& 80 white 11 me quick. e thing = k Spri ring gar likes to woe you are. lke other ra little 5) arinkle on ihe Te or hv then toate up sins in sur cities without stop nid perhaps without dsit that extract fa that Brown color to the bever- Aw taken from lhe | of smilax, & apriien 1 grow in South Aner . Mextea and ! Prienine, per bb gia x oot or th extract. Sila grows fio srodiz- Ii Soresta of ithe Ld Ants. nr Gig the Toot of (his sink sonyetimes reached nine fisot | wing horizontiiy Siti & s then dried and Is a nt State, tha smrsiw- vacted hy mapuniscinr wdlans of the Amszon, | in ihe WN far down witheation, place great faith eda) qualities of the juice, gators of {he rezion | abide is responsibic for show much skill in exteact ar parila, which Is doze A process of bolling ~ Chicago | raid. Appel sotal Winderparien Game. sive spring afterneon a Chi: | 1 aid his tile Boy called at fiat Plety Lame, in Pe wel son Were Grasso Hx ig of Mack velvel Tine sik. walstenats of gad skullesp of blak ov 5d FeEpRe ot. even 15 54 5h Bl srt Wl oa Yap of books, | 4 i of a book, Yrrapped in The one that the hoy {two volumes. the cover was a depression | sare, snugly fitted with Socks, These blocks urd ¥ ot lead, woud oF pat: blocks are in pairs. exept | ‘a riombold, and ail ire tional, the sides being | ¢h, an inch snd a buds | hinese children are our kinderguriens, sim wy e the child with gio The wore specitie pies | freon magicnl Weoks i seeties of history and myth | } Bave a moral and fmtellecinal the Hudding brain, Of course | fidren build houses, bridges 1% j0at as our do, poy prima- at afternoon wasn ee) : sked him to teil ine The little fellow explained | # was the dragon-horse of 19 8 tie original anos. | we peopie, and Eo saw | ge from the depths nl ir. On the back of the eribed a nuLp Borse Io Hsi des fifty-five spats. These fifty- ots represented the male and les of patare, and out ef | the ancient sage used to cons i re known as the Eight) om Jamas T. Headland, in| association which has to ¢ drinking fountains and troughs of the metropolis ob | steam au: : quality | is 2440. per quart. i Parsley, A RRR PA BRAT Row. # tao fa two or On the En TK. The Milk Bxchande price for stands d LTomrTER, : Cre tmmery Wes, extn. Firsts : Speonds State dairy tubs. exir : Jmytation creamery ry t.. g + grades. : ra State-Ful rears, fancy. Small Fart skims good tn prime Full skims Jereey-Fancy .... Seqee and Penn | Westorn-- Choice #4 Lonthern-- Choice 13 BEANS AND PEAS Being Marrow choice, I ew 9 Medium... i. Pea, choice | ed kidney, chaile. White kidney, ‘choles he Yellow eve. oh Tams, Cal... Green peas, bags FRUITS AND DEMIIYS ples Ber Davie por bbl 3 5 idwin, per bbl. Roxbury, per bbl, | Strawberries, per ot. Cranberries, per bhi... be . 1IVE POULTRY. Fowls, per Ib. .. wag chickens, xR puters, per pe Tarkeys, pet Peles, per pr. | Greene. por pay. Pigeons, per pair PRESSED ‘rout. TRY. Turkeys. per B .... Cupony, per mn + | Foie. Wnts 6 TERE E3 4 a TE bie «A per. pair. Ne Lue © | Broders, Phila, rs mi Ducks, per th. Geese, per Squabs, Poe deren Wes. Bo ei Pacifie Soant. 1050 PR WE FAY Ali oerHAW yr Prime, per : ; No. 1 per M0 No. 3, per Hn) ; : hover wiged per ol Straw, jong rye. i AE Potatoss, § ‘enters, IRERSe Per Wa Sweets, pet | Mi opi NM 5 Wak gz i vo REE bebi | yptiam per Cothages, per Bb Tomatoes, por Carry String furan, pr Grate Fil plang, pe Fuppers, per padre Clery, poy 4 ® 1 fattacs, por C Busets. per Rifnach, per bb) Sinsh, per conte Filan, por basket Kile er b FTOLR, [ey 2 ped Have es Radichios, pair LX per HN par 1 bn RAEN, NWmber 5s Rbubarn, Foor No. 4 red 2 Cpr Ia, 2 fees Na, 2 Track mand | Bye Western... tate a EE tive REGO. 1 Hesves, eity divas od, CG mes, ity FL AE Comey dressed ih ges: apn, Hive, he Contre reaped POE ACO Piopisuiiv aL though th ii LEAD THE WORL D IN EXPORTS. | Inatnazine Toate Ealanse fv Faves United Staion, Washingion, DC The | faerchand ine for the Toited the month of April were Ba TNO S00, Telog an increase Fak of i {ast year. There was an loc HSA 454 In the value of bre ad Lit £1, Sat % {a provisfous and of HIE mineral oftz, 2 decres i : enfE, 1140 | ther articles exporiad Por the teti months endad April {ile exports vere valued at 1.260, | 440.2 SAR. betngr an increase 172 over thowe of the » ihe preceding year. an fnerecse of S1AKCOGLL: provide Laf £15.000.000; _stton due largely Ubigher prices) ot £50 441 402, amd mis Hollaneons of $4.270.007, while min sls show the only de : {The imports of me | dgavegated 76,700 982 or ST i pxesns of these in Apri. 100 # Far. t he talante of trade in fave wl the onto Bates en fore giv | daring the ten mouth was 1306 as sya fest $455,110 5 merdenl of the previous An : Lgain rd 1, iH 5. Cotton Duck Combine. The combine of cotton dusk mau. faicnrers, iis aunenpoed, will bas on rapized In New Jersey Srotes Cotter Dek Corporation. The {capital proposed is SOE URN), 10, i re & Hines > i A Rad Shad Senson. i Naw York fish deniers soy { pregent shad | have dad In several years ba in ee a ; Cann in May, a ; ene! tha : 8.010 over those for the sine mont al apg of 2.14 840 in cotton and £2116.443 in 50 of S040: | nie period eof | Heeadatufs shay | * 5 ten manths ended Ap i Hy the jE ag the Unlted | that tha season is the worst tiey | Old-thae § I fishermen say the cause of this is the | provalence wi cold weather and east- | «rl ¥ wings. yd SA av A SE AA bt wate: Desirays i2 000 Arres of Corn, It bas just been learned that 15,000 { scres of corn In Massae County, UL, | which for sme time destroyed. The | fel” was under water | : to the overflow of the Oh | Dont a Hi upward of J |B Ay and the Joftiest vot] | discon red on earth, but aero i any » made at a meets inh acaicsl No. clots, the tha roseh a “height of an, fect hig ; i it fe sn : hy an: oof the ality he wl ® the Was ate, 2 fil sever af The eli pen haaringt tol Holived 4 point on the sige of mon whore the san Yas whining! ihranen yory deep valley, and he holuls of the pronniain | valley at the Botives fu gL fotming ihe Even, AE {anvick Tatmy 07 an investigation of the | SOY ment of opviet labor fn the! anthers Siatee The report of ite investigation will form a basis apo! witlely the Legislature of Ohio wil : laws for the purpose of elimi Lin Aga {ree labor. 31 ies si = ae = so da fe kn ha frutt cite will pot discolor foo Fewest anid dyed with Porxax Fapurxen Dyes, draggiate ; A buried town of the early pes odd of the | pa Republic. which closely resembles | Pompei, has been discovered near Caseris. A it A soft anawer may tury away wrath, “hut never » eredit OF Ax Your Deuter for Allen's Foot-Xass. A powder to shake into yacr shots resbe the feet, Oures Corne, Dunionw, ian Rore, Hot, Callons, Aching. Sweativg Peel snd Ins growing Nally, Allen's Fooi-Faws makes new | or her shot easy. At ail raggisty and sho stores, 35 cts, Rample masilnd FREE, Addives Allen 8. Olmsted, "Tetior, x. ¥. The one legged man con never hope to grt there with both feet. Fer Maby's make Cie 1Toxats's Crow Cure. for Coughs Colds. Croup and Dron chi ht No opium. 50 rents A mA SM A A | Germany holds the yee id for the Srot Sasly paper. ts wan bans im Aaa. hic » oiiiv inopey Etete 1 inthe workl. How Shoeis libural offre in sdverlpemacos “many Men of May Minds I? Tot ali men sree on the absolute vupenior- anything that can be done with a wood or coal Sire is done better, cheaper and quicker on a Heat is not diffused through- out the house—there is no smell, soot, or danger, and the expense of operating is nomi- nal. Made in many sizes; sold wherever stoves are sold. If your dealer does not have it write to nearest agency of or Sf Carlet Howiniohe Powders; they sure copie hen, Te Sami atl MAO of he rary my Hh ¥ CAE Give them a ftrasd, A A man should © Loom a Wile ks he doo 8 fase ol chothe oan Ww elk, abenenenecesenesesegesenes oe sosgenesensy IN - aa x Tied Up Wied the sinscies feel draws and Sol atny mud the flesh tetided, that Prikl i Soreness Stiffpess fev coil br very exertise. TH taste bat a short time after is applied Tie cure A promgl aud sere. : 208 % gh * Lr » £5 ® 4 % EF " ed . 0 * » 3 » 4 > 1 ” 1d rd 8 * i * ® iy © © * feneneneSeceOenICe0eDITe Pack up a scwer, 2 sours and fermenis, IB Breath, yellow skin, siornach, make the Gver Ev Va for gualies that win GeGetaleletestenetelslslelslsDelisniataliInlialin ld oon iA Ye. 5 : Po i Roast: fi Egg Mirtarex, Giye, Chemicals, LION COFFEE 3 % * A gers Tan odd wn Aaostiuteiy 4 A ganar ACen. wi 8 (5 Ag ma lalep 2 nd i wk unl ii papuiar ity lust try a pack EER RE BE LION COFFEE * aR HT homes, # A gies! that we Gat 2 a LION CDPFEE s the herey pore and clam? SN COFPFER F Hews hed Dy mein oF woes Sil ae Witk ae range costing 5 ea 24 th supewl 4 LION COFFER x fea te every here delight, s5f B pestle go Eppa gee Swned¥ : FIN CORFRE derstand: the re : row sed e ina fears, everything up the bowels, set tl pv I Don’t hesita te! A Revolutionary War claim for $8 the special value of which was $46.00 contracted under the get of 1774, has, fust been Hquldsted by the Treasury | rtment. The interest and prin- , tpl amounted to 12.005 0. of LION CO 5 ian, Dal RNCe 2 ane scm ne Hs tha whole neighborhoo That's the first steo coil Ener ¢ ho sis and Hat aa is na ¥ food Cl wy to Us and delwriptive Hal ele which wil tor po ot i CEiLai bowels, and ¥ full of undigested food, which indigestion. (oul gases, headache, firrad CASCARETS quietly, positively sicp ferment PEW up Liver and sur itamach is antokd misery. angus, sating Lod 2 & whoie machinery golng and keep IUin orcer. Take CASCARETS to-day and be saved from sufferina! iow fri ut 1 house. bin “After 1 was tadpesd RETS, 1» sever be My liver wos Ya a very | ¥ hosd sched and . ines taking Cescavals, I feel foo. thom with benelcial a hire. fag + i oir’ ; Jo we CASCA~ Mtan Ba he wpe, 1 had stomach frown My its Tan sino awed fosulits for sour stot h 5 ot —— i ————— Ss bol Fa "nies ais Tho wd wre a Ra SOR. IR play 1 ror ear BITIRa, Sa, St Louls, Mo His Snnp. Ba + ——— * vr loi - 25¢c. 50e. SOLD IN BUL PITTI ERs ¥ ALE ; Tut CARRS siawilar Wr dlette in any esl tesilamen fico mCTRir be Sa cc urtl. wing A hax, Rey peri vennek an per simple retain the Boused Sk ry the drugetet £1 whom vou purchased 2 Js. vad vier ; hat Ela 3 filler aw Sd pan will Blea the © of) ¥ mealil. Adds STL Li Le e Daptirniar and EEE CENPANY: om Ate NT : if ameter wit weak a Tox . Nak (irwing Fie Ror “em use)
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers