of news, advertising or printing | ote Enos oF Treell B Ei ast Saturday. The boys make a | Barnesbarn, who committed suicide re. tention. Hea can ba found at «3 ined, at $1.50 per yard. Regular price, appearatice in their new dniforms. | 0ently, stating thal be examined the’ 7 81 ; Pr ‘a formor resident of Lwoman some time since and that he hours at Gunn's Pharmacy. We be! 3 now interested in the voal busi | Hoons, was in town on busi. {abjie. "hinds of the people of Hastings and | at 8% per yard. Instead of $1.25 y the first of the week. I Jdeeob Weaver, an aged miner of this | vicinity. i i place, died on Baturday morning of | n and GI or, have new adverts. | heart disease and was buried Monday | Yeon this : e. Read the sds | tat 2 o'clock In the Swedish cemetery. | patronize thew. | A. W. Glasser, the clothier, in doing spent Sunday after. store room. He will have a very desir. ¥ { J d ev enlag with friends in town. | hie room when finished. wore right & Co. will | uf Courtweigh (days; be hae had a funeral every day | Coke Co. on Juve 1st. 8 few of the young folks of! ded u dance at St. Bonifice | | Buftal were placed on sale at ticket Sie Prof. Maitland, the well know or. offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad] 1. Ww. COOK'S |chestes loader, passed through town company. it] : A Polish worsan died here on Ban. | exeursion Hmit of October 31, 1901, ex- | . : ; od | “aiove to Carotown 947 night and was buried Tuesday | {capt that the Niagara Falls tickets wiil ¥ i | morning at 9 o'tlock. i | be good to return until Nivember 30 S lid A dog supposed to be affected with 190L 011 { thi rabies creatid quite an excitement The Pennaylvania Railroad Summer here last Saturday. | Exeutiion Route Book for 180] will be | Thos. B. McClain and Wm. Benson immed, as heretoforn, an June L Comfort. Prracnaliy Conducted Toor 4 {drive to Spangler and C ‘arrolitown on | : |Bupday evening. | At the lowest rates ever offered, | New furniture and the: uot is being pliced in a | Saturday was pay day all around leaving Joly 8th and 9th and visting best possible service at C. C. . ¥ fo 2 Nia ATH | 7 a badly needed for! anid yoite a warm of money was put in | J Pan-American Exposition, 2 Richner's ial 1, a ery J nes | cirsatation. Falls, the Colorado resorts, Pike's Sy = 1 ton SOT parlor. | Three chairs and no waits. | nd Mrs. Santer, of Carrolitown, | down ¢ pee friends In town on | yn # former rsident of Sother are Visiting Mr. We shall also soll one beatiful Stin- Those are realy grand values snd ivept early in the morning, we hase! Raldroad company placed én sale sum. | many sssdstanta and will serve all as mer excusion tickets to Buffalo on ace (speedily as possible and show goods | on Parte tae A cholo now line of mattings are | § i y 5 HB. J Easley isa happy man theese : FOKTL Ar HAMIDEF | ale just in; all moderate prices. The i exeursion tickets to alli the principal best and Yo west priced carpets are ‘on his way to Carrolitown, These tickets bear the usual summer Altoon a, Penna. S P Is here. xe te fOUs, winter togs £ [t's our business to show hie m the proper oy * 5 % ¥ i iil Libis KiA% ! § new century, And we have nothing more proper textures beautityl loring. , ws 5, of Chicago, are have sent us some SIX in the latest Spring and Lock them over. We them--and that you'll irom gh. Spring one of them-—-and overcoat. can beat the goods—the style the fit. the tailorin: Ga gy ge Pat Tat i + malc } } filets % Fanc y Vestings, Remem Der, your measure Hered | witiont any help from and gusranteed to please it tailored- the “sweat a you or we keep it. JY ve don’t expect i * ant... you cant of Cassi- flannels and garment tailored to 1 the way you want Also a full line of Hats, Gents’ Furnishings, Etc. 2 | . { | Peak. through the Gorge, Salt Lake, | . of Glen Campbell, is visit- | Miss Annie McCombie, of Spangler, | \ ine Alice Gomi. fr visiting her water, Mm, James Pat ‘ Ban Prancisco, Monterey, Lox Ange low, | ; of Patton, was here i Meatile, Tacoma, Spokane, Cul futabia | Fat Cosgrove is having a new roof of one half dave in the wan obwerved In fhe | PS On lils hous on Fourth avenue. J in nd St id an i Next to |B J. Kaylor, editor of the Cambria A magificient trip of 38 days, including and family drove to! Tribune, was in town on Toesday. ‘all expenses. For partioniars regard. | . i Will D. 8mith, Jr, of Galliteen, was ing thse totum, and Hiostrated Siner. working about two. Hin town on Rata, rday. | Falph D. Moore drove to Spangler N.Y. C. RR, Williamsport, Pa, 2) and reat at Jan | {on Baturday evening Milton C. Boath, GE P A NY. CO : we |W. A Fagan, of Carrolitown, spent € H.R RR, 1218 Broad way, N.Y. e to bis hots In Ma. | Sunday here. omy. jo Henn The schools closed on Wedneaday. Weware of & Congh, | Damierin A osoogh is not & disease but & symp. | a" good deal of pleasure | Hiliousness " ” condition character- tom. Consumption aud bronchitis, GC £0. Si immel sb erger ¥ + that 1 recommend | iiged by a ‘disturbance of the digestive which are the moat dangerous and fa ! ’ folie, cholera and diar. Organs. The stomach is debilitated, tal disssses, have for their Brat indica. LIVELY * says druggist A. W. (hs liver torpid, the bowels consti: tion a persistent congh, and if prop. Haatford, Conn. "A lady ‘patent. There Is a loathing of food. erly treated as soon aa this eongh ap [ir g the remedy exposed | -paios in the bowels, dizriness, coated pears ire easily enred Chamberlain's short in my show case, said to me: | tongue and vomiting, first of the wndis Cotgh Remedy has proven wonder. | believe that medicine saved | gogled or partly digested food and fully wooosasful and gain iis wide | YRHNER past summer while at the then of bile. Chamberlain's Stomach | repntation and extersive sale by | 3 became so enthusiastic | and Liver Tablets allay the disturban. Bucpess in curing the dint Al chic § that 1 at once made up | cus of the stomunh and create a healthy cause coughing. If it not beneflelal recommend it in the appetite. They also tone up the liver it will not cost you a cent. For sale, tinue y a gentleman camo +; 5 healthy action and regulate the by Giunn's Pharmacy, Hastings, and {Sana ® #0 overcome with colic bowls. Try them and yon are certain. W. Hodgkins, Patton | posit sank at once to the floor. to he mach plensed with the results. | . : x dose of this remedy which | For sale by Gunn's Pharmacy, Has. | Nxeursion Kates to Ex parsition. i I repeated the dose and jneg and 0. W. Hodgkins, Patton. | Beginning April 30th and continning | tes he left my store ei hha fantil Oot. Flat, the New York Central ning me that he felt as I have been suffering from dyspepsia will sill excursion tickets to Buffalo} i Sold by Gunn's Pharm. for the past twenty vears and have hesn “and Niagara Fall on account of the! and C W. Hodgkins, Lunable after Wrving all preparations | | Pan American Exposition at spacial re- | { and physicians to get any relief. After duced rates, varying with different taking ove bottle of Kool Dyspepsia Sima limits and accommodations. Ex. ours 1 found relief and am now in bet- | cumwion tickets, good in first-class day care, it would ter health than 1 have been for twenty coaches, but not in parlor or sleeping household, ha | years. Icannot praise Kodo! Dyspep- | “cary, within two to five days of date of " | sia pure too highly. " Thue writes Mrs. issue are sold at lowest rates. Ten |C. W. Roberts, North Creek, Ark. day tickets, thirty day tickets and Gurn’s Pharmacy, Hastings, and C semson tickets are also onsale. Spe. w. Hodgitis, Pauton, eile rates, conditions and Emit of tick. Unable or Work. | tarwon, ‘Hants Barbara, San Jose, Portland, | YOU'RE NF ‘XT. ary addres, W. H. Northrop, G. ¥. ANTHONY ANNA, Collections promptly attended to, THERES, HanTiNgm Pa oe (els, tine of trails, information asto Celery King faa cured me of kidney dis | GLASSER, Hastings, Pa. SS ore re: Clothir > : | and Des. Spring in ail ita lory is gpon ux. Wau will not ind ns rapping. We are propared for is, in fet we laid our plans sometime ago. We have searched the markets for the best. Our clothing you will find different from gther store's offering. Ib is betler, has more style, in tailored as good clothing should be, by skilled work. real esate, ete : phan. If vou wand to be dressed stylinh and have your clothes ft you perfectly, thers i no other ators in Cam- biria county ‘hat can 13 you with more real satisfaction tir y Orme: if than We onn on ar prices for good clothing gr r than any othe tthe date. Our mack aia : wale Purnianings Wi Hever aE Som plate AND FEED STABLE, also enrry the | inrgest Hoe of go od shoes in he i j Cambria and at prices fow ir thin aluswhere, Call and ¢* SEY fyey | writ is 5 your Spring 144 i ford sages ane Shoes, a5 We wii please you mud save Your mney, A. GOLDMAN. IUNTIOE OF THE PEACE. | i notice & FRY, yo i ERY WLR 5 ey x + the Baro as x anit 4 Sat MM le win T h wu caeapast pace in Kok Hi nty ill be 1y Pratitre and eames in| is dt “~~ JAMES COMMONS & SONS. You can save from 20 1c 30 per cent on all i is { Regular Price, Our Price. Begun Price. Our Price. Pranes, Htareh 3 pounds, $e, 8 pounds, 25¢, 3 pons, 25e. # pounds, 6c {iloms Soap. {orn Starch T ealtes, 2c. Li enka, Sc. I pound, 19e, 1 pound, Se. lething and Furniture, Bicycles for sale or Rent | ncatie to work on account of kidney ' ticket agents. ! {trouble. After using Foley's Kidney i hotels and boarding houses ote. Chas. Replogle of Atwater, O., was ‘made ' known upon application w Celery King has made me as well ax ever in | | Cure four days he was cured. All Miss Florence will be | ®a8e. The doctor feared Bright's iissnse, aod tried many renssdies Lhat gave we no haip nry Ife, snd 10 seenms aincost as though a ! mirsche had been wrought tn omy cose Jens | stationery jus) PeveiVed. Newman, who has nie 0 Reichard, Springtown, Pa A handsome line of np-to-date Ia Arai x, | Progen. _ 'beett a great sufferer from muscular Celery King cures Constipation sad Nerve, | i bs rhettmitism, sayy Chamberlaing Pain Somach. Liver acd Ruiner ditnsen. 4 Nine chances in ten F's your kid Balin i the only remedy that affords Guna + Pramacy ind ney's that need attention if you don't ‘her relief. Miss Newmsa is a much | ma ! fool well. Foley's Kidney Cure makes respected resident of the village of | healthy kidneys and will make you Gray, N. Y., and makes this slate well, : Noting else “Jost as good * ment for the benefit of others sitnilar : | Gann 8 Pharmacy, Hastings, and c. Sn aff tions wil 1 readily disappear Ww. Hodgkins, | Patton. y ing DeWitt Witeh Hagel A Suive | ; i tarest Hooks. {esboro, every Thursday Everything aeutly found in a first- | class drag storm, hk hes News a depot ig comin meshion. All the Gunn's Pharmacy, Jone A Gusx, Prope. DENTIST, H Ant ING 3, Pa. At Comzercial Hotel, Barn- | hat you eat. Teartifel (ally digests the food aud alls Nature in strengthening and recon. strutting the exhausted digestive ore dans. 11 is the latest discoversd digest. ant and tonde. No other preparation CRT 1k pproach it in efMciency. It in «tantly relieves and permanentiveures : Dyspepeia, Indigestisn, Hearthy burn, Fiatuletice, Sour Stomach, Nan Sick Beudache, Gastralgi all other risults of im eta ape nd Pr by B.C Dewi tt Ca, © it J. W. Hodgkins, Patton Pharmacy Gu n'y Pharmacy, Hastings.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers