f ved Easter in a y sgra eful Manner. 5, And a - Riot Barter Bard Hays Powers the Btimmatoe T aay wrk celebrated by the rian residents of Patton with eolat. A fairsized riot and a ig serape in different parts of made up the sum total of the fost ition. fatter Gosurred in a shanty ib | of the Clay Works in which a patriot of Kossuth is said to have the principal. Pan Fronds is Bis | OF as Her as 1 Yankee can apeil | Was paying a visit to a fellow | man and incidently trying to Lansing in the product thiit | Hwankee famous. A Aight | timate outcome, in which | we getting decidedly thw worst | when he 8 Whipped out, & revolver i target, J Jumped aut of a win | 16 town in guest of wn £ nately the marksman’s alm : poor as that of a Spanish gon d the target was not hit. K now. inherent chivalry of the Anwr: ole, anid to create sympathy, told the officers that Finzi at his wife, hot this was not. at the bearing, which wae Bauire Boone on Monday. A ackson winde the arrest, The fight prior to the shooting mus, ave been a farce one, as when Finzi escorted to the borough bastile be as though be lad been run san age machine and did nol on. smough shathes to fag i by each ging Naif of the conta, ardly had the excitement subsbied ad by the foregoing, when i Ory angatian riot broke ootin iat section of town known. as Blob 50 ite, apross the Chest Creek Stiny = Shredosbi, John Shuck, Mike Ciabis and Andy Schubar he cacephoneous cognomany ef the men implicated. How the affair | is not known, tat fu Jess time ‘on TO narrate itn Desutifiil edition af the battle of Wate hs being prepared. eon Bonaparte Gobls gent before the flere onslanght of pon fibredoski and their partie | ed suit. Revolvers, knives, oe, stove lids and fomahiwks branished in the sir and blood ke bier at a Johnstown pienic. ; pe Merriman and Chief Eide r Names of Thre From he North of the i Congty Drawn to Sree, Following is the Hist of jurors from : his end of the county drawn to Cperve at the special term of Court to he held May 13th and alsa for the regne lar tort, which will beggin June 3rd: TRAVERSE JURORS, SPECIAL TERM Cordell, J. R., butcher, Patton, Conrad, Robert, farmer, Clear! eld Boos Edward, farmer Allegheny. Cornelius, B. 3 toreainys, Paton Closson, Grant, laborer, Gallitzin. Weakiand, v T, farmer, Susque. hanna. : | Woeomer, Howard 3, teamatar, ¥ Len Date, Waiter, welghms Fry, Punk, Inborer, Allegheny. Litginger, Bernard, iar patio, Ladwig, John, manafact rg a Humphrey, Wro. K., enstary. Hanter, Alexander, miner, Patton, Miller, Charles, farmer, Sosque : was to ive Baka dropped, and be was hannn, {BRAND SURGES, PIEHT WEEK JUNE THEM. Hatch, C. B., constable, Cresson, Kirkpatrick, Archie, farmar Eider. Strittmatier, Anthony, Carp Liar, 1 | K Kibbier, Mark, Cayomer, Hider ¥ Sudttmatter, Edward, biag famith, artoiitown. Hinson, 0. U, laborer, Eider. Hogan, John i Yomter, J J. stone cub Pitier, P. 8, laborer, Galiitzin. THA VERSE IURORE, Fike WEER Adalphaan, A, merchant, Hest ings. Hobart, Joseph, carpenter, Val Thomas, J. J., farmer, Carnal Westover. Abraham, farmer, SGay hana Douglass, 5. M., firmer, ariel Davie, Danlel J. labors “borg. Byrne, Luke A, LG hana. Boy ie Juhi, lahorir, Pat Kowder, J. M., fren dirittmatier, Pan « fogs. Collins, Hugh, farmer, Clearfield Miler, Alfred, laborer, Hastings FRAVERSE JURORS, Ba0oND WERK a JUNE TIER. Bell, 1. %., pervbant, Pelion. Briley, Francs, Wis, fairs Garrity, Dwen, Priestiy, John, n linby, William, Leadon, Laiier, Weston, John, miner, Hastings Keiffter, Thomas farmer, Hosgae. hanna Toursion, Brich, iabors Barns boro. Vanght, Danie, oar] us HA SR LEER $1503 aw u fame] Chae od SAT BE Ri Rag Suck £8 § ge Sil Ea Es x i Ltne office of Mr. Swephona, bul the ANAY FROM ROME ‘The Triste ann Frinmiations of a Cwrroll toes Man io the Melropiin, Celestine Repittmatter, of {larval town, nme to the city Thesiday morn. ng to seilie a fitthe tronble ab the office | Gn “but when be reached his destination Le j REPORT FOR FONT. was in ono condition to trasmast bos | Lut District Attorney MM. B. Rtep ness aad Dhetentive Howland asa Con stable Ripple took him to the Central HEAHOE BP imatter i» widower and = abot forty five years of age Miss 5 ¥ - nkand was an mmate of 1% just Te Rl one Yue ; Tea Uther, neil went brome Wneie fay ROAD hatte Bor Ror SF Gler abe pry topped on charge of farmealann anil bos Went bo ave a <fadians county, where § gin Babues wears hort and 4 The Aged L purning the wots Away aller ramang ¥ Lage A a $s NO Sit 3 «1 Fe 38 ald Lo Ba pale Liar 101 } cphysician who attantied trix aved ano the oral the children, Lealied to the aity ths OEMIBR toy PAY HIF AV alae in Rn big bands al the inst dot A Fab retowiy CoatEEe WR the PROK wiiom Moysiny fires Fd ee HEE allan Nass The gaan wast Loa ran fron (he north of lhe cotuly hustled Cinta bine Brad CE Bi Jw Jo eR a hey imaent arterd Aanueriians 1d Ag a malewriphaap BEY Slough I> Saad MM. : {ttiarition of gan i fore able to apply mwthods most oon. What Prof B. I Myers hasto Say About the Same. Wishes af Poplin Presost Every Pray. Fer id Avivags Alrndence Pertinent Wisnurie and Sopgestiows: The Parenis enoprrating Sidieitod. Om the part of the tea ver foros, special offort iv being made to gah the farger romiits that acerae from close sppiieation during the last sarct of the shied tein The benches are, 58 8 TH wilt of oontact with thw tryin praise, beilter a 0 vinted with the pee piel mee there duciva to intellsctonl development. Papi, fo When reenpnize that sig seven Tponthe of stady, they should Ww aye their mnie in betier oon ait tenth than al any prov : tarp, Puarenis permiving their af sohanl At this Ease oom pli : dg of the aw in Pegsty per cent of the : {in lun alma aly poet Ley tir esl bibl ser the family, pupils sheild emai in sthood ntl the term CARL : ; A bay (hal leaves ao vast and shaolin = Sorry rS jor # Our Nn Top hoe for Men Cevnrter than 4 boy of Lhe satin age whe attends sched all thas time ariel Our Ladies $3. 50 and 2.50 “La sr Bissell offen Appears much does not see mush of te ward. A “hoy of twelve Who hae lives be his write lu ote eeiey Than 8 hsy of the saroe age whi has heen broaght ap at 8 home amd hoot but neh a boy Se fan wen ng Greend b rie ars} exhanst tod to prevent phat fhe fanny Sew ard t peniled for 3 worlny canis &° asad Forel pA. 3 af the fond aa Freed Friday evening, April Ith ‘Subic Wea hileve that ah attamed, | Pro the Library 35 fenta Two Prof J. 8 Bender, p 178s ward ow nf Joh Prof Berman T. Jove, are already announced for wi par Henan of shows entinty. It is stated that Prof i H. Beiter, of tn wha was in the fast two 0 «tx will not be a eandi Yo aiieR Sta Wh Hise sy Fe Sn ia Hurry MoNamars srl be abont AR , of oman af twelve ne be will ever he hil the boy nat gels an oli aban Pesoohyes on w swt more Of & man as long as he ves Riageation temds to do away with ertie, valgarity sod pagperism, tania Sinprace, wd omits a siscreRsinl 3 cand and Tiaaenld pe wh A aS frnrang a teade in the opposite divveiion Pitas Ale ir 1 siildres be in regular and | repidances de Lies Log your loyal eyoperation. looming ia the repeat Yied Fitumaiy, 2a ig Re Cui as i a Kitty Flynn, Asnke Now ra John Armstrong, James Brow, Foner (ode Charles Linge, Orvide Keaigh, Junin Ther van Pow. T Dare, Prats upri Sgoss agen, Tesaber, Seed Primary. Namber earoiiad, 80 aver tendance, 45: per cent of attendance 85. Theme perfect lo attendanoe TOT TAKE A LOOK A L00K AT_ The Boys Clothing suits for 4.00, 5.00, ana Ww hen you are Tooke ing for a suit for spring we have the swellest as well as the largest stock to select from. We sell an all wool 6.00, uy to 2:16.00. 1s well as plaids, ack Suits in great sion and big va Mussian Blouse and Yachting beer ta 8600 Mothers at $3.50 is $5 Worth. Ay 2 and Mode! and La Belle Shoes hacpnol go wl A ge WARE Se a3 % RDER. t Giaarn ieee The Keystone to ier +k Shoe 2 iy the Bank SA If Some One Would Slip $5 in Your Pocket Bit an n ati by Lalor Wark, pis Don’t Accept Our Statement, Use Your Own Eyes; Rely on Your Own Judgement. Er on 8 Hk aD he We Eno we ve gr 1 propery sy whnl we Boring Bait cont paar TON, ing Suits are iad 2 ha i ¥ goods and are beller prepared to 3 1 wm win Toa'll : % gin wii 8 Monteith swooped down upon field mod took the fire A Lo HE a named veterans piisen-. syivania passenger iran 3 Trees itis 1s Fs in hr ; 2 he ror fiuh de Blair, Wille Elna Howard los, Bi Ln the | : . iS, 5 0 ALY : i} site vag 0 Bar BY $10.00, NIE vd 4 poe You get Joseph Habhamt, John Jones, Jobin Bras Lo pe HERR TRAE i § X date this vear. Ele bad #hrion, : : en sly om, Eh noel WorR ae alii, aiud got them a0 8 hig saving, mpaad with the prices charged gh herd . 3 Fried uf Crean Sak ah Tes acres def Pirsig tier, with a judicious admix- self Monday morning Dy capiaritg 88. Jess, the jafant sen of Mr. and Lasinger, jy Mitchell, Francie oline and alcohol, was said escaped, or rather escaping SelaTAE AL or a Af i and: tied MoCarmick, David Nelsons, John Rog ar at Mis saa of Mellon avenids, Gwe eR, Aion = hank wiler, Woailwoend 4 aid ui pl yan aE Ga Ne anil ablo-dae Bhd GB AR SL AGes AE 3 SB hn the stimuias for the en- | A constable from Li ani Jog Freidman, who con: characters in chisrge | in the rear coach {taking them to jail at B23 rg. dnd of eroap ast Thursday, The little one ws aged two years sad two months } | The funeral was beid at the residence Winslow, Jobin White, Earl Woomer, James Zaharski, Cyril Fisher, Vicia ‘establishment, hard by, was ed on a charge of conduit when about midway ton Batarday afteraoon at 10 o'clock and violating the Sab and Kaylor sipped the eit 5 conducted by Rev. De | Deaver. The : t the court-marshal befire one of the men for | jrpame 4 remalas were taken to Chest Springs pon on. Monday the sutler lowing him to vieit the : red, there not being evi- train was going abcal sdduved to hold him. hour, but the feilow made scarred veterans wire the door in the rear oa with the An vs pyable dance was held in je ranks and fined #5 and avowed purpose of jumping off. But Flremen's Hail on Motay night ander the extreme limit of the “he reckoned without a knowledge of the aosploes of the Patton Fie Co, ade, EE administered the prowess of Hill. Ths latter grab. No. 1, Jones orchestia, of this place, ‘bed the priscner, sud although a des fornished excellent masic. Owing we Noonan, Mike Pryzsadoda, Mike Shay, £ perate struggle ensued, he held ou to the incler miency of weither the affair ° Martin Good, Patrick Callahan, How. o Patton s and Vielnitsi | him until his hands were again safe was not as well attended as it ought to ard Yerger, James Whiteford, Joe Now jost received our spring within the bracelets. The prisoner have been. vie, Joe Lodge, Cecil all, Patton of our summer millinery Was & man of massive frame and great Cramar, George Radoliffe, Prapeis Ben. are in the latest styles strength, but when Hill gave Bim s Another Now Waking neat, Ralph Winslow, James White, quality, and which will half Nelson and strangle bold combined A. C. Fisher bas purchased the James Morgan, Crawford Nelson, the ret prices. Thore- be knew that his attempt at a fool W eaklnnd lit on Magee avenus@ HH ETRA Ww. Hieteoass, Teacher, Pi accommodate every one . ‘hardy font was a falinle Between the Commeroial Hotel and the : Faurth Primary. of millinery “good. We! ‘Kirk Hardware Uo. bailding, and w {1 Nuwnber snsetied, 43: average attends Mark, Helen Yeokiey, Mary Haller Annie V. BEarpey, Teacher. NER. MIRKIN & KUS Nuaniher enrolled, 6&4; average at. = sn teadance, IS. per cent of sttendanoe; : : 98. Those purfect of attendance Ag nes Harper, Seonial Peters, Rena Chapnian, flarviet Shart, Madaiine Gagliardi, Annie Smith, Annie Coo, Dora Fryekland, James Long, Tom far tate rien ATARI AY ALAA SAME BALE EN ARLES 1© Cents 3 + Isn't much mon Child's Sailor Flat. break for Fejasable Papen, A Ria MEE # Ti bis avrg Flowers and Hats ever ag A SCE es FA EVANS SISTERS. 8 Nesedais Pray Sowia af attendance WI a Re the first milliners in Pat- ptend to remain here mot ny here to-day and to-morrow re orr SISTERS, The Social and Literary Department of the Epworth Leagie of the ME | church will give a Box Social in Odd Fellow’s Hall, Sout building, Friday 5 erect thereon a two-story structur, containing two lage slofe roots. Patton's building boom seems to be a i winner ane, oH ; per Thos: present every day: Murk Uline, willium Crompton, Witham Crayon, Harris Goald, Bdwin Grenniger, John Hodge, Donald Brady, Frank Jacob, TO THE LADIES Come here for your next hat. You are sure of getting OF PATTON. 80 much more for your mopey than at most stores. Better Two of a Rind. ap Patton, Pi. evening, April 12, at 7:30. A pleasing Lsnac Livyd, Gerald McNamara, Erick Barker Retused. program has war propared, and all Born ~To Ar and Mos. fsaac Wag- Nolan, Juba Tober, tichard Williams, | a alities and later sty les ind the P ries wii surpt rise you. ; | members and friends of the League par on Friday a gil Margaret Anderson, Helen Bell, Mar C hildren ready to wear hats mm Muli, Ch: iffon. and Fancy _ Jan Eremburg’ are invited to be present. hs ot Bemis Mr. and Mm Edwin | garet Cummings, Mary Gore, Helen Bruids as To was 25 cents. Ladies’ hats trimmed in ail the Bark ANNIE V. Hagtus, Shervy on Monday -—n girl Monteith, Genevieve McCormick, Mar latest styles as Tow: As $1.25 sup to $7.50. ablican politician of that a offered the position of Ar. the Inited States District : Pennsylvania, but was nde to $15,000 per GARFIELD WILKING Supper will be served at tha Cath. otie fair on Satarday evening. A boas ‘bake will be an attraction on Monday - | night and light refreshments will be | served Tuesday and W edneaday even. | linge trial order ? ; . garet; Morey, Maggie Powell, Eva Rog io you vse embossed stationary * The © GUEIER is now in a position to farpish you with letter heads, note : heads, envelopes, or jo fact embossing | of any kind, as cheap as the cheapest and batter than the best. Give usa ers. Grace Williams, Mary Wiliiamns, Sara Robinson. Domorray Burren, Teacher. Piss Entermodiate, Number enrolled, 19; average at GW Gi AT BH CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 Come and see us and be convinced. No trouble to show goods. We are hers to di business and will not be undersold by anyoue. All we ask is a share “of your patronage. MRS. G. ROBISON, Nolan Ble, Magee Ave., TON, PA.
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