9 Ledbetter Bill Thing class olty act to pi vide for thie wind to certifying to | | vestigate tie pi Ir 1 either [plot the de betes wn by § and afi for the wies Boot hamor ix the health of fhe i soul. sadaoes its polsati : The goesion is nol Who is my pelghhort bit. Am | nmelghboriy? A duty lz no aeoneT Alvimed than from that very moment i Dabeaamed binding upon Ba Strength alone Knows Weakness (8 hedow aves dpfent tiny, life makes it Hearts may be attract qualities, but the a ffectio pe fixed Dut by those that are real ocr know that your friend re wt for your good | but you shes ke an enemy's rebuke as of snd Hans Con ur red the question ol which to con fgg A sub was Sppedntad te in The pommities Gdvration two bile wie they bubjiovp WH cipal fovenine of $508 FEAR the Ford compulsory | the Wi anwnding toe oo. confit | In thee Bonse dew med he indebtedness of such 5 tt 10 sphx or townships an exe thereto, the Chew Hill punishing | kiduspiag, and ihe Creasy rosd Bill past a% abso Aik the Bill amendin she act of ING polavive tn the adiustment of ¥ Fare wee FEeN saad | Prien Those who Are indutring $a eniling are capable of Dun inex: whereas The idle are fit for fre bat temptation. in 1 He tontion | Lite needs the uepiratin cid Bandi. Sakis « at the 7 night | Amidst bas 4 iv cares We : did Bot the © | ailding of county bridaes over navi gable streams by extending its provi Fons se 8% 10 Sith ehe Chine thy rarmacnw eR h pauaLy | bridges which have Fuarscstne dunes TOUS | i13 £2 inte mide, g 4 providing for rhana Daf bridpex pebotit also The order of 1 wikia was ba RED Te yo the day pre has found some Anite nie 10 we Bowl beiirds $i ges of this kind and it will | vex ting returned ¢ and the Agents Ww Bio ro Bele proses ated = J 10 Washington and | lege hy John Add, Melk pat judge of his Wa hing hws Den made pitts guy dormit ie of eric iol Was he gift unity for 20 years % Davidson of West Bay | (will comstract one of the garda on trates at Brie The repair docks wit ny wn # : ft fk estimated tee on rise require $0000. murder of City Tressurer Joba | w Castle, bas bebo . fn o arrest of Perey Dodson st abstracting Justice gation Twing thar he : wid ANON FOUR ber purpose of mishesdipng ae Ci # gave bail Fhe won ‘pox in Bedford county, | (ind Berder, has nessun fume, there beng gees Bk fey Ride road | na wimall radiox. that the Mary § stale and county afters ary take ng mensures toward establishing a qpuarnnti ; : os aaylight and within foil | of a score of bani clerks, and. . feed than xix leet from flee | “teller a wigidow © in Mesh tos National bapk, FPhiladdd- Thomas March, a modred bail n,. was astmoked nd robbed hy | play, of the macliine and pump | { the National Transit Cea polled by the Standard Hi ave bev notified thal wal wal to 10 per cet 1 we inte effec! ls wen sire empl. | sata. a deal mute, of Wit pode on a Blevde to deuth A recently rece da wheel with! : pantie took 38 out for and down the tires and then fell off | i fer tire ar fe, John Zi we n mek ist. | desperate attempt to kil hi failing. ended Bis own life shot rough the hata | : mottior to bis | an Sibley has went a check Emergency hospital ik ia the second chick | being a part of his salyry, Is in Badtora. Oil City.) He Fed | lice aple, while eros: Lentz Yaliey | { Bin ox Peon ping | | the party were kKillesd od forme? A Sieilanes § prutest Hhemaelves trom | 4 ror Phils del. : and Baltimore : eat ints. The! rice was about $50.000, ro sanall boys of Joseph Elsainen, Be village blacksmith of Centerville, near Altoona, may dk as the resnlt of poisoned bread, which way in 1 Sry dup, Is sini the tary and the stock fur a glass SSN har beso sulle At Clearfield, sevemi a horses were bitten by a rabid dog, : th w As Killed. and the fo ur of children were poisonm] near tle by eating potk root, which they fistook for parsnips. but prompt medical attention saved tueir Hyves Fi wap—— In the years 1808 and 1896) Germany d second place in shipbuilding, but, or various reasons, the shipbuilding 1000 has received such ap impetus he Tnited Sates that it has placed i eXPOCHS to have compressed sutinel motors in operation before World's. aly pens its doors, 1 o Newtoundiand sont fchory this r will be one of the Most successful © BRS Bi re tory. which is amd Thy donation i fresh water iE pert in th i Yue dhodate the Jargest st tel he tle i persons | and | % Hirerary wre passed Hy Proving | turnkey for | where Thee Bin whee 1 bili ¥ ; Rave snl ment of phil % % i ER | He who “enough. Neo ome ba st | thi wher and noth Cains a new HA | sight into an peated with 4 Rak po right : Hines [held CreRRIN palities froan A brining ; perfor the dah Flonse Bil y FOLIA Hh BRONTE 4 Hepse THURSDAY. Maral Caraidy af Pha sented a fp pemoluiion wi adapaad, § : i Penunxlvania a1 ; tion. Ege Futite a Rrute i ¢ hibition vi 1 dog mpi xp HY Those Wills mate praid finally {Providing for © ation of denees for good be i House BEL sme : ng for the #x8ih he proderts tory ni? kha i ieee Pn pg OwaEs of £5 enrh i shall go to the so Hh i ense BiH pro ization of tow - Hloned Hi s raending 3 ah 3 Lng the sinless #ttots wf mills. =o 8% | extend | 1% pray % na and firme, as well as bdini i hee Hiotiee pest paged Be pf the peated relaro hile, Tony Ep tiE] prinary abot Atced hw Mr. % anlryie helo and Chew Bilis By a vote id 114 165 ed Snally fhe act “ma i tor firs! gains Wy Join I IOATTARRY amd declaring ail marslages beraiber Ceotitracted in violation af ih Lgatd © The following Fotis ala Allowing copstalijes 8 Tee of Th oewnis | by the stordiesti an Cand pailese at the mate of 6 cents A of thesa engi | mide for executing an order of relief of ghee then distant shots, { 8 cet ing poor Mrectors to P wilderness. organised & new SADT : Tesi 51 5 2 ; ce | og te AB fprove ments of aiteratinne of vite closely akin a the ae property of the fuer dig Lowited the peuple Lod ali LE Wa Preseribing thw met (them. The Save the the Iudgment of 3 juste 61 + | iy peversss] BD 8 perilorari lesa i few years become Re Ang the defendant's tonis shall be cuterrd | gr what may be more peaper] { #8 & part of the Judgment. ! Asgio- Americans. The syvobition FRIDAY {tag on in the United Staies ah 2 A bl was iptrodooed in the House. yng on in Casada. in South Amer today by Mr Faul Putbadelpbin, 100 gn Anerealin provide for the election of toe toned | : ELEY of revision of tates and of real ential | assessors for each swxsoxsment distrie i in Philadelphia, Mr Mavis of Lebiz 2h fur {BUY restoring the provisions Lf 180 relating to the incon Poirot pilway companies Kupeaher Marshal ssid fiat thought the legidature woul be 15 adjourn sine die May 15 0 Dates: May 28. The end | and white he proceedings of general gesemtdy have st all tae wrt Interesting, sel 30 TlteR sities } tonal the remainder of the wo expevtad to be devaid of Tact ie cliemvnt. Four imporiant pessoal tions are yet to le settled. They are de an apportionment of the state, which fn the world, and sia new house at | will give pew heandart The eo sarper of Fifth avenus and Sev pressional, Judictal, aatorial and : socond street. XN <r ¥ ok of Jeghdative districts. giving the in Bevo oe Sd | ereased represent ion pros 4 e] WRI he paid $1000 000 ia being Hep i in erampqueses of the jnere nished and decorated or t Jatin, ms shown by The first Soor ; § ORR the fubmaate o0 : & recentins room, twa draw LHL a pew capitol Bill and the appre ‘a dining roc al aloo, printion bills. | fshed at a cost of $10 | ver andiross in the | nh, for andironms, and Brepiace In Ris Boaae, he has over $30.0644 kind of rica bar in: 3 smoking | TE or. Up AL BX arene tO the pl valaable Mr. Whit in = | been hie. for the pon Ry fone axon INTERMARRYING BALE ing ta Nailons, i ly wo AEN Imre ir gnigaal. x a5 act provid | shown go of dog ail 16 other AY DOREY; whieh enntro FER ! Jower animnas : { poment of mar 3 that pnd © larger a 8g stranger i wi 40 Fier Hot heen cided . masE that we Sow Aik Cigiont | Tarsine tothe United BU the foundstix of 8 MW Sale 5 wast anlar Thy | landed Re the sed 1% hs HRA ermens 3 Saxo £1 i¥ other sWAlier places scatlars T Bere is thus being gigantic Male 8 Dew formed, routed A race of meen, of the Bet | Sad of: 3 3 wat [ft is possible fo enustrucs Banian “ Pings. The different sextions of resid | pew ace have & common rice | mud literature, the same ws tons, and the fiiration gives them Wis intereals Enginearing Magaz Manduca Rastdentn. ta the Warbl Wik Rave the sandsoment private re RAS Sa tH ba Toad aR, or ES i MONDAY. In Honse the Nes ! izing county commissioners to barry ” to improve prablie rivaits wan pee : tind to the General Iudieiary oom fea, an opetion of Me Fail ' Thwe Bil autborbiiag the A PEeIn of insperiors of sons aml welgt the Bd tamitaias. 5 attved Uy Eh £5 CM indae, ny Ti Ties Folia weurtad fron al id “Morea tor thie prder of this has fhem ! it god that I 8 Head ref 4k within lariat aegis me v rig kid a 6 ir 2 wk Chon Hi Rs SR AA nper] 1 AG and says Bie thie an special Bills « uh th Praag BL Seat] third eading and Tuesday vrdping vistend, firs: te Ho res willing: sop Reng te resaling, and tie g day aml Thursday crenings £2 pti fie A tax ¢ Waednesiiny yeni, ant Fd tha French sportsmen day mornings, shall Be devated fo the | oo a es. i Lut consideration. first. of Sepak ganized I Petition the lag! second eating: secomt Hose ing for such a fax. The fax socal reading. and after Azo Tron waild increase th bills ehail be read in plas exit by diminish cousent of the House’ : VE go Toya ¥ Ray pas REAR, LTR hla Hills A Fremeh Tax on Cals 3 7m eats fn the latest sc Sl wy cen F nat ound aes nar wi sald Lat th hia oats wall birds and ganze. fmeovma hut her of undesiral Ravoe with so A British lady in a princely family of Japan as a resident governess is an innovation in that country. erin BeAr War Makes Hunger Por ap army of 10.000 men 600 horses fur three mouibs tisaatesi that 11400 tons of The Yenerxuolan Government has | forage ure necessary. waived the dnty sn self-propelled ve ; aa Biieles taken ints that country, A | PN EN A of Ss ; - On liahine coliset] Boston Line EEC vapant band. the tL nic g eel Hang oth Ri wate of Ulich is Hain. varices rorts of Eng sisnd sow any | of the Altiances Are Stremgihew. : termed | 20 1 Report of the Gereroment on Wheat Crops is ; : More Tha: Satisfactory —Smail De- fn New Desland and in crease in Eallures. od around on 8 : : Trade” utag room fost Mr Whitney has a weaksess nm every in that with | thee aay, | ous : 5 wis et : ar oy Strasgh) i ahers. Brsaw SW haa {rent {ih om Famey An wxrer Ahi. Row Vik, pew ca Poultry en : Bass Pa ant rad, Teel, ¥rifix and Nogat es BALTIMORE PHIL AGEL 5 | Prova Winter | 3 " HER " i LIVE ¥TOCK Datry Profdasie a RR Write hop {Belling plans and STAINS a ithe sual yay, that ix hiring apenis out Amd sell then: with = wagon or by rail», » i | bil of pxpense which se § Hast be added to the Dries tai puarvhaser pays when he burs '5 ; { Wea want 10 save jiu he EXPEDS apd demi direct with you, and by so : doing pour will svt an Dwirimest an { jumt what the apesit has ti pay for it As an example: We offer you our 5 hesatital £30 high grade, cabinet : grand plana § TL 19 Im biel Freoeh | walnut Anish cswee, roliiag 20 bean). a god fill extension music desk gust. ! | anteed, for the smill suns af 2x, wilh ¥ gethin Book, ; : Crain Hor to yaa Straetian patetit, Ge na wR sHBSEY 2 . 3 » as sukssvenue® ik WR a hg pei Bn " A hE GY 4 fam Bo 0 RCE A HqUB EN . 4 . oe PE Dh ul $37 ary for Bw £% gents we for £2, we 6 ier stead and 5 book he nesutitul Revi : a 61 (4 In high in band wot ak ar : anor came five getaves, [02 reeds 10 TE Saudis sobativided patenn oh CAREY Boule SA Patna. on EA Et By KnpRhres goasn Ey ters. lenin stands sod music | cabinet, guaranteed first class snd 50 : warrantied Dm The shove terms are cash bat we will he vary pied to well these pode on susy payments, Which we CAD ATHY 9 Can If you will write ua apd wil ship | the suywhers to good, reliable ped 3 & : Bows 8 HEiE AN CHL BROOK, 3 Wool A Pittsburg. Pa ad Bh ki PE ph WAR Kirk Ba Pennsylvania Railroad. To affeot May 27, 1900 Main 1due, Contenl “roel Yards Hast fiery Pa wen As koe o alias ke, id to doin | ¥ and © v | the Latins mingle together, ang in al Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts burg Railway. CONDENSED TINE TABLE [nn effect Feb. 1, 1901 WORTH BOUND 8 ; rie & Clesirield 5 Son. ; coarsest ward. Tents Ko Nat Tu. we arriving si Cromson wh RAE AL ! j Twin x oT BE pom arpiving at Cosi Laave Patt. North aanl ity Nou S08 A MAT a ma arriving al Ma. Eg a 11a a my, and an ies Cssopleidl at . Lip Nor 0H at WEY pom siring af Mabal pm asad 8% Gli wpbeit at TR Na tURnES woman wows bith BL : god w EnN B GHRSEY BENGE BNE As, AA oA SH Sr BAY HL sh ne I # wel wetter pos BEd fis ANKE UE a A HoEmuy Burn Hand i - hoi IN % ERVRDT Ni Trains Fas Ww . Engines RAT rR. BESRENEY 3 x Pu oe dr wi EG Eis Built on the strongest lines on which tha 4 angungs | and son trond of industrial een i bead pefitien P tam OC. Wabiney is ambitions | to 3 bend % un ey was fan! waich play pe BUSINESS IMPROVING. Wg fe Afi g fax BUEEG, BUBRER aps . JBEx wnddaa RENEE Bh a ke AR a NM June hess. Big Ran wW ek. Marked ay Stim af fer be lh ErodES Nanni ERENBE ts mam id 9 BY EnNEe Bo do : he Gh DRY Ev BRnEY - ® % HEE oy ww ¥ a Ba x5 fd re yal i aM i CLE ARGIELD DPIVIRION A ; ag 3 Ta Ren i ivy bot wh A Ase 3 > ol ae Rh YE as Wa oe ini i) 7 REupnpsue ow. grEivense ghlivauy A K GapuugE” x oh ds he ls eR on a A war vr ge Tae Hr} 5 Tos Twice | Wwe aaa d's Dade aXe ORY i Pg wars BAYS ‘th ir enw ARI LAPEY, Carernl Passer Agent, Haoctuster, if ¥. . Ebens i % LE ee AEE Tg 8 Bn rene aster, 1 Fabian: A ; 4 indi, Bay We id 3, hu Bor wad faestice apts Ph ak FA L Mima H La AL pity * Fhskii prota fi i LEE ah wir #ohoH of Jor ta fami 2h na Fhe Fa HY aml 1 some de Fria onrpend New ugiamd = pever lphtens un the awirage Western He man consi XK if ne A ¥ i $i a “wen kor vessels” =a ides Eve innd, Hi. fash : thin of # NOY O& HIKE unin AR Haven Hand tui iM {ta 14 iia i TEND} i) bw % 4% 41 @ i & fins viel CW Hed eo fe way Riplader » pail riot dow iid sil 4 i F Bg pu ek oo tiraly, pide We : i : Fh bd Saperintendent Tre spon he law recently enacted hy tien of nnd ana legisiature provides that re of oriminal eases the Di: 3 iy gil 1 3 SEE es Le ie popoR 3 Hh a He ial | tp reste % haa L Sudge’s rge Wo the hurry shall pre nas hed it in the 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers